The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, September 02, 1904, Image 1

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" \TniMiir\l If vriiMH ) A CSV A I.'I 11V\V C5KMI Hl.iM IIPII O ItlAI
Dnt Ovflntr to Jnpanne Premuirr , the
Order AVn Not Executed Armlc *
Slept In Their Track * Ln t NlRht.
Kurokl Cro neil on 1'ontoonn.
Toilny'n illnpntclieii Indicate that the
tide of battle hnn turned appreciably
in fnvor of the Jupnne e.
With tremendous and nn tulnod n -
nult on hi * rliiht and center , and
threatened In hi * rear by n heavy
force ivhlch ha * cromed the Tlate
river , Kuropatkln ha * been forced to
fall back from hi * flrnt line of battle
to the fortified position he had etab-
llHhed In the town of Line YanK and
It * environ * .
ST. I'liTEIlSUUHG , Septv 1. The
battle nt Ilno YnnR lat nltut contin
ued until mldnlicht with frightful
laughter. The Jnpance at lnt * uc-
cecded In Kettlng n column aero * * the
Tnltne rl\er northeait of Line Yang
and Kuropatkln gave an order to fall
back on the main work * .
Hut owing to the Jnpanene preure
( hi * order ira * not executed.
The nrmlc * * lept In their poiiltlon * .
Ofllclnl advice * thlx morning , timed
nt 0 n. in. , nay that the buttle had not
been rcmimod at that hour.
TOKIO , Sept. 1. The Russian right
end center , defending Llao Yang
southward , are retreating this ( Thurs
day ) afternoon. The Japanese are re
pulsing the Russians.
ST. PETERSBURG , Sept. 1. Gener
al Kurokl's force Is crossing the Talt-
ee river on pontoons.
ST. PETERSBURG , Sept. 1. Gener
al Staklberg , In command of the First
Siberian corps , sustained contusions In
Wednesday's battle but remained In
the lighting line.
Tm Commanding Olllcorn In the Army
nre Itvtlred by Wound * .
ST. PETERSBURG , Sept. 1. Al
though General Stakelberg remained
In command of his army corps after
receiving n wound , he Is no longer In
chief command of the southern army ,
which has been consolidated under
General Zaroubaeff.
General Jlnrozovlk , who was also
wounded , commanded an artillery bri
gade. Ills wound is severe.
JapaneNO Troop * to the Number of 10-
000 Men Advancing.
MUKDEN , Aug. 31. Delayed A
Japanese force of 10,000 are reported
to be advancing from northeast of
Suncne In St. Petersburg Ha * Grown
ST. PETERSBURG , Sept. 1. Al
though General Kuropatkln has had
the best of the first two days of bat
tle at Llao Yang , the suspense here Is
Intense over the final Issue.
The crisis Is expected today and the
public Is so hungry for news from of-
flclal sources that a failure to give
out advices last night is Interpreted
ominously In home quarters.
Soldier * Ilcfore Tort Arthur Were
Strengthened by Telegram * .
ST. PETERSBURG , Sept. 1. Emper
or Nicholas received the following dis
patch from General Stoessel , com
manding at Port Arthur , dated Aug.
26 :
"The gracious telegrams of your
majesty were received with resound
ing hurrahs before the enemy and
have redoubled the strength of the
defenders and the heroic spirits of the
to t 1,0-15 Killed and Wounded Trying
to Capture Fort.
CIIEFOO , Sept. 1. Severe fighting
occurred nt Port Arthur Aug. 27 when
the Japanese , moving from Shulshy
Ing , attempted to capture Palungslmn
which Is south of Shulahylng and
west of the railroad ,
The Japanese made two assaults be-
twoon I nnd 8 o'clock In the morning.
They wore repulsed both times ,
A prisoner subseiiently taken places
their loss nt 1.04C killed and wounded.
Fighting All Day.
ST. PETERSBURG , Sopt. 1. Al
though reports Indicate that fighting
continued all day in the vicinity of
Line Yang , nothing that has bnen re
ceived Indicates that any advantage
was secured by either side.
