The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, August 26, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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    * * 1
ii\s IIIIN AT Tin : ST. i.oins KAMI
Anil Knllril to 1'luil Wlii-nt or OntH
Tlint Can Coinimre With Tlioxc of
The Nortli NrlmiNkn County \Vlio c
Nnnir IN Tnkrn from InilliiiiK.
Hos * Amspokor , county trenmiierof
Kcyn county , panned through Norfolk
last night cnruuto homo , by vvny of
Hnssett , to Sprlngvlow , lifter u visit
at tlio St. Louis fair. Mr. Amspokcr
was pleased with the exposition but
glad'to got back to Nebraska.
"During tbo past two wcoka , " Bald
tlio county official , "the crowds nt the
fair have boon very good. They Jiuvo
been fully as largo lis expected. Up
to that time , of course , thu crowds
wcru too Hinnll to allow tbo thing to
pay out and most of the concessions ,
they told me. have BOIIO Into the
hands of receivers In one way and nil-
other. "
There Is no robbery nt tlio St. Louis
fair , according to Mr. Amspoker. Prlc-
PS of rensonnble HZC ! ate chntged at
all polntx , but IH no extortion. The
fair , says Mr. Amspoker , Is spread out
BO much that It tnkeH a long time to
get over tbo ground , but It Is a great
fair for all of that.
Returning to Nebraska land , Mr.
Amspoker was Impressed with the
condition of the crops In this section
as compared wltn the toirltory
through which ho has just passed.
"In the Missouri and Kansas country -
try , " ho said , "there seems to be no
prospects for corn , whatever. . It IH
Nebraska this year that has the corn
crop , without n doubt. Wheat , too ,
down there , Is going all the way
from nothing at all to four or live
bushels to the acre. And the outs cioji
at best runs to twenty bushels.
Ilrttcr In Kc > u I'nlin.
This sort of thing was a surprise to
the man from Keya Palm. "While the
rust has done a slight damage to tbo
wheat In our territory , " said be , "still
the wheat Is solid and the yield Is
good In fact I don't see In any of
that country a crop outlook to com
pare with that of our county. "
Sprlngvlew Is the county seat of
that county. No railioad tuns through
It nnd the dilvo to Bassetl of twenty-
five miles affords an outlet. It Is
said that quite n. number of now sot-
tiers have ai rived this summer to
take up their homes there Keya Pa
lm county 1ms but 20,000 acies of the
land which was affected by the Kin-
kald law , while ] 3rown , nock and
Cherry had many hundreds of thous
ands of acies of the f i ee homesteads.
Sprlngvlew people have been talking
a little of an olectilc line that will
connect them with the Northwestein
railioad but theie seems to bo noth-
Jng definitely settled In regard to It
as yet.
The Nairn * KOMI I'nlin.
The name Keya P.iha came about
curiously. It Is taken fiom the In
dian language meaning "Tuitlo river , "
"Keya" signifying "turtle" Along tin-
country , north of Sprlngvlew , Is a
river and near It stands a huge rock
resembling a mammoth turtle for all
the world. From this the Indians
christened the stream and the county
came to be called by It later.
C. II. Davis was over from Madison.
II. J. Pelle was up from Humphrey
G H Jensen was down from Napei
this morning.
Hugo Boettger of Wlnslde was In
< Norfolk over night.
ftji G. K. Johnson of Wayne was a Nor-
j * \ folk visitor over night.
Jj , O. H.yertz was a city visitor this
morning from Crelghton.
W. C. Davenport of Sioux City was
"A 1 , , ' In Norfolk today on business conncct-
| j , " " ed with the Davenport cold storage
> * . The firm IR every week shipping east a
" , . 'j. of eggs. Yesterday was the
" " i ' biggest day yet for the egg crop.
JS , P. C. Miller of Sioux City was In
'j * ; . town this morning working up an In-
VJ In the Inter-State fair at Slouv
-f City , which commences September C
* * ' and continues until September 10. Mr
'j T < i'T Miller says Sioux City Is expecting
JsjjF * the beggest crowd since corn palace
? J"M. . Mlhllls writes from Newcastle
% C Wyo , that he Is with the W. U Main
' < s' ' shows , which are doing a good busl-
t , ness. The shows opened at Geneva
> O. , April 23 , and have not lost a single
j , stand. Mr. Mlhllls says they have vls-
5f Ited twelve states , and were closing Ii
? r Wyoming on the 20th. From thoie
" * "f they come to Nebraska , then to Iowa
G. N. Munger was up from Pllger.
, * , , A. J. Dunlevy of Tllden Is In the
< city.
