The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, September 09, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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AV , N. HURlCi
[ Established 1887. ]
Rvery tiny except Sunday. Ily car.
Her per wonk. 15 eonta. Hy Norfolk
poMomco delivery , | ier year , 10.00. By
inll on rurnl route * and outaldo of
Norfolk , per ycnr , 13.00.
ffhft Ncwfl. KBtnullNliod. 1 81. . ,
Tito Journal , Established. 1877.
very Friday. Uy mull l > or yonr , 11.60.
Kntcrcil at tlio pontonico nt Norfolk ,
Mali. , na second olnun mutter.
Telephones : Editorial DepM-tmont ,
Mo. 22. IIuilncBB Omco nnd Job Itnoina ,
No. 322.
For President
Tor Vlco President
CHARLES W. KAinitANKS , Indiana
For Senntor From Nobrnnkn
1C. J. RURKKTT. Lincoln.
Tor Presidential Electors
P. A. ItAltTON , Pawnee.
A. C. SMITH. DoUBlna.
A. C. AllllOTT , Dodge.
T. U NORVAL , Howard.
W. P. HALL. Phelps ,
M. A. BROWN. Ruffnlo.
11. II. WILSON. Lancaster.
J. C. ROBINSON , Douglas.
For Oovornor
J. H. MinCISY , Oflcooln.
For Lieutenant Governor
IB. O. M'OILTON. Oinrxlia.
For Secretary of State
A. GALU8HA , Hud Clovld.
For Auditor
12. M. 8KARLB. Jr. , Ogallalft.
For Treasurer
For Superintendent
J. L. M'URIEN , Gonevn.
For Attorney aonornl
For Land Commissioner
H. M. BATON , Fremont.
Oonitrr li > nnl.
For Congressman Third District
J. J. M'CAUTlir. I'oncn.
Itriinlillfiiii County Contention
To the Republican oluotorH of Madl-
non county , Nebraska : Notluo Is here
by given tlmt H Republican delegate
convention of tlio Hupubllcun electors
of Madison county , Nebraska , will bo
liold nt Madison , In tmhl county and
ntnte , on Wednesday , the l < 4th day of
Bcptcinbor , 1904 , nt 1 o'clock In tlio
nftornoon , for tlio purpose of placing
In nomlnntlon one ciindldnto for the
onico of county uttornay. ono candi
date for representative to the stnto
legislature , nnd ono candidate for
county coinmlflHlonor from tlio Third
commissioner district , nnd for the
transaction of such other business us
may properly come before the conven
tion. The sovornl voting precincts
are ontltlod to the following ropro
pontntlon :
llatllo Crook
Burnott '
Pror Crook :
Shell Crook 14
Kmcrlck , <
Fnlrvlow ;
Oreon Garden '
Highland I
Madison City 1
Madison Precinct
Mondow Orovu
First Ward
Second Ward I
Third Ward 1
Fourth Ward
Behoolcraf t
Union .
Total 14
It IH furthnr recommended by th
conunlttoo that the primaries for th
eolcotlon of the delegates from th
various proolncts bo hold not late
Monday , September 12 , 1904.
Witness our bands this 20th da
of August , 1904. at Norfolk , Nobraskti
S. H. MoFARLAND. Clinlrnun
JACK KOENIG8TE1N. Secretary.
After tlio fairs are over politics
Bh'rould certainly bo given a chance.
Some democrats should provide a
menus for leveling the Hill In the way
of that party's success.
Just two months from tomorrow the
votes will bo cast that wilt place
Roosevelt In tlio presidential chair for
another four years.
Dave Hill may bo retiring nt Cl for
fear that when ho gets old anil fwoble
like Mr. Davis , bin party might thrust
the vice presidential nomination upon
About the time It wan thought that
eomo political Interest might develop
the school boy and school girl como
along and demand the center of the
stage and get It.
It would bo a great ploco of war
news If the lenders of both sides
would dlvulgo the number of men and
o tile era placed out of action slnco the
conflict nt Llao Yang started.
