TIIK NORFOLK NEWS : FIUDAY , SEPTEMBER 10 , J904. THE NORFOLK NEWS W. N. HUSK , IMitilUhrr. n.vn.v. tKatnbllnliod 1M7 ] Kvery dny except Buiutny. Ily cnr- rl r per week , 1& . rent * . Hy Norfolk route ill co delivery , | < or year , 16.00. Hy mall on rural routes ami outnlilo of Morfolk , per your , J.1.00. WKUKt.Y MJXV.S-JOUUNAI , . ITh * NOWK , KntabllMicil , 1JR1. Tlio Journal , KMntiHMicd , 1877. r ry Friday. Ily mall per yonr , $1.50 , Kntoroil nt tlio pciatoHlco at Norfolk , Heb , , nil second alitm matter. Telephone * : Editorial Department , Ko. 22. lluslncsa Olllco and Job Uooma , No. 333. HKIMJIII.IOAN TICKKT. Nntlnnnl. Tar President THKODOUH ItOOBKVKIjT , Now York For Vice I'renltloiU C11AIIMC8 . IMUU1ANK8 , Indlnnn .Slnlr. For Senator Krnin Nobrnnkn B. J. HUUKlflTT. Lincoln. For rreMdontlnl Klootorn F. A. 1IA1ITON , I'IIWIIPO. A. C. SMITH. DoilKliiR. A. C , AIHIOTT , DnilKO. T. U NOUVAU Howard. W. 1' . HA1.U 1'liolpH. II. A. 1I11OWN , lUlffalo. II , II. WILSON. l.nticMHter. J. C. UOHINHON , DoilRlns. For Governor J. H. MICIC12Y. Oscoola. For Lieutenant Oovornor B. a , M'OIIjTON , Otnnhn. For Bocrotiiry of Stnto A. QAKUHHA , lied Cloud. For Auditor K. M. BRAHMS , Jr. , OKitllitln. t For Troamirer FETICH MOHT15N&KN , Ord. For Superintendent J. U M'llUIICN. Geneva. For Attorney ( lonoral NONIUS IIIIOWN. Kearney. For Land CommlHmonnr II. M. IflATON , Frotnont. Conicrrimloiiiil. Tor CotiKroHHman Third District J. J. M'CAUTIIY. 1'onca. Tlio liullH In tlm wheat pit will at lonct offer mime eni'ouriiKoineiit to tlm plnntlnir of wlioat tlilH fall and next prlnff. Kitropatkln inlinllH to having lost 17,000 moil during tliu punt tun ihiyx. Tlie JapanoHO have not yut nlllcliilly reported tholr IOHHOH. Talk about lirlnn a Hoolutfollor ! How would you lllco to he a farmer with ix few tlioiiHand hiiHhelH of wheat In your KranorlcH ? Nebraska IM doliiK a iirotty Rood job of stnmllMK up for It wolf , but no harm cnn posslhly roault If the people will tell tholr custom frlomlH about It. The triiHtH have not the whole thing , up to dato. In 1903 thorn were 172- 909 liullvlduulH , llrniH or corporations In tbo United States , nil of them It IH now OHtliuatvd that the .Tapan * ' ese have from 450,000 to 51)0,000 ) troops i In the Held , and thin after the KIIH- tditim have hnllovml that they had slatiKhtorod an entire army of the lit tle brown men. J A I'urUer and Davl.s olub has t been formed at Croat Neck , L. I. , the nuKroKulo wealth of the membor.s bo- inir computed at a billion dollarM. Another dose for the "wont common people" to nwallow. The wind may bo tempered to the shorn lamb as promised In the .scrip tures , but It would certainly bo run- nlnK In the fare of provldoueo to shear the lamb durliiR a blizzard. If the democrats have any ammu nition they are evidently saving It for u llnal assault. v Up to date they I luive used little and there In u mispl- clon that their supply IH low. The base ball fellows will find that there Is a now competition In the fleld for publlo favor , the foot ball players are already lu > tlniiliiK to prao- tlco and have announced a schedule of I games. The republicans promise to open the campaign In Nebraska next Saturday I and from that time until election there should bo some sort of evidence In . I the state that a Kreat political contest la Mr. Parker was very loyal to the democratic cause In rcslKnliiK a Kood paying Job for a dream that can nev er conio true , but with a IOIIK and cold winter coining on ho may have some regrets afterwards. Tomorrow the Madison county re publicans will Ket In the contest with a county tlckot and after the demo crats have acted In a similar capacity there will be nothing to do but wade into the fight and wait for election day. * The striking butchers are not yet defeated , as Is shown when 25,597 of them will vote In favor of continuing the Unlit and but 2,403 decide that It would be better to sacrifice the unions and return to work. Now that the ottlclal organ of heal Russian church has ordered special prayers for the success of the Russian arms It may be expected that they will win a battle