The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, September 16, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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N THAT n v > nr.r.N IN
ici : I'oit v vr.Aii.
fmiRltt In tlir Ici * Unrl.v l.iml Wltilrr
nnd Itnn 'I'linnmli n rrriun I'rrcrpr ,
Introiliicod ( HIP Hot Mm nnd Him
I'lnoril In HIP IIMpr.
A orawllsh Is not much for Intelll-
nonce , nclthor IH ho n puitly brute.
' " ' foul wlioit one comes almiK with n his
tory some conMdornbln Intercut at-
tucho * to lilin.
Much n ernwflsh IIHH oomo In llm
attention of Tlio NOWN. The nvoniKo
crawfish will not loiuc wirvlvo If lie
In removed from Ills niitlvu element ,
tlio water , lint thin particular craw
fish Ims not been In or near tlio wa
ter for almost n your. Tlio hint tlmo
lin cnjoyoil propclllm ; liltnnolf tall
foremost thrniiKli his natural clement
wns Nome tlmo last fall.
When tlio froHtH of winter en tun
lin .wns ciiUKlit 1'J' thn sportive .lack
Krost nnil placed llnnly In n crystal
bcil. Then the Ice cutters came nloiiir
nnd cut nut n ouko In which ho was
llxed anil ho wart deposited In thn
Ice house , from which ho WIIH inovnil
Junt the other day nnil wnnt with his
crystal covering Into an lee oroani
frrencr anil from there wa dumped
Into the ditch.
There ho experienced thn chunge
from u frt'oxliiK to the broiling hot
nun , but when | > lnkad up wan still
alive , mid Kavo pOHltlvo though foo-
Mo demonstration that ho considered
life worth the living. To rnvlvu | IH !
eplrlts nnd Indicate that his struggle
for existence had not hcen In vain ,
thin humhlo and retiring ilonliinn of
the stream WUH d\tmpod In u tub of
water nnd nftorward reatorod to his
native nlomont.
Whether ho now furnishes hnlt for
nome Ntnall lioy'H lioolc , becomes the
prey to hit * natural ouomloH , dies a
natural death , or lives to aKaln enjoy -
joy a trip Into the mud and through
tlio currunt all depends on fate , hut
tlmt ho has earned a louse of Ufa IH
Like Hip Ynrf Winkle of old , ho
may Mini lilt ) frlondH and nc < | imlnt-
nnces gone nnd n now gonorntlnn In
their place , hut hu may never ngnln
experience IIH long n wlnlur an the
oiio ho hns jiiHt licoii through.
Vrogs and toads have experienced
histories Hlnillar to this urawllsli , hut
ho l.s undouhtcully unique of his kind.
ItOAl ) HAS MO\V .tl.VNAIlim.
I * . I * . O'Connor , of limner , I'nrcliiiNcr of
Slonx ( ' ! ( > , lliiincr nnd Smillirrn.
DAKOTA CITY. Noli. , .Snpt 8. C. .1.
O'Connor of Hoinur , Nuh. , In now main
manipulator of the Hloux City , Homer
and Southern railway company , which
hns boon ondonvorlng to build an oloo-
trlo line between Sioux City and Ho
mo r. All the right , tltlo and Interest
to the road , aH well aw Crystal Luke
park , linn boon convoyed to O'Connor
In a mint deed tllod for record In this
county , .signed by the Slonx City , Homer -
mor nnd Southern Hallway company ,
by Joseph Crow president and Jnmos
II. llynos Bocrotary. The cntiNldorn-
tlon was the Indebtedness of paid rail
way to the Western ISIootrlcnl Supply
company of $23,130.4.1 , to C. J. O'Con
nor In the .sum of t-t.ini.SR , and the
futhor consideration of $1,000.
MliNlonnry I'rournm.
[ From Saturday's Daily. ]
Following Is the program of the an
nual thnnknfforlng mooting of the
Woman's Missionary society of the
First Congregntlnnnl churoh to bo giv
en In the church Tuesday afternoon at
3 o'clock.
Hymn No. to.
Hesponslvo service led by Mrs. Tur
Prayer of thanksgiving , Mrs. Itrldgo.
