The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, August 19, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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The Fellow Who to Brutally Wound
ed Ollle Caole of Pierce That Death
Mny Result , Is Captured In York by
Chief Kane of Norfolk.
York. Neh. , Aug. Ill Special t
The News : .loo Scott , n meniher of
the York running team who went to
Norfolk last week , and who IH ho
llevi'd to he , beyond doubt , the a
nallant of Olllo Cnglo , the young man
from IMorce who was struck down by
HO vicious a blow from which ho may
die , has been arrested hero by Chief
of 1'ollco Murtln Kauo of the Norfolk -
, folk force.
V Captured at his homo In Nortl
York --shortly before midnight limt
night , Scott WIIH brought to the city
Jail by the oillcoft ilnfi romnlnccl bo
hind the barn over night. Today , In
charge of the Norfolk chief , ho left
the city for Norfolk , wlioro ho will
have to stand trial for the brutal
wounding of Olllo Cagle. In cnHe the
wound on the ton of Carlo's head
proven fatal , Scott will 1mvo n dccld-
' odly soriouB charge to face.
Scott IH very Bore at being arrest
ed. Ho was ugly In his cell last
night. Ho lives a mlle from the busi
ness portion of the city and was'tak
en by Burprlso when the Norfolk olll-
cor , clad In cltlzon'H clothing , approached
preached the house ,
Reach Norfolk Tonight.
. Chief Kane and his prisoner , who
has been a much wanted man In Nor
folk nil of the week , will reach Nor
folk tonight at 7.30 ever the North
western railroad. Scott will bo
placed Immediately In jail.
It had been feared by the odlcorR
from Norfolk that possibly their man
might , when ho learned of the se
rious condition of Caglo , got out of
the country. Ho has lived In York
for n long tlmos
"There Is no question In the world
but that this Is the right man , " said
Chief Kane.Vo have evidence ga
lore on that point. There IB no get
ting around It. This Is the follow
who struck Ollle Cagle. "
While Scott does not absolutely nd-
mil that ho struck Olllo Cagle , yet
tlioro IH so strong n chain of evi
dence wound about him that the po
lice consider him the man wanted ,
without n shadow of doubt. In mak
ing the arrest , Chief Kauo of Nor
folk was assisted by the York oill-
cors , and the evidence which was
gathered altogether nuikea them
think that they have the fellow
Little had been said about the matter -
tor In York. The running team had
kept the slugging very quiet. When
Uie Norfolk ofllcor arrived , however ,
the local police know what ho want
ed and It was no work to dig out ev
idence which they think will convict.
Joe Scott Is a man about twenty-
seven or twenty-eight years old. Ho
works In n machine foundry hero and
has , consequently , a powerfully mus
cular arm. That Is why the blow has
been so terrlflc In Its effect.
H. B. McGlnltlo was a city visitor
Thursday from Lynch.
v Herman Zltkowskl , who has been
visiting relatives and friends here ,
loft yesterday for Sugar City , Col , ,
where ho has the position of assist
ant superintendent and manager of
a sugar factory.
Mrs. George Korb of West Point
nnd Mrs. Ewlng of Sioux City passed
through Norfolk , visiting their aunt ,
Mrs. A. MncMlllan over night. They
were enrouto to Sioux City , where
Mrs. Kork will visit with her sister
for a time.
Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Bell loft for
Omaha today nnd will return this
evening. ' 1'hey were joined at Fre
mont by Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Chapman ,
who will spend the day with them In
Omaha , leaving for their home In
California tomorrow night.
Mrs. Sarah A. Price and Mrs. Re
becca Lawson of Westervllle , O. , sis
ters of Ira G. Westervelt , nnd his
daughter , Mrs. Jessie Reynolds , of
Denver , Col. , nro here attending the
family reunion In progress at the
Westervolt home on Madison avenue ,
opposite the United States court
L. P. Pasewalk was In Madison on
W. P. Buetow was In from Wayne
Frank Krueger was over from
\Vayne Thursday.