If David Bennett Hill had only an
nounced his retirement from poli
tics when people seemed to think ho
was retired Judge Parker might have
Btood a better chance of nn election.
Since the visit of Senntor Fairbanks
to Kansas there has sprouted a boom
In that state for his nomination to
the presidency In 1908. They llko him
In Kansas and think first place none
too good.
Sf I Norfolk has a circus and a baseball -
ball tournament on for September ,
I while there are nn abundance of
I " amusement events on In various parts
of this section to Interest the people
between waits.
The Sioux City Journal thinks that
when the babies named "Alton 13. , " ar
rive at the ago when they begin to
questions one of their first will bo to
learn the identity of the gentleman
after whom they were named.
The democrats in a brutally republi
can Iowa district have induced n man
by 'the name of Green to make the
race for congress , and ho will need
to depend on his name for an ex
cuse for accepting.
The fuslonlsts do not like to admit
that Nebraska Is as certainly In the
Ttoosevelt column as though the votes
have been counted , but they know It
to be true , and are not out offering
ny money that It In likely to bo any
thor way.
The tlmo IH almoBt pnt when the
omocratn ran reasonable expert a
ninth to como to their nnHlatance ,
ml with the alii of the Htrlkorw pro
duce n dlsHatlHfaotlon ( hat might re-
nit In n donlio on the part of the
mbllc to change the administration.
The rtifiiHiil of Judge Parker to
inn l < o nny Hpi'cohoH this campaign IH
nn Indication that It ban boon HIIK-
KCBtml to him that Dave Hill wan
iibundiintly capable and willing to do
ill thu talking for the party and OH-
lorlally fur the candidate , that In
The newspapers that pretend to glvo
ilrtlmiye vluwn of the ImttlcllolclH at
Mao Yang dii not agree In all the on-
Hunllal particulars , which leads road-
em to wondur which caimira IH at
fault and which IH right. PorhapH
they wet a lakmi at Midi a dlHtnnco
from thu NCUIIO of action that nonu
no relliihlu.
It IH HiiggoMted that If .Mr. Parker
wcro oloctml ho might ho willing to
Include the negroes of the miuth In hlH
Indopniidoncu program. Charity bo-
glnti at homo , and It would not look
well to glvo something to a people
way across the ooonn that ho refused
to a bettor dnnH of jiooplo right In
the country that the Judge aspires to
To the people living In town or
country where there are no labor or
ganlzatloiiH , labor day Is not different
from the others and IH what Its name
IndlcatoH a day of labor. The banks
are about the only InstltutlonH that
observe the holiday , and the person
who ouvloH the banker IB Inclined to
look upon hlH vocation as ono continu
al round of holidays anyway.
A Slonx City man who sells shoo
HtrlngH , and presidential badges on
the side , claims to have sold 300 Hooso-
volt nnd PnlrlmulcH bndgcH , and but
four of the Parker and Davis typo.
It IR not coiiHldorod that that portion
of Iowa will go republican nulta that
strong , but It Is Judged that It Is a
ntaw to Indicate the Huiitlmont.
A democrat has llgurod out SCR elec
toral votes for Parker and but 210
for lloosovolt. Those whoso humor Is
milllclently developed to see the point
of the Joke arc wondering why ho
didn't inalio It a good ono. To take
Parker Into ( illlcc , the dealer In elec
tion llgiircN 1ms taken In hair of the
Iowa uloctoral voto. llo might Just
as well have had thorn all at this
It Is somuttmos tough to bo a candi
date , MS Jiulgo Parker IH undoubtedly
willing to admit. lie and his wlfo
had tholr trunks all packed for a trip
to the St. l.ouls exposition when the
Judge was Informed that It would not
bo politic for him to go to HI. Louis i ,
and now It Is uald that ho will not
leave Ituscmont during the balance of
the campaign , nor will ho make any
spocuhcs. There Is sympathy for him
In the hearts of some and this Inspires
The News to Hiiggost that ho might
slip nut "Incog" and have a good tlmo
whllu his political monitors are away
or asleep ,
With Dave Hill arranging things nt
tlio democratic convention and taking
a leading part In the affairs of his
party since , there Is no ono high
enough In his party to call him off ,
and ho will probably continue to fur-
alhh Inspiration to his friends , the
enemy , until the polls close two
months honcc. Ho has undoubtedly
anticipated tlmt this Is the last tlmo
ho will load his party In the merry
whirl of politics and announced his
determination to retire in advance ,
so that no bridge would bo loft over
which ho might retreat. Ho Is de-
tormlnwd to make or break the party ,
and to the man up the tree it looks
very much llko a break.