KendliiK "Our Ulosslnn.s , " Mrs. Hob-
Poem , Mrs. O. 11 , Suitor.
"Mrs , Porter's Token , " Mrs. D. Ma-
Vocal solo. Mrs. Oroon ,
I'oom "Inasmuch , " Mrs. Krsklno.
Iteadlntr , Mrs. Will Johnson.
Hymn No. 246.
Hetidini ? of texts. Mrs. .1. H. Hays.
Prayer of consecration , Mrs. McMil
Wm. Huso of Wayne Is In the city
visiting friends. Grace Oentle has returned to
her homo nt Creston , Iowa , after a
visit with her brother. 11. C. Gentle.
Thomns Carroll , an expert mining
engineer of Fremont , wus In the city
today on business.
II. W. Howell of Omaha , traveling
freight nnd passenger agent of the
Chicago , Milwaukee nnd St. Paul , was
in the city today looking after busi
ness for his road.
Raymond Macomber Is hero from
Kelllngham , Wash. , to visit his father ,
Dr. A. 1 > . Macomber. Coming from the
chilly coast he tlnds Nelirnskit tem
perature uncomfortable at times. Ills
mother Is still In Belllngham.
Mrs. A. D. Cole received a dispatch
today Informing : her of the death of
her father , G. D. Nlcklen. at Sulliiu ,
Probably llfty Norfolk people went
to Tlldon nnd Nollgh yesterday. At
Ncllgh the badges of the Norfolk Com
mercial club let people kliow that Nor
folk was well represented.
At a business meeting1 of the West
Side Whist club , held nt the homo of
Dr. and Mrs. Hear Inst night It was
decided to have the tlrfU mooting of
the club for the season on September
22 at the homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. 12. P.
A delegation of seven or eight Hap-
lists trom the local church have been
attending lite Northeast Nebraska Bap
tist association which has been In
session at Plalnvlew since Wednesday.
This Is the last day of the session , nnd
the dolegntes nro expected homo ,
Michael Herman , n clerk In the Fri
day hardware store , who has been
sick for some time with typhoid fever ,
l Improving nnd friends hope to fion
him about ngaln hofnro vury long.
W. 14. HOWN loft today for llnffnlo ,
. Y. , whore ho goon an delegate to
the convention of the llrnthcrhnod of
Locomotive Klremcin. Mrs. HOHH nnd
children will visit nt Parknr nnd Hur-
loy , H , I ) . , during Ills nlmonoo.
10 K. llaim and daughter MlHM Nol-
lip , worn down from llaltlo Crook to
day enronto cast. Minn llaim will on-
lor the consorvnlory of music In Chicago
cage , and Mr. Ilium will go from there
to Wont lladon. Intl. , where ho will en
joy the sprlngH for n few weeks.
Tutor Klsonmongor of Posotum , 111 , ,
was In the city Thursday morning on
bin way lo Humphrey , whoru ho will
visit four HOIIH who own farms In that
vicinity. Aftorwnrd ho will go to
Minnesota where ho has two HUMS on
farms. Mr. F.lHonmongnr himself has
two farms In Illinois though ho In not
nctlvnly nngaged In farming pursuits.
Will lloker , who lives In Kdgewator
park , Is finite nick with typhoid fever.
Hov. Ull Thorp of Meadow drove
was In thn city yesterday renewing old
Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Mllllman of Chicago
cage , father and mother of Mr. and
Mrs. N. II. DnlNon , are expected In the
olty Friday for n visit with their
Harry Lodor has come Into posses
sion of n meerschaum plpo that linn
n history of inoro than n hundred years
of service. Ho purahnned It from n
Gorman resident of thla vlolnlty who
Inherited It from his father nnd had
been used by his father's father before -
fore hlm.o omliiB originally from der
ma ny. It Is of mammoth proportions
and was made when the material wns
not as eagerly sought and as expen
sive as at the present time. It has
oiio of the generously long ( lurman
stems made of bamboo , that somns to
liavo boon In nso as long IIH the bowl
llstilf , but Mr. Lodor him replaced It
with a now stem of ohorry wood.
