The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, August 26, 1904, Image 1

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Nnmex of Vemielii unit Number of I. lye *
I.oHt Not Known Emperor Ordrm
the DlmnnntlliiR of tlic Ve * el In
Shanghai Ilnrbor.
TOK1O. Aug. 25 , 9 o , m. Two Rus
sian torpedo boat destroyers struck
mines tit the entrance of Port Arthur
harbor last evening1.
The larger one of the destroyers , a
four-funnoled one , was sunk.
The names of the vessels and the
number of lives lost Is nof'uown.
Chcfoo Ilrportn Tcrrllile IIONHCH ti.
IlcNlcKcrx nt Port Arthur.
CHEPOO , Aug. 25. Russian advices
received here say that the Japanese
assaults on Port Arthur August 21
nad 22 wore repulsed with tremendous
deus losses. It Is added that the at
tempt of the Japanese to capture fort
No. 1 cost them 10,000 men and the
attack on Fort Htcshan resulted In
their losing 3,000 men , killed or
JapuncNc Field Marxlm ! With Force *
Attacking I'ort Arthur.
LIAO YANG , Aug. 25. Field Mar
shal Oyama , the Japanese commander-
Sn-clilof , IB understood to bo with the
besiegers at Port Arthur.
Cxnr Nicholas Sent McminKe to Crown
Offering Cnngrntulntlonx.
SHANGHAI , Aug. 25. The cruiser
Askold and the torpedo boat destroyer
Orozovol , now In this port , have been
ordered dismantled by Emperor Nich
olas of Russia. The emperor sent a
message to the crows congratulating
them on saving the vessels and thankIng -
Ing them for their services to the em
The vessels will be put out of com
mission by Sunday.
The Askold and Grozovol have been
ofllclally declared to be disarmed and
out of the contest.
Three Crnlxerji Taking Fuel From
German Stenmer at Cape .Inby.
LAS PAliJIAS. Canary Islands , Aug.
25. Fishermen report that three Hus
sion cruisers are coaling up from the
German steamer Valesla at Capo Juby ,
off the south coast of Morocco.
Government Engineer * Directed to
Report on the Irrigation
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Aug. 25.
George Y. Wlsner and John II. Quln-
ton , composing the board of consult
ing engineers of the reclamation serv
ice , have been directed by the chief
of the tervlce to go to Belle Fourche
S. D. , September 3 , to examine and re
port on the engineering features o
the Belle Fourcho Irrigation project- -
Plans for this work have been prepared
pared by local engineers In charge
and Wlsner and Qulnton are to go
over the line of the proposed reser
volr and canals and suggest any
changes that they may think neces
After their report Is received and
changes suggested , if any , are mad
In the plans , specifications will be
drawn and advertisements sent ou
for proposals for the construction o :
the works.
Meantime the Interior departmen
Is making good progress In acquiring
control of the land to he reached by
these works. The agreement of th
Belle Fourcho Water Users' associa
tion , which binds all its members to
take the water when supplied by the
government , and pay for It at the
rates fixed by the government engin
eers , and which gives the government
what amounts to a mortgage on
the land until all payments are made ,
is now being considered by the legal
officers of the department.
Burglar * Found It Ennler to Make
Their Own Door.
MINNEAPOLIS , Aug. 25. Thieves
who robbed the fur store of M. Rosen-
fitoln , 913 Nlcollet avenue adopted anew
now method of gaining an entrance
to the building. Finding the doors
and windows all securely fastened ,
they attacked the rear wall of the
place and battered a hole through It
largo enough to permit them to en
ter. They then stole a calfskin , an
astrakhan , fox and a mink coat , the
total value of which was about $150.
To Open Campaign In Brooklyn.
