The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, August 19, 1904, Image 1

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, , , .
Oromobol n nd llinmln Arrive In u Dnin-
ngcd Condition No Nevtn of I'nllnila
nnil Dliinn ItiiNiInn Coinmniuler lle-
to Surrender Tort Arthur.
8T , PRTERSBURG , Aug. IS. The
mobilization of the reserve troops In
flvo of the seven districts of the pro
vince of St. Petersburg has been com
Probably 30,000 men will bo taken
out of the population and called to
the Russian colors. Many factory and
mill hands will be Included.
Groninliol mid Ilinmln Join Vlndlvontok
ST. PETERSBURG , Aug. 18. It Is
learned from otllclal sources that the
cruisers Gromobol and Russia have
reached Vladivostok.
Both ships were considerably dam
aged during the recent battle.
There Is no confirmation of the re
port that the cruisers Pallada and Dl-
nna have reached Vladivostok and the
admiralty had no news this morning
bearing on the whereabouts of the
other vessels of the late Admiral
Wlthoft's squadron.
Every OlHccr Either Killed or Wound
- > ST. PETERSBURG , Aug. 18 , 6 p. m.
Jf"ater \ \ official dispatch from Vlodlvo-
- & 'hows that every officer on the
f < lf id Grombol was either killed
or- . ° 1 Rear Admiral Jessen
narro. / & / 'od the fate of the Wl-
' ' " 'usslan cruisers were
thoft. 'iv , Q'YC
literally riu < W ? \f \ guns and en
gines being pu < / 'y dismantled. The
escape of the i.usslan vessels from
Kamlmuras' four armored cruisers Is
regarded as a wonderful piece of luck.
It Is presumed that the pursuers of
the Russian ships did not dare go far
north , fearing some of the vessels of
the Port Arthur squadron would break
through the straits of Korea.
Cominnmler Jit Port Arthur
N .InpnneNe DrninndH.
LONDON , Aug. 18. It Is announced
from Toklo that In reply to the Jap
anese demand for the surrender of
Port Arthur the Russian commander
yesterday refused Uls surrender to the
besieging force of Japanese or to send
out the non-combatants.
St. Petemliurpf Not Surnrlned nt Gen.
StoenNel'H llenly.
ST. PRTRRSBURG , Aug. 18. Tha
report that General Stoessel , the Rus-
i V elan commander at Port Arthur , had
r declined to surrender In response to
the Japanese demands creates no sur
The war office would be amazed If
he should yield ivlthout a determined
Jnpan IlefiiHeM to Pnrt With the Cap
ture Ma tie In Chefoo Harbor.
LONDON , Aug. 18. The Japanese
povornment has oniclally notified
Great Britain that she does not pro
pose to give up the Russian torpedo
boat destroyer Ryeshltelnl , captured in
the Chefoo harbor.
AsKnllod In Turn l y IliiNt. Hot Wenth-
er nnil Drought.
FP.AZBR , Minn. , Aug. IS. The cut
ting of wheat In Becker county has
revealed far more destruction than
was at first suggested by the appear
ance of the grain. Southwest of De
troit the damage Is very great. Coun
ty Treasurer Glaum , who has a farm
of over 200 acres of wheat , says he
will not thresh over 500 bushels. Much
of his wheat and of others In that
neighborhood will be either burned or
nlowed under.
Some of the farmers are complain
ing that the hot weather has Injured
the late grain and In some cases .has
burned It up. Vegetables are also be
ing burned and will be scarce and high
In price this fall. Corn Is rapidly ma
turing , but the heat Is too great even
for It , and rain Is greatly needed.
Vermont Mnn SwiillinvN HI * Set While
Axlcep nnil IN Clinking.
RUTLAND , Vt. , Aug. IS. William
Dlxon Is dying ns the result of swal
lowing his set of false teeth while
asleep this morning. Dlxon walked
moro than a mile to a physician's of
fice after swallowing the teeth. Three
doctors have worked over him all day
but they have been unable to extract
the teeth. They are In the lower part
of the esophagus. Dlxon Is so weak
that he could not survive an opera
tion and Is constantly growing weak
er. He breathes with great difficulty
and cannot live long.