\ P. J. Aurlngcr was down from Ne-
llgh yesterday.
Henry It. Alton was over from Madl
fion yesterday.
' W. n. Van Pelt was a Norfolk vis
itor from Dloomfleld.
i : , A. Mullock went to Lincoln this
morning on business ,
Norrls Hitchcock was In the clt >
last night f i oin Pierce.
Sam Kosontlml has leturncd from a
business tilp to Lincoln.
Mis. 15. H llerg was a city vlslto ;
over night from Pierce.
Oeorgo Nollon was a Norfolk visit
or yestoiday fiom Heomor.
Attorney M. D. Tyler made a bus !
ness trip to Meadow Orovo yesterday
U U Harlan , Jr. . and n. W. Sutllff
of ITawardon , Iowa , are In the city
on business.
i Edgar Hell of Pierce , a relative o
Ollle Caglo , wan down to attend th
trial of Joe Scott before Justlc
Hon. W. M. Robertson was In Sll
ver Creek yesterday , whore ho dollv
cred an oration before the Platte Val
ley reunion.
The families of Dr. P. G. Sailor am
Hurt Mapos returned yesterday fron
Long Pine , where they had boon camp
Ing more than a week.
Darius Mathewson returned las
evening from Wakofleld , where he ha <
been several days on business. II
ays the corn crop In that vicinity
hews the best prospect now that he
IIH over scon.
MIHMCH Hdlth and Nellie Moi row will
save tomoriow morning at f > : .10 over
lie Northwestern , for Sedro-Woolcy ,
Vanhlngton , whore they go to teacn
chool during the coming winter.
C M. Ilarr , principal of the Nollgh
chools , nrilvcd In Norfolk at noon
oday to meet local tennis people bother
or a game on the couits and to In-
eroHt thorn In the totiinnnient which
s to bo hold In Nellgh during the tour-
ament thcic.
ud close In the south about Novum-
icr 1. The mnnagomrnt Intended to
nako Norfolk but an this town has
mil two shows this season , It was not
loomed advisable.
Ira Austin IH reported to Vie very
Ick nt his homo on South Fourth
J. F. lledmnn 1ms icshlngled his
louse nt the corner of Madison avc-
1110 and nighth Htiect.
This Is practice night for the Plo-
icor Hook and Ladder company and
. good attendance of menthols Is desired -
sired by the ofllccis of the company.
The stieots have quickly recovered
rom their leoent wet and muddy
condition and ate again In line shape
for carriage riding and for those
vho tide bicycles.
Mrs. Mm le Thompson of Winner ,
ono of the early settlers , Is dead at
lor homo after nil Illness of several
ycnis. The funeral was held from the
S'orweglan church.
The finmo work for the olllco of the
now lumber company on cast Main
trcot Is nearly completed and the
voik of laying the cement stone fac-
ngvlll soon commence.
The effects of a sovoie hall storm
are clearly risible In a patch of corn
jelween Ileemor and West Point. The
Hold has been stripped and the stalks
lo badly bent. The cats ate cut down
as though beaten with knhcs.
II. U. Allen of Madison Is making
a canvas of the county In tlio Inter
est of 11 "Dhectory of Hum I Delivery
iloutes of Madison founty , " which Is
) olng published by Messi.s J. 11 Uono-
von and H 11. Allun A dliortoiy of
this diameter will piove of lieiu-llt to
business nion and It will undoubtedly
meet with success
Wild plums and giupes nio a mote
ilcntlful ciop this ycai than for many
seasons pnst and ate to bo had some
times for the picking or nt veiy tea-
soimblo pi Ices on the maiket They
can bo made Into vet y palatable sauc
es and jollies and theie me few homes
that will not be supplied with some
of these natutal Nebraska piodiiets
for winter use
Norfolk has had very little baseball
enthusiasm this season , but lli HOV-
oral tastes It got of the national giii
ncludlng the Indian night game , scorn
to hnvo awakened a bit of spit It for
Lho latter end of the season and doubt
less there would be a good attendance
If some Interesting games could bo
secured. It Is ptolmble that the en
thusiasm will be largely hold In chock
until next season when the people of
the city w..o enjoy the game may be
expected to take the necssary steps
toward organizing a team.
