The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, August 26, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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[ BitnbllBhod 1887. ]
Bvery day except Sunday. By car.
Her per week , 16 cents. * Norfolk
roitonico delivery , pnr year , $ ,0p. By
outside of
canll on rural routes nnd
Norfolk , per yenr , 13,00.
The News , EHtabllshod , 1881.
The Journal. EBtnbllBhod , 1877.
Kvery Friday. By mall per year , L50.
Entered at the poBtofllco nt Norfolk ,
Neb. , nB Bocond claiiB matter.
TelnphonoB ! Editorial Department ,
No. 22 , Business Olllco nnd Job Rooms.
No. 322.
For Vice President ,
For Senator From Nebraska
in. J. BUUKBTT. Lincoln.
For Proiildontlal Kloofora
F. A. BARTON , Pawnee.
A. C. SMITH. Douglas.
A. C. ABBOTT , Dodfto.
T. U NORVAL , Scward.
W. P. HALL , PholpB.
M. A. BROWN. Buffalo.
H. H. WILSON. Lancaster.
J. C , ROBINSON , Douglas.
For Governor
J. H. MICKBY , OBoeola.
For Lieutenant Governor
B. G. M'GILTON , Omaha.
For Secretary of State ,
A. GALUSHA , Red Cloud. \J. '
For Auditor , , . " .
B. M. SEARLB , Jr. , Ognllnln ,
For Superintendent
J. U M'UniBN , Geneva.
For Attorney General
NOHIU8 BROWN. Kearney.
For Land Commissioner
II. M. BATON , Fremont.
Connr * lonnl.
For Conitrc8 miin Third Dlatrlct-
J. J. M'CAnTUY. Poncn.
Uopul.llcHn County Coinenlliin
To the Republican electors of Mndl-
Notice Is hereby
Ken county. Nebraska :
by given that a Republican delegate
convention of the Republican oloptors
of Madison county. Nebraska , will be
bold ftt Madison , In said county and
Btnto , on Wednesday , the 14th day of
September , 1904. at 1 o'clock In the
nftornoon , for the purpose of placing
In nomlnntlon ono cnndldato for tiio
olllco of county attorney , ono candi
date for representative to the state
loglslnturo. nnd ono cnndldato for
county commissioner from the Third
commissioner district , nnd for the
transaction of such other business ns
may properly come before the conven
tion. The several voting precincts
uro entitled to the following repre
sentation : _
Batttu Crook J
Burnett J
Door Crook
Shell Creek 1 *
Fnlrvlow 'J
Green Garden !
Highland fj
Knlamazoo '
Madison City 1-
Madison Precinct JJ
Meadow Grove >
First Ward 7
Second Ward J1
Third Ward 1
Fourth Ward \
Outside * >
Schoolcraf t >
Union >
Valley B
AVarnorvlllo o
Total 145
It Is further recommended by the
committee that the primaries for the
selection of the delegates from the
various precincts bo bold not later
Monday , September 12 , 1904.
Witness our hands this 20th day
of August , 1904 , at Norfolk , Nebraska.
8. R. McFARLAND , Chairman.
The man who Isn't ntlllctod with liny
fever has little excuse for finding
fault with the wuathor In August.
Taggnrt has not yet given ovldonco
of an ability like that of Jones to
Improperly forecast the results of the
, For eight years It has been the
"enemy's country , " now It Is directing
the campaign and furnishing the
elnews of war.
'tn What enthusiasm the Ilrynn demo
crats could stir up over Tom Watson
'i ' nnd his platform If only they wore
1 not democrats !
It is about n safe bat that the Japs
will take Port Arthur , but the gen
tlemen who desire a little uncertainty
In thelr's will have to guess on the
Sir Thomas Llpton has got to the
point of Iminlrlng of yacht designers
their probability of being able to
build a winning Shamrock , but that
will not cinch the race.
Wall street may have the Inside
track on the democratic party , but It
will need to acquire considerable
more headway before It has the coun
try where It can control.
The democrats have dona a great
deal toward making Missouri a re
publican state , nnd If the republicans
can only do a fair share there will be
a break In the ranks of the solid
The state campaign is , as yet , rather
on the quiet order , because the fu
slonlsts do not appear to have been
able to stir up the excitement and
enthusiasm for their ticket that they
rather expected to be able to show.
If that Chicago strike only contin
ues long enough to build up small
packing plants In other towns and re
store to activity the country slaughter
house the people will have at the
same time have escaped a condition
dependent on the millionaire packers.