NEW YORK , Aug. 25. Arrange
ments have been completed for the
opening of the democratic campaign
In Brooklyn tonight. The meeting
will bo held under the auspices of the
Kings County Democratic club and the
principal speaker will be Senator Joseph -
soph Bailey of Texas. Besides Senat
or Bailey , Edward M. Shepard and
Martin W. Littleton will speak , and
the meeting will be considered the
ratification of the national ticket by
the Kings county democracy.
In Faxt Approaching Completion nnd
\VIII he n Credit to Unite nnit
llojd Count- .
UtITTB , Nob. , Aug. 25. Special to
The News : The now courthouse IP
fiiHt approaching completion and whnn
finished wilt bu n credit not only to
Unite but to the whole county.
Ilndnr Agent Annnulled.
HADAR. Nob. , AUK. 25. Special to
The News : After an Interesting ball
game played by Iliulur nnd Pierce ,
which was won by Iliulur , the Pierce
boys drove around town later leaving
toward Norfolk. As they wore crossIng -
Ing the bridge south of town , Mr.
Friend , station agent here , who wan
coming from the pasture with his cow ,
was struck by one of the boys who
Jumped out of the buggy. Ho had no
warning. Mr , Friend Is not nn able
bodied man.
if _ _ _ _ _ _
. 9 , ; ' 7/ .ilcrxon Returned to Unite
LnxilKht From Redllcld , S. I ) . ,
Where He Hint Apprehended the
Man Charged With Stealing Horxox.
BUTTE , Neb. , Aug. 25. Special to
ho News : Sheriff Anderson returned
rom Hcdlleld , S. D. , last night with
Rube Newton , the horsothlof , who
scaped from the county Jail July 27.
Iln Trial In Simpended During the
Trouble at Shanghai ,
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Aug. 25.
One result of International compllca-
lens which have arisen at Shanghai
vor the Chofoo Incident , and the ot-
ogcd Inability of China to maintain
icutrallty , will bo to postpone con-
Idcratlon at the state department of
hargc.s against Consul General John
It was said at the state department
oday that Mr. Goodnow , with his
oven years experience as Aemrlcan
onsul general , would bo given Im
plicit Instructions and thai Secretary
lay has confidence that they will be
carried out. During the Hoxer trouti
es , Mr. Goodnow handled matters to
he entire satisfaction of the govern
Although a vigorous denial has been
made regarding any Interference by
he American squadron In Chinese
waters , It Is significant that the
Jouble turreted battleship , Monado-
nock , Is within a half hour's sail of
The place where the Russian cruis
er , Askold , Is undergoing repairs , Is
right In the heart of Shanghai harbor ,
with half a million people within
range of her guns. For that reasoi
alone the United States and Greai
Britain will take no chances of jeojp-
ardlzlng their Interests.
I' . A. II. Wldener Prcxentx Hid Little
GranddaiiKhtcr Half n Million.
NEWPORT , Aug. 25. Yesterday Flf
Wldenor , the 3-year-old daughter o f
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wldener , of Phil
iidolphla , celebrated her third birth
day here by giving a garden party and
a luncheon. Her grandfather , P. A ,
B. Wldenor , the millionaire tractlor
magnate of Philadelphia , presented
her with a check for $500,000 , but IK
was more Interested in the big birth
day cake , in which blazed three tiny
candles , and the childish gifts she re
celved from Masters Cornelius Van
derbilt nnd Alfred Vanderbllt , and ether
or Infant swains. Thirty children
were present.
Secretary Hitchcock ReeelreM Coin-
plalntH AKitlnxt Trndcrx.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 25. Owing to
numerous complaints received at the
Indian bureau that some of lite trad
ers on the reservations In Minnesota ,
Wisconsin , North and South Dakota
were overcharging Indians , Secretary
Hitchcock Is considering a proposi
tion to revoke all traders' licenses
and In their stead have general stores ,
to be conducted by Indian agents. Or
ders were sent today to Indian agents
at the above reservations to Investi
gate fully and , In connection , to give
their views of the feasibility of the
establishment of government stores
on the reservations.