or two , always provided that the Kusslun side is the right one. le.of Providence seldom comes to the aid of a cause that Is In the wrong. Some of the fusion papers ro against a proposition when It cs csmi to the national ticket. Many of them are keeping tholr readers In Ignorance that there are national tickets of the democratic and populist bniiid in the field and lire laying all tl-.olr weight on he state ticket as of paramount im nin portance. After election they can more < < imlly toll which party IH the on national affairs , Thorn IN nbundiinoo of catiHo on the part of tlio public In celebrating the cessation of thn butchor'H ntrlke. All may not bo patrons of tlm paokern for their meat , but thono who are not are iiHHiirodly Interested In having a mar ket for thn hogs , and Hhoop and oattlo of the fiirmerH and Block ralnern. The famines who have wheat In their Kninorles will not Illo u protest If the pi too of the grain dons climb up lo thn two-dollar mark as predicted by the bulls on the board of trade , and them are a largo number of pro- pin dependent on the prosperity of the farmer for their Income and prollls who will cheerfully pay tlio prlco that Hour will climb to. There IH or should bo sorrow In cor- tain quarters that the stock yards Htrlko IIIIH been called off. Many pig Htys should be draped In mourning , and catlln and slump puns should bo full of walling and lamentation If the full realization of what thn uosHallon of the strlku meaiiH could bo under- stood. It must require doggud devotion tea a caiiHO for the democrats of Vermont to plaon a tlaket In the Hold year af ter year , knowing that they cannot nwlng moro than a iimrtor | of thn voles tholr way. However , llko devo tion to principle Is shown by the ro- publlcanti of some of the Houthorn B talon. In Clnirch llnur'x I'in or. AIM1UUN. Nub. , Hept. 14..ludgo ICelhiKor has ri'iitlttrml his declHlon In the case of Church Howe and other taxpayers iigalnst Charles It. Hacker , county dork , granting the order per petually roHtnilnliig him from placing the r > pur cent Increase of taxes upon thu assessment rolls us ordered by the state hoard of equalization. Following President Hoosovolt's thlrteen-lnch shell , thrown Into the ranks of the cnimiy , the smaller guns all over the country will open an ac tive bombardment this week and un less the formications of the democra cy Is extra strong they are llablo to numerous penetrations before thu real engagement Is on November 8. There Is no political excitement In thin section , but It may bo depended upon that "Uncle Joe" Cannon will not lack for auditors when ho visits the state. Politics or no politics his address will be listened to with Inter est and Norfolk will ho among his speaking points that will turn out a large crowd In welcome of one of the most prominent republicans of the nation today , Whoa the critics of the present ad ministration ot In tholr work real earnestly , they can usually 1m Moored liy asking thorn II' tlioy will do differ' out and In what way If Klvcn the op portunity. They have a general repu tation of being hotter In the role of critics than as originators , ami when they are pluneil right down to do- clarlug their Intentions If .successful the weakness usually uncovers ant ) shows no Improvement If any change over what the republicans have boon accomplishing. Man's superiority In the water Is saved by ft mere scratch but It Is saved. In a long distance swimming contest In Now York , J. .1. Kennedy of Flshklll , that state , was the Mrs In. hut taking second and third honors - ors wore Miss Kloanor Weber of Flat- bush and Miss Florence West of For Hamilton , who defeated twoiity-nim other men. The men will need t look well to their laurels In athlotlcx as well as In other Holds of achievement mont where the now woman Is enter od. The democratic position on the tar Iff suoms to ho Its most definite posl tlon lit this campaign , yet while It calls thu tariff a robber measure , It will no more dare to do away with It than It did when Cleveland was In power. If It Is a "robber" measure It should bo wiped out of existence , butte to ruin a country to got rid of a rob ber will not appeal to good democratic common sense. Hereafter it may bo possible for wealthy papas to buy titles for tholr daughters without taking some worth less , worn-out noaccount European bearing such title. It has been found that there Is In Berlin an Industry making u regular business of soiling titles , and It would bo nice to have the daughter choose a nice young American I- Il can and semi him to Berlin for his tl- ; tie. Prices range from $50,000 for n Gorman baronetcy to J2.000 for mem bership in Turkish orders. The Nebraska Independent , edited by Mr. Tibbies , populist nominee for vice president , thinks that Mr. Parker might reasonably Include the republican IIho can party In his declaration that ho considers the "gold standard as firmly and Irrevocably established. " The populist loader Is undoubtedly right. The gold standard Is no more firmly es tablished than the republican party , and the downfall of one may well betaken taken to moan the downfall of the other. They are at least as closely related - latod as wheat and silver. It should be Interesting to hear what Mr. Bryan can say If he takes the stump for the democratic ticket with - out running counter to hls unte-con- vcntlon statement , when ho said : "I shall not misrepresent tlio Mtuatlon , or appeal for votux for the tlckot upon fnlno grounds , A doinoorntlc victory will moan very llttlo , If niiy.progress on ocoiinmlo < | Uc lloiiH so long MB the party In under thn control of the Wall street nlmumit , The labor phi nil IIR prepared by Judi t I'arltor's friends on thu sub-commlltou was a strad dling , meaningless plank. The nomina tion of .luilgu Parker virtually nulll- lles thu anti-trust plank. " When thn domourats declared In their platform that "protection Is the robbery Dlhi' bery of thu many to enrich the few , " they nindu an iiNHorllnn that their orn- torn and editors are llndlng It dllllcult to support. Tlioy cannot show that there Is prosperity lo the manufactur ers without showing ( hat there Is prosperity l > In densely populated sec tions of thu country , and that this prosperity has spread to tbo wngo workers , thn ( 'armors and every other clans throughout thn entire country. olTl The figures are available to show that thousands of puoplo have buuu em ployed and tnllllntiH of dollars have Pibe boon acquired where tlioro was Idle | ness | | and waul and depression when the democrats made their last regrtitablo | attempt to get rid of the "robber tar iff. " The American people do not need to bo especially frightened because a ' Russian warship has entered a port on the Paulllc coast. There IH no probability of danger to the nation from the warlike visitor. It might lire a few plunks Into San Kranclsco , but not If It Is at all discreet. There ro enough of I'nclo Sam's warships t hand to prevent thu lone Russian rum doing nny considerable harm , hu only possibility of Interesting de velopments would come If a Jap war- hip should he sent over to lay In .vaIt for the Russian outside the har- tor , then It would be up to thu stran ger to cither disarm or meet the ene- ny on thu American coast and a sea iiittle In sight of thu western coast lutwcun the belligerent nations would nit bo devoid of Interest. HOOHHVKI/r.S ACC'UPTANCH. Prosldont Roosevelt's letter of ac ceptance Is an Interesting and logical irKiimont In favor of republican poll- ; los that cannot bo Ignored by any pol- tlclau of any party pretending to lelng Informed on matters of govern mental economy. It Is Interesting as ivcll as educating , and as one of the nest Important statements of tbo cam paign deserves especial attention. The republican will llnd In It reasons for Ills belief ; thu democrat can ascertain .lollnltely thn Issues ho opposes and he Independent voter wishing to ho ibsolutoly fair and Impartial In form- UK his convictions during the present campaign will find In It Just what the present administration may bo expect ed to support If the majority of the people glvo It their approval. The president deals exhaustively with the Issues or lack of Issues