The charges of the Japanese wore
< SV most furious nature and wore ro-
'o , * * Y the Russians with equal fe-
ro \
R P A Pfl/1 "mt nearly half a
million * ? ue// t engaged , with II-
SOO guns. < !
The Indications wore that the Jnp--
nncHe had executed a Hanking move
ment during the afternoon , but the re
sult was not stated.
The Russians were said to bo ad
vancing southward on the railroad.
Toklo I.earn * No Itenult * .
TOKIO , Sopt. 1. An omclal report
received nt 11 o'clock Thursday states
that fighting was renewed at Llao
Yang In the morning and the battle
became general. There Is nothing to
show the re'sult of the action thus far.
Ilattle HeHumed nt Davrn.
MAO YANG , Aug. 31 , 4-45 p. m.
The battle was resumed today with
rifle fire at dawn In the southwest.
There was desultory firing all night.
Tha ynst attack of the Japanese yes
terday was made at 7 p. m. on the
Feng Wang Chong road.
Vivid Imitation of the Ilattle of Mao
Yang by the Force * of the Air Many
Sparrow * Killed by the Electric
A bombardment of the heavens un
equalled In a season of strenuous
thunderstorms took place last night ,
In graphic imitation of the battle of
Llao Yang , the contending ; forces of
the air , charged , retreated and charged
again repeatedly during the short
time It lasted and the hurling of the
thunderbolts was vivid and constant.
At times the heavens were split by
a thousand zigzagging streaks of light
and again they were concentrated In
one great stream of blinding bril
liancy. The thunder varied from the
sharp crack of a pistol to the deep
detonation of a thlrteen-lnch cannon.
The storm came up from the south
west and proceeded northeast , after
ward returning.
The damage from the lively electric
disturbance appears to have been more
serious to the electric light people'and
the telephone exchange than to any
other Interest. Soon after the storm
commenced the lights were retired
from business , and this morning the
telephones refused to work , many of
the local instruments being useless
nnd Battle Creek and other towns
were cut off from communication by
direct means , but many of the towns
were available over circuitous routes.
The damage will be easily repaired
and everything will be In working or
der shortly. The electric light people
were busy this morning making re-
hulred repairs. The telegraph lines
appear to have been unaffected by the
There were undoubtedly houses
struck , but no reports of serious dam
age have been received. At the home
of H. L. McCormlck at the corner of
Madison avenue and Ninth street an
Interesting display of electricity was
noticed In some of the rooms nnd the
occupants were startled but not in
jured and no damage appears to have
been done the house. This appears to
be a favorite locality for the landing
of electric bolts this season. The
house of Fred Langenburg was struck
by a bolt early in the season , then
ater on the spite of the Episcopal
church was splintered nnd damaged ,
and last night the McCormlck home
on the other corner was visited.
A peculiar result of the storm was
he killing of numerous sparrows that
were roosting in some of the tall
trees. The ground and walks under
he trees at the corner of Norfolk av
enue and Sixth street was quite liber
ally sprinkled with the bodies of the
tttle victims.
The rainfall was less than an Inch ,
: > elng not nearly as heavy as during
other storms of the season. The low
barometer and the forecast , however ,
give promise of more.
Hall Storm Near Valentine Detroy *
Corn nnd Hay Crop * Window *
of Paenger Coneli Ilroken.
VALENTINE , Neb. , Sept. 1. Special
to The News : A hailstorm passed
through the country surrounding Cody
about three miles east of here yester
day afternoon about 2 o'clock. Much
damage is thought to have been done
to the hny and corn crojis of the up
per Mlnechoduza valley. All the windows
dews on the north side of the passen
ger coach attached to train No. 6 ,
which passed through here last night ,
were broken.
IaHenger * Collide.
MONTREAL , Aug. 31. Two passen
ger trains on the Grand Trunk line
collided today near Richmond , Que
bec *
An official report says nine persons
were killed outright ; and two have
since died of their Injuries. The num
ber of Injured Is not known.
Among the dead Is J. H. Blanchett
a member of parliament.
