The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, September 16, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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    i , r iv i t
V t \ \
s . \.M ) iEi.i : < ; . .vTEsu
I > \ AIMAI.M : MTvir.u. : .
TIII : I'ltixiiivM or TIII : su
IliiNliirHN \ \ III Ili-xlii Tiirmlii } anil the
> rMNlOllH Mill I.IIMt O cr ( IIP I'lll-
limliiK Niinilii ) | | | | .lujce ii f
.MIiini-niMilN to I'rrnlilr.
Next Tuesday the Methodist minis-
lets , Iny delegates ntid tliolr wives of
( lie Not tit Nebiashn coiifeionee , ov-
tcndlng fioin Omiiliu to Hi own coun
ty , and from the north line of the
state to the 1'lutte 11 vol.lll lie glv-
en possession of Wayne for their
twenty-third animal conference , ovoi
which Ulshop Isnao W. Jojco of Min
neapolis will preside. The lallioad
companies within the hounds ofnoith
Nebraska will giant a rate of a faiu
and .1 third on the ceitlltcate plan.
tV To get advantage of this rate Ihoso
who attend ate advised to pay full
fate ftom theli slat ling point , taking
the agent's certlllcato for the tnonoy
paid , which will bo good on tlcketH
purchased between September 10 and
IS , which will bo good for n lotuin
trip at one-third faro piovldod 100 of
snch certificates are given Into the
hands of the railroad secretary of the
Norfolk will undoubtedly hn\o a
laige delegation In attctidancc , IIH
many of the church moinbors not dele
gates will go to hear the bishop's ad
dress and take In the other features
of the conference progiam. Dr. F M.
Station , picsldlng older of the Norfolk
illsti let , will not bo Rtilllclontly recov
ered from hla recent sickness and op
eration to attend the conference sos-
slon , and ho will probably bo repte-
sentod by Hev. J. F. Pouchor , pastor
In charge here That has boon his re
quest , and If the plans ate favorable
to the bishop ho will net In snch ca
pacity during the meeting. Dr. Sis-
son desired very much to attend and
look after the business of Ills dlstilct ,
but his physicians could not bo In
duced to give their consent.
The following Is the conference pro
gram :
Tuesday , September 13.
8:00 : p. m Lectine , "The Pastor's
Leadership , " Prof. S O. Branson , of
Gairett Biblical Institute.
G. H Main picsldlng.
Wednesday , September 14.
8:30 : a in Devotional service , con
ducted by C. II Gi Illltli.
9.00 a m Opening session of con-
feience and admtnlsttatlon of the
Lord's supper , iilshop I. Vf. Jojce
2.00 p m Lectuie , "The Pastot's
Leadetshlp , " Pi of. S O Bronson , of
G.inett Ltlbllral institute.
G. H. Main ptesldlng.
3:00 : p m. Annlversaty of S. S. un
W. II. Warren presiding.
Address by Dr. A. P. George , of St.
Louis , Mo
4:00 p m. Evangelistic service , con
ducted by Dr. Dunham , of Minneapo
lis. Minn.
' " 'TiSO p. m Song service. *
8:00 : p. m Annlvorsaiy of the Edtl-
c.ittonal society.
T. C. Webster picsldlng.
Addiess by Dr. Wm. F. Anderson ,
New Yoi U.
Thursday , September 15.
SSO : a. m Devotional seivlce , Dr.
Dunham , Minneapolis , Minn.
9 00 a m Conference business.
2.00 p m Lecture , "The Pastor's
Leadot.shlp , " Prof. O. S Uronson , of
GaiteH Biblical Institute.
G. If. Main presiding.
3:00 : p. in. Annlvoisary of Chinch
Intension society.
R. W. Wllcox presiding.
Addiess by T. C. Illff , Philadelphia ,
4'00 p. m evangelistic service , Dr.
7:30 : p m Song service
8.00 p m. Semi-centennial of Ne-
buska Methodism.
T. C Webster presiding.
Addi esses by Pishop I. W. Joyce , 13.
Comble Smith , D D. and Wm. Gorst ,
D. D.
Filday , September 16
8:30 : a. m Devotional soivlce , Dr.
9:00 : a. m Confeience business.