pre sented by the democratic party. Ho notes with the balance of the Ameri can people , that the party no sooner acquires an Issue than It Is evaded and If nothing new In the way of party policy turns tip at the opportune time It directs Its energy toward attacking the party In power. Ho argues that the democrats are Inconsistent on many points , vacillating on others and woud not cure or dare to carry out many of Its promises If elected. They are found to be advocating one policy In ono section of the country and as emphatically denying It In others. In certain centers they make every effort to show that In tbo settlement of the anthracite coal strike and the .suc cessful suit against the Northern Se curities company wore acts that should cause the administration to bo thrown out of power , yet they dare not openly condemn either net. Of principal Interest to the west l. i the president's argument for a pro tective tariff policy as n means for helping the farmers of the country Ills logic In this connection Is con- 'Vlnelng. ' lie shows conclusively that the tariff policy Is essential to the manufacturer , and that tbo manufac turer. In creating a market for the farmer , Is essential to tbo agricultural regions of the country. Flgurus are given to prove that the prosperity of thu farmer has kept pace with the prosperity of the manufacturer and the wage earner , and sometimes has led the two classes directly Interested In tariff legislation. Thu democrats In ono breath call It the "robber tariff. " and In thu next assert themselves as favoring nothing more than a revision , giving an Indication of policy that Is Indefinite If not dangerous to the farmers and all other classes of people. The democrats argue for a de crease In the standing army , but tbo president shows that an army of 60- 000 Is not only necessary to tbo protec- tlon of a nation of $0,000,000 people , but Is far from being a menace to their liberties. Ono soldier to every 1.400 people loss than ono-tciith of one per cent of population Is smaller relatively than the army maintained by Washington In a time of peace , and smaller than the standing army of C.100 soldiers to 5,300,000 popula tion maintained In a time of peace by tbo president so much admired by the democrats Thomas Jefferson. The democratic argument resardlng the foreign policy of the government , and particularly tholr position regardIng - Ing the Philippine ! ) , are handled with out evasion or apology , and It IR throughout ono of the best and most convincing republican presentations of the campaign. The four most doubtful states of the wont , Colorado , Wyoming , I'tah and Idaho , permit the women to vote , and It being RO dlflloult to toll the mind of n woniiiu , the committees of both parties nro somewhat puzzled to do- ormlno what the result will bo. With thu republican plurality In Maine reaching about the 33,000 mark tlioro Is no great consolation for the lumocratii In studying the figures shown by thn straw , even though tlioro uivo boon local Ignitus and factors nt work to contribute to thu result. Fig- uroH of past elections show that such i majority IH above thn avoriign. Dead people sent by mall Is said to bo n possibility of modern trans portation , and In thu near future It may not be uncommon for people to | open their mall box OH and take there from the rumahiH of a rotative or a frlond. To make this possible the croI I matorloH need to prepare thu court for the postal department by removing the water and combustablos that go Into the make up of the average human | body. The I'ow ounces of nshcH that are loft run as well ho shipped by mall as an express. It Is olllclnlly reported from Toklo that the Japanese losses In the battles at Line Yang will not bo more than 17,000 . men. The Russian figures are about the same , which may be consid ered rumnrkahlo from the fact that the Russia us had all the advantages of location and fortifications , and U IH safe to assume that If the contend ing nrniles had met on equal terms there would have boon a Russian rout and no orderly rot rent would have been possible. The Japs are