The open season for hunting wild
ducks , geese , brants , swans , cianes ,
and other waterfowl begins with the
Hist of September , and the Ininleit-
will be peimltted to try their luck
on these birds within the next week ,
piovldlng. always , that they ate able
to llnd the game to shoot. The open
season on prairie chickens , quail ,
sage hens and grouse will not begin
for a month longer , opening on the
first of October. Up to that time the
game wardens and other officers may
make It seilous for those who are
caught and proven guilty of shooting
these game birds.
fHt 11 lice Meet of the SfiiNon In Thin
.Section 1'roinlxeN to lie n lUcl >
i\fnt Xe\t Week.
The Untile Creek race meet on Sep
tember 1 , 2 and 3 Is to draw some of
the fnst horses Hint hnve been woi Ic
ing out on the Nellgh tracks for the
sport to be hold there the latter part
of next week. Ownois hnve declared
their Intention of being nt the Battle
Crook meeting with ten swift animals
and with the locals that are already
entered will contilbule materially to
the success of the event.
HotKO owners and others who have
watched the wet king of the animals
on the Nellgh track are convinced that
there Is to be something good In the
race line developed from the field , and
It Is anticipated that both the Battle
Creek and Nellgh races will be of an
unusually high grade for this section
of the country.
Star Oneldn , the Hlgln horse that
has been matched against Kay's Shade
On , Is ci edited with having recently
worked out a mile In 2.14 and a par
ticularly lively contest between the
two swift horses Is In anticipation.
With the contribution from the Ne-
llRh field It Is expected that the Bat
tle Creek meeting will be one of the
Interesting events of the season , ant
coming ns It does first In the line I
will afford Interesting comparisons
and a basis for working out the other
ovonls of north Nebraska that are to
There will undoubtedly bo a large
attendance nt the races on the part o
those who ate interoslcd In speed >
and Interesting spoils.
Letter l.lxl.
List of letters remaining uncnllec
for at the postofflce nt Norfolk , Neb.
Aug. 23 , 1904 !
Mr. Ilntiy Hind.shavv. Mr. J. W
Browne , Mrs. 13 L. Barr , Mr. J. P
Baker , Mr. Bert Ball , Mr. Fred Barry
A. C. Bradley , Sndlo Blake , Mr. W. K
Cooper. Mr. P. M. Drews , Art Golden
S. S. Ilanlam 2 , W. B. Hnhn 2. Mr
Frank Kent , Mr. R. D McQuellen
Walter W. Osborn , Mr. J. S. Pnlne
Mr. J. S Snyder , Mrs. U A. Shane , F
H Shannon , Miss Lulu Stuvart. Mln.
Lottie Sholtz , Miss Lottie I * Schoultz
If not called for In fifteen days wll
bo sent to tbo dead letter ollice.
Parties calling for any of the abov
please sny "advertised "
i ) VVM roit niiKssiNO UP.
in \ \ v.vrr.n TO Kr.ii' TIII : SUIT.
\Nkcil tli * Ottnrr UrKiirdliiK Hie
Trnln ( lilt of TOM 11 mill Thin l.t-d to
III * Aiiprelicnxlon I'lenilril ( Julll )
to Cliurne f l.urcTM ) .
"Can jou toll mo what Hmo the no.\l
rnln loaves Norfolk ? " was the quuH-
lon linked by Claude M , llinnei of
a inert PnfHoliH , nn employe In Fry'H
estnilinnt , and which was the begln-
Ing of an acquaintance Hint led to
bitty dnyn In the county Jail foi Htu-
PniHiuiH noticed Hint thu suit of
lollies II ) uner woto and hlH collai'
mil Ho had n motU familiar appear-
nee , In tact , looked exactly like hlH
wn piopotty. To hi Ing the COUVCIHU-
Ion around to the pioper point ,
f Homcwhnt ahiuplly , PIUHOIIH to-
nailted , "Pretty line milt of clothes
oil have on , " and dullhutnlolv ox-
mined the cloth and the make until
10 found n pilvato murk on Hie Insldo
nickel , then he WIIH convinced Hint
tinner wns pntndlng In Htoleu plnnicH ,
nit to make HHHiiiaiico doubly HIIIO ho
nvlted a pollcoinnu to keep nn eve on
Iruner while ho wont to his room
vheie ho quickly lent nod Hint his
lollies weio tnlHsIng mid his gtlp inn-
ucked for the other fiNtuies to Ilin-
u-r'H swell make up
Hi uner WIIH taken tiofoto Police
'udgo ' MIIVH .voHtetdny nfloinoon ,
ilondcd guilty to the ehnrgo of hnco-
ly nnd WIIH Hentonced to thlity days
n the county Jail , being taken thete
in the evening linln by Chief of Po-
Ice Kane.
