The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, December 09, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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W. N , mtftl ! , PnMUhfr. _
IKMnltllfthFil im.l
Kvrry < lny fxcrjil Hiindny. Hy our-
rlir per wook. U emln. Hy Norfolk
poKlnnio * ilollvory , per y wr. $ .00. Ily
mnll on rural route * nml oul liU of
Norfolk , r r yenr , IS.OO.
i .
Th * Ne-wn. nMnttllMieil , ISM.
Tim Journal , KMnliHutmd , 1HT7.
Every I'rlilny. Ily mnll per year , $1.60.
Knt r i1 at ( lie | iiiHlimc nt Norfolk ,
Neb , , croud rlnn mnttrr.
Telephone * ! Ktlltorlnl ttrpnrliitunt ,
No. 12. HuiliiciiH Dillon nnd Job Hooinii ,
No. 3JI.
Alltlo * ( inoio IIKw winter , lint hardly
Hit ! real thing.
Foolklllor No. 3 was eminently
III disposing f till * fO < ) l.
Tlio conl inini la fooling fairly well
coutont for about tlio Ural tlino thlR
Tlio next ( him ; on tlio exposition
program IH tlio Lowln and Clarke show
nt 1'ortlanil , Oregon.
With tllO Closing Of tllO I
jnircliaso exposition tlioro will bo n
largo numliur of Hiinolnlly artists iiud
others who will lie looking for Jolm.
Tlio state that didn't glvo President
Roosevelt a plurality of ahout 100,000
tUu'H not appear to ho ontltluil to ho
ranked up with republican sluton thlH
Mrs. C'aRhlo Clmdwloh Is occupying
quite successfully tlio nowHpapor
space formerly devoted to Mrs. May-
hrlck and moro recently hy Nan Pat-
torwin. It IH a rare ori'tiHlon whi'ii
HOino woman does not arise to tlto de
mands and furnish sensational matter
for tlio news reporters.
Tlio roinitnnt of tlio solid south la
nuxlous foi'a closer acquaintance with
1'rofllrtont Roosevelt , and the presi
dent Intimates that a visit to that HUO-
( Ion of the country will ho highly
pleasing to him. Perhaps with a clos
er acinniliitanco with northern prosl-
dont.s the on tire Houthland may go
republican next your.
A TonnoHHCO man has Jimt dlod nt
the Tlgo of seventy with the boast
that ho had never kissed a woman , al
though ho was a marrlod man. lie
Kworo off when In a kissing game a
young woman placed n pin In her
mouth and dared him to take what wan
coming to him. Ho saw the Klontn of
the pin and vowed ho never would
UiiH | a woman and maintained to the
h\8t that ho had kept the vow.
With tlio IOSH of that Important UO.'l
Meter hill and UH fortifications per
haps the Russians will not ho HO con
fident of holding on to Port Arthur
until the second squadron arrives to
attempt their deliverance. The .laps
need Port Arthur pretty Imdly as u
starter toward arranging a warm ro
coptlou for the navy reinforcements
and they appear to ho In a fair way
to effect HH capture at the time It Is
most needed.
With the retiring of Senator Stew
art of Nevada ahout the last of the
prominent free silver men \\lll he rel
pgnted to private life , and yet Mr.
Bryan holies to effect a reorganization
of the democratic party , with free sil
ver as a basic principle. To the in
terested on-lookor It appears that de
mocracy has made a disastrous failure
on gold nnd that It has no chances of
Installing silver in the place of Par
ker's telegram.
Deer hunting In Wisconsin Is showIng -
Ing to he almost ns dangerous as the
average colourations of the Fourth of
July. From the opening of the season
on November 11 , to Its close on the
30th , twonty-nlno persons had been
killed and fifteen seriously Injmed.
So far as can bo ascertained all of the
shootings we or accidental. A closed
season on man shooting should he
made effective during the open sea
son on deer in that state.
The Russians claim to be advancing
from the north of Manchuria , but
those who Imvo watched the war pro
gram closely are expecting to learn
soon that It is but another of the lur
ing processes by which the Japs have
enticed the Russians to positions they
want them to occupy. The Russians
were alleged to bo doing that early
in the war but the successes In that
particular Hue of strategy have all
fallen the way of the Javanese In
these later days.
