The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, September 09, 1904, Page 6, Image 6

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COI.ONKI. niiini.oxv or I.I.NTOI.N
K0lirii > TO U'IT TALK.
WAS mix OUT ix rir.nru COHNTV
White the Sorlallftllc Lender \ \ iDe -
llterliiK nil Aililremi In n School-
ho e nl Illnlrlel No.II , He Win
Foreed In Sloe l'rorcitlloii Conic * .
FIKUCR , Nob. , H ipt. 2 , Special In
The Nnwii ! Tlio deplorable Intollt-
Koncc IB brought to 1'lorco tlmt whllo
Col. lllK 'low , a Moolnllxtlo speaker
from Lincoln , wan addressing u crowd
of propln In 'ho ' school house In ills-
trlct No.H , about nix inline north
last Friday evening , noino of the moil
of that vicinity attacked lilui In such
n mnitner tlmt lie WOH compelled to
Mop talking.
It KOPtim tlmt whllo lie \VMH wpniik-
Ing u party of ixhnnt thlrtonn farm-
orn , comprising ( MO toiiKli element ,
wont Into tlio tinllillnK anil Interrupted -
od him by making threatening re
marks mid Htntoil tlmt thny would
throw 111 in out.
Mr. Hlgolow wan oompolloil to ntop
nponklng. Also whllo some of the
more respectable people worn on tholr
way homo they wore Inmtltotl hy this
ton h Kit n ir. It In nnld tlmt they will
bo proHocutod.
muiAi , UOUTI : NO. : i.
Pnnl Huobnor , Ann1. Wlthnoko mid
iWm. Itohnoy Imvo gono.Jo Omalm to
onllat with Undo 3am "to K < > to the
Philippine Inlands ,
There bolng no linrlior nt Hiulnr the
boyn liavo persuaded Ernest Itaasch
to coma up every Saturday to do thorn
M. O. Itohrko han leased hlH farm to
eon , It. W. Holirlco for tliroo years ,
11 , W. Kohrko having leased bin own
fnrm to Homoono ol o.
JHss Emma HraaHch IHIH gone to
Lincoln to attend tlio teachers' Insti
tute , and from there Mho goon to Mul
len to teach In the primary grade.
AdverllNliiK Cur for the Norrln mill
Hour Slum I'OHH Hill * Aniioiitie-
IIIK UN Appearance on ( lie Illtb.
Advertising i-ar No. 1 , for the Nor-
rls & llowo circus which Is to exhibit
in Norfolk on the Ifith , was In the
city this morning covering the Mheds
and bariiH and bill-boards with gay
literature tolling of the attractions
tlmt will bo offered on tlmt datu.
1'rutty and clean looking paper Is
being put np and If the show Is to
bo Judged by thono InohlontH it will
bo well worth attending.
This Is the third clrous to visit
Norfolk this season , but the young
sters and older people nro Just an anx
ious for thu appearance of this at
traction as though there had not boon
a circus within a lugulred miles fern
n decade.
The Netv Company Ilecoinen Owner of
the Xye-Selineltler-KoHler Klexiitor.
Co in pa liy CuiiipuKcil of110 of 3loit
Silhxtuutlnl KiirnuTM In Coiiiiiiunlly.
ELGIN , Neb , . Sept. 3. A deal was
closed yesterday In Fremont whereby
the Glgtn Elevator company becomes
the owner of the elevator In this place.
of the Nyo-Schneldor-Fowlor com
pany , the consideration for the trans
fer of the property being $9GG3. Jas.
Aldcrson , president of the Elgin El
evator company , and linns Sllch and
Barney Setting , two of the stockhold
ers , returned on the late train last
night from Fremont , whore they went
to close up the deal.
This transfer means much to the
business Interests of Elgin and the
farming community In the vicinity.
The Elgin Elevator company Is a
strong organization. It Is composed
of 260 of the farmers In this neighbor
hood and will have at Its command an
almost unlimited amount of capital to
carry on the business. The capital
stock of the company Is fixed at J10.-
000 , but already $ iS,000 In cash have
boon paid In , whllo It Is stated that
every ono of the 260 farmers could
easily contribute $1,000 without se
riously affecting him If necessity re
quired ,
When the company was formed
some tlmo ago It was planned to
build an elevator and site along the
railroad had been secured for that
purpose , but when the opportunity
presented Itself to purchase the Nye-
Schneider-Fowler plant It was con
sidered good business to do so. This
does not Increase the number of grain
dealers In town but gives the farm
ers an opportunity to enter the Hold
of shippers. It Is confidently expect
ed that Elgin will now bo the best
grain market In North Nebraska.