Plan Pence Parley on President' *
ST. LOUIS , Aug. 25. One of the
proposals that will he made by the
American group before the Interpar
liamentary conference which will beheld
held In the hall of congress at the
world's fair next month , Is that the
president of the United States be au
thorized to call a general peace con
ference some time next year. It Is
not the intention of the American
group to have this conference along
the lines of that at The Hague. They
wish to establish a system of arbitra
tion among the countries of the world
which will bring about a reduction
of armaments of the powers ,
Wedding Trip on Freight Train.
NEW HAVEN , Conn. . Aug. 25. Pre
ferring to travel on their wedding
trip on freight trains Instead of in
Pullman cars , Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Arkwrlght , of western Now York ,
passed through here last night on
one of the through freight trains en
route for Maine. They have traveled
the entire distance since they left
home ( n the caboose of a freight.
niii.sniF TO A TREI : .
Then the Chair Wnn Knocked .From
Under Her nnd .She StrnnuI'Ml Had
Prctlouxly Threatened t Make Way
With llemelf.
NIOHUARA. Nnb. , Aug. 25. Special
to The No wo. Mrs. Kronm. a lioho-
mlan wonuin , eighty yours of age ,
hung herself last night to a tree. In
her yard here.
She had probably stood on a t'hnlr
with the rope around her nock nnd
had knocked the chair from under her ,
permitting her weight to fall on the
Old ago and temporary hiHunlty IH
supposed to have been the reason for
hot self destruction. Shu IIIIH pie-
vIoiiHly threatened to put herself out
of the way.
Shu IIUH two or throe chlldien , all
grown , but lived In town alone , with
the exception of a girl who was hired
to keep her company and help to da.
the work
Mm. Emilia Mum Thro llemelf Into
the Itltcr at Sioux Fnllx.
SIOUX FALLS , S. D. , Aug. 25. Mrs.
Hmma Shaw , aged thirty-live , commit
ted Hiilclde by drowning. She sopa-
ratud from her husband about two
yenis ago and this summer procured
( i divorce. She had boon downhearted
for Home little time , and u conference
between herself and her former hus
band last Sunday appeared to maki
her worse. She loft her homo at 1:30 :
this morning nnd proceeded to the
waterworks and pumping station
whore she throw herself Into the wa-
tur. It was several hours before her
body was recovered. She leaves two
PnxMcd a Comfortable NlKJit , Hut li
Still Very Weak.
WORCESTER , Mass. . Aug. 25. Sen
ator Hoar passed a comfortable night.
Ills throat and lung trouble have dis
appeared but he Is Htlll very weak.
He IH holding his own in the con
test with death.
Rank Clerk * In Scxxton ,
ST. LOUIS , Aug. 25. Onu of the
most representative gatherings hold li
St. Louis during the exposition perloi !
Is the convention begun today by thu
American Institute of Hank Clerks
At the opening session this morning
the roll call showed that delegates
were In attendance from nearly every
large city from Boston to San Fran
Cisco. The business sessions will con
tinue three days nnd will bo devotee
to papers nnd discussions on topics
i elating to the work In which the
i members of the organization are en
gaged. Tomorrow the intor-chapte
debate , one of the most Interesting
features of the Institute's annua
meetings , will take place. The con
testants will Include representatives
of the St. Louis , Plttsburg , Cleveland
Chicago , New York and Baltlmon
chapters. Minneapolis has sent an _ In
yltntlon asking the organization"
hold Its next convention In that city
Henrnt for Governor.
ESOPUS , N. Y. , Aug. 25. The lates
governorship gossip heard among pdl
Itlclans at Esopus Is that Willlatr
Randolph Hearst Is to emerge at th
last moment from his position of oh
scurlty since the St. Louis convention
and will try to win the nomination
for governor. This , however , Is In the
event there should bo a disagreement
between the Tammany forces who are
now advocating the nomination of
Goodhear , and the Stanchfleld element
operated by David B Hill
Having Reen Unable to End Hitter
In > x and More Dltter Night * by
SlaxblnR HIM Wrlut , Dale Freeman ,
Aged 10 , Makex a Gun Play.
