\ THE NORFOLK NEWS : FRIDAY , AUGUST 2(5 ( , 15)04. ) UATTI.13 KOU HWMUJMACY IS NOW AT ITS IIUICIIT. n TONWS iiAVK HIIN I.OCATUII Hrrj-lck Ilurkr nnil ( Jrrnorr lluoiuril by Their HcMjicotlvr Com- imnle * Kilcn nnil IHcknon nrc He- vent Addition * to the Ncvr Country Reports from the throe now towns of llerrlck , liurke and Gregory Indi cate thut there Is going to lie consid erable settlement upon these sites thin fall. In this connection Hcrrlck is fur In tlio lead at the present time , with Gregory following for Hocotul pliice. It seems thut the triple fac tions battling for sway nt Uitrko have deadlocked all progress nt this place temporarily , but It Is believed that by spring , when sottlotnent of the reser vation begins In earnest , this town- fllto will boom Into prominence and leadership and offer the most attract ive prospect for business. The fourth site has at last been definitely hoard from , and Is christened Eden , In hon or of W. V Eden , the C. & N. W. agent at Fairfax. A fifth town by the name of Dlckson , Is reported as launched on the northwest quarter of section sixteen school land , In town ship 99 , range 73. A private Individu al Is the solo promoter as far as can bo learned. At Herrlck Just at present the out look Is very flattering , Indeed. Tlio many tents and buildings on this per fectly level tract looms up handsome ly In the distance , giving the now city a prominence at this early stage of its growth which augurs exceedingly well for Its future. Many of the build ings and shacks which were erected ns temporary structures at lionosteel during the registration are being wheeled entire , ! o this townslte Two wells have been completed so that good water is now assured. There Is no lack of competition In the rush for business establishments. Six lumber yards are at present on the ground ; several saloons are moving In ; res taurants and general stores are nu merous ; a bank Is In process of es tablishment , and the Rosebud Times , the llrst newspaper In the city , has already been given Its first Issue. As to the surveys and the legal as pects , the "sooners * " Incorporation still has possession. However , Judge Stnrchor Is proceeding undaunted with his own survey and will make every effort to file and prove up the city lots through his townslto petition. It is an accepted fact that the register and receiver of the United States land odlco upholds him in his stand , from wnlch decision a representative of the incorporation is at present in Wash ington making an appeal. The out come will be awaited with Intense interest , At Gregory , the third townslte , set tlement Is likewise well under way. A few of tne temporary buildings which are bidding farewell to Bone- steel are headed upon a long journey for this town. Lying upon the west ern border of the county , and as dis tant from the distributing center of Bonesteel as it is , a number of per manent business establishments are sure to be founded there this fall. As to organization the occupants of Gregory have been a unit from the start. While friction and litigation have marred the early success of Her rick and Burke to a certain extent , Gregory will undoubtedly nourish un der the benign Influences of peace. Eden is practically in the hands of people from Fairfax. Besides being named for one of the latter's leading citizens , the choice lots are In possess ion of Fairfax people , a fact entirely proper by virtue of priority. County Judge Starcher , accompanied by a number of his fellow citizens , made his way to this site last Friday and laid out the town. They reported a beautiful location on a table of land lying fairly in the fork of Bull creek and surrounded by one of the best ag ricultural districts of the country. Eden will undoubtedly be heard from ere many years. The report as to the new town of Dlckson , started on the northwest school quarter of section 16 , town 99 range 73 , though coming from a relia ble person , Mr. John Fllsram , brings little with It to show that the Individ ual promoter Is going to be successful in his