The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, September 23, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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W. N. HUSH , I'uMUlirr ,
IKntabllshod 18S7.J
very day except Hiindny. / oar.
rtr i or week. 15 cent * . Hy Norfoiu
oitomeo delivery , per year , $6.00. By
Safttl on rural roiitnn nnd outside of
Norfolk , per yonr , 18.00.
rh Now * . Established. 1881.
Tlio Jotirnnl , Kutabllihcd , ! "
ery Friday. y mall P ° r y ° nr > * 1 > B0'
Entered nt the pontofflco nt Norfolk ,
Mb. , as iiccond class innttor.
Telephones ! Editorial
Ho. IS. Hutlneni Onico nnd Job Rooms ,
Ho. SJ2. _
For Vice President . .
For Senator From Nebraska
B. J. HUHKKTT. Lincoln ,
for Presidential Electors
F. A. 11AHTON , Pawnee.
A. C. SMITH , Douglas.
A. C. AHHOTT , Dodge.
T. L. NORVAL , Seward.
W. P. HAM * Phelps.
M. A. BROWN. Buffalo.
II. II. WILSON. Lancaster.
J. C. UOniNSON , Douula * .
For Governor
J. II. MICKHY , Osceola.
For Lieutenant Governor
B. O. M'QILTON. Omaha.
-For Secretary of State
A , QALUSHA , lied Cloud.
For Auditor
B. M. BKAIILB , Jr. , Ogallal * .
For Treasurer
For Superintendent
J. I * M'niUEN , Geneva.
For Attorney General
MOUH18 BROWN. Kearney.
jBTor Lund Commissioner
ILU. . BATON , Fremont
Co Br ton l.
For ConRrenman Third District
J. J. M'CAUTHT. I'onoa.
Seven weeks from today la when th
battle of the ballots will bo at Us
IvW. People nro not dovothiR no much
time to politics but that they nro find
ing some tlmo to stand up for No-
Let there bo pence , naya Mr. Bryan ;
then ho proceeds to roll up hl sleeve
and declares war against President
Roosevelt and anythltiK ropubllcun.
The World-Herald him tlmo In the
beat of a national cainpulKn to Blv
onio apace to a IMBO ball odltorliil. It's
an exciting light.
A good ninny democrats wish that It
might bo n eimy to change candi
dates and platforms as U Is to change
the chnlrmnn of the imtlonal commlt-
, tee.
* The democrats nro not only hnrd up
to nnd ISSUCH of their own but are findIng -
Ing It difficult to pick out flaws In the
republican administration that will
etlck with the people.
" * Whcn Jack Frost does visit Nebraska
be will llnd nil but the very-late corn
o hard and well matured that ho can
not pinch the life and quality out of
It. The crop Is made.
iTho growing season In Nebraska has
been wet , but Just to vary the monotony
ony It seems Inclined to close with a
dryncss that Is not unnpproclatned It
is what Is required to rlpon the crops
properly. *
There used to bo n tight during the
campaign now and then four and eight
years ago. but the political arguments
have not oven reached a stage for a
respectable sUcil .quarrel this cam
The price of hogs Is now taking n
turn nt following wheat up toward u
dizzy height , nnd It Is promised that
there will bo something doing that
will make the feeders of stock ns well
as the growers of wheat happy.
As usual St. Petersburg Is reportIng -
Ing the Japanese being driven back In
the preliminaries to the Mukden en
gagement. The story will probably
rend all the other way when the en
gagement Is actually on.
The last of the preliminaries to the
campaign will have been cared for
when the fuslonlsts place In nomina
tion their candidate for state senator ,
and soon the ballots will bo printed
and the tight In Its greatest Intensity.
If the Jap dog of war manages to
fasten its fangs In Kuroputkln's flanks
again It Is to bo expected that the
Russian commander will bo brought
to the earth.
Improvements In town and country
continue to bo made in north Nebraska
and the rate of development Is likely
to continue as long as there nro good
crops and fair prices.