"Aie jou guilty or not giilll > ? "
inked the com t.
'Guilty , > our honor , but I wns diiink
uid didn't know what 1 was doing , "
That's no excuse , " leplled the
udge , "you might IIH onslly have
tilled a man If > ou didn't know what
on woto doing. Thlity dnyH. "
Hi uner Is n .sttmigor In town Ho
mil been wet king for Paul NonUvlg
or hovotnl dnyH. Ho wont to the
innrdlng IIOIIHU of AliH Mmshnll on
liaascli avenue and wns theie given
ho loom that bad lately been occii-
iled by PaiKons In U Brunei foigid
good Hull ot clothes and n gilp Bv
u caking the grip open he found col-
IIIH mid lies and other furnlHhlngs
.hut would go likely with the suit and
10 pi decoded nl once to dtcss up n
ill , hiding his own dollies.
11 wns by the Htrnngost soil of
chance Hint ho should onlor the Kt y
ostnuiMiit mid address the ownei ol
.ho suit of clothes icgnidlng ( ho
.buncos for gulling out of town In
.ho shortest possible tlmu with bin n- |
noprhited finely.
To the olllcor Hi uner Hnld Hint ho
enow the clolhcs woio not his but ho
tieiely wished to dtess up a little ,
Mlleer llert .Smith , of lloin'Mlet-l , SIIJN
( JriiflerN c-eil U'ntclilnn.
Bert Smith of lfi West Second
sit eel , who Is an olllcor nt BoncHteel ,
was In the city yesteiday , having
gone to Norfolk , Neb , Saturday even-
ng to protect the crowd on the Haiti
fiom any grafting which might bo nt-
lempled. He Is lo be city maiHhal
it HoncHteel.
He slnles Hint the roughness of the
icglHlrnllon dnys wns nol In ovl-
lence during the filing although there
lie still some oxcltlng times and oc-
cnslonnlly some shooting
"I managed to get back from a
grafter n loll of $150 which ho had
taken from a man In the Kansas City
club rooms theie , " Mr. Smith said. "I
followed him Into a snlnon with a
Winchester and he handed over the
coin when ho found ho was coinoted ,
lie also had a levolvor which ho had
stolen from a restaurant theto. IIo
was escoilcd lo the station and
fotced to leave the town" Sioux
City Tribune
Such n Context for Xext .Siintlny on
( lie \orfolU Diamond Will
I'roliiilil.i Come.
It Is possible that Norfolk and Tll
den may meet on the baseball diamond
mend In Ibis city next Sunday. It Is
undei stood Hint the Tlldon team ,
which Is reported to be all ready for
a little athletic jaunt over this sec
tion of the state , Is desirous of a
contest with the willows In which
they may have a chance to play
against the Norfolk boys. It has
been n long , long lime since Norfolk
and Tllden mot on the baseball field ,
nnd It goes without saying Hint there
would be Inlet CHI plus In the game.
The Tlldon boys are starting , It Is
said , for a litHe ttlp which will take
In Stnnlon , Pllger , Wlsner , West
Point nnd towns along the main line
of the Northwesletn east of Norfolk.
They plan to get busy all of next
week. The record which Hint team
1ms been making nil summer long Is
enough to show Hint wherever they
do go. there will be something doing
In a baHcball way.
The lit hi teason why Tllden Is fa
mous an n baseball town , Is the fact
thai they are putting up n rattling
good article with the leather sphere.
And the second reason Is the fact that
Smith of that city Is about tbo host
baseball umpire that has ever np-
penred on a Nebraska field.
i\ni\xs itirnm.N TO sniooi , .
