The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, September 16, 1904, Image 1

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Illnco\rred by n Fnrm Iliind Hiding In
n liny Stnck South of Coliimliux
.function Armed Tonne In In I'lirnult ,
nnd .liny Hnve n Fight.
DBS MOINES , In. . Sept. in. The bun-
dlta who dynamited the express safe
nnd stole nn engine on the Rock Island
near Letts , have been located nt Wln-
flcld , south of Columbus Junction ;
A special train made up at Muscntlne ,
carrying nn armed posse of men , bus
loft for the scene where the men will
pursue the bandits.
The men were found hiding In a hay
stack by a farm hand ,
They are said to bo heavily armed
nnd a light may result.
Sequence of the Negro LyncIiliiK In
Alabama Further Trouble IH
HUNTSVILLE , Ala. , Sept. in. The
grand jury which has been Investigat
ing the Horace Maples lynching today
returned nn Indictment against Mayor
Smith and Sheriff Rodgers , together
with ten members of the mob. Further
trouble Is feared.
One Sinn of the Crew I Snved Sup-
pored to be Ilnrk Luvln and AVna
I'rcilinlily Hiiiinlni ; Illocknde.
NAGASAKI. Sept. in. A British sail
ing vessel , supposed to bo the bark
Lucln , struck a mine recently off Port
Ono person-on board of her was res
It Is considered probable that the
vessel was running the blockade.
Held to District Court.
SIDNEY , Nob. , Sept. 1C. Jay Capron
nnd Chance Wlllard , two North river
young men charged with stealing
twenty horses from W. Dugger of Red-
Ington , had their preliminary hearing
today before Judge Tucker and were
bound over to 'the district court In
$2,000 ball. These boys drove the
horses Into Deuel county where the
brands were recognized by the resi
dent ranchmen.
Hound Over to the District Court.
CREIGHTON , Neb. , Sept. 15. Special
to The News : Floyd Davey , who was
arrested here on a serious charge , had
n hearing before Judge Logan at Cen
ter last night and was bound over to
the district court , his bond being llxed
nt $500. The fall term of district court
convenes next Monday , so that Davey
will be brought to speedy trial.
WreekH Huckct Shop.
FA1RFIELD , Neb. , Sopt. 15. Light
ning struck the Citizens' bank block
early this morning. It almost totally
destroyed n bucket shop over the bank.
The damage amounted to about $500.
Goen to Metropolis Aboard n Yncht
Movement Foretold by Kansas Ctun-
niltteeinnn Johnson Will Answer
KooHevelt'H < lui-slloiis.
NEW YORK , Sept. 15. Judge Alton
B. Parker , democratic candidate for
president , arrived hero today on a
yacht which left Esopus last night , to
consult with the democratic leaders re
garding the future action of the cam
Will Tnke to Platform.
CHICAGO , Sept. .15 Nntloal Com-
mltteemnn Johnson of Kansas says
that Judge Parker will take to the
platform to finish the campaign. He
will co to Now York to consult the
democratic leaders and It Is believed
he will make reply to the Roosevelt
queries In his letter of acceptance.
Senntor Fornker Gnve nn AddresH nt
Lincoln Yehterdny.
LINCOLN , Sept. 15. The republican
campaign In N.ebraska was opened by
Senator Foraker of Ohio yesterday.
The senator arrived In the city early
In the day and was entertained by the
local committee. There was a parade
from the hotel to the Auditorium ,
where the speaking was held.
Governor Mickey presided at the
meeting. Senator Fornkor's address
was a discussion of the Issues which
divided the two old parties. Ho said
the campaign presented nothing to
exclto the people , because the people
nre prosperous and want no change.
New Jerney Demoernln.
TRENTON , N. J. , Sept. 15. The dem
ocratic state convention was called to
order here at noon today by William
B. Gourloy , chairman of the state com
mittee. The convention will name a
candidate for governor nnd presiden
tial electors. The preponderance of
eentlment appears to favor Charles S.