Falling to commit suicide by slash
ing his wrist and still stinging with
an arrow of bitter disappointment
which a cruel Cupid had sent Into his
youthful breast , Dale Freeman , aged
19 , was relieved on Norfolk avenue
last night by Chief of Police Kane of
a well loaded revolver with which he
admitted he had Intended to "scare"
some people , but with which , the po
lice had been Informed , he wanted to
either blow out his own brains or
shoot another.
The police had a "hunch" that young
Freeman had tried to get oven with
the world for the way It had treated
him , by scraping a hole Into his hand.
When Chief Kane met the young man
on the street , he found the gun , all
loaded for bear.
According to the police. Freeman
had been disappointed in his affairs
and this was the result. He was sent
homo and told to go to bed. The chief
kept the gun. The trigger is off but
the gun could be discharged 'by using1
the hammer.
hrenhltiK tll e * til In Ul ( htixhclx of
SprlnitVhentt lit ) In IOII of Onlx.
Unlit * Inmirlnwi
lU'TTB ' Nob. Aug. . .
, , 2f.---Hpoilal to
ho NnwN Threshing Is In full pro-
rcfM and the yield of spring wheat
M from twelve to twenty busholH to
10 nuro , fall wheat from twenty to
ilrty per nero ; while mils are run-
Ing from sixty to 100 hiiHlioItt per
ere. The recent rains Insure a big
orn crop and , taking everything Into
moderation , this will prove a linn-
or year for Moyd county.
I. II. Maiick of Nrlxnn Nominated for
CoiiKrcMN by the Pemocriitx and
Pnptillxtx at Until limn.
HASTINOH , Nob. . AUK 2li - 11. II
laui'k of NelHon has lieen nominated
or ooiiKroNH by the democrats and
npullsts of the Fifth district. In con
dition hero
trlke Lendcrx lla\e Culled a Meeting
and There IN a Proxpect nf Reopen
ing NcKotlntlonx , Independent of the
Council' * Etrortx.
CHICAGO , Aug. 25. J Ogden Ar-
nour returned unexpectedly from Ills
'iioatlon today and reports of another
( Tort to bring about peace nogntla-
IOIIH. Independent of the council's of-
orts , are Immediately In clruulatlon.
The strike loaders have called a
neutlng anil unusual Interest Is man-
'nneerted Action by Pnekcrx to Sta
tion Federal Troop * n | Omaha.
OMAHA. Aug. sr > . T. J. Mahoney ,
> ne of the attorneys for South Omaha
lackers , Dually 1ms acknowledged the
oncortod effort on the part of hln
Hunts and associates to station fed-
> ral troops at South Omaha and along
he railroads from Omaha to thu
strike centers and also to concentrate
ill legal proceedings In the federal
ourt from which thu Injunction
sHiied to the packers.
This action has been anticipated by
the strikers slnco the strike begun
Mr. Mahoney admits more witlHfiieto-
y results can bo obtained by this
iroeo.sH than by having city and coun
ty ofllcors preside over the destinies
if the strike.
"This course has been determiner
ipon for several reasons , " the repre
sentatives of the packers say. "Tho
principal one is because thu packers
hilm they can get no Justice In Soutl
Omaha. They also HUV they do noi
desire to oncunilipr the county couri
with n lot of cases Hint really shoulii
not bu brought there. It Is also as
sorted that by keeping the wholi
strike trouble within the conllncH o
one court proceedings CUM be greatly
.simplified and the federal court has
been selected nn the one best sultei :
to the purpose"
"That tribunal cnn , I think , cal
upon the United States troops to en
force Its mandates , " said T. J. Maho
ney. "While a demand for govern
ment troops will only bo mnde as i
last recourse , such a move Is possible
Several rumors have been circulate !
