The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, September 23, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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    TFIR NORFOLK NEWS : Fill DAY , 8KPTKMIIIOK 2 , 100-1 ,
\vi.\s TIII : IIAI.I. OAMI :
Score WIIH 8 ( n U , With Tllilrn Tcnm
nt the Short Knil Ilnrnr ItnvliiR A < -
trnclnl Mnny The lliillo'on Aticcn-
nlon Wnn Not n Succrim.
The third day of the Madison coun
ty fair drew n great crowd. The grand
tund was completely tilled , and choice
locations In the quarter stretch and
positions of vantage outside were In
demand. The various events were
watched with Interest and the crowd
was busy nil the time taking In the
eights of the fair and patronizing the
The ball game was won by Hum
phrey against Tlldon by a score of 8
to 3. The score by Innings :
Humphrey . 1 0 0 3 1 3 0 8
Tlldon . 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 03
Hattcrles : Humphrey , Nunolly and
Skoen ; Tlldon , Provo mid Ulry. Um
pire , Fullmer.
The rnccs were of more Interest than
the second day , three of them bolng
pulled off.
The first was In the 2:25 : class , ro-
miltlng as follows :
Mlnnlo Wllkcs ( Hilly Woods ) . . . . ! 1 1
Frank ( Jim Howe ) . 2 2 2
lUishvIllo Jr. ( P. D. Smith ) . 3 3 3
Time 2:2814 : ; 2:27 : ; 2:28. :
The second race was in the 2:40 : class
nnd was won by Astramont.
Astrnmont ( Fanslor & Co. ) . 1 1 1
I.lttle Mack ( H. E. Kolso ) . 3 2 2
Blllio Onward ( J. W. Davis ) . 2 3 3
Time 2:39 : ; 2:381-3 : ; 2:42. :
The pony running race was won by
Baby Mine , W. Stlrk owner :
Baby Mine ( W. Stlrk ) . 1 1
ned Owl ( C. Romlnc ) . 2 2
Dolly B ( T. D. Prooco ) . 3 3
Time 54 % ; 54.
The balloon ascension was not a
success , for some reason the Inflated
bag failed to rise to any considerable
height and the gas escaped so that
there was no great Interest attached
to the feat of the aeronaut.
E. C. Kennedy , the driver of Rush-
vlllo , Jr. , the St. Edwards horse , was
taken sick after the completion of the
race and was given medical attention.
The attack was of a temporary nature
nnd the physicians brought him
through with little dllUculty.
IMlHH Cntlln TakfN aVliif ltto Iliiiul.
Miss Mabel Catlln , who Is successful
ly conducting the ladles band of Nor
folk , has In addition recently taken
Tip the work In Wlnsldo , having or-
panlzcd n juvenile band among the
boys of that town. Miss Catlln Is
highly recommended for work In that
line and music lovers In Norfolk are
pleased to testify to her ability. The
following from the Wesleyan universi
ty at Lincoln , however , comes from
more authorntive source :
whom it may concern : This Is to cer
tify that Miss Mixbol Catlln was a stu
dent in clarinet , harmony and musical
theory , In all of which she made most
excellent progress. Miss Catlln was
the leading clarinet soloist In the Uni
versity Military band , and gnvo good
satisfaction as a player upon that In
strument. I am glad to recommend her
ns well qualified as a teacher of a
band , and clarinet soloist.
Director Conservatory of Music.
Nebraska Wesleyan University.
IMerce WcildliiR.
. PIERCE , Neb. , Sept. 17. Special to
The'Nows : An Important wedding took
place hero when Joseph Pfelfer of
Humphrey and Miss Martlschang of
near Plorco wore united In holy wed
lock , Rev. Father Petlach ofllclatlng.
Both of the contracting parties are
prominent people.
Iloth CnndldntoH tn Speak.
LINCOLN , Sept. 1G. Governor Mick
ey and Candidate Berge have both
been Invited to speak at an old set
tler's picnic at Bloomlleld , Knox conn
ty , September 27 , Governor Mickey to
occupy the forenoon and Mr. Berge the
tifternoon. The invitation to Mr.
Berge was received at the populist
headquarters , and in that It was stat
ed that Governor Mickey had also been
PoHtofllce HoblicrM Caught by Follow
ing Slight Clue.