Judge Parker Is now announcing
that he will make few political
speeches this campaign. lie Intends
to give no more of his opinions to the
public than is absolutely necessary ,
and expects the endorsement of the
voters on the presumption that he Is
right without telling them so.
They are pretending In New York
to be making : great and vigorous ef-
fin In to harmntilte Tammany with the
domnoratlo licked but perhaps nflor
all they are hoping that the tiger will
OcintliHio to sulk , having observed
that It was of no poxslblo nnHlBtanco
to Mr. llrynn In winning the election
of 1000.
Last but not least of the republican
political program IN the choosing of
candidates for representatives and
Hmiatms. As It appears to bn the
greatest hnpo of the domooratB to
elect a nmjoilty In these bodies no
an to pay the party's debt to Mr , Dry-
an , It will ro < iulra of thn republicans
that they nhould | iut up thulr best and
strongest material.
The democrats are not at nil cer
tain about the Issue they will present
to the people this fall as of para
mount Importance , and are only cer
tain that they want the people to
have such a change us will elevate
Ilium to power , This Ix not milllclont
argument with the voters , however ,
and they will he compelled to show
a hotter hand as the campaign ad
vances If they ilcslro the support of
any considerable number.
Knrly In the season Texan was
shipping potatoes to Nebraska , now
the agriculturalists of this state are
demanding a return of the Nebraski
money by placing on the Texas mar
ket Nebraska potatoes by the car-
loud. The Nebraska crop promises to
bo ( inn of nhundanco and the fallurt
In other states will undoubtedly servo
to bring a good price for It on tin
markets. This state ban "spuds" o
rare quality and before spring It I
anticipated that the consumers will
bo bidding high for them.
The domncratlo party has been try
ing quite hard to overtake the repub
licans In the matter of advocating
measures that will meet with popular
approval and at the sumo time prove
of henotU to the public , but they are
always several years too late In gain
ing the position and the questions are
generally emphatically settled long
before they arrived on the scene. They
are now where the republicans stood
years ago on curtain public questions.
Just now they are endeavoring to
catch up on the republican ninnotary
plan , the plan for a larger and better
navy , the Panama canal scheme , and
ire slowly oruoplng up toward the re
publican policy of protection to homo
Industries. In the future they will
ippvoneh the point ( if admitting thu
justice and right of the republican
policy In regard to the outlying Island
possessions and some day they will
ho generous In their praises of Rooso-
\olt. In the meantime the lopubll-
cnits , supported by the people , will bo
dealing with the now questions that
confront the country and taking care
to keep the government at Its bust
H has proven what It can nnd will do
and there Is no general demand for a
To all appearances A. A. Worsloy
of llutto Is about the most pnpulai
man among thu ftiHlonlstH of his sec
tion of the country and the state a
largo. At the recent state eonventloi
ho was nominated for the otllco o
commissioner of public lands am
buildings. Ho had not much more
than captured that honor than ho
was told by the populists that ho wa
the very man to act .In the capacity
of speed-maker for lion , Moses P
Klnknld In his record run agntns
time for congressman of the big Sixth
and was nominated with the under
standing that he should \vltlulru\
from the state ticket. At the muotlnt.
of the committee however , at Lincoln
they refused to permit his withdrawn
from thu state ticket , and ho Is In
dilemma what to do. In the mean
time It Is said that ho has boon noml
natinl for the state senate from th
Thirteenth district. The fioquoncy
with which Mr. Worsley Is handed a
nomination Is evidence of ono or two
things : He must either be popular In
the party. Is toady to complacently
and uncomplainingly shoulder all the
empty honors that his party and Its
allies can bestow , or there Is a dearth
of populist statesmen In his part of
thu state and he Is compelled to take
the several places on the ticket as an
evidence that his party Is really a
living and moving fact.
The Kearney Democrat , In politics
as its name Indicates , charges that the
solo and only reason for the two fu
sion parties putting up a state ticket
this yenr was to afford trading ma
terial on the legislative ticket that
Mr. Bryan might bo sent to the sen
ate. The lenders of neither party ex
pect to elect a single democrat or
populist to a state otllce , but they do
expect It to afford good trading ma
terial for the state senatorial and rep
resentative candidates. It looks very
much as though the convention was
Intent only on giving to Mr. llryan
the payment that had been promised
by the national leaders In the event
that the fuslonlsts are able to con
trol in the legislative districts. For
Bryan to bo thrown over the transom
at the national convention was bad
enough , In nil reason ; but when his
friends and admirers attempt to pay
the ntaloiuil party debt t o the former
leader , after they had cast him out ,
by selling their entire ticket is dis
graceful. If the Nebraska democrats
and populists had wished to pny the
party debt to Mr. Bryan nnd pour oil
on the wounds ho received at St.