Black of Jersey City for the grubarna-
torlul nomination. Black Is the choice
of former Senator James Smith , jr. , and
his nomination appears probable.
While ItoliliiK n llnnk nt Wnrninr. O. .
Alve Itltern WIIH Shot nnd Killed
Tun Coiiiimnlonn lOxcapo ,
COSHOCTON , O. , Sopt. in. Alvo
Illvers was shot and killed by the
city marshal while robbing a bunk at
Warsaw last night. Two companions
of the dead burglar escaped.
HIIHC Hull nt Tllden.
Ti..DBN , Nob. , Sopt. in. Special to
The News : A base ball tournament
commences In this place tomorrow
which will prove a drawing card. The
Deadwood team , which has been win
ning victories all along thu Northwest
ern line , will bo hero to cross bats
with Tlldon. Throu games will bo
played , Friday , Saturday nnd Sunday ,
and every ono will bo a bull game.
Turpentine Operator * .
JACKSONVII K , Fin. Sopt. 14. The
Turtlno Operators' association , with
a. " oship embracing seven states ,
assi. ft. fourth annual convention
In tills % --v with President A. D.
Covlngton flf . The session will
last two dayh ' / / * uo of nioro than
ordinary IntorebtV , , fyi of the Im
portance of the nuvft'j. . to be consid
ered , It Is believed that a special ef
fort will bo made to have the produc
tion curtailed this year In order to
Improve the market conditions.
Former I > leut. < ! ov. Wondrufl WIIH Plac
ed Ileforc the Convention hut MIIK-
niiiilinouNly Declined In 1'nvor of HIM
Opponent A Streiiiioun Time.
SARATOGA , Sopt. 15. The second
day of the republican state convention
opened with no material change In the
situation as regards thu gubernatorial
The Kings county mon. forming the
political bodyguard of Woodruff , ap
parently were as determined as ever
to have their candidate score.
Later In the day Lieut. Gov. Hlggins
and former Lieut. Gov Woodruff were
placed In nomination for governor , but
Woodruff withdrew and nsked that
Illgglns be named by acclamation. Hlg
gins was then unanimously nominated.
Up to midnight no agreement had
been reached between thu Hlggins and
Woodruff forces. Woodruff's friends
Insist that his name go before the con
vention. Hlgglns declared he had not
receded a point.
State KxlilliKlon Opens Program for
KvenliiKH IIH Well UN Dnyx.
YANKTON , S. D. , Sopt. 15. The
twentieth annual state fair Is In pro
gress this week. The cattle , sheep
and swine departments are filled to
overflowing. The miscellaneous build
ings testify eloquently t > the prosperous -
porous year that Is closing. The coun
ty exhibits are In charge of E. T. Lo-
sey of Huron. So far Faulk , Honllom-
ino , Edmunds , Hughes nnd Davlson
have exhibits ready. The last two
counties represent the rival Interests
in the capital fight and much Interest
Is taken In the two displays. Many of
the samples from Hughes county are
accompanied by the allldavlts of the
The woman's building exhibits are
the finest ever seen In Yank ton. Thou
sands of persons attracted to South
Dakota by the Rosebud reservation
opening will view the state fair. Vis
itors are entertained on the streets In
the evening after the fair's day closes.
President Fletcher of the state fair
board predicts great success.
Illrthdny of nn AutlioreNN.
BOSTON , Sopt. 1C. Innumerable
congratulations poured In today upon
Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney , this being the
eightieth birthday of the well-known
authoress. Mrs. Whitney lives In Mil
ton with her children and grandchil
dren around her. She keeps up with
current events and keeps on scribbling ,
as she calls It , but It Is doubtful wheth
er she will publish anything more.
One Hundred Thousand Gentle Voters
lire Expected to Decide Heniilt
In Went.
CHICAGO , Sept. 15. One hundred
thousand registered women voters nre
expected to decide the fate of the two
old parties in Colorado , Wyoming , Utah
nnd Idaho this year. Should sentiment
Influence them , and they could be In
duced to vote for Judge Parker , the
democrats probably would carry all
four states , and add fourteen electoral
votes to the number recorded for the
democratic candidate.