LINCOLN , Neb. . Sept. 17. The loss
of a horseshoe nail and the consequent
loose shoo on the hind hoof of the
horse that drew them , resulted In the
detection and arrest of George DowcT
and Frank Todd hero for the
robbery of the postofflce at Swedeburg
and the Bank of Palmyra. A light rain
fell about midnight Friday. The de
tectives fo'und tracks of a peculiar
kind , Back of one hind shoe Impres
sions there was a scraped spot In the
soft mud.
"If we can find a livery horse that
has been out two days with a loose
! { ' ( shoe , we can get our men , " said the
I , ' sleuths. The stable was found. From
this clue the arrest of Todd and Dowd
was a matter of a few minutes. In the
apartments occupied by the men was
' found twelve sticks of dynamite slml-
> lar to the one found at the scene o
' the bank robbery In Palmyra.
Phil II. Kohl was down from Wayne
last night.
C. II. Brooks of Bassett was in town
this morning.
G. Holcomb came over from Madison
last evening.
A. L. Stewart of Monowl Is in the
city on buslress.
W. S. Prltchott of Genoa was a city
visitor last night.
AV. E. Moagloy of the Santee ngen
oy was in town yesterday.
M , II. Christiansen and wife of Royn
were city visitors yesterday.
Wm. Kost transacted business in
Pierce and Foster yesterday.
Mr , nnd Jlrs. John Holmes of Foste
are visiting In the city today.
J , K Johnson of Hloomllold was rog-
stored In Norfolk hint night.
W. D. ISvnnx of Carroll transacted
untnosa In Norfolk yesterday.
E. H. Tracy wont up the llouostool
Ino yesterday to Plorco and Foster on
out estate business.
John Wcodor of Humphrey transact-
d business in town yesterday.
J. H. Vullow of Fullerton transacted
iisliioss In the city yesterday.
Miss Minnie Marble of Tlldon Visit-
d In town yesterday afternoon.
John Rood wont to Lincoln this
lornlng to attend the university.
N. J. Hundlck of thn sugar factory ,
vent to Omaha nt noon yesterday.
R. F. Klttorman and R. Fostorntan
f Stanton were city guests over night.
Mrs. C. D. Him * has returned from
two-months' stay at Boulder , Colo-
S. M. Rosentlml , H. Krusno and Frank
Vlsomnn wont to Omulm yesterday lo
ttend Jewish services.
Frank Hough , u real vstuto man of
Vowmun Grove , arrived in the city
csterday and will remain a day or
Duard Stafford , manager of the Da-
onport shoo store at Stnnton , Is sick
t the homo of his parents on Norfolk
von uo.
C. U. McNoIll of Humphrey was In
own yostorday. Ho was on his way
o Plorco whore ho will make his fu-
ure home.
Attorneys M. D. Tyler nnd Hurt
Inpos won't to Center , Knox county ,
osterday to attend district court. At-
ornoy A. A. Welch of Wayne came
vor and nlso wont to Center.
Rev. Mr. Loldy of Plalnvlow was In
own yesterday on his way homo from
Vuyno , where ho had boon attending
ho conference. His now assignment
s Benson , a suburb of Omaha.
Harry Gerard of O'Neill Is In the
Ity today onrouto to Bollwood where
o has purchased a blacksmith and
vagon shop , which will be known as
ho Grant & Gerard shop.
Mrs. J. C. Stltt has gene to Omaha
or a visit with the family of her
it-other , E..E. Holt. Her llttlo nloco ,
Jessie Holt , who has boon nt the Stltt
lomo for the past seven weeks , ao-
ompanlod her.
J. F. Kyle of Randolph Is In the city
ooklng for a location. Mr. Kyle Is u
lotel man of experience and has an
enviable reputation In that business ,
and those who know of his ability are
loping that ho may locate In Norfolk.
A daughter was born this morning
o Mi' , nnd Mrs. F. F. Sillier.
Mr. nnd Mrs. August Buss , living on
South Tenth street , welcomed an 11-
> ound boy to their home this morn-
Mrs. M. J. Romlg loft this afternoon
'or Battle Crook for a few days' visit
vlth relatives and friends.