AUriicMim In Norfolk I'lny IloiiNe
Will be ( iUrn Next TliiirMilny
KvriilnK ,
The nudltorlum season will begin In
Norfolk on Thursday night , the Kith ,
when the ICIng-PerkliiH company will
present under the miiniiKoineiit of
I4dwnrd Taylor "Old Fnrmcr Hop
kins. " This play Is said to be a new
and winning comedy. Knrmor Hop
kins Is something of n departure from
the usual farmer comedlnu. He Is
lenrnod nnd has an iinnmml amount
of good horse sense and seldom fulls
lo not the butler of the fellows that
the audience wnnts to MOU beaten.
u is niuiersiood unit .Manager uun-
li-vy ban an unusually good lot of al-
ti'Mctlons for Norfolk during the com
ing season nnd the play house will
ho kept light nt Intervals during the
fall nnd winter , nftor the llrst per
formance on the Kith.
A Spoelnl I'VilCllp' .
I'ruf. 10. Abt , thu original picture
machine man , has boon secured by
the Klng-l'erkliiH company at n great
expense and will positively appear
during the performance of "Old Knrm
or Hopkins" nt thu Auditorium , one
night only. September 1T > . This gen
tleman enjoys the distinction of beIng -
Ing the llrst to operate n picture ma
chine In the Hulled Ktntes. Ills dis
solving views nro truly wonderful.
Among these views will be MCUII the
Ilusso-Jiipan war. St. Louis world's
fair , nnd nil other up-to-date views.
He also has the latest hits In Illus
trated songs. Miss Myrtle Churchill ,
Into of the "Whon Johnny romos
Marching Home" company , has boon
especially engaged to sing the Illns-
trntcd songs. Among other special
features will be seen singing and
dancing Hpcclnltlos nnd plenty of
them. In fact seven big specialties
will be given In connection with the
great rural comedy , "Old Farmer Hop
kins" nt the Auditorium on Thursday
night , September in.
Cllii : < iiri' ( \ KUNSINCTO.V CI.IIII.
Wore fiiicxtN of Mr * . J. I ) , Sturgeon
for UrruUfiiRt nnd Dinner Today.
[ From Saturday's Dally. ]
Members of the Kensington club of
Crolghton nrrrlved In the city on the
early train and were guests of Mrs.
J. n. Sturgeon for breakfast and din
ner , returning to their homos on the
1 o'clock train. Those who attended
from Crolghton wore
Mesdames T. H. 1 lot-ton , A. K. DIs-
brow. W. U Kirk , W. A. Warner , J.
K. Hrown. W. W. llrown , Lizzie Wat-
kins. O. W. Hlco , J. IJ. Lucas , D. G.
Jasmer , H. A. Cheney , John Scott ,
James Kruso , Clins. Cherlnnd , W. A.
Meserve. C. A. Sweet , Kd. Warrlngrton.
N. L. Raymond.
Misses Mary Lyons , Ada Brown , May
Mrs. Geo. D. llutterllold and Mrs. K.
P. Olmstead , Norfolk members of the
club , were In attendance.
Mr . J , 1C. Mniimoii Siin > rn u Stroke on
Mrs. J. K. Simpson was stricken with
paralysis Saturday and for n while It
looked ns though she might BO before
her husband , who has boon considered
pnst human assistance for some time.
Mrs. Simpson remained unconscious af
ter the stroke until this morning , when
her mind cleared up and she was very
much Improved. The attack was un
doubtedly brought on by the long con
tinued strain over the condition of her
husband , who bus been sick all sum
mer. Lack of rest nnd the wreck of
her nervous system with the knowl
edge that Mr. Simpson cannot recover ,
proved too much for the frail body ,
nnd Saturday she gave way. Her son ,
who had returned temporarily to his
homo In southern Nebraska , was has
tily notlllcd and arrived last evening.
Her daughter , Mrs. Whonton , and Mr.
Simpson's sister. Miss .Simpson , wore
with them nt the tlmo. Col. Simpson's
condition wns reported practically un
changed this morning.
Fly Nets.
A discount of from 15 to 20 par
cent on nil flynots the next thirty
days. Now is the time to buy them.
