\ THE NORFOLK WEEKLY NEWSJOURNAL , , . , . NOII ! > 'OIK NGIJKASKA KUIIMY. Slil'I'UJIllKK II 1001. TOI.EIl HUIIMNO WAS NOT ACCI DENTAL. HAD HERN A FAMILY UUAIUIEL THE MERCHANT WAS DUIIIICD YES TERDAY. WIFE'S CONDITION IS CRITICAL Had n Dispute Over 93 Mlnslng From the Money Drnvrer , With n Threat to Kill nnd Attempted Suicide by IliirnlnK Wnn Ilitrued to the none. ANOKA , Nob. , Sept. 8. Special to The News : There Is talk now of callIng - Ing a coroner's Inquest over the caus es that lead to the death of Henry Tolor , the Anoka merchant , and the critical condition 'of his wife. The funeral of Mr. Tolor was hold yesterday afternoon and ho was bu rled in the cemetery hero. Mrs. Toler Is slightly better , though etlll in a critical condition from the burns received. During the night the physicians attending her expected the worst nt any moment , but there Is now some hopes of her recovery. Since the reputed accident there have boon rumors that the burning was not altogether accidental , though the truth of 'the stories will need an official investigation. It is said that there had been trouble between Mr. and Mrs. Tolor and. that the oil from whlcti they were burned was purpose ly thrown on ono another. Mrs. Toler has admitted that they hnd n qunrrel over $2 which was missed from the till in the store. Mr. Tolor accused Mrs. Toler of taking It. Bho then throw a raw tomato nt him and ho returned it with energy , and threatened that If she threw It again ho would kill her. With this she said : "You wont' get a' chance , ns I'll do It myself , " whereupon she grabbed the kerosene can and poured the oil over herself , applying n match to her clothIng - Ing and was soon enveloped in the flames. Mr. Toler caught flre from her but It Is believed he must have likewise been saturated in oil as the thin shirt ho wore would hardly have burned so deeply , by the flre from the shirt goods. Ills flesh was burned through to the bone In places. HORSE RACING AT SIOUX CITY Track Cvcntn nt the Inter State Fair Were Speedy One of lite Fn- vorlteM Dlntaneed. SIOUX CITY , Sept. 8. Yesterday was one of the best days of the fair and ono of the greatest racing days in the history of the city. The races were called promptly at 1 o'clock and there was no delay In the program. The summary of events is as follows : 2:27 : Pace. 2:27 : pace , stake , purse $1,000 Miss Terrace , b. m. , by Al- . cantarus ( Pike ) 2 2 1 1 1 Pat C. b. g. ( Whitney ) 1 1222 The Elder ( Avery ) 4 5 4 3 3 Minnie Hern ( Hurst ) 5 3 5 4 4 Annie AVoodlock ( Wilson ) . .343 5dls Time 2:10 % , 2:10 : % , 2:11 : , 2:13V4. 2:16 : % . 2:20 : Trot. 2:20 : tret , purse $500 .Winkle , b. m. , by Harold , Jr. , ( Cunningham ) 6 6 1 1 1 Lady Almoneer , b. m ( Bloome ) 2 1 6 2 2 Bonnie Medium , b. g. ( Conly.l ) 2587 Van Hart , b. g. ( McCoy ) 8 7 2 3 3 Harold S , br. m. ( Whitney.3 ) 5746 Lutle C , b. m. ( Rosentell ) 4 4875 Drift Away , b. s. ( Chase ) . . . .7 8 4 6dr Time 2:15 % , 2:16 : % , 2:17 : % . 2:15 : % , 2:15 % . 2:11 pace , purse $500 Rex Amerlcus , g. h. , by Green Bush King ( Woods ) 3 2 1 1 1 Lady Knapp , b. m. ( Whitney ) ! 1543 Baby Kldd , b. m. ( Parker.4 4222 Plenty , br. g. ( Harrison ) . , . .2 3 3 5 4 Tony W , br. h. ( Roby ) 5 5 6 3 5 Lola Mix , b. m. ( Cooper ) . . . .6 6 4 6 6 Time 2:101/4. : 2:09 : % , 2:10 : % . 2:11 : % , 2:09 : % . The running race , one mile and re peat , had to go over until today. SCHOOL CHILDREN STRIKE. Over Vno Hundred Refused to Attend Chicago School. CHICAGO , Sept. 8. Over 200 chil dren today refused to attend the Longfellow - follow school yesterday until the principal who was transferred to an other school during the vacation is returned. Later the children decided to go back to school and submit to the rule of the new principal. BANQUET DEMOCRATIC EDITORS. Clark HowelU nnd Henry Wnttemon Made Principal Addres e . NEW YORK , Sept. 8. The banquette to the democratic editors last night was largely attended. Clark Howells and Editor Henry Watterson of Louis ville , Ky. , made