2.00 p m MIsMonaiy seimon by
Hev. F. II. Sandei.son , D. D , of Fte-
inont , Neb.
3:00 : p m Annlversaiy of W. H. M.
Mrs. J. 13. Leodom piesldlng.
Address by Mrs. M. Llbby Allen , of
Des Moines , Iowa.
4:00 : p m Evangelistic service , Dr.
7:30 : p. m. Song service.
8-00 p m Annl\eisary of the Mis
sionary society.
J. C. Shlck presiding.
Address by Bishop I. W. Joyce.
Saturday , September 17.
8:30 : a. m Devotional service , Dr.
9:00 : a. m Conference business.
2:00 : p m Conference sermon by
Ilev. W. R. AVIlcox , Ponca , Neb
3:00 : p. m. Anniversary W. F. M. S.
Mrs. Ida J. Moe presiding.
Address by Miss Fiances J. Baker ,
Omaha , Neb.
4.00 p. m. Evangelistic service , Dr.
7:30 : p. m Song service.
8.00 p m Anniversary of the Freed-
men's Aid and Southern Education
II. A. Head presiding.
Addiess by Rev. W. P. Thlrkleld , D
D. , of Cincinnati. Ohio.
Sunday , September 18.
9:00 a. in Conference love feast ,
led by Rev. C F. Hoywood.
10:30 : n in Sermon by Bishop I. W.
Joyce , followed by ordination of dea
2 00 p m. Ordination of elders , fol
lowed by n consecration service con
ducted by Dr. Dunham.
7:30 : p m Song service.
8:00 : p m Evangelistic service , Dr.
Monday , September 19.
830 ; a. m. Devotional service.
9:00 : a. m. Closing session of con
ference and reading1 appointments by
Bishop Joyce.
S \V llollol was In the city this
inohilitK fiotn Meadow Giove
MIH , Ed\Mttd 'runner of Uattlo CiooU
wntt In the city ye.Mo.rday doing some
( mopping.
Mr and MIH Goo D Htiltorlldd wont
to Lincoln M-stciday. expectlnif to 10-
linn thin evening.
Mis J C S. Wellls and daughter ,
Miss Moltilde , have been upending the
punt few days In Omahii.
Mm. Anna Madscn left for St Louis
vcstorday. whole she will visit her
daughter , Mix. Collins , and attend the
Ma > or M. C. Hasten and family have
gone camping near the Kent siding ,
whoio they wilt enjoy an outing for
a few days.
Holllgoionts aio especially loinicst-
cd to bo on their good behavior today.
Police Judge Hayes and Marshal Kane
are both In Madison.
L W Cox canto down from Foster
yesterday and will tepnlr bin residence
on Urnasoh avenue , which ho will oc
cupy with his family.
Master Paul UruUo returned last
night fuiin Sioux City , vsheio ho has
been visiting at the homo of an undo
foi the past two months.
Mr and Mts. A J Din land and
daughter Janu ietuined last night fiom
Evetott. Wash , coming dltectly
thtough ov ot the Canadian Paclllc.
Mr. and MIH. F. A. Ctlssey of 000
Prospect avenue will entertain sl\ 01
seven couples of 11 lends at an Infot-
mnl partv tonight.
S Oorwln of Mlddlotown , N Y , who
has been visiting hole for the past
eight weeks , leaves for his homo In the tomoiiow. Mi Coivvln Is moio
than pleased with his visit to Nobtas-
ku He HKos the county heio voiy
much and sa > s It has numeioiis attrac
tive foatuics.
Mesdames Tappeit , noleson , Mori I-
son and Leonnid cntoi t.ilnod the la
dles guild ot Tilnlt > chinch at a so
cial session vestciday aflet noon at
the home of Mis Elsie Desmond
The Paclllc hotel closed cntli cly lust
night , no business being U.niMnclod.
It will lemaln elided pending the settlement -
tloment of the dirfeiences between the
pioptlctor and ( lie hmdloid , in the 10-
tlrement of the pioscnt landloid and
Installation of a new one.