A. C. I'etrls was up from Stanton
D. Skeen of Wayne was over on
business yesterday.
Nick Hanson of Wayne had busi
ness in the city yesterday.
C. S. Drldge and sons returned last
night from a visit at Fremont.
W. F. Graham was in the city on
business from Laurel yesterday.
Miss Ermle South of Humphrey was
in the city a short time yesterday.
. A. W. Chambers of Atkinson Is in
the city this morning on business
Mrs. W H. Walker of Chadron was
In the city between trains yesterday.
F. S. Palen came down on the morn-
g train from Nlobrara this morning.
W A Wagner returned last evening
from attending the state fair at Lln-
Mrs. E. O. Mount and two daughters
returned last night from Lake Emily ,
I HI Austin U wilil i" b vi > ry Imvnt
the homo of | IH purfliitH on Houlh
Fourth Htreot.
Jiiil o IhirnoM IH lionm from Lin
coln whore ho him boon attending 11
Nnliin of tlm supreme uort.
Frank OoldlolKlo of Tlldon In In the
city to ImM ) bio oyt'N treated.
\V. O. Hull In down from NellKh ,
whnro ho IH oumpliiK out and working
his hnrxcN.
Ml * * Laura Hoymour of I < n Porto ,
liul. , who wns room inn to of Miss
KlUiiliolh HharplcHH ntVnHlorn col *
U K . Oxford Ohio , arrived at noon for
ti month's visit with MUs HharploHH.
Chief of Police Kane took ( loo. II.
ChrlHtnph , Martin Hlawlor nnd Cap-
lain ChoMtor A. Fuller not to Madi
son for sixty days , but to the Hnttlo
Crock races for the afternoon.
W. J. Miller , a brother of H. L. and
L. A. Miller of Houlh Norfolk , who him
boon making his homo horn for some
tlmn. has loft for Denver , Col. , whom
ho han Rocurod a good position.
Miss Hammond , a momhor of the
faculty \Vostorn college at Oxford ,
Ohio , when Mis. Fain and Miss Htolln
Lulkart aUonilnil nnhool there , Is horo.
Him Is on her way homo from n trip
to Denver and will visit nt the Lnl-
karl home over Hunday. Hho will bo
accompanied to Oxford Monday by
MlHH Cora Lulkart , who will attend
school there this year ,
J. II. Crawford of Chicago , general
limiuiKor of the Hhlppors IlofrlKorator
Our company , wns In the city on husl-
IIOHH yesterday.
\V. A. Mouldonhaiinr , wlfo and
daughter roltrvjioil last evening from
Lincoln , whom they wore attending
the state fair.
Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Dewey of Plain-
vtw-w nro In the city visiting Norfolk
friends. Mrs. Dewey Is on her way to
Xollgh to bo present at the carnival
O. J. ( lorkon , a carpenter who has
boon working on the now slate hos
pital for the Innano during the print
finv months , loft for his homo In Ht.
Louis today.
JMM. U. Fain , superintendent of con
struction of buildings for the govern
ment , on mo In last night from lias-
tings where ho Is looking nftor a government -
ornmont building ,
Ralph HraiiHuh returned this noon
from his visit and outing nt Hot
HprlngH , B. D. , where ho enjoyed a
rest nnd tried the fanioiiH waters of
that resort. He returns with a
healthy color and says ho fools very
well , Indeed.
Herman Gorooke returned last even
ing from Lincoln , whore bo had boon
attending the state fair. Ho Is au
thority for the statement that ho lost
JiiHt $1GO on Dan Patch yesterday
houniiHo ho didn't hot tha much on
his tlmo.
Huporlntondont D. C. O'Connor re
turned last evening from Lincoln and
Omaha. Ho had boon mooting with
the executive hoard of the State
ToiK'hnrs' association , which trans
ferred the annual mooting of the as
sociation this year from Lincoln to
JndKO N. D. Jackson of Nellgh
Hloppoil off In Norfolk last evening ,
on his way homo from Omaha. Ho
says the 'people of his town nro mak
ing extensive preparations to show
those who visit the tournament next
week the biggest time that has over
boon soon In this section of the state.