Director I-ovoland says that the
average date for killing frost In Ne
braska Is October S as the experience
of twenty years of observation , and
that the earliest frost In that time
was September 12 , 1902. It will be
well for the people In this section of
the state to know that this average Is
based on the portion of the state south
of the Platte quite largely , and at al
most any tlmo now when the wind
blows chilly from the north they will
bo Justlllod In making preparations to
prevent damage by a killing frost. It
usually comes in this section about
the middle of the month and the corn
that Is not out of the way by that
time might better bo in the shock
where It will euro Into good fodder.
If the girls of the present genera
tion are butting in to the young
men's field of endeavor , the following
from the Minneapolis Journal will In
dicate that the young man may occa
sionally take honors in the young
ladles' sphere : "A young man who
lives in Minneapolis has beaten the
girls of the northwest at their own
game. Ho has taken the first prize
at the fair for "fancy work , " a term
which includes all kinds of tidies
nnd dollies , nnd centerpieces , nnd
pin cushions , and embroidery , and
every other kind of dainty work with
the needle. There is an element of
retribution In this. The girls have
boon beating the boys in school and
In tha university , nnd taking tholr
Jobs away from them In all kinds of
business It serves them right to
have a boy got even with them on
their own ground nnd beat them all
hollow at their own game. "
The domoorntH In Vermont mimt
mvo Intended the Kama kind of vic
tory that ban KnropntUln'H In
the far onst.
The people will have about two
months In which to observe the
Htrnwn" then the real thing will be
handed down.
When Kuropatkln figured on luring
the JiipniiuNo to tha north It IH PUHH- |
blo that ho had no Idea that his bait
would attract HO many of thorn ,
This IH a great and growing season
for NobniHka and the northeast portion
tion Is getting n JilHt share of the en
viable reputation for good crops.
Four of NobrnHka'H principal cropn
brought to the Htato Inst yenr $148-
040,04(1 ( , or $137.40 for every man , wo
man and child In the state ,
Mr. Hill would not have boon llkoly
to malei > HIIC.II an announcement If
there hud been any chance for a cabl
not position In sight.
The luring program of the HusslaiiH
IH still being practiced In Manchuria.
PorhapH the Japs will bo enticed clear
Into St. Petersburg nnd locked In the
city Jail before the game IH playod.
The tlmo IH about hero when No
brnska will roll Into her corn cribs
that crop that will maku the eyes of
the balance of the world stick out
with envy. The people hero have the
host state In the union and they know
Secretary Tuft has designated the
democratic party as "organized Inca
pacity , " but to the onlooker of their
campaign tlio question of dropping thu
'organized" part of the dcscrlptlor
JOCOIIIUH an open one.
According to the figures of Commls
sloner Hush , Nebraska did something
handsome In tlio way of crop produc
tion Inst year , but If nothing happoiiF
to the corn crop this your the figures
will bo at least duplicated and par
haps a bettor showing made.
Only two inontlies moro until Prcsl
dent Hoosevelt Is elected for anotho
term , then the democrats will knov
Just how much they have lost by
turning down Mr. Bryan who ha
Ideas and policies , and substitute
Judge Parker , who Is perfectly willing
to permit others to think and spcal
for him.
