THE NORFOLK NEWS : KltlDAY , SKPTliJMHKH , 15)04. ) I.OCAI , POUT cons i.vro nus viu NATUUK'S nnvirrins citAi'iiiu I'u.N iMCTiiitr. or STATI : One of n 'I'lioiimunl \ \ lie Seen mill CMII Umcrlhp ( lip I'rottj C'lroiinintiinfeN ' 1'lint Mnkr I.lfp Worth ( lie I.UIiifc A. Trritt t Sriitlniriit. Out In the country , the wind , blowIng - Ing over Holds of now-mown liny niul ftaturated with the scents of a thousand ( lowers l flagrant and health-giving. I-ong vistas of green trees and cornlleldH nhHorh the glare and temper the he t of the af tot noon. There nro no bare spots to cronto dust nnd the growing vegetation absorbs nil noxious vapotn How restful to tlrod oycs and aching nerves to tiilco n drlvo out along : the country rends nnd down by the rlvor , away from the work nnd worry , the dust nid | noise and 111 smelling adorn of the townl Great bnnks of gaudy sunllowors In full bloom skirt the loadHldo , gor geous nnd bountiful were It not for that fnmlllnrlty Hint broods con tempt. The stately cnulliml , the yellow - low plumes of the beautiful goldenrod - rod , the purple nster and the doll- cnto laplalazull fill the fences nnd roadways with exquisite blotches of color. Anon the load etosscs n bridge nnd on either side are the cool Inviting hhndows of the woods and the sooth ing melody of the ilvor beneath us. Cnttlo como lazily down to the rlvor nnd standing where the running wa ter gurgles lovingly ngnlnst bars of smooth , wet sand , drink greedily with n look of deep content In their drenmy brown eyes , lluttcrnlcs zig zag In their erratic ( light ns If llfo was n Jest nnd summer undying. Down where the river widens nnd Its current runs leisurely along , as If taking a breathing spell snipe are scurrying nbout , nnd n family of young teal flash past with n swish of wings , a remind er of the sport that Is coming among those Illy pads. A quail pipes to his mate from the wheat stubble calling up pleasant anticipations of golden autumn days In the stubble or weed patches when the hoar frost will glit ter In the morning sunshine and with gun and dog we go out for a morning with the birds. Someone has i egret- ted the "useless" energy "wasted" on catching n few flsh or pursuing the wary chicken , as If llfo was given us to puisuo dollais or as If n. man could live always. There are Just so many races In a hoise ; there are only so many days work In a man , and bo they more or less , ultimately death calls him from labor. A man simply localizes a portion of the general wealth , perchance for someone else to dissipate It , and he who goes out Into the flelds and btcaks away from the grind of woik re-cieates his body and renews his mind. The flsh and chick ens arc only Incidents. The tinkling note of n belated bobo link nnd the rapturous strains of the meadow lark come to our ears from the nowly-mown tne.idows. Along the margin of the alfalfa Holds nature lias scntteied a lapful of trailing vines. The blush of autumn Is coming to the sumac and the ruby to the plum thickets. " .Vhnt sport there will bo later among the young tabblts that frisk about now In these thickets. Just now oven Jejunum trots sedately behind the buggy and In a tolerant , large hearted way refrains from chas ing them. Perhaps It 1st he Influence of the henson that fixes a truce be tween the rabbits and their ancient enemy , the dog. Who shall say what laws or language guide or control na ture's creatures that lead them at times to tolerate or even respect each other and refrain fiom violence ? This Is the farmer's busy season. Great stacks of bay are going up , threshers