Now that the Now York republicans
have succeeded In placing a state tick
et in nomination , it Is expected by
their western brethren that they will
roll up their sleeves and wade In to
make a. winning for it as well as for
the republican electors.
Judge Parker's letter of acceptance
Is awaited with some Impatience by
the democrats who hope that ho may
succeed in arguing a reasonable case
for their party. It may bo depended
upon that It will bo as smooth as an
experienced jurist can construct.
There Is no need for the people of
the world to starve to death ns long
as the Nebraska potato crop holds out.
The ascendancy In the price of wheat
may causa them to boost a little , but
U is probable that they will continue
within reach of the common people ,
and they are good nnd healthy food ,
While dm weather innii have boon
In convention at 1'corla , the weather
has boon doing things to Iowa and No-
hniHka , and It In to bo hoped that they
will not long ho off duty , If this In the
way things nro to bo oarrlnd on when
the man nro taking n vacation.
They hav the Hiutnliin gunn worn
out , the garrison depleted of nmmunl-
tlon and food , the furls pnncturud full
of hole * and the whole flltimtlnn mad
generally , yet the RunnlnnH continue
to hold on at 1'oit Arthur , and seem
likely to hold out for HOMO month * to
come ,
Mr. Porker thlnkH the Cleveland ad.
mlslHtratton with UH growing deficits
In the public tronmiry WIIH a model ,
and yet the leader * of his party attempt -
tempt to HHHiimo that thin In thn great
fault of the republican administration ,
To bo against dellclls and vote for Par-
kkr will not bo consistent action ,
Chicago phynlclnns and scientists
have reasoned that u largo number of
the deaths reported to have taken
place from alcoholism In that city , nro
canes of poison , through the use of
"knock-out" drops and other poisons ,
and nro urging that the mutter be In
The hunters who have been abiding
by the game laws will soon have a
chance to got after the birds In a legat
manner. The open season will bo on
with the drat of October. There ore
u number loft by the poachers , but
more would bo found If the IIIWH were
strlutly observed.
The democrats will moot In senatori
al convention nt Norfolk on September
28 to place a man In nomination whoso
endeavor will bo to defeat Dr. J. J.
Williams of Wayne. It Is n serious
undertaking , but the members of the
party are becoming uned to disappoint
The delegates to the Interparliamen
tary congress were Impressed with the
cornfle-ldH of Nebraska at * among the
most remarkable Mights they had wit
nessed In this country , and will un
doubtedly go about standing up for the
state In a manner that will he of some
bum-Mi In the way of Immigration ,
PreHldont Roosovclt'M run of crank
visitors for the HCIISOII seems to have
commenced with the visit of the man
who clalniH to have died nix years ago
and gene to heaven In an automobile.
Ho wlHhed to relate his experlencea In
a book and wanted tha president to
aland Kponsor for the work.
taken as u dangerous lunatic.
The leaders of the campaign are
finding that the minds of the voters
arc very generally made up and there
fore there Is the lack of Interest that
Is making tha campaign work quiet.
There have been no Important an
nouncement of changes to the demo-
crltlo ticket , therefore It Is to bo pre
sumed that the minds nro all made
up In one direction and that IB to vote
for the party that they know by ex
perience. IH right , nnd run no risk of
an experiment.
If that Portland Inventor has really
succeeded In perfecting n practical
telephone attachment whereby the face
of the person talking may bo soon and
It comes Into general use , it will not
bo so easy to "sass" central or some
centrals. It Is n hard proposition to
scold pretty girls , and sometimes It
cannot bo told from their me'ru voices
whether they nro pretty of feature or
A man In New York picked up a dollar
lar bill and Insldo of live minutes flf-
teen men laid claim to the property.
The Under did not care to divide It
up among the claimants nor got Into
legal complications , so ho throw It
among the hungry horde , and a neWsboy -
boy who had made no claims of losing
It captured the disputed property. In
New York Is where the chase after tha
almighty dollar has become u science.