Nebraska Is turning out bumpc
crops with commendable regularity
and tha farmers and other people o
the Htato arc reaping prollts that nr
paying them handsomely. The thin
to do for those. In eastern status wh
are not accumulating a fair share 1
to como to Nebraska and take a ham
There Is room and opportunity for al
If Dave Hill was only permitted t
allow his statements to go unchal
longed ho might have much botto
success In stirring up campaign thun
dor for his candidate , but unfortunate
ly there are a number of "buttlnskys"
In tlio republican party who will at
tempt to hold him down to facts and
a grade of argument that will not bo
The national committee has ar
ranged for llvo speaking dates In Nebraska -
braska for Speaker "Undo Joo" Can
non and the task of the state commit
tee will bo to reduce to flvo the great
number of places that would llko to
hoar him talk. Norfolk should cer
tainly draw ono of them , and would
bo well pleased to play the host for
the well known statesman.
Before the democratic prognostlca-
tor gets to work at tolling by how
much and how Judge Parker Is to
swoop the country , the brakes should
bo applied to D.ivld 11. Hill , to glvo
thorn a little touch of consistency.
This should not bo a handicap race ,
the opposition to President Itoosovelt
need a stralgbt-away and clear track
If they nro to bo anywhere In sight
at the finish.
Nollgh and Tllden are this week en
tertaining the people of northeast Ne
braska and those who visit either
place will undoubtedly find the pro
gram well worth while. They are
both wideawake towns nnd Intent on
attracting the attention of the public
for a few days. They will undoubted
ly reap advertisement and honor and
the people attending will reap satis
faction and amusement In the attrac
tions offered.
When Mr. Hill as leader of the dem
ocratic campaign , starts the ball to
going by stating what Is not true of
the president , It Is to be expected that
the smaller fry will follow suit and
a campaign of falsehood will not be
unexpected by the republicans though
It Is realized that this will bo tbo
easiest sort of argument to fight
against , and it will as in the past ,
work more to the Injury of the democrats
crats than to the hurt of the republi
The Russians nro In a fnlr way to
equalize distances from base of sup
plies and reserves with the Japanese ,
and may bo able to defeat them when
they have them where they want
them , provided the Japanese do not
get thorn In the process. A great deal
depends on the swiftness with which
the Jnpnneso can move. It is certain
also , that the further north and west
the Russians move , the more of the
disputed territory comes under the
control of the Japanese forces , and the
only question la whether they cnn
mid out long enough to drive the
usHlaiiH entirely beyond the borders
of Manchuria.
The Vermont and Arkansas elec
tions may give an indication of politi
cal drift on national affairs , but there
IR not a positive Indication of the tide
of things political as there may bo
Htato questions that would overshadow
anything of n national nature and as
both were purely state elections the
local questions would undoubtedly cut
iiulto a figure. There are many In
both parties who will not permit
themselves to bo Influenced In opin
ion one way or another by the returns -
turns from those two states , ono of
which Is hopelessly democratic , nny-
way , , and the other as positively re
The democrats are astonished at the
way Chairman Cortolyou starts In to
do things to them nnd keeps on doing
them , The Roosevelt stronuousnoHs
In evidence In the campaign of four
years ago IH now eliminated but there
IH n very faithful reflection of It In
the activities brought about under the
direction of the now chairman whp
Is accomplishing wonders In the fauo
of discouraging obstacles. Ho has
boon associated with the president so
long that ho has become just such a
worker as the president himself and
IH having a vital Influence on the cam
paign that cannot bo minimized.
The way the editors have been In-
tluonclng the action of Parker and the
activity taken by Mr. Hill In promot
ing bis campaign nro Indications that
the democratic candidate Is not n lead
er. Ho may possibly be exerting ar
Influence In the campaign , but It IB
unrecognized. With Roosevelt , It Is
different. The president has estab
lished his ability to lead In natlona
affairs and his retirement to the back
ground In the present contest cannot
work against him. Judge Parker has
no such record nnd his subordination
Is unfavorably Interpreted by the
voters who seek a leader rather than
a follower of other leaders.