evidently very superior and vigorous lighters and If the Russians do not overwhelm them with numbers victory may yet bo tholr's. AugiiHt llclmont , the New York mll- llomilro , Is ambitious to bo about the whole * thing us far as the democratic national committee Is concerned. This representative of Wall street Is desir ous that Chairman Taggart should act us a mere figurehead In the present contest and the light Is now on to de termine whether Chairman Tnggnrt shall control In fact as well as In iiumo or whether bo will bo merely thu automaton manipulated by Mr. Belmont. In the meantime the work of the committee Is In a state approaching preaching paralysis and tbo republi cans under Chairman Cortolyou nro going steadily forward Invading demo cratic territory and rolling up the ti dal wave of popular sentiment that threatens to engulf the democratic machine In the most disastrous defeat It has sustained In recent years. STATK KMTO.MOMHilST TIM , I. * OP now TO < JIT : urn or TIIIJ PIST. Ilotr Ilic liiNcclH ( Jrt Action tin tin * VIIIIIIK Wlirnt I'limtfl mid Unlit ( lie Crop \llnm-d to Multiply mid At- Inck With Impunity. Htnto Kntntnologlst Lawrence Ilru- ner has prepared a press bulletin on the HoHslan fly ( uccldomya destructor Hay ) regarding the need of precaution against the pest and thn way to got rid of the Insect , that may prove of value to thu farmers of the state. Mr. Hruner ; says that the post has not yet done much damage In the state , but of recent years IIIIH shown a tendency towards ' multiplying In dangerous numbers. Especially IIIIH this boon true In thn southeastern portion of the state where considerable damage has already ' resulted. "This Insect Is n diminutive , dark colored Ily , much smaller than n llt tlo mosquito , to which latter It boars a general resemblance. Its habit of laying eggs on your plants of wheat , kJinrloy , and rye , renders It a danger ous farm post. Especially In this true of It In regions whore winter grains are grown. H may also become a pest at times oven where spring wheat alone IH raised , but there Is llttlo dan ger that this last will occur. "Tbo fly appears chiefly during spring and fall , but a few of the ma ture Insects may be scon throughout the summer as well. Hero In Nebras ka the spring brood may bo found late In April , during May , and thu first part of Juno. The autumn files Issue Into In August , throughout September , and the first part of October appear ing Inter In spring and earlier In fall northward. The eggs are deposited both In spring and fall on the upper sides of tbo leaves , and the young , as soon as hatched , make tholr way down the plant to near the ground , where they lodge behind the sheath of the leaves. In the spring they locale at the first or second , and sometimes even the third Joint above thu roots ; but In the full when Hie plants are smaller , they go down lo a point Just above the roots , an shown In the Illus tration at h. The effect on the plants In the fall Is to prevent them from sending up shoots that would boar heads the following year , and to re duce the growth to a mere bunch of rank growing leaves that kill out during the winter. In tbo spring the maggots or young become Imbedded In the straw , thus weakening It and when the grain comes to bend the weakened straws topple and brook down. The insect passes the winter largely In the "llaxseed" stage about the growing young plants. Just above the roots. It also passes the summer to a great measure , In tbo same stage , but In the stubble fields. The adults breed chlofly In filling and fall , at ilatos varying with the latitude , They live hut a few days and dlo vary moon after laying tholr eggs. The Individu als which coino to maturity cither In iidvanco or after the normal dates mentioned above are the ones usually found attacking the volunteer grainer or abnomal plantings and have led to the supposition that there may bo oven three or more broods of the fllo during the year. "A sickly appearance of the grain Into In the fall and failure to respond to the first warm wcalhor of spring1 may Indicate the presence of tlio