The West Side Whist club will hold
heir first mooting for the winter at
ho homo of Mr. and Mrs. E. 1' . Woath-
erby on Thursday evening , September
The regular meeting of the W. C. T.
J. will be hold at the Methodists
church at 3 o'clock tomorrow after
noon. Alll members are urged to bo
The ball game tomorrow afternoon Is
, o bo played between Norfolk' and
West Point instead of between Norfolk
nnd Tllden , as announced yesterday ,
A good game Is anticipated nnd there
should bo a largo attendance.
The Norfolk Millinery nnd Art com
pany took first premium In the needle
work department at the Madison coun
ty fair on a handsome Moiinterelllck
center piece made by Mrs. .Schwartz.
The display was large and varied In
tills department and the competition
The Woman's Relief corps and the
G. A. R. will have a picnic tomorrow
at W'lrnervlllo , upon the Invitation of
Mrs. Warner. Every member of both
organizations are Invited to attend
and carry baskets properly fortified
against vigorous appetites.
The chief of police says the city Is
very tame just at present. While he
Is not hankering particularly to tus-
sel with a drunk , tackle n crook or
follow bloodhounds all night , yet he
admits that the present condition Is
likely to make him lazy. Why , only
$2.00 In fines have been contributed to
the city treasury this month.
Vesterday was about the first time
this season that the dust has shown
any considerable activity , and it made
the merchants who have laid out
their new fall goods , and the milliners
displaying now goods in their line ,
wish that the season had closed with
out the exhibition of dust activity.
Nebraska corn is great ! Every Nebraskan -
braskan will concede the point and
oven some visitors admit It. Occa
sionally a visitor will become so enthused -
thusod over corn on the cob that ho
yearns to take some of It home with
him. It Is said that people living on
north Ninth street are so Impressed
with the beauties of cooked corn thai
they ship It cast In that condition to
relatives. There Is nothing like stand
ing up for Nebraska.
David B. Lewis' "Uncle Josh Spruce-
by" company played to a good house
at the Auditorium last night and the
audience was fairly well pleased with
the performance. Most of the special
ties are good nnd the orchestra and
band music are way above the average
Some of the parts are well carried
while others are commonplace. The
sawmill scone , as one person In the
audience expressed It , "Is to d c
realistic to bo funny. " The sight of a
young woman travollnir toward n
whirling saw that you know Is going
rapidly enough nnd Is solid enough to
cut her In two and when no ono comes
lo the rescue until her body Is within
two Inches of the blade , Is a strait
upon the nerves of the auiilonco if no
of the young lady. But of course she
was rescued Just In time to cave her
life , and lived happily over after.
Cured of I.nine llnolc After 15 Yearn
nf NullVrliig.
"I hod been troubled with lame bad
for fifteen years and I found a complete
ploto recovery In the use of Chamber
Iain's Pain Balm , " says John G. Blsh
or. Glllam , Ind. This llnlmont Is als
without an equal for sprains am
bruises. It Is for sale by Leonard th
ll'ltnr.HKIt ' * OK WATCHMAN \VI.HI4lt
uo ovmt TIM : IIOAII.
11111:11 : MKI'l.n.vmin mii.'rv
ml c ( Irlium of Sidney Cnllril n Spc-
elnl SrnHlou of Court I.nut M ht to
Allow the Mr n ( u Ploiiil nml Inline *
dlntrl.v Sentenced Them.
SIDNEV , Nob. . Kept. Hi..Iiidgo
irlmos sentenced Thomas W. Main-
yro , , lu m on Hulllvau and Henry Ne
llie to Imprisonment for life In the
tale penitentiary for Iho murder of
' . F. Wiser , the Union Pacltlo watch-
inn. The Judge called n spoolal ses-
Ion of court lust night , when the mon
leaded guilty and were sentenced Im-
liloilnii of < < iixullne Co i'r lltulj
With I'lmni-x.
BENSON. Nob. . Sept. It ! . Thirteen-
ear-old ICrnest , Iho son of W. A.
Cnhro , living In UIH | village , WIIH fu-
illy burned by Humes resulting from
n explosion of gasoline , Wednesday
Ono of the stove humors hud been
urned down and then blown out wltb-
ul Iho gasoline bolng shut completely
( T , while another WIIH burning and
lie generated gas exploded.
