THK NOHFOMC NtiVVS : I'MMDAY ' DKCMMUKK 100 ! . HANDSOME NORTHWESTERN PAS SENGER STATION OPENS. MUSIC AND MAIDS CONTRIBUTE Great Crowds Met Every Train Yes terday , and Gave to Every Passing Passenger a Souvenir of tbe Occa sion Ended With Football. West Point , Neb. , Dec. 1 ! . Special to The News : The new passenger station of the Chicago & Northwest- urn railroad , a model In design of architecture , costly In its every part nnd a credit to any city In the state , was formally opened to use hero yes terday afternoon In a demonstration participated In by all of West Point and much of the outside world. With the merry music of si brass band playing all day long ; with the presence of ten prettily gowned young women to add to the effectiveness of the opening ceremonies ; with great throngs of enthusiastic people burying the station in their midst , and meet ing all trains during' the day ; and a football game that was well attended in the late afternoon , to give a cli max to the festive occasion , the city of West Point betokened the pride that they feel In the handsome new struc ture , and the gratitude that they hold toward the Northwestern company. The train from the east at 11 o'clock in the morning was met by the band nnd again the train from the west In the afternoon. Ten pretty girls gave out souvenirs of the occasion to every passenger on both trains. They also Kavo boxes of the choicest cigars to the trainmen , who stopped their loco motives and their cars at tlio new plat form for the first time yesterday. The people of West Point realize that the trainmen are Important factors of the progress of the northwest. Great crowds met both trains nnd the celebration ended in the after noon with a gridiron contest between Oakland and the second team hero. West Point , as befitted the day , won by a score of 22 to 0. The new station is long and broad , with a promenade on its four sides , covered with a pavilion roof. The entire structure Is massive in its way , nnd substantial as money could make it. The foundation .alone cost an amazing amount of money and has been built to remain for a hundred years and moie. Extremely attrac tive In its designing , the station will always be a great advertisement to "West Point. It is modern In every way. way.This This is the first new station north of Fremont , to mark the era of Im provement which will undoubtedly fol low along the entlro Northwestern system. A great portion of the credit for the new road is due to General Su perintendent C. C. Hughes of Norfolk and Superintendent C. H. Reynolds of Norfolk , both of whom were active In the interests of the new depot. Having recommended its construction , the depot appeared. The old depot was several blocks east of the main portion of tlio town and for years West Point , a substan tial city and for a long time the ter minus of the road , has been trying to have a new station , nearer the busi ness center. The citl/ens contributed liberally toward the securing of a fine site , just a block form the main part of the town. WM. H. LOWE PASSES AWAY AT HIS HOME IN NORFOLK. WAS SICK BUT A SHORT TIME Came to Norfolk a Third of a Century Ago Has Been County Surveyor and City Engineer for Many Years. Leaves Three Daughters. W. H. Lowe , for many years coun ty surveyor of .Madison county and city engineer of the city of Norfolk since the office was created , died nt 10 o'clock Monday morning at his home on the corner of Madison av enue and Eighth street , after an Ill ness of but a few days from heart trouble. Arrangements for the funer al have not yet been completed , but it will probably be held Wednesday un der the auspices of Mathewson G. A. II. post of which ho was a member. At his deathbed were his daughters , Miss Orpha Gertrude Lowe and Mrs. Nettle Hamilton , who with Mrs. Elta Sldler of Chicago are the only surviv ing members of the family. William H. * Lowe was born in Now York state sixty-four years ago on September 3 , last. From that state ho went to Illinois where ho lived at the tlrao the war broke out when ho enlisted - listed as a member of Company C , Fifteenth volunteer infantry , giving effective service to his country until tha date of his discharge. On De cember 11 , 1SC1 , at Marongo , 111. , ho was united with Miss Julia