Paul Nordwlg.
si ccnss TIII : nist IT o
mown vi3STHinv
IVopIr Cninr From nil nirvclloiiN In
Her the ( 'limit ill mid Tliry Were
Well I'leiiHiMl With nil Intrrrxtloir
I'riigriiin riiixoi'N Toiln ; .
NKLK1II. Neb. Sept. fl. From n stuff
correspondent : Nellgh Is this week
demonslrntlng what can be done by n
town when the people net In harmony ,
nil Intent upon the nccompllnhmont of
one common purpose. The carnival
which cloHCH there today Is the great
est success of anything of the kind
Hint him ever been attempted by n
small town In Nebraska. The frui
tion of the ambition of Nelelghltcs
ban been brought about through the
united action of the people. When n
public meeting wan hold nnme tlmo
ngo nnd It WIIH decided to hold n car
nival , everyone wont to work to mnkn
It n success , nnd they have succeeded
beyond their utmost oxpectntlons.
There WIIH not n single Individual In
the town to hold back , not n croaker ,
not n kicker , lloforo the llrst day of
the carnival S.fiOO tickets to the park
had been sold nnd every Item of ex
pense bud been provided for. It In the
most effective example ) of what can be
accomplished by nil pulling together
Hint the writer hns over witnessed.
Nellgh yesterday bad the greatest
crowd that was over In the town. Kv-
ery Incoming train brought extra
conches loaded with people nnd from
early In the morning until after noon
the roads In all directions leading Into
Nellgh covered with teams nil
pointed toward the carnival. And Nu-
llgh had provided attractions worth
the while of a visit. The decorations
of the streets and business houses arc
most beautiful. Hrlght colored
streamers are draped across the streets
In canopy style , and every business
house displays a generous amount of
bunting , Intertwined with national
colors nnd myriads of electric lights.
There nre free shows gnloro on the
streets , nnd If the visitor Is not sur
feited by these there nro a grcnt num
ber of concessionaires who offer at
tractions of more or less merit *
One feature of the carnival Is es
pecially worthy of note. There Is not
n gninhllng device In the town. On
no pretext whntevor nro they nllowcd
on the streets nor even In n back room.
At Hie 1'nrk.
lllvorslde park , which Is nn elegant
resort nnd In which every person In
Nellgh feels n personal Interest nnd
tnkcs n pride , presented nn unlimited
Hoono yesterday afternoon. It Is es
timated that there wore between 0-
000 and S.OflO people In the park dur
ing the races nnd sports. Tint griind
stnnd IIIIM a sealing capnclly of 1.200.
and HO grentw us the rush nt the gate
tlmt more seats wore sold than there
are scats , nnd the money was refund
ed to late coiners who got Into the
stnnd but could not llnd scats. The
seats under the shade of the inngnlll-
t.-ont ticos afforded resting places for
many while the fences for more than
half wny around thu ( rack two to six
deep by people Intent upon seeing the
The match race between Shade On
nnd S'nr Onelda , Jr. , wns rather n dis
appointment. It wns quickly demon
strated that Onelda Is no match for
Shade On , nnd as n consequence the
latter was not driven out by Mr. Kay
lloth heats were easily taken by
Shade On , thu last In 2:20. : The time
of the llrst heat wns not announced.
After the hist boat , Shade On cnmo
out to glvo nn exhibition mile , In nn
attempt to lower his record on n half
mile track , 2:11. : but just nt the start
he went lame , nnd the audience wns
disappointed. Shnde Oil's record on a
mile truck Is 2OS' : . He Is undoubted
ly the greatest horse In north Ne
The 2iR : : trot or pace for a purse of
$16(1 ( , developed Into an Interesting con
test. There weio four entries nnd
every horse wns In It to win. In the
llrst bent , Hall wns fouled nnd his sul
ky mashed but he wns on band ngaln
the next time. Following Is the sum
mary :
Little Mac ( owned by II. K.
Kolso , West Point ) 1 3 3 3
Minnie Wllkes ( owned by
Win. Wood , Stnnton ) 2. 1 1 J
Antonetto ( owned by W. O.