Ho says Nellgh expects a big delega
tion from Norfolk on Thursday and
Friday , which will bo the big days of
the ovont.
A son was born yesterday to Mr.
nnd Mrs. John McGlnnlH , who live
south \Varnorvllle. .
In moving the old Herman carpen
ter shop off of North Fourth street
the touring away of the old shed on
the north side disclosed a circus post
er advertising the appearance of the
Itlngllng llros. ' aggregation In this
city fourteen years ago.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Thompson of
Council Hlufts , Iowa , Imvo been In the
city for several days past. Mr.
Thompson Is Interested In a whole
sale grocery at Council niuffs , and
It Is mild that he has been here look
ing tha Hold over with n view to es
tablishing a wholesale grocery house
In Norfolk.
A number of Miss Florence Gay-
lord's boy and girl friends .surprised
her on Thursday evening with an
Academic party , In which Mrs. Gaylord -
lord and Mr. Will Darlington proved
very eillclont help In making the evenIng -
Ing Interesting for the young people.
Prizes wore given every few minutes
for the victors In the Academic
course. Dainty sweets were served
for refreshments during the evening.
Newman Orovo Reporter : Mr. Brook ,
president of the Oakdale Telephone
company , accompanied by A. J.
Flood , was In town Saturday to con
fer with the otllcers of the Monroe
company. An arrangement was made
whereby the Oakdale company nro
to build to a point a little this side
of Wyant's North Branch farm ,
whore they connect with the line
from bore. Then a through line will
be built by the separate companies ,
meeting at Closter. The Monroe com
pany have already managed to con
nect with the Meadow Grove com
pany at Emorlck. This will give the
patrons of the company free service
to Petersburg. Elgin. Oakdale. Ne
llgh , Tllden , Meadow Grove. Norfolk.
Madison nnd probably O'Neill and
Stanton Register : Peter Fisher ,
harness maker for J. S. Hancock , came
very near losing his life last week
on account of a trivial accident. He
scratched himself on a nail over his
stomach on Tuesday nnd paid little
attention to the injury. Thursday
evening he was taken very 111 and
when a physician was called It was
found tlmt blood poisoning had set
In. Drs. Undorburg nnd Board , of
this place and Dr. Taschjean , of Nor
folk , worked all night over the young
man but In the morning had llttl'J
hopes of his recovery. His brother ,
sister and brother-in-law came Fri
day noon , but before they arrived a
change for the better set In and
the young man has beet gradually
getting bettor. While not entirely
out of danger It ls expected that he
will get well. All his friends and
acquaintances rejoice in Mr. Fisher's
Nuclei ) ' Ollrrn Vtt.OOO In Prrinliim" .
Hull IliinirVHIi llrnihruiiil Tram.
Illit Soldier * tit I'uiir Collude * ,
AINHWOHTIl. Nob. , Hopt. 3. Hpo-
clnl l The NOWN : ' 1'ho llriiwn county
Agricultural society IH to havu n line
time hare on Hoptomber 7 , S and 9.
They Imvo I ho KroiiiulN anil speed
trark In line xhapu and aru offering
(2,000 In proinluniH.
The Hiicloty IHIH JiiHt completed n
linn Moral hall , now well and plenty
of Hlablii room anil the agricultural
display , they Hay , will eiiual anything
In the state.
At 3 p. in on the ilrnt day thuro will
ho a Knmit hall game between tlio
Doadwiwd nine and the Alnsworth
nine. Tie | same day IH IIHO not for
the old HoldlorM1 reunion of Cherry ,
llrown , Hock and Koyn 1'aha coun-
A good attonilanco IH looked for
tlmuiKhont the fair and visitors will
llnd a cordial welcome awaiting them.
A.vrni.oi'u IN Nouroi.ic.
I'lcini-rr of Antelope Count ) ' Tell * of
Miirly Kxpcrlcnce.