The Japs want to hit the Russians
again at Mukden and If then they do
not succeed In getting the balance of
Kuropatkln's army , they will bo ready
and willing to listen to proposals of
peace by the Hague tribunal providing
they are given certain considerations
In the far east which they are auppos-
ed to have earned by their vigorous
achievements in the zone of battle.
Meanwhile they will make another try
or two ut laying Port Arthur low.
Mr. Ilryan's declaration that ho
loves peace nnd the doctrlno of peace
better than ho does either gold or sil
ver should forever sot aside the opin
ions that some democrats are enter
taining that ho will enter a fight after
election to regain control of the party
for free sllvoti A man who is ns
firmly wedded to peace as Mr. liryan
has declared himself to bo will cer
tainly not of his own volition Inaugu
rate n war In his party that can only
lead to strife and discord.
Judge Parker thinks the Cleveland
administration was nn admirable mod
el. If ho had boon the candidate and
said this eight years ago , ho could have
crowded the men who would have voted
ed for him Into his homo In Esopus.
In eight years there may have boon
enough with lapsing memories to
change this result and add material ! }
to his strength , but It is Impossible to
believe that the majority of the pee
ple of the country will by their votes
Indicate that they agree with him.
It nerd not bo expected that the rig *
groBHlvo Japs Miirroundlng Port Arthur
have laid there nil thin time that the
siege IIIIH ( icon on without attempting
to accomplish nomothlng to the sur
prise and Inconvenience of the de
fenders , and It would not bo aRtonlnh-
Ing to learn that thay will uornu of
thuita line days appear In the center of
the city In force , having arrived there
through n tunnel or Home other man
ner of which the RusslniiB had not
boon Informed. They nro quite capa
ble of landing on the enemy from nn
unexpected quarter ,
Mr. Ilrynn Is to follow "Uncle Joe"
Cannon In Norfolk and attempt to
bring his old-time followers In line
after they have boon scattered by the
speaker' ) * hot shots. Many will attend
just to hear what the famous Nebras
ka n can say for his ticket after alleg
ing that tha nomliiatloiiH wore secured
by "crooked and Indefensible methods. "
If ho IH fair to his hearers ho will
employ n considerable portion of his
time In allowing an excuse or a rea-
Hon why hu should tnvallow bin honest
opinions and ask his friends to sup
port the nominees of his party on the
platform that crnvcnly avoids tha
money question.
When speaking of republican party
Achievements In Its fifty years of ex
perience some members of the party
nro Inclined to take all credit to them
selves , but on nil Important questions
there has been democratic assistance
and a beauty of the republican work
la that after n democrat baa acknowl
edged his alleglonco to the republican
party ho seldom gravitates back to the
party from which ho sprung. Secre
tary of State John Hay spoke Intelli
gently on this subject at Jackson ,
Mich. , on July 6 , when reviewing the
half century of achievements of the
republicans. Ho snld :
"Our opponents sometimes Hay we
have no right to claim the credit of
tha great deeds of the last half cen
tury that wo could not have nccom-
pllahcd them without the aid of demo
crats. Nothing truer WIIH over snld ;
and It IH one of the chief glories of
our annuls , and it forms the surest
foundation of our hopes for the fu
ture. The principles upon which our
party IH built nro so sound , they have
HO Irresistible an attraction to patriotic
and fnlr-mliidod men , that whenever
a tlmo of orlHlH comes , when the na
tional welfare IH clearly at stake ,
when voles must decide whether they
shall follow their prejudices or their
consciences , wo draw from other parties
their best men by thousands. lirlght
among the brightest of those who
founded our party shine the names of
democrats ; and when tha war cnmo
on , the picked men of that party ral
lied to the colors. Douglas , shortly
before he died , declared his unfalter
ing eupport of Lincoln. The sun would
go down before I could name tha.