W. J. Bogue was In the city over
night from Madison.
C. J. O'Connor , Jr. , was In the city
Thursday from Valentine.
P. F. Pannabaker of Wayne had
business in the city today.
J. J. Calkins was an overnight vis
itor in the city from Bloomfleld.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Stucker of Stanton -
ton were here over Thursday night
W. C. Sutphen has returned to his
borne In Aurora , 111. , after a business
visit In Norfolk.
Miss E. J. Bender leaves Saturday
for Chicago. Enroute she will visit
friends at Ottawa , 111.
Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Gentle are now
nicely settled in their cozy new home ,
corner Norfolk avenue and Thirteenth
Congressman J. J. McCarthy of
Ponca , nnd H. R. Gurney of Fremont ,
who linn charge of the press bureau
during the campaign , were In Norfolk
today attending to political matters ,
G , A. Stnpcnhorst loaves tomorrow
for Seattle , Wash. , where ho expects
to make his future home. Mrs. Sta-
ponhontt will accompany him to Oma-
hn where she will visit a few weeks
until ho getH located ,
U. W. Jonan and his family left
thin morning for n four duys drive
through Knlnmar.oo nnd other pre
cincts In the vicinity southwest of
Norfolk , during which they will visit
their many friends In that locality.
Chas. Weheror left for llonesteel
on the noon train Friday to file on
his homestead , His number was G29
and his time for filing will bo next
Monday. Ho expects to secure n
cholco In a number somewhere near
the M)0 ) of locations.
Rev. .1. H. Clay and mm went to
H. G. llonner of Hooper watt a city
visitor yesterday.
Nathan 1) . Evans wa down from
Hattlo Creek yesterday.
W. C. HIIVII of Illoomflxild was a
Norfolk visitor yesterday.
Mrs. A. lllllorbeck of Osmond was
an early morning visitor to Norfolk.
Mrs. F. Weber and Mrs. F. E. Drew
of IMorco paid a visit to Norfolk yes
C. G. Marshall and 1) ) . A. Marshall
of Arlington had business In Norfolk
Schuyler M. Durfeo and Elmer E.
DavlH came down from Pierce and
sat up last night with Ollle Cagle.
Rov. H. G. Ryder , formerly of this
city but now of Tokanmh , visited with
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. lllakcnmn today.
S. R. McFarland , chairman of the
republican county central committee ,
has gone to Omaha to consult with
members of the state committee re
garding the coming campaign.
Editor A. F. Enon of the Stanton
Picket was in the city yesterday call-
Ing upon his friends , among them the
members of the newspaper fraternity.
Mr. Enos Is just recovering from a
fall ho sustained several weeks ago
by the breaking of a ladder. Ho
landed on hlH feet after a fall of ten
feet and was confined to his home for
three weeks. Ho Is now able to get
about with the aid of n cane.
The Norfolk orchestra of four
pieces went to Hosklns last night to
furnish music for the club dunce.
The weather man has como for
ward with the very proper sort of
weather to assist In ripening the corn
crop. It IH the opinion of a'close
observer of crop conditions that the
recent hall helped rather than dam
aged the corn crop , by retarding the
growth of leaves and contributing
strength to the stalk and cars. Some
farmers strip the leaves from the
.corn for fodder nnd to help develop
ment of the car nt this season of the
year , but for the farmers In this sec
tion the hall storm did something In
that direction.
Only three weeks remain until the
opening of the public schools In Nor
folk and In the meantime the pupils
will exert themselves to enjoy the tall
end of their long vacation to the ut
most. About the same time the
young men and women who have
completed their education as far as
the public schools arc concerned are
making preparations to enter college ,
and the prospects are that Norfolk
will bo 'as well represented as usual
at the higher Institutions of learning.
The state university will doubtless
claim a number nnd other colleges of
note will have additions to their stu
dent roll from this city.
