THE WMKOLK NtiWS : FRIDAY , SMI'TUMHKIt 1 > 5) ) , HUM. MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment cures Cuts , Burns , Bruises. In tiao for over sixty ycnrn. for Man , Bcnst or Poultry * Bust for HOI-MO allincntH. lliuln-rH up StlirjolntH. unrcn I'roHtbltoH anil Clillblulnn. MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment curcti 8i raliia and Strains * cures Spavin niid Klugboue. licixls Old Sores quickly. uCBt for Cnttlo nllmcnts. penetriilcH to the very bone. UcMt tiling f " ' " Imuu liorsc. MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN MBXICAN MEXICAN JVIISXIUAN Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Is a positive euro for Piles. cures nil forms of Rheumatism. curcoCnked Udder lu COWB. licat for Sliccp iillmciita. nlwayHKlvcH niitlHfactlou. .i..u.u . . . , < nil indniiiiuiiilmi. A UAH ov STKHHS SATURDAY MfillT. WKUF. I.V TUB .M. & O. VAIID.S. They Hnd Clliuliril up thr Clinic , Juniprd Olt tlir I'liilforiii mill ( itinr ( o Hunt SnmrtlilnK < Knl , Which They roil nil In Siiillli'M Cam Field. Very early yesterday morning Agent Elecffer of the M. & O. illncovored what appeared to be n robbery of the stock yards near the depot , but later devel opments proved that the cattle had simply escaped , The night before P. K. Wantz had shipped In a car of cattle from Johnstown , cnrouta to Sioux City , and unloaded them at the M. & O. yard. In Uio morning they were gone , and the thought naturally was that they had been stolen. The gate was found cloned just as It had been left the night be fore. During the day , however , the cattle were found wandering around In the country north of town , and they were returned to the yards and continued on their journey this morn ing. Another Inspection of the stock yards showed that when the cattle were unloaded , while the outer gate was closed fast enough , the chute gate had been left loose and the cattle had climbed up through the runway and jumped off the platform. There were twenty-six head of steers In the car. Eighteen head of them were feeding In Commissioner Smith's corn Held when found , and the others were be tween town and Mr. Smith's farm. MONDAY MENTION. Charles DURUM was down from Done- steel over Sunday. S. Noyt was a Norfolk visitor from Gordon over night. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pllger spent Sunday In Madison. R. B. Held and J. Asche were city visitors Sunday , from Leigh. F. Hasch of Ponder was the snout of II. W. Winter over Sunday. Col. Compton , leader of the Wlsner Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Fox have re turned from their visit to Chicago , band , was In the city yesterday. Mrs. Samuel House of Foster Is vis iting at the home of Mrs. Webb In this city. city.Miss Miss Opal Olmstead left for Crete this morning to attend the Don no col lege. lege.W. W. J. Houston of Plalnvlew was In town tills morning enronte to Sioux tf' . City. & . ' Eugene Austin and G. W. Stanford , both Fremont printers , were in town over night. Congressman Burkett and Congress man McCarthy were both In the city Saturday night. John Richardson , who has had a position in the Fair store , leaves to morrow for Sterling , Col. Mr. nnd Mrs. V. G. Huebner of Pierce yesterday visited Mrs. Huobner's pa rents , Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Miller. Miss Anna McBrlde left this mornIng - Ing to attend the Northwestern uni versity at Evanston , 111. , a suburb of Chicago. W. W. Persons of Pocatello , Idaho , Is visiting at the homo of his father- in-law , Joseph Horlskey , on Madison avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Libby of Ewlng were in the city yesterday attending the funeral of Mr. Llbby's mother , Mrs. G. C. Hunter. Mike Wade , n former resident of this city , now of Cripple Creek , Col. , Is visiting relatives and friends In the city today. Mr. nnd Mrs. 13. B. KaufTman leave for Colorado tomorrow In the hope that the climate will benefit Mrs. Kauffman's health. Mrs. Katie Rahlfs was a visitor In the city from Wnkefleld over Sunday. E. R. Leahy of Wayne