The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, December 02, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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> V. N. IHIM ! , 1'iililUlirr ,
Kvory tiny oxcnr-l Htiitilnx. l v our-
rlor i < rr week , 1R rcnta. I'X Norfolk
ixiMoitU'e delivery , | > or yciir. Id on. lly
mull on runil route * it ml ouinlilo f
Norfolk , per yi'nr , IS 00
wicr.Ki.v .
The Now * . ICMnl > lli jioil. 1MI.
The Jnniiin ) , KNtnlillMieil. 1K77.
Every Krlilny. lly mull t > r your , 11.80. nt the iiontiilllcn nl Not folk.
. , UN KPOoiul ohm * mntter.
Telephone * ! Killtorlnl Prjmrtmmit ,
Ko. 22 , Hunlne * * Olllce. nml Job Kooni * ,
No. 82 .
A great ninny Russians nro rnmiln'
to America to prevent being rushed to
the front ,
Tliu Sioux City Journal would like
lo know \vlml IH KO rare as nn Iowa
Thanksgiving. -would only need to
cross thu Him Into Nebraska to learn
that n Nebraska Thanksgiving IH JUKI
Congress will HOOII proceed to dem
onstrate that tlio people of tlio country
never did a wiser thing than lo east
their votes an they did on tlio eighth
day of Novuinbur.
Tlio edges liavo certainly boon
c.hlpped olT tlio Holld Houth and In a
few inoro campaigns It niay penetrate
to Iho very center of the duinooratlo
Htionghold that republican policies
nro , al'lur all , tlio best thing ever at
tempted by the nation.
0om Paul Krueger nmy liavo boon
porHeculod and abused In his political
nmltllloiiH. but Iho Htnloinont thai ho
loft an ostnlo valued at R7fiO,000 , Is
ovldoneo that ho did not need to lack
In Iho comforts and , luxuries of llfo
during his closing days.
An Oklahoma girl inarrlud a base
bull pltchor 0110 day and tlio next aho
Nppoalod to the court for a divorce. If
It lakes an Oklahoma girl bill one day
to loam that she duos not want a man
who should assuredly occupy at lensl
ono day In consideration before she
China and Mexico arc both striving
to attain Iho position of the United
States on the gold standard , and Ihoy
will probably succeed. Slnco Mr. I'nr-
kor has declared the gold standard as
Irrevocably fixed all countries that
liavo not got It are hustling to plaeo
themselves In lino.
With her magnificent plurality for
Roosevelt , Nebraska will probably not
bo entirely Ignored when It comes to
the dlHtrlbutlon of federal patronage.
The state WIIH us strongly republican ,
nccordlng to the number of votes cast
as any state In the union and It IH a
stand In favor of republicanism that
deserves iccognltlon.
The financiers of America handled
the half of $00,000,000 Japanese loan
that wan assigned to them and the
subscribers wore eager for more
was available , Indicating that there Is
no Immediate fear of Iho disintegra
tion of the Island empire by the HUH-
slim war Hoot , on the part of the weal
thy men of the nation.
The famous Render family of Mis
souri Is as frciiuontly encountered as
the famous 1'at Crowe of unenviable
Omaha reputation. The Homier fam
ily , Kate and her mother , has lately
been rediscovered In California , and
tomorrow mny bo found In Australia.
The Benders are irmoug the famous
really are , then they will not be able
found everywhere.
The democrat who knows what prin
ciples he will probably be supporting
and what candidate he will be voting
for in li'OS ' Is deserving enough to
have his name placed In the hall of
fame. A guessing contest to deter
mine who could come nearest the
truth would bo sulllclently In the
realm of doubt and uncertainty. It
would seem , to make It a winner.
Kansas Is beading tip toward the top
among the banner republican states
of the nation and If Nebraska wants
to keep in sight of Its sister on the
south in achievements of this sort she
will have to hustle unite strenuously ,
hi 1S9G the Sunower state gave n plu
rality of 12,000 for Bryan , but at the
recent election her Hoosovolt plurality
was 11 ! 1.000. Nebraska has made a
similar Hop-over but not quite so
strong. ,
if the tales told about the debauch-
cry of Admiral llojestvensky's Hoot
nro true , the men and ofllcers will
probably continue to see Japanese tor
pedo boats frequently , until they ar
rive nt the points where the Japanese
really are then they will not bo able
to see anything but smoke , lire , splin
ters and other evidences to Indicate
that their Hoot formerly existed.