From other source * It Is said eigh
teen wore killed and fifty Injured.
Editor of Two Maganlne * , C. II. Spaher ,
Fell or Jumped Overboard From the
Steamer "Prince Albert" on MKht of
AtiRUMt 30 On Tour.
LONDON. Sopt. 1. C. B. Spnhor , ed
itor of two magazines of New York
City , either fell or Jumped overboard
from the steamer Prince Albert , mid
way between Ostend nnd Dover on the
evening of Aug. 30.
Ho was making n tour of Europe
No cause for suicide Is known ,
Air * . 1 > . If. IiiKotilxliy Siirciiinliril to
Henrt Failure lOnrl.v Thin Morn-
IIIK 1'iinrriil Tomorrotr.
HATTMS CRKEK , Neb . Sopt. 1
Special to The News : Mrs. P. II. In-
goldsby died suddenly at her homo In
llattlo Creek this morning from heart
failure. She was slxty-tlvo years old
and a native ! of Virginia.
The funeral will bo held tomorrow
morning at 10 o'clock , services In the
M. E. church. Interment will bo In
Union cemetery.
Prof. Hill Itrllre * . j
CAMBRIDGE , Mass. , Sept. 1. Pro
fessor A. S. Hill , an English authority
of International ronutatlnn. retired
from the faculty of Harvard universi
ty today after n service of many years.
He la the first member of the universi
ty faculty to take advantage of the
permission to retire on pension after
having reached the ago of seventy
\t-\v York Democrat * .
NEW YORK , Sept. 1. In response
to the call of Chairman Cord Mnyei
the members of the democratic state
committee went Into conference at
the Hoffman house this afternoon to
decide upon the date and jilnco for
holding the state nominating conven
tion. In all probability the committee
will decide upon Saratoga and Soptcm"
ber 20 ns the place and time for hold
ing the convention.
This will be one
week after the republicans hold tholr
convention at the same place.
Itrniiloii of Iliinorlh Family.
ST. LOUIS. Mo. , Sept. 1. The third
annual reunion of the Haworth asso
ciation of America was held today at
the Indiana building on the world's
fair grounds. Members of the family
were present from Indiana , Ohio , Mis
souri , Pennsylvania and si'vornl other
states The 1'nmlly trace their IUICCH-
try bark to George Haworth , who
emigrated from England to America ,
In company with William I'onn , on his
voyage In 1C99.
HoiiNlni ; DrmoiiHtrntloii l > y tin * Ilo-
pnlillrniiH of IVIIIIHIIM nt Marlon
Today With Fiilrlmiik * Ornlor.
MARION , Kan. , Sept. 1. The repub
lican campaign In Kansas was form
ally opened hero today with a rousing
demonstration which was attended
by political organizations and Indi
viduals from all parts of the state.
The chief speaker of the day was
Senator Fairbanks , republican candi
date for vice-president , his address
being the first campaign speech he
has delivered since his notification.
Another speaker of the day was E.
W. Hoch , the republican candidate for
governuor of Kansas.
Senator Long was another speaker.
There was a large attendance and loud
cheers for Senator Fairbanks.
In Commemoration of MiiNxarre.
MONROE , Mich. , Sept. 1. With im
pressive ceremony and in the presence
of a large crowd a handsome menu
ment was unveiled here today In com
memoration of the battle and massa
cre of the Raisin river , which oc
curred January 22 and 23 , 1813. The
inveillng was preceded by a parade
of military and vlvlc organizations.
The oration of the day was delivered
by United States Senator J. C Bur-
'OWS. '
r.iliia May With U * Again.
NEW YORK , Sept. 1. The event of
the week In the theatrical world Is
the opening of Edna May's engage
ment at Daly's theatre tonight. The
reappearance of the popular actress
on the American stage after an ab
sence of three years abroad Is await
ed with not a little Interest by piny-
goers of the metropolis. She will be
seen In a musical comedy called "The
Schoolgirl , " one of the London suc
cesses of last season.
An Employe of Fremont Drlckyard *
Meet * Horrible Death.