Thirl-four IO | > N unit ( IlrN From Oinit-
linKfne ) Here O\er Mxlit.
Thirty-four Indians girls and boys ,
going back to school , passed througl
Norfolk last night. They were from
the Omaha reservation enrouto for
the Genoa Indian school They arrived
over the Chicago , St Paul , Minneapo
lis & Omaha railroad , wcto guests at
the Pacific , and left this morning , In
charge of Bandmaster Paul A. Wal
ters for their destination.
There were few among the band pf
young redfolk who did not have clvl-
llxod nnmoH Among thono who did
nol weie Phil Itlnehblrd , l.ovo .Toy nnd
I' H , Uinut.
\Vltllo In the cltv ono of the favor
ite I piiHtlnu's of the ciovvd WIIH fie-
MUentlng the Ice urenm soda purloin
and di Inking of the cool bovetiiKuH for
a IOIIK time
TO HIM : enmi : .
( Jrniiil .Mnnli-r I1 , i : . llnriiliiiin l.rfl To-
ilnj ( or MeCuiik ( Vmiionj.
( ' 1 ! Huinlinni of this city , gtnnd
master of the MiiHonle lodge In Ne
braska , loft Not folk Indnv for Mr-
Conk wheie ho giu < M to conduct the
eoi oniony of laying the cot nor Htoue
of n now Methodist Kplm'opal ohm oh
that IIIIH jiiHt been llnlHhod. The
cotemonv does not take place until
tomorrow but Mr Huinlinni wns com
pelled , by the train connectloiiH , to
leave today for the wcslein point
IIo will totiiin tbo day following.
Try siiootliiK
Omaha , Neb , Aug 1M A wnttant
wan iHHiiml fiom police eouit for the
urtcHl of l.ottls P Slpen , a ( Inputvnlior-
Iff employed to look out for the strik
ers , on complaint of Slgmnn Cnvlnkl ,
who nlleged Hint Slpos nHHitultod him
liisl Sntiiidny afternoon
When HilH CIIHO IH hcmd the CIIUHII
of the attack on the Httlkein by the
deputy HherlffH Monday nf lot noon
piohnhly will como out
role UIHIIIVhlrh Will Klont tlio
StnfN null .Strlpi-M Korrtcr , linn
. \rrl\ril In .Norfolk ,
Tlio timber for a new slnlT which
will holdt he HtaiH and Htllpes ( lint
mo to Moat above the United Htntes
eomtlioiiHO and pnHtolllro building In
this city , to teplaee Hie one destioyed
lust week bv lightning , has art I veil
and It IH piedlcled by HID caipenteiH
that | It will Htand In place at the
summit of the striictuio within loss
than a week , If the weather Is fn-
The lot HUM' ling staff , which stood
high up In the air and could bo seen
with a ling upon It , fiom many miles
away , was Hpllnteied bv a boll of
elect ) Iclty w'hlcih shot down fiom the
henvens mid Jumped off It onto the
M > f.
Superintendent Williams has been
In Umnlm dm lug the past few dnys
In connei lldii with the work Thuio
Is JiiHl non sllghl delay In lecelv-
Ing mm bio mid Home of the llnlHhlng
nintoilnl , but otherwise the now fed-
eial homo lor tbo com Is mid the
iiinll fold , IH pi oily nearly complete.
Within the next two weeks tbo
ouches that mo lo make It a put-
'eeted monument lo the omnibus bill ,
\MI have been pul upon II and the
ainplovoH of Undo Sam In thin oily ,
indor PostmiiHter Hays' Hiipot vision ,
vlll liegln lo move In.
The postolllco dopnitmont Is nntlcl-
intlng the elinnge with much of
dcnsuia ns the spacious now qutir-
ein. designed lor their oxclnnho une ,
will affoiil eomfoil mid luxniy In
heir vvoik and make thlngH Hint
m\o been dllllcult in the iniHt , enny
if ncrompllHhment In the fiiluio ,
IH nre
WKIi the Hneki-lH.
OMAHA , Aug 21 Yesterday's piny
nt the Field club tonnlH tournament
was amid ( lying sand and against a
ilgh wind that made tennlH n matter
if dllllculty , lobbing In particular bc-
ng well nigh an Imposslblllly. Art
Scilbncr , who played against Holland ,
though ho was defeated In the match.
eft the courts with a cherubic smile ,
'or ho managed to take a bard fought
set from the Gnlesburg man.