principal addresses. Tennessee PopulUU Meet. NASHVILLE. Tenn. , Sept. 8. A number of populists assembled in Nashville today to make an effort to reorganize the party In Tennessee. An electoral ticket is to be named , but owing to the general lack of In terest among the former members of the party it is not regarded likely that any attempt will bo made to put a state ticket in the field this year. ALABAMA MOB HANGS A NEGRO Three Tliouminil 1'roplr ttinoknl ( lip Primmer Out of Jnll unit Strung Illtu tip to Tree In Court Ynril. HUNTSVILLK. Aln. , Sopt. 8. A mot ) of 3,000 people took Horacu Maples , n negro from the jail here last night tun ) hung Him to n tree In tlio court yard. The mob Btooit oft a company of mllltla , the ( Ire department and police , whllo they not lira to the jail and smoked the negro out. They then strung him up. All offortn to cause the mob to do- slat from tholr efforts were useless. IMIKTTV AME OF UAI.Ii. d nnil thr Soldier * Crcxiii lint * } at I'M. Nlolirnrn. * 'VA ° 4 'NE. Hob. , Sopt. 8. Special to Tlit. ift : The prettiest game of hall hoi . season was played at Ft. Nlobr. j sterday afternoon be tween the 4 > v-tlfth Infantry and Dcadwood to. A , * The score was as follows : < $ , * % Dcadwood . . . .V/ 020000 5 Ft. Nlobrara . . . . & / ' 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 Unitary for Deadwood , Clicatwood and Ml tcli oil ; for the soldiers , Free man and Reed. Dcadwood has won 24 straight games this season out of 27. WAS FATALLY STARRED IIY TWO STRANCJERS AT MIDNIKHT. OFFICER CANNOT I.IVI3 TIIHOUOII WftH Making nn Arrent When the Men Turned on Him nnd Inflicted Ileep nnd Fntnl Gahen City Aroimed br Ringing of Fire Hell. One of the Fremont police officers was stabbed several times last night by n pair of strangers whom ho had arrested nnd was taking to Jail. The officer was In a critical condition at 1 o'clock this morning , nnd was not ex pected to survive until dawn. The Norfolk ofllcers were called up last night and told to keep a look out for the two men wanted there and they made a search of the freight when It arrived hero this monvfng , but without success. Yesterday afternoon two strangers arrived In Fremont nnd commenced filling up on booze. Later In the af ternoon and during the evening they created n disturbance on the streets , and at about midnight they were ar rested by the Injured olllcor and start ed toward Jail. In turning a corner some distance from where the arrest was made the prisoners turned on the officer and stabbed him so seriously that he will probably die. One of the wounds and the most se rious was In the left breast , Just above the heart , where a long and deep gash was cut by the knife of one of the as sailants. Another wound was In the officers back , Just under the ribs , and a third knife thrust took effect In the policeman's side. After the assault the whole town was aroused by the ringing of the flre boll and a close search was made for the criminals , but at the last re port they had not been apprehended. The officer was In a critical condi tion and It Is not believed ho can long survive the murderous assault. Telegrams have been sent to all the towns In the neighborhood and since midnight there has been a careful watch kept to prevent the escape of the men. Trainmen report that there were a couple of tramps noticed on the rods under a car of the freight train that pulled out of Fremont soon after the commission of the crime. The men were noticed at a small station east of Scribner. At Scrlbner the train was searched but the men wore not locat ed and It Is feared that they made their escape east of that town. Another search of the train was made at this place , but no suspicious characters were dislodged and It Is feared that the fellows have made a good getaway. NEW I'AHTY IN UTAH. Senator Kenrnn Head * nn Anti-Mor mon Movement. SALT LAKE , Sept. 8. An anti-Mor mon party has been formed , headed by Senator Kearns , and supported by the Salt Lake Tribune , which says that both