are nt work , stubble Is be ing plowed and the perfumes of fresh earth , clover and alfalfa are wafted from the flelds as we Journey past farms nnd meadows. In the pastures cattle nro standing knee deep In grass Never was there such a prodlgalltj of fodder as this year and to garner It men , women and children are oul In the fields , mowing , raking and stacking great stores for winter. A day In the country at this season Is a rare treat. FRIDAY FACTS. School has commenced In district No. 8 , west of town , with Miss Jennie Mills as teacher. Miss Knthryn Shaw gave a 6 o'clock dinner lost evening to a num- of her girl friends. A Spence was over from Madison yesterday. M. D. Tyler made a business trip to Fullerton yesterday. T , J. Donohue was In the city this morning from Bonesteel. Cella Peterson of Humphrey was shopping In the city yesterday. A daughter was born at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Green last night. Miss Grace Loach of West Point Is visiting at the home of W. N. Huso. C J. Alexander of Bonesteel came In on the morning train this morning Miss Elolso Rowan of Columbus ar rived In the city last night for a vlsl with Miss Josephine Butterfleld. Miss Bertha Pllger left this noon for Anoka , where she Is to be prlncl pal of the schools. Miss Spolce of Chicago Is expocte < to arrive Monday to take a position as trimmer for the Durland sisters. A daughter was born yesterday to Mrs. Helen Peterson at the home o Mrs. Pofohl on South Fourth street. Miss Helen Maylord returned tht noon from Deadwood , S D. , whore sli hao been visiting for some tlmo past Rev. J. F. Poucher left this morning for Omaha , where he will visit Dr F. M. Sluson In the Methodist hospital Miss Hattle McKIm arrived In th city last night from Sallna , Kan. Sh will visit with Dr. McIClm at 300 Sout Fourth. The 7-ycar-old son of Mrs. Harnan who haa been so sick with scarle fever , died last night and was burlec this morning. Conductor Fox being much tin proved expects to leave with Mrs Fox on Monday for Chicago for a vial Ith hi ; son Guy. Mr and Mrs C. H. Durlatid , iyin Map PS and Mr S Corwlu re- irnod hint night from a four Jiiyn' rip to the Mate fair. Mlsi Florence Parker was In the ty this morning on her way to Go on , whcio she will teach this year ho will make her homo with her stor , Mrs. Pugsloy. Mrs L. A. Sims of Fremont la In the tylsltlug friends Mr. Sims Is one 10 brakemcn that have boon trans- erred to Norfolk. They will tent a IOIIHO and move hero ROOM The OrfonhauHor Jewelry store In 10 Richards blook has Just been landHomoly decorated nnd otherwise laced In order for the coming fall ml winter limit of business. The cool nights have Inletforod to 10 cm tnllmciit of the swimming oason for the bo > s. the rlilll of the Ight being left In the water for the ay time so that the sport Is not us ttrnctlvo as It was carllos In the aasnn. Tim fioiit of the Ma until ult block s being repainted and will pi uncut a really Improved appearance when omplotcd. The swinging of the orkmcn from the top of the Hiiro- tory building attracts the attention f all passers-by The saloon of the Millar Brewing onipany at present located In the 'nclllc block , has tented the store oem In the Hstabrook block former- y occupied by the Palace Shoo store nd will soon mine Into Its new Jo- atlon , after the building has been tied up for Its occupancy. Reuben ICIosau , the 10-ycnr-old son f Mr. nnd Mis. A. II. ICIosau , gave a ory entertaining iccltal Thursday veiling at the homo of his parents on oiith Tenth street , assisted by Hay stnbrook , violinist , and Miss