Lieutenant Charles A. Meals ar
rived In O'Neill from Omaha. Lieu
tenant Meals Is the O'Neill boy to
graduate from the West Point mili
tary academy this year and he Is now
n full-Hedged military man with$1,400
a year to start on. His friends are
more than pleased nt the successful
termination of his four years at West
Point and predict for him a bright
future. Ho Is now out on a three
months' leave and has been visiting
friends In the cast since graduation.
Ho will remain with friends nnd rel
atives for a short time nnd then goes
to California where his parents live ,
and about October 1 sails from San
Francisco for Manila , where ho has
been assigned to the Eighteenth In
Very Low Excursion Rates to San
Francisco and Los Angeles ,
Via the Northwestern line , will bo In
effect from all stations August 15 to
September 10 , inclusive , with favor
able return limits , on account of K.
T. conclave and meeting of I. O. O. F.
Sovereign Grand lodge at San Fran-
cisco. Special trains , personally con
ducted , leave Chicago August IS and
25 on Itineraries that provide stop
overs nnd Interesting sldo trips. Two
solid fast trains through to Califor
nia dally. "The Overland Limited , "
( electric lighted throughout ) less
than three days enroute. Another
fast dally train Is "the California ex
press" with drawing room and tourist
sleeping cars. For Itineraries nnd
full Information apply to agents Chicago
cage & Northwestern R'y.
In Great Demand.
The demand for Chamberlain's Col
ic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
here has been so great that I have
scarcely been able to keep It In
stock. It has cured cases of dysen
tery hero when all other remedies
failed. Frank Jones , Plkevllle Ind.
This remedy is for sale by Leonard ,
the druggist.
J. E , Simpson Hands In Resignation
Because of III Health and It IB Ac
cepted Will Find Out What Cost
of Grading Fourth Street Is.
The city council mot purmmnt to
adjournment with the mayor and all
the councilman present except Wil
The following resolution WUH unan
imously adopted :
Resolved , That the following do-
Hcrlbed fddewnlkH bo condemned and
now walks ordered constructed with
in thirty days : Along the south side
of lot in , and west half of lot 0 ,
block 6 , nnd the east 8 feet of lot 10 ,
and lots , 11 , 12 , 111 , 1-1 , 15 nnd 10 ,
block 5 , original town of Norfolk ;
along the north Hide of the following
lots : w-Ht ( half of lot 8 , block 1 , and
lots 7 nnd 8 , block ! , all In Mathew
son's addition to Norfolk ; also along
the south sldo of Jots -I , 5 , C and 7 ,
block 1 , Uear's addition to Norfolk ,
The street and alley committee was
Instructed to ascertain the amount of
tilling nnd grading that would be nec
essary on Fourth street , between
Norfolk nnd Mndlson avcnuoH , to
gether with the cost of the same.
The same committee WOH likewise re
quested to have the new walks built
on South Fourth street that had pre
viously boon ordered. It was also di
rected that the new walk between
Second and Third street on the north
side of Pasewalk avenue be con
structed ns ordered by the council.
The four new crossings to be laid on
KoonlgHtcIn avenue were ordered
mndo of cement.
A motion was mndo that the coun
cil request all citizens to trim the
trees along the sidewalks nt least ten
feet high , so as not to Interfere with
the convenience of passers-by.
Reports of police judge , treasurer
and street commissioner were re
ferred to the auditing committee.