was in the city over Sunday night. Ralph Dutcher of Plalnvlew was in the city this morning on bis way to Wayne where he has secured a posi tion with the telephone company. Mr. nnd Mrs. Tom Dickinson , Miss VerA Leach and Fred Blthlnger of Humphrey were guests at the Broder Kettleson homo In this city Sunday. Mrs. Bundlck , Mrs. Tracy and Mrs. White will be hostesses at a social sesplon of the Ladles guild nt the borne of Mrs. Hlsle Desmond Tuesday afternoon. Miss McDowell , who teaches In the Grant school , was called to her homo In southern Kansas by the serious Ill ness of her father. She Is n cousin of Mrs. C. E. Greene. Lolund Spanldlng loft yesterday for Philadelphia , Pa. , whore ho hod work all of last winter nnd expects to bo employed constantly this winter , at the painting trade. Miss Mnrjorlo Weills left today for New York , whore she will serve as private secretary to Miss Brown of Miss Brown's School for Girls. Miss Louise Wollls wont to West Point fern n few days before resuming her stu dies nt Brownoll Hall , Omaha. Among those who will attend the state university nt Lincoln from Nor folk this winter nro Clyde Bullock , Hfiy Hyde , Chan. Mathowson , Will Ox- nam. Eugene Huso. Homan Walker , nnd Helen Bridge. A number of them wont to Lincoln this morning nnd oth ers will go within n day or two. Judge J. B. Barnes loft this mornIng - Ing for Lincoln to sit In his capacity as supreme judge at n session of the supreme court. Sessions of the court will ho hold beginning on the first and second Tucsdayx of o.ich month until next July , which will Uuop the presiding judges nnd thoho under thorn unite constantly employed during the fall , winter and spring. A daughter was born this morning to Mr. and Mrs. Walter P. Evans , and the entire Tltnes-Trlbunu force Is foolIng - Ing good ever the event. Loren Doughty of thin city won Hut first prize on amateur photography at the Madison county fair , llu wax rep resented thuro with tbreo pli'tur s. A morning of fog , the llku of which Is seldom ciiuallcd was a feature of the weather today. It was dense uarly In the morning , and continued In evi dence until Into In the forenoon. The democratic and populists coun ty conventions nro mooting III Battle Crock this afternoon to place candi dates on the road to defeat for rep resentative , county attorney and coun ty commissioner. "Uncle Josh Spruccby" Is the attrac tion at the Auditorium tonight. The company has arrived In the city and gave notlco of their arrive ! by the purado of the hayscitd band that will help to drum up the attendance for a popular rural drama. Saturday was a day of fair liusl- ness to Norfolk merchants , but was not as good IIH usual because of the show that preceded it and brought n number of people Into the city who would otherwise have waited for Silt- urdey to do their trading. August Hcckmnn nnd Miss Brlsso , both of Hndar , were married at the Hadar church last evening at 7:30. : After the ceremony the friends of the couple celebrated the event nt th home of th bride's parents. The newly mar ried couple will live In Hndar. This week a large number of Nor folk people will go to Stanton for the county fair which begins Tuesday ami concludes with Friday. Others will go to Plain view for the old settlers picnic Thursday and Friday. Next week they will be at homo for the base ball tournament of three ilnys , when It Is expected that u number of outsiders will be present. Base ball and clrcuscH and fairs and plonlcs and Ice cream socials are about the thing of the past for this season , nnd looming up In the horizon are football , theatrical entertainments , musical doings , oyster festivals and other features for the entertainment of the public constantly on the look out for something doing. The season opens very promisingly for various events of a seasonable nature nnd there will undoubtedly be plenty to help the fall and winter pass polnsantly. At the Madison fair last week W. B. Vall's lonn Salestor , three-years- old , won Itrst money In the standard bred claws of ti utters and his two- year-old