Louis , they might nt least have at
tempted nn honorable payment with
out sacrificing all their other friends
and nominees.
Nebraska In thoroughly nonked , but
t IB not waterlogged.
There ronmlnn but little more than
wo monthn until election.
Thn Japs have politely requested
lusala to get out and vacate Port Ar-
hur and now they propone to kick
hem out.
The Japanese undoubtedly want
'ort Arthur bad enough ; but II Is
expected that they will bo several
lays In gutting possession.
A funny proposition : "Wo have been
n the wrong for the past eight years
on the money question and the re
publicans have been right , therefore
vote for us" the democrats.
A Hloux City dualor In campaign
badges claims that ho has sold 100
Iloosuvelt emblems nnd but ten of the
Parker kind , It Is about the ratio In
which the Iowa vote will be regis
Some of the nominees on the fusion
state ticket have wanted to pull off
to try for Homo county or district of
fice that they might stand a chance
of winning , which Is not a nattering
Indication of what they expect thn
state ticket to got at the hands of
the voters when election day arrives.
Governor Mickey has designated
September ft as labor day. Outside of
Omaha and Lincoln It Is presumed
that the larger part of the observance
by laboring men will bo In labor. The
holiday Is Intended to bo all right but
outside of the cities that have labor
rgnnlzatlons , It has small slgnlll-
Employment ngonclos uro working
dollar or two out of applicants for
obs on thu Panama canal so froqnont-
y that the government has given out
a warning that no such agencies can
ollvor the goods and the man who
gives up his money to the sharpers has
joon fleeced of the sums paid. The
goveinment will do Its own hiring
vhen the time arrives that ft needs
The campaign Is not yet In perfect
tinning trim. Itnsldus the luttors of
loeeptanco of the national delegates ,
.hero tire the county , representative
mil senatorial conventions , not to
iicnUnn the ward and precinct enu-
MISOM leading up to thorn. By the
line the polls are open , however , It
Is hoped to liavo all thu preliminary
work out of the way.
The real proposition : " \Ve demo
crats , In convention assembled , do-
clnro that wo want olllco ; now If you
voters will support us wo will prom
ise to do things ns the republican !
have done and In the republican way
which Is right ; wo tried for your vote ;
by promising to do different from tin
republicans , but you wouldn't have us
now will you have us If wo do jus
like them ? "
Nebraska Is too much ono sided this
campaign to enjoy any large degree
of the political excitement that will
bo experienced In the doubtful states
of the country , but It will come In for
a sluira of political interest on its
own account , no doubt , and some stir
ring times may quite confidentially
bo anticipated between this time nnd
the date of election. Not a little of
the Interest will bo on account of the
fight for .state and district ofllcos.
There Is some Interest In the Second
end district regarding who will be the
republican nominee for congress. Two
years ago the election wont to Mr.
Hitchcock of the World-Herald , be
cause of the bitter fight made against
Dave Mercer , both before and nttor
the convention. This yenr It Is not
improbable that the republicans will
unite on a satisfactory man and Mr.
Hitchcock will boshown that It was
more his good fortune than fusion
supremacy that landed him In the
house of representatives.
General Stossol was bravo when ho
told the Japanese that no thougjit of
surrender was in his mind , but at the
same time he was evidently aware
that ho was In n perilous situation ns
he has bidden good bye to a friend In
these words : "Farewell , forever. Port
Arthur will bo my tomb. " The only
advantage to Russia In the course
pursued by the bravo otllcer will bo
to delay the movement of the Japan
ese nnd perhaps exact enough of the
enemies' lives In forfeit to pay for
Russian losses. Kven this seems like
Inadequate payment for the loss of
General Stossel and his bravo sol
Champ Clark is more inconsistent
at times than other democrats.
When In ono breath ho declared that
the republicans desired to rule the
country by assassination and In the
next promised to cut the throat of
the man who called him a liar , from
ear to , ho gave strong evidence
that he was ns bad as the republicans
ho condemned , the only difference be
ing that his threatened crime might
have been considered murder with
premeditation and malice afore
thought , rather than assassination.