Little Earnest WIIH Htandlng near
ho Htove and was soon enveloped In
ainos part of whlrh he Inhaled
Dr. Loescher was hastily summoned
nil applied the usual rumodlcH to
litigate the pain , but the ehlld was
oyond human aid and passed away
lireo houi'H after the explosion
Ciilc-lljiirkiumi IViiplliiln.
The mnrrlago of Miss Anna K. lljork-
lun lo Mr. Edgar Clnlr Coin took
luce at the home of the bride In Hay
prlngs , thin Htate , on Wednesday ,
optembor II , the ceremony bolng por-
ormod by Rev. O. W. Knapp , pastor
f the Congregational church.
The bride Is well known In western
sobrnska , having boon a teacher In
he schools there and In Wyoming.
Mr. Cole Is the oldest son of Mrs. A.
D. Cole of this city , and a prominent
nerchant of Cody , this state.
Air. and Mrs. Cole will spend a few
lays at the homo of the groom's inoth-
r at the corner of Norfolk tivoniin and
'onth street , before visiting the ex-
losltlon at St. Louis. After October
they will bo at home In Cody.
' \M-nl.i-llilriI St-NMliiii llfhm ; llelil nl
Wu > itc SliiMtN Nearly Kter >
I'nxlor I'rcNent.
WAYNI3 , Neb. , Sept. Hi. The North
Nebraska conference of the Methodist
church Is holding Its tewnty-thlnl an-
iiml session In this city under the
( residency of Hlshop I. W. Joyce of
Minneapolis. The conference organ-
zed with 1C. T. George of Neligh as
secretary and O. A. Luce of Columbus
is treasurer. The roll call showed
icarly every pastor present. The
morning was spoilt In hearing repoi'ts ,
the principal ono being by Dr. Mlllurd ,
iresldlng elder of the Grand Island
listrlct. He has Just closed his fourth
year of that district and the work Is
n excellent shape.
Dr. Dunham of Minneapolis Is con
luctlng Pentecostal services every
norning and afternoon. The board
of examiners lias engaged Dr. Hronson
of Garrett Hlbllcal school at ISvans
ton , III. , to give dally lectures on the
'Pastor's Leadership. " Iloth these
meetings are unusual departures and
ilghly appreciated.
The conference Is not far enough
ilong to determine the appointments ,
but there will be considerable moving
Many preachers are sitting on the
anxious seat and more will probably
follow before the week is out.
Dr.V. . r. Anderson of Now York
city , secretary of the board of educa
tion , spoke Wednesday night on the
educational work of the church.
The statistical session was hold
Wednesday afternoon. Dr. Gorst of
Omaha presiding. . The reports show
a very prosperous year , with many
gains In llnanclal and spiritual mat-
tors. These will be tabulated and
read later In the session.
Menagerie nnd Clrcim I'rogriim of Good
< ( iiallty nnd Generous I'rupurdonn.
I'arude Attracts n Great Crowd of
I'enple on Main Street.
N'orrls & Howe , with their excellent
circus , entertained Norfolk yoslorday
for two performances , afternoon and
night. The show Is surprisingly good
much hotter than had been supposed.
The program proved a veritable
feast of novelties , high-class circus
acts and exhibitions of what can bo
done by the animal trainer In his ed
ucation of wild and native boasts
Upon entering the now largo menag-
crlo tout , it Is at once apparent that
Messrs. Norrls and Rowe really did ac
quire a complete now monagorlo. This
combined with the ono they had lasi
season , makes It larger and more. In
teresting. A good half hour can prof
itably bo spent In watching the ani
mals. In Iho big tent proper , the most
notable features were the daring uorl-
al acts of the famous Hollford family
Iho Hying LoVans , InNole nnd Mol-
notto , a sensational high silver wire
act. the CJroh family , the eight Oka
Japanese troupe , Mile. Amy , Goo. Sol
lor. the clever rider , the McDonali
IJros. , the performing elephants , sea
lions , dogs , monkeys , boars , ponlOHam
so many other nttractlvo nnd Intorosi
Ing features Dial It IB simply Imposst
hie to enumerate thorn alU
TrnhtlnK for ( In * Cniiilnu ( 'iintrnlN lle-
Kliiit mill ( InItojx nrr ( Jettlnu
III Cllllllltlllll.