Alien IIopkliiH. u well known breeder -
or of Hod 1'ollod cattle at Nullgh , vls-
Itod with hlH ilaughtor , Mrs , JohiiHon ,
Ing antelope on or near the present
Hopkins IH ono of the Htnrdy plonuorH
of Antelope county mid tolls of shoot-
ItiK initolopt ) In or near the proHont
Hlto of Norfolk when the town WHB
hardly thought of. In HIOHO Any a
they iiHod the old tnzzlo loading guns
almoHt oxclliHlvoly. lie did try for
an antelope with a now-fanglod
hreoch loading carbine but when ho
held high the gun shot low and whan
ho hold low the hnllot wont high.
The beiiHt wan qulto a patient target
during the KIIII play , hut dually got
tired and ran , but wan bonded oft with
a clmrgo of IniokHltot from the triiHty
inuzzlo loader which Mr. IIopkliiH had
with him for hu.slno.s9.
lllrllidii.v Luncheon.
Thursday waH thu birthday of Mrs.
A. Hoar and In celebration HIO ! Invlt-
od a number of lady friends to a 1
o'clock Innchoon. Among the guests
wore a number of HlHtor members of
the Kaffoo Klatsolt who had In some
manner learned that the luncheon was
In celebration of , the hostess1 birth
day , although It had not been so an
nounced , and cumo prepared with a
basket of beautiful and valuable
gifts at leant they were said to be
beautiful and valuable to make the
affair like a real birthday celebration.
After luncheon a feature of which
was a Konuliio birthday cake adorned
with sixteen unmlleu the afternoon
was enjoyed at cards. It was a most
dullKhtful and Informal event.
l < 'iiiirriil of Carl IvIuK.
IMHRCI3. Nob. , Sept. 2. Special to
The News : The funeral of Carl KlUK ,
the old KOiitteinau who illod at his
homo live miles northeast of Plorce
lust Sunday , was hold Thursday at the
Clorman Lutheran church two miles
east of town. Hov. August Ilollus
preached a llttliiK sermon.
Ti.MIIl : < : il IT , 2S ANI1 21) .
! . i : . n.vrnNi oiiT is IMI
\V. W. ItolirrtM , Soi'rrtury mill > IiuuiK-
T mill 10. II. KniilTiiiiiii Will Tnke
rare of ( lie Kuniln of ( lie ANxiu'ln-
tlon Triiuit Srpurrd.
At the meeting of the subscribers
to the base ball tournament hold at
the olllco of Mapos & Hazen last night
an organization was formed for the
purpose of carlnp for the tournament
and making the arrangements neces
The following officers and commit
tee were named :
President , F. E. Davenport.
Secretary and manager , W. W. Rob
Treasurer. E. R. Kanffman.
Committee on arrangements , P. E.
D.ivonpfrt. Sol. G. Mnyer , E. B. KnufC-
innn , C. II. ICrahn and Fred Harder.
The datca for the base ball events
were definitely sot for September 27 ,
28 and 29 , when there will bo nothing
In this section to conflict with the
Three teams have already been secured -
cured Plalnvlow. Tlldon and Hum
phrey and negotiations are now on
with the Stanton team.
The old park north of the city has
been secured for the tournament
games and will be fitted up for those
dates. Much Interest Is shown by the
loea } admirers of the game and It Is
anticipated that there will be a large
attendance of Norfolk people as well
as many from neighboring towns , es
pecially those having teams engaged.
The work of advertising the tour
nament will be taken up at once and
will bo given wide publicity.
With $300 In the bank the originat
ors of the scheme have funds to as
sure the teams participating of their
money whether ono person or a thou
sand attend the sports on each day of
the games. The least sum to be giv
en a team will be { 25 , and there Is a
chance of securing J100 or $150 , by
the best two.
II. I , . NpaulilluK Chonen at the Mret-
IUK at the City Council.
At a meeting of the Norfolk city
council held last night It. L. Spauld-
Ing was nominated for water com
missioner by Mayor Hazen , and the
appointment was confirmed by unani
mous vote. Ho succeeds J. E. Simp
son who resigned because of sickness
and inability to attend to the duties
of the otllce.
I. O. O. F. Rrprracntatlvr * .
At the meeting of Norfolk lodge
No. 46 , I. O. O. F. last night II. L.
Spauldlng and Sidney Robertson
were elected the lodge representatives
to the coming session of the grand
lodge. *
or eoi'NTV
Ml lll'IIV TORN II" .
\VIIN Ncnllrrrd About I'ro-
iiilncuoiixlyI'nrmrr North of Town
1,1ml M 'IViitu of Worklnic llomm.