hay stallion , A Conqueror , won second money In his class. Lot tie Medium won the fastest heat In the free-for-all pacing race , making the heat In 2:24 : , lowering her record three-quarters of a second , which was considered very good by horsemen be cause of the heavy condition of the track. H Is announced from the North Ne braska conference of the M. H. church now In session In Wayne that Rev. J. W. Jennings , presiding elder of the Omaha district , will retire from the work at the close of the conference. It Is stated that Rev. Win. Gorst , an other former Norfolk minister , will snceeed Mr. Jonnlngs as presiding el der at Omaha. It Is said that the reason of Mr. Jennings' retirement Is that he has been asked by the West ern Methodist Book concern to be come manager of the Kansas City depository , and the bishop has con sented to the appointment. Mr. Jen nings always had a good business heuH , nnd ho will make a success of the management of the book concern. Kept MiirrliiKe Src-rrt. LINCOLN , Sept. 17. After keeping their marriage a secret since last De cember , Ellsworth L. Rodfern nnd Mrs. Rodfern , formerly Miss Frances Mc- Grady , announced to their friends In Lincoln this week that they were hus band and wife. They were married secretly December 20 , Dr. Wharton , at that time pastor of the St. Paul M. E. church , performing the ceremony. Mr. Redfern was attending the state university nt the tlmo , and he desired to complete his education , while the bride was employed by Wilson & Brown , attorneys. Roth wished to continue their occupations until sum mer. uouiinn H Site I'liiinds mill ClinKcM Her Victim Aflrr Mont Approicil KiiHlilon. CHICAGO , Sept. ] < ! . A new masker Joined the carnival of crime sweeping ever Chicago , when n veiled woman held up and robbed Sigurd Fahlgron of his watch and $25. This highway woman carried her brgandlsh | work on with the same fearlessness that marks the nightly holdups by highwaymen. Armed with i revolver , she hustled her victim Into an alloy , choked him , punched him , nnd threatened to kill him if ho made an outcry. The robbery occurred at Chicago and Wells street. The woman bandit who was fashion ably nttlrcd had her features covered with a heavy veil , after relieving her victim of his , watch and money , com pelled him to move on. The woman then disappeared , and although police searched the neighborhood thorough ly they were unable to find her. SIM\KIII : : OK TMI : not'Si ' : TO UK 111:111 : : siiM'i : > iiuiij.7. . WATSON OK IMIIANA WITH HIM. The MrrthiK on HIP 27III Will l.i- ( In- ( irriitrxt Htcnl of ( lie Ciiiiipiiluii fur llcpiilillcniiN n ml u r ( 'rimil IN i ; | irclrit In ln < I'rrxonl. The committee on arrangements for the Cannon meeting , which Is to beheld hold on the evening of Soptomhor 27 , met Saturday night and discussed plans for the mooting , which It Is designed to make ( ho event of ( ho campaign. The Auditorium has been Mocurecl , which will bo dccorntcd imd provided with sents to tin fullest ca pacity , anil It was arranged to hire a band and secure the services of a male quartette If possiblo. It was du- cldod to ask Congressman McCarthy ( o pieslde ever the mooting. The matter of reserving seats for people who coino from outside towns was discussed , but no definite con clusion was reached , There will no doubt he big delegations from towns surrounding Norfolk to hoar the fa mous speaker of the house of repre sentatives , and It Is the purpose of the committee to see that the visi tors are provided with good seats In the Auditorium. Some plan to take care of all who come will ho arranged and announced later. The seating ca pacity of the Auditorium Is only about 000 and It may ho necessary to have an overflow mooting should the crowd bo largo. Speaker Cannon Is one of the most widely known men ever to visit Nor folk and there unqucstloiinhly will bo n big crowd to hear him. Ho will bo accompanied by J. 10. Watson , con gressman from Indiana , who Is said to he a brilliant orator with great ca pacity to Interest an audience. Those