In other parts of the country the
news men nro chronicling drownlngs
'that arc occasioned by daring youths
nnd older people breaking through the
ice when It is not thick enough to bear
their weight. In Nebraska there have
ns yet been no such accidents. It has
been Impossible from the fact that
there has been no Ice to Invite the
venture of skators. It will bo just as
well for the young people of Nebraska
to take warning , however , ns the time
is coming when there will be Ice , and
It will not be Milch enough to hold tin
very llrnl night It frown.
After Port Arthur Is taken It will
bo the turn of the Japanese to hold
a position whoso advanlngoH glvo fear
ful odds and for the RusslaiiH ( o throw
their thoiiHundH Into a game of death
with slight advantages to ho gained.
That Is thlH will happen If the HUH-
slaiiH are permitted to get close
enough to realize they want to retake -
take the position. Unions the czar's
forces Hiicceod In getting control of
( ho sen It IH believed by eminent Htral-
eglstH that they will never succeed
In retaking Port Arthur after It has
boon lost to them. The Japs are prov
ing Iho bettor warriors and with the
taking of the fortress they may be
expected to letaln It Indefinitely.
A very Important young man down
In Washington b s occasioned quite
a disturbance by sending out a sensa
tional story regarding the presldunt
and his children and a Thanksgiving
turkey. The story was without foun
dation , but It furnished excitement
enough to require a denial , which
shows that unimportant and nnserup-
uloUH young men can create panic
with very high and Important person
ages. It IH Just that ho should bo de
nied the rights given to honorable re
porters and correspondents.
The World-Herald thinks that Iho
republicans are deserving of censure
because two of the railroad corpora
tions have attempted a test of the rev
enue law by , withholding the taxes
( hat Imvo been assessed against them
or offering only part payment. The
republicans may bo open to bhiino If ,
In the long run , the rallroadn are able
to gel out without paying their just
share of the taxation bunion , but the
republicans can no moro prevent thorn
from endeavoring to wrlgglo out of
the assessment than they can keep
the World-Herald from attempting'to
make political capital out of very
poor stuff.
It IH a fact noticed hy those wish
ing safety In travel that the North
western Is lacking In the fatal wrecks
that have dlHllngnlnhod some of the
ilhor roads of the country , Indicating
that more pains are taken by the man-
igement of that system to prevent
illsastor. The Union Paelllo Is like
wise comparatively free from disas
trous wrecks and the passengers on
these lines of railway feel compara
live security In their travel. In theito
times when disasters on some of the
railroads appear to he accumulating
and Increasing In the damage done.
It Is pleasing to the people of the west
to realize that there are a few sys
tems of railway to which- they can
safely entrust life and limb for tran
The EugliHh peer who proposes to
rename this country Usona using the
Initials of the United States of North
America , will probably not Insist upon
the adoption of the title without con
sult lug the people of the country most
concerned. Ho objects to the title of
American because there are other and
English factors In the westernhemi
sphere which ho considers subordinat
ed by the title. An exchange argues
hat If the title America Is wrongly
ipplled It Is the fault of no portion
> f the world moro than of Europe and
the people hero have expressed their
satisfaction with the title so that there
s no use to worry over the Illness of
ho name , rt'rhnps the learned gen-
Ionian will undertake the renaming
if the balance of the western homl-
sphere providing ho cannot make his
criticism win out. It would bo about
is easily done as to compel the people
of this country to make historically
good the name Usona.
It Is said that some of the leading
latlonal legislators are in favor of In
creasing the salaries of the president ,
the vice president , nnd cabinet of
ficers. If the people were not receiv
ing good service on the present wage
paid their high officials there might
: > o reason In the raise. The country
Is a little niggardly , it Is true , in the
payment of salaries to its chief of
ficials , but the same service would un
doubtedly bo given If there was no
salary whatever attached to the of
fices , and they are not sweat-shop
wages by any means. A patriotic people
ple expect to give their services to the
country If necessary and the presi
dential salary Is no moro out of keep
ing with a great country than the $13
a month paid the soldier boys who
willingly shoulder the rlllo and march
to the country's call In time of need.