Mrs. J. Ellen Foster , president of
the Women's National Republican as
sociation , has been sent by the repub
lican national committed to labor
among the women of the four states
The number who will vote this year
may bo more than 100,000 because o
the Mormon question , which Is to play
a prominent part In the campaign.
In Colorado the sympathies of th
women are expected to be Influence
by the labor troubles so far as the
state ticket Is concerned. It Is bo
llovcd they will vote for Presldon
Roosevelt. Mrs. Foster has enllste
n number of aids In the work of Indue
Ing the women to register and sup
port the republican ticket.
General Miller , former United State
marshal of Utah , was at the repub
Ilcan headquarters yesterday and ns
sured Chairman Cortolyou that Uta
was all right so far as the natlonu
ticket was concerned , but he was anx
lous regarding : the state ticket.
On Sen nnd Shore the EleiiientN E\erl
Tlielr liilliience WlndoMM Hroken
nnd fYllnrn nnd Slreeln Flooded
IIenvy Front In limn.
NEW YORK , Sopt. 15. A storm of
wind nnil rain of almost unprocedontcd
velocity , which raged over Now York
and vicinity last night ami today ,
caused much damage to property both
on sen and shore. '
In the city and Its suburbs hundreds
of windows were broken and the rain
lllled the cellars and turned the srcols
Into rivers.
lonn Frost Illlten.
DES MOINES. Sept. I.V Nilrthorn
Iowa corn Holds wore badly damaged
by u heavy frost which extended
throughout the extreme northern pait
of thu state. Much of thu latp corn
crop was badly damaged , In some In
stances entire Holds of the cereal being
caught In the stage of ripening. ,
( "iinnon on the Slump.
INDIANAPOLIS , Ind. , Sopt. 15.--At
oiith lionil today Speaker Cannun be
an a three days' campaign' ' trip
irough Indiana and Ohio. Ills other
ales for the week are at Columbus
ml Dayton. Next week ho will speak
11 West Virginia and the week follow-
ig ho will go to Maryland to bo pres-
nt at the opening of the republican
impalgn In that state.
llonnrd Coini-s \eliriislia. .
LINCOLN , Nob. , Sopt. in. Announco-
nent was made this evening of the ae-
eptanco by Professor George E. How-
rd of the Unlvurslty of Chicago of the
hair of Institutional history In lh < -
nlvurslty of Nebraska. ProfcsMoi
loward was for many years a member
f the faculty of Leland Stanford unl-
urslty , being a champion of Professor
A. Ross and resigning shortly after
> r. Ross severed his connection with
hat Institution.
Ilcvalor Mnn nt St. .losepli , Churned
With Forgery , Will Appear He-
fore the ( irauil .Iiiry.
ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , Sept. 15. W. II.
larroun. the elevator man , who has
ecu charged with forging thu slgna-
uru of Hurllngton railroad employes
n bills of lading , surrendered himself
D Sheriff M. L Spencer today.
He will appear before a grand Jury ,
ummoncd to Investigate his aclst.
Indiana Golf Tourney.
RICHMOND , Ind. , Sept. 15. The state ! |
hamplonshlp golf tournament opened
usplclously today on the links of the
Uchmond Country club. The contost-
nts include representatives of the
golf clubs of Indianapolis , Marlon , An-
orson nnd ether cities of the state.
The play will continue through the re-
nnlnder of the week.
'ieldn ' nnd Gnrdenn Have Contributed
Tlielr llent Specimens to the Agri
cultural Exhibit An Exceptionally
Strong String of Horses ,
CREIGHTON , Neb. , Sept. 15. Special
o Thu News : The twenty-second an-
iiial fair of the Knox County Agricul-
tinil society opened here this morning ,
vlth the best prospects that It ever
ind on an opening day. Knox county
ms raised u tremendous crop of all
duds of products this season nnd
samples of the best from the Holds
and gardens are being placed on ox-
ilbitlon today. Out at the fair grounds
things began to got busy early in the
day. Exhibitors appeared at the gates ,
oneesslonares were arranging their
shows and trainers wore working out
their horses on the track.