venture. The gentleman who evidently believes that he Is going to establish a town there. Is one Mr , Wllcox from the White River district Mr. Wllcox is on the ground with his tent , and has several loads of lumber on the site preparatory to building his general store. He says Dlckson is going to be the terminal of the North western railroad. Bonesteel Pilot BORROWED GUN MAKES TROUBLE Friend * of Enrnent 1'nul do Nee Re lieve lie WDM Rllty of Strnl- Ing the Wenpon. Investigation Into the case of Fry vs. Paul , In which Ernest Paul was arrested charged with stealing a gun belonging to John Fry , convinces the friends of the young man that Pau had no thought of thievery. The friends of Paul state that he and Frf have been good friends and closs neighbors for a long time and hav been in the habit of borrowing eacl other's Implements , wagons , etc. On a certain day two weeks or so ago Paul wanted to do some shooting ant found that his own gun was broken He wont over to Neighbor Fry's to borrow his gun. Not finding Mr. Fryer or any of his family at home and b ing prefectly familiar with the place through the visits he had made there , ho went Into the house and took th gun. The next morning when Fr > saw him ho asked htm If he had hi gun , to which the young man repllei that ho had. and straightway returno It. This should have ended the mat ter , but It didn't. It Is alleged tlm meddlesome neighbors then took hand and persuaded Fry that it wa his duty to have Paul arrested , whle 10 did. At the trial , which was hold n Pierce , Paul ncknowtodgod that he > ok the gun but ho was HO oxcltod vor the fact that he was being tried lefore n court that ho neglected to tnto the circumstances , and the re * tilt was that ho WIIH nssensod n lno. ) 'ho friends of Paul , however , main- aln that ho Is no more u thief than two-year-old child. TERRIFIC THUNDER STORM iiNNrlt VlnKfil Inn KIrotrlcnl Driu- onNtriitlon Our Hum Vk'im lltirnril , BASSHTT , Nob. , Aug. 22. Special to 'ho News : Saturday evening nt 11 'clock one of the most terrific thun- or storms 'over experienced visited Ills vicinity. Tlio nlr was FO charged vlth electricity that distinct hissing ounds wore plainly hoard. Tlio barn of Wm. Kennedy , east of own , together with four horses , har ass , buggy and wagon , was burned. fo damage to crops Is reported. CARNIVAL OF BASE BALL 'lie Humphrey Trnni Scrum to lir MrrlhiK nil Comer * \Vltli Vnry- hiK .SIIOCCNN. HUMPHREY , Neb. , Aug. 22. Special o Tlio News : Howclls and Humphrey layod ball yesterday afternoon , ro- ultlng In a score of 9 to 2 In favor of lumphrey. In the evening the Sioux ndlans played a seven-Inning game vlth Humphrey , resulting In a score f 19 to 2 In favor of the Indians , lurnphroy Is playing Columbus this ftornoon. Dodge will play with lumphrey next Sunday and Columbus ho following Sunday. This will bo he closing game of the season. IS MtOSI'KCTS OF MUCOMINC. A SKC- .S AHKSTIM , I'll.lN'O ooil I.nniln nre Left Vet After the Seel Ion Trnvln In Woxtorn Nehrnnkn. The Stock IttiHli nnil the Pnekrrn' Strike lu South Onuihn. nig nil ! Haley , one of the best cnown among gamblers who worked it Bonesteel , and who was with the 'atsy Magnor party when they paHHed hrough here onroute home , was a passenger on the early train today rom Gregory to Omaha. Haley has been In the now town on he reservation for the past few veoks , and Is leaving for n few days. "Gregory Is going to bo a second Bonesteel , " said the gambler with > ure white hair. "It promises to be a rattling good town. Just now It s quieting down , the tiling being learly at an end , but If the railroad oes through It will be all right. " In regard to the number of per sons who are dally dropping out , pas sengers state that now about forty or llfty of each 100 fall to take claims. The numbers from 1,300 to 1,400 are filing today. Friday thirty-live dropped out , that being the day when eorgo Davenport of this city was called. "There are some fairly good chanc es even yet , far out on the reserva tion , " said a locator. "The land Is good , and