LINfOLN. Noh. . Hnpt li--Thi ! ) r v
portnd loss of Churlos llnrg. rnntiM' ,
front the runkM of ( ho Cornhuskor foot
ball miunil IIIIH caused cnnslnrnallnu
among thu cuae.hos mid rootoi-H who
urn turning out thin week with thu
candidates for hoiiom on Nebraska
university's eleven of 1901 , Word canirt
from Chicago TtiOHiIny that Ilorg up-
poured on Marshall llrld Monday aftnr-
nonti In moleskins , Intending to try
for center on thu Maroon ton in tlilH
Itorg played with NnhriiHkii thn lant
two yearn and WIIH consldorod ahont
thn best center the linlvurHlty ever had.
It Hooms doubtful If hlH place run ho
tilled as satisfactorily hy any of the
now material , though a nuiuhnr of
now , heavy nioti luivo appuarod for
Training thlri wonk will consist
mainly of punting , tackling , catching
nnd falling on the plgHkln and long
cross country riiliH , by which the moil
will bo pulled Into condition for the
bullion which will soon cnniu.
Ilubbiird , an old iilayor who WIIH In-
Jurnd two yuarH a o whnn ho wan
inalcliiK a crndltublu ahowliiK' for con *
tor , ban doiinod the roothall Kiirb and
Htartod Into the KIIIIIO In narnuHt. Anew
now man , Mllln , coming from Alum ,
Nob. , Hiild to u'olulitJO pnuiulH , IIIIH
consented to conin and onn or two
othnr heavy mon will HtriiKKln for thn
honor of lining the position IlorK do-
snrtcd. Of the old 'vavnlty pliiyurH. O.
MUHOII. "Mill" JohiiHon , thn colored hey ,
and lOarl HaKor have rutiirnud , and
ItobertRon of Omaha , 1'orry , Captain
Honodlct. "Hill" WIlHon and Homier
are oxpei-led hoforo the end of the
A Iti-riird lOAlilhlllon ( if I'roiliicln mill
u ( irriil I'muniiii "I CiiliTliiliiiiirnl
I' tcnlN Ix I'roinlMcd fur ( hi * l' * < iur
[ From Tiitisdiiy'H Dally. ]
UII.IM HIIMI * Hull tiiini-H.
' 1'hln IN the opniiin dav of the Htmi-
iin i-iumly fulr whlrh IH to continue
or four iliiyn thlH wcnk. COHIIK | | with
'rlday. Kurmci'H and townHpcnpU1 are
nsy today liiHtalllnK Ihclr nxhlbllH
nil lhoii > pronilHi'H to bp a InrKii and
arlcd display In all dt > parlinnnts bn-
nre the clone of the day. thn ninniiK1'-
lUMit promlshiK that It will bo a bot-
cr oxlilliltlon limn nvcr bnforn hold
n the fair Ki'oimdM at that plnco. from
ht > pens and the pa.HtmvM and I hi"
cddH and KarduiiH and thn homn will
iimn the bust of thn productH of tin ;
Aniline the attrncllons olTnrnd IH
he Tree exhibition of Captain A. II.
lardy , the world's quick rllln Hhot.
'umblcr.s and uerolml.s will pin-form In
'font of the amphltheatnr , A murry-
Ko-round , llHh pond , KOOI ! racoH and a
inndrcd other moans of entnrlnlnmcnt
ire offcrnd by the miinutfemont. Hall
mof of Intercut betwocn Stanlon and
Mlwer. Following Is tin * pro rum of
rlal.s at .speed :
! ! : ! JO CliiHS Trot or pat-o. 2:00 : p. in.
III-HO. J100. For 2.10 : trotlorH or ! :
i.'icorH. Mile heatH lo hnrnn.HH ,
hrco In live. For trottor.s that have
in record bettor than 2 : 0 ; and pncnrH
hat have no record hotter than 2:3fi. :
'lv > to enter , four to Htart. Flrnt
J.IO ; .second $2S : third $ lfi ; fourth $10.