A big Held of horses Is here to take
jmrt In the races. Prominent among
the horses which will enter the races
are the following : Shade On , Star
Onelda , Jesse James , Con Knnnlc ,
Noligh ; Elgin Boy , Jesse R. , Elgin ;
Dannah H. , Lynch ; Pnrtlnna , Mary T. ,
Maggie McNelll , Verdlgre. The track
Is In good condition and the best races
ever seen in Knox county will bo |
Iven during the remainder of the
German Edllorn In Session.
MILWAUKEE , WIs. . Sept. 15. The
National Federation of
ican Journalists began Us annual con
vention In Milwaukee today. Members
are in attendance from Philadelphia ,
New York , Plttsburg , Cincinnati , Chicago
cage , St. Louis and a number of other
cities. The Wisconsin association of
German editors Is holding a meeting
In conjunction with the convention of
thu national organization.
More Money for Rockefeller.
NEW YORK. Sept. IB. Stockholders
of the Standard OH company today re
ceived checks for amounts represent
ing 5 per cent , of their holdings , this
being the quarterly dividend declared
last month. This makes 29 per edt
to bo paid In dividends so far this yoar.
The capital stock of the company
amounts to $97,500,000 and the amount
distributed today was $4.875,000 , of
which sum John D. Rockefeller re
ceived $1,950,000.
National Contention lleumt In Ennt
St. Louis Today Only xr.Oll of
Them Left.
ST. I.O1MH. Sept. 15--What must bo
nearly the last of the national conven
tions of the Mexican war veterans be
gan In East St. Louis today. Thorn
are only about ,1,500 of the veterans
left , and llioy are dying at ( ho rate of
several hundred a yoar. About a hun
dred wnro present at the mooting to
day , coming chloily from Kentucky , In
diana , Texas and several Minion of the
east. Messages of good will were road
from President Roosovoll , President
Diaz , Governor Vatos of Illinois and
others. The association has no busi
ness to transact except to llx the tlntn
and place of the next mooting , and
thu convention In entlioly in the na
ture of n reunion. The sessions tomor
row will bo hold at the exposition
grounds In this city and It Is expected
that addresses will bu delivered by
tionoral Low Wallace and other mon of
Snedlnh ,11. E. Conference.
MINNEAPOLlH.'Mlnn. , Sopt. in. The
annual session of the Norlhorn Swed
ish conference of tint SI. K. church con-
vtMiod In Minneapolis today with Illsh-
op J. W. Hamilton of San Franolseo
presiding Kovoral hnndri > il delegates
mid many visitors are In attendance
TO in ; itF.TiiiED.
TelN llrnr Ailinlnil Gnodrlcli Unit He
Dcnlren to Dismantle ( he Ship iiml
AnU < < lllO Etleilt Hi Dlninillltll'llieilt
Tlmt Will ln > Required.
WASHINGTON , Sopt. If , . Captain
IlorlliiHlcy , commanding thu Russian
Iran.sporl Lena at San Francisco , IIIIH
Informed Roar Admiral Uondrleh that
In1 deslros to dismantle hlH Hhlp ami
IMS asked to what extent HID disman
tlement should liu made.
Mll.icrs of Union Pnellle Wiileliiiinii
lire Hound O\er.
SIDNEY , Neb. Sept. 15 The prelimi
nary examination of Tom Mclntyru ,
.lames J. Miller and Walter U' . Flynn ,
alias Harry Nuvlllo , for the murdur of
Watchman Frank Wiser of the Union
Paclllc last Saturday night was held
before County Judge Tucker. They
described the sufferings and Iliml
death of tholr victim as they sat by
his Hide smoking cigarettes and watchIng -
Ing his life blood ebb away.
The prison-1' " tustllled In tholr own
behalf 1 and wcr * bound ovur to the
district court without ball. The two
principal witnesses for the state wore
held In $2.000 ball each for their ap
pearance In December.