Is being passed because it s so far away. But some day a rail road will connect It. " It Is said that Nos. 1 and Z nro not so good , In point of land , as many jthers , having been selected more for the location next a town. \VItJ , JOIN I-'AllMS. Tnkerx of Klnknlil Section * Combining Their I.nnilx. Every west-bound train passing through Norfolk carries landseekers who are anxious to look over the ranches In western Nebraska that are being offered In 640 acre tracts under the Klnkald law. The hotels at Long Pine are crowded every night with the rush. At O'Neill , Valentine and Craw ford the land offices are still doing rushing business and at nil Intermedi ate points the trains bring many to look. A number of parties plan to go In together and join six or eight farms. Most of the land worth filing on has now been taken up , but now and then a patch remallns worth going after. STOCK IIUSII COMMENCED. .Sfven Uxtrii Trulim Went Through Norfolk .Snturiliiy. The annual stock rush on the Northwestern , carrying cattle from Belle Fourche , S. D. , and other far western points , has begun. Saturday seven extra trains ran through Nor folk and from now on there will be many more. "If the strike were only settled , ' said a railroad man today , "we woulc ho pushing so many trains through here that the rails wouldn't cool off. ' Regarding the strike situation , a packing house representative said "It will probably end today. We ha < promises of many men to come back to work today. They need the monej and South Omaha workmen had no grievance , anyway. " Dispatchers Merrlam and Adams who handled the Rosebud rush with out a fluke , are beginning to get busy again with trains In the stock run. DR. F , M , SISSOWERATED UPON .Surgical Work WIIN SncceMHfiil nnil In illcnllniiH nre Futornlile for nn HurlIlerovery. . [ From Monday's Dally.l The family of Dr. F. M. Slsson ro celved n message after noon toda > stating that he had miccensfully passed the operation for the remova of gall stones at the Methodist hos pltal in Omaha this morning and tlm Indications favored his early and complete pleto recovery. All Norfolk friends of the popula churchman will be glad to hear of th favorable prospects for his recovery nu'tirr IN THIS TIUIUTOII\ I'HOMISKS COOII ATTIIACTIONM IANV ANIMALS AHU IN THUMNU Vt Sioux Clt.i , ISrlluli , Iliiltlr Crook mill the County l > 'nlr TO IIN Much nnlliliNliiNiii , U Mniilfoxtril Sumr 1'imt Time l llcliiK Mmlr. KntlnishiHtle horsemen mid their oet footed Hteeds are gottlng In tend- to partlclpato In one of the bent ace clrcultH that ban boon known to his section of the country In recent ourn The Sioux City race meet , that t Nollgh mid the one at Uattlo Crook , ot to mention the several county ult'M with unusually attractive npecil rograniH furnish them Inspiration for raining and the purnoH olfered arc of generous nature that will HOI-VO to ring out the best that IH In them W. 11. Vail IIIIH JiiHt returned from loux City ami Is enthusiastic ovur no prospects for the fair and race loot there from September fi to 10. 'horo are llfty-otio hofHOH now In raining on the Sioux City tracks and omo of thorn are giving promlxu of ow records and iliiUHiuil Hpenl when he races are run. The working of ho animals on the track iiftordH a plondld night to the horse liner mid ho people of Sioux City nro taking u unusual Interest In the propaia- IOIIH. Walter Vnll of Norfolk IIIIH a trlng of throe promising horses In raining for the ovout. "Plouty , " mi nlmiil well known throughniit thin octlon , has made a mile In 2-10 on ho track there , covering the hiHt imrtor In S9S1. Frank Sttong of Vayno IIIIH a thruo-year-old timro In raining that Is doing splondld work nd making flue time. Muck Miller , Iso of Wayne , hiiH a four-year-old . .ockhart colt that bus douo a mile n 2 2514 and there nre several other nlmals from north Nobriisk.i that to show n nimble .sot of when the time for the mooting in Ive.s. Some of these horses will naturally be soon at some of the north Nobrus- i mootliigs mid from the Sioux City neot there will be nn Influence tend- ng to greatly Improve the races to 10 hold In this section. At Uattlo Creek and Nollgh great irogrcss Is bolug made for the rue- ng events , mid strings ot horses are > eltig worked on both tracks UH well as at many of the county fair ground tracks. At Nollgh W. O. Hall IH vorklng a green marc with encour- iglng prospect of speed showing , mid . 