democrats who fought like heroes for
the country. Grant , Sherman , Sheri
dan. Dlx , Slckels , Logan In short , an
Innumerable best , democrats all , rush
ed Into the Hold and thereafter fought
and worked with the republicans while
life lasted. And that vast majority of
Lincoln's In 1SG4 would have been Im
possible had not myriads of Democrats ,
canting their Ufa-long associates to
tha wind , listened to tha Inward monj-
tor which said , "Choose yoi ) this day
whom yo will servo. " As It was then ,
HO It has been In after years. When
the attempt was made to repudiate , In
whole or In part , the national debt ;
or to abolish the .system of protection
to American Industries , founded by
Washington and Hamilton , nnd ap
proved by the experience of u hundred
years ; or to degrade our currency nt
ho demand of mere Ignorance nnd
greed In nil those cases wo saw the
iroof of the homely adage that you
nay lead u horsu to the water , but
nay not make him drink. In spite of
organizations and platforms , In spite
of the frantic adjurations of gifted
> raters , hosts of patriotic democrats
walked quietly to the polls and voted
IH their consciences dictated , In the
Interest of the public welfare rather
than of n party. Even In so lofty nnd
restricted an arena as our senate , w
liavo seen the ablest and most adroit
organizers of bis party fall In th
most energetic effort of his Ufa to In
duce his party to reject a great na
tional benefit because It was offered
by republican hands. Half the demo
cratic senators said this was no ques
tion for pettifogging politics , and
voted for nn American canal across th
" \Ve arc not claiming that we mo
nopolize the virtue or the patriotism
of the country. There uro good men
In all parties. I know far better men
than I nm who are democrats. Hut we
are surely allowed , In a lovo-feast like
this , to talk of what has been dene by
the family and nt least to bring a llt-
tlo of tha democrats who have helped
us. Wo get their votes for one reason
only because wo started right nnd in
the main have kept right. We Invite
accessions from the ranks of our pat
riotic opponents , nnd wo shall get them
In the future , ns wo have in the past ,
whenever wo deserve them. Wo shall
got them this year because this year
wo do deserve them. Wo come before
the country In n position which connot
bo successfully attacked In front , or
Hank , or rear. What we have done ,
what wo are doing , and what wo In
tend to do on nil three we confidently
challenge the verdict of the American
people , "
It would Bcotn that n man cannot ao
far lose hln mind that ho Is not at
tracted toward President Itoosevolt.
Nebraska IH going to stand up for
IlooBovolt and republicanism by giving
the president a roualng majority and
it will not qualify Hu vote by returning
uiy but republicans to congress ,
The democrats have not yet succeed-
id In choking off nny portion of that
tosplseil nnd maligned prosperity of
the country that has been so fatal to
their hopes of election and a soft scat
In n fat olllce.
These who have been over the
Third congroBslonnl district consldor-
ibly nro of the Htrong belief that Con
gressman McCarthy's majority will
ihow a considerable Increase over the
vote ho received two years ago. Ho
Is winning now friends each day , nnd
particularly Is his strength increasing
where ho speaks.
The opposition to the republican par
ty In guessing some , that IB evident.
Thay have withdrawn ono chairman
and advanced another and hope to got
In n few of the doubtful states , but
ire not absolutely certain of the
talcs that have long boon conceded
an thclr'B. Four nnd eight years ago ,
under Mr. Bryan , the republicans were
doing most of the guessing where now
they seem to bo about certain of the
genural result If not the results In all
The opponents of the republican par
ty have succeeded for quite a while In
evading the hurling of personalities at
the republican candidates , but the de
velopments of the past few weeks In
dicate that It la Intended to close the
campaign with a Htrong dose of this
aort of politics. They have not made
winnings of this kind of campaigning
In Uio past and It IH no more popular
with the voting public now than It
has ever been , but If they wish to try
It on they will have the full permis
sion of the republicans who ara accus
tomed to that sort of abuse nnd grow
fat In votes through nnd by it.