Slnco the war commenced a weak
ness produced by debauchery has re
peatedly boon charged against the
Russians and unless the admiral and
his men now on their wqy to the far
east are exceptions to the general rule
the Japx will prolmbly make short
work of them
The report that Iho- Union Pacific
has bought thn ( Jieut NVonlern , ( him
Hecurlng conneetloim with Chicago will
undoubtedly Inlluenco tin1 Chicago and
NorlhwoHtern to hustle along \\llh lln
plans for connections with Iho COIIH !
Theio has been a gradual Heveianee
of relations between Itio Northwestern
and Union Paellle ami they ar seem
ingly destined to In the fn-
tuio between Chicago and Iho coast.
Norfolk and other towns along the
main line of the Northwestern will un
doubtedly draw benefit H fiom this ri
One of the notable pluralities In the
past election In Nebraska was that of
M. I' . Klnkald In the Sixth district ,
which has. up until two years ago ,
been represented by a popullHt In con-
gresH. Mr. Klnkald WIIH known to bo
popular In Ills district , but bis warm
est friends and admirers wore hardly
prepared to look it | > on the magnificent
plurality by which ho overcame oppo-
idtlon and the K,7r > 5 , by which he wan
re-elected stands at Iho head of any
plurality received by any Nebraska
congressman , exceeding by almost a
thousand the plurality received by
CongicHsmau llurkett.
The school of agriculture at Lincoln
announces that the course of study
will HOOII begin and It IH to be hoped
that ( hero will bo an Increasing num
ber of farmer boys to take advantage
of the schooling that will bo given.
There IH progress In HIP agricultural
world , as well IIH In other department
of enery , and In other states the pro
gressing farmers nro particular to
sao Hint their sons have all Iho ad
vantages afforded by such liiHlltullons
and the attendance Is Increasing from
year lo year with the prospect that In
the near future the educated farmer
will bo considered IIH essential to the
demands of the country as the educat
ed minister or literary man. Certain
It Is that science affords wonderful de
velopment In the Hold of agriculture
and the wlde-awako fanners are
prompt to avail IhemHelves of Itn ad
The "solid south" Is below the Mis
souri slate lino.
Senator Tlllman ban subsided and
It would doubtless set well with the
people to observe that Colorado had
come under the Influences of modern
civlll/.atlon. Walte has gone but ho
appears to have had some successors
who are capable of emulating his ex
The Omaha World-Herald Is now nt-1
tempting to drift the sentiment
against the dynamite outragors Into
politics , but the people of Iho nietnJp-
oils are onto the World-Herald's tricks
and will not bo drifted unless they
are assured that such a course Is
right from some other source.
The government reports showing
that Nebraska equalled Illinois In the
amount of corn produced per acre and
j oNcollod in the quality ot the crop Is
.proof that "Undo Joe" Cannon was
I dealing out no Idle ( lattery when he
said that Nebraska was raising as
! good corn as the famous black soils
I of the Sucker state.
i With Nebraska crowding Illinois for
first place-on the production of corn
! per acre and exceeding her In qual
ity , there Is no longer a good reason
why the people of that state should
exert themselves In vain to got hold
of a farm property at prices beyond I
their reach when there Is Nebraska ,
land of nsgood a reputation to bo oh
tallied for a small portion of the out- j
lay. Wise men of the east are mov-1
Ing Nobruskawtml.