'at C.ivaniuigh of Nlobrara IIIIH n : ? urtwood mare on the name track that l.s making good time. Kay Broth era are likewise In preparation to i.trtlclpnte In the event and the racing luallttes of their Shade-One Is ox > ected to bo one of the attractive features of the meet. At the Uattle Creek tracks local lorsemen ate working their animals mid they with those who are pro par ug to atttMid from surrounding towns will furnish good entrtalnmont for the horse lovers who nre certain to )0 present on September 1 , 2 and 3. Altogether the HCIISOII has oxtraor- llnary promise of good sport and It will 1)0 a time for those who admire good races and speedy Htock to take i vacation and attend them all. Less Than One Half Fare to Boston and return , via Wabash railroad. Tickets sold August 11 , 12 and 13 , account G. A. R. The Wabash has > een selected an the official line and special train will leave Chicago via Wabash R. R. from Dearborn and Polk St. station at 1 p. m. August 14 for all G. A. R. comrades , their fam- ly and friends. Train will pass Detroit and a stop made at Niagara falls. Aside from this the Wabash has fast trains dally from Omaha , Kansas City , St. Louis and Chicago to Boston allowing stop over at world's fair and other points See that your tickets read via Wa bash , the only line with its own sta tion at main entrance world's fair grounds. All agents can route you this way. For rates , beautiful world's fair folder and all Information call at Wa bash city office 1601 Farnam St. , or address Harry B. Moores , G. A. P D. , Wab. R. R. , Omaha , Neb. REPUBLICANSJALL CONVENTION Will Meet nt Miidlxon .Soplomlier 14 to I'lucr In Noiulniitlon Cnnill- iliitrii for County Ollli-cn. A meeting of the republican county central committee was held In the city hall yesterday afternoon to ar range for the calling of the republi can county convention , the olllcla call for which appears In another col umn. The date was set for Wednes day , September 14 , at Madison , am coming as It does on the second day of the county fair It will make I convenient for the delegates to take In both events. There Is more than the usual Interest taken In this off year county convention from the fac that this Is presidential year and there Is a desire to have the business o the meeting so conducted that It wll contribute to the success of the na tlonal ticket. Three ottlcers are to be placed In nomination a county attorney , rep resentotlve to the state leglslatur from this district and a candidate fo commissioner of the Third district There Is already talk as to who thes may ho hut there Is expected to h an Increase of interest between not and the convention date , althoug there Is no prospect of a light develop Ing for either of the nominations. MANY ATTRACTIONS AT PA III. C'oiiiiullliMMnkliiK I'rrpnrndon * fen n n Inlorcntlni ? UNplny. MNCOLN Neb Aug 22 Promoter of the state fair have been untlrin i their effort * mid tlio dlt < pliiy prom * no to tin unusually iittrjiollvo The rack In bolng put In oxoollont oondl * ion fur tlio Bpood ovoutH and tin' niinty exhibits will ho of umtnunl In- orost. Tlio showing of fruits will doitbtloHH iiml. | If not oxoood , anything hoioto- ore soon nn tlio grounds , nn tlio fruit rep of Nebraska thin your Is Im- lotiHt ) In addition to the nhnwlng In 10 horticultural building , tint grouudn i It * Immodliito vicinity nro the moxt leasint ; and onr.y of any part of the tate fair grounds. Alroudy the troon i thut vicinity afford a grateful hade nd the horticultural people have hinted numerous Hhrubn and vlnoH , hlch add to the bounty of the stir- oundltigs. In addition to thin the lortloultiirnl people mo oxpondlng a onslilornblo Minn of