Roulah layos , vocalist The youthful trio cndeied a delightful program and the ssembled guests spent an enjoyable veiling Tlo ) approach of the theatrical soa- nn Is shown In the Increasing mini- or of theatrical announcements that re being lecolved , although the plans or the season have not been nn- ounccd by the Auditorium manage ment. Ono of the early announco- notits Is of "Tho Gteat lirlndamour , he White Maharaja " One of Brlndu- nour'H most notable feats li to bo landcuffed In the icgular way by the Ulcers of the law and placed In a tool cage In Jail , fiom which ho nysterlously makes his escape Ho s said to do It In thiec minutes , and he cell door Is loft closed and looked iftor his escape How ho manages It 10 alone knnus TUESDAY TOPICS , Mrs. T. 13 Odlorne Is In Sioux City his week visiting the family of her irother , W. C. Davenport , and attend- ng the Interstate fair. Dr. Fiank Osborn , physician at the nstltute for feeble minded at Beat rice , came home last evening on ac count of the Illness of his father , A. Osborn. Miss Bertha Washington , daughter of Richard Washington , porter at the Oxtiard , left this morning for Sioux City whoie she will attend the fair and hen go to school. Mlshes Mae , Edith and Alice Barrett , lave leturned fiom a two weeks' visit with f i lends nt Stalling , 111 While they weie absent Alice foil from a lorse and brought homo with her a mdly bruised arm as the lestilt. M. J. Dedlngor was , In the city fiom Wayne , yesterday. C Road of Butte came Into the city on the morning train. Larry Gillian of Wausa transacted justness In the city yesterday. Mr Allen Galnos wont o\or to Sioux City yestetday morning for the fair. Lizzie Boiler and Mary Backus wore n the city between trains from Lind say. say.Jns Jns Dover and W. Bryant of Madi son were In the city over night last night. Mis. A. Blllorbeck and son of Os mend were shopping In the city yes terday. J W. Edwards went to Sioux City this morning to attend the fair and see the horse rsices. Arthur Oelke and C. Ulrlch came down from Pierce this morning to be present at the Scott trial. W. C. Ahlman went to Madison this morning to Join the Madison band In preparation for the Tllden carnival. John Reed Is home from Chicago for a few days , preparatory to going to Lincoln to attend the university this winter. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Nordwlg have moved to a cottage on North Ninth street. At the meeting of the Ladles guild of Trinity church It was decided to hold their annual sale and chicken pie dinner the first week In December. The Ben Hurs hold a meeting last evening and at the close of the busi ness session all present adjourned to Kaffman's Ice cream parlors where they spent a happy hour over Ice cream and cake. Frank Fox , son of Joe Fox , while out to the Elkhorn rlvor yesterday , tried to get on a horse and Jumped so hard that he went right on over and fell to the ground on the other side , breaking his left arm. He plucklly climbed on with his one good arm and rode to town to have it set. The school children were as eager this morning to start for their re spective schools as they were to quit It three months ago. They are eager to renew the school acquaintances that were broken off at the time the long vacation commenced. They have an ambition to learn and take up their studies whore they left them some tlmo ago The ringing of the bolls this morning1 called many new pupils and summoned n great many of the old ones , with the prospect that each and every room will bo filled Letter I.Ut. List of letters remaining uncalled