The democrats are not promising
that there will bo more Jobs or better
wages for the working men , they are
not promising higher prices for farm
produce , they have nothing In their
platform to guarantee that the coun
try and the people will bo any better
off , they do not guarantee that the
morality of Americans will ba batter.
In fact they are promising no advanta
ges whatever through the success of
their ticket. They nro contenting
themselves with finding fault with the
president and the republican party
without a promise of Improvement ,
while the voters arc Inclined to the
belief that they cannot Improve exist
ing conditions If they tried and are
averse to running any risk from a
The returns from Maine show a re
publican majority of 27,130 , something
more than a thousand less than the
majority of McKlnley over Bryan In
1900. The argument of the democrat
ic reorgnnlzers that the party would
be stronger In the east under the new
arrangement Is borne out In part , but
If there Is not a largo proportionate
showing throughout the east there Is
not a grand prospect that Parker will
sweep the east nnd win a great vic
tory for Parker. With Parker showIng -
Ing but a thousand gain over the
Bryan strength In Maine , and the
losses In the west to offset the result ,
there can not be n largo amount of
gratification for the roorganlzers In
the returns.
A Boston man has taken a census of
the American bison which was once
In full possession of the great Ameri
can prairies , nnd finds that there are
now but 1,233 In existence , the huntois
of various generations , , red nnd pali ,
having taken the balance. Of the
remnant of the great herd , the largest
number , 330 are now on the Flat Head
Indian reservation In Montana. There
was a time when millions of these
beasts roamed the prairies and thun
dered over the sod In herds of thous
ands , and the few that have escaped
were those that vacated the olc
haunts they frequented and made for
the wilds where hunters were un
The fifty years of the republican par
ty offem some Interesting comparisons
this campaign , nnd figures are speaking
emphatically for u continuance In pow
er of the party and the maintenance o
the policies under which the country
has developed HO greatly. One of th
strongest showings Is In the Increase
of the wealth of the country and the
wealth of per capita population It
that time. In I860 the national wealth
was $ I6OUO,000,000 , while now It Is
(100,000,000,000 , nn Increase of $84,000-
000,000 In forty-four years. The monej
circulation then was $15.85 per cnplti
and Is now $31.1C per capita. This is
a showing of growth In commercialism
and finance that challenges the adml
ration of the world , and keeping pace
with this growth Is a corresponding
advance In Intelligence and rellgloi
and morality , although those phases
of growth are not as readily reducable
to figures.
In the handling of type nnd matte
In n printing ofllco the system o
measurement Is most complex to th
uninformed , nnd years of oxporlcnc
are necessary to develop an oxper
who Is capable of grasping nny and nl
of them at a moment's notice. Th
job and ad man depends almost en
tlrely on points and Impressions a
their standards of measurements , the
ad writer deals almost exclusively In
itches and columns width ; the report
er deals In words and the editor In
lines and columns nnd words ; the ma
chine man goes by MUCH and slugs nnd
thousands of cms. Formerly sticks or
pahs , and nonunrcllH , breviers and pi
cas were much In use In several de
partments , but tha Inauguration of the
point Hj-Htom and the machine have re
tired those In great part. A Jeweler
WIIH Hiuart enough to perfect a prac
tical machine for the setting of mat
ter ; perhaps norno other foreign tradu
might furnish a system of measure
ments that would bo practical In all
There wore n largo number of re
publicans In the state who were dls-
latlsflod with Governor Mickey pre
vious to the holding of the convention ,
but since It has been hold they
fall to sea nny good reason why they
should bolt the ticket. It was expect
ed that the democrats would place In
nomination a man more to the popu
lar liking , but when It comes to n
choice between Mr. Bergo nnd Mr.