If anything the soldiers' wages should
ho Increased. Uut Inasmuch as the
republican party Is expected to econ
omize rather than increase the ex
penses and because the country has
existed nnd received satisfactory ser
vice heretofore , It would seem to bo
inexpedient in the face of the late
magnificat success at the polls to do
that which the democrats have al
ready charged nnd enter Into a plan
of increased expenditures , If not ex
Nebraska IH coaxing back Us Indian
Hummer smiles Hlowly.
Koine of them are mean enough to
say'that the third time was the charm
for the late Mr. Nlsson and his "Fool-
killer. "
Thin seems a llttlo moro like Christ-
mart WIIH In the near neighborhood
and should furnish the Incentive to
holiday Hhopplng.
Many a man Is speculating on what
ho might have accomplished If his
wife was only a "biiHlness" woman
like Mrs. Chadwlck.
Russia Is In the market for war-
Hhlps and any governments having
good , had or Indifferent vessels to dis
pose of can probably llnd In the c/ar
mi eager pnrchaHcr.
Tlioro are a number of men In St.
Louis ready and willing to go on the
stand and make ullldavlt that the ho
tel and boarding house business at
fair cities are unprofitable ventures.
It IH a very favorable opportunity
for the follow with plans for the dem
ocratic future who knowH ahHolutoly
that they will plan out right to Hprlng
them on a depressed party ,
With congreHs on the program there
Is no longer any need of doing with
out reading mattor. The Congres
sional Record Is available to pretty
nearly ovoryouo who Is interested In
thrilling literature.
The Russians think they will be
able to hold onto Port Arthur null !
the arrival ( if the second squadron to
the Hcono of activity. It Is left to Iho
Japanese to dlsahtiso them of this hal
lucination , If such It happens to be.
Mysterious packages can well bo re
garded with susplclan from this time
on. Christmas shoppers Imvo com
menced In earnest to lay In the arti
cles needed to give relatives and
I'rlendH a merry time of It when the
Until tirrlvoH. " -
The government crop reports are i
able to do things , as was shown hy the
way cotton slumped when It was re
ported olllclally that the government
estimate of the crop is ] 1,1 ! CL'.OOO
bales. It touched np the speculators ,
however , worse than any other class
of people.
Since the Ice Is broken and one ar
mistice between the Russians and the
Japanese has been declared It may bo
found that the silence of tlio guns is
so pleasing that they may become In
creased In numbers and duration un
til a lasting peace 1ms been declared.
If has not been learned who Is re
sponsible for permitting this touch of
eastern weather to stray over Into Ne
braska , but when the responsibility Is
Ilxed there will bo n. sudden death ,
and a ready alibi or verdict of justi
fiable homicide will bo furnished the
fellow who was In at the death.
Some of the politicians are already
beginning to llgure on the size of the
coming political conventions that will
result by reason of the late great re
publican landslide. In some states It
is possible that the republican conven
tions will almost double In slue , while
the democratic conventions will
shrink considerably If their basis for
the selection of delegates Is made on
a fair vote.
The Russians nro endeavoring to
become reconciled to the loss of Port
Arthur as rapidly as possible and ad
mit that the Japs have the advantage
if they can succeed1 In hauling heavy
artillery to the top of the captured
Motor bill. Those who have watched
the progress of the fight are confident
that the Japs will succeed In that if
It is all that stands between them and
With the railroads , the newspapers ,
colleges , universities nnd the govern
ment interesting themselves In the
education of the farmers to scientific
ways of doing their work nnd the rnls-
Ing of scientific crops , this country in
a few years should eclipse anything
that the world has ever seen In the
amount , value and quality of products.
An era of advancement for the agri
culturalist Is certainly dawning.
Undo Sam's postolllco department
has been against nil the lottery
schemes for some time pnst , but under
the name of guessing contests there
have been numerous violations of the
Inw. Now it Is intended thnt the post
master gonernl nfter the first of the
year shall take a linn stand against
the guessing contesjs as well nud the
people who like to give nud take
chances on lottery schemes will be re
quired to find another method of evad
ing the provisions of the Inw.