Czar AlioHnheN Corporal PiiulNhmcnt
. In Honor of HI * Son.
the acts of grace signalizing the birth
of an heir to the throne will bo the
total abolition of corporal punishment
throughout Russia. A ukase to this
effect Is expected to bo Issued today.
It Is reported , Inpparently on good
authority , that Emperor William , of
Germany , has asked , for the privilege
of acting as one of the godfathers of
the heir. The christening will take
place August 25.
crx nnil l.njni"n of the Ml enrl
\vnml are 1'roxriit I'niin All
IIATTLR CHUNK. Neb. , Aug. 13.
The Lutherans of the Missouri synod
nf this state nro In session hero thin
week. About 2RO ministers and lay
men are In attendance from nil ever
the state. Yesterday the synod open
ed with a sermon by Dr. F. I'olpor. of
St. Louis , who Is the general presi
dent of this great body of the United
States. Friday evening there will bo
i sermon again In connection with
the holy communion. Next Sunday
will bo a general mission feast and
services will bo hold In the morning.
afternoon and evening , the latter In
the Rngllnh language. Monday even
ing there will bo a sermon devoted to
the Lutheran schools , and on Tues
day the visitors will leave for tholr
homes ,
l' MM ) OK AI.H.VANDltlA ,
S. I ) . , HANK , SMOOTH HIMSni.K.
wouitiin OVKH 111,1100
AITuIrN of the Hunk lire Snlil In lie In
( iuoil ConditionloNeph I.inul 1'rc-N-
lilrnt of Hie I'lirmeni Hunk Could Not
See Illn Wn- Out of IMIIlenlt.v.
ALRXANDHIA , S. D. , Aug. IS. Jo
seph Lund , president of the Farmers
bank of this city , committed suicide
by shooting himself with n shot gun.
Worry over the payment of a Judg
ment for $1GOO against him la said to
have driven him to take his life. The
affairs of the bank arc said to bo In
good condition.
Arrangement * nil Completed for the
Fnriiuil Exerolnen In New York To-
nlKlit Senator Allen SpenkN.
NRW YORK , Aug. 18. The local
committee has completed all arrange
ments for the notification of the pop
ulist candidates for president and vlco
president at Cooper Union tonight.
Although Thomas E. Watson of Georgia
gia , the nominee for president , and
Thomas II. Tibbies of Nebraska , the
nominee for vice-president , will deliv
er the principal addresses of the occa
sion , there will also be on hand oth
er orators of note , among them ox-
Senator Wm. V. Allen of Nebraska and
Judge Samuel W. Williams of Vln-
cennes , Indiana. Preceding the notifi
cation there will bo a reception to
Messrs. Watson and Tibbies at the
Union Square hotel.
Oln > IiMi ky ANMiinien Fiinctlonn Today.
UlN Life IN Alrrmly Threat
18. Prince Obolensky today assumed
functions as governor general of Fin
land , In succession to General Bobro-
koft , who was assassinated June C.
The wife of the new governor general
has received many threatening letters
declaring that her husband will bo
killed within a week after arrival.
EdltnrN In Senlon.
COUNCIL BLUFFS , la. , Aug. 18.
There was .1 large attendance of ed
itors and publishers today at the openIng -
Ing of the Joint convention of the Up
per DCS Molnes Rdltorlal association
and the Western Rdltorlal association.
The visitors nro the guests of the Com
mercial club of Council Bluffs. At the
Initial session on this afternoon the
speakers Included S. G. Goldwalte of
Boone , E. T. Childs of Dunlap , P. S.
Junkln of Corning and Rimer Johnson
of Rockwell City. Congressman Wal
ter I. Smith has accepted an Invita
tion to address the meeting tomorrow.
Itegnn UN SCNH | IIH nt Stiillgnrt Today
fuller the I'ntrnmiKe nf Hie King
\Vlirteiiiliurir. .