Hall , Norfolk ) 2 2 2
Salllo Nelson ( owned by Kd.
Kennedy. Albion ) 3 4 4 4
Time 2:28 : , 2:26. : 2:30. : 2:28. :
Tim Preeco of Battle Creek acted as
starter. It Is his llrst experience In
Hint capacity nnd ho Is doing It well.
Woods Cones of Pierce. W. C. Kaley
of Crelghton nnd C. W. Priestly of
Onkdnlo acted as judges. O. W. Losey
of llattlu Creek , was time keeper.
The base ball game between the
Crook lints and Atkinson resulted In
a shut out for Atkinson , while the
Crook Hats rolled up 6 scores. The
score :
Crook Hats 12020100 0 6
Atkinson 00000000 0 0
Itnltorles : Crook Hats. Fossberg
nnd Kossberg ; Atkinson , Hltnoy nnd
Chambers. O'Oonnell of O'Neill , um
pire , nitney struck out R and Foss-
berg 12 : niackmnr and Carl Fossberg
made base hits. Kvorythlng else was
The balloon man who attempted to
glvo an ascension last evening had
trouble. Just ns the balloon wns about
ready to be cut loose , a tiny column
of smoke appeared at the top , Indicat
ing that the great hag of gas had
sprung n leak. This Increased almost
Imperceptibly until suddenly there wns
n roar nnd n great rent appeared half
wny across the top of the balloon nnd
It fell to the ground nn Inert mass.
Later the aeronaut made repairs and
succeeded In making n very pretty as
Special Pension Kxamlnor Rotremal
of Grand Islam ! was here Thursday
on special business. Ho wns nccom-
pnnled by Mr. McQInnls of Norfolk.
Herman Brumimind of Norfolk Is
assistant In the Enterprise otllco thlu
IS. F. Ilann and daughter , Mlsa Nol-
dn , wont to Chicago Thursday. Minn
Hans will stay nt that place In n con
servatory to study music , while Mr.
Hans Is going to West Uadon , Indiana ,
for bin health.
Mlsn 10mtan Schneider linn taken n
position with MHH ! Jonnlo Flood In the
millinery stnro ,
Mlsn draco MoKnlght of drove pro
duct Is lying sick hero nt the homo
of Mr. nnd Mrs. deo. Pratt , Miss Me-
Knight ciiniu bore on n visit.
Fred Miller , Jr. , Is running 13. F.
linns' biiHlncss affairs hero during his
nhsonco. Fritz has been In his employ
for yours.
Ham Crowoll of Omnhn wns visiting
hero Thursday with his parents , Mr.
and Mm. Wm. Crowoll.
MlH.i Lydla nnd Oscar Cutofsky wont
homo to Nlcolot , Minn , , whllo tholr
oldest brother , Ernest , IB staying herewith
with his grand parents , Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Mnssmnn.
At the present tlmo Ilattlo Crcok has
a lot of people on the sick Hat but
the canon nro not very serious. It Is
mostly colds , but both of the doctors
nro busy.
Kd , W. Mudgo of Cody wns visiting
hero thin week with his wife's rel
atives , the Hnrnos families.
Goo. Dlnklo wns over from Madison
Wednesday visiting relatives.
J. L. Okeo of Claarwator was visitIng -
Ing hero Wednesday with old nolRh-
horn nnd friends.
Grandpa Heck , who makes hln homo
mostly with his son Wm , In Norfolk ,
arrived here from Ute , Iowa , where ho
was vlBltlng his grand children. Ho
will visit here about a week with his
daughters , Mrs. Thos. Taylor and Mrs.
Mike Hughes.
HllllAl , UOUTK NO. H.
Mr. August Kohn of Nnpor IB visitIng -
Ing at the homo of Hormnn Wlchman
of Hadar.
Kniest Jlaasch of Norfolk wax up nt
Hadar on Wednesdny. Ho Is the bar
ber and has so much business ho can't
handle It all on Saturday , so ho was
up on Wednesday shaving northwest
of Hndnr.
Wm. Holme , one of the young men of
Hadar , who wont to Omaha a few days
ago to enlist In the U. S. army to go
to the 1'hlllpplues , l.s homo ngaln.