Some of the famous bine grass pas
tures In Kentucky will have to ho re
planted ns the result of the drouth
thnt has prevailed in thnt state this
season. Hereafter when people from
hat section of the country offer their
sympathy to the "drouth sufferers" of
Nebraska they will be laughed nt ,
Nebraska hasn't had n drouth In ton
years while many of the eastern re
gions have mifToicd from a lack of
itlnfiill during that period nnd No-
iraska Is proving as reliable at pro-
luring crops as any of them.
A Minnesota Hteor took the chain-
[ iloiiHhlp at the Chicago stock show
thlH year , and the people up that way
are jubilant over the micccss of their
lieef. The same Minnesota "beef"
took ( ho game from Nebraska on the
football Hold. Why Is It that Min
nesota In always gottlng tangled up
with Nebraska's trolley on the rend
to advancement ? Honors are now
about even , but Nebraska will bo
heard from again nnd frequently In
the future. Chnllenger took the fat
steer prize once and his brother will
he In line for the next winning.
During the past year the courts of
the country have granted mlsmatod
couples f.0,000 divorces , seven for ev
ery hour of the day and night during
that time , proving about as nearly a
perpetual motion machine for grindIng -
Ing out fees for the lawyers and the
other at'taches of the courts as it Is
possible to approach. With such a
record an an eye-opener the ministers
of the country and other Christian
people need well ho alarmed at the
condition of- the homes of the land.
Unless the brakes are sot down hard
the time may come when the condi
tion of the American people may hone
no hotter than that disclosed by the
Investigation of the Wlnncbago In
It Is reported from Washington that
the leaders of both houses of con
gress will oppose any revision of the
j tariff at this session. They probably
come nearer to Interpreting the will
of the people than do the revisionists
because there was n very manifest
disinclination to permit the democrats
n chance to do any tinkering with the
tariff laws. If revisions are neces
sary they should bo undertaken with
as little fuss and noise as possible , an
the business Interests will not pros
per as they have , under an open threat
of revising the tariff schedule. The
country has got along very comfort
ably for a number of years with the
present tariff , and It can probably be
made to last a few years longer If
necessary In spite of the demands of
the revisionists.
Hlg advertisers soon get wise re
garding the best of advertising medi
ums and the newspaper publishers
feel especially flattered at the action
of the Barnum and Ringling circus
managements which have decided to
hereafter use their endeavors to do
away with the window llthogrnphs ,
use less billboard space and take moro
and better space In the newspapers.
The circus people are especially In
terested in placing their advertising
where It will bo read and when they
give their evidence that the newspa
pers are the best mediums in the
world other advertisers may take It
an evidence from n source that has
had wide and varied experience in
all matters of publicity.
"Uncle Joe" Cannon intimates that
it will be useless , so far as he is con
cerned , for the congressmen and sen
ators to bring up bills contemplating
Increased expenditures on rivers and
harbors and in the appropriations for
public buildings. He llnds that there
Is "n gnp of about ? 30,000,000 between
the vests and the pants" of Uncle
Sam's business clothes and states that
there are three ways of making them
IH by economical expenditures , by
borrowing money , or by raising more
revenue. The speaker Is Inclined to
think that the first named method for
reducing the gap is the best , and it
is quite certain that the majority of
the American people , outside of those
who would benefit by liberal allow
ances , will heartily agree with the
position assumed by "Uncle Joe. "
The rejxjrt of Immigration Commis
sioner Sargeant shows thnt during the
past ilscnl year 812,870 immigrants
Imvo arrived in the United States
from foreign countries to make , this
their home. They appear to have been
generally provided for and given em
ployment , but how long this can con
tinue without affecting the employ
ment of home labor Is n matter of
speculation. The increase in popula
tion Is to be desired , hut at the same
tlmo It is essential that with the im
migration should come capital to de
velop resources and employ those
without means , or the tlmo will como
when there will be n vast army of
working men and women without em
ployment. America hns wonderful Int
ent resources to bo developed nnd It
is to be hoped that if extensive immi
gration continues there shall be n de
velopment to keep pace with the people
ple who arrive to do the work.
The World-Hornld thinks that the
pxodu ? of correspondents from Muk-
len menus cither thnt there nro no
mmodlnto prospects of n big battle ,
> r that such n conflict Is Imminent.