motioy In thooon- truotlon of a largo bantu 40xlSf > foot i Uo. The walls will bo of brick ild In content , and the bottom ofcoti- rote , and when llllod with puruvn - or , will cortalnly ho cool and Inviting 0 the stuto far visitors , especially IIH 1 the renter will ho a fountain and , wlmmlng In the cool wntor.M , will bo poolmon.i of the fish vocurod by the tate tlsh commlHHlon especially for Ills occasion. MOMMPH. Younger and UiiHuoll have lie matter In chargn on the part of ho Btato horticultural nooloty which suro.M that no piilns or oxponno will c spa rod to miileo this otto of the lost attractive locations on the rounds. Fly Nets. A discount of from 15 to 20 per out on nil tlynota tlio next thirty lays. Now Is the tlmo to buy them. Paul Nordwls. ' .VII.OH MAUTIX HAS IIAU KVM AM hl'ltAIMU ) FOOT. IVSTANUKIl IlKKUSr.l ) ASMSTANCI3 \rrrMlril Mnn Appnirril Tlilx Mnrnlnu In 1'ollrr Court nnil 1'nl.l Mix I'lnc of > 7.K > Another ArrrM Miiy Hf- Niilt from HIP Cnnr. Olllcor CV. . Davidson IH another po- Icomnn who has yet to lonrn that the inn of a cluli Is not cxHotitlat In hand ing drunken mon , and the sooner ho nits It aside the hotter olllcur ho will 10. 10.A A tailor by the name of Martin , In ho employ of J. W. Humphrey , has a Kid eye and a .sprained ankle ns the osnlt of an encounter with the olllcor uul his club during a drinking bout Saturday night. The olllcor had plenty - ty of provocation , to ho mire , but n cult by the nldu of the head would mvo accomplished the fiamo end IIH he use of the club , without leaving the mark for days and possibly for I fo. Davidson first requested Martin to go homo hut ho said he would go when he got a good ready anil the of- Icor then wont to take Martin to the lull but Martin , who Is ordinarily do- ont and well behaved , fought and when lie saw that ho could not handle the man alunu Davidson requested ICmll Moeilur to asHl.st hut mot with a refusal , and uftor wioMtllng with Mar tin for a tlmo the olllcer drew his club , whlcu IUH Intended prisoner grabbed , and when the lupresontatlvo if the law wrenched the club free he ihed It with damaging offuct on Mar tin's hoid , who wait llnally thrown In all and ye.sterday molding wus r - oa od on his own lULOgnlzaiico to ap pear this morning. At the appointed hour today Mar tin mude hid appearance and was taxed a line of $2 and costs , the total amounting to $7.10 , with full assur- tnce the line and costs would be paid , the case was dismissed. There Is every probability that an other case will ho the outgrowth of this Incident and that Is the arrest of Moeller for refusing to assist the olll cer In making the arrest. Hail the as sistance been glvon It Is probable that the club would not have been usm and It Is contemplated to IHe a com plaint and Hwenr out a warrant under the statute against Moeller. Atlrmpteil Crlinr. A warrant was sworn out on Tues day charging John SCerka with at tempted rape upon the 7-years-oIi daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Myers near Olcott church. The crime was committed last Sat urday (13th ) and on Monday he re turned to the Myers home In the ab sence of Mr. Myers and Insulted Mrs Myers. He then loft and the warrati was sworn out the next morning. Zerka was caught on Wednesday evening at Nlohrara by Constable Smith. Crelghton News. In Great Demand. The demand for Chamberlain's Col Ic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy here has been so great that I have scarcely been able to keep It in stock. It has cured cases of dysentery tery here when all other remedies failed. Frank Jones , Plkevllle Ind This remedy is for sale by Leonard the druggist. Stuck In thr Mud. The alley between Norfolk am UraaHch avenues connecting Fourtl and Fifth streets has been a terror to teamsters for some time , and sine some of the worst mud holes hav boon filled with clay there has been no consldarable Improvement. Load ed wagons get stuck about every da when there has been a rain , and to day was no exception to the rule , dray loaded with salt getting stuck back of the Bishop