lately to the effect that attacks won
to be made by strikers upon tin
trains carrying worklngmen to am
from the packing houses. If this I
done , although I hope and think 1
will not he , It will bo a most llagran
violation of the Injunction restraining
the strikers from Interfering with th
business of the packing houses. Th
United States court could then ,
think , call out the government troop
to prevent a repetition of such a
offenxe. If there was reasonable
ground to believe that such a crime
was about to be committed the court
would also then be Justified In calling
out the troops to maintain order. It
also can call upon the troops to en
force Its mandate against Interfer
ence with packing house workingmen -
men on the part of the strikers whenever -
over It deems such a course neces
sary. "
Danger In Feeding Straw.
SALEM , S. D. . Aug. 26. A Mr. Reid
of Lane , this state , has given out a
timely warning to men who are In the
habit of feeding straw to cattle. He
states that during the black rust
plague In Wisconsin , Minnesota and
Iowa about fourteen years ago large
numbers of cattle died from eating the
straw. It was quite a time before the
cause wls discovered , but finally the
government experimental station gave
out Information that the black rusted
straw was the cause.
Gather Together the Trro Thousand
People He Han Married During the
I'nxt Nine Year * .
SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 25. Trinity
Methodist Episcopal church is to be
the scene tonight of one of the most
unique gatherings ever seen on the
coast. It will be a reception and ban
quet And the host of the occasion will
be the Rev. Dr. John A. B. Wilson.
The guests will be the couples who
have been united In marriage by Dr.
Wilson during his career as a minis-
tor. During the last nine years he has
united two thousand persons In mar
riage and he expects the most of them
to bo present at the reunion to respond
spend to the toast , "Is Marriage a
Failure ? " Visitors to the affair are
already here from many parts of tha
UNlfe Tellx of the Crime and ( he
Ncuro I * Arrexted Deed \Vnx Done
M .Mo n Hi A HO and She Feared For
Her Life If She To lit
NIOHUARA , Nob. , Aug. 25.-Special
> The News : Alfred Holler , a colored
nn about seventy-two yearn old , was
nested hero for thu murder of bin
hlld Ills wire na.VH ho killed the
hlld last month with a saw , and lul
led the dead body.
She hail kept quiet from four of her
unhand , who threatened to kill her ,
Iso , Hhoiild she uxpofto the killing.
Holler and wife have been oxlntlng
II summer In a teepee on the roxor-
atlon , about tluee miles from town.
llx llext FlKiircx Luck l''our ' Vntex of
EleclliiK .Indue Pnrker.
NHW VOR1C. Aug. 25. Cliulrmnn
' . In a recent Inlervlow with
udgo Parker , made some very frank ,
ot to say brutal , statements regard-
iiK the campaign outlook. U Is no-
looablo that there IH a luck of on-
hiiHlasm among Iho democratic load-
rs horn. The Murphy-McCarron fond
loeomoH more blttor the longer It Is
ontlnuod , and aside from that the
general situation dooH not liinplru con-
Ideneo. In the light of all this , Mr.
I'nKKiirt pointed out to Parker porHon
illy , during a visit to Knopus , thu al
Hi liiHiiperablo dllllcilltlen In the
A'liy ol Parker's oleullon The news
tvnsn't welconiu , but perhaps It IIIIH Hot
ho Parker people thinking. Taggarl
old Judge Parker that the domocrat-
e vote In the electoral collegu could
iiirdly go above 20S , which Is : tl short
if a majoilty. lie gotn the -08 by
idilhiK to the Holld Houth , which IIIIH
51 votes. New York with 311 ,
A'est Virginia with 7 , Nevada with
.1. and Maryland with H. With u lib-
nil campaign fund be thought It pos
sible to add to this lint Nuw Jersey
with 12 votes , Connecticut with 7 and
thodu Island with I , making 2.15 , or
short of a majority. lie didn't know
or thn life of him whom those four
wore to bo got. Indiana , ho said
was almoHt hopoloHHly republican
The gold democrats there wuro not
returning to their llrst love In sulll-
elont numbers , ho tepoited , to over
turn thu republican majority. In III)1 )
mils and WlKcoiiHln he saw nothlmi
but republican mnJoiltloH , no matter
what kind of a campaign might bu
made , and ho felt certain of nothing
In thu far went except Nevada.