Those who have been tolling that
with the now arms of modern nations
opposing armies would wlpo each
other from the face of the map when
they wore still many rods apart maybe
bo surprised to learn of the Japanese
and Husslans coming In hand to hand and using bayonets and
Hwoids In the present conflict , but
they did And accomplished consider
able execution with cold stool. The
time when opposing armies cannot approach
preach closer than a mlle of each oth
er without Buffering annihilation , has
evidoivtly not yet arilved except In
tha Imagination of builders of fairy
The Russian authorities glvo It out
thai the plan of Kuropatkln In evacu
ating l.lao Yang , marching on to
Mukden and passing on through that
city was premeditated , prearranged
and a carefully planned plot against
the Japanese aggressors , but thu In
telligent Russians are not grasping
the Intelligence with the Kamo eager
ness they did when that sort of thing
was fresh nnd now from tbo war
otllce. They are skeptical and rather
Inclined to doubt the necessity of nil
these movements to whip the JIIJIH.
\Vhat they have wanted and never
received Is news of a genuine victory
for the Russian arms by land or sea ,
but that has persistently evaded them
and the subterfuge of the war and
naval olllcors no longer fill In with
the satisfying manner they once pos
The days of the campaign Ho are
upon us. President Roosevelt , who
scorns to bo the ono Issue of the cam
paign , has already been the target for
two baseless canards , and the hostili
ties are only beginning.
D.ivld II. Hill made the direct as
sertion , with circumstantial exactness ,
that when Roosevelt assumed the
presidency after the death of McKln-
luy , he then pledged himself not to
be a candidate. On this showing ho
made his famous break , calling the
president n "fraud. " The Hill story
has boon nailed by Secretary Wilson
us a plain lie. The secretary was pres
ent at the occasion referred to , and
says that Roosevelt made no remark
that could bo tortured Into such a
Then came the Morgan story , also
sent out by the Now York papers hos
tile to Roosevelt , with every appear
ance of newspaper exactness. It told
of n visit paid by J. Plorpont Morgan
to Oyster Bay , and a long teto-a-tote ,
at which they reached an understand
ing nnd all
past differences were
patched up. The Inference was that
the president gave assurances that he
would relax his campaign against the
Now comes Secretary Loob with an
absolute denial of the whole story.
"Neither Mr. Morgan nor any repre
sentative of Mr. Morgan has seen the
president , " says Mr. Loeb , "or com
municated with him directly or Indi
rectly at Oyster Bay or anywhere
else. "
That leaves no ground for the Mor
gan story to stand on. Doubtless the
fabricators hoped it would prove a
"good enough Morgan till after elec
tion , " but the prompt denial makes It
necessary for them to produce proof ,
or keep still. Many sincere friendsof
Roosevelt wore a little alarmed at the
story , and will be gratified to know
that It has absolutely no foundation
in fact. Minneapolis Journal ,
If It IB true that anything above n
25,000 mnjorlty in the Vermont elec
tion would show well for the republi
can national ticket , Roosevelt and
Fairbanks nro about 8,000 votes to
the good In the race.
Hill and Bclmont and Wall street
nro evidently finding It moro of a
task to swing the people toward the
support of the domocratlo ticket than
was the job of swinging the democrat
ic convention toward their preferred
James K. Jones has been employed
by the democratic national committee
In an advisory capacity , but there Is
as yet no evidence that they wished
him particularly to give election fore
casts to the public favorable to the
democratic cause.
Mr. Bryan may consent to speak for
the democrats , but It may be believed
that a rousing republican victory will
not wnrm the heart of any democrat
as much as his. Ho argued that the
party was In the wrong at St. Louis
and naturally looks to the public to
sustain his contention.
If the Russians and Japanese do not
soon resume business at the old stand
and furnish some readable war news
the follows In South America will hnvo
forged to the front In the estimation
of readers of war Intelligence and the
far caster belligerents will bo com
pelled to put up a strong fight for the
place they have been neglecting.
According to tbo war reports from
Manchuria the Russians are expected
to arrive at Mukden today ; they have
reached Mukden ; they passed through
Mukden yesterday and have abandon
ed that point It Is up to the reader
to believe whatever of the Intelligence
ho desires , but It Is somewhat con
fusing to the strategist who desires
the real facts to figure out just where
the Russians are.