These cool nights and chilly tlavs
ate furnishing aigument to in go the
plutnbeis and steam tlttois and otheis
having to do with futnaces and heat
ing plants Into activity and many of
them will not bo given much time to
breathe dining the no\t month This
moinlng a little nitlllclal waimth
would have bean veiy acceptable , but
in many of the business houses It was
Impossible to obtain It because of a
lack of necessaiy icpalis to the heatIng -
Ing plants
J G Smith , the ( list settler , Hist
nioi dm nt and Hist postmastei of Fie-
mont , celebiated his eightieth bit th-
day nnnlveisaiy last Mondav In his
blitlulay cake he found eighty dollais
In gold embedded In the fiostlng Mr
Smith has not only heen all the devel
opment of Fiomont , but has lived
thtough twenty-six national admlnis-
tiatlons of the count ! y He has seen
developed the lailvvny , steamship , tel
egraph , telephone , tlncshlng machine ,
and most of the modern Impiovoments
that wet e unknown when he was a
A Fiomont citizen pioposcs a plan
to abate the tinmp nuisance that has
been bothering that town for some
time lie wants the city to buy mate
rial for a rock pile and have It con
verted by the genius hobo Into mate
rial for macadam stieets. He also
proposes that a pump tieadmlll attach
ment bo installed and that the tramp
who refuses to work , shall be made
to tread water or drown. It has been
found that a largo number of those
husky loafers will not woik If offeted
a job , and their bumming mound thcte
Is getting very tiiesome.
State Join mil State Supei intcndunl
\V K Fowler , who tellies fiom ollli e
the first of the jeni. IMS not > et an
nounced his plans lor the futliie "J
was fnllv dotei mined to go to Hone-
steel and live on a homestead in the
event of my dtawlng a good claim. "
said Mi Fowler > OHteidtv "It
my Intention to take my lamlly thete
to live toi at least fourteen months
on a faun The notice mailed me of
the dtaw Ing shows that I diew No
1017"i9 and that this numbui fixes the
oidei In which my application to make
homestead cutty shall be ( lied That
being the tasc 1 have given up the
matter of the homestead I do not
know that I should have gone to South
Dakota If ono bundled thousand had
been htiicken from my number" At
one time Ml Fowlet had an offet fiom
a Pennsylvania concent offetlng to
give a position in which he could make
$10,000 yeat. He did not accept the
place when he found out what It was
Ho Is said to have had soveial good
offets lecently , but says It Is too early
to say what ho will do after he goes
out of office
The farmets and gnidenets In this
section of the. country have an abun
dant supply of eatly apples and the
maiket has had mote of this fruit
than thete Is demand for , with the 10-
sult that much of It Is going to waste ,
while considerable of It has been con-
vcited Into elder and will latei go Into
vinegar If theto Is no demand for the
elder lp to this time the majority
of the ttecs planted have been of the
cm Hot vu lottos , and the homo gtovvn
winter apples will not ha enough to
deserve mention. The running to ear
ly vatletles has affected a great poi-
tlon of the state , and for the winter
supply , for which them Is a much
laiger demand than for fall apples ,
the people hoie will bo compelled to
look to the east and the south for their
supply. It Is said that there has not
been an abundant crop of winter ap
ples In those localities and fruit men
mo expecting that the prices will be
high , A few of the faiinots In this
section have , however , planted later
satieties and thoj show well County
Commissioner Ceo ! D Smith , living on
rural route 3. Is ono who has giown
late apples and from the specimen left
at The News ofllce It Is Judged that ho
has achieved good success In the ftt-
tuio It la probable that there" will bo
inoro late and fewer earlier varieties
placed In the orchards.
NOT MOIU : nm KNciKrin , TIIVN
TIIO I : or oriinu NATKCNS.
vr V.M >
Tlic .Native * of Hie | NIIIIIN IN I. Ike n
Child , IIiKllj OfTi nitcd mill In ( icniT-
II I KllfctllM'll | | l > ll \ll IlllrrCNlllIK
l.rltrr li > .linlui * Aiirrlx.