political parties own an Interest In ecclestasttclsm. Wooilmnn Day at St. Louli. ST. LOUIS , Sept. 8. This was Wood man Day at the world's fnlr and mem bers of the Modern Woodmen of America were In complete possession Members of the order came In hun dreds from all parts of Indiana , Iowa , Illinois , Kansas , Missouri , Nebraska , Wisconsin , Michigan , Minnesota and other states , several of the delega tions being headed by the governors of their respective states. Formal exorcises were held In Fes tival hall this afternoon at which ad dresses were delivered by President Francis of the exposition , Head Con sul A. R. Talbot of the Modern Wood men , Past Head Consul W. A. North- cott and by several of the visiting governors. , SecretnrleM of State. ST. LOUIS , , Mo. , Sept. 8. A national convention of secretaries of state was opened In St. Louts , the secretaries of a number of commonwealths assem bling in response to the Invitation re cently Issued by Secretary of State Power of Tennessee. The object of the meeting la to establish some uni form system of corporate laws , by which each secretary may bo In easy touch with the others , and facilitate the transaction of Interstate business pertaining : to that * office. KUROPATKIN PREPARES TO MEET JAPS AT MUKDEN. .I.VI'M APPROArilINU IIOTII WAYS Attempt to be Mnile to Surround the RiiNKlnii * , mid It IK llelleted 1'lnhl- Ing Will Soon lie on Himnliui Ion * 17,000 Men In Ten ln > n. ST. PKTKRHUURO , Sept. 8 , 6 2R p. m. Kurnpiitkln'H otllclal report from Mukden , sent last evening , KMVM the whole of lil.M nrmy arrived at Mukden and Is tuklng up po.sltlonn around the city. It scorns evident that ICurupat- kln Is preparing to meet the Japan- O.MO again nhouUI Oyanm continue to press northward. The Jap.muHo are reported to bo moving up on either side of the rail road , with a view to'surrounding Muk den. MUICDI3N , Wednesday , Sopt. 7 , night. Fighting has ceased and the HUH- Mian transports and army are moving without Interruption. Tliero Is mui'h uncertainty concerning the movements and purposes of the Japanese. It Is ImposHlhlo to say definitely yet whether there will bo another buttle here or further north. ICuropatkln Is evidently not seeking a renewal of the battle with the Jup- ane.se. hut If challenged he will not decline nn engagement. Kuropntkln'N I.ONN 17,000. ST. PHTKRSBURG , Sopt. S. The best Information obtainable at the war office Indicates ) that ICuropatkln'H loss during the ten days' battle at Line Yung was about 17,000. Kuropatkln reports that he did not lose a gun during the retreat. ST. PETERSBURG , Sopt. 8. Lack of news , cither official or newspaper dispatches , Is very trying to the pub lic. In spite of the assurance that Ku- ropatkln's army Is out of danger , no word from him has been given out for thirty-six hours nnd not n single news paper dispatch Inter than September fi has been received. The emperor has received some ad ditional Information showing the tre mendous difficulties on countered In accomplishing the retreat over the Mandarian road to Mukden , from which It Is easy to imagine the horri ble picture of army and baggage and transportation trains floundering northward over a road converted by torrents of rain Into a rlvor of mud. ST. PETERSBURG , Sopt. 8. There Is not a single dispatch from the seat of war to tell of conditions there. The general start expresses the belief , however , that Kuropatkln is out of harm's way. LONDON' , Sept. 8. Exports bollovo that Kuropatkln Intends to go on to Harbin , and say that the absence of Japane.se advices from the field means nothing good for the Russians. MUKDEN , Sopt. 8. News of a fight nt some point between Shakhe , eleven miles northeast of Llao Yang and Mukden Is hourly expected. Among the reports current hero Is one to the effect that General Kurokl has been killed and two Japanese gen erals have been made prisoners , but no one seems to know where the re ports come from. Engagement nt Port Arthur. CHEFOO , Sept. 8. Chlneso who loft Port