The politicians nre soon to have
straw to Indicate how the wind Is
blowing and it will bo furnished by
Vermont which holds Its election on
September 6. There are no bets to be
had against the proposition that It
will go republican , but there Is n
chance for doubt whether It will give
a stronger republican majority than
heretofore or a lighter vote. It will
BOOH bo known , however , nnd on the
tmtcomo will depend wliluh of the
leading political parties will fool good
and which will feel that the fight In
turning ngalnnt them.
Nebiaska should be n good duck
and goose state.
Nebraska may have popular votes
for Uoosuvelt to spare , but It will not
consent to give up any of Us votes
In the ulectoial college.
Thuiu seems to bo no reason to be
lieve that President Hoosovelt will
not poll his full party stongth , and
add to It some democrat , populist and
prohibition votes.
The battle of the politicians may bo
on some day , but It Is unreasonable
to expect that It will gain great mo
mentum while thu thermometer is
busy registering 100 degrees In the
uluido ,
This may not bo just all that could
bo wished for adding to human com
fort , but the comfort nnd healthfulness -
ness of thu corn under the circum
stances could scarcely bo Improved.
Guessing contests have just been de
clared Illegal by the Texas supreme
ourt nnd nil guessing In that state
ivor the outcome of the national elect
Ion will have to bo without giving It
ho appearance of a contest.
Nebraska would cheerfully con-
rlbuto a share of Its excess moisture
o drouth-stricken Indiana or other
dry states of the east If It could , but
localise It cannot It will share willing
ly of Its bountiful crops to keep the
[ icoplo of leH.M fortunate regions In
food until they are able to raise n
Tom Watson was not giving the
lilies of his party any considerable *
advantage In national politics when
he said : "I have no words of abuse for
Theodore Roosevelt. I bollove him
to bo a brave , honest , conscientious
man. I glvu him full credit for hav
ing a splendid courage of conviction. "
Bishop Potter's saloon has had a
far-reaching effect , having dispersed
throughout the country a hilarious
effect that could only como of In
toxication. The funny men of the
newspapers are especially Intoxicated
with the opportunity to poke fun at
the good man s head , while In reli
gious and piohlblllon circles the stult
sold In the sub-way tavern has pro
duced violences.
Somn of the election prognostlcn-
tors luivo placed Nebraska In the
doubtful column ns a menus towart
counting Parker Into the ofllco. II
other states In the doubtful colunu
are to cast their votes with Nebraski
it Is safe to concede that the democrats
crats haven't n ghost of a show foi
an election.
Fiction will require n reversal If
the robberies In the thickly populated
centers of the east are continued.
Numerous authors have done their
best to have the west appear as the
scone of famous acts of outlawry , but
the robbers who have Investigated ,
find the east a far more favorable
place for their operations , and are
just now devoting their attention to
thnt section of the country.
The activity shown by the czar In
making reforms In the Russian em
pire and In moving for forces with
which to continue the war In the far
east .since the arrival of his son and
heir Is proof thnt the little boy bnby
Is a most Important factor in the
empire and had he arrived several
months ngo there Is n likelihood thnt
the Japanese would now be far less
advanced In their undertaking ngnlnst
the Russian forces.
A Norfolk farmer has recently con
structed a handsome new house , the
lumber for which was cut out of trees
planted by his own hand , and yet
there are other farmers who hold that
the planting- trees Is of no mate
rial advantage In the way of acquir
ing wealth. For years this success
ful farmer's trees have sheltered his
homo nnd his stock and assisted In
conbervlng the moisture necessary to
develop his crops ; now they have
gone Into the construction of n home
with only the cost of cutting the lum
ber and the work of putting It togeth
er. It is n rare Instance In Nebraska
these days , but the rate nt which
trees are lately being planted gives
promise that in the future there will
bo many homes , barns , nnd outbuild
ings constructed of home-grown ma
The fuslonlsts are trying for votes
with the promise or at least the Im
plied promise that they can pay the
stnto Indebtedness nnd the stnto run
ning expenses with less money than
thu republicans nnd that therefore the
taxation will bo less under their gov
ernment than under that of the re
publicans. An election with such a
promise to sustain would be a great
er disaster than a defeat. The tax
payers will be compelled to meet the
Indebtedness of the state and pay the
running expenses or BO further into
debt whether it be under republican
or fusion government and the party
that will make the taxes heavy enough
to meet these demands Is the ono de
serving of support , because the sooner
the debt Is wiped out the sooner will
the property owners get rid of the
Interest that Is now being paid In ad
dition to the other expenses.