Judge W ! ' Noi rls , who Is stationed
In tlui Phlllppliin Islands In a Judicial
capacity hut Is now at Wa > ne on a
leave of absence until Januntv 1 con-
tt Unites the following Intotestlng let-
let to the Wayne lletald cnnciu nlng
the chatador of the natives of Tnclo
Sam's now possessions1
The l-'lllplno Is comnionlv supposed
to he of an exit timely tovongcCul tm-
tuie , like the 01 Initial tncos In genoial
In my opinion the native of these
Islands Is not niine lovongoful than
olhot t aces , In fad that cot tain Audit
Ic as well as Eutopoan people me decidedly
cidedly mine tovengeful and teleiit
lossly ciiiel In satisfying theli levenge
than the oidtnary l'"lllplno. The Fll
Iplno Is a child of linger giowth eas-
II v offended and In genoial easllv ap
peased The people me as n inle In
dolent and good natuied , and when
their good natuio Is milled , a little
tact and conclllatoiy management will
testoto tiamiulllty.
The gieal piopoillon of the numer
ous muidcis and stabbing afftavH com
ing befoie the com Is ate the leNiiltof
iliiairols , committed In the heat of the
a ( Tiny , though thete ate occasional In
stances of homicides petpctiatod aflei
long dollhct allen and for the put pose
of sntls lng the loveugo of the inin-
detei. An Instance coming undei my
pctsonal 01 Kiinl/.atlon was a sit Iking
Illusliatlon of a muidor of this na-
llltc The dieumstances as i elated bv
the accused weie siihstantlnllv as follows
lowsHo wished to kill a pnty
named Pedto for a supposed Injin v
that had boon Inllldcd some davs ho-
foie the tinnsadlon Taking his spear
ho ptoceeded lo the house of Pedto's
lather , whoio his Intended victim lived
Ho so timed his dopaitute as to ai-
tlvo at the house about dark Aftet
the mannei of the country the house
was built on poles six feet from the
gtoitnd , the floor being composed of
bamboo stilps laid parallel , so that a
pel son walking nuclei the house < oulcl
look up between the strips of bamboo
It was night Union nd the loom thove
was lighted and the ohservot below
was enabled to see the ocdipants of
the loom , himself being unobsetved
In the ihnkness below. Soxto cun
ningly considered the situation and
lautlously made his wav mulct the
hoiiho iiion his aulval upon tltn scene
after dusk Peeling thtoiigli the
ciacks of the lloor ho saw the family
douched about the common conler of
a dish of rice ftom which all wet e eat
ing after the cuslom of the lowei lass
natives As well as ho was able from
his point of view Soxto made a careful
survey of the family unity j sole < ting
the member he supposed to be Pedro
and locating his position he Insetted
the point of his spear dlreclly beneath
Ills victim and gave a vicious lunge
tip waul Inflicting a wound fiom which
lie died In two hours The victim ,
however , ptovod to be not Pedro , hut
his fathei , whom the assassin mistook
for the son whom ho Intended to kill
Immediately upon the pel petiallon of
the act the muiderer fled Into the out
er daikness , escaping unohseived and
might to this day have teinalncd un
detected had not Ills own gairiilous-
ness given the clue and sot the aveng
er of blood on his tinck
The above illustiatcs the reckless
ness of eel tain classes of the oilen-
tals In legard to taking human life
The tilvlnl < auso of the w.inlnn mur
der was the lofusal of Pcdio to return
on demand to So\to a bolo which the
latter had entt listed to him for safe
keeping some time ptevlonslv. It ap
pealed fiom the evidence thai dining
Hie Spanish leglme , So\lo who appeals'
lo have been of a qimnelsome dispo
sition had been sentenced to a term
of impilsonment foi manslaughter
At the time of the iiptlslng a gonetnl
Jail dellvety was had. Sexto lining
among the llhotated pilsoneis Shoit-
Iv after his lelease , Sexto met Pedro
and asked him for the leturn of the
bolo and spear that he had tin ned over
to him att he time of his Incatcorn-
llon Pedto dnllveted the spear but
not the bolo , staling that the littler
weapon was In the hands of the civil
authoillles The disappointed Soxto
veaincd for his tiusty bolo and refused -
fused to be satisfied , and then and
thete meditated levenge on Pedro ,
whom he would have attacked on the
spot hut was withheld by the presence
of hjstnndois A week later Sexto
fed his levonge by .the unintentional
minder of another.