block. The effort of the team to pull it out wore fruit less and a faithful , hut smaller team was substituted that did their love bent to draw the wheels from th mire , but the footing was not goo and after they Uad slipped and fallo several times both teams were at tached and the wagon was pulled t dry land. i > r.H < 'imiis : \\l HIOCOMMI'.MtH Tlir.VTMUVr \ ( iss ; or MoiMTtiiii : IIAUMIMH , , erliiiiN Injurj lj Illiiek nnil licit Html nnil Pink Mold U Niillernlile In Vii- rluiiN t.nciilltle * I'liriiMllr nnil UN l > iMi > loiiiH-nl | IN ItrMfrllH-it , Ur Krodnrlck K. ClnincnlN , a liota- lnt of the university of NolmiMkii , intrlhittoH to Ihn July IHHIIK of ( ho lltimto ntid ( 'roii bulletin ItiMiiod by 10 NeliniHlm unction of the United IntoN ilepiirtinent of agriculture , nn itlclo regarding the runt and inolil f Hinall graltm which IH of piirllcular iloiest ut thlH tlmo when they ap- car to ha vn cioated Hitch Inivnc In ic Htiiiill grain tlelilH of ( ho eiitlio cut Of piirtlciilnr value IH bin mig- oHtlnti fur the prevention of the timblo In tliii future by the burning ( the Htiihhlo mid the Htniw HludcH f liileoled lloldH. The article fot- i WH : Hunt and pink mold have been un mially prevalent mid de.Htnicllve In elilH of wheat mid iiutH dm Ing the romml Hi'iiHon. Tlio frequent Hluiw- I-H. which weio almost dully In ier- iln localities , furulHliod Ideal ciitull IOIIH for the Kerinlnatloii of the fun- IIH HPOICH mid tlio Infection of bent mid out plant * Tlio heavy tain ill of the punt two yearn hud CIIUHCI | lie rod runt to appear early mid biindmitly In the Holds of thin year 'he Hpniei of thlH Htagn fiiiitnl the teat mid niolHturc oxtiomely fuvor- hle to their riijild dovolopmoiit , wllh lie result that Hcnrcoly a leaf of a talk oHcapod Infectlnn. The | IOMIH | voro but little affected by the red list AH the cropH matuiod the ner- nil Hlago. tlio black niHt , appeared pou the HtalkH and leaven mid Dually poll the lieailn thouiHolvoH. The rilHt- ng of the lieuilH WIIH especially pro- ouncod In tliDHO plnciiH that ro- olvod the most rain and In UIOHC olds that were low ami oxpiiHcd to ho sun. In many noctlniiH ralim woio reiient ( | during the formation of the mads mid the opening of tin ) MOWITH Ono roHiilt of thlH undoubtedly wan D prevent , the pollination of man > lowor.H and tlio Hiibsoiiueiit formation i > nHoiiiniicu , however , wan the np- icarmico of pink mold upon tlio hciiilH ' | IH | dlHcaHo IH much IOHH common In NeliniNkn than giuln niHt and ap- iiuontly It devolopn only In very miilHt HCIIHOIIH , but during tlio present HUIII- nur It IIIIH boon In many places an de- Htrucllvo us rust. The Injury wrought by red niHt and ilack runt IH brought about In varloun vay.H. The chief harm arl.seH from the not that the runt IH n piiniHlte which ipproprlatoH to Its own IIHO the Hiigar mil protold maiiufiictured by tlio eaves for the nutrition of the wheat ilant mid for Htorago In tlio grain. In iddltlon , tlio rupture of the leavc.s and HtomH by the IIIIIHMUH of red and black HporoH destroys the tlsHiies and por- nltH the Hap of the plant to he lout ty evaporation. Tlio food material hat CHcapUH the runt threads In tlio eave.s pays a heavy tribute to the rust masHOH on the Htalk. In ordinary yearn the food supply of food laden nap reaches the head without further II.MH , and a largo amount of It ovoiitu- illy Htored In the grain Htarch and gluton. The proHont crop , however , rooolvod UH most HorloiiH Injury from ho iiroHonco of black runt and pink nolil upon tlio bond. In many lloldH n the southeastern part of the Htato. tlio.so two fungi iiHod the greater part > f tlio nourlshmont ilontlned for the graliiH , and the latter became more Hhrlvcled hullH. Of the two , the pink mold canned by far the most damage. is it wan much more frequent In the loads and was more abundant when > oth wore present. The runt grows within the tissues ) f the wheat or oats ; Its presence Is readily told when the spores burst through and appear on the surfaco. The pink mold , on the contrary , grows In tiiftH or even layers