Otto Hohrko cnmo down to Norfolk
on his wheel enrly Sunday morning
lie seemed to ho In n hurry nnd sail
he cniiiu down on business.
U. W. Uohrko hns leased his farn
for next year to John Kaiser.
Some depredations have been golnj ,
on In the water melon patches nortl
of llndnr. Ono farmer says In rcgnn
to this matter : "Now , wo don't care
for what mulons the hoys want to eat
hut then to have them cut the mulons
to pieces nnd destroy the vines Is more
than wo can stnnd for. So look out
boys , "
I'M. Apfol sold his farm to Mr. Klnln
Price $41 per ncre.
Oscar llockinnn has pulled his thresh
Ing iiinchlnu oft the work for a few
days , ns the grain Is too damp fo
stack threshing.
H. D. Parson Is going to move Intc
Sheriff Clements' house , the proportj
lately purchased from Willie Wncbte
for thu sum of $0,000.
C. K. Bcnlsh Is working for E. II
Khellng and from the outlook ho I
also working for something else.
There wns a pleasant social blrthdn
party on the 9th lust , at Mrs. Ang
Lenscr's. Kveryono present had
good time.
Krnesl Khcllng's shoulder , which wn
dislocated a few days ngo , l.s gcttln
along line. He has taken it out of th
Cured of I.nine llnek After 1.1 Year
of Suffering.
"I had boon troubled with lame hue
for llfteon years nnd I found n com
plete recovery In the use of Chnmbei
Iain's Pain Halm. " says John C. Itlsb-
cr. Glllatn , Ind. This liniment Is also
without nn equal for sprains nnd
bruises. It Is for sale by Leonard the
Cured n Comrade of Clmlcra Morlmx
and Smed MN | IIff.
"While returning from the Grnnd
Army oncnmpinent nt Washington city
In IS',12. ' n comrade from lOlgin , III. , was
taken with cholera morbns nnd was
In a critical condition , " nays Mr. J. K.
Houghhind , of Kldon , Iowa. " 1 gave
him Chamberlain's Colic Cholera nnd
Diarrhoea remedy nnd believe saved
his life. I have been engngcd for ten
years In immlgrntlon work nnd con
ducted many parties to the south nnd
west. I nlways carry this remedy and
have used It successfully on many oc
casions. No person traveling or at
home should bo without this remedy. "
For sale by Leonard the druggist.
As a medium of exchange for any
thing In north Nebraska try a News
want ad.
MrlliodlMlx of NiirtlmoxttlirnnUn In
St'NNlon nt AtkhiNon tliU Werk ,
ATKINSON , Neb. , Sept. 10. Special
to The News : The Northwest Nebras
ka eleventh annual conference opened
Thursdny. presided over by Hlshop
Joyce. The regular business of the
conference hns worked along lively
L. I * D. Dunham of Ohio who Is holdIng -
Ing the evangelistic services of the
conference , Is meeting with marked
success. He Is an ublo speaker nnd Is
drawing audiences.
Tomorrow will bo n red letter day ,
when Bishop Joyce will preach. The
services will be held In the opera house
to Insure room.
Old m-Nldrnt Kroiii lUmklnx lend.
A message from Hosklns states that
Jacob Weathorholt , an enrly settler
and highly respected resident of that
plaoo , died Friday night at the homo
of his son John. Mr. Weathorholt was
elghty-ono years of ngo nnd cnmo to
this part of the country In 1SS4. Ho
has boon sick from paralysis for about
n year nnd a half. Besides his three
sons. John. George nnd William nt
Hosklns , ho lias a daughter living at
a distance who has been summoned by
telegraph ,
The Weatherholts are well known In
Norfolk and throughout this locality.
\\KI.I , ri.nAsun WITH UK.
liilliion .linn ( 'nine Nrnr n Sorloim Ac-
eldrnl l.iiNt KvcnliiK l.iiNt Uny of
the Kiilcrtiilniiionl Urrtv ( Jond frond
nnd I'riMod n SIICCCMN.