"You are eight years old,1' n man
in Id to his boy , "but you have already
liad more school books , more alntcn
nnd more pencils than I had nil my
life , "
Ono of the funniest thlngn In n little
town Is thu smnrt set. .
Ono looks terrible when eating corn
on the cob , but the feeling Is heaven
How a girl enjoys her brnld when It
Is long enough to hang around her
neck In front 1
If you cat corn on the cob don't ag
gravate your offunso by mixing a
mustnohu up In It.
It Is one of the inexplicable attri
butes of women thnt they really Jlke
to get n long letter.
The town drunknrd gets drunk so
rcgtilnrly now thnt It IH generally
hoped thut he won't live long.
It Is unfortunate that this faith n
woman hns In n worthless husband
can't be cashed at n grocery store.
There Is a distinction attaching to
having preacher kin who come to visIt -
It that eclipses going to visit where
they have an automobile.
If n man Is sick and you say he
ooks badly , you have no tact , and if
, 'ou do not notice that ho Is sick you
lave no heart , and there you nre.
There seems to be something in go
ng out of town. At leust four old
girls In Atchlson have married this
summer , nnd they got them out of
When n mother has all her work
done up and sits down to rest , the bn-
iy discovers It and wakes nnd cries.
Wo should really bo kinder con
sldurlng that all of us nro undergoing
the snmo kind of sorrow ? Growing
old together.
When n girl hns n girl visitor
with all kinds of glad clothes , the pn-
rado on the main street begins earlier
and coven * more clrculous route.
A girl will leave n line homo to
follow the fortune of n poor young
man ns cheerfully as she will , a little
later give up her slice of cnko to the
A man was married In the country
not long ngo. lie talked next dny of
a divorce. Subject for discussion nt
the Lancaster Literary society tonight.
Why ?
The man who says "Oh , fudge , "
when ho fools profane , may bo a bet
tor example to the children , but some
how It doesn't seem that ho would
lo ns much of a protection ngatnsl
burglars In the night.
This Is the season when n man goes
home hot and cross from the ofllce
and his wife meets him hot and cross
from the kitchen , and pence hikes oul
of the window to remain till the stir
has gone down.
In order to break his women folks
of the hnblt of writing letters , an
Atchlson mnn will not have anything
In stationery outside of postal cards
In the house.
An Atchlson man Is never without
hick of something to scold about.
When everything else falls , he abuses
his wife for the manner In which she
neglects the grave of her first hus
As n rule when you see n girl enter-
tnlnlng n boy on the front porch you
cnn depend upon It that she hns either
telephoned nnd asked him to come , or
ho Is making n party call , or they are
An Atchlson man who is visiting at
the seashore says ho sees sights that
remind him of the summer when he
was a grocer's delivery boy In Atchl
son , and used to find women In their
kitchens clad in ono piece.
An Atchlson woman Is very Indig
nant over two things : Ono thnt her
son hns fallen in love , nnd wnnta to
marry , and the other is that the girl
was so unappreclatlve of her good
luck thnt she refused him.
An engagement lasted so long In
Oak Mills recently that a year before
the marriage took place , the man was
scolding the girl when things didn't
suit him , and she was nagging him.
But they went on nnd got married be
cause everybody expected them to ,
and they were ashomed to back out.
The amateur entertainment given at
Melnteer hull Inst night was , with ono
or two exceptions , the rottenest thing
of the kind ever seen In Atchlson.
The Mnglng of Miss Rildno Farrlson
was something awful , sounding most
of the time like a pig squealing for
romethlng to eat. Miss Miss Farlln-
son Is n victim of politeness. Her
fi lends pretend to enjoy her singing
In private , whereas they were bored.
They spurred her on to make herself
extremely ridiculous last night , nnd
did grent harm by not giving her n
hint of the truth. The Londerson sis
ters played a duet on the piano for
fifteen minutes by the watch. It was
simply awful , but the audience
thought It would not be polite not to
applaud ; nnd brought on a second nt
tack which lasted ten minutes. The
sisters were probably ruined for
good housekeeping by this misap
plied kindness of the audience. Fal-
son Interson , a youth who should bo
put to work , sang one of those maud
lin popular songs about Sadie going
away from home because her father
would not keep her supplied with
street car tickets. Fnlson loafs around
with the girls too much , nnd he will
never amount to anything. The violin
lin solo by Miss Ancherly was too
bad for description , and the accom
panlment was no bettor , The recita
tion by Annie Chanter and Allco
Polnton wore the dame old thing , on
the same old subject. Yet both were
applauded , and their minds turned
from the right channel of housework
and dishwashing. It was nn unfortu
nate nnd painful affair throughout ,
and no good can come of It.