The saciedness of human life Is
sllghtlv tegarded among n certain
class of this people. A man killed a
little child In cold blood that ho might
bo revenged upon the father who , as
he claimed had borrowed an axe from
him , which ho refused either to re-
luin in pay the value thereof , amount
ing lo soventy-llve cents In Ihlscase
the murdeter vlsllod the house of the
offending party with a companion , pre
sumably with the Intention of venting
his spite on him. but not finding the
rather al home killed the child with
the blow of an nxo Another Instance
coming under my observation was that
of an eldeily man lashing a female
relative aetoss the face with the over
icady bolo leaving an Indelible binnd
for life , the punishment being dealt
to the young woman bocaijso she failed
to treat the old man with proper re
spect nddicsslng him with unbecom
ing words and using Insulting gestures -
tures Another party killed a woman
on the spot , the provocation In this
case being that the victim called the
aggressor a fool. The native attorney ,
defending the murderer , urged that
the woid fool , In the Vlsayan tongue
possesses an extremely offensive mean
ing claiming that the court should
should consider the provocation as n
mitigating circumstance In Imposing
the penalty.
Two Robust Women Who Owe Their Restored Health
and Usefulness to Pe-ru-na.
Thankful Women Who
Have Hccn Cured by
Dr. llartmmfs free
MMM | Itutli rincrrnn , 7i ! Hycv
morn SI. , lltHTalii , N. Y. , wrlitM !
" / suffered for tn-n ycart with
Irregular and painful menstrua *
lion , and / ' rnna cured mo with
in s/v weeks. I cannot tell you
how grateful I feel. Any agency
which brlugt health and strength
lo the afflicted It alwayt a wel
come friend , and to-day the
market It so filled with MSV/CHN
and Injurious medicine * that It
It a pleasure to A mm lit so relia
ble ti icmedy at \ tin place bt fore
the public. "
/H/s" / Path Emerson.
alitrih nf thi'Ho organs , Wlillo
ciich cite : presents HOIIIO minor
( IIITorenco MH In delnll , they are nil
In reality nllUo. I'c-
rnna docn not rcllovn
tlinfo ciiHOrt by leinix-
rurlly in 111 f n H n K
Homo Hyinptom , bill
by a removal of ( Jin
cause. Many a woman
ciin lestlfy Hint IIXMI !
trenliiient do OH not
permiuicnlly ciirn. A
lurio iiiultltiiilo ol
front < led < rr to
< li > i lor lorecolvo hx'al
truatiinuil , with lltlla
or no rcKiilt.
In Periina t It n H t
wdincn flnil n | triitnH |
nnil i > eriniinont euro.
I ml In I limn of I'n-rii-na ,
I'crntiii linrt como to
bo riM'o nl/cd us tlm
Hrentest remedy fox
caliirrh In the world.
Mrs J E.Finn. At first competitor *
tried to dcnv this anil
MILS. .I.K.PINX , 82 Knst High Kt. ,
HufTnlo , N. , Y. , writes :
The PcriliiaMedk'InoCo. , ColtlinliUB , O. :
Oentlemcn : 'A few j cars ago I had
to % l\c up koclal life entirely , at my
health was completely broken down.
The doctor advised a complete change
and rest for a year. As thlt was out
of the question fora time , I began to
look nn tind for other means of restor
ing my health.
"I had often heard of Pcrunaasan
excellent tonic , si ) I bought a bottle to
sec what It would do for me , and It
certainly took hold of my system and
rejuvenated me , and In less than two
months I was In perfect health , and
now when I feel worn out or tired a
dote or tno of f'ernna It all that I
need. " Mrs. J. H. llnn.
I'ulv Ic iiilarrh in n ] > ! naso coined by
Dr. llrrlinan , covering all that largo
claxx of diseases that used to liu Icnovvu
Slorkmril Alli-ntloii.
The ( omblnatlon sale at Plene Neb
on Thutsdny and Filday , Sept . ' - and
2\ : \ , should bo altonded by tncis bieed-
ei and stock talsci in not them Ne-
btaska The Shoithoin cattle ofTcted
ate voiy linn and lepiesent the tidiest
blood In tlio Shoilhoin bleed The
cows ale all bled to Title Cumbeilnnd ,
No 107080. n son of the flii-at Cum-
bei land
Most of the bulls aie lit tot service
at once
The hogs nio fiom Pohnid-Chlini ,
DIIIOC Joisoy and Cliestet Whlto holds
and the contilhutois have spaied nel-
Ihor Umo not money to make thorn the
voiy best Fanners who deslio to slnit
a good hetd should take advantage ) of
tills sale Send for catalogue to
F H. C31.EASON ,
Ploicu , Neb
Tuo lln-nk .lull lit Neolii.