A. Glass , who died In Norfolk nnd was hurled lioro n number of years ago. With his wife and one daughter Mr. Lowe came to Nebraska In ISTO locatIng - Ing a short time near Fontnnelle , In" * Washington county. Soon aftar they moved to Norfolk and the family lias oallod this place their home for about thirty-throe years , nnd Mr. I.owo In tils capacity IVH surveyor had kjiowl- edge of nearly every foot of RrouTid In this locality nnd made bin llrnt trip through with the forty-nlnors who were attracted to California by tlio gold excitement. Not only was Mr. Lowe acquainted with the country and helped In its survey but ho know and was known ! ) > every pioneer settler of the coun try and numbered among bis friends liundreds of the more recent Hotllers. Ho was a genial , wholo-souled gentle man and madu friends with numerous acquaintances. Ho acted as attorney in' getting pensions for many of his comrades of the civil war and making out their quarterly papers and had the record of ouch well In hand. Nu merous old and tried friends will mourn with the family over his do- cease. Hesldes being a member of the G. A. H. Mr. Lowe was also a Mason , but had not been In active member ship for a number of years. FRIDAY FACTS. Thos. H. Davy of Fremont was In town Thursday. C. G. Whlpple was down from Nlo- brara Thursday. M. J. Dedlngor was over from Wayne Thursday. John Shervls , Jr. , of Wayne was in the city Thursday. C. W. Spraut was a city visitor from Mndlson Thursday. James Henlsh was in town Thurs day from llosklns. Frank Kfllo of Crelghton was a Nor folk visitor Thursday. F. A. Huston was a city visitor Thursday from Nellgh. S. W. DeiR'l was In the city Thurs day from Meadow Grovo. Mrs. Sugor was a Norfolk visitor from Madison Thursday. J. M. Krlckhon and Chas. Foaberg of Onkdnlo were In the city Thursday. G. W. Kirk of I'lntnvlGW and John Dcdel of Foster were In town on busi ness Friday morning. The Norfolk section of the Madison County Teachers' institute will moot tomorrow at a o'clock nt the high school mom. On Sunday the annual memorial service of the Elks lodge will bo held. All members are urged to bo present at the hall at I ! p. in. A telephone message from the Clarkson hospital at Omaha says that W. N. Huso , operated upon a week ago tomorrow for gall stones , Is now out of danger altogether , nnd that he is still doing splendidly. Ho will prob ably not bo able to bo moved to Nor folk for several weeks , however. The mercury last night came with in thirteen degrees of reaching the zero point and there is no certain prospect that the temperature will warm materially during today. It is an Inspiration to the purchase of win ter goods and the merchants are prof iting to seine olxent from the change in the weather conditions. "The Convict's Daughter" was pre sented at tfio Auditorium last night by the Chase-Lister company. The attraction drew a gobd house and those attending were well pleased with the production and the special ties presented during the perform ance. Tonight "East Lynnc" is on the program and among the specialties Master Robert will sing "The Holy City. " Tracy & Durlnnd last week sold a quarter section of land ten miles west of Pierce to Catherine Jowctt of Stanton - ton county , ' lite consideration being $27.50 per aero. On Tuesday they bold a half section five miles southwest to Phillip Kullor of Leigh , the considera tion being 527.50 per acre. Yesterday the same firm sold a half section three miles southwest of Fester to A. L. Eddenfleld of Stanton county for $20 an acre. The places are all improved and the new ownorb will occupy them in the spring. A Certain Cure for Croup. When a child shows symptoms of croup there Is no tlmo to experiment with now remedies , no matter how highly they may be recommended. There is one preparation that can al ways be depended upon. It has been In use for many years and has never been known to fall , viz : Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. Give it and a quick cure is snro to follow. Mr. M. F. Compton of Marokt , Texas , says of It , "I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in severe cases of croup with my chlldreiii and can truthfully say It always gives prompt relief. " For sale by Leonard the druggist. If you fall to get results from