The following bills were rend and
allowed :
Oscar Uhh > $ 1 35
I. T. Cook 5 S3
American Ileet Sugar Co 17 GO
Norfolk Electric Light and
Power Co 3 00
Norfolk Electric Light and
Power Co CO 00
Norfolk Electric Light nnd
Power Co CO 00
Norfolk Light & Fuel Co. June 5510
Norfolk Light & Fuel Co. July CO 00
L. C. Mlttelstndt 13 41
W. A. Emory 23 90
Norfolk Electric Light nnd
Power Co 7 20
P. F. Sprecher 12 25
H. H. Miller 49 00
R. R. James 9 20
W. H. Lowe 5 75
F. L. Mnsstck 1 00
Ulakomnn & Hahn 3 85
J. H. Sanford 5 00
Nebraska Telephone Co 8 50
A. M. Tanner 11 40
R. R. James 8 50
J. W. Duncan 24 CO
August Schultzo 50
Silas Ball 1C 35
Frank Krueger 15 30
Ed Conley 24 45
Ed Conley 10 80
James Lindsay 1170
James Lindsay 1 50
Fred Hnmm 3 00
M. Endres 325 71
L. L. Heckendorf 7 50
Fred Klentz 50
John Krantz 1 00
Scotford Stamp and Station
ery Co 4 00
A. E. Groom 15 00
U. S. Dredge 27 75
R. L. Lovelace 19 00
Edwards & Bradford Lumber
Co 25 23
Edwards & Bradford Lumber
Co 93 50
Ed Conley . . . . , S 00
W. H. Leach 8 00
H. L. Spauldlng G CO
Ernest Raasch C 00
August Schultz \3 \ 00
T. M. Hull 8 00
Inasmuch as the council had decid
ed at the beginning of the year not
to employ a city physician by the
month , Dr. Bear was requested to
Itemize his bill nnd present It at the
next meeting.
The communication of S. Hoyt in
regard to a fence around the dumpIng -
Ing ground was laid over until the
next meeting.
Ordinance No. 278 , being an ordi
nance to repeal section 5 of ordinance
No. 275 was read for the first time
nnd passed over until the next meet-
The resignation of J. E. Simpson ns
water commissioner was read and ac
Fly Nets.
A discount of from 15 to 20 per
cent on all flynets the next thirty
days. Now Is the time to buy them.
Paul Nordwlg.
But Cured by Chamberlain's Colic ,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. .
"When my boy was two years old
he had a very severe attack of bowel
complaint , but by the use of Chamber
lain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy we brought him out all
right , " says Maggie Hlckox , of Mid
land , Mich. This remedy can bo de
pended upon In the most severe cases.
Even cholera Infnntum IB cured by
It. Follow the plain printed directions
and a euro Is certain. For sale
by Leonard , the druggist
Fly Net Sale.
1 will sell llynets for the next thir
ty days at a discount of from IE to
20 per cent I am overstocked with
them and they must go.
Paul Nordwig.
Less Than One Half Fare
to Boston and return , via Wabasb
railroad ,
TIckctH sold August 11 , 12 and 13 ,
account G. A. R. The Wnbash has
been selected as the official line and
special train will lenvo Chicago via
Wabash R , R. from Dearborn and
Polk St. station at 1 p. m. August 14
for nil G. A. R. comrades , their fam
lly and friends.
Train will pass Detroit and a stop
made nt Niagara falls. Asldo from
this the Wabash has fast trains dally
from Onmha , Kansas City , St. Louis
and Chicago to Boston allowing stopover
ever ni. world's fair and other nolnts.
See that your tickets read via Wabash -
bash , the only line with Its own sta
tion at main entrance world's fair
grounds. All agents can route you
this way.
For rates , beautiful world's fair
folder and all Information call at Wa
bash city olllco 1C01 Farnnm St. , or
address Harry E. Moores , G. A. P.
D. , Wab. R. R. , Omaha , Nob.
The Individual for Whom Louis Ault *
man , the Young Thug Who Was
Killed Here , Was Arrested , Gives
His Permanent Denver Address.
[ From Saturday's Daily. ]
Dan Dee has been heard from. He
promises to return to Norfolk If he
IB needed , for the trial of Charles Pll-
gcr August 25 for the killing of Louis
Aultman , the Boston crook.