The general supposition Is that the
men will ask for a speedy trial , plead
guilty and receive a sentence of life
High School HOJH < if Madison .Moli Hie
Lenders of Antl-riKiirclte dull ,
MADISON. Wis. , Sept. IS. A largo
proportion of the high school linys of
Madison resent the recent formation of
a brunch of the Antl-ClKarette lea uo
here and the arrest of live Madison i
merchants on thu charge of having sold 1
cigarettes and tobacco to minors.
I'nder cover of hazltiK members of
the ' freshman class , 300 of the boys
captured Charles Oolslor , president of
the Madison Antl-ClKarettu club , and 1
other members of the organization ,
ducked them In the chilly waters of
J.ako J Mondota , and then , placing thorn
on dry-Kood.s boxes , compelled them to
mnoko cigarettes. Three of the lead
ers In the affair Thomas Gaffnoy ,
George WllloiiKhby and Samuel Gal
lagher wore arrested after a lively
chase . and will bo compelled to answer
In the municipal court next Saturday
to the charge of disorderly conduct.
The episode has caused much com
ment ' amonK citizens having children
In the hlffli school , and Is Kenorally
condemned In thu harshest terms. It
Is probable that a score of the leaders
In the outbreak will be expelled or
suspended from the school.
\Vlrril Spri'lnrle of Klrr.
ANACONDA , Mont. , Sopt. 16. A
large forest lira Is raging In the moun
tains west of hero and a hoisting works
and shaft house together with a bunk
and boarding house have been de-
The whole mountain Is n mass of
flame and at night the sight Is a spec
tacular one , the long lines of naming-
pines being visible for miles.
I.nlrr the Iloily of n Man With n Hope
Around Mix Nrvk nnd HI" Hand *
Tied Uelilnd Him U Found In the
Wnlrr N > Hher nrt Identified.
CLKVELAND , Sopt. IS. A trunk
containing the body of a woman whose
skull had boon crushed , was found In
the river yesterday afternoon. There
was no clue to the Identity of the wo
man. I--xtor the body of a man with
a rope about his neck with his hands
tied behind htm , was found In the wa
ter. In the man's pocket was a Ions
sportsmen's union card made out In
the name of Robert Oowrle , Colorado.
.IAPN Alii : MOVINO CAIlKI'l ll\ .
Tlicy Iliixp llellrrd Snullmnril mid
llrforr HIP Oo 'llillliill | nf Tip I'IINH
.Mn > - IIP I , nil n f Nrtrrnl
MUICDKN , Sopt. IT. . Ai'i'oidllig lo
Chlnoso who have just nitiirned from
l.lao Vang , the ovannatlon of that
town by the Japanese IIIIH boon fori'od ,
owing to the fearful slouch arising
from the ( load bodies. The report -
port that thii Japanono are carnfully
propiirlng tholr movements and will
not onuago in another big baltlo lie-
fore the occtipatlon of Tin Pass. The
procautlons are oxpoclod to occupy u
HT. 1'KTKHSIIITIUI. Sopt. K , . A dls-
paloh from Stnnsol , commamlor of I'ort
Arthur , says the .laps continue to bom
bard the fortH and harboi' . The .lapx
have IMHIIOI ! a proclamallon to the UUH-
Hiin.H domandlng tholr suriondor.
MI'KDHN. Sopt. II. Delayed In
transmission : lOvorythlng Is qnli't
The Japs have retired southward and
It Is oven reported that they have
evacuated Vontal. The bollof p'revails
that the lull may continue for sovonil
TOKIO , Sopt. 1C , 1 p. in , Flolil Mar
shal Oynmn telegraphed today that
the positions of the IlUMslaiiH In the
direction of Mukden are unchanged.
The total number of Russians who are
burled at Mao Vang Is 3,100.
czar rocolvod an extended report from
Kuropatkln on the I.lno Vang battle.
It ( IlifeI-H but little In a general way
from Hit' press reports , although blame
for the dol'oat IH laid on Gunural Or-
loft who commanded the fresh troops
from Itussla , for falling to hold Kur-
old's Hanking army In chock.
ludKi * Iliirrlsiin Denlen Motion Intended
lo rienr Former Mnjiir Allies of
.MINNEAPOLIS. Minn , Sept in.