2CO : Class Hlaiiton county trot or
IIIPO : 2.4S p. m. I'lirse1 JIOO. For 2f)0 :
rotters , 2rifi : pacorH. Mlln boats to
mriiosM. Five to enter , four to Htart , three lir live. First , J50 , cecond.
$ : > 0 , third , { 20.
Half mile running race 3ir : > p. in.
I'urco. JfiOJ Free for all , catch
Jest two In throe , live to enter , throe
o .start. First , $2R ; second , SIC , third ,
Tliiirmlny ,
2(0 : ( Class trot or pace , 1n : \ \ p. in.
I'ui'ho $100. For 2:40 : trotters and 2:15 :
iiiccrs. Mile heats to harness ; best
throe In ilvo. For trotters that have
in record bolter than 2:40 : nnd pacers
that have no record bettor than 2:4d :
Five to enter , four to start. Fjrul
$ .r > 0 , second , $2fi , third $ ir , fourth , $10
3SR : Class Trot or pace. 2:30 : p. in
Purse , $125. For 2:25 : trotters and
J:10 : pacers. Mile heats to harness
> est three In tlve. For trotters that
lave no record better than 2:25 : am'
pacers that have no bettor record that
2:30 : Five to enter and four to start
First. $62.50 , second , J31.2S. third
$18.75 , fourth , $12.50.
Half mile running race 4:00 : p. m
Purse , $50. For horses fifteen hands
or under. Catch wolRlits. Host two li
three. Five to enter , three to start
First. $25. second , $ ir , third , $10.
I VI ilny , Soptriiilirr 211.
Free for all trot or pace ; 2:00 : p. m.
Purse $250. Mile heats to harness.
Host three In tlve. Five to enter , four
to start. First , $125 , second , $62.50 ,
third. $37.50. fourth , $25.
Half mile running race , 3:45 : p. m.
Purse. $50. Frco for all. Catch
weights. Host two In three. Five to
enter , three to strart. First , $25 , sec
ond. $15. third , $10.
Illrlliilav HuriirlNp Party.
Members of Doboruh Uebokuli lodxo
were the authors of a neat and enjoy
able surprise party last evening on
Mrs. H. I , . SpauldlnK , past noble grand
of the lodge , the occasion being In cel-
obratton of Mrs. Hpauldlng's htrMiilny.
A handsome parlor lamp was left as a
reminder of the visit. The ladles
brought with them Ice cream and cake ,
which were served during the oven-
Trnrlc Man Injured ,
MADISON , Noh. , Sept. 19. Dan AVuk-
mlrovltch , n 17-yoar-old Croatian track
laborer south of town , was thrown
from the handcar and run over with
the result that ho suffered n compound
fracture of both bones In the right log.
do was taken to St. Joseph's hospital
at Omaha Saturday.
iiiiiuu.H vrnMM > OU i-on
l''rhbi ) HiiriUTiirr Sturr Him \Vlnttinr
I'lincliirnl li > u Slunr (11 < Jrt n | n
> liidrrii MiiMillim Irlnnliinlili - An-
I'lrnt Hun lt-ri.
Tlii'ie arc biirglarH and huntlaiH , but
about Iho lowest of the brned operutnd
In Norfolk lun ( night.
In the Hhow window of thn Friday
hardware store yoMtnrdny and for snv-
nral days provlonsly ( hero WIIH dln-
pluyi'd a Tolt automatle plnlol that
would tire xoven iiholM In rapid HIICCON-
Hlnn by merely holding back the trig
ger. Ono follow who WIIH In town last
night wanted that gun and was not
wllllliK or had not the monny lo pay
for It. U WIIH a hnndsomn and dan-
gnrous looking weapon of offeiiHO or
dnfonsn , and thorn have bnnn many
who would llkn to own It , but thin fel
low WIIH evidently dotormlnod.