FREMONT. Neb. , Sept. 1. At 11
o'clock yesterday morning , John II.
Pore , an employe of the C. W. Harris
brick yards south of the tracks was
fatally crlushed under a largo wheel
of the steam engine In the brick yard
engine room. He was In the act of
starting the machinery and In some
manner caught his left arm under a
bolt. His neck was broken and the
left side of his breast crushed. Death
ensued thirty minutes after the acci
The deceased Is survived by a wife
and two children. His son , J. L. Pope ,
jr. , was In Fremont until the first of
this week when he went to Omaha ,
One married daughter realdes In Mis
souri. The family home In Fremont
Is at the corner of Second and Morel
streets. Mr. Pope was 73 years of
age ,
Srnxon Opened Today With Pronpeol *
for nn A him it mice of .Spurt for
Doit * nnil Men.
SIOUX FALLS. S , I ) , Mopt. I Today -
day marked HIM opening of the shootIng -
Ing season ( or prairie chickens In
.South Dakota , llo | > orii from various
p.irts of the Hlnto Indicate that the
prnxpectH for good sport could not bo
hotter. Thw season hut * linen oxoop-
tlonnlly favorable for hatching niul
the covUm nro largo and the birds tin-
UHtially well developed ,
Ninth lown Dlntrlct ,
COl'NCIL BLUFFS , Iowa , Hopt. 1.
The democratic congressional I'onvon-
tlon or th Ninth district In being hold
here today to iiiiino a candidate to op-
pone Congressman Wultor I Smith.
All Indications point ( o tlu > nomlniitlon
of Hamilton Wllcox of Orlswold
\ .11011 OK 500 .1II-3N ATTACK A IUH
Wn * TruiiNpiirtliiKT Non-Union Men to
.Slock Vnnln One Man lln * Frnc-
turril Skull FiiNlllaile of Mioln Wnn
i\cliiinuoil : liut None KITerllie.
KAST ST LOUIS , Sept. 1 Hovofal
puoplu woru HorloiiHly Injured today In
a riot precipitated by the arrival nnnr
the stock yards of a utroot ear carryIng -
Ing non-union tnuii. The passengers
wore attacked liy a crowd of COi ) men
arniLMl with clubs and MIOIIUH.
The passenger llt'd for tholr lives.
One HiifTtircd a fractured skull and
several others wore badly liaiiten.
Several of the non-union men were
pursued and a plHtol battle ensued.
A fusillade of shots was fired but no
one was struck.
Throe men wore nrroHted. None of
them , according to tholr statements ,
are members of the union.
Annual Mori Inn nnil Conipi'tltlon of
National ItllliAMMorliillon At
tract * Train * .
SKA GIRT , N. J. . Sept. 1. Rlllo
teams from several states ate hero
for the annual meeting and competi
tions of the National Rltle associa
tion. The meeting opens this after
noon with the InspectoiH1 match ,
which will be followed by the Seabury
and Spencer matches. The tourna
ment programme covets ton days and
Includes the Columbia trophy match
at 200 and COO yards , a cm bine t"nm
match , the Wlmboldon Cup match ,
company and regimental team mutch
es , the Dryden trophy match and In
dividual bull's-eye shooting. On Mon
day next the featuio of the day's pro
gramme will bo the cadet team match
between Annapolis and West Point.
The various contestants have made
.some splendid wores In their practice
woik and before the tournament Is
ended It Ih expected Homo new scores
will be established.
Welcome for I nulUh Prliimtr.
MONTREAL. Quo , S pt. 1. Dr. Da
vidson the archbishop of Canterbury ,
was welcomed by a large crowd on
his arrival here today fioni Quebec.
In Christ church Cathedral tonight nn
adcltes.s will be road to Ills Lordship
by the Anglican Archbishop of Mont
real , Dr. Bond , and tomorrow a garden
party will be given In honor of the
distinguished prelate and his party.
Sorted llnllrond for Half Century.
PHILADELPHIA , Pa. , Sop. 1. Nich
olas C. Oilman , the oldest locomotive
engineer In the employ of the Penn
sylvania railroad , was retired on a
pension today. He has served the
company uninterruptedly for fifty-one
years and during the last thirty-six
years he has made the run dully be
tween this city and Columbia.