Arthur Monday , arrived here to day. They report that severe fighting occurred on September 3. The Jap anese attacked certain Russian posi tions on the east and west flanks of the defending army and the Russians allowed them to approach within a short distance of the defenses when they opened a heavy flre and com pelled the Japanese to retreat after three hours of fighting. An Incident of the engagement was a clash between Japanese and Rus sian regiments of cavalry , resulting In the retreat of the former. Jap * lloinhnrd Conit Town. ST. PETERSBURG , Sept. 8. Two Japanese cruisers bombarded Korsn- kovk , Island of Sakhalin , yesterday , and 11 reel torpedoes at the sunken cruiser Novlk. No attempt was made * to land. Ilnttle nt Sea. WEI HAI WEI. Sept. 8. Firing at sea was heard hero last night and boats outside the harbor claim they saw flashes distinctly. WEI HAI WEI , Sept. 8. A British ship was among those which Investi gated the firing at sea last night. She reports seven ships engaged and that they steamed away upon the ap pearance of the British ships. ST. PETERSBURG , Sept. 8. A dis patch from Kuropatkln timed 6:30 : yes terday evening , received later In the day , reported ICurokl's army about twenty-seven miles to the eastward of the railroad , and that Oku's army Is twenty miles west of the railroad. The general staff expects that a big battle will soon be fought. BURGLARS THREW ARBOLIC ACID MU Mabel McPhernon of Chicago Will be I > l flKured for Life Men Took Jewelry. CHICAGO. Sept. 8. Miss Mabel Mo- Pherson of 1218 Sheridan road , dis covered two burglars In her room ear ly today. They threw the contents of a bottle tle of carbolic acid upon her , burning her face and neck. She will recover , but will be scarred for life. The burglars secured a quantity of jewelry and escaped. ENTERTAINMENT FORTHE KNIGHTS llllKliieoii In DlNpoxed of null Uelruiilen nre tllteit Oter to the Kiijny- nteiil * Prill Ided for Them , SAN FRANt'lHCO , Oil. , Hopt. 8. The hulk of the hUHlnoHK of their annual triennial convention having been dlH- POMIM ! of the vlHltlng Knight * Temp- la were loft free today lo Join tluilr Indies and frlondx In the enjoymoiit of the elaborate entertainment pro vided by San FranclHoo and the neigh boring cltloH. A largo party of thn vlHltort ) devoted the day to nn nxour- Mlon to Santa Crur , whllo other * at tended the drills nt Golden Onto parker or took Jaunt about the bay to polntx of IntoroHt In the vicinity. The Earl of ISunton nnd the other vlnltorH from abroad continue to bo the recipients of muoh attention. ConoertH , rocop- tloiiH nnd other ontortnlnmontM on nn elaborate wmlo linvo boon arranged for the evening. Iiord .Ml n to l.njii Stone , CALOARV , N. W. T. , Sept. 88. Lord Mlnto nnd party vlHlted Calgary today and were onthUHlaHtloally received. The feature of the day's program wao the laying of the cornor.Htono for the now Englltih church , nt which Lord Mlnto proNldcd. STANTOV MAN CIIAIHll'.ll WITH MI2INJ UNFAITHFUL. ANOTHER FAMILY IN THE CASK. lliiNunnil of One Woninn ( 'luirum the Other lliiHlinnd With IlenrrllnK Mix Family nnil Unlim fully Mtlng With III * Wife for Three Weekn. STANTON , Nob. , 8opt 8. Spoolnl to The News : The cnso of the State of Nebraska vs. Rudolph PHIHHOII ciimo up for hearing before County Judge I. N. Vlnlng yesterday , hut was con tinued until the 20th of the month. The defendant Is charged with hav ing unlawfully doMortod hln wife , Anna DreHHon , on August 5 , 1001 , and from that data to August 28 , to having un lawfully lived with ChrlMtlnn Ilamaan In n state of adultery. The complaining witness Is the IIUH- tmnd of Christina Ilamaan and form erly lived In Dodge county , where ill- voere proceedings were Instituted naglnst him by hlH wife. The defendant IH nn uncle of ChrlH- tlini' Ilamaan , with whom he Is charged to have committed the crime. DEARTH OF COTTON PICKERS Workirn In TfiiM arc Di'Ni'rlliiK for the 1 'Irlil * to the North nnil tin * .VlnnttTH lire Ki'iirflil of LONH. HOUSTON , Texas , Sopt. S. Cotton pickers In southwest , central and pust- ern Texas nro deserting their Jobs for north Texns fields , whore the crop Is much easier to gather , and pIckerH are In great demand. There Is consider able distress among farmers thus af fected on account of the scarcity of labor , and foar.s are expressed that the crop will not he gathered before a spell of bad weather xuln in , which will ruin that which Is not already gathered. III ah Drmorriillc Contention. SALT LAKE OITV. Sept 8 The democratic Htato consentlon Is in sea- Hlon today The convention will nomi nate a complete state ticket SKKS ADMONITION IN TIII3 VHH- AIOVI' BLKCTION. PRTMUST III : IIARMONI/.I2D Voiniilirr ICIrcllon Not Determined hy Koiult In Hopeli-HMly Republican Slate In September. lint a Leimon In Comrjcil to the Party. ESOPUS , Sept 8. Alton B. Parker , democratic candidate for president , delivered a speech here today before n largo number of representative news paper men from nil parts of tlio coun try. try.Ho Ho said In part : "The coming election Is not to be determined by the September vote In hopelessly republican states , where lo cal Issues are fought and the candi dates even are groviously handicapped , but the result In Vermont admonishes us , and there can be no harm in giv ing voice to the admonition , that har monious co-operation of all and the elimination of personal , factional and unimportant differences Involving no surrender of principal , are essential to success. " Charles W. Knapp of St Louis also delivered a speech. FATAL COLLISION ON ROCK ISLAND Tno Pernonii Killed and Nineteen In jured , Four Serlouiily , In n Wreck Lost Night. TISKILWA , 111. , Sept. 8. Two per sons were killed and nineteen In jured , four of them seriously , as the result' of a collision last night of a Rock Island passenger train and the cars of a freight train which had been derailed near here last night. A u lnated In Florida. JACKSONVILLE , Flo. , Sept 8. The county superintendent of schools of Leon has been assassinated. Six ne groes have been arrested. One con fessed that they were members of the "Before Day Murder club , " an orga nization similar to that at Btatesboro , Ga. All wore taken to Live Oak for safe keeping. Innocent negroes are in great alarm. KOSI3MUM TROUIILI4S RHAt'll Till ! or oiiio. HOW OVr.R NAMI'l OF POHTOFrif'U. tine faction llelletex II HUH Surrredeil In lint Inn Niime of llerrlek Adopted , nnil finternor IK Notlllnl , hut Other WliiK With Name of Wllinetl. WaHhlngton , Hopt. 8. Governor Her- rlolc of Ohio IUIH been placed In a HomtHvlmt omtmrntHHlng poMtlnn In the miming of n poHtollIco In the Hone- bud tract of Hoilth Dakota. Theie nro two factloiiH In ono of the cominunltloH there , one of which Hied n petition unking that the office bo named \VI1- mett , whllo the other , which Included Home natives of Ohio , ruqucMtod that It ho called llerrlclc. It IH mild that the HinmtorH nnd lepronnntntlven from South Dakota IndoiHod both petltlotiH nnd the 1 lei rick people , concluding they hud won out , wrote Governor llcrrlck tolling him of the honor they had conferred on him. The governor Hont a warm letter In reply nnd hard upon Us receipt came the announce ment that the office had been named Wllmett Now the Ilorrlck people are endeavoring to have the name changed. OM.V FIVE D Vermont Semite nil RepiihllcnnK nnd HoiiKe HUM I'lte Democrat * . WHITIfl HIVKIl JUNCTION , Vt. , Sept 8. Thn returns from the state election show that the Htato senate will bo solidly republican , nnd that the benne of the reproHontatlvos will have but live democrats. ROCKY FORD WATERMELON DAY CiiNloni I'Xnlillxliril More Thnn n lrc- nile AKO IN Ohiirrteil hy Colorado Town FnmoiiH for Melon * . ROCKY FORD , fol , Sept. 8 In pur- Hiianco of n ciiHtom cHtnhllNhod more than n decade ago and maintained regularly Hlnco that time the town of Rocky Ford and the adjacent country today gave ItHolf over to the celobra- tlon of "Watermelon day. " The val ley horoaboutM has long been famed for Itu wntermeloiiH