It now remains to bo seen whether !
or not General Nogl can execute the I
order and take Port Arthur. It Is
really apparent that the possession of
the town , the forts and the harbor is
essential to the successes that the Jap
anese have so far attained and it Is
necessary that this should bo consum
mated before the Russians arrive with
their Hoots , because then the Japanese
licet will bo compelled to turn Its at
tention from Port Arthur to the Rus
sian navy and that will keep them
busy for n time , no doubt , without
maintaining a blockade on the enemy
In the harbor. „
A Clmdron tax payer proposes to
ci'usado ' against the uon-residont prop
erty owner by the assessor. IJe charg
es that the non-rostdont holder -of
realty values his property above sur
rounding property , never makes an
Improvement but waits for the sur
rounding resident owners to so en
hance the value of the property that
the non-resldont will finally got his
price nt the greatest profit. The resi
dent tax-payer thinks that the non
resident follow should bo liberally ap
portioned taxes and compelled to keep
bis property on the same grade re
garding Improvement as that sur-
roumllng'lt. -
It seems probable that the fntnl ex
pel fence of Piesldenl McKlnlcy at the
Murrain exposition , IIIIH given the oil- !
cent at SI. LoulH an Indication of how
piesldentlnl visits should be received ,
and the fact that there wan no dem
onstration against President Roosevelt
spcakH well for the energy of the men
looking after his personal safety. Had
President HooHovoll been threatened
at St. Louis It Is probable that the
people of the country would have en
tered an unanimous protest against
the visiting of expositions by presi
dents , unless It might bo done Incog
Recent reports of bank clearances
show HOIIIO magnificent Increases
In the amount of business transacted.
The repot Is from Dun and Hradstreet
also Indicate a healthy condition In
the biiHlnoHH world , and the fact that
holiday stocks are moving satisfactor
ily to Iho merchants IH another evi
dence of prosperity. Beyond and
above It all , however , IH the Individual
feeling among the people that good
times remain with thorn and with each
securing a shaio.
The Nebraska Independent declares
that the populIslH have nothing to
look for from Mr. Hryan ; that , In fact ,
ho never did hnvo use for the popu-
llHtH otherwise than to secure their
votes. It assorts that If tlio demo
cratic parly dwindles down to Cleveland -
land , Parker and HIM , Mr. Hrynn
would niako the fourth mombor. The
Indepehdent says : "It matters not
what the democratic platforms are In
the future they may demand high
tariffs , big standing armies , the reenlistment -
enlistment of Nick Illddle's old na
tional bank , domination of railroads
or anything else and Mr. Hrynn will
bo found supporting the democratic
candidates. Mr. Hryan Is simply an
old fashioned dyed-ln-tho-wool , rock
ribbed democrat. Populists In plan-
j ulng for tlio future should always take
j that fact Into consideration and In-
i dulgo In no vain hopes that Mr. Bryan
| will ever he any else than a democrat.
i Mr. Hryan got the vote of populists 1 > >
deception. It In IMIti or 1 ! > 00 ho had
said to them , 'I will never leave the
democratic party. Before i would do
that I would go on the stump along
with firiivcr C'litvnlliml nml rinvn Illll
and advocate the election of a Wall
street , gold standard candidate for the
presidency , ' he would never have got
n populist vote. But that Is just what
ho did In the last campaign. Mr. Bry
an Is honest. Ho Is aHllcted with the
worst form of partisan Insanity over
known In the United States. The case
Is Incurable. "
The leaders of democracy Insist that
the party must advance. Indeed it
must If It continues as a party.
Less than four weeks remain until
Christmas and the shopper who Is "up
to HUH ft" Is looking for the holiday
An eager public Is hoping that Dav
id Bennett Hill will not deposit his po
litical carcass on the upper shelf with
out once more assuring it that he Is
still a democrat.
I There Is evidence that the cashier
of the defunct O'Neill bank was a fn-
slonlst. Only a populist or a radical
democrat would think of leaving sixteen -
, teen cents to one bank ns a symbol of
the sacred ratio.
The t'uslonlsts linvo not yet charged
their defeat to the farmers who re
mained In thn corn llnlila nml
to vote. The evidence Is that they
\\ero all at the polls at the proper time
and failed to vote the fusion ticket.
Mr. Bryan says that he has no Im
mediate plans for a conference of dem
ocratic leaders. Ho will probably wait
for them to recover sulllcieutly to real
ize that , perhaps , after all they are
leaders and that there are a few of
them left.
Manager BIdwell declares that the
Casper extension Is duo to the repre
sentations of the Casper Commercial
club regarding what lies beyond In
Wyoming. Another proof that an ac
tive commercial club is the thing for
any enterprising town. .
It Is said that two thousand vessels
disappear every year and are never
heard from again. The Japs have In
creased the mortality among disap
pearing vessels this year so that there
should bo many moro than that on the
statistics at the end of tlio year.