your advertising , look well to the wording of the ads. If a proposition Is pre sented completely and If the proposi tion is all right , results are bound to be obtained. Rural Route No. Four. Mrs. 13. H. Garllchs returned to Broken Bow Wednesday. The quail season ended Wednesday with plenty of birds left for seed. ' Vnda Tannehlll returned to Sioux City Sunday after a short visit with relatives. Anthrax has caused the death of a number of cattle In Geo. Tnnnohlll's herd recently. J. S. Mntson of Madison has a gang of mon at work on his farm , baling nnd shipping hay. Fully ono half the farmers have their corn in the crib. Another week of nice weather will enable the re maining half to finish. Mr. Horner's sale was well attended - od Thursday. Qood prices were re ceived for everything offered. Mr. Homer e.xnactn to more to Ohio for a year or so. DLA2E STARTED DURING BITTER LY COLD NIGHT. PROMPT WORK SAVED THE DAY The Fire Boys Turned Out Immediate ly and Saved the Building From Ut ter Destruction Blnze Started In Chimney , It Is Thought , Plnlnvlew. Neb. . Doc. -Special to The NOWH : Flro early today badly damaged the Interior of the Gn-nt Northern railway station at this place , but the prompt action of the Plalnvlow lire boys , who got out of their warm couches to light the llanics In Ilio bit ter cold , saved the building from ut ter dost ruction. The loss from wal oi ls qulto severe and the operator's room was badly charred. Otherwise the building Is all right. Tlio lire Blnrtod between 1 and 2 o'clock this morning , and Is hollou'd to have originated In the chimney , al though this Is not not positively known. Operator and Mrs. Alters live In the upstairs portion of the building , and were asleep when the lire broke out. out.An An alarm was turned In by telephone - phone lit once , and the volunteer IIro boys were almost Immediately on the ground. Holding the freezing no//le against the Increasing llames , they very soon subdued the bla/.o. It was a frightfully cold and raw night to turn out for a flro. The telephone In Ihe building was quite badly damaged. GREY TEAM AND WAGON STOLEN LAST NIGHT. SAID TO BE SEEN NORTHEAST Telephone Message * From Hosklnsthis Morning Said That the Horses Hnd Been Sceri There Today Were the Property of Henry nMtthes. Stanton , Nob. , Doc. fi. Special to Tlio News : A grey team was stolen from Henry MatthoH , living a half mile east of town , during last night. The theft occurred between 11 p. in. and C o'clock this morning. Sheriff King bus just received n tel ephone message from Hosklns staling that the .team Is thought to have been seen north of that place nt 7 o'clock this morning. One liorso Is light grey , with a scar on the neck resulting from distemper. This weighs about 1,200 pounds. The other is mouse colored , weighing more. A wagon with a new Moline box and brake and a harness wpre also stolen. SATURDAY SIFTINGS. M. Parcel ! of Laurel was a Norfolk visitor. John Con way was down fioin Mon- owl yesterday. H. Strowlow was down from Long Pine yesterday ) Miss Schwonk of Hosklns was In Norfolk yesterday. Mary Davis was in the city from Ulysses yesterday. Geo. C. Stevenson was over from Madison yesterday. C. n. Little was In the city yester day from Hloomfleld. H. M. and G. G. Alexander were down from Orchard yesterday. The household economic depart ment of the Woman's club will meet with Mrs. T. J. Morrow Momjay after noon at 2:30. : A demonstration will bo given and a full attendance is desired. The weather last night was sulll- ciently cold to freeze tlio Northfork over with n thin glnzo of Ice , but it will tnkis several more nights of the kind to make It strong enough to hold. The return of the company present ing "Qulncy Adams Sawyer , " to Nor folk this season is highly pleasing to the numerous friends and admirers of that splendid rural drama. The com pany and the play made a bit In Nor folk last season , and it Is assured that the same company will appear this year. Those who saw it last year will go again and those who failed to see it then should not miss tbe opportu nity of seeing It Ibis time. Capt. K. W. Brown , who is to speak nt the churches tomorrow , Is an old- time friend of Mr. N. A. Rainbolt , at whose homo ho will bo n guest. Capt. Brown Is an old soldier and was