and cantaloupes , the crop being coiiNldorod the tlnoHt produced anywhere In thn country and the product finding ready market In cities IIH far distant ns Now Yotk nnd Philadelphia Today's celebration was hold In con- jiiiutlon with the ArkniiHaH Valley fair and It attracted scores of vl.Hltnr.s from far nnd near. The Juicy melons of all varieties wore muoh In evidence nnd It Is o.Htlmatcd that not ICXH than llf- teen carloadH of cnntelopes nnd wa- tormt Ions * were distributed ftce to the visitors. FILING BEOINSATJEVILS LAKE Only T enl.vlT . of the I.'lrrnt Fifty IteMponildl When Their NnmeM Were Cnllcil. Devils Lnk. N. D. , Sept. 8. Filing on Fort Tottcn lands has commenced and up to noon of the first day the regular allotment of the first fifty lucky number wore culled In the local land office. Brucp G. Warren of Forest Rlvor N. D. , who drew No. 1 In the drawing , was present when the land- office opened arid made his filing. No. 2 , Alexander O. Rlndahl of Rlndahl , Minn . failed to answer the cntl. Of llfty numbers ended only twenty- Mix responded , but tbo.se not reporting nro nltowed another day to answer In rotation from one upwards until the first day's call IH exhausted. No. 61 will then bo called and the next fifty names In the original drawing record ed. This method will be continued until all of the COO entitled to file have been called. Those falling to report upon second call will lose all rights to claims. NEBRASKA CROP CONDITIONS _ Corn IK Coming Along Nicely nnil Only Wnntu u Little More Time lie- fore Front. LINCOLN , Sept. 7 The weekly crop bulletin Issued by G. A. Loveland , di rector of the department of agricul ture Is n.a follows : The past week has been cool with scattered' showers. The condition gen erally has been very favorable for ag ricultural Interests. The mean dally temperature has av eraged 2 degrees below the normal. The maximum temperatures were gen erally slightly above 80 degrees on most days of the week. The rainfall of the week was con fined to local showers occurring on August 29 or on September 1 and 2. The amount was quite generally less than half an Inch but In some places It exceeded nn Inch nnd In a few north- thern counties It exceeded two Inches. Threshing and haying have been re tarded by rain In the central and northern counties , and in some places considerable hay was damaged by rain. In the southern counties haying and threshing made good progress and in all parts of the state this work Is universally well advanced for the season of the year. The third crop of alfalfa Is generally a good one and la largely secured In good condition. Corn has Improved in condition quite generally and the early planted Is maturing nicely. Some fields are now beyond injury by frost. In parts of the central and northern counties where the showers were heaviest corn has made rather slow progress to wards maturity. The late planted corn has grown well but much of It Is quite late. About two weeks of favorable weather will place the bulk of the crop beyond danger by frost , but some fields of very late corn will need three or four weeks yet to mature. Plowing baa advanced well and la THE CONDITIONjOFJHE WEATHER Teiiiprrntnrr for Twenty-four Hoar * EiidliiK nl H O'clock ThU Mornlntr. Forernaf for NrlirnnUn. Condition of tlio wmithor an rocord- > ml for the 24 hourn ending at 8 a. ra. today. Maximum .81 Minimum 63 Avorag" 6B Total rainfall for month 1,00 llaromotor 29.00 ( 'IIU'AGO. Hepl. S. The bulletin In- Hiied by the Chicago illation of th United H tat on weather bureau thta morning , glvox the forecast for Ne braska nn foliowm Pair tonight and Friday. now reported about completed In snv- eral ( Munition. Very little winter wheat IUIH boon Mown an yet although , needing commenced llio pant wook. In launy HniitbmiHteni ( Munition llm mill In Mtlll dry for plowing and Mending. In oilier purtH of the Htato the neil In gnn- erully In good condition fur thin work. I'otntooH are being dug In many din * trlotH nnd the crop IH nn unusually