There seems to bo but ono source
of regret nt the manner in which Mis
souri has done things at this past
election and that is in the defeat of
Senator Cockroll for ro-oloctlou. Rec
ognizing the good things that are and
have been democratic , however , the
republicans will undoubtedly see to it
that the nation docs not miss the ser
vices of this democratic veteran.
Russia has signified her pleasure in
the proposal to enter into an arbitra
tion treaty with .the United States.
The c/iir Is probably pleased to think
bat another of the ixnvers tnat might
lave bothered her In the event of a
world's war will ho eliminated by the
.realy of peace.
II can be told by looking at the al-
uanac or a calendar that Thursday Is
: he llrst day of December and the people
ple are assured that these publica
tions are fairly reliable In matters of
this kind. The weather Is HO deter
mined to discredit the almanac and
calendar makers that the people re-
liilre testimony to their reliability.
Tln % program for the coming legis
lature contemplates a largo reduction
In appropriations , and It IK certain that
there can be a reduction In the time
spent by the session just as easily. It
II up to the legislators to hold the
beautiful republican majority In Ne
braska good and the prospects are
that It will do Its best In that particu
Mr. Rockefeller's Income from his
savings In the Standard Oil company
during the entire year have amounted
to but $11,100,000. Ho has probably
given out tlio statement at tills time
with the hope 'that some generous
friend will give him a purse of a few
dollars for a Christmas present Jimt
as an evidence of good faith that the
wolf will bo kept from the door during
his declining years.
The candidacy of Judge Jackson of
Nellgh for the speakershlp In the com
Ing house of representatives Is being
received with favor throughout the
northern part of the state and his
friends are unanimous In hoping that
ho will carry off the honor and preside -
side to the credit of the legislature ,
the republican parly and the state.
llo Is eminently qualified and the legIslators -
Islators can Hud no bettor man among
thorn for the spoakershlp.
The Nebraska Independent has been
consult Ing w.lth Its renders over Its fu
ture political course and has found up
to the date of Its last publication that
i 1,87 ; : of them were In favor of lude-
! pendent action : iml that ITd favored
co-operation with the democrats. In
view of the fact that It Is presumed
Mr. Bryan will again take charge of
the democratic orgunl/ntion , this vote
of twelve to one against fusion Is sig
nificant. Many of the populists are
evidently done with the democrats ,
whether Mr. Hryan lends them or not.
The State Journal expects to see
the Japanese kill off the Russian re-
InforcementH as fast ns they can bo
brought to the front , and It Is alleged
that the railway Is capable of trans
porting about .15,000 men a month to
the scene of activity. It Is said that
the re-lnforcemeuts thus far received
at Mukden will not moro than offset
the losses of Kuropatkln , and the Japs
are ready to dispose of the new bunch
just as soon as Kuropatkln feels the
spirit move that will lend him Into
battle. The Japs have likewise been
busy with reinforcement and in
strengthening positions all this time.
Mr. Bryan found It was a profitable
Investment to make a losing race for
the presidency and the piospects are
that Judge Parker will likewise find
that it pays to serve a minority party.
It is already reported that ho has se
emed two jobs , oacii paying about
$12,000 , and with loss trouble at
tached than the writing of n gold tel
egram or appointment of a postmas
ter. If It Is true that It la better to
be right than to bo president , It Is
likewise almost proven that , in tlnan- j
clal matters , it Is bettor to lose than
to win the piesldency.
It Is only about three weeks mote
fo the shortest day of the year , and
tnero has been no winter worth the
name. As the days begin to lengthen ,
however , will come the long reach of
There Is a movement of a number of
South Dakota families for South Af
rica where they think there are bet
ter advantages. If they do not make
good they may never return , because
the trip is too long to be undertaken
twice in the life time of a man with
out wealth.
If Sir Edward Clark has been readIng -
Ing the American papers ho will quick
ly come to the conclusion that he is
not considered of vital Importance to
the country. Ho has made some talk ,
however , which Is more than can ho
said of many of his moro conservative
Mr. Berge will probably give his ap
proval to the action the circus trust
Is taking to do away with free passes.