1'inir liK'lirM ofVnrr I'nllrn.
AINHWORTII , Nob. , Kept. 1. Spe
cial to The News : Ono of the worst
HtorniH that 1ms over visited this vi
cinity has been terrorizing this cc-
tlon for the last 3d hours. Lightning
IIIIH struck In several phiccs but only
did Hnrlnus damage at one and that
at the homo of County Treasurer C.
O. Murphy. They coiiHldorod It a nar
row escape of their lives. AH they
wore JiiHt about to enter the kitchen
the bolt Htruck the colling a few foot
from them and pa Hod out through the
Moor tearing up an Immense hole and
scattering the boards In all direc
At the homo of W. I * Perkins , six
miles north , there were two good
work horxcH killed hy lightning.
There wan more rain In thu last part
of the Htorm than In the tlrst , about
four Inches of water falling alto
Wiitrr .Ma I n llurnt.
A water main In North Tenth street
sprung a leak yesterday and has
formed a good-slzod stream In that
portion of the city. Plumbers aru giv
ing It attention today and will soon
have It In repair when the break Is
located. U has not Interfered with the
service , except In a local way near the
( it'o , M. Dudley , jr. , Iluyn Portion of I ) .
I ) . Ilrunnon'H Illinium * .
D. D. Ilrunson 1ms sold his transfer
buslnesH to Qoo. M. Dudley , Jr. . who
also acquires his hack business , with
the exception of ono hack , which lias
been purchased by C. AV. MlhlllH who
will make his headquarters at the
Krantz llvory barn.
The business acquired by Mr. Dudley
will bo conducted under the name of
the Norfolk Hack and Transfer com
pany , with headquarters at the Brun-
son stables.
Mr. Brunson will continue In the llv
ory business.
" llniicntrrl .Slii-ll Game
The police yesterday arrested two
men giving tholr names an J. J. Klr-
Ncbbtmm and C. Knbn because they
acted much like persons who wore
working the fair crowd for their per
sonal gain. When Kolm was Hoarched
at the police station diamonds and
Jawolry worth fully $1,000 wore found
on his person. He declined to answer -
swor any questions as to where he sc
oured the property. The men at tlrst
said they were Omaha business men.
When the diamonds wore found Kolm
said he was a diamond .salesman.
Kobn was In the barber shop of C.
A. Green at 119 North Eleventh street
when ho was located by Detectives
Uontloy and Dawson. When Kohn en
tered the shop , ho was recognized by
C. N. Toops , a barber employed there ,
as one of the Bonesteol sharpers who
worked a shell game on the streets
of that town. Mr. Toops and two
other Lincoln men stood In a crowd
together while Kohn lllmtlammed a
young man out of some money. Ho
worked n game that was a sure thing
and had a lot of confederates about
to assist , who fought the man when
he Insisted on having change tlmt was
duo him. The detective traced Kohn
to the barber shop and nabbed htm as
ho came out. Lincoln Journal.
North Nebraska Is a large commu
nity and the people have wants In
common that others can supply. Try
a News want ad for doing the business.
The paper reaches the people of north
Nebraska with your wants and Is cer
tain to find what you lack If it Is ob
tainable , for the Inducement you offer.
Stnntnn , Humphrey , Tllilen nnil Pliiln-
tleir. Four of the StronRent Tennm
In North Nehrimkn Will Enter the
The committee which Is making the
arrangements for the base ball tour
nament to be held here on September
27. 28 and 29. 1ms commenced getting
the grounds ready for the event. The
diamond at the old base ball park
north of the city will bo used and
Manager Roberts promises that by the
time It ls _ put In condition it will be
one of the best grounds in the state.
Arrangements have been closed with
four teams to piny the three days. The
present plan Is that Stanton and
Humphrey will play the first day , the
27th ; Tllden and Plalnvlew on the
2Sth ; and the two winners on the
29th. Smith of Tllden has been In
vited to umpire the tlrst game and it
Is probable that he will accept.
"You may rest assured , " said Mana
ger Roberts , "that we are going to
have fast ball at the tournament.