Judge Harrison today denied the mo-
lion made by the county attorney to
nolle the tun Indictments standing
against Former Mayor A. A. Amos for
bribery and corruption.
AdilrcNNCH on Flounce.
NEW YORK. Sept. K , . The sessions
of this , thu second day of thu American
Hankurs' association convention , opened
with prayer by Mgr. M. J. Lavollo of
rit. Patrick's cathedral. A/tnr an hour
or so spent In Informal discussion of
practical banking questions the con-
volition listened to addresses as fol
lows : "Tho Western Hanker , " \V. C.
Hohlnson , Wlnllold , Kas. ; "Emergency
Circulation , " A. J. Frame , Waukesha ,
WIs. 1I ; "Hanks and Trust Companies , "
Eugene I E. Prusslng. Chicago. The
convention will end tomorrow.
A General Sliitt-Donn of Piilille Hunl-
iiess , StoreH nnd Factories nnd Ev
eryone In St. I.oills Goen to See tile
111(1 SI. IMils SlMMV.
ST. I.Ot'IS , Sopt. 15. There was lit-
tlu business transacted In the city of
St. Louis today. In response to the
mayor's request there was a general , \
shut-down of public olllccs , stores and
factories and every man , woman and
child within the limits of the munici
pality , or so It seemed at least , wont
to the world's fair to help celebrate
St. Louis day. To say that the crowd
was the largest since the opening of
the expo.sitlon gives little Idea of , ifs
size. At noon the olllclals estimated
that the number of persons Inside the
gates was twice as many as on any
previous day since the opening. And
the best of It , from their point of view ,
waa that every visitor had given up
the price of admission. Exhibitors
and concessionaires , olllclals and at L-
tendants , had generously agreed Lo
leave tholr passes at homo for the day
and to buy a ticket of admission at the
regular price.
The day's program began shortly af
ter 9 o'clock this morning nnd U will
bo midnight before It will close with
the grand water carnival nnd pyrotechnic
technic display. The feature of the
morning was a mammoth parade of
military , civic , social and fraternal or
ganizations. At 11 o'clock there was
an elaborate musical program at the
Louisiana monument , furnished by the
consolidation of a score of bands and
n chorus of 3,000 school children. The
afternoon was taken up with religious
exercises at Festival hall , an exhibition
of the turners societies , drills by Unit
ed States cavalry and the state troops
and u multitude of athletic events.
Woman I'lotn n Clilcnuo Pliyiilclan' *
Death by Unimuul Mrnnx.
CHICAGO. Sept. lp With the In-
tontlon of poisoning him by the bite I
of one of the most venomous tropical :
Insects , a tarantula , a woman sent this
deadly Insect through the malls to Dr.
Thomas M. Powell , 1615 Milwaukee
It was only by a strange thread of
circumstances that the deadly aplder
fur Twenty-four lloan
ICmllim nt M O'clock Thin MornlnKi
{ ' 'orri'iiKt for IVelirnnUn.
Condition of the weather an record
ed for the 21 hours ondlng nt 8 a. m ,
today ,
Maxliniiin . 71
.Minimum . 39
A vnriiKi * . ,65
Total rainfall for the month . 1,11
llaronieter . 29.02
Clllt'Atlo. Hiipt. Ifi. The bulletin Irt-
Hiied by the Chicago station of th
United Status weather bureau thli
morning , glvos the forocant fur Ne
braska an follows :
Fair tonight and Friday. Warmer
OIIHI porllon timlght. Cooler Friday ,
was ( Uncovered and the plot disclosed.
The package burnt upon , and lliu box ,
plorci'd by air hnloM , was no badly torn
that ono of the limbs of the monster
protruded , causing a panic In the nt-
colvlng room of llio imstolllco. Cloikn
shrlokod and How about In a panic , nnd
after Hut hairy spider had escaped ,
they Dually managed to capture ami
cage It.