Cntnrrli Cannot be Cured
with local applications , as they cannot
reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh
Is a blood or constitutional disease ,
and In order to cure it you must take
Internal remedies. Hall'u Catarrh
fjuro is taken Internally , and acts di
rectly on the blood nnd mucous sur
faces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a
quack medicine. It was proscribed by
ono of the beat physicians In this coun
try for years nnd Is a regular pro
scription. It Is composed of the best
tonics known , combined with the best
blood jurlflors , acting directly on the
mucous surfaces. The perfect combl- i
nation of the two Ingredients is what V
produces such wonderful results in
curing catarrh. Send for testimonials
F J. Cheney & Co. , Props. , Toledo , O.
Sold by druggists , price 76c.
Take Hall's family pills for constipa
A Perfect Pnlnlcmi PHI
s the ono that will cleanse the system ,
sot the liver to action , remove the
bile , clear the complexion , cure head
ache and leave a good taste In the
nouth. The famous little pills for dong -
ng such work pleasantly and effect
ually are DoWltt'a Little Early Risers ,
Bob Moore of Lafayette , Ind. , says :
'All other pills I have used gripe and
sicken , while DoWltt's Little Early
Risers nre simply perfect. " Sold by
Asa K. Leonard. '
You little knew when first wo met
That some day you would bo
The lucky fellow I'd choose to let
Pay for my Rocky Mountain Tea.
The Klestui Drug Company.
A Sucot Breath
is a never falling sign of a healthy
stomach. When the breath Is bad the
stomach Is out of order. There is no-
remedy in the world equal to Kodol
dyspepsia Cure for curing Indigestion ,
dyspepsia and all stomach disorders.
Mrs. Mary S. Crick , of White Plains ,
Ky. , writes : "I have been a dyspeptic
for years ; tried all kinds of remedies
but continued to grow worse. By the
use of Kodol I began to improve at
once , and after taking a few bottles
am fully restored in weight , health
nnd strength nnd can eat whatever I
llko. " Kodol digests what you eat
and makes the stomach sweet. Sold
by Asa K. Leonard.
Artistic job printing nt The News.
J. C. Young , Providence Hollls-
ter's Rocky Mountain Tea cured me
of Indigestion nnd constipation.
Gained twenty-five pounds In six
months. Am entirely well. 35 cents.
Tea or Tablets. The Klesau Drug
A Mi miner Cold.
A summer sold is not only annoying-
but if not relieved pneumonia will be
the probable result by fall. One Min
ute Cough Cure clears the phlegm ,
draws out the Inflammation , heals ,
soothes and strengthens the lungs and
bronchial tubes. One Minute Cough
Cure Is an ideal remedy and perfectly
harmless. A certain cure for croup ,
cough and cold. Sold by Asa K. Leon
In thr Nil me.
When you go to buy Witch Hazel
salve look for the name DeWltt on
every box. The pure , unadulterated
witch Hazel salve , which Is the best
salve In the world for outs , burns ,
bruises , bolls , eczema and piles. The
popularity of DoWltt's Witch Hazel
salve , due to Its many cures , has
caused numerous worthless counter-
felts to be placed on the market. Th'e
genuine bears the name E. C. DeWltt
& Co. , Chicago. Sold by Asa K. Leon
Healthy , happy bnblcs. Mothers say
Holllster's Rocky Mountain Tea is
the greatest bnby medicine In the
world. 35 cents , Ten or Tablets. The
Klosau Drug Company.
Corn Crop.
LINCOLN , Aug. 24. Crop Reporter
Lovelnnd , In his weekly summary , says
the rains of the past week were very
beneficial to corn and in most coun
ties were sufficiently heavy to relieve
all droughty conditions. Corn gen
erally is now In very promising con
dition , nlthough crop would have
been larger in most southern counties
had there been more rain the first two
weeks in August. In northern coun
ties many fields are late and will re
quire three or four weeks yet to ma
Wreck Tlirmlier.
IILOOMFIBLD , Neb. , Aug. 24. Some
miscreants put a lot of old Iron , sacks
and like articles In shocks of onts on
the Pondloton fnrm to bo threshed out
of the field by Titos. Pondloton nnd
Roy Wilson. The heavy articles were '
run Into the machine and badly - (
wrecked it , the flying missiles narrow
ly missing several persons. It Is sup
posed to bo the work of persons who
desire revenge.
For Sale By
Wiggle-Stick around in the water.