Every one of the four teams that has
arranged to come here Is a strong
aggregation and It is not doubted that
they will strengthen themselves all
that Is possible before that time. I
predict that when those four teams
line up In Norfolk they will comprise
the swiftest players that ever crossed
a bat In this city. When we an
nounced on our posters that this will
be a 'base ball feast , ' we believed we
spoke advisedly , and we have no rea
son to change our opinion of the forth
coming tournament. "
All of the Kxrlleiuent Will he Crowd
ed Into Toilny nnil Tomorrow
BATTLE CREEK , Nob. , Hopt. 2.
Thu track beer IH In the fluent kind
of Hhapo and the horses , all of them
Hpoedy , promise the top notch of
sport. A l/.rK crowd Is expected this
afternoon and larger crowds Satur
day than have over gathered nt the
track. There was no race yesterday
and the three days' events will bo
crowded Into today and tomorrow. A
balloon ascension and ball game come
each a'ftornoon.
1'nriilynlN IN DlmipiienrliiR mill Patient
( Iroun Stronger Enrh Kay , With
( ioiid Prnnped" .
PIERCE , Nob. , Sept. 3. Special to
The NOWM : Olllo Cnglo , the young
man slugged at Norfolk , was down
town this week for the IIrat tlmo since
ho was brought home from Norfolk In
such n pltlabto condition. Ho is very
weak but Is growing stronger each
day. The paralysis In the loft side
of his face , which gave no , small
amount of excruciating pain , Is dis
appearing and his friends are much
encouraged over the outlook for his
IIlK I'ench Crop.
HPMBOLT , Neb. , Sept , 3. The
poach orop Is being harvested and as
prodlctod early In the season the
yield Is as line as any reported by
the oldest Inhabitant , while the quali
ty of the home grown article Is
much superior to that of any shipped
In so far this season. Farmers are
HUfforlng. however , from a lack of
market , there being no buyer bore ,
and thus far all efforts of the local
commercial club to Interest some
buyer have proved unavailing. In
consequence prices are very low and
a number of the frul/ growers an
nounce tholr Intention of turning
tholr hogs Into the orchards and
abandoning the crop If prices go
lower. In several Instances the farm
ers claim to have over 1,000 bushels ,
In Great Demand.
The demand for Chamberlain's Col
ic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
hero has been so great that I have
scarcely been able to keep It In
stock. It has cured cases of dysen
tery hero when all other remedies
failed. Frank Jones , Plkevlllo Ind.
This remedy Is for sale by Leonard ,
the druggist.
Pierce County
PIERCE , Neb. , Sept. 3. Special to
The News : The following are mort
gages Hied and released , and their
amounts for the month of August :
Farm mortgages tiled , sixteen. $19.-
000 ; town mortgages tiled , nine , $1.-
! iS2 ; town mortgages released two.
$4(55 ( ; chattel mortgages tiled , tlt'ty-
one. $9,941.25 : chattel mortgages
twelve. $2.994 30.
Origin of the Fire n MyNtery Some
Credence Olven to the. Story That
It vuis of an Incendiary Nature
Prompt Action Prcvcntx
A blaze In the upper hall of the
Grant scjiool house on the west side
was discovered just In time by Mes
senger McNeely of the Western
Union and a number of boy friends
who were near the building to pre
vent Its destruction.
Flames wore seen leaping toward
the celling last evening about 9
o'clock through a window on the
south side of the building and the
boys promptly gave the alarm. The
lire department responded promptly
but the building had been broken
Into and the ( lames extinguished be
fore they arrived on the scene.
The tire was started In a bunch of
paper and rags under some lumber
that had been left by the carpenters
In the upper hall. The carpenters
had just finished the work of putting
on a steel celling and had piled the
lumber In the hall to bo removed at
a later date. J. M. Covert had been
painting the celling and a number
of paint cans , brushes and some oil
wn.8 In the near vicinity of the blaze.
The tloor had been newly oiled also ,
and had the blaze been discovered
but a few minutes later the building
would probably have been burned.
The lumber was quite badly charred
and the ( lames would soon have eaten
a hole through the floor.
The cause of the starting Is not
known. Janitor McCaslIn says that
there has been no fire In the building
for some time , and he does not think
that anyone has smoked In the build
ing recently , and the only apparent
solution to the origin of the lire Is
spontaneous combustion of paper and
rags covered with oil or that It was
of incendiary origin. The latter
theory is given considerable cre
dence , but there Is nothing to war
rant the belief , because there would
be no cause > for spite work that
would warrant this manner of re
venge on the school district.