The chief surprise of Monday was
the play of U. Magno of the Country
'lub , who was enlored at the last mo-
nen I Megeo Ihreo yenrH years ago
ran Into the finals nt the Sioux City
ouinoy , but he had not handled a
.icket fiom Hint time until yesterdny
: Ie was drawn against Sehnelder , who
tvallopcd him In the first set , but by
Hint time Mcgcc got his hand In , and
Doc Schneider begun to wonder what
was hnppciilng. Mngco got better
with oveiy slroke and ho finished by
lolentlng Schneider In the next two
The match between Fletcher and
Oilman attracted n lot of attention on
iceoiint of the equality between the
plnyers. Fletcher Is built for u ton-
IIH | player , being a tail , wiry sort of
fellow with a pair of arms that seem
to stretch from ono end of the court
to the other. He wont In for placljig
In his match with Oilman , and though
the latter put up a good game the
constant running about the court
played him out.
The following were matches and
Kheihardt beat Heck 0-0 , C-l.
Sanderson bent Toy C-3 , 6-2.
Lee bent Hnskell C-3 , C-3.
Holland beat Scrlbner 7-9 , C-l , C-l.
Hlnthorwlck bent Pollard C-0 , C-3.
Hlnthorwlck bent Magee 7-5. 4-6,8-G
Fred nberhardt bent F. Potter C-0 ,
nimoriivrs K\OIM : POPULISTS.
\VIII ( "onet'iilriilt * KIHTKJ on Kli'HIon
of l.t-Klxluflve Ticket.
LINCOLN , Aug. 24 Chairman T. S.
Allen of the democratic Htnto com-
mlllee , Is endeavoring to concentrate
the fusion , fight on the legislature.
Recently the leading fuslonlHtH admit
ted that they had less show of gain
ing a victory In the leglslnturo than
they did for some of the other ofil-
COH Since the election of Mr. Allen
chairman of the democratic state
committee everything has been done
to counteract the Impression that the
fuslonlHts have no chance to win the
legislature. At the meeting of the
Htnto convention the fuslonlsts openly
asserted that they ought to help each
other to secure the election of W. J.
Drynn to the senate. Mr. Allen Is n
brothor-ln-lnw of Mr. Ilryan. The
first letter sent out by Mr. Allen Indi
cates that llttlo attention Is to bo paid
to the head of the fusion ticket , but
that everything possible must be done
to win the legislature.
\.TIIOIimi IIP. HAD l'lAM\r.l ON
IHI.\ i , 1111:11 : iTun TODv. .
roi'.vrvTTV. . MVPUSuuivis :
\lltt IN I'imllllliir ' to llloNrnlt to IIP
Tried on n lionNNIIII | | mid lint *
( ITJ" Clnirui'i IIH Unit UITIIurrfil
I'IMIII Diirlnu HIM \ Imi'iu'r ,
| l''iom Wcilnumlnv'H Dally ]
After HeeltiK the doot of Ills pi IHOII
nil but opened and bnvlng Hpenl n
night In dieanm of llbeitv today , Joe
Hcott of York , In jail fet iiHHniilllng
Olllii Caglo of I'loii'n , was bitterly din
appointed when County Attoiney
Mnpes appeal eil on the Heono andHhlft
oil the chin no fiom what Hcott thought
It would bo lo ono of auminlt with In
tent to do Ktent bodllv Inlury The
cane was continued until Hie nioinlng
of September 0 In HilH city when thu
ptellmlnary hem lug will be hold bo-
fete JtiHlIco llayeH Hcott gnvo bund
for jniM ) and WIIH i cleaned fiom Jail till
Hint time
The delay wan canned thioiiKh an
niimigemont which had been made
v\lth the defntiHO bv Atloinoy M , C
lla/.en , paitner of County Attorney
MapoH , In the nliHonco of Hint olllclnl.