speakers will he nt West Point during the afternoon of the 27th nnd will ar rive In Norfolk nt 7'ir In the evening. A committee will bo sent to West Point to escort them to the city. With the exception of President Roosevelt , who was bore In 18G ! ) , when ho was a candidate for vlco-prosldent , Win. J. Bryan , who was bore the same year when ho was campaigning for the presidency , Mark Hnnna of Ohio and Uoswoll G. Herr of New York , Speaker Cannon will be the greatest attraction from n political standpoint who has over boon In the city. "Uncle Joe" Cannon , speaker of the national house of representatives , now on one of the most remarkable speak ing tours of the campaign , will cross the Nebraska state line next Friday , the 23rd Instant , nnd will , on that evening , speak at Falls City. Richard son county , In the First congression al district. The coming of Mr. Cannon to Ne braska and his stay of live days In the state Is an evidence of the Im portance the national committees of the republican party attach to the re sult In the state. The speaker Is one of the most brilliant stars the repub licans have In their constellation of campaign orators and the demands for his presence In various localities have been fairly overwhelming. Traveling In a special car and accompanied by a personal staff , including Mr. L. White Busoby , his confidential secre tary , Speaker Cannon will swing through many states before the No vember ballots fall , Ills trip Is to be under the direction of the republican congressional committee and "Uncle Joe's" vigorous efforts will be devot ed almost entirely to the congression al campaign. A Gren < Drawing Card. Speaker Cannon is expected to prove one of the very greatest drawing cards of the campaign. He has for years been a picturesque figure In American politics , a type of the rugged statesman , free of opinion nnd breezy In the expression of It. The wide rep utation he had hitherto enjoyed .broughout the country was greatly en- lanced by his selection as presiding odicer of the national house and by the more recent nomination. Mr. Cannon's tour will extend over lullnnu , Illinois , Nebraska , Iowa , Maryland , Pennsylvania , New Jersey , Connecticut nnd Rhode Island , thence wok through Indiana to his home dis trict In Illinois. It can bo Imagined that with such a trip before him 'Undo .loo" will have little tlmo to lovoto to his personal Interests nt lome. During the past ton days , how ever , ho has been engaged In "clear- ng things up" around his own district i nil fools ho cnn safely trust things to go well there until ho gets back. Just nt the close of the campaign he will reach his homo town , Danville , ill. , nnd end the nnto-elpcllon func tions with a grand rally. Since Thursday Mr. Cannon has boon n Indiana , speaking In the doubtful districts. Today ho roaches Illinois , speaking this ovonlng In Falrllold , Wayne county. This Is In the Twenty , tonrth congressional district , oarrlcd iwo yours ago by Representative J. R. Williams , democrat , by a plurality of only 102 votes. The republicans see lioro a line opportunity to reverse the results of the lust election. So deep rooted Is this fooling , Mr. Cannon will spend two days In the district. Wednesday , the 21st , ho goes to the Twenty-nfth Illinois district , speaking al Sparta , Itimdolph county. The Twenty-llfth district Is represented by Congressman ( Imirgo W. Hiultli , who has been a continuous nioiuhcr of the. house slnco the flfly-llrst congress. Two years line , however , Mr. Smith was closely pressed by his democratic opponent , his plurality hi'lnn cut down to a bare 2,000 votes. Thursday , Hut 22d Instant , will find Speaker Cannon and his party at Uollovlllo. III. , St. ( Mali- county. In the Twenty-second COIIKI'I < S- slonal district , represented by Con gressman William A. Itodnnburgi tbo well known republican leader of ICant St. Louis. Llko bis colleague , Mr. Htultli , In the last congressional elec tion Mr. llodenburg was successful by barely 2.000 plurality. Leaving Illinois Hut night of Thurs day , the -L'd , Hut speaker's party will penetrate Into Nebraska the following day as already stated. After Nebnisldi , Hut next state tube vlsltvd by Hut speaker will bo Iowa , where especial attention will be paid to Hut Mt'cond congressional district , now represented by Coiigrssniim Mar tin J. Wade , a democrat. The repub licans bcllevo they have an excellent chance to win ( ho district from Mi. Wndi' . Ills plurality two years ago was only l.lfi ! ) votes. One of Hut big meetings will bo at Burlington , From Iowa , the speaker goes to Min nesota , thence ( o Wisconsin , Ohio , West Virginia and so on through his east ern Itinerary. Ills lour will bo watched with the greatest Interest by the party lenders. "Undo Joe" bus been called upon to go Into the doubtful districts. The democrats realize this and they havii made their plans so as to try to offset the Inlluonco of the tine old Il linois statesman on the voters of the various states traversed by him. l'ro | > imiil CoiiNlllillluillll Ainriiiliiiriil , The following proposed amendment to , and convention for thu revision of , the Constitution of the State of No- braskn , as hereinafter sot forth In full , Is submitted to the ulcc.tors of the State of Nebraska , to bo voted upon at the general election to ho bold Tuesday , November K , A. D. 1904 : ( Sonnto File No. IH. ) A Bill for a Joint Resolution rec ommending to the electors of the state to vote nt the next election of members of the legislature for or against a convention to revise , amend nnd change the Constitution of the State of Nebraska In accordance with Section 2 , Article l.r > , of the Constitu tion of the State of Nebraska. Be It resolved by the leglsulaturo of the State of Nebraska : 1. That It Is doomed necessary to call a convention to revise , amend nnd chnnga the Constitution of the State of Nebraska. 2. That the electors nro recom mended to vote at the next election of members of the legislature for or against a convention to revise , amend nnd change the Constitution of the State of Nebraska. 3. That nt such next election of members of the legislature on the ballot of each elector voting at such election , shall be printed or written In such manner that the olctor can Indicate his preference under the law the words : "FOR calling a convention to revise , amend and change the Con stitution of the State of Nebraska , " and "AGAINST calling a convention to revise , amend nnd change the Con stitution of the Stale of Nebraska ; " and If a majority voting , at said elec tion shall vole for a convention , the legislature shall , at Its next session , provide by law for nailing the same. I , Goo. W. Marsh , secretary of state of the State of Nebraska , do hereby certify that the foregoing proposed amendment to the Constitution of the State of Nebraska , and providing for a convention for the revision of on Id Constitution of the Stale of Nebraska , Is a true and correct ropy of the origi nal enrolled hill passed by the Twen ty-eighth session of the legislature of the Stale of Nebraska , as It ap pears from said original bill , on file In my otllco , and that said proposed amendment and revision of the Con stitution of the State of Nebraska Is submitted to the qualified voters of the Stale of Nebraska , for their adop tion or rejection , at the general elec tion to bo held on Tuesday , the Stb day of November , A. D. 1904. In testimony whereof , I hereunto set my hand and nlllx the Great Seal of the State of Nebraska , Done at Lincoln this nth day of July , In the year of our Lord Ono Thousand Nine Hundred and Four , of the Independence of the United States the Ono Hundred and Twenty-Ninth and of this stale the Thirty-eighth. ( Great Seal ) Geo. W. Marsh , Secretary of State. TWO M\V III.OCKS rent iMr.itci : . Iniprowmriilx In I lie HiiHlticHx I'orlloti of Tim n lit mi Karl ) ' Itiilc , PIEUCU , Nob. , Sent. 17. Special to The News : Contracls have reecnlly been made whereby Iwo more brick blocks will be ooiiBlrnclod In this city In the near future. Henry Bockclman will make an addition to his already