Mickey the avorngo republican will
take bin ticket straight , without hesi
tation. The fuslonlstfl had a splendid
chance In tha estimation of a largo
number of republicans to make a win
ning In the gubernatorial fight , but
they failed to recognlzo what the popu
lar will was In the matter and It Is
believed that Mickey will not run far
behind his ticket when the returns are
all In. Holcomb , Sullivan , Thompson ,
Alton , or oven Poynter , would have
given Mickey a hard race , but Bergo
will not bo nblo to cut alarming holes
In the republican vote.
It Is hard luck to have the republi
cans of Nebraska accused of'extra va-
gnnco because they ara burdened with
the debt that the fuslonlsts have left
as their Inheritance nnd because they
have determined to rebuild the Institu
tions that wore destroyed by fire. The
republicans may bo depended upon to
got the state from under this burden
Just ns quickly an any fusion adminis
tration that may bo elected , and the
now revenue law Is a step In the right
direction. It Is to bo expected that this
ebt will now rapidly melt away , nnd
ho fuslonlsts nro keen to get Into
Illco long enough to take the honors
hat are to accrue to the ndmlnlstra-
lon under which this reduction will
nke place. There Is no evidence yet
bat they will bo successful , but they
vlll cut Into the state and legislative
Ickuts If permitted to do so by those
vho have been thrown off their guard
jy their places of reform that they o
ameutably failed to carry out when ,
hey \\ero given the opportunity that
hey now seek. The republicans In
he state an well as the nation are ca
pable of doing quite as good work as
he men of nny other party and a mls-
ake Is usually made when the voters
come to a different conclusion.
In his speech of acceptance Judge
Parker exclaims with commendable
irlde , patriotism nnd enthusiasm ,
'Our's IB a world power ! " then he pro
ceeds to outline the scheme of his par
ty for clipping the wings of the eagl *
and preventing It from soaring ahead
of any other world power In the spread
of civilization and Christianity. The
men who controlled under tf\c Cleve-
and administration are again seeking
power , and It will bo remembered that
they went on record then for hauling
down the American Hag In Hawaii.
Since then the country has Increased
enormously as a world power , and If
the same program Is Inaugurated It
may bo expected that the flag will not
only como down In Hawaii , but In Porto
to Rico , the Philippines and other
places where this government has es
tablished a foothold. Two many Amer
icans are llko Judge Parker when he
speaks In patriotic pride of "our world
power" to permit him to follow his
plan of paring off the edges of the de
veloplng power that shall be of advantage -
vantage to all the world.
Hovf' ThU.
Wo offer one hundred dollars re
ward for any case of catarrh that con
not bo cured by Hall's Catarrh cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO. . Toledo , O.
Wo , the undersigned , have known
F. J. Chancy for the last 15 years ,
and believe him perfectly honorable
In all business transactions and fi
nancially able to carry out any obli
gation made by his firm.
Wholesale druggists , Toledo , O.
Hall's catarrh cure Is taken Inter
nally , acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Testimonials sent free. Prlco 76
cents per bottle. Sold by all drug
Take Hall's family pills for consti
A woman's never too old to bo
handsome , never too old to be young
again , if she takes HolllsterUi Rocky
Mountain Tea. Brings bright eyes ,
rosy cheeks , good health. 35 cents ,
Tea or Tablets. The Klesau Drug
The Stomnch U the Sinn.
A weak stomach Weakens the man ,
because It cannot transform the food
ho eats into nourishment. Health and
strength cannot bo restored to any
sick man or weak woman without
first restoring health and strength to
the stomach. A weak stomach can
not digest enough food to feed the
tissues and revive the tired and run
down limbs- and organs of the body.
Kodol Dyspepsia cure digests what
you eat , cleanses and strengthens the
glands nnd membranes of the stomach
ach , and cures Indigestion , dyspepsia
and all stomach troubles. Sold by
Asa K. Leonard.
Ilrpubllcnn Cnndldnle for Congrrni.
Hon. J. J. McCarthy was born nt
Stoughton , Wisconsin , July 19 , 1857.