Dan Dee Is the man from Denver
whoso grip was stolen. He was the
only eye witness to the shooting and
It was for him that the arrest was
made. Ho has written a letter to
Otlicer Pllger , which Is as follows :
"Denver , Aug. 9. C. H. Pllger : :
Dear friend. Yours received yester
day. Glad to hear from you. Also
received copy of papers. In the event
that you should have any trouble you
can rest assured that I will come at
any time , as In doing so I would be
doing what Is right. From start to
finish you gave the fellow every con
sideration more than he was deserv
ing of. At that there are people In
the world that would be only too glad
to see you suffer and would gladly
swear themselves black In the face
to try and convict you for doing
your duty as an officer. We all know
there Is n certain class that hate the
law as well as any officer that tries
to do his" duty In trying to enforce the
"Assuring you that you can depend
on mo to tell the straight facts of the
case , which can only be favorable to
you as you only done your duty , I re
main , your friend , promising to respond
spend If called upon. A letter to 302
Qulncy block will always find me
even If I am out of town. "
"Always your friend ,
"Dan Dee. "
Dan Dee , It has been learned , was
a roulette wheel man In Bonesteel
and the batteries were , no doubt , for
the purpose of controlling the wheel.
Very Low Excursion Rates to Louis
ville , Ky.
Via the Northwestern line. Excur
sion tickets will be sold August 12 ,
13 , 14 and 15 , limited by extension
to return until September 15 , Inclu
sive , on account of K. P. encamp
ment. Apply to agents Chicago &
Northwestern R'y.
M\V HiJii.niNO m.ocK.s.
On Norfolk A CUIII * , Juxt Went of the
Klurlry lllock , the \v Home of the
Norfolk Lumber Company IN Now
lleliiK Kreoteil.
The first structure In the business
portion of the city to bo built en
tirely of building blocks , will be the
new olllco of the Norfolk Lumber com
pany , which wns begun yesterday on
the lot just west of the three-story
brick building known ns the Elseley
block , across from the Oxnnrd hotel.
\V A. Emory , manager of the Norfolk
Lumber company , hail the work be-
Rim and will soon have It completed.
The home of the new lumber com
pany will bo a structure 57x100 In
dimensions , with a 20 foot front.
Within a month It will be finished , It
Is thought.
Special summer tourist tickets at
greatly reduced rates to many points
In Wisconsin on sale by C. St P. , M.
& 0. Juno 1 to September 30. Return
limit October 3.
J. B. Eleefler , Agent
"If You Want to Know Whether or
Not I Deny That I Hit That Man , "
Says Scott , "You'll Have to Walt
Till the Trial Comes Off. "
[ From Saturday' * Pally. ]
Handcuffed nnd In charge of Chief
of Police Martin Kane , Joseph Scott
of York , n member of the champion
running team , accused of striking Ol
lle Cagle on the last rough night of
the Nebraska state tournament , was
brought back to Norfolk last night
to stand trial. If Cagle should die the
charge will bo for murder. What It
will be should Cnglo recover has not
yet been determined.
Scott Is now locked up in the city
jail here. Ho Is rather sullen about
his arrest. He has little to say.
Asked as to what defense he would
make nt his hearing , ho snapped
back , In a surly way , "Well , If you
want to know that you'll have to wait
till the time comes. "
"Will you deny that you struck Ca
gle ? " was questioned.
"I will not say , " said he.
Kane Sure of Man.
Chief Kane Is positive In his own
mind that Scott is the right man. He
says that two eye witnesses on the
York team , who stood by and saw
the whole affair , assured him that he
had the right man and said that they
would testify to that If subpoenled.
On the train Scott , when mention
was made of the matter , said , "I'd
rather not talk about It. "
Story of the Capture.
Scott was found in bed at his home.
He was completely surprised when
the officers arrived. He had not been
reading the papers and therefore did
not know that the Pierce man was
dangerously hurt. If he had been a
reading man he might have secvired
his liberty. Investments In dally pa
pers often give returns In more ways
than one.
Accompanied by the York county
sheriff , Chief Kane went to the home
of Scott in North York. The sheriff
knocked. Scott opened the door.
Kane entered nnd read the warrant.
For the first time the possibility that
he might be a murderer , suddenly
came over Scott. He turned as pale
an a sheet. He was "all in. "
Locked in jail that night , he was
taken back home yesterday morning
to get a change of clothing. His wife
shrieked and moaned. She was hys
terically affected.
"I'll have to go back to Norfolk for
hitting that man , " said Scott to his
wife , departing.