The average per capita deposited li
Nebraska Is $95.84 , which means that
every man , woman and child shouh
have that amount of money on de
posit If he had his share of the wealtl
of Nebraska but there are those who
have more nnd others less. Anywn >
It Is In the state and the ambitious
person can assuredly accumulate his
share If he sets about It.
In 1S09 the fusion plurality In Ne
braska was above 13,000 , but It rapid
ly dwindled and at tbo next election
the state wort republican by a plu
rality of 801 In 1901 , the r yubllcai
majority was above 12,000 and the
prostiocts are that this year It wll
bo Kre.itly li'.Teased , If not doubled
Anyway the fiislonlsts who are no
claiming much are among the wist
ones of the state.
It Is presumed that about the tlm
the people begin to feel good over th
settlement of the stockyards strike In
the packing house centers , the won
will como that everything Is off am
the strike Is moro active than over
That has been the experience up to
the present time , and there are many
readers who will await tlio ofllcla
statements of the striker leaders ant
packers before they will bellovo tha
the end of the battle Is In sight.
The slowness with which the wa
news comes and Its unsatlsfactorj
character after H reaches the public
Incline a person to the bollef that th
censors are /saving / the best part of I
for the writers of histories or historic
al novels. Enough Is permitted to slf
through to spur on the Interest tha
should make the business of the pub
Ushers nnd book agents lively who
they arc able to get at the facts am
got them In the hands of the printers
The Nebraska fuslonlsts have mad
a sort of attempt to get In line wltl
the new condition of affairs In the !
party which Is shown by the adop
tlon of the gold standard and otho
matters tending to lend to things 1m
porlallstlc and plutocratic. They hav
opened headquarters In Lincoln at th
Royal hotel , and If that does no
servo to queer the " great commo
people" of the state , $500 bloode
heifers and other Incidents cannot b
expected to phase them.
If the Japanese are not soon sue
cessful In beading the Russians the
will bo led on to Harbin and perhap
after that to St. Petersburg. Kuro
patkln Is evidently not desirous o
meeting the enemy again , and wll
need to bo driven to desperate strait
If he does not get his men as nen
homo as possible. If the Japs sue
ceed In driving him out of Manchurl
and then fix themselves to prevent hi
re-entering the disputed terrltorj
their work will have been well done
The war in the far east Is now
race between the opposing forces fo
Mukden , with the Russians apparent
ly In the lead. The supposition 1
that when the Moscovltes got to tha
base of operations there will be an
other battle llko that at Llao Yang
and other towns that they have bee
forced to evacuate by the nggresslv
Japanese. The Japs are evidently do
tormlned to do what they can to thul
big foe In the shortest possible tlm
nnd glvo them no further chance fo
rest and recuperation and drill of ro
It is now said that the populist
hope to show a greater , vote for thel
presidential electors In Nebraska
than the democrats for tbeir's and In
its way give a basis for Influence
hat must be recognized by the demo-
rats In the future. With the years
f fusion that have passed the domo-
rats have been Inclined to belittle
no populist strength thinking that
lioy had been almost entirely ah-
orbed by the democrats , but now the
opullsts have an opportunity to show
ust what their strength Is and pro-
ese to make It a good ono.
Tli In.
Wo offer ono hundred dollars ro-
vard for any case of catarrh that con
tot be cured by Hall's Catarrh cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo , O.
We , the undersigned , have known
J , Cheney for the last 15 years ,
ind believe him perfectly honorable
n all business transactions and ft-
mnclally able to carry out any obll-
atlon made by his firm.
Wholesale driigglstc , Toledo , O.
Hall's catarrh cure Is taken Inter
nally , actli'g ' directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Testimonials sent free , Prlco 75
cents per bottle. Sold by all drug
Take Hall's family pills for consti
Tlic Stoniiicli 1 the Man.
A weak stomach weakens the man ,
lecnuso It cannot transform the food
10 cats Into nourishment. Health and
strength cannot be restored to any
sick man or weak woman without
first restoring health and strength to
the stomach , A weak stomach can
not digest enough food to feed the
tissues and revive the tired and run
down limbs and organs of tbo body.