Was educated In the common achoolff
of that state and nt Albion academy.
Came to Nebraska in 1879 , and in the
autumn of 1882 removed to Dlxon coun
ty , where ha has since resided. Was
admitted to the bar in 1884 and has
practiced law over since. Was elected
county attorney of Dlxon county In
1890 , 1892 , 1894. Was elected represen
tative to the legislature In 1898 and
1900 , Was elected to the 58th con
gress In 1902 , nnd was unanimously re-
nominated by the republican congres
sional convention of the Third district.
May 17 , 1904 , . During his service 05
congressman , he has occupied a posi
tion on some of the most Important
committees of the house , nnd has faith
fully and efficiently worked for the
Interests of his constituents , both there
on the floor of the house and In the it-
departments. At the tlmo of his first
nomination there were less than 40
rural routes In this district , and by hla
efforts there arc now 165 routes in ope
ration. Ho has shown great interest
nnd etllclent aid to the old soldiers in
securing pensions ns a recognition of
their Invaluable services to their coun
try. In his work In the committees
ho has promoted legislation of great
benefit to the people of his district and1
state. He has squarely mot every issue
nnd has been present at every roll
call during the session. His record Is
submitted to the voters of the great
Third district , trusting that It will
bo vindicated by a triumphant re-elec-
tlon on November 8th.
A Power for Good.
The pills that are potent In tholr
action and pleasant In effect are De-
Wltfa Little Early Risers. W. S.
Phllpot of Albany , Ga. , says : "Dur
ing a bilious attack I took ono.
Small as It was It did me more good
than calomel , blue mass or any other
pill I ever took and at the same time
the affect was pleasant. Little Ear-
lr Risers are certainly an ideal pill. "
Sold by Asa K. Leonard.
P. D. Armstrong , La Crosse Had
stomach troubles , indigestion , and kid
ney diseases. . Holllstor's Rocky Moun
tain Tea completely cured me. Gained
sixty pounds. 35 cents , Tea or Tab
lets. The Klesau Drug company.
What' * In a JVnmeT
Everything is in the name when It
comes to Witch Hazel salve. E. C.
DeWltt & Co. , of Chicago , discovered
some years ago how to make a salve
from witch hazel that Is a specific for
piles. For blind , bleeding , Itching
and protruding piles , eczema , cuts ,
burns , bruises and all skin diseases ,
DoWltt's salve has no equal. This
has given rise to numerous worthless
counterfeits. Ask for DeWltt's the
genuine. Sold by Asa K. Loonard.
Nature's greatest gift to the human
family Is Holllster's Rocky Mountain
Tea. With It your family Is fully pro
tected. Best baby medicine In the
world. 35 cents. Tea or Tablets. The
Klesau Drug Company.
World' * Fnlr.
The Union Pacific in connection with
the Wabash line now runs through
electric lighted sleepers to St. Louis
and return. Passengers are landed at
main entrance of exposition at a con
venient hour In the morning , thua sav
ing time and expense on arrival at St.
Louis , and avoiding the great crowds
at the big union station. Many houra
quicker than any other route. No
change of cars. Illustrated guide to
the fair free on application to J. B.
Elseffer , agent.
From 148 to 02 Pound * .
One of the most remarkable cases
of a cold , deep-seated on the lungs ,
causing pneumonia , Is that of Mrs.
Gertrude E. Fenner , Marlon , Ind. , who
was entirely cured by the use of One
Minute Cough cure. She says : "The
coughing and straining so weakened
me that I ran down In weight from
148 to 92 pounds. I tried a number
of remedies to no avail until I used
One Minute Cough cure. Four bottles
tles of this wonderful remedy cured
me entirely of the cough , strength
ened my lungs nnd restored me to " /
my normal weight. health and \
strength. " Sold by Asa K. Leonard.
For Sale By
Q1 \ 1 I I 1 1 QROCER *
\ I
Wiggle-Stick around in the water.