MethodlMt Mlnlnter * Will Meet nt At-
klnnon on September N , for n
Four Iajm' Meeting.
ATKINSON. Neb. , Sept. 1. Special
o The News : The 8th to the 12th of
his month will bo red letter days for
he Methodists , when the Northwest
Nebraska conference will be held In
Atkinson. This will bo an extensive
affair as It embraces all the territory
o the western line of the state.
The conference will be presided
over by Bishop Joyce , D. D. , LL. D. ,
and many other prominent men will
ie here. A committee meeting and
ixamlnatlon will be held on Wednes
day , the 7th. Atkinson has a large
und active church , which is making
all poslblo preparations for the enter
tainment of the ministerial and lay
delegates and other visitors.
Svtltclimon Will Not Go Out.
CHICAGO , Sept. 1. The switchmen
tonight decided not to go out on a
sympathetic strike with the butchers.
President Donnelly has asked the rep
resentatives of four great railroad or
ganizations to come to Chicago to
confer regarding a sympathetic strike.
President Gompers of the Federa-
tlan of Labor has been asked to help
provide the means for carrying on
the strike.
Poolroom * Mut Clone.
NEW ORLEANS , Sept. 1. The death
knell of poolrooms doing business In
New Orleans and elsewhere In Louisi
ana was sounded today when the
Hunslcke and pool room law became
operative. The now law attaches a
penalty to running a poolroom or be
ing employed In one amounting to a
fine of not less than J200 or not more
than $600 with Imprisonment for six
tlood Atlrndniice the Flrl Dny , With
rrimprclN of lletter C'rnml * During
the lnl Tito Da ; * of the Mrrllnu .
Shade-On an Atlrnclloti ,
1IATTL15 CllKKIC. Neb , , Hept. 1.
Thin Is the llrsl
of n throo-dayx race
meeting to bo pulled off here this
week , and the (
event opens with every
proHpoot of a HiiccoMMful nnd 'Intercut-
Ing defies of rncon and other sports
Twenty-four fust lux-sen wore on
the ground yesterday to take part In
the track events and others hiivn iilni'e
arrived. HO that when the HrHt rare
was ( -ailed there was IIH attractive a
lleld of animals as IUIH ever IIHHOMI-
bled In Madison county. The HtallH at
the trucks are full and many of the
xponily stoppers uni being cured for
In the HtulilcH about town.
Shade-On , the fast horHo of Kay
llros at Nellgh In here to show a Hoot
Hut of heels during the meeting and
other animals belonging to that firm
are present.
The attendance Is flatteringly large
for the llrst day and everything gives
promise of one of the most successful
imuitlngx ever hold In this section of
the state and certainly the best ever
hold on the Battle Creek tracks. Vlsl-
IOIH Hooked In from all directions
during the day and many will remain
for the full throe days. Buttle Crook
IH In holiday garb and a festive air
IH everywhere miinlfi'st.
The rain last night helped rather
than damaged the track for the rail
ing events , and unless there IH an
other storm the races will bo run thlH
afternoon according to progrum.
Mlnte Diiyn at the World' * Fair.
ST. LOUIS , Mo. , Sopt. 1. Indiana
and Tennessee divided the honors at
the exposition today. Governor Fra-
zler and start , together with many
visitors , took part In the celebration
of Tenne.sHeo day , and Governor Uur-
liln and another large party of visitor * "
-om the Hoosler Htato helped to make
ie celebration of Indiana day a dlH-
nct miceoHH. Parades were features
f both colobratloiiH , the TOIIIIOHHOO
Isltors marching from the Adnilnls-
ratlon building to the Hermitage , and
n hour later Governor Durbln and
ic delegation from Indiana parraded
om the same starting point to the
ndlana building. At the Hermitage
ml at the Indiana building formal
\erelscM wore hold and open IIOIIHO
ran kept all day.
ilnny Trnrlirrn Allrnil tin * .Mrrllng lit
A Ililnii > M ! | > orlMleiiilci > l IVn-
MO.V Ciilorlnlu * \ InllorN.