on the surface ( if the heads , sending little HUJkora down Into the tlxsues of the host plant. The runt has two kinds o ( spores ; the red rust HporoH , or sum mer spores , which nro formed con tinually during early summer and germinate at once to Infect new plants ; mid the black runt , or winter spores , which are formed as the grain matures and have thick walls for the purpose of living safely through the winter. The pink mold ha.s for the most part a single kind of spore ; It Is thin-walled and germinates within a few hours under proper conditions , but it Is also capable of lying through the winter. When rust or mold has once ap peared In a grain field there Is no adequate remedy for It. If the sea son be a dry one or the Hold upland , the damage will be lens ; In a wet year and In low lands , the loss will be great. In combating these serious dlHeaset . , of the small grain the only measures worth while are preventive ones Young fields of grain are regu larly Infected from the black rust Hporen of the old stubble , of straw stacks , etc. There Is little or no danger from the seed grain. In con sequence all badly rusted straw and stubble should he burned to destroy the Hpores. Where a header Is used to harvest a rusted Held , the whole field should be burned over afterward. In addition , rotation should be uni formly practiced , as corn , alfalfa , etc , are not attacked by the rust of small grains , and wheat and oats are much less subject to rust when they follow other crops. As wheat and oats ma ture early before there Is serious dan ger from drouth , as a rule , they should bo sown largely upon upland , where conditions nre less favorable to the development of rust and mold. Careful draining of lowlands will greatly diminish the ravages of these fungi. The greatest hope of the farmer , however , lies In the produc tion of rustroststant varieties , a work which barely begun aa yet , contains great promise , Are You Going to the World's Fdfrr If HO , you Hhnulil taku nlonj ; a hot * lo of ( lliiuiiliorlnln'fl Colic , Cholura nil Dliirrhoun Itoiiicily. The hot .ventlior , fatlKtio mid chniiKo of drink- wutor nnil illnt nro almost curtain o product ) ( Iliirrhoim , and when you ave Ililn rumnily ntu hand yon can liccli It at oiici ) . If you WHI ( ! to liny t whllo there you can not It at any nloro In St. Ioul t and at the Inn Dm * ; Storo. For stilu by .oomml , tlio drtiKKlRt. * WAS A VERY SICK DOY. Out Cured by Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. . "Whon my boy wan two years old 10 hud n very severe attack of bowel 'oinpliiliit , hut by the nno of Chambar- aln'H Colic , Cliolora and Diarrhoea toiuudy wo brought him out all Uhl , " nayn Mn Klo Illckox , of Mid * nnil , Mich ThlH rummly can bo do- H'lnli'il upon In the nioHt Hovoro cases. Oven cholera Infuntum IH cured by I Follow the plain printed direction ) ! mil a euro Is curtain. For sale ty Leonard , the At all times. In nil ca oni No mutter who you r or wliere you are Gund's Peerless Beer will be enjoyed and appreciated. Ilrownd by tlio fixmniii ( lima I'rncen umlor tliu rnnit mending conditions i > ( climnll- linpniuii liy san < Uiiry Bcluiioii. AU Your Dottlvr Accent ffo Othtr JOHN GUND BREWING CO LA CROC. Wit. De WITT'S WITCH HAZEL SALVE. THE ORIGINAL , . A Well Known Cure for Piles. Cures obstinate sores , chipped hands , eo > zema , skin diseases. Makes burns and scalds painless. We could not Improve the quality If paid double the price. Tha best talva that experience can produce or that money can buy. Cures Piles Permanently DoWltl's Is the original and only pure and genuine Witch Hazel Salve made , Look ( of the name DeWITT on every box. All otben counterfeit. are rxirAKio IT E. C. D WITT A CO. . CHICAGO. CASH FOR POULTRY Highest Market Prices Paid at all Times. NORFOLK Lotitf Distance Telephone , 193. ' FARM LOANS Lowest Riles. W , J , GOW & BRO , NORFOLK , NEBRASKA. Money on Hinl FARM LOANS "POUOW TUB TAKE THE WABASH SAINTLOUIS THE ONLY LINE TO THE WORLD'S FAIR MAIN ENTRANCE. HARRY E. MOORES den. Ast. Pass. Dept. , Omaha ,