spacious harness shop building which will bo oxlondod clear to the alloy , and ho will Install a number of the most modern machines for Die manufacture of harness and saddlery. John Turok Is the other who will construct u now brick which will bo fifty foot long and have n thirteen-foot colling. Work on these buildings will bo commenced In the Immediate future. MAX \ \ \vrun TO T\HI : r\nn OK Tilt' i''iniit : : . in II.IHM ; . TIM : I'tvMI.I , in : yno.on \ MONTH Thr Mnn In ( < i CiiMliiillnii , Klrriiiini , l.nliiirrr mill Ml llmiml .liiiillur fur Hir llrnl lliillilhiK I" Norfolk Ai.ll- | cntloii MUNI InKllril NIHIII. Uncle Sam Is Jiml at present looking for the man who Is capable imd will ing to InUo cliarni' of his now United Stales court IIOIINO building In Nor folk as custodian , Ili'oninii , Inborot and all around Janitor , and hit will certainly hit successful In finding him , as the position carries with It n sulnry of JiilMi a year or JMi per month , and with n paymaster as reliable as Ihu government It Is a situation that will attract a number of applicants , with out a doubt. 11 Is not an iiiidi'slrnble job for ( lie icason that It Is the host building In Norfolk nnd tlio man who gels Hut Job will Illicit prldit In keeping Its miirblu floors and surfaces neat and clean and Us other adornments bright and shining. . 'I'lic man who gets II noml not ox- peel Hint bo Is drawing one of those proverbial government snaps , ospoclnl- ly In tbo winter season , but II will ho a Job that lliu person of ordinary ne- tlvlty can handle and linvn tlmo to sll around imd look wine , or show his friends around the building or make tips from Hut pal runs of Hio place for little oxlra services. The government announces It ns an examination , but further along says ( hero Is no examination connected with the application. The examina tion Is to bo held October d , at which YOU MUST NOT FORGET Thai , we are cxwstanUy growing in tlio art of making Kino Photos , and our products will al ways bo found lo einbraco the and Newest Styles in Curds and Finish We also carry a line line of Moldings suitable for all kinds of framing. framing.I. I. IMC- The Practice of Medicine Becoming Specialized The Physicians of the Large Cities the First to Adopt it and There are Now Many Throughout the Country. Specialism Is tlio Idea of the day. Not that every physician cnn bo a specialist , nor would It bo Justifiable In every doctor becoming one , but there are advantages that can ho de rived only by a special practice which Is applicable to certain communities even though the physician himself Is not a bomi flilo resident of that lin- medlto vicinity. Small towns and the country are the principal communities In which a specialist could scarcely prosper , hut as practiced by some specialists , that of going from one city to another , making his visits and seeing his patients at regular ap pointed Intervals , one can dorlvo ad vantages far superior to those re ceived In many Instances by a visit to the cities. Wo cite , for Instance , that of Dr. Caldwell , a specialist of Chicago , who Is and has been making regular visIts - Its to our community for the last two years. Dr. Caldwell came well rec ommended and has succeeded In es tablishing a practice far beyond her expectations. She has made many cures and has succeeded In building up a reputation and practice among those whom she has cured that would bo hard to get away from her. Dr. Caldwell Is a lady from the new school. Her experience and training have been gained by many years of practice and the treatment of a vast number of cases. She confines herself - self to the treatment of chronic , lin gering and deep seated ailments. She pretends to euro only such diseases as she has had sufllclcnt experience In handling , and does not go Into that class of Incurable diseases which In many cases are useless to bother with As a result of long experience , Dr. Caldwell is thoroughly familiar with her specialties. In the treatment of cancer , consumption , heart dlscaso , nervousness and female diseases , there are very few specialists bettor qualified than Dr. Caldwoll. Sorao of her cures seem almost like miracles , People from far and near consult her as she makes these regular vlslta and Bho is always busy from the time she arrives until the tlmo of lior depar ture. It Is claimed by Dr. Caldwell's friends that she can diagnose a dls case without a question. This being lime till- plnpi'liTllllrillil ' IIIHHl III ) Oil Mli < with tin' piopor iiiilhorlllon. Ago , | ih"Iriil I'onitllliin nnd piisl uxporl * ( lire' will I'lilnr Into Ihitt'Ht. . Nona Hint mo youugor Hum 21 or older than nn iii't'il apply , oxciipi hiiiuinihly dis charged United Status soldiers and HiilloiH of Ihn wiif of I IIP rebellion. PITMHNH with physical disability ara dlNitualllli'il. Thii examination In upon In nil clll/.ons of tint Unltod .Million who rim rumply with tint reiiulro- IIIIMllH , hill prOfl-rCIICO Will III ) KlVI'll tO residents of HIM rnunly , Inrltiitlng the rlly , In whlrh HIM vacancy exists , In tint examination a weight of 20 In given on IIKO , 'JO on physical condi tion mill till on n\porlolico , mill thr ox- pMrli'iii'M weight IH divided Into TO for experience IIH llrt'mim , anil ,10 to ox * perloiicn IIH lalmicr. AppllriiiitH should npply at onnn to HIM Mi > rrnliiry of HIM board of ox- nniluors M ( Hut ponlolllco at St. Paul. Minn , , for application form 10f > 2 , anil Hhoiilil In1 Illcil with siioli secretary bnforo Oi'tohi'r ! i If It IN to bo glvou fu rlh itr e < inside ml I on. I'nStniUHter llll.VH expresses llllllHljlf willing to glvo prospective applicants Hiich Infiiniuitliin regarding HID ptml- Hiin mill lliu I'xiiinlnatlon IIH ho may IIIIVM on liimil If Hiich prospective tiji- pllcimtH will apply to him. 01,11 IIKMIIHI.VI' OK OAKDAMC. Mm. N. C. I'lilrclillil Drinl Afrr an III- nr iN of 'I'lirtr lluyii. OAKDALE , Ntib. , .Sept. 19. Special to Tint NIIWH : Mrs. Falrchlld , wlfo of H. C. Fnlri'hlld who llvi.'H onn-half inilo MiiHt of town , died Saturday night iiboiit 0 o'clock , having linun Hick about three days. Mr. and Mrs. Falrchlld havn llvoil hero about twenty-live yours Thu funeral will bo hold thin aflor- iiiiiiii at 2 o'clock. the case , she Is not likely to doctor her patient for the wrong ailment , which Is many times done by physi cians of Inexperience. Dr. Caldwell does not treat typhoid fever , whoopIng - Ing cough , measles , and those acute diseases which the local homo physi cian Is called upon to treat. It Is nether her desire to antagonize nor to take from the homo physician that part of : the business which really belongs to him. Many times Dr. Caldwell Is In consultation with the homo physician and the kindest of feelings should exist between them. Dr. Caldwell Is charitable. In many Instances where people are devoid of funds to pay for their services ab charges In such cases for the medi cine only and no person , no matter how humble , has she ever turned away without seeking to give them relief. Hy permission wo are pleased to publish a few of the cures she baa made throughout the state of Nebras ka : Mrs. Oscar Lange , Tekamah , Neb. , cured of stomach trouble and female trouble of long standing. Mrs. Maloney , West Humphrey , Nob. , cured of nervous trouble , kldp ney and liver trouble , and female weakness. Mrs. John Connelly , Akron , Neb. , cured of cancer , had been healed by a number of doctors , without any benefit , cured with five Injections. Mr. Pete Hlble , Columbus , Nob. , cured of kidney and bowel trouble. Mrs. John Swain , Clarks , Neb. , cured of female trouble , catarrh and nervous trouble. Mrs. Henry Hart , Kearney , Neb. , cured of tumor. Mrs. Henry Caskoll , Cozad , Nob. , cured of nervous and stomach trou ble. ble.Mrs. Mrs. II. Sloan , Akron , Nob. , cured of consumption. Mrs. Jacob Puff , Cozad , Neb. , cured of nervous disease , female weakness nnd tumor. Miss Eva Cole , Sutherland , Nob. , cured of catarrh. Richard Underwood , Bancroft , Neb. , cured of stomach trouble and norvoua troullo of long standing.- I will be In Pcndor at the Palac hotel , on Tuesday , May IT.