for at the postofllce at Norfolk , Neb. , September 6 , 1904 : Miss Etta Collins , Mrs. John Lynn. If not called for In fifteen days will be eent to the dead tetter office. Parties calling for any of the above please aay "advertised. " JOHN R. HAYS , P. M. or MUIIT uUN IIAIIU. snvnitAi , mourn * surrnii LOSS Our I'nrmrr Nortlu-nxl of Norfolk Hint Mnr llrnil or Cnltlr Kllloil mill \n- otlirr IIt IIIK Hoiilli of tint Cll.v Hit * ( Jrnln Mlni'kn ! > < < rojiMl. Reports fiom the oleolrdMil Htm in \Veclnemliiy night ludlcato tlnit coiixldotnhlo diimugo mis done III the country dlsttlctM neiiiby nnd some of tlm fii'iiHs of the fluid me piolmblv yet to bo lepoited. Wm Konebiil , whti llvos on linn ! ion to No 4 , south of Not folk , Inxt two HtackH of grain by loason of the Uoi m , they tuning licun stiuc'k b\ lightning and buiin < d , musing < | iilli > a notions loss In this season of high prleos amf scarcity of the roieals John Wont , who ll\es northeiiHt of Hosklns and was In Norfolk yester day , said that nt a fniiii lying nonr whoio the counties of Madison , Plouo , \Vayno and Ktnntoii Join , ho counted ntno head of cattle In n hunch that had been killed by a lightning bolt and ho honid that about twenty bend of stock bad mot the fate of the nlno In that pint of the country. n Boldt , living wont of the hospi tal , had thief hogs killed by a bolt of lightning that wit nek a tieo undo ! which they woio lying. Ho Is also the owner ( if the ulno head ( if enltlo that wcio killed In the pasttno of H I'ulH The animals bad tholi heads thiough the whos when they ueie olocti ocuted Ho cm i led Inmiiam e In the Faimois Mutual and will loiovoi two-thirds of tholraluo. . rvtu : UP iinroim .nisTicn THIS MOHMNO. CACI.I : mnNTii.'ins TIIH IMIISOMJII In the \\KnrxM Slnncl , Olllu Clinic I > ON- ll\eb Mi ore 'I'lllit Scott IH ( In- linn \\lin Mugged Him oil the I.IIM ! Mglit of Hie Tournament. The hearing of Joseph Scott , charged with assaulting Olllo Caglo on the last night of the Hi emeu's toiiinament In Not folk , came p bofoio Justice Hayes this morning. II V. linrnlmit of I'leico nppoms for Cnglo and Hint Mnpcs on behalf of the state , while the defense Is ropicsonted by M B Tyler of this city and Attoinoy Fiance of York. Cagle , Dr. Bear and Walter Hi own woio swoin for the Htato , and Scott and Stnlfoid for the defense. In his testimony on the stand , Cnglo positively Identified Scott ns the mar who Hti lick him on the night of the assault. Ho descilbcd how ho was go ing down the stieot with n p.uty of young f i lends nnd lomomburs Scott ns ho stepped out fiom the building nnd slugged him. This was Thuisdny night nnd ho remembered nothing inoie until Monday morning. Caglo Is still suffoilng fiom the In- Juilos received. The light side of his face Is paralyzed , although It Is get ting better right along Itnrnl Houlf No , 't. School has commenced all along the route Miss O'Connoi has the first school north of town on First street The name of the teacher of the school flvfl miles north has not boon learned. In the north school In district No. 0 , Pierce county. Miss Nettle Llttoll of Plorce , Is teacher and In the south school In district No 6 , Miss Lillian Willis of Battle Creek , Is teacher. In the Fred Dederman district Miss Dora Van Blarlcom teaches this Is her second year here. In the Smith dis trict Miss Etta Smith Is the teacher- she also taught hero last year. Corn Is In fine condition and a good deal of It Is now out of the way of fiost The very latest will be pretty well matured In a week or ton days , If the present kind of weather contin