Mr lla-/en bad ngnieil to mnko the
ebnigo ono of tneio nmmult and bnt-
terv , which would Inlllet n line mid
iMiHts , mid the defendant had ngioedto
plead glullv to Hint ehnigo If Hint
ehnrgo hud been can led out , Heotl
now would hnvo bnon n fien man
In coiiHoquonco of thin MKI cement ,
no wltnoHHoH weie on blind to loHtlfy
for dofotiHO Hut County Attoiney
MapoH , when bo m lived fiiitn Long
Pine hint night , aftoi mi outing , put
bin foot down on Hint ehnige. Ho
would not allow Scott to go under HO
slight n tilal The defendant , there
fore , being unpiopnioil with wltnoHHim
or to meet the now chaiKo , iiHkod for
mid WIIH ginntod oonlliiunin'o till Sep
tember U.
T Hell ofVnyno , proHecutlng wlt-
nesH , appealed OHior wltnoHHi'H fet
the Htnto who weto In town wnto Wal
ler Hi own , Aithur Oolite , MHH ! C'alllo
III own , Miss Maude Diebetl , nil of
I'loieo , and MHH | JeHHlo Dtobiut of
Noi lolk. H. 1' " llninhmdl of 1'leico ,
county nttiiiney of Hint county , IIIIH
been lotnlned to HHHlHt In proHocutlon
Cnulc ItiNlhiKcll. .
IMIJIK'i ; , Nub , Aug 21 Spcclnl to
The NIIWH : Olllo Paglo IH iimllng
Noiiiowhnt eiiHlor and Is eomfoitaldi
lie IH iioirectlv rational. The painlv
HH | on the loft Hldo of bin face IH nol
giving him HO much tiuiihlo IIH pies
vloiinly mid lie IH having IOHH liolhei
with his month
i\-TIM : ) l.'i-l. ol s.o\ | CIIJ mill Nor
folk .loKerN In CnlioolN.
An tin Iplont lelgn of leiiui nt Noi
lolk , Neb , ended and n High of n-llif
escaped .1 iimnbei nl anxloiiH icHldentH
ol tbo town when f'hmlcH Kloster ,
Connor city eleik of Sioux City , sent
hlH grips lo Hut Not Ihweiitei n depot
en loiito to Sioux Cltv Hutui day mm n-
Ing II WIIH nil becaiiHo an Intimate
friend of Mr KloHler ptepated for bin
vlHll by playing n piactleal joke on Hie
men nboiit town
"You Hee , felluWH , I hnvo n friend
coining down hero to HOD mo , " ex
plained Oeorgo Moeller , the Not folk
man , With a Holier face and a Joking
mind "Ho'H just been to llonoHteol
mid while he IH n good follow I tniiHt
own up that ho IH one of the smooth
est pickpockets In the business. Ho
IH known the win Id oxer IIH '
Chnrloy , ' mid while ho Is n 'spender'
mid nil Hint , bo careful of him when
vou Hhnke hniulH Ho IIIIK n way of
putting bis left hand on your shoul
der and finally diopplng It quietly In
vonr poekol I tell you he Is n smooth
' "
Klostor nt lived on the train , blown ,
mid with n weuk'H gtowlh of whlH-
kers on bin chin , and a big wide notn-
broro on bin bead He was put next
to thu Joke
AH.they entered the liotol lobbies of
the town , glmicoH nHkniiro were
thrown In bin direction.
"Oh , Smith , you and Jones como
hero , " Moellor would yell as some
white faced paixon could be seen bug
ging his poeketbook with both hnnds
mid sidestepping nicely through the
most convenient opening.
Smith would look nt Jones , mid then
Jones would look nt Smith , and then
the two would get together with grim
smiles on their fnces. They would
stand for nn Introduction.
"Mr. Jones , this Is 'Honesteol Char
' "
"Glncl to see you. " Jones would say
as ho looked nn If he were just going
to be sentenced for dlHturblng the
"HonoHtool Chnrloy" wns properly
eonched. He would grasp the strang
er's hand with his right and then start
the left hand toward the man's shoul
der. The Htrnnger would Jerk away ,
stnrt hurriedly down the lobby , excuse -
cuso himself and think out loud of
sudden business which called him
away. Others would lean forward
several feet , stick out their arm nt full
length and Just touch the tip of the
big Honesteol desperado's hand.
The Joke has not yet boon solved In
Norfolk , and the "Ilonestcel Charley's"
handshake IH still popular with
strangers with broad white hats.
.Sioux City Journal.
PI\V IIM.I. ritlDAV.
Vorfulk llriiunU-H Will Icet Slanton
Ten in Ili-rr.