AI.llIoN , Neb , Kept J This being
Htltnte week In Albion the sehool
aclu-ri from alt parts of the county
ro present. The attendance this year
i larger than ever and the Interest
ikon In the work Is far beyond all
inner meetings. Last Monday night
County Superintendent C. M. Penney
ave a reception In the court house
ulldlng In honor of the visiting
anchors. The local Instructors
( I him and the evening's ontertaln-
icnt was carried out In an elaborate
: nanner. Prof. G. N. Porter and Prof.
Airdyco of Lincoln , Prof. Geo. E. Kim-
er and Prof. Kelley of Cedar Rapids ,
vere present among the many other
Albion IlrlrfN.
Several of the Albion boys and girls
rove to Saint Edward Sunday and
artook of supper at the City hotel
n that place.
Miss Ro Fisher , who has boon vlslt-
ng her sister , Mrs. I * V. Graves , ro-
urned to Friend , Nebraska , where
ho111 teach this year.
Miss Klla PPttlbono came homo from
icr eastern trip Monday night. She
ivlll teach In the Albion schools this
, -i'ar
Miss Addle Reynoldaon has arrived
n the city ready to accept the posl-
lon of assistant principal in the Allen -
> lon high schools.
W. S. Crouch and wife and Miss
illnnle Rlley returned from the ex
position Tuesday evening.
The score card and program for the
county fair thin year is to bo gotten
> nt on fans. This Is a new Idea and
> ne that will be appreciated by the
Miss Edna and Mable Falrchlld of
'eru are In attendance at the Instl-
ute in Albion this year.
G. B. McGIll Is making some great
mprovements on his photo gallery ,
As Mrs. McGllt Is the city librarian
they are arranging so that the library
will occupy the new rooms they have
titled up down stairs.
The stock holders of the Albion
Milling company held a meeting the
tlrst of the week and decided to re
build the elevator which burned down
a few weeks ago.
A bunch of Akron sports were ar
rested by the game warden last Tues
day and fined for shooting chickens
It cost them plenty so that they wll
remember their hunting expedition
Georgia 1'opulUt * Active.
ATLANTA , Ga , . Sept. 1. The popu
lists of Georgia assembled In conven
tlon here today , the chief purpose o
the gathering being to indorse th
nomination of Thomas E. Watson fo
the presidency. A state electoral tick
et will be selected , and , If considered
advisable , candidates will be name
for the state otllces to be filled at th
coming election.
The rejuvenation o
the party In this state after havln
been Inactive for several years Is re
garded as due chiefly to the persona
popularity of Mr. Watson , the pros !
dentlal candidate.
Temperature for Twenty-four I loon
rnilltiU n | H O'clock Thin Moraine.
Fnrernit for Nehrnakn.
Condition of tin ) weather nn rncord-
" ) d for thn 24 hours ending at .1 H , in.
Maximum Kit
Minimum S3
Average 74
Italnfall H9
Total rainfall for month 80
llarolneter 29.70
eillCAOO , Hopt. 1. The bulletin IM-
miod by the ChlcaKO station of th
United Htaton wouthor bureau thla
morning , glvoH the forocniit for Ne
braska nil foltnwo :
Showm-H and thunder ntorma and
cooler tonight Friday fnlr with
warniiM1 west portion
FA i.i , or WATKH WITH
.Siniill ll e StoikVnnliril HenillonK
Into Ilir Nlolirarn Illtrr Fruit Dnm-
axed Stliditly nnil liliuliH of Tree *
Noinro hill Torn Henry nt llaeft.
BASSETT. Neb , Hept. 1 Special to
The News A. torrllk' rain storm
swept over the country along tlia Nlo-
braru river yesterday , drowning plg
and chlcUenn anil swooping fruit and
brunches of trooM down In the current.
Them IUIM not been micli a hard Htorni
here for twonty-lvo ( yearn.