TILDHN. Nob. , Hopt. 10 Spoclnl to
'ho News : The committee of arrange-
lunts Hint had charge of the Tlldon
nrnlval Is feeling pretty comfortable
his morning ns they contemplate the
nanchil result of the three days cn-
ortnlnmont nt this plnco. After pay-
ng nil the bills of the carnival they
Ind that they have n surplus of $250
n the trensury , hence thnt feeling of
atlsfnc.tlon. There wns not a hitch
n the proceedings during the whole
vcok , and Tlldon people ns well ns the
ommlttec nro congratulating thom-
olvcs over the result ,
There cnmc near being a bad torml-
mtlnn to the carnival last evening nt
ho balloon ascension. A man made
ho ascension Inst evening Instead of
ho dogs tlmt wont up on the other
evenings. For some reason the bnl-
eon wns n long tlmo In fillingnnd
vns cut away before It had been snf-
Iclently Inflated. U did not go high
enough to nllow the aeronaut to mnko
the jump and use his parachute , nnd
the result was thnt ho had to cling to
thn balloon until 'It cnmo down. He
struck the ground with so much force
thnt ho wns badly bruised , although
10 bones wore broken. He will be all
Ight In n few days nnd Is thankful
thnt It Is no worse.
A big crowd of people witnessed tlio
sports In thn afternoon. The gatno of
ball between Tllden nnd the Creek
Hats resulted In n score of 10 to 1 In
favor of Tlldon , In view of the fact
that the Creek Hats shut out Atkin
son the day before nt Nollgh and linn
hcen heating everything nil the sea
son , Tlldon does not fool so badly over
the result.
Tlio pony race resulted ns follows :
Haby Mine , owned by W. W. Stlrk ,
look llrst tnonoy.
Hessy , owned by L. O. Waterbury ,
Gold Dust , owned by A. Miller , third.
The match race between Pat DownIng -
Ing , owned by W. 13. Day of Untile
Crcok , nnd Johnnlo Pntchon , Jrkownod
by Gco. Yeoman of Tlldon , was nn ex
citing event. Pntchen took the rtrst
heat and Downing the second and
third nnd won the race. ( j
St. Ledger gave nn exhibition run of
half a mlle which ho wont In SO flat ,
which Is considered extraordinary , na
the track Is now and considerably
rough yet.
North Nebraska Is a largo commu
nity and the people have wants In
common thnt others can supply. Try
a News want ad for doing the business.
The paper roaches the people of nortb
Nebraska with your wants and Is cer
tain to find what you lack If It Is ob
tainable , for the Inducement you offer.
Clininbrrlnln Cough Itrtncdx Almolut-
ly llnrinlrnii.
Every mother should know that
Chamberlain's Cough remedy Is per
fectly safe for children to take. It
contains nothing harmful and for
coughs , colds nnd croup l.s unsur
passed. For snlo by Leonard the drug
Through Electric Lighted SleoiKsrs to St. Louis and retiirn
lnnd d nt nmm ontrnncaof tha nxpo-
ii ut u convenient hour in tlio morning , th
time nnd expcneo on urrivnl at St. Louis , anil avoiding
tliouroat crowds nt thu bii ; Union Station.
For Illustrated Guide to Fair
apply to
J. B. ELSEFFER , Agent.
Plan Your
Trip Early
During 1904 several .opportunities to go
back East at greatly reduced rates will be
offered by the
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul Ry
If you want to be kept posted regarding
low rates , dates of sale , stop-over privileges
and train service , advise me the probable
time and destination of your trip.
Through train service from any point on
the main Hue of the Union Pacific Railroad
to Chicago every day. Folder free.
F , A , NASH , Gen'l ' Western Agent , 1524 Fan St ,
. . .
Leaving Omaha at 530 ; p. m.
Arriving at St. Louis at 8:30 a.m.
For ( lescriptivo and ; illustrated pamphlets , books on the different states ,
maps , folders , etc. , write the passenger and ticket ngent at Omaha.
. . . . . , . . .
TOMgHUGHES , T. P. Agout. T. F. GODFREY P. & T. Agent.
S. E. Corner 14th and Douglas , OMAHA , NED. I
f - - 1-K