Put In Irons.
Leaving York , the prisoner was put
In handcuffs. He resented this. "I
would rather have a bullet In my head
th'an leave York In Irons , " he said.
But In irons he left York for all of
On the train the handcuffs were re
moved. At Fremont again they were
locked around the wrists. On the
train again they were removed and
the prisoner slept. When Norfolk
was reached , the fellow was taken In
a cab to the city jail and locked In.
An immense mob , who had read the
evening paper , awaited with curious
eyes the coming of Scott. A little
later he was given supper.
His brother-in-law , W. W. Walt of
York accompanies Scott. He Is here
to get the young man back home on
ball , If possible.
"What will your defense be ? " was
asked of Walt.
Will Have to Prove.
"They will have to prove that Scott
did the striking. " he said. "I don't
know whether he did or not. I have
not asked him. But several men In
York told me he was not the man.
Several others said he was. "
York attorneys will be here by
Thursday to defend Scott.
Kane's Work.
Kane worked on a foundation of lit
tle fact and landed his man In quick
time. He left Norfolk with no more
evidence than had been gathered by
The News.
"All that I knew , " said the chief ,
"when I left Norfolk , was what The
News had found out for me. The ev
idence gathered by your representa
tive at Madison and here was the
best and only definite clew I had. I
was up against a serious proposition.
I didn't know but that the assailant
might be a professional , who had long
since' returned to an eastern home.
I built railroads from Omaha to New
York In my imagination. "
Lucky Strike.
At Fremont the officer , in citizen's
garb , made a lucky strike. As he sat
In the station , a stranger asked him
where ho was from. "From Norfolk , "
said Kane.
"So ? " said the stranger. "I under
stand a fellow named Scott , on the
York team , struck a fellow in Nor
folk pretty hard. "
Kane said nothing. When ho got
off the train In York night before last ,
in the darkness , he met the sheriff ,
and asked for Scott. The sheriff had
heard a little of the affair and there
seemed to be no doubt as to the per
son. They all said it was Scott.
And within an hour Scott was in
Scott is a young man , comparative
ly. He is perhaps twenty-nine. He Is
not tail , but he is well built
Blow Under Chin.
An eye witness to the event at
York told Kane that the blow from
which Caglo suffers , was tsruck under
the chin ,
"Scott was not the first , man In
front of Cngle , " nays the eye witness ,
according to Kane. "Ho wns the sec
ond. Ho struck a blow under the
chin , from which Cagle went straight
up In the air , falling on the cement
walk , striking upon the top of his
head. "
Are You Going to the World's Fair ?
If so , you should take along a bottle
tle of Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera
nnd Diarrhoea Remedy. The hot
weather , fatigue and change of drinkIng -
Ing water and diet are almost certain
to produce diarrhoea , and when you
have this remedy ata hand you can
check It nt once. If you wish to buy
it while there you can get It at any
drug store In St. Louis and at the
Inside Inn Drug Store. For sale by
Leonard , the druggist
If you hnve a lion < e or u mule or n
cow or u house to trndo make your
offer In The News want column.
7 '
. . . .is. . . .
J } I ways Welcome.
Pure , Wholesome
. . . .AND. . . .
A Well Known Cure for Piles.
Cures obstinate sores , chapped hands , eo *
lema , skin diseases. M akes burns and scald *
painless. We could not Improve the quality
If paid double the price. The best salve )
that experience can produce or that money
can buy.
Cures Piles Permanently
DeWltt's Is the original and only pure and
genuine Witch Hazel Salve made. Look fof
the name DeWITT on every box. All othen
are counterfeit. rxBrAniD IT
Highest Market f
Prices Paid
at all Times.
Long Distance Telephone ,
* * * * * * * * ! ! - * * * * ! *
Lowest Rates.
W , J , GOW & BRO ,
Money on Hind.
* V V * # * * * * * * * * * * * * * J * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 'I * * * * * l * ' + ' 'I * 'J *
Gen. Agt Pass. Dept , Omaha.