Merchants nave been "bribed" for n
long time now with passes to permit
the placing in their windows of gaily
colored lithographs , and the manage
ments of the great circuses themselves
have undertaken -reform. .
The Hugh Gurney fine of ? 05 has
been remitted and the Massachusetts
automobile incident is now declared
to bo officially closed. There was a
good deal of red tape about the affair ,
but it has given Mr. Gurney quite ex-
tensive advertising hero and at home ,
anil the governments foot the bill , so
that ho should ho very well content.
Thu mikado will probably now bo
satisfied If ho finds Port Arthur In
bis stocking Christmas morning.
Tom Watson contemplates starting
a magir/lno In No\v York , which should
give the Commoner all the competi
tion that Is necessary to bring It up tea
a high standard for fhe perusal of the
common peoplo.
Sioux City Is feeling very cheerful
over the opening of the Armour packIng -
Ing plant at that place , and the enter
prising people expect to see It ad
vance lo n prominent plnco as a stock
market. It Is one of the best towns In
Iowa and Iho people of the outlying
country hope It will succeed In all its
undertakings to make n market of
Importance to the northwest.
A greater Norfolk may bo slow
building at the present time , but it is
coming and when the realization of
the dreams of Its progressive citizens
have been attained the present city
will bo n more vlllngo In comparison.
It has the location for a metropolis In
north Nebraska and It will fulfill some
of Iho wildest Ideals thai have been
advanced for Its deovlopment some
The nearest Nebraska plurality on
presidential election to approach
Roosevelt's Sfi.018 , was the plurality
received by the Harrison electors oyer
Cleveland In 1888 , U7.S7 : ! , which Is less
than a third of the magnificent vote
lolled up for Roosevelt. The third
was the plurality for Gnrllold In 1880 ,
2tiirifi. The Roosevelt plurality Is far
beyond the greatest record ever made
In the slate.
The agricultural college at Ames ,
Iowa , has been taking some of the
handsome premiums at the Interna
tional stock exhibition at Chicago.
Next to having the premiums taken by
the Nebraska university people noth
ing will give the people of this stale
greater pleasure than to see the
awards go to the sister state on the
east , which , next to Nebraska , Is about
as fine a state and containing as fine
a class of people as there are In any
slalo of the union.
Advocates of tariff revision are now
making Ihemsclves manlfesl and It Is
urged from republican sources and ex
pected that a republican congress will
do the revising so that there will be
no national issue by the time the dem
ocrats think of again laklng a chance
al the government. Business Interests -
ests will trust to the republicans to
do something along this line of effort
If It Is needed , where they would be
frightened Into a panic If it came as
the result of campaign agitation.
America Is very naturally In sympa
thy with the movement In Russia b >
the /emstvos to bring the government
nearer the republican form. The pee
pie are becoming too greatly enllght
enod , even In Russia to much longer
submit to a form of government that
has been discarded In whole or inpait
by all Iho civilized countries of the
earth. Everywhere the people are be
Ing gl\en gieater power and larger
recognition In the management of gov
ernmental affairs and the c/.ar and his
advisors will some day find that the
people will not longer submit to an
Imperial form in which they liavo lit
tle or nothing to say. Since America
has sot the pace other governments
liavo been rapidly taking up the dem
ocratic form and there has been a
minimum of dissatisfaction where the
people have usurped the power of au
At least once a week a man ses the
prettiest woman he ever saw In his
If.a man carves and serves in a
manner satisfactory to his wife , he
shouldn't hope to become a greater
In a very small town , there. Is the
same demand that a widow remem
ber her dignity , as there Is In all
towns about a preacher.
Those women who go on the theory
that a few minutes waiting for meals
makes no difference to their husbands ,
have another guess coming.
Occasionally you find an American
who Is so conceited because ho Is an
American citizen , and free , that he
never amounts to anything else.
Another hope that deceives males
only : That a man may buy a gun in
the fall , and pay for its cost by spring
In the difference in the meal bill.
When a preacher's wife expects her
husband to light fires and carry in
wood , the women of the church won
der that lightning doesn't strike h > > r
for being &o Impious.