Lint of Tenchen Who Will Have
Clmrce Tills Seqiion.
PIERCE , Neb. , Sept. 3. Special to
The News : The Pierce public schools
will open Monday , after three months
vacation , with the following corps of
Instructors : J. M. Mclndoo , superin
tendent ; Alice Crlttendon , assistant ;
Margaret Craven , grammar ; Itnma
Mnrttndale , second Intermediate ; Ed
na James , first Intermediate ; Idelle
V. Taylor , third primary ; Ella Cru-
batigh , second primary ; Estelllne Mar-
tlndale , first primary.
Sorry for the Don * .
Generally , people who saw the bal
loon ascension at lluttle Crock wore
not pletined because they felt so sorry
for the two dogs that were to be sent
up. The dogs may have liked tholr
ride xkyward but from nil appearanc
es they wore pretty badly scared and
dreaded the ordeal. It was considered
all right If a man Is foolish enough
to go Mailing around In the air and
risk his neck that's his business and
no one cares If ho goes tip with a doz
en balloons but when It comes to
fending up two , poor helpless dogs , It
scorned a little cowardly and tlmo for
the humane society to take a hand.
Wheat *
You should cat bread raited
with Yeast Foam. It has a
vvhcaty flavor and delicious
aroma all its own , and retains
sweetness , freshness and
moisture longer than bread
made with any other yeast.
Yeast Foam partially pre-
digcsts the bread and pre
serves in it all the nutri
tive qualities of the
Is made of pure vege
table ingredients. With
proper care it never loses
its life and strength. It's
always fresh and ready for
use. Bread made with it is
never acid , sour or heavy ;
it's always good as long as
it lasts.
The secret is in the yeast.
For sale by nil grocers at
50 a package. Each pack
age contains 7 cakes
enough for 40 loaves.
"How to Make Bread , "
Chicago ,
She Has Cured Thousands
Practicing Aleopathy , Home
opathy , Electric and Gen
eral Medicine.
Will , by request , visit profeslonally
returning every four weeks. Consult
her while the opportunity is at hand.
DR. CALDWELL limits her practice
to the special treatment of diseases of
the eye , oar , nose , throat , lungs , female
diseases , diseases of children and all
chronic , nervous and surgical diseases
of a curable nature. Early consump
tion , bronchitis , bronchial catarrh ,
chronic catarrh , headache , constipa
tion , stomach and bowel troubles ,
rheumatism , neuralgia , sciatica , kidney
diseases , Brlght's disease , diseases of
the liver and bladder , dizziness , ner
vousness , Indigestion , obesity , Inter
rupted nutrition , slow growth in child
ren , and all wasting diseases In adulta.
deformatles , club feet , curvature of
the spine , diseases of the brain , par
alysis , heart disease , dropsy , swelling
of the limbs , stricture , open sores ,
pain in the bones , granular enlarge
ments and all long standing disease *
properly treated.
Illood and Skin Dlnennen ,
Pimples , blotches , eruptions , liver
spots , falling of the hair , bad com
plexion , eczema , throat ulcers , bona
pains , bladder troubles , weak back ,
burning urine , passing urine too often.
The effects of constitutional slcknesa
or the taking of too much Injurious
medicine receives searching treatment ,
prompt relief and a cure for life.
Diseases of women. Irregular mens
truation , falling of the womb , bearlnff
down pains , female displacements , lack ;
or sexual tone. Leucorrnea , sterility
or barreness , consult Dr. Caldwell and
jhe will show them the cause of their
trouble and the way to become cured.
Cnneen , Goiter , FUtuIa , Pllen
and enlarged glands treated with th
subcutaneous injection method , abso
lutely without pain and without the
loss of a drop of blood , Is one of her
own discoveries and Is really the most
scientific method of this advanced age.
Dr. Caldwell has practiced her profes
sion in some of the largest hospitals
throughout the country. She has no
superior In the treating and diagnosing
of diseases , deformities , etc. She hu
lately opened an office In Omaha , Ne
braska. where she will spend a portion
tion of each week treating her many
patients. No Incurable cases accepted
for treatment Consultation , examina
tion and advice , one dollar to tnoM
Cbleajro , ui ,
Address all mall to Bae Bal
Omaha , N b ,