wounded five times In the service. The Dos Mollies News says of him : "The address of Capt. Brown in the court house last night was handsome ly delivered ; vigorous and unanswer able nnd pronounced by our best Judges as one of the best and ablest over delivered In Des Molnes. It was the grandest and most telling mooting hold In this city in many a day. " The Chase-Lister company present ed at the Auditorium last night "East Lynno" entertaining n large audience with the touching drama. A feature of the entertainment that took the lipuso was the singing of "The Holy City , " by Master Robert , who la but five years of ago. The week of en tertainment by this company will close with tonight when a rollicking com edy will be presented. The company has won many friends during their stay in the city and will no doubt be greetad by a large farewell audience tonight. ELECTION OFFICERS GO TO JAIL Three Denver Men Arc Adjudged Guilty of Contempt of Court , Denver , Duo. ti. Flunk J. Kiulko , city license hiMperlni , Joseph llay , Hdwurd O'Mulln nnd Chiultm Kufsky wore adjudged guilty of contempt by the Htutu Miipicmg court iiiul wore nun- leiu'od Id Jail. The Hi'iilem-OH uru aa follows. Kmtliu. ono ynur'H Imprlion- muni anil $1,000 line uiul coils ; liny unit O'Mallii , HX ! months' Imprison * iiiont and $ ! \00 line ami costs ouch ; Kofslty. tluuu months anil $260 Hue and costs. Those nii'ii were election ofllclals In the UlBhth precinct of , the Fifth ward nt tlio lute election and were BcniiHod of dlarnKardliiK the court's In junction order. The principal charge- PunhiHt thi'inVIIH ( lint they permitted repenting Carl Wilson , cluctlon olerk Jn tlio same precinct , was found not guilty of I'oiilitinpl. Tlio court denlod iin application lor rcloino of tlio con- vlctud nil'11 on ball pending an appeal to the fvdurnl eon it. Attack on Port Arthur Continue * . Ixmdon , Dec. fi. A dispatch from Che Fee to tlin Dally Telegraph says : "llenvy tiring continues nt Port Ar thur today The .InpanoRo nrn making most delorinlned and persistent efforts - forts In capture HIP noitliprn forts. " Toklo. Dec. < ! . - It Is reported that the Japanese bombardment against the licet nt Port Arthur Is proceedliiK to HIP mil Isfnrt Inn of thp attaching forces. On the evening of the 4\\ ( \ \ lust , two or tlnee Russian ships wore flird and binned In a half hour. Their names and lh ( < extent of the damage done me not Known It IB generally believed that the Russian fleet must oil her mnlip nn onrlv sort In or suffer irippntnblp damage. ARGUMENTS IN LAND CASES Defense Claims Government Ha * Failed to Make Cnsc. Portland , Ore. , Dec. ( i. The argu- niont of counsel lor the deleiiHO In the hind traud rase commoncud , Lawrence F. Putor of ISuiokn , Cat. , brother of ono of the defendants , ha- Ing the lirst speaker to addroBS the couit and Jury on hehlilf of the per sons accused of a conspiracy to defraud - fraud Ilio io\eiiiinoiit of public lands , The speaker held that the govoin- mont had fallmt to makn out Its case against the pilHonnrs and attached the testimony of the Kovoinmont's principal , Montague and Ilphlerko , as being unworthy of be lief. C'ouusul asserted thai the prin cipals In HIP defense were Innocent purcliaHPrs of the land and not re sponsible for deceptions practiced upon them and that the persona whom the government alleges are tic- tltlous are living , human beings who Medially \\ent 11)1011 ) the lands In quos- tion. Patterson Resumed. Now Yolk , Dec. C. The second trial of Nan Patterson , accused of the murder of C'nnsar Young , a wealthy bookmaker. In u cab In West Itioad- way six months ago , commenced In the criminal branch of the supreme court , and when adjournment was taken for the day tlnee jurors had been chosen. Miss Patterson , who has been 111 with lonsllllls for several days , appeared In excellent spirits. H r manner was very vivacious and the nervousness noticed during the progress of the tlrst dial had eritlro- ly disappeared. Pho was rated by bar aged father. Sugar Company Loses Case. Washington , Dec. 0. The biipromo conn of ihu 1'nitnl Status denied the applications toi writs of cerilniarl In the c.isos oi the Ameilean Sugar Re fining company of New Yoik vs. the United suit a , ilnih in uffuct alllrmlng the declhion ol