ues Farmers are plowing but little It Is too dry north of Hadar. Hay making and threshing are progressing nicely. Everyone Is busy and cheer ful over the prospect for prosperous times TIIIHI ) niSTIUCT CONTENTION IN NOIirOI.K TODAY. THIRTY-SEVEN Iii.iO ATKS HERE Contention IH for the Piirjio p of ElectIng - Ing Three DelegnteH to the Supreme Contention to lie Held In Mlnnenp- olln October 12. The third district convention of the Modern Brotherhood of America Is be ing hold In the city today , for the pur pose of electing three delegates to the supreme convention which Is to be b'old In Minneapolis on October 12. The convention was called to order at 11 o'clock this morning and organized ny mo election of H A. stlnson of Da kota City as temporary chairman and Max Asmus of Norfolk as temporary secretary. After organization the con vention adjourned until 2 o'clock this afternoon. The meetings are being held In Odd Fellows hall. There are twenty-seven lodges In the district , entitled to 37 delegates. It Is expected that before night nearly all If not qulto all of the delegates will be present. Sugar City lodge Is represented by M. C. Ilazon , W. B Vail , Max Aamua and J. M. Covert. The local lodge wll act as hosts to the visiting delegatea and a fine entertainment la promlse < for both afternoon and evening. Thl evening the work of the order will b exemplified at the hall. HUMIAV .SCHOOL CONVENTION , llnrk Count ) \\orUrrn Meet lit llnnxrll for InlrrrMliiK Si-union. I1AHHHTT. Neb , Hopt i ! HpoeMul to The News A county Hundnv HI Uool . -onvenlton wns held bom Sunday , with twenty-two dolcgiitoN In nttimd- atu-e ropioHiMitlng live Muitdiiv NCIOOH | | 11 S llnllnr ( if flllin , Neb , WIIH iilnot- eil president of the county nignnlrii- tlon for the ensuing year nnd F A Colnnmn of llamett , necielaiy and ticannier Mlim Itulns taught ( be ptl- niary etass In the inoiiilng nesHlou of tlu < Sunday Hohool while the tenmln- der of the school watched bet and took notcH In the evening Minx HeliiH dellveted i veiy Interesting Incline on her trip to nnd from Jerusalem Mho In n very ontotmining speaker and nil ciminsl wotkor and the cliilHtlan peopto who worn In attendance foil n spiritual up lift which will long ho icmemboied. .SIVI\TIIN IN.M.XU umn. Humphrey llofrntn Crmlon After n ( 'luxe niul limit siriiKKli * . lIITMI'lllinY , Neb , Sept fi Hpoolnl to The Nous , lu nn oxeltlng gntno of seventeen Innings Hnmpbicy defeated CioMton on the homo gtouuilH Sunday by a SCDIO of six to four .msTi'.iiv .suititoiiMis r.vsi ; . TriiKle Denlh of tin- Cine llrotlii-rN ( 'iiiuiul In- i\iilnliiril , LINCOLN. Neb , Sept i ; - Much mystery - tory sintoiinilH the death of Claude and llniiy t'n\o of UoiehoHtot , whoso bodies woio found near the lluillng- lou tineks , four miles fiom Doiehes- tot. At the lii'ncHt held nt DoichoH- tor the ft lends and inlliond men could give no light on the deaths The fnther only know the bodies Itoiii let- tois nnd papois found In the pockets of their clothing When the foiemnii of the section gang at Filend imlo to the end of his font mile division In the dliccllon of Don-hosier ho dlHccueted on the tlliek bits of clothing , nnd , lliinll ) . llosh Fet half a mile along the tiack pieces ot bumnn llosh woio sinlteied Uotinnlng at once to Pi loud ho no- tilled Cot oner L N Smith , who IH n phj.slelan , living nt the town of West- cm At ( list It \\ns thought but one poi.son was killed , but linostlgatlon pi mod that thoiooio two , becniiHO a bit go pint of the hndv of one WIIH found In the ditch near the line of the octton dlstilcts bolwuen