' 'ornirr KIIIIKIIX Senator Ileen Making
Money In Ve .Mexico and Would
Like to be Ielcjllle.
SANTA KB , N. M. . Aug 25 "Jerry1
Simpson , who has been busy making
rnonoy since he emigrated hero from
Kansas several years ago , now feoli
a longing to re-enter the field of poll
tics. Mr. Simpson aspires to bccoim
the territorial delegate In congresi
and his name will be presented fo
nomination at the democratic tcrrlto
rial convention In session today. II
has a considerable following among
the party lenfdcrs and his nomination
Is among the possibilities. His prlii
clpal opponent Is George I' . Money o
Las Vegas.
Mlxxlxxlppl I'opiillxlx ,
Jackson. Miss. , Aug. 25. Delegate
from various parts of the state as-
Hornblod In convention hero today In
an effort to revive the populist party
In Mississippi by naming electors and
choosing a now state executive com
mittee. Thomas E. Watson , the popu
list nominee for president , addressed
the delegates this afternoon In the hall
of the house of representatives.
A Toy of the Wlndx.
MINNEAPOLIS , Aug. 25. Blown
into Lake Mlnnetonka , then lifted out
of the water by the wind , hurled
through the air and set down with a
heavy thump on land thirty-five feet
back from the shore line , was the re
markable experience of II. BIgurgen ,
the engineer of A. C. Lorlng's launch ,
In the tornado.
When BIgurgen saw the approach
of the storm he rushed down to the
lock to make everything safe. He
leaped aboard and was tying down
loose cushions and piling the chairs
In a sheltered corner , when the blast
struck the boat. It swayed violently
In the water , which was then lashed
Into great waves.
Clinging on for dear life Blggurgen
felt the launch lurch violently and
then turn turtle. In the water and
almost beneath the boat the engineer
had a hard time of it. He kicked
himself free and tried to swim ashore ,
but the waves sent him under time
and again , until he was so fatigued
that he sank. He went down twice
and was thinking It was all over for
htm when out of the water ho was
A minute later he sat way back on
the shore numb and sore. He looked
about him bewildered and began rub
bing some sore spots , meanwhile won
dering whether it were really true
that he was ashore , and , if so , how
did he get there.
Before he arrived at any satisfac
tory explanation another guat of wind
einperiilure for Twenty-four Ilonm
Endlnu at S O'Clock TltU Morning.
1'orecnxt fur Nebraska , M
Condition of the weather 'in record *
it for the 21 bourn ending at 8 A. m.
axlmmn 97
Inlmiim 58
vnrngo 78
ofal rainfall for month 4.79
aiometcr .10,10
CIIIC.AUO , Aug , 25 , The bulletin In-
led by thu Chicago station of the
tilted fltutoM weather bureau thta
ornlntr , gives the forecast for Na-
ranka an follows :
I'air nnd cooler tonight. Friday fair
Ith probably wanner west portion.
Mile hold of him and threw him nov-
al yaulM farther , twisting him no-
nroly and In the procoMS rlpplmc
very stitch of clothing from Mu
oily It WIIH In thin plight that ho
IIM forced to Hook shelter
Inxl InlcrexlltiH Context In In Slicnt >
.lcnrlcx Ix n IIIK Fmorlte Munron
Expected to Surprlxo Hie Illic FlRht-
er When Time Coniex ,
SAN KHANCISCO , Cal. . Aug. 25.