In sect. "Tho Hessian fly Is attacked by n number of different parasitic Insects which In ordinary years tend to keep it In check. However , during1 seasons when the climatic conditions nro es pecially favorable to the Increase at the post , special prccaptlons are nec essary. These may bo summed up briefly as follows : 1. "Burn thn stubble when possible. This Is particularly desirable when , . , from any reason , shallow plowing Is - unavoidable. If the stubble Is left ' \ * long It will burn moro easily. Some farmers are willing to go to the trouble of spreading straw from threshing over the stubble , thus In- surlng the burning and at the same time getting rid of some 'llaxseeds' which may hnvo lodged on the sur face of the straw pile at the time of threshing. 2. "Kail plowing of the stubble In such a way that the straw Is com pletely turned over. 3. "All screenings and litter about thu threshing machine should be cleaned up and either fed Immediately or burned , leaving no litter from the threshing on tbo fleld. There Is no absolute need of burning the straw pile. The flics emerging from the 'llaxseeds' In the center of the pile will never reach the surface. 4. "Since tbo fly lays Its eggs , as u rule , near the locality whore It emer ges from the 'flaxsced , ' It Is best not to plant wheat on the same ground two years In sucesslon whore rotation Is possible. Varieties of wheat that produce a stout stalk are the least af fected by the pest. 5. "Cooperation is absolutely nec essary , for , however careful one may be. If his neighbor Is not so , the hit ter's fields will afford a supply of this pest for the former. Since this pest Issues from the 'llaxseed' early In May . ( or oven In April ) , a stubble Hold left for corn land and not plowed up to the inth of May or later has probably discharged Its quota of files ready for mischief before plowing. " ( > . "Tho practice of sowing narrow strips of grain across the field early In the fall to act as decoys and later plowing them under , has at times proved beneficial. The decoy planting should be done Into in August or In early September. Pasturing early sown fields with sheep has also been followed with beneficial results. " 0.00 GASH GIVEN AWAY lo Users of LION COFFEE in Addition to the Regular Free Premiums r SRfV ; v/t , ( Jo i lie „ Jy ° * c > jz = dtii ' . A I : Would - I % - * = 70 SECOND NATIONAL C/I/YW. / TOLKDO , You , OHIO. Like a Check like This ? $9(1 ( I nnn nn Cash to W ° n Coffee users in our Great World's Fair Contest- jUUUiUU 2139 people get checks , 2139 more will get them in the Presidential Vote Contest Five Lion-Heads cut from Lion What will be the total popular vote cast Coffee Packages and a 3-cent for President ( votes for all can stamp entitle you ( in addition to didates combined ) at the election November 8 , ? 1904 the regular free premiums ) to In 1900 election , 13,959,653 people voted one vote. The 3-cent stamp covers for President. For nearest correct esti ers our acknowledgment to you mates received in VVoolson Spice Com pany's oflice , Toledo , O. , on or before that estimate is recorded. your November 5 , 1904 , we will give first You can send ns many estimates prize for the nearest correct estimate , second prize to the next nearest , etc. , mates as desired. etc. , as follows : Grand First Prize of $5,000.00 will be awarded to the one who Is nearest correct on both our World's Fair and Presi dential Vote Contests. We also offer $5,000.00 Special Cash 1'rltes to Groceri' Clerks , ( Particular ! In each case ol Lion Coflee. ) How Would Your Name Look on One of These Checks ? Everybody uses coffee. If you will use LIOX COFFKK lonff enough to get acquainted with it , you will be suited and convinced there is no other such value for the money. Then you will take no other and that's why we advertise. And we are using our advertising money so that both of us you as well as we will get a benefit. Hence ( or your Lion Jlemta WE GIVE BOTH FREE PREMIUMS AND CASH PRIZES Complete Detailed Particulars in Every Package of LION COFFEE .WOOLSON SPICE CO. , ( CONTEST DEP'T. ) TOLEDO , OHIO.