BRRLIN , Aug. 18. The Internation
al Americanist congress began Its ses
sions nt Stuttgart today under the pa
tronage of the king of Wurtemburg.
the congress Is Well attended by
American , English , German , Italian ,
French and Spanish scholars , who nro
exports on the subjects to be dis
During the five days It will be In
session the congress will discuss :
The native peoples of America , accordIng -
Ing to origin , geographical distribu
tion , history , physical constitution ,
speech , material culture , mythology ,
culture , morals and habits ; the monuments
ments and ancient customs of the
American continent ; the history of the
discovery and settling of the new con
King William of Wurtemburg will
read a paper on several Interesting
but unpublished documents bearing
on American early history recently
discovered among the royal archives
at Stuttgart. The Spanish govern
ment will lay before the congress nu
merous highly Important state docu
ments throwing light on Columbus and
the history of his contemporary ad
venturers In the American hemisphere.
The Flour Market.
MINNEAPOLIS. Aug. IS. Mills put
quotations up with a big Jump yester
day morning. For some time they
have temporized with prices , as It
was dllllcult to sell flour on parity
with cash wheat. This morning they
made the full advance to get them In
line , and first patents are now $ G,309
G.40. Demand U very erratic and
spasmodic. The whole market Is In
tmort In a state of somldomorallza-
vi'.xr.iiiit.n SUNATOH or Mss. . \
in : is si'Fi > 'iniNi : rito.M
HolliMfd the l-lnil Will he Hem-lied
Within Three DIIJN UIIN Hern Sick
Three WeekN mill SulTereil n llrlnpxe
I.euUnu ; Him In Critical Cmidlllmi.
WORCESTER. Mass. , Aug. IS.
There Is no marked change In thocon-
lltlon of Senator Hoar this morning.
It Is evident , however , that ho Is
growing weaker , although ho may live
twenty-four IIOIII-H or perhaps forty-
eight hours longer.
The senator'H mind IH perfectly clear
and ho thoroughly realizes the scrl-
iiisness of his condition. Ho awaits
the end with calm resignation. Yes
terday he said farewell to his friends
and relatives , not knowing how soon
the end may come or how soon ho
would lapse Into unconsciousness
At 2.1f > this morning ho was sleeping
and his condition was unchanged
MrN. Fuller Died of Heart DNCIIMI | > To
day nt Siirentii , Maine , . .Vflrr n
llrlef IllnenN.
SORRNTO. Maine , Allg , 18.-Tho
wife of Chief Justice Fuljor of the
United States supreme court died here
today of heart disease after a brief
To Exleml riiurteNlt-N to flm. Mny-
tirlrk nnil Fiicllltnte Her Imuling ,
WASHINGTON , Aug. 18. It Is stat
ed at the bureau of Immigration today
that Its otllclals In charge at Now York
have Instructions not to detain Mrs.
Florence Maybrlck , now on1 her way
to America , after upending , , years In
an Rngllsh prison. The Now York of-
llals have been given Instructions to
extend to her every courtesy iluv an
American citizen , and to facilitate her
landing as far as possible.
l.l\e Stuck IN Prospering mid Crnpn
lire lliioinlng nt Sliinrl nnil VIe -
e I n I l.v.
STUART. Neb. , Aug. 18. From a
staff correspondent : Tlio hay crop
around Stuart , together with the corn
crop and the pork crop , shows up well
this season. The rains hnvo all had a
The Klnkald bill , opening those r 10-
acre farms , has settled up a portion
of country around hero which was be
fore vacant. . > . .
Tlio stock business Is the great busi
ness for Stuart. A largo number of
extensive dealers live hero. "Wo nil
rely on The News for our markets , "
said one of them today. "Your mar
kets save us 80 cents every day In the
year In telegraph tolls. It Is a great
help to us. "
! lal > 'M Criminality Itlfe In Ciithnni
mid Aid of ( internment Will he
NRW YORK. Aug. 18. Coming as a
climax to a long series of crimes of
violence and craft , the kidnapping of
8-year-old Antonio Manlno from his
home in Brooklyn by a band of Hal-
Han desperadoes has aroused a pitch
of Interest seldom evinced In this
community , where HO much lawless
ness picturesque or sordid Is dally
chronicled. Rverywhoro that men and
women meet It Is a chief topic of con
It Is not so much the settling of the
crime , though that Is sulllclently the
atrical , nor the widespread sympathy
for the boy and his bereft parents ,
that has caused the unusual public In
terest In the case. It Is the wonder-
whore nil this imported criminality
Is leading to , and the half fear that
the bands of "Black Hands" and the
Mafia , emboldened by the failure of
pollen efforts to suppress them or
protect tholr homes , may widen their
fields of operation , heretofore restrict
ed to their own countrymen.