good ono. In only a very few canon have icpnitH of rotting boon rnndo. Hugitr boetH nro growing llnoly and promlHo a largo crop. EXPLORERS , EDUCA TORS AND StMIOLARS ATTEND DELEGATES TO ( JO TO ST. LOUIS. t'ommnnder Penry I * the Acllie Prel- dent of the Organisation. . Preal- denl RnoKeielt Will Receive the Delegate * After Trip Went. WASHINGTON. D. C. , Supt. 8. Mon of dlstlngulHhod appearance and whoHo furrowed brown ovldanco 1mb- ItH of deep Htudy and thought flllod olunibla unlvurHlty hall today when the eighth International Geographic oiigreHH wan called to order by Com mander Robert 15. Peary , U. H. N. , tun active prosldent of the organization. 'I'ho.Mo preHont numbered Hovernl hun dred nnd Included eminent scientists , oxploiorH , educators and roprosontn- tlvi'H of learned HoclotloH of America and Europe. The sessions of the congress begun today will continue until the end of thin week. The papers and dlscus- Hlons will cover the widest posHlblo inngo of subjects relating to geogra phy In all Its branchuH , Including do- Hcrlptlvo geography , phyHlcal geogra phy , commercial nnd industrial geog raphy , nnd geographic education. Special attention will bo given to the dlscuHHlon of methodH of surveying and mapping and to the comparison of these mothodH ns pursued In other countrleH with the work of the feder al nnd Htato surveys maintained In the United States. Following the general meeting In this city the members of the con- gniHH will proceed In n body to Phila delphia whore they will bo ontor- talned next Monday by the Philadel phia Geogrnphlenl society. The two following diiyH will bo npcnt In Now York IIH guo.Hts of the American Geographical graphical Hoclety , nftor which the delegates will proceed to St. Loula by way of Niagara Falls and Chicago. At. St. Louis the congress will hold a three days' HOHHOII ! In conjunction with the Congress of Arts nnd Scloncw. A fnr woHt trip Is planned after thu St. LoulH adjournment , and on return to Washington President Roosevelt will receive the members of the con- gross. I'OlMillT OF PURSUERS. PreKaed no Hnrd , Montana Hornethlef Iour * | [ | H Plunder. Devils Lake. N. D. . Sopt. 8. Sheriff Carmlclmel and State's Attorney Davis have returned to Cando , after a threa days' chano of Ed Brown , a Montana horsothlof. Brown stole a valuable horne from Joe Mornland near Cando. Pursuit was Immediately started by the sheriff nnd p sxe. The thief was overtaken by More- land near Lnngdon In a sod shanty. Morcland advanced with a rifle and ordered Brown to throw up his hands. Brown was armed with n large revel ver nnd warned Morelnnd not to be In a hurry. He then throw up his hands as If to wurrondor and at the amo time dodged behind the door and closed It , whereupon Morelnnd fired. Into the door , but missed his man. ' Brown then dug a hole in the other end of the sod shanty and ran into a wheat field , Moreland firing two shots at him , and Brown returning the fire. None of the shots took effect. The thief then escaped through the wheat field , leaving the stolen horsa beside two other horses and a buggy. It Is not known who owns the other property , but It Is believed to have been stolen from some farmer. U Is reported that a standing reward of $160 Is out for Brown for stealing horses In Montana. IIoo-IIoo at Fair. ST. LOUIS , Mo . Sept. 8. The sharks of the universe are arriving in the world's fair city. They may be dis tinguished about the streets and at the exposition by their familiar badge of the black cat , emblematic of the Concatenated Order of Hoe - Hoe , which will begin Its thirteenth annual convention hero tomorrow morning. The order la made up mostly of lum bermen , together with traffic officials , trade paper editors and other Inter ested In the lumber industry. The coming convention promises to be the largest In the history of the order. Largo delegations are already here or are reported on the way from Texas. Louisiana , Michigan , Minnesota , Illi nois , Wiaconaln , Tennessee and other states.