Hctwooit him and bin doslrn In the
gun line was a $75 plain glass win
dow and thn ely way that appealed
to him to got ( ho gun without acquir
ing II honestly was to ruin that HIW-
only-live dolliirH' worth of oryiilal and
takn It If ho WIIH lucky nnough not to
attract attention , and bo did It. PickIng -
Ing up a melt about thn Hlr.e of a good
big mun'H list , ho hurled It through
Iho lownr part of the glasH , making a
hole nboul four Inches across and am
ply largo for the Detraction of thn pistol
tel Had the hold boon largnr thn Ihlof
would probably have taken morn , hut
thn gun wan all that WIIH missing this
morning. An old. revolutionary Hint
lock plHlol , porlmpH worth consider
ably more IIH a relic than HID Cell gun ,
wan not molested. The anolnnt weap
on laid bnsldo that of Iho twentieth
century manufacture , Hhowlng a splen
did contrast between thn past and the
present , but the nyos of the tblnf wnru
only for the modern shooting Iron and
IhlH ho took.
The building belongs to the Odd
Follows and that orilor will probably
bo compelled to expend $75 or $80 for
the accommodation of the worthlnsH
thief whose attention WIIH attracted by
a $17 pistol. These pistols are not HO
common , but what the possession of
onn by an ordinary person will attract
attention and It IH hoped by the olll-
cofH thai It will bo the means for the
approhoiiHlon of the man who did the
II may bo found that this fellow , so
rerklnss of values , whom oilier pen-
pln'H property Is concerned , will ( rude
the Colt automatic for a few drinks of
whisky , which would be the logical
conclusion of | IH extniMigiinl design
UN ox rorvi'V ATTHxnris is A
nri oitii
TIM : HA ii , < ; \MI : \\\s A IMATI : itr.
Ilinnc Ti'iim TnUfM ( iiimo I'rum Crcclt
HiitM li.v u .Scurr of Ono to n Sliitl-Oul.
Illllllllllir II Or HP \\'HN KltlCll , ItllllTH
I'lilnjnri'il. '
CHUIOIITON , Neb , , Sept. 17. Special
to The NOWH : As an Indication of the
success of Jho Knox county fair this
season , the Immense attendance of yes
terday was a marker. On thai date
there were more people crowded Into
the grounds than have attended dur
ing any three days of the fair In the
past decade , and they came from great
The event of the day , the fair and
the base ball season WIIH a game played
on the home grounds by the Crolghton
team and the Creek Hats , which rusult-
od In a score of 1 to 0 In favor of the
homo team. From the time the first
ball was thrown until the last wont
across the plate , neither team had any
assurance of winning , and It was er
rorless throughout. Fosberg for the
Crook Hats and Sorsolder for Crolgh
ton each did tnagnlllcont work In the
box. The single run for the game was
scored In the third Inning by Crolghton
on two singles and a wild pitch. The
score by Innings :
Crook Hats 0 0000000 0 0
Crelghton 00100000 0 1
Hattorles Crelghton , Sorseldor and
Kddlo Crelghton ; . Creek Hats , Fosborg
and Hichtor. Two-baso hits : Green ,
Webster. Throe-baso hit : C. Fosborg.
Struck-out : Hy Fosborg , 7 ; by Sor-
soldar , 3. Loft on bases : Crolghton ,
7 ; Crook Rats , 5. Umpire : ttarta of
Ono of the running horses died hero
this morning from Injuries received
during a fast race. It was owned by
S. M. Hulbort of Center. As the ani
mals wore coming In on the homestretch
stretch the unfortunate animal stum
bled and fell over the other horse that
was running It close , and In the fall
three ribs were broken and the animal
so badly Injured otherwise that It died
this morning. Fortunately neither of
the boys who were riding were Injured.
In the trotting race Klgln I3oy was
first ; Tarpanna second ; Maggie 5lc
Nell third ; and Mary D fourth.
Today Is the final day of the fair and
a good crowd Is anticipated.
Ak-Siir-llrn (7runit Cnrnlrul.
Opens at Omaha. September 28 and
runs until Oct. 8. Something doing
every minute. More parados-muslc-
fun and attractions than over before.
Sensations of the age Looping the
Gap The High Wire Walking Ele
phant. Those choice shows on the
Pike the best of the Carnival World.
Will open your eyes. A panorama of
spectacular effect. Nothing cheap.
Most of them direct from the world's
fulr. Very low rates on R. R.
Got to school right with a supply
of News' tablets.
Fresh supply of school tablets at
The News office.