It seems to the average New York
er as If the worst feature of Italy's
most lawless districts were to be
grafted upon orderly Now York ,
which Is unable to deal with this
growth of exotic crime.
The offenses that hnvo been com
mitted of late by organized bands of
Italians here are not all crimes of ox-
tortlon. Besides , kidnapping and
threats of murder , counterfeiting and
the stealing or forging of thousands
of citizenship papers are laid to
them. The result has been a great
and unjust cry against Italians In
general. Nobody feels this moro
keenly than do the many law-abiding
Italians who live In the city and Its
Immediate vicinity.
Washington Is to be appealed to ,
There Is a clamor that the immigra
tion laws bo more rigidly enforced ,
and Ellis Island authorities will be
asked to scrutinize moro carefully the
papers of the Italians who come to
this country to seek permanent homes.
That many convicts have been able
to enter this country there can bo no
doubt. For this , congress will be ap-
appealed to to enact now laws which
It la hoped will prevent the Importa
tion of criminal aliens.
While Captain Roonoy and the de
tectives who have been at work on
the Mnnlo kidnapping case from the
beginning , will not say openly that
they bollovo the hey will never bo
restored to his parents alive , yet
among themselves they do not hesi
tate to whisper their ftjars. Nobody
knows hotter than do captnln Roe
noy and Detective Sergeant Antonio
Vachrls the desperate character of
the kidnappers.
I remitted In llniixc Struck li.v l.lnM-
ulnuciir ( inllirlc , Oklitliiinin ,
HI'TIMUR. ' OUlii , AIIK IS Tln > fit nil
house of 11. A. Howling near lion >
was struck liy lightning HIM ) burned
to the ground yesieiday morning.
Four menthol H of the family wuro
Inn nod to death In the IIOIIHO. 'I'lto
ili'iul :
II. A. Howling.
MI-H. Dowllng.
lion Dowllng , ugod 11.
Fiinnlo Dowllng , aged 0.
Attempted Snlclile ,
Alliort C Sharp , aged SS. drank throe
ounces of laudanum anil cut liln
throat. Hi ) WIIH foiinil In the cemetery
at .S o'clock thlH morning anil WIIH to-
inovuil to an undertaking establish-
munt when ho WIIH found to liu nllvo.
It IH now thought ho will Hiirvlvo.
iMiisn > rvi' DO\MI.I.V HAS CON-
i'im\ : : WITH ir.m > i : .
EXTEND TO A 1.1 , PAHTS Ol > ' riTV
IliixIneNN Men'M LciiKiieVIII Secure
Mone > to ANNN | | In M < > \ niienl Illiec
iNNiie In UnlNfil nnil llnil Ili-nulU nre
Pointed Oul.
riUCAOO. Aug. IS. President Don
nelly hnil a conference with the ex
ecutive lioanl of the Business Men's
league , which IUIH been formed to
raise funilH for strikers. A committee
was appointed to extend the inovoiiioTTl
to all parts of the oily , Instead of con-
tilling to the Hlook yards districts.
The league lia.s ralHuil thor ace Issue ,
taking the grounds that If the packers
win the strike all white roHlilontH will
ho driven from the stock yards region
anil the place will become a negro
settlement , with a population of HOV-
iMity thouHand men , women anil chil
inn \v.\Tr.u\voitics. . KIIIISIIN , IM linprnt Ing llaphlly
ThN Su r.
HAYS CITY. KIIH. . Aug. 18. ThlH
rlty has commenced the construction
of a $ lti,00n waterworks plant with
live inlloH of street mains find a largo
steel tank lf > 0 feet up. The work will
ho completed within three months.
The now stone JlO.noo building of
the Wostoru Kansas slate normal
school on the Fort Haynys reservation
Is also completed , furnished and ready
for the fall term. The building will
ho dedicated with appropriate ceremonies -
monies , the hoard of regents being
liresont , and the principal address will
he made by Allen White.