The president's message Is evl-
Icnco that ho has made no promises
o tniHts nnd corporations. Ho ro
toratcH that he was elected hy the
icoplo and proposes to stand hy them.
The Hoc says there has been a raid
on the coyotes and wolves in KnHt
Omaha , hut It docs not specify wheth
er they nro of the nnmoroiis two-
egged variety or the genuine prairie
jrced that should not bo found In the
IOIIKO civilization of Omaha.
The Colorado supreme court Is tak
ing n course that should make It pos-
Bible for Denver to acquire a full new
Hot of election officials before the
next time to vote rolls around , provid
ed the court can keep this year's of
ficers In the pen long enough.
The superintendent of public In
struction In Iowa thinks his stnte will
approximate the record of Nebraska
In the low percentage of Illiteracy
when the next census Is taken. It
will bo fine for Iowa to get up In the
top ranks. It Is found all right here.
With congress again In session It Is
possible that Interest In the proceed
ings of the combatants at Port Arthur
will not ho the solo topic for the con
sideration of newspaper readers. For
the next few weeks the men sent to
the national legislature should be able
nnd willing to interest numbers of
their constituents In their action.
Kansas and Oklahoma appear to
hh-e : caught the snow that was fore
casted for Nebraska last week. They
have the permission of the Nebras-
knns to keep it provided they do not
Insist on sending up in return some
frigid south winds. Nebraska gets
along with Its weather prelty well Un
less some foreign state butts In with
an undesirable brand.
The country Is developing nn un
usual run of embezzlers , grafters am
common thieves this winter and if a
few moro disclosures and arrests are
made those having a little money wil
become suspicions of their best
friends and retire their funds to the
socks. Nebraska Is fortunate In Imv
lug developed but two or three in
stances calculated to frighten cap !
If a street Is wide enough , or not
depends upon if women are drivinj ,
on it.
In Kentucky there is such a droutl
that the distilleries can not get enougl
water for use in making whisky am
the people are praying for rain.
It IK a rare woman who can get 01
her knees and scrub without feeliiif ,
as indignant toward her husband as
If she had been on her knees to him
They say that when you go to tin.
( Had Place you are compelled to do
.that . which you dislike most. It wll
] be just our luck to bo compelled to
live on rabbits.
We give notice that hereafter when
wo go calling wo will give the door
bell two sudden rings. Then the hos
tess will know It is ns and put away
that Christmas present she Is making
for us.
If a woman and the weather can
persuade a man to put off till after
the llrst of the year the purchase of
an overcoat , the Christmas bills will
come In then , and put the purchase
off another year.
Whei you are invited out to dinner ,
and every little while you see the
children peeping in at the dining room
door , it is a sign that they are tired
of waiting , nnd nro wondering if you
nre not about ready to quit.
It is said that an Atchison man's
life Is made wretched because he will
not make a princess of his step dnugh-
ter. Most men nre indlgnalit because
It Is demanded that they put the stamp
of royalty on their daughters , but put
ting It on a step daughter seems to he
rubbing It In.
Some men try to get business by
fighting people.
It Is a smart woman who can han
dle n lot of boarders.
A farmer said today : "The weath
er is so dry that hay won't weigh ,
ai\d \ I won't bring any more to town
to sell until there Is a rain. "
Women are more critical with dry
goods than they are with men.
If yon don't want them repeated ,
don't tell us good things about people.
The people who were cross because
there will bo nothing to eat , would
bo crosser next day If there were ,
We claim that any ono too old to
enjoy n wooly lamb for Christinas , is
entirely too old to bo In the game.
This Is why an Atchison man Is up
gainst It : his literary wife hns trad-
el off the kitchen range for n set ott ,
ncyclopedlns nnd gone to boarding. '
Wo notice , now that the fair Is over ,
liat the frost which covered St. Ixmls
demit } nil summer nnd fall , Is melt-
ng away.
Country people say some town poole -
) lo act , mighty foolish when they vis-
I the country. The same people net
nighty foolish In town , too.
A man has good enough luck as a
fathcr-ln-lnw If he finds that the men ,
its daughters marry don't cost him
moro than the wedding outfit.