Kodol Dyspepsia cure digests what
you eat , cleanses and otrongthons the
glnnds and membranes of the stomach
ach , and cures Indigestion , dyspepsia
and all stomach troubles. Sold by
Asa K. Leonard.
Pink cheeks and golden hair ,
Blue eyes full of glee ;
The secret of her prettlness ,
Is Rocky Mountain Tea.
The Klesau Drug Company.
From 1-18 to 02 Pound * .
Ono of the most remarkable cases
of a cold , deep-seated on the lungs ,
causing pneumonia , Is that of Mrs.
Gertrude E. Fonner , Marlon , Ind. , who
was entirely cured by the use of One
Minute Cough cure. She says : "Tho
coughing and straining so weakened
mo that I ran down in weight from
MS to 92 pounds. I tried a number
of remedies to no avail until I used
Ono Minute Cough cure. Four bottles
tles of this wonderful remedy cured
mo entirely of the couh , strength
ened my luns nnd reatored mo to
my normal I/eight , health and
strength. " Sold by Asa 1C. Loor.ard.
Makes rich , red blood , and muscles
moro rapidly than any known remedy.
That's what's Holllster's Rocky Moun
tain Tea is. 35 cents , Tea or Tablets.
The Klesau Drug Company.
AVIiut'N In n Xiimef
Everything Is In the name when It
comes to AVItch Hazel salve. E. C.
DoWItt & Co. , of Chicago , discovered
some years ago how to make a salve
from witch hazel that Is a specific fior
piles. For blind , bleodii = ? , Itching
and protruding piles , eczema , cuts ,
burn. ' , bruises and all skin diseases ,
DeWltt's salvo has no oij ml. This
has given riro to numerous worthless
counterfeits. Ask for DeWltt's the
genuine. Sold by Asa 1C. Leonard.
A I'oner for
The pills that are potent In their
action and pleasant In effect are De-
Witt's Little Early Risers. W. S.
Phllpot of Albany , Ga. , says : "Dur
ing a bilious attack I took one.
Small as It was it did mo more ffooVl
than calomel , blue mass or any other
pill I over took and at the same time
the effect was pleasant. Little Ear-
If Risers are certainly an Ideal pill. "
Sold by Asa K. Leonard
S. J. Sampson , Newport Our daugh
ter was pale and sickly. Gave her
Ilolllster's Rocky Mountain Tea. Now
she' rosy checked , healthy and happy.
35 cents , Tea or Tablets. The ICiesau
Drug Company.
ONLY $21.00
A beautiful level stock and dairy
farm of 480 acres In
Wisconsin , on
the main line of the Northwestern
railway , and on a main traveled high
way ; lee miles from the Twin cities
and t ! miles
neonle. good town of 1,200
It almost surrounds a fine deep lake ,
a mile and
long and half a
mile wide ; fine wells and several fine
springs ; nearly nil fenced with barbed
wire and 300
woven wire five
feet high.
100 acres cleared of timber , broken
and mostly seeded to clover and tim
othy ; plenty of line timber and
no cut-
over land.
Barn 38x48. 1C foot high ; house 10s
24 , 14 feet high , and 10x24. 7 feothlgh :
plastered and
finished ; fine stone
cellar ; good granary , stables , chicken
house , hog house and sheds.
With the
farm goes the following :
J7G worth of
tame grass seed
ng. good
team of
young horses and
harness , 26 head
young cows. 15
fine calves , 1 full-blooded Shorthorn
bull. 7
Poland China hogs ;
puro-bred turkeys nnd chickens , 80
tons of nno clover and timothy hay
in stack , second crop to cut ; 15 acres
of oats and 10 acres of fodder
Also the following
implements :
Now Decrlng binder , mower and rake
two line wagons , ono platform buggy
seeder , plow , harrow , corn drill , corn
cultivator , bobsleds and numerous
small tools.
No such bargain has been offered In
* 21 per acre takes
everything on
your own tlmo and terms.
401 Andrua Bids.
, Minneapolis
, Minn. ,