Will Try A Kill n to Nominate.
ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , A tiff. IS. The
democratic convention of the Fourth
congressional district ronssomhled
here today. The convention mot two
weeks ago and adjourned after taking
777 ballots without agreeing on a
Home of Air. Mini Mr * . Fred Schroeder
lilt li.v it Hull VeNlerdny.
BATTLE CREEK. Nob. , Aug. 18.
Special to The News : During the
storm hero yesterday afternoon a bolt
of lightning struck the residence of
Fred SchrooKor , who was In the liouso
at the time , was shocked by the elec
tric bolt , but was not seriously hurt.
The house was riot badly damaged.
People I'ra.iliiK for llnln In Driiulli
Stricken IMMrlel.
LA PORTE. Ind. Aiiff. IS. The
drought Is working such havoc In the
Knnknkee district that many of the
country churches wore thronged with
worshippers last night , who offered
up prayers for rain. Many prayed un
til dawn.
Nights and days of almost ceaseless
praying have been passed , while those
who have not gathered for religious
supplication have fought fires. There
Is a prospect this morning that rain
will fall , and If the drought Is broken
meetings of Jubilation will be hold.
Ilrnuuht the Woman to the Surface
AfliT iming Three Time * lint lle-
dime NO ExIiniiNled ( lint He Sunk.
Woman Will Ao Die.
NEW YOUIC. Aug. IS. Dr. J. S.
Coman , one of the most prominent
physicians and dentists of New York
sacrificed his life In an attempt to save
a woman bather In the Shrewsbury
river. Ha brought the woman to the
surface after diving three times. The
efforts exhausted him and ho sank ,
while another bather took the woman
to the shore. The woman will also
.loliiiNon Declared Inxaiif.
Harry Johnson , a man who has been
employed at the stone quarries at No >
hawka for some time , was examined
before the board of Insanity today ami
pronounced a fit subject for treatment
at the Lincoln asylum.
Tllinir.MMM S I 1101 * IS xo\\
IIM AI.I , oviii : TIM : woui.n
Tlu > ( 'nip IN N llcnv > Till * Yenr Tluil
II l Fenred Thnl ( InI'rlrr Will he
All'ccled HUN ) Sceni'N In ( he Ifpper
Illkhnrn Vnllc.v ,
MAHMETT. Nnb. . Aug. 18. Front n
staff corrcspondiMil Itock county Is
Just now tlm scene of Its greatest ac
tivity , for the hay-malicrs of thi <
imrthwosl the grmilnHt hay uountry
In the world , are busy.
Today every horse that can wear a
harniiHs Is In the liny Hold , along with
all of tlu < human help that money can
hint. It Is Just the critical period of
Iho year , and fast work Is n factor.
The heavy rain yesterday morning
came with a snddon force that was
surprising. It followed a hot day.
This country has never known finer
crops than this year and the whole
region Is fooling happy over the out
ACTIVITV IN TIM : Kir.i.ns ,
I'Jtrrj one IN MnUliiit liny Wlillr ( In-
Sun ShlncN.
NKWI'OUT , Ni'b. , Aug. IS. From n
staff correspondent : Newport IUIH a
reputation an Iho greatest hay market
In all the world. This being a busy
HOIISOII Just now , everybody Is mak
ing hay here while thn sun Million.
Hundreds and thousands of bales of
hay are annually shipped out of horn
to all polntH of the globe. There Is
no farming land around Newport. It
IH all hay country. Hay land IH hold
at from J10 to J30 per noro. Thin ynnr
there Is so much hay that dealers are
complaining. The crop In too good.
It cuts down the price of liny. Today
hay Is worth but J.1.C.O per ton. ISven
at that , the farmer will make $7 off
every aero of hay land.
.liiNt Cninpleleil Krnni Nenport In
Unite nnil Nnprr , Coillii'ClliiK
.At n n j I'll mix inriinle. :
NRWPOHT , Neb. . Aug. 18. From a
stuff correspondent : It Is getting so
that the larmer and ranchman away
elf on the prairies of Nebraska , who
used to bo considered isolated from
the world , can be connected with the
rest of civilization Just as well IIH hlH
city cousin. Today a telephone line
was finished I'rom hero to llutto and
Nap or , which nlroady Joins forty-llvo
farms ami promises 100 soon. Farm
ers In Iloyd county can chat with those
of Itock all day.