the circuit court of appeals for Ilio Second district , which sustained the government. The suit was brought by the sugar rcflneru to test the \ulldlty of the treasury regu lations allowing 1'or the temperature modifications of the polarlscoplc teat of sugars brought into the Uulted State * . Chicago Alderman Charges Bribery. Chicago. Doc. C. Indirect charges of bribery In connection with the passage of tha Havenswood extension franchise of the North western Ele vated Hallway company , made by Al derman Hubert W. Hntler of the Twenty-seventh ward , created a decid ed sensation In the city council meet- Ing. The ordinance was finally passed after Alderman Dutler had made the statement that he had been offered money for his vote. The coun cil then appointed a committee to In vestigate the charges and take all evidences of corruption before the grand Jury. Double Suicide , New York , Dec. G. That two young men , who were found dead , locked In each others' arms , entered Into an agreement to commltt suicide slmul- tancoufaly by gas , Is the belief of the police. The men were James Gibbons bens and James Moral ) , the former of \\honi had been employed ns a penman - man at the St. Louis exposition. Their bodies lay in n * smqll room on he lop floor of a Second avenue house. Western Jockey Club Meeting. Chicago. I ec. C. The New Orleans Jockey club , the new track at Now Orleans , and the Union Park Jockey club , the "ouilaw" track at St. LouU. were refused recognition at the an nual meeting here of the board of stewards of the Weitern Jockey club. All the other Applicants for racing dates received favrabla | considera tion by tbe stewards. CREIQTON YOUNQ MAN DROPS HIS HAND IN MACHINE. HE DID NOT LOSE HIS LIFE Young John Waggoner , Aged Twenty- Two , Had n Terrible Accident Uut He Is Still Allvo Today IB n Son of Mntt Wagoner , Three Miles Out. * ' CielKhtoii. Nob. , Dec. 11.--.Special In Tim News : John Waggoner , mm of Malt Wagoner , of tblH place , lweiil > - two yearn old , fell Into u conmliollor liiHt night. Ho Hiicceeded In getting out alive. Ho loHt two lingers completely and a portion of all ( he others on the name hand. Ho liven throe miles out. Caught Cold While Hunting n Qurglnr Mr Win. Tims , l.anorgau , provlu clal countable at ( Miaplau. Ontario , HII.VH " 1 caught a severe cold while hunting a burglar In ( ho I'orom nwanii | IIIH ! fall 1 1 ear Inof / ; ( 'hiiniberliilu'H Cough Itemedy , 1 tiled It , ami after iiHlng I wo Hinall liollleH , I wan com plelely cured. " TblH icmeily IH In tended oupoclally for cougliK and CIICH | | It \\lll IOOHOII and rellovo a Heveri- cold In ICHH lime than by any other treatment and IH a favorite whore\er It H Hiii | < M'lor oscellenco IIIIH becoini- liiiiiwn. P'or Hak' by Leonard the drug gist. gnealent , lienl , cheapest. Paul Nonlwlg , harncHti man. MAN CHARGED WITH MURDER ' SUFFERS FROM PNEUMONIA. TRIED NEXT MONDAY MORNING Former Railroad Detective , Charged With the Murder of D. O. Luse , Will Appear In Court Once More nt Alns- worth In LCSB Tlinn n Week. Alimwoiih , Nob. , Doc. 0 Special to The NOWH : If rod M. Hnnu , whomi trial for the murder of D. 0. l.nso will come up next Monday iiKirnlnR nt thin plaeo , IH very poorly with nn atlaoUof piioiimonla. Dr. A. Murphy Is attend ing ; him. KOIl HXCJIANI8. ! Improved ( own properly of all ItlnilH to oxclmnRe for landH. Address Hex 97. Plattsmonth , Neb. Dr. McKIm Moves. Dr. Chan. A. Mt'KIni him moved Into bin now otllce In the now Krnnlz liv ery on North Fourth street , whore ho will have a private olllc.o and also u large operating room which will bo healed for bis work in cold weallior. Altogether he IH much better prepared than over to handle bin large and In creasing ; practice In a HiiccesHful man ner. The doctor will bo glad to liavo all hlH old cllentH and many now ones call and Inspect bin new quartern. Ofllco 'phone Black 15 ; night 'phono No. M. Russians Fire on Their Own Ships. SI Petersburg , DPP. 0 An olllclal rtaleniPnl. iKsnod from naval heart- ( | iinrtprn. gives Vice Admiral Hojest- vpimkyV latent account of the Doppor bank affair and explains how the Hal- tic fleet fired on their own ship * It IP the fliM ollli lal confirmation of the fart prr > vlnu < . ? y 'publichnd 111 theco dlflpatdiPR. that during the North