U eyes In the sporting world aru now
urnlng towanl San Francisco. In
his city tomorrow night , In the ring
f the Yosumlto Athletic club , James
Jeffries , the world's champion
lonvywolght pugilist , will defend hhi
Illo ngaliiHt Jack Munroo , thu former
lulto miner who Is conceded to bo a
vortliy opponent of the champion
von though ho may not bu capable
f defeating him.
I want It to bo known that I foul
liHolutoly sure that I am bettor than
vur , and that I expect to find Munroo
nu of the eiisloHt men to whip that
ever faced.
I will nay that I fool that I will put
ip a great fight , and that If I am
Irked U wilt bu beeailHo thu champion
s u better man than I am.
To experts of the game fuw llghtn
if tutor days will bo more Interesting.
Thu two KladliitorH completed their
York of preparation today , and from
low until thu gong calls them Into
o ring they will take Just enough
uxurrlso to keep In condition. Re-
iiirtH of the most confident nature
dine from both. Thu club under
ivhoHo aiiNplces the mill will take
illicit IH also Hiitlsllod with thu out-
ook. Not Hlnco Jeffries and Corbett
net IIIIH miclt Intelust been manifested
n a heavyweight contest , atid thlrt
10withstanding ! the fuui that Mun
roe IH comparatively nn unknown. Ho-
[ lortn say that every ronorvod seat In
thu cllihlioilHO IIIIH been Hold. That
IIIIH that at leant ' $10,000 wilt be In
thu box olllce when thu two men enter
the ring.
The mutch between Jeffries and
Munroo was made early In the spring
iil'tor n long period of negotiation.
The ditto originally llxed was June 17 ,
but a few days prior to that date It
WIIH found necesHary to agree to a
postponement on account of an Injury
to the champion's knee. After fur
ther negotiation the second date was
fixed. For more than a month now
the two men have boon working hard
getting Into condition , the champion
at bin old training quarters at Harbin
Springs , and Munroo at Sheehan's
roadhouse on the beach. For two
weuks Munroe has hail the advantage
of training under the eye of "Kid"
McCoy , one of the cleverest boxers
over scon In the ring.
A clone comparison of the two war-
rlois Hhows a considerable balance
In favor of Jeffries. He will enter the
ring weighing In the neighborhood of
220 pounds , as against 195 of Munroo.
Thu champion moreover towers a full
two Inches over Munroe. and Is nearly
three Inches longer In the reach. Ha
IH IIH fust as the miner , or faster. He
has a heavier punch with his left
hand , but It Is to be doubted If ha
IIIIH a superior right. A good punch
from Mil n roe's right. It Is conceded
Hiifllclent to put the bent of them
asleep If it lands on the right spot.
In the matter of ring experience
Jeffries has another tremendlous ad
vantage over Munroe. It Is no ex
aggeration to say that he has fought
ton hard battles for every one In
which the Montana man has engaged.
Among the opponents whom he van
quished were Corbett , Fltzslmmons ,
Ihulln , Sharkey nnd Maher.
With the exception of his four
rounds with Jeffries , which fight
irought him Into the pugilistic llme-
Ight , the only real contest In which
Munroo has engaged were with Peter
Maher , Al Limerick and Tom Shar
key. In these contests the ex-minor
certainly demonstrated that he was
no novice in the fighting game , but
he will have to show better fistic
qualifications tomorrow night than he
did against the trio In the east. His
knocking out of Maher and Limerick
gave him little standing , as Maher
was an acknowledged "has-been , "
while Limerick never did amount to
much as a fighter. It was his victory
over Sharkoy that gave Munroe , If not
the right , the opportunity , to match
Jeffries for the championship. Shar
key , though a back number , still had
enough fight left In him to make Mun
roe do some hard and fast work to
win the decision. It is claimed ha
has Improved to an extent that will
enable him to defeat the big fellow
who has successfully defended his
title' against such expert fighters as
Fltzslramons and Corbett