I'llmul nnd ) oichcstoi I'npeis on the clothing ndlcatod Doi Chester to bo the homo f the \lctlms. Daniel ra\e , a cat- entoi , when noUtlcd , believed the no woio his sons Hoont with the 01 otiDi and section men nnd Identi fied the bodies fiom the evidence of lothlng nnd moio pnpois loiind How the accident happened nobody otild say. The tinlnmuii who lestl- iod did not icenll seeing the young lion So\oinl theoiles woio advanced , tut the Juiy Ignoied them In diawing bo vet diet Some thought the lads nny IniNO gene to sloop on the stops > f a westbound tialn , when the tinlns vote all ciowded , anil that they foil lit' togothoi lifter going beyond Doi- ehester. Others thought they may mvo gene on to Ft loud to dismount , mil tried to make tholi lotiiin on the mams of a fiolgltt tialn How they should have fallen together was the emaik'ihle fait that could not bo ox- ilntneil c'lauda a lri \eiis old and Henry vas 16 The boss hid been In Lincoln attending the state fair HIS \\iri : is .snitiousi.v In Attempting to Snte Hit \Vire'n Mfe , .Mr. Toler lterelten IluriiH I'rom Which lie Illeil Tbln Mornlni ; Pntnl EvploMlon of KeroNcne , ANOKA. Neb , Sept 6 Special to The News Henry Toler , a general merchant of this city , died here this morning from the effect of burns he received yesterday In rescuing his wife , who was ablaze from a kero sene explosion which occurred while Mrs. Tolor wns attempting to start a ( Ire In the kitchen stove Mrs. Toler has serious burns , but Is still alive. Suffering from the agony of her burns and with her brave bus- : wnd dead from his efforts to preserve lier life , her lot Is Indeed a hard one. Mrs. Toler was attempting to start a lire In the kitchen Hove at noon with kerosene. The fluid cadght fire , ex ploding the can and the blazing oil was thrown over Mrs Toler , setting lire to her clothing She ran Into the store from the living rooms In the roar of the building , calling for help Mr. Toler ran to her assistance and In attempting to extinguish the flames his clothing became Ignited and ho was burned to a blister from the waist to the neck. The little girl four years of age , es caped Injury. Fire was set In the store room In the excitement and some damage was done to a pile of clothing before the flames were extinguished CONGRESSIONAL HEADQUARTERS Itepubllcnn MnniiKeiurnt of Cnmpnln I * \CMT Illrrvlrd I-'rom ThU City. Chairman Fales of the republican congressional committee has opened up headquarters In rooms 1 and 2 of the niahop block , and from this time on Mr. McCarthy's campaign will be directed from this point. Secretary Jack KoenlRStoIn of the committee is becoming- busy with political affairs. Chairman Fales has been all over the district and lie believes It Is thorough ly organized and that Mr. McCarthy will have an Increased majority over two years ago. 1.131' I IINTIIUT I'OH l'lll.l\l IN I'OI ( ( 'I'll MTIllir.T. M'i'oiN'rTIJII cinmiNMioMin \ l , r r llrlxl iif IIIIUHIIIIN ! | Hir Clj ( Air \llimril niul 'I'lirrirri * Noun'I'linl \ \ rriHrjictril nr l.nlil Oirr for Ini 'I'hi' city rouncMI mul In toioilui HI > H- Hlcin ullh Ma ) or Hilton niul all ( iiuti- I'lltni'ii ptitmitit oxccpl K'lcmui. Wnlli- ur niul WIIUIiiHiiu. The inliiutt'M of the n-miliir nc nlini of AiiKUHt IS ami of the xpoi'lnl moot IIIK of AiiKUHl liTi uoio i Mini and up- Mr ( ! o\v lopoilitd thut aftoi IIIVOH- tlKatloti ho tlniiiKhl Hint If Iho unit- lei cuiilil ho NII aiiiuiKod , a Htioot Unlit Nhoiild ho pliicoil on I'mxport avoiiuo The iiiatloi' WIIH allowril ID K < > < i oi until HID mi \ I inculliiK 'I'lm iiiidllliiKr ( Minimlltoo lopmtod hurU IIM roitoi-t Iho It oiiHlll OI'H Htalo- mc'iilH fm Jinn ) and July. The ii'Kulm lopmtH ol Iho tioiiMiiiui' , ulty uloik , Htioot ( oiiimlHMliiiioi nnd pollen Juil o \\oio ii'iiil mid tofdiiud lu Iho audit- IIIK : uoinmlttoo. The Htieot unit alloy oommlltoo to- pin ted that they hint lot Iho ruiituirt tor llllliiK l''ouith Nlioot lit lorly rtiiitH per loud of ono nnd nuolmlfanln ( o I T Cook , ami that thov hud ilooliloil tllllt tllU HtlOOt IMOHMllIKH Oil KoOlllK- Htl'lll IIVOIIIIO IllldOl HIOHOIlt I'lllllll- tlolIM HllOllId 1)0 ) COIIHll UC'tOll Of llllll- bol The puhllo uinkn 01111111111100 lopoit- oil Unit they hud huanl fiom the Un ion I'aclllo unlor tnolor nnd Unit It would pioliuhly bo hoio next \\ookaud uoiild thoti bo put In The iiulHiilico i omiiilttcn ii'pinti'il a complaint of n uiitnr cloHot ImliiK lu Iho alloy ruimliiKT niiitli nnd xouth hotwoon Koiiith and I'Mfth HticotH. mul the Htieot comiiilHHlonor lu- Htiiirt il to notify the ( luiinr ( o 10- inovn the HIIIIIO buck onto Iho lot The chluf of pollen lopoitoil that Mi Cnlllim UIIH llllliiK hlH lot , Unit Mr. Ilriinson had IIIloil lilH and that Mi Kiiintr. UIIH winking nt hlH nnd would norm llnlHli the win It. Tim following blllH , oxiiiiiliiod and appiovud by the uiiilltltiK uoiiiiulttoo , wnio nllouod Mm tin Kiino , AiiKHHt Hiilury mul oxpoiiNu . f 07 Or > ( ' . II I'llKor , AiiKiiHt Hillary and oxpoiiHo . Till 00 \V II. MvliiKHtonu , Aii UHt nl- ary and oxpniiHO 40 CO IRMiiy Mllloi , Hiilaiy mul luhor 4'J NS Miipi.'i & llir/iin , iiHHlKiiod by llnmy .Mllloi , lithoi oil HlluotH 7 0 : .1 II Hunter , dtaylii for Htioot coiiimlHsloiioi 7 > 1' H H.itotlou , labor on thu HtlOOtH 1 " 0 Ilormmi Ooiccko , Hi lends of rlmlots mid lnlckliiitH .1 7ft I * ! ' Hpiochor , piltitlMK' 1f'0 IMwaiilH .V Miadloid , I.uiiihi'i Co. liimhui S fil Hllns Hull , laboi on the HtiuutM 2 2H Osrm Uhlo , iisslKiiuil by T. \\f. Mlllor , labor on HtiootH . . . . 00 It C Waltui. lllliiK HIIWH 1 00 J W Diincmi , laboi on HtiootH with team anil hiiiilliiK xand 8 ' . ) ! > William Clioiiiideman , labor on Htl I'UtH 'i OO Kcl Conloy , labor on HticotH. . . . 24 45 John ClommoiiH , labor on HtroctHltli team 7 80 r S Drt'dKo , labor on HtreutB with tt-am 3 00 IMuaiils & Itiadfoid I.umbur Co thruo caiH of sidewalk brick 327 2f. J H Stafford , painting Honk and ladder truck 30 00 Norfolk Hlectrlc Light & Pow er Co. lighting : clty Building 9 50 Albert DcKiior. hardwero 0 21 Pied Ivlontz. Hprlnkllng Htreots 20 00 J. K Simpson , walaty for July and AugiiHt 5000 AugiiHl Oraul , Bulary for July and AtlgtiHt 6000 I T Cook , hauling coal to pumping Htatlon 9 57 OMcar Uhle , supplies to pump ing Htatlon 1 45 Norfolk Hluctrlr Light & Pow er Co , lighting pumping Hta tlon 3 00 Norfolk itectrlc Light & Pow er Co , Htreot lighting 60 00 Norfolk Light and Fuel Co , Htropt lighting 6000 The bill of W. L Kern for J17 00 for walary and replacing coupling on the fire hose was allowed ICHH $5 00 , allowed to H. W. Winter for Mushing hydrants The bill of C. W. Davidson of J50 for special police was allowed , less 12 60 for poll tax for 1904. The street commissioner was al lowed a warrant for 12.50 for poll tax for C W. Davidson Ulll of Kd Hhulow of J1.05 was allowed The bill of I T. Cook for J10 50 for labor and hauling sand and brick was allowed. Hill of Wm. Bluccher of J30 30 for laying nldewalk was allowed Hill of David Signer of J1063 for damages for property destroyed by street commissioner In removing same from the streets was rejected Ulll of Dr Bear was presented and referred to auditing committee The