I.HIer I'Vniii I'rrxliti-nl I'eek Corrrrf-
lux Noun * Aliened Mlniiliileiiient * .
AH Premium * t'nlil ,
AINHWfHITII. Null , Hopl. Ififi. R ( | .
Hot1 Norfolk | ) nlly NewsI I wrlto you
giirdlng il publication which ii | > -
pi'iiri'il Hepftimhiir 10 , by your special
con enponient | In llilH phiee , in wlilnli
thin o mi' published false ntntumontH.
I'lic ciiiinly full1 WIIH lii'ld HuptRin-
linr 7 , S iiiul ' . ) , inn ) Urn reunion , which
WIIH ( it Mnvi- been hulil nil the muiia
lKN , WIIH voliinliirlly abandoned noiiifi
lime Hgo. It WIIH Inlntlili'il to hold
Ilii-in on tin- sumo dales , HID (1. ( A. It.
itcmipylng tin- ( linn til the foruiioini anil
livening uf I'licli ilny iinil tin ) fair IIKHO-
'liillon each afternoon , with thn ox-
lilbllH , races IIIH ) HiortH | at tin ; fair
grounds. The plan , however. WIIN
iluinged , ( hi ) ( i. A. It. wltliilrnw anil
ihiindnned Ilinliproject. .
In liln report ( hi ) correspondent ntnt-
> il tluil all ' declared
rai'KH worn HIT on
the hint ilny nf the fair. Thin IH u falno
Hintoinenl. Tim trotting anil running
races mlvi < rtlHi > il fur tluil day failed
tu III ) , ( hi' rules being "Ilvn to outer
mil iliron to Htiirl. " Thoroforn HIOHO
win i' noeeHsarlly declared off. Two
UirSOH ( III thl ) gromidH to Oilier tllO
'mining nice , anil a special puriui wan
Mil UP , HO lllOHO linrHCH CflUld mil.
\Vo paid every proinluin Just IIH ad-
vorllsed with llio oxcepllon that wo
idvorllHed that thn winners nf pro-
nilnniH In llio agricultural dopiirtmont
lioulil pay twenty p ir cent of thnlr
prcmlnniH to thn association , IIH thorn
WIIH no mitriini'i ! fnu charged. Thin wo
Mil not ilo , hut piihl Ihnin In full.
Thn IIrowM enmity exhibit which WIIH
it I hi' Hliiln fair anil Hoeured for DM
Hlxlh place , whun hiHt your wo had
twnlflh , WIIH plariMl on oxlilliltlon nt
thn fair gronmlH horn.
I iiHk you to kindly correct those or-
I'orH anil fiilHO HlatunionlH. Thny wuru
in iinJiiHtlco In HID pnopln of thin com-
inuiilty and thn roiinty In general.
A. C. Omi , A. M. , LI * . II. , J'rcs. , Omuhiu
Puor. A.J. LOWHY , I'rlnc. xi O
d hy FirstNal'l
Iliinkiuiil biislni'SH ini'ii.
$111.00(1 ( In ( toll Top Desks , Hunk Fixtures ami
CiOTypowrltor.i. Hludotitsraii work for hoard.
Send for free cutiiloL'iic , hound In nlllitutor.
llncst ever lilllill.sliril hy u llilsllii'.ss C'oilcgn.
licuil U mill joilvlll nUonil Ilir N. II. C.
arly Risers
For quick relief from BlllouanoM ,
Sick Headache , Torpid Liver , Jaun
dice , Dlzzlnesj , and all troubles arl -
Ing from an Inactive or sluggish liver ,
DsV/Itt'a Little Early Risen art un
They act promptly and never gripe.
They are ao dainty that It Is a pleasure
lo take them. One to two act u a
mild laxative ; two or ( our act a * a
pleasant and effective cathartic. They
are purely vegetable and absolutely
harmless. They Ionic the liver.
. C. D WHt & Co. , Chtoatfo
Highest Market t
Prices Paid
at all Times.
Lout ; Dist nce > Telisphotio , 18 ! ) . ] |
fr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ' ! ' ' ! ! ! < * *
lowest Rites.
W , J , GOW &
Money on Hind.
Gen. Ask Pass. Dept. , Omaha.