Evorot Stiimhagh died at his homn
hero yoxtorday morning. Ho was onn
of HaHHetl'H best young men of about
twenty years and will bo greatly
mlHHod by the young people of the
community. The funeral norvlcon nro
held thlH afternoon at 1 o'clock from
the M K. church. The bereaved fam
ily has the Hympathy of the ontlrn
community In their hour of trouble.
The Ladles Aid society gave iv sup
per In the Hvort hall Tuosdny evening
ntid iiiiidn about ill ! nhnvo
J'liete Is an old Halvatlon Army
, 'orkor holding niootlngH on the
-elH hero and In the church. Thi >
leetlngH began Tuesday evening.
rriiiini Sclciitlxt I'roin St. I'niil Snyn
. lli > HUM M Toxin Tlint Currx.
NRU' YOIIK. Sopt. 1. Professor
, ' I1. Dunbar , who lias produced n
I'ruiii for the cure of hay fever , la
i New York on his way to the St.
nxiiuMltlon , wher L ho will ttikn
of the nnrmitn Kovornment * ) x-
Iblt reluUngto hay fuver and Its
tire. Mo arrived In Now York at ft
nimutlc moment , for this IB the
.iy fi'vi'r HcnHon.
Professor Dunbar Is a German sol-
ntlit , and yet ho Isn't. Ho was born
ii Ht Paul , of Amorlcnn parents. Ho
. mit to Germany an a student arid
emalned there. Ho ha.s become thor-
uKhly ( .lormnnlzod. I To Is now nt tint
eail of the state hyKonlc Institute at
lamliuiK' . The "only American ROV-
rnmont olllclal In Germany , " he culls
"Tho illseaso Is not a germ com-
liilnt , " ho said. "It Is caused by the
hemlcal action of certain kinds of
lollon. In Kuropo rye prass makoa
ho most trouble. Huro In the United
Hates the daiiKerous plants are Kold-
nrod and raKweed. Indian corn la
Iso daiiKerous , though not to so great
i decree.
"At llrwt scientists thought that all pollens carried minute barbs ,
> vhlch sot up a local Irritation. But
found that while this Is true of the
Koldenrod , for example. It Is not trua
f Indian corn , which Klves off per-
ectly smooth pollens. So by a tedl-
iUH process of elimination and analy-
Is I located an albumen.
Take rye Brass , for example. An
inalysls of one grain of Its pollen
shows , water , 10.2 per cent ; Inorganic
matter , 3.1 per cent ; organic matter
8r .4 per cent. This organic matter
ontalns 3 per cent of fata. 25 per
ent of carbohydrates , IS per cent of
nitrogenous non-nlhumenous substan *
and 40 per cent of poisonous al
"With these poisonous albumens I
completed my experiments. A solu-
lon of the substance dropped Into thu
eye of a person subject to hay fever
; > roduce.s all the symptoms at any
time of the year. There Is enough of
t In one grain of rye grass pollen to
nfect 4,800,000 buy fever patients.
"The wind carries the pollen widely.
Kindreds of miles In fact. That Is
the reason why It Is epidemic In the
city as well as In the country Just
now. When the steamer was nearly
live hundred miles from the land this
trip I caught a slight attack from an
off-shore breeze.
"Only certain persons are subject ,
and they are mostly brain workers.
There Is some nervous connection , not
yet fully understood , between brain
fatigue and the weakening mem
branes which hay fever attacks.
Americans especially are subject to It.
owing to the high pressure of Ameri
can life , I suppose. Old cases of In *
tluenza sometimes cause a predispo
sition to the disease. Susceptibility to
hay fever also Is hereditary.
"My remedy Is a toxin prepared
like other toxlna , by Injecting1 poisonous -
ous matter Into horses. In this part
of my work I found a curious thing.
Only 10 cent of
per the horses we
tried are sound and those sensitive
horses were all thoroughbreds. A
horse has to receive steady Injections
for ten months before Its condition
will yield the proper strength of se
rum. If this serum Is mixed with
albumenous poUon and put Into the
eye of the person subject to the dis
ease there wilt be
no hay fever reac
tion at all. "