* Wlr f ate lining sprung by the
Farm ii'nd Homo Telephone company ,
of which fi. R. VanRvory Is president
and ( ' . M. Thompson , secretary , .lumen-
ton , Urockshurg , Nnpor and Unite are
Lightning burned out many wires
CIVE DOII.All FOR 1)1)1,1Alt.
Ciindldnle DntlN AdoplN New Scheme
fur l'miiinlKii ( 'niitrlliiillniiN.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 1 S. Candidate
Oavls Is going to do the right thing
by the faithful. Ho has decided to
follow the methods employed between
the City of Washington and the fed
eral government.
In tlio District of Columbia every
dollar paid by property owners for
taxes Is mot with a like appropriation
from congress.
Mr. Davis has promised to put up
dollar for dollar In the West Virginia
campaign. For every contribution
made by others and from any source
whatever the vlco presidential nomi
nee will give another dollar.
In addition , he will subscribe very
liberally to the national democratic
committee , which thus far has not
succeeded In raising much money.
Congressional headquarters here Is
not a very llvuly place , and there Is
much complaint of lack of funds.
CluiN. i : . MiKcly.
LOUISV1LLR , Ky. . Aug. 18. Charles
R. Shlvely of Richmond , Ind. , was to
day chosen chancellor commander of
the Knights of Pylhlas.
rilA7.ii ) IIY HEI.KilON.
Yming Wiminn < ; Hc n Cnngregntlon
mi rnpleiiNiint SnrprUe.
Mary Hlaek. a pretty young woman
and a distant rclmtlvo of ox-Gov. lilack
of New York , walked up the alslo of
the Fortieth Street Methodist Episco
pal church clad only In undergar
ments , Interrupting the evening ser
vice , and announced In solemn tones :
"I nm with a message to you from
Christ. "
Awed by the apparition the congre
gation , numbering upward of 300 , sat
speechless. Nona knew what to do.
In another moment , as the girl stood
helpless before them , women wept and
prayed. The girl was finally persuad
ed to go to her homo In Pine street.
She appeared to bo rational upon all
subjects other than religion. Later
she did not recall going to the church ,
In which she was an active worker.
Miss Black Is 25 years old. She has
boon an orphan since she was 9 years
old , and though dependent upon her
self had acquired a good education.
FnlrnhnkN I'ninlly Iteiinlon.
DRDHAM , Mass. , Aug. IS. From allover
ever the world descendants of Jona
than Fairbanks , founder of one of the
oldest families In America , have as
sembled here for their third annual
reunion. The family association num
bers thousands of members , promi
nent among them being Senator
Charles W. Fairbanks , the republican
candidate for vlco president , and sec
retary Victor A. Metcalf.
The reunion , which will last several
days , U being- held at tha historic
'I' lirrnlnri * for
Tumi-four Hour *
Ciiillnu nl N O'clock Till * MiirnliiK.
I'liriTiiNl fur NHirnkii. '
I'ondlllon of tlm wimthor an rononl-
i'd for the 21 hours ending lit S n. m.
.Maximum 39
Minimum oj
Average 7n
Itnliifall 1 ,1 ,
Tola ! rainfall for month fl.u
llaromKlnr an,94
I'lllfAdo , Aug. IS. The bulletin la-
Hiioil by the Chicago station of dm
United HlatoM woathur biireiiu thin
morning , glvos the forecast fur No-
braHka an follows :
Hcaitorod local Hhoworn tonight ami
possibly Friday.
FnlrbnnhM homeMtead , which wna h'litlt
of HmbnrH brought ever by | | , , i orlg-
' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' " ' " '
. - ; .i"i I'rom
in icna.
TIM : < i , A. it.
M\T :
IN ni\vin :
Urenl Elect rlcnl I'lirmle Will Tnl
I'lnee Tliln IHcnlim ( "nnip Fire of
W IIII'N Heller Corn * Another Fea
ture of the Ittenlnic I'riiKrnni ,
BOSTON. Aug. 18. Kindlon of of-
llcers WIIH Iho llrrit biiHlnoss hnforo
the o. A. R. oncampmnnt today. Gen.