They talk n good deal about the
'New Thought , " It Is not near as
good as the Second Thought. Wo all
nlk too much and too hastily.
An Atchison woman hns feet cxnct-
y the snmo size ns her husband , nnd
she buys his shoes. We know n man
who wears smaller shoes than his
Father L. J. Vaughan lectured twlco
it the Onlesburg chautnuqua. He has
i mugulllceiit platform presence and
H possessed with personal magnetism
n a marked degree. One of the chau-
nuquuns said on hearing the lecture-
on "Sermons from Shakcspenre , " I
laid a dollar and a half for my sea
son ticket nnd got moro than my mon
ey from this lecture alone. " Father
Vaughan Is an orator , a dramatist , a
thinker and a taker all around , front
start to finish , with everybody.
Dr. T. W. McVety ,
Superintendent of the Galcsburg ,
. , Chnutuuqim.
How's This ?
Wo offer one hundred dollars re
ward for any case of catarrh that cannot -
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh cure.
F. J. Cheney & Co. , Toledo , O.
We , the undersigned , have known
F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years , nnd
believe him perfectly honorable in nil
business transactions and financially
able to carry out any obligation made
by his firm.
Wnldlng , Klnnan & Marvin ,
Wholesale dniKclsts. Toledo. O.
Hall's Catarrh cure Is taken Inter
nally , acting directly upon the blootl
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Testimonials sent free. Price 75
cents per bottle. Sold by all drug
Tnko Hall's family 'pills for consti
Notice Life insurance companies'
will reduce the rate 3 ! ! per cent to all
who agree to use Holllster's Rocky-
Mountain Ten. A wise measure. 35
cents , tea or tablets.
The Klesau Drug Co.
Beware of Counterfeits.
"DeWitt's is the only genuine Witch
Hazel salve" writes J. L. Tucker , of
Centre , Ala. "I have used it in my
famlly for piles , cuts and burns for
years and can recommend It to be the
best salve on the market. Every fam
ily should keep it , as It Is nn inval
uable household remedy , and should
always bo kept on hand for Immediate
use. " Mrs. Samuel Gage , of North
Bush , N. Y. , says : "I had .a fever sore-
on my ankle for twelve years that the
doctors could not cure. All salves and
blood remedies pioved worthless. I
could not walk for over two years.
Finally I was persuaded to try De-
Witt's Witch Hazel salve , which has
completely cured me. It is n wonder
ful relief. " DeWitt's Witch Hazel
salve cures without leaving a scar.
Sold by Aha K. Leonard.
Mothers , be Careful ,
of the health of your children. Look
out for coughs , colds , croup and
whooping cough. Stop them In time
One Minute Cough cure is the best
remedy. Harmless and pleasant. Sofa
by Asa K. Leonard.
A Pleasant Pill.
No pill Is ns pleasant and positive
as DeWitt's Little Early Risers. De-
Witt's Little Early Risers are so miltl
nnd effective thnt children , delicate la
dles nnd weak people enjoy their
cleansing effect , while strong people-
say they nre the best pills ever sold.
Sold by Asa K. Leonard.
Comforts the heart , strengthens the-
mind. It's good , 111 or well. Mnke.
one's fnco bright ns a summer morn
ing. That's what Holllster's Rocky'
Mountain Ten does. 35 cents , tea or
tablet. The Klesau Drug Co.
No More Suffering.
If you are troubled with Indigestion
get n bottle of Kodol Dyspepsia cure-
nnd see how quickly It will cure you.
Geo. A. Thomson , of Spencer , In. ,
says : "Have had dyspepsia for twenty
years. My case was almost hopeless.
Kodol Dyspepsia cure was recommend
ed and I used a few bottles of It and
it is the only thing that has relieved
me. Would not bo without It. Have
doctored -with local physicians and
also at Chicago , and even went to Nor
way with hopes of getting some re
lief , but Kodol Dyspepsia cure Is the
only remedy that has done mo any
good , and I heartily recommend It.
Every person suffering with Indiges
tion or dyspepsia should use It. " Sold
by Asn K. Leonard.
The farmer loves the rolling plain ,
The sailor loves the sea ,
The girls they love their lovers ,
And their Rocky Mountain Ten ,
The Klesau Drug Co.