Front Investigation made by the pos
tal authorities It Is said that llio ta
rantula was mailed at one of the sub-
postal stations in Chicago. | ) r. Powell
H.ild biMt night that he did not know
anybody who would try lo Injure him
In HIM h a milliner
Celehralliin Will In * ( ' ( inlliiiipd Tonior-
ron , Wlilcli In .lleilco'x ln < | picinpiicr
ln > I'orllllo Din/ . HUM I.eil it Streu-
IIOIIN l.lfi- .
CI'I'V OF MKXICO. Sopt. in. Prodl-
dent Diaz entered upon his sovonty-
llftli year today. During the day ho
received ' numerous congratulations
from army olllcors , civilian ofllulalH
and members of the diplomatic corps.
Thu celebration of the president'
birthday will bo continued tomorrow ,
which Is .Mexico's Independence day.
c'ongiess will assemble tomorrow ,
I'orllrlo Diaz has led a strenuous llfu
ami It Is only natural that ho should
begin ' to foul the wolght of advancing
years. U Is known that he has not
been ' a well man for some time , and It
lias boon reported tlmo and again that
ho contemplated retiring from the
presidency. lie would undoubtedly
take this stop were ho sure all would
go woll. He might possibly retire
from ( lie active administration of the
ollleo In favor of Honor Coral , the vlce-
pronld : nl , or some one olsu who could
bu counted upon lo carry out his pol
icies. . Mo would always bu within call ,
however , and ready to respond , as was
the . case once before. That Is perhaps
the only political change which may
lie anticipated | n thu near future. Thn
removal of 1'ruHldont Diaz from the
service . of his country Is not a possi
bility the people of Mexico care to con
Assassins surrounded the president's
chair when Dlar. came Into power. If
liberal Mexico trusted him , conserva
tive and clerical Mexico hated. The
currency was debased. Foreign capi
tal would not Invest. Pauperism was
at every twist of the road.
Diaz , the son of a poor Inkeopcr of
Oaxaca , must have possessed Napoleon
ic qualities to have brought about a
state of affairs the reverse of that ex
isting when ho was made president ,
I'nder , Santa Ana ho demonstrated his
bravery. He fought the French at
Pueblo with famed bravory. Ho be
sieged Mnrqiiez in the city of Mexi
co and hastened the downfall of Max
imilian I , and when war was at nn end
ho proved himself a master In state
Ilublo was one of his early oppon
ents. He raised an army against him ,
defeated him and his chief I.erdo , nnd
then married Hulilo's daughter. The
marriage was one of love and made
second In the rule of Mexico a woman
noted ' for her loveliness of disposition
and her charities.
riollihiK Cntelien I'I re From Gnnoltue
Slme Ulille Slie In Preparing
OMAHA , Sopt. 15. Mrs. Johanna
Knight was probably fatally burned
and her grandson , William Knight
seriously burned while preparing
breakfast at 6 o'clock yesterday morn
ing at their home 1524 Ohio street. The
Injured ones now llu at the home , Mrs.
Knight In a critical condition and rela
tives In Kansas and Missouri have been
The lire occurred while Mrs. Knight
was lighting a gasoline stove In the
kitchen. She was thinly clad and her
clothing Ignited from a stove burner.
In an Instant she was developed In
roaring names. Though 65 years of
age , Mrs. Knight displayed remarkable
presence of mind. Running to her bed
room she seized the covering from the
bed and attempted to smother the
tiames by wrapping them around her.
Her grandson William , had not risen ,
but her cries soon brought him to her
aid. It was while endeavoring to
smother the ( lames which had now
Ignited the bed clothine
about the grandmother , that the young
man was burned. He was clad only in
his nightgown and this took nre. pain
fully burning his logs and one foot.
He heroically worked on and It was
with considerable difficulty that ho ex
tinguished the nre , but not until Mrs.
Knight had suffered Injuries which
may end In death. Her hair waa badly
scorched and the flesh and skin of al
most her entire body seared and burn
ed terribly.