bills of the Uorfolk sanitarium and of Drs. Sailor & Sailer were presenled nnd referred to the city at torney for Investigation and report at the next meeting Ordinance No. 277 was read the third time and upon roll call the fol lowing vote was recorded on the final passage of the ordinance. Ayes , Oow , Pase walk ; nays , Halvesllne , Parish , Spellman. There not being a majority of the votes In favor of the ordinance , It was declared not passed A communication regarding the selling of the old fire hose was read Wm. Ahlman staled lhat he could not conveniently fill in and put In a permanent walk along his Norfolk avenue property unless the adjoining lot owners did the same and re quested time until they were ready to fill and build , but the matter was uoi taken up by the roiinoll. 'Iho mayor Nttilod that It wan lira- OHMHM thut it walor comiiilnMlonnr hi * MppnlntiM mul im moil II L rlpitillng foi thi ) poHlilou for the roiiinliiilor o ( tin ) jcnr A \oio HUH taknn , niMiiUlng an fol- InuN per ronili matlon ft votow , IIH < IIIN | | conlli inallon , noun , ami an thoto wax a uiiiiiiltniiiin vote In favor o the ooiillriiiulloii , II , U Hpanlillnic wan iliM-liu ml appointed IIH watur Tlii < i oimell then ml loiiniinl n\\i : M\JOIHTV or AIIIMIT : IIIMM : > , P.I.KrTKIN 'lllJ VI5AII .N n < Ion ii I NlKitlni-iuii'ii tin n S ( run llc | > iilillcMii Ulprl Sdilr , l.rir- Inlnlllc anil CotiKfrnxliiiint TlrkrlM. \ < ili > of Ollirr Vrnrx. WlllTi : UIVIMl JUNCTION. Vt. , Hop ! 7- Late leluiim nhow thut the lopiibllcmiN Inixo won a Hwooplng vic tory In HID oloetlonn hold yoMtorilay Ihioiighoiit IhlH Htato , mid Hint the pluiallly IH greater tlmn that returned fin KOXOIIIOI Hlnco 1890 \\lion the rotuuiH are alt lu It In ho- llovoil tlnit the plurality for the ropnb- llcmi tlokut will not pi eve far from 3.1,300 The lopnhllomin have oloatod the on * HID Htnlo. loglilutlvo mid ruiiigroRfllon- ul llekotn ThlH WIIH the 111 Hi election to hi ) hold thin jeai ami for thlH IOMHOII It Wai gUon national Hlgiilllcnneo roiiKriiliiliilrn llniinrirll. WALDP.N , VI. Hopt 7 Chiirlos J. Itoll , Iho BiiccoHtiful camllilato for gov ei inn of Voiinont , IIIIH wit od 1'reHl- ilout ItooMovolt IIH followii "TuiiHiliiyN ptiliallty of ever thirty thoiiHiinil In Voimoiil polutH toward victory foi llooHOMilt and Kalrb.uikH In Novomboi " A. C. ONO , A. M. , LI ; . II. , J'rvs. , Onmlii. Pitor. A. J. Lower , I'rlnc. * O rirHtNiit'l " llaiiliiiinl liaslness men. Sin.nilt ) In ( toll Top Di-sliH. Hunk Klxtiirrsunil WiTypowrllnri HtiidniitNran work for boiird. Henil for fri'o calaloune. Ixiiind In rvlHn.itnr. llnost U.VIT iiuhllsliril by a ( limitless College. Iteuil It anil jroii will nttenil Iho N II (1 DeWITT'S WITCH HAZEL , SALVE- THE ORIGINAL , . A Well Known Cure for Piles. Cures obatlnate norea , chapped hands , eo > rcma , akin diseases. Makes burns and scald * painless. We could not Improve the quality If paid double the price. The best fairs that experience can produce or that monojr can buy. Cures Piles Permanently DeWllt's Is the original and only pure and genuine Witch Hazel Salve made. Look for the name DeWITT on every box. AH othera counterfeit. arc mir-Amo ir r. C. DaWITT A CO. . CHICAGO. CASH FOR POULTRY Highest Market Prices Paid at all Times. NOIIFOLK. f , * IjOtig Dirtttiuco Telephone , 183. jj * * * * * ! * ! * * * * ! ! * * ! ! * ! i iI' * * FARM LOANS Lowest Rates W , J , GOW & BRO , I NORFOLK , NEBRASKA. Honey on Hind FARM LOANS TM FLAM. " TAKE THE WABASH SAINT "LOUIS THE ONLY LINE THE WORLD'S FAIR MAIN ENTRANCE. HARRY E. MOORE8 Q L A t Puss. Dept , Omaha.