sea affair five shells came aboard the cruiser Aurora. Injuring a priest , who died at Tangier ATCHISON GLOBE SIGHTS. A big fat Atchison man has more headaches than a woman with money. It takes a mighty good stage witti cism to Htand the test of the morning after. A town farmer lately bought a lot of cattle to feed and starved seven of them to death. We can almost tell what women are working hardest for church fairs by looking nt their children. How people admire a man who Is really sensible ! Why not try to dis tinguish yourself that way ? Divorces and straight hair seem to be more apt to run In families than happiness and natural curls. Wo are as good as a contractor , any way ; a contractor's tomorrow moans three weeks from next Tuesday. Wo liavo observed that nearly all suburban tracts oC land oft'orcd for sale arc within "a mile of town" and "choice. " , When there Is a murder In Missouri or the south public sentiment Is never satisfied until evidence points to the guilt of a nogro. Will Boweu says that John Price was not only tbe meanest boy In Atchison when ' n was twelve or four teen years o' the best ball play er. As a mean boy can not play ball. You will never Taste Bread than that winch any woman tan make witli Yeast Foam The Wornct fit I Yrast Hurt lonk Ilio I Irnl Hrmul I'rlM lit Ilia M I..MIII lUpiiillliiii. Vt'linl Poilltl I * * milI liy llllKfll. il'rnMllVi u | Hn kttufi iMlnugll for 4D lim\i > n Hi-nil u innliil i-nnl fur uiir ln > Illimliulc. ! I"Mil * lllMlll Illlllr ) | | | IW tu Mill * ' ll * NORTHWESTERN YEAST CO. CHICAGO , ILL. 1ARM LOANS Lowest Rates I W. J. GOW & BRO , 1 NORFOLK , NEBRASKA Money on Hand I'ARM LOANS ! * * Slie Has Cured Thousands DR. CALDWELL OF CHICAGO I'niHicin Alcnpiit hy. lloiilO opiiihy. KlcHric ami ( ! en- oi'itl Medicine. Will , by rcquuot , visit profealonally NOlll'OUC NIOIlltAKKA , OXNAUD HOTI2U TIII'USDAY. DHCHM- Itnit IT . ONIC DAY ONLY. returning o\ary four wcolta. Consult her whllo tlio opportunity is at hand. Oil. CALUWii.r , limits her practice to tlio special tieatmont of diseases of the eye , oar , noso. throat , lungs , fomala dlHCHhCH , diseases of children and alt chronic , nervous and mirglcnl dlNcasoa of u curable nature. B/irty consump tion. bronchltlR , bronchial catarrh , chronic caturih , headache , constipa tion , .stomach nnd bowel troubles , rheumatism , neur.ilRln. sciatica , kldner diseases. llrlKht'H disease , diseases of the liver and bladder , dizziness , ner vousness , Indigestion , obesity. Inter rupted nutrition , slow growth In child ren , and all wasting diseases In udutts , deformatles , club feet , curvature of the spine , diseases of the brain , par alysis , heart disease , dropsy , swelling ; of the limbs , stricture , open sores , pain In the bones , granular enlargo- mcnts and all lontr standing disease * properly treated. Illouil anil SUIn UUfiiNrM. I'lmples. blotchei. eruptions , liver HpotH. falling of the hair , bad com plexion , eczema , throat ulcers , bono pains , bladder troubles , weak back , burning urine , passing urine too often. The effects of constitutional slcknesi or the taking of too much Injurious medicine receives searching treatment , prompt relief and a cure for life. Diseases of women , Irregular mens truation , falling of the womb , bearing down pains , female displacements , lack of sexual tone. I.ouroi rhea. sterility or barreness. consult Dr. Caldwell and ihe will show them the cause of their trouble nnd the way to heroine cured , Clllirori , Onlli-r , FUllllll , IMIi-n nnd enlnrtred grlandh treated with tha BUbrutuneoiiH Injertlon method , abso lutely \vlthnut pain and without the los of n dion i > r blood , Is one of her own c1ltK.-o\eTt-n ! and Is really the moat sclent I IKinxiliod oi this advanced HKO , Dr C'rililwell lins ( nm'ilred her profea- Btoii In mime ui tli- l.irgont hospital * throiiKliout u ' iiiintry 9ha tins no cupeilnr In thn trt-.iutiK nnii dlauni'Biiig of dleensen dor ( ml ties. etc. She lina lately opened an Qllli e In Omaha , Nu- liniHkH , where * he will upend a portion tion of tmch week trentlntt her ninny patient * . No Incurable cn aeoeptod for treatment. Connultation , examina tion and advice , on9 dollar to the * * lntereted. on. OBA CALDWHT.L A co. . ; , AddrMS all mall to Omaha , K b.