The return game of the Norfolk
Hrownlos with the Johnson Stars of
Ktanton will be played on the local
grounds next Ft May. The Hrownlos
on Monday ndmlnlstorcdt ho llrttt defeat
feat oft ho season to the Stanton team
by a .score of 17 to 7 , and the return
game promises to bo oxcltlng as the
Stnnton IHIJ-H will undoubtedly bo up
prepared to retrieve tholr fallen for
tunoH. The Hrownles are a team o
energetic players and there should be
n large and enthusiastic crowd o
Norfolk people out to give them en
lllsc I'e-rti-iiii for Ciiiarrli. (
Pc-ru-nn Cures Catarrh Wher
ever Located *
. llmi. I . \ . l'll/nilrli | U , t'onnr
frniii . KcluiKjvi lli'H from I ho Niitlouul
llnlol , \ \ ' | | | | | ; | , t ) , ( ' . , in folloWH :
" . \l ( hit Hiillitulltli ) of ii frlollil I used
jour IVimm mill ciiu cheerfully ntcoiii-
ini'iiil jour reined * to uiiyiino mirroring
> \ lilt cnlimili orvlio iinodKagnoil tonlo. "
lr. Y. 1 ll/inlrli'k. |
1'ci linn N tlin HMiicdy for ciitnrrlt. Al-
mtxl OVIMJ body know * * lliul liy horenuy
mill HiDiiNiiixlH know 11 by oxporlonco.
Wlial can bitfiired In the lif liililnj ; In a
\V < M l > or two liy lining Porumt , If ullowod
In liocoiiii' cluoiilo , inity ro < | iilio inolitlii
uf f illhfiil lionllnoiit. Van It fid heller\c reruna now tor by antl by ) mutiny
be irillficil to take It for innna lime In
ortlcr to get well. Now the warm , dry
weal her will nsitlit In your cure. You
lire not Iliilila to catch fresh cold and
delay. our cure.
11 ii nil i ciN uf nii'ii of ( Utility nnil proml-
iii in fi iiii nil over this I'lilli'il HtiiUis
oiidni i > lYriinn.
No oilier H'tiM'ily rooolvoH mii'h con-
vlnel't ; ; lo-diiuonliilH , Noiiil for frou book
( , f ll -.lllll.illl | | H.
I f \ mi ( In iinl receive prompt unit mills-
fin l"i v ronulU frniii tlio iihu of Puriinii ,
'M Ii nl ( line to Dr. llnrtnmn , ; ! HK a
Til U l ili'ini lit nf jour i-iixn mill ho will
ul IIM' < | In | rvn | 31111 hlrt viilllalili ) d-
; Ii .
i-i In. Hut IIIIIHI , I'ri'iidi'iit of
H l ii i ,11 * n 11 n i In in. ( i tin in hut. ( X
If you over want
anything just exactly
Correct In your lifetime
It's your wedding sta
tionery. Beautifully en
graved Invltatlona , an-
nouncomonta , cards and
the like , In Old English ,
script or text , at as low
figures as can bo ob
tained anywhere In
America that Is our
offer. Every order h&i
our guarantee behind
15he News
Tickets fc > points below on sale
June 1 to September 30 , return HmJt
October 31.
Chicago , $20.00.
Chicago , ( via St. Louis one way ) ,
St. Paul-Minneapolis , $12.50.
Diiluth Superior , $10.50.
Watervlllo ( Madison lake ) $10.50.
Spirit lake ( OltoboJI ) $9.95.
Storm Lake , la. , $0.85.
Alexandria , Minn , $15.25.
Clmrlevolx , Mich. . $31.00.
Rico Lake , WIs. , $15.00.
Walker , Minn. , $17.10.
Correspondingly low rates to many
points In Illinois , Michigan , Wiscon
sin , Minnesota , Canada and eastern
and southeastern cities.
Homescekors' rates to points In
north and northwest and south and
southeast , on sale the first and third
Circuit tours via the great lakes.
Steamer reservations made In ad
Very low rates to the fishing and
hunting resorts of Minnesota and
Michigan got booklet.
Lot mo know whore you are going
and 1 will cheerfully give you full
Information regarding rates , routes ,
connections , hotel accommodations ,
etc. Call on or write ,
W. II. Brill. Dlst Pass. Agt ,
1402 Farnom St , 111. Cent , R. R. ,
Omaha , Nob.