Fanners are always expecting the
country to bo ruined. Wo met one to
day who-said : "Don't you believe
those au-tum-nl'bles will ruin the conn-
try ? I met one just now , and It scared
ray horses , "
Deafness Cannot be Cured
> y local application , ns they cannot
each the diseased portion of the ear.
There Is only ono way to cure deaf-
ICHH , and thai Is by constitutional
emedlcs. Deafness is caused by an
nllamcd condition of the mucous
Inlng of the Eustncblan lube. When
his lube In Inflamed you have a rum
bling sound or Imperfect hearing , and
when it Is entirely closed , deafness Is
the result , and unless the inflamma
tion can bo taken out and this tube
restored to Its normnl condition , hear-
ng will bo destroyed forever ; nlno
cases out of ten nro caused by catarrh ,
which Is nothing but atf Inflamed coa
lition of the mucous surfaces.
W.o will give ono hundred dollars
! or any case of deafness ( caused by
calarrh ) that cannot bo cured by-
[ fall's Catarrh euro. Send for circu
lars free. , F. J. Cheney & Co. ,
Sold by druggists , 76c. Toledo , O.
Take Hall's family pills for consti
pation. .
A Heavy Load.
To lift thai load off of the stomaclr
take Kodol .Dyspepsia Cure. 11 dl-
( 'cslri what you eal. Sour slomnch ,
Dolcblng , gas on stomach and all dis
orders of the stomach thai are cur-
ablCj , are Instantly relieved and per
manently cured by the use of Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure. S. P. Storrs , a drug-
glsl al 297 Main street , Now Britain ,
Conn.Bays : ' "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
Is giving such universal satisfaction
and Is so surely becoming the positive
relief and subsequent cure for Ibis
distressing ailment , I feel that I am
always sure to satisfy and gratify my
customers by , recommending it. to
them. I write this lo show bow well
Ihe remedy is spoken of bore. " Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure was discovered aflor
years of scientific cxperimenls and
will posilivoly cure all stomach trou
bles. Sold by Asa K. Leonard.
Joseph Lltllo , Burllnglon My wlfo-
says she couldn't keep house without
Holllster's Rocky Mountain Tea.
Keeps the whole family well. Haven't
spent a cent for doctors In Ihreo years.
The Klcsau Drug Co.
Mothers Praise It.
Mothers everywhere pralso Ono
Minute Cough Cure for the sufferings
It has relieved and the lives of their
little ones It has saved. A certain
cure for coughs , croup and whooping
cough. A. L. Spafford , postmaster , of
Chester , Mich. , says : "Our little girl
was unconscious from strangulalloit
during a sudden and terrible attack ot
croup. One Minnie Cough Cure quick
ly relieved and cured her and I cannel -
nol praise il too highly. " One Minute -
ute Cough Cure quickly relieves
coughs , makes breathing easy , cuts
out phlegm , draws out inflammation ,
and removes every cause of a cough
and strain on lungs. Sold by Asa K.
Builds up muscular flesh , healthy
lissuo. Rich red blood , clears 'llie-
stomach , kidneys and liver. That's-
what Hamster's Rocky Mountain Tea
will do. 35 cents , tea or tablets.
The Klesau Drug Co ,
A Good Complexion.
"Sparkling eyes and rosy cheeks re
stored by using DeWItt's Little Earl/
Risers , " so writes S. P. Moore of Nac-
ogdoches , Tex. A certain cure for bil
iousness , constipation , etc. Small pill
easy to take easy to act. Sold by
Asa K. Leonard.
II takes a matrimonial frost to kill
the orange blossoms used in making
Holllster's Rocky Mountain Tea. I5 !
cents , lea or tablets.
The Klosan Drug Co.
Thousands Cured.
DeWllfa 'Wlich Hazel salvo has
cured thousands of cases of piles. "I
bought a box of DoWItl's Witch Hazel
.salve on the recommendation of our
druggist , " so writes C. II. LaCroix , of
Zavilln , Tex. , "and used It for a stub
born case of piles. It cured me per
manently. " Sold by Asa K. Leonard.
f-g J ? &tl
, XWash BLUE
For Sale By
k around in t'-c water.
! POULTRY" * *
Highest Market $
Prices Paid
at all Times.
LOUR Dibtnuco Telephone , 181) ) . *