Nllmoii N. Illackmai- Miisnnc.liunott
was iinanlmoiiHly elected
In-chlof. John H. K-ing of Washington ,
l > . C , former commander of Iho department -
partment of Maryland , was cho.iun .13-
nlor vlco commandor.
Denver was chosen as the next place
for holding the national oncampmont.
IIUHlness and pleasure divided th ,
time of the visitors to the national otif
campment today. Tlio sessions of the
n. A. .
R. encampment and the meet
ings of the several auxiliary organiza
tions were cut Hhort In order to por-
mll ( ho delegates to take part In tha
great automobile race t. Is afternoon.
Thanks to the generosity of tlio auto
mobile owners of Boston and vicinity
several thousand machines of various
descriptions were placed at the dispos
al of the entertainment committee. In
these gaily decorated vehicles the vet
erans loft Symphony hall nt 1 o'clock
this aftoinoon and In two divisions be
gan a twenty-mile tour
ever the his
toric road leading through Cambridge ,
Arlington , Lexington and Concord.
llotiirnlng to the pity this evonlnK
the visitors will bo treated to still an
other of the Habornto fmitmvA of en
tertainment ' nrnngod in their honor.
This wll ) bo the great electrical parade -
rado which promises to bo one of the
most novel and gorgeous spectacles
ever witnessed In this city. It will ha
a parade of Illuminated Moats , pro
ceeding ever tlio Hiirfaco railroads ,
representing sixteen of the must Im.
portant events of American history.
Including the birth of the nation , the
purchase of the Louisiana territory ,
the civil war and the acquisition of
the Philippines and other Insural pos
Another notable nvont of the even
ing will be the great camp lire of
the Woman's Ilollof Corps. In order
to accommodate the largo crowd ex
pected H has boon decided to hold tha
meeting In Mechanics' building. Gov
ernor Hates and Mayor Collins will do-
llvor addresses of welcome In behalf
of the state and city respectively , anil
other speakers will bo General Juhti
C. Illack , Mrs. Sarah Wlnans , national
president of the W. U. C. . anil Miss
Clara Harton.
John Hi-ilnifiiiil Coming Over.
LONDON , Aug. IS. John Ufidmond ,
leader of the Irish national party , Is
among the passengers on the Teuton
ic sailing today for America. Mr.
Kudmond Is to be one of the chlof par
ticipants In the great Irish convention
to be hold In New York the latter part
of August.
Illg Log Itnlllng n < .McCook.
M'COOK. Nob. , Aug. 18. Two thou
sand members of the Modern Wood
men of America are attending the big
log rolling begun here today under
.ho auspices of the Southwestern No-
Uraska Log Rolling association. Band
contents , competitive drills and amuse
ments of various kinds are features
of the throe days' program. Govern
or Mickey , Congressman Norrls and
other men of wide prominence are to
10 among the speakers
FrmiclH .liiNeph N Setenly-Pnnr Year *
of Age nnil UIIN ( he Honor mid
llr | iect of IIlN Jinny SnhJcelH.
VIENNA. Aug. IS The seventy-
fourth birthday of Emperor Francis
Joseph was celebrated with fetes
throughoutJLho dual empire today In
the capital there was a grand review
of troops and a general Illmlmition of
the city. The venerable emperor Just
returned from his visit to King Ed
ward at Marle.nhad. observed the an
niversary by granting amnesty .to a
large number of prisoners undergoing
sentence for minor crimps.
Francis Joseph was proclaimed emperor -
poror of Austria on the abdication of
his uncle , Ferdinand I , on December
2 , 1S4S. Ho was crowned king of Hun
gary June S. 1S'37. ' Ho married In
ISSt Elizabeth , a daughter of Duke
Maximilian of Bavaria. The empress
was assassinated by an anarchist In
Geneva. September 10 , 1S9S. Of the
emperor's three children the Crown
Prince Rudolph committed suicide ,
and , ns his daughters , the Archduch
esses Glsola and Marie , are Ineligible ,
his brother Charles Louis , will become
emperor when the beloved monarch
ends his beneficent rule.