OMAHA , Sefit 14. A telephone mes
sage H 0111 Neola to tlio local polite
stated Unit two pilsoneis had sawed
llieli way out ol the Neola jail. One
was an umbiolhi mcndei , who did the
sawing , and look with him a man
whoso legs had been amputated , one
above and the other below the knee
Two lei ks wcie s.nved They wem
supposed to have come this way and
the Council ItlufTs police vveio asked
to look out for them. '
Suit In .liixllco < inirl v. r t < Tilnhlrli
liiMilvoil tin * OMiirrNlilp of ii
A case was heaid before Justice
Puller vestoiila ) to a Jiity , whkh In
volved the ow net ship of a piano Ac
cording to the evident e S K llolmann
A. Co of Lincoln last wlntei slored a
piano with Wood the Jew del Wood
sold the Instrument to II W Stntlln.
who , accoidlng to the lattcr's testi
mony , jiald $ ! ' . ' . " for It Statlln then
sold It to Miss Ooiothy Waltman , le-
( elvlng a cash p.i > inent of $25 and tak
ing a clmllel mortgage for the bal-
nncn Then llolmann appeared on the
si cue and talsod a tough house with
\Vood , who seemed possession of the
piano from Miss Waltman by teprc-
sontlng that ho would bring her an
other one Wood then tinned the piano
over to Holmann and It was stored at
the Oxnard hotel When Stiirlln hoard
of this move ho look Die piano on the
strength of his bill of sain and chattel
moilgago A counter move was then
in.ide by Holmann , who roplovlncd the
liiHtiomeiit and It loft Starlln's posses
sion again There the matter rested
until the case < amo up for tilal yester
day , when the Jury gave a verdict In
favor of Holmann & Co. Statlln Is out
on the deal. There fcccms no doubt
that ho advanced the ! l-i ! on the piano ,
hut the question at Issue was whether
It was a purchase or a loan , nnd the
latter opinion prevailed with the Jury
Ho has made good the J25 which Miss
Waltmnn paid when she bought the
Instrument fiom him. He has no re
course on Wood , who has left the town
anil has no property here ,
ns female weakness. The lower portion
of ( ho abdomen In culled by nnntomlsts
the ] ) elvlH. Tlio or aiiH conlalni'i' In
tins portion of the body nro known us
the polvli'orgnns. There uro sovernlof
tliuin , very dcllcuto nnd very HtibJocHu ,
catarrh. 1'uw vvuiuuu ctfcupu outiruly
. 01' II\TTIIS
citr.rii v i-vnti vu < n.
iinsriTi.r.ii DC THIS
CIIIIM * Here 'I'llIrl.i Vfiirx Vu nnil Tuiik
lll II HllllK'Mll-Mll III till- \ mllf Sll-
I-srvi'ii l.nni'H n Niiinhcr < if Clill-
ilreii nnd ( iriind Clillilren.
Spidal to The News Ctinidpa Nich
olas Ctmlccl dlod at the homo of his
daughter , Mis llogtefe , Imto Ihlrf
moinlng , at the tlpo old ago of nlncty-
seven jcaiH The tunoial aiiango-
miints have not jot been complolnd
liesides Mis llogtolo , Mis. Iliiniy
Tomliagen Is a danghloi , and other
chlldion , numeioiis giand chlldton and
gteat-giand chlldien sutxlvo tlio de
ceased pattlnich
Mi Ounkol v\as ono of the earliest
soltlcis of this county , having como
bete thlily jeain ago and lakon up a
homestead near her At that Umo ho
was slxty-boven yeais of ago , but
young and vlgotous compated with
men of that ago now His longelvity
Is considered lemaikable , and had ho
lived but thiee yeais mote would have
leached the century mai k.
\ l.nllii'r VltnckN lli-nr Iliiiniiiiii nnil
ItlitiMl 111 I'ockrU.
FREMONT , Nob. Sept H At about
12 1" > Monday night Thomas Glasgow
a lather who came to Fremont about
thtee mouths ago.liloiinl > assaulted
llenrv Ilaiiman In the dooiwa > at the
Ualtlmoio hotel lie knocked his v l < -
tint down , beat and kicked him and
finally rifled his pockets. Whatever
his Intentions wote he did not get to
c.itry them out , piobably due lo the
timely an Hal of the pioprletor of the
place The hitler leveled a lovolvernt
Glasgow and diovo him out of the
Baiiman tepoited his tumble to the
police and they located Glasgow early
vestvtday moinlng In his room al the
Davonpoit hotel Ileforo Judge Cook
In police court ho entered a plea of
guilty and wits sentenced to serve six
ty davs In the county Jail. A moio se
rious chaigo might have been pto-
foired against htm had the complain
ant deslted to make It.
I'rrdncl OMIciTN mid UclcKiiti'H < < >
Ciiiinl.i Convention.
IIATTU : CIIF.EK. Nob. Sept 14-
Speclal to The News A lepuhllcan
caucus was hold In Highland iinuitut
Satin day afternoon Homy Massman
was dialtman and Howard Miller sec-
rolaiy. The following delegates were
elected to attend the county conven
tion at Madison4 Howaid Miller , Hen
ry Mnssman , John James , Erwln Hog-
era , and J. W. Illsk. For road over-
InslxUd Hint t Ii o I r
leincdlcs VVITO JtHt tin
good. This WIIH fotiiid
to lie linposHlbleiow- !
over , nnd now Imita
tions nro splinting
ap eveiyw hero.
To HII ccuss f n 11 y
palm off an Imitation
of IVrumi uvon for a
hlnirl time. IH bino lo
lie n lii < > licy-iniUn
hdll'llll' , bllt Illl Illll )
who has ever t knn
I'crnna can lit ) fooled
on them ) IniltntloiiH. No uoiiHcIuntloux
drtilHt ( ( would sell ono of them 1'cry
purchaser should look carefully nl iiitcli
pnckiiKo of I'erumi ho IIIIVK , to b < - niiru
thai hoa \ ndllnn only Kentilno I'eiuiiii
Addrer-rt Dr. Mnrtmnii , Prenldent or
The llurlinun Huiiituriuiu.Coluntl'ii- .
neei lii dlNlilct No 11 , l''innlc .lonkliiH
was nominated and In distilcl No. II
Cd Itonse was phued in nomination.
Ilillfc Cieuk pieilixt held Its cau
cus Moilaafiet noon II. II Kllbiirn
ua.s In the i halt and F W. Ulclmrdson
nt the desk E G Dennis was nomi
nated lor Jusllie of the ponce and J.
It Gin dels foi constable , both to Illl
vaiatKles Foi toad oveiseor In ( Hu
ll let No 111 , Call Piaounei was nomi
nated , and In dlslilct No lf > John la\l-
\ei was named The following vvero
the delegates dioson to the county con
vention nt Madison HIM man Hogiofe ,
l'iud Volk , O M. Cininlngliam , S. C.
Inkloy. W. 11 ruoist , August Sloffen ,
and ! " \V. Ulchiii dson.
Illl I lie Crr.-U.
Guy Wllborgor diovo ovoi fiom
llonesled Monday foi a visit with his
grniidpinonls , MI and Mis. D H Sim
I'eloi Moiilson was over here Mon
dav on business from I'leico.
I low oil A voiy was down from Tlldon
visiting idatlves
Mis Agnes Schnshol/ and chlldien
of Oulweln. Iowa , left again Tuesday ,
aftei a week's visit with her In other ,
O H Maas
J M Covet t and family of Not folk
visited hem from Situiday till Monday
with his lousln , J C Itnnsdall and
Col T I ) Pieece has been sc | k for
about tineo weeks and dining the
laics last week was hardl ) able to
get aioiinil Ho Is the superintendent
of the association
If you over want
anything just exactly
correct in your lifetime
It's your wedding sta
tionery. Beautifully en
graved Invitations , an
nouncements , cards and
the like , In Old English ,
script or text , at as low
figures as can be ob
tained anywhere In
America that is our
offer. Every order baa
our guarantee behind