\ THE NORFOLK NEWS : FRIDAY , Al'OUST ' 5. MM. TWO MORE WERE LUCKY THE LAST DAY. NORFOLK GOT .64 PERCENT Sixteen Claims Out of the Twenty- five Hundred Drawn , Came to Lucky Norfolk People More Than This City's Share , Really. ' GATEWAY TO NEW NORTHWEST PLAYING IN GREAT LUCK. JUDGE BARNES GETS A CLAIM Nebraska's Chief Justice Draws Out In the Rosebud Land Lottery Can't Do Very Much With It Norfolk Is Getting Easily Her Share. Norfolk Winners. Robert Utter , No. 100. Samuel H. McFarland , No. ICO. Jonathon L. Beech , No. 470. Clarence B. Sailer , No.555. Charles Wehrcr , No. C29. GustavFeabelcorn , No. 1025. t George'A. Davenport , No. 1000. John J. Ossnes , No. 11C9. Charles F. Holtman , No. 125C. George M. Kelly , No. 1273. John B. Barnes , No. 13S2. Fred Holllngsworth , No. 1547. Claude , Smith , No. 1777. ' Samuel Valller , No. 1980. Samuel P Fisher , No. 2001. William F. Stern , No. 2.4C4. Fortune has smiled on Norfolk people ple In the big land lottery at Cham berlain. Already fourteen people of this city have drawn claims in Uncle Sam's patch. This number in 2,000 gives chances for about seventeen al together. Already exceeding the estimate of the least number to which this city was entitled to , as placed at twelve by The News , the gateway to the new Northwest is playing in great luck and wouldn't swing to the red If It could. , ' , A number of prominent people have drawn out. Among them is John B. Barnes , chief justice in the Nebraska supreme court. Judge Barnes drew No. 1387. He does not consider the chance worth going after. The judge registered for the sake of registering. He didn't expect to draw out He doesn't know what he would have done if his number had come in the 'choice selections , as in establishing his residence in South Dakota he would be shifting his home from the jurisdiction over which he presides as supreme justice. He is one man who couldn't very wall take advantage of the first number if it had come to him. George A. Davenport is one of the lucky ones , drawing out on No. 10CO. Mr. Davenport is one of the members of the firm of Davenport Brothers , cold storage. Gustav Feabelcorn is the first Nor folk farmer to draw. He lives five miles east of this city. He drew No. 1025. 1025.Norfolk Norfolk railroad men are playing in luck. John J. Ossness , Charles Holtman and Fred Hllingsworth all drew claims. George M. Kelly is not known. There it a batch of mail for him at the postofllce. Dr. Vallier is an osteopath who has just recently come t o Norfolk from Madison. He drew No. 1980. The first Norfolk name to be drawn was that of Robert Utter , who got No. 106. City Clerk McFarland was the sec ond. Conductor Jonathon L. Beech was the third and Clarence B. Salter the fourth. Charles Wehrer was fif th. Papers in Norfolk were eagerly scanned all day yesterday , when ex tras were issued , and last night when the regular edition of The News came out. Every person in the city was interested in the results of the Rose bud drawings. The names of the lucky Norfolk- ians did not arrive in time for last night's paper and the result was a disappointment to the whole city. To day's list , however , cleared up Ihe mailer and Ihe lown feels more cheer ful aboul 11. Two lelephones al The News office were kepi buzzing all day long , and Ihe rush conllnues. Claude Smith , a commercial travel er Is the first of the Norfolk drum mers lo draw. He lives on Park av enue , Iravels for Haley & Lang , Sioux Cily , and drew No. 1777. The first name lo be drawn out of the churn at Chamberlain on Satur day , the last day of the drawing to o-1 which any value was attached , was a Norfolk man. Samuel P. Fisher living on West Madison avenue ai the corner of Thirteenth street , a re tired farmer , drew 2,001. The last Norfolk man to draw was William F. Stern , No. 2,4(54. ( The drawing is now finished , with sixteen from Norfolk in all. ROBERT UTTER BEST YET. City Treasurer of Norfolk Draws Ou on No. 106. The city admlnistrallon of Norfolk Beems lo be In Ihe Rosebud game Bolh Ihe clly Ireasurer and Ihe clly clerk drew wllhln Ihe best farms on the reservation. Robert Utter gets the best chance In Norfolk. His num ber is right down on bed rock , No lf/6. Mr. Utter Is proprietor of the 4 } Ml ) Has stood the test for over 60 years. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment FOR MAN OR BEAST. Cures sprains , bruises , burns , cuts , sores , lameness , piles , rheumatism , stiff joints lame back , etc. Book Store , and has acted as trea- urer of the city for two terms. He vns informed of his drawing by The News. When told that he had drawn a farm , Mr. Utter looked up and aughed , as much as to say , "You can't fool me. " "But it is a fact , " was insisted. "Oh yes , oh yes , " he repeated , still doubting. "No , you can't make me ) lte on that joke. " Finally Mr. Utter was persuaded to ook at the Associated Press report. Then there was something doing. 'Who would have thought it , " said le. "I didn't even leave an order to ie notified. That's the greatest bit of amazement to me. I think I shall sell my store and go to farming. " The name as received in Bonosteel was "Robert Hunter. " An enor mous batch of mail , consequently , came to Mr. Hunter on the first train , 'ostofllce people were puzzled , but he clearing up of the name brought an understanding. CITY CLERK M'FARLAND. Brother of the Postmaster at Lynch Draws Out Early. City Clerk S. R. McFarland is the lappiest man in Norfolk today. From .he toils of the city business , where he was writing up the minutes of council meetings and the like , he ms suddenly evolved into a land owner with a quarted section of the jest farming country on earth , to lis credit. And all of that without so much as knowing what had hap pened. No. ICO was the ticket that came out of the wheel at Chamberlain , to tell the Norfolk official that he could go up on that Indian reservation , ook it over and choose pretty nearly iny old thing he wanted. He can file on the second day. Mr. McFarland considers his chance worth $4,000 and thinks that Is doing well enough for one week. He registered at Bonesteel with Donahue , McDonald & Donahue. CLARENCE B. SALTER. He Is a Lucky Mark , Without a Doubt Got No. 555. Clarence B. Salter Is a lucky mark without a doubt. He already has pretty nearly everything on earth he wants , and here comes a great big Rosebud farm , bouncing on his shoul ders. He is the junior member of the Salter Coal & Grain company , be ing associated in business with fa ther , G. B. Salter. He registered at Bonesteel because he happened to be in town. He happened to be in town because he went up to see the crowds. And now he's a landlord. JOHN L. BEECH. Conductor Who Pulled Rosebud Spe cials Durlnfl the Rash. If anybody on earth is entitled tea a Rosebud farm , it is a conductor who went through the tremendous task of handling the crowded trains which hauled the people up that line during the rush. Conductor Jdhathon L Beech of this city got a good farm No. 470 , and his friends with him are delighted. For the sake of those pee pie who rode on the Rosebud trains it is not amiss to state that Mr. Beech is one of the good looking conductors the rather heavy set one with a smooth face and a smooth lot of luck -who wore a blue uniform with brass buttons. He is the man who alwa > s got the tickets and kept the rro ds out of the aisles in good snapiHe is the man who ran trains from Connell - ell Bluffs to Norfolk and back again , and who was always pleasant , regard less of the fact that ho had gone-with out sleep for anywhere from twenty- four hours to thirty-six or forty-eight hours. If you rode with him , and remem ber that type of conductor , you know Beech , No. 470. CHARLES WEHRER ALSO. Young Man of This City Gets Fifth of Norfolk Farms. Charles Wehrer of this city was the fifth Norfolkan to draw out in Uncle Sam's big land lottery. His number s 029. Mr. Wehrer is a locomotive ireman on the Northwestern , who shoveled coal into the lurnaces of he engines which drew big special rains between Norfolk and'Uoncstcel during the rush. "He earned a farm at that. J. E. Haase. Julius E. Haase may be termed a Norfolk man In a way. He Is a bank er at Elgin , but has lived all of his ife in Norfolk until the past few veeks. His father , Ferdinand Haase , Ives on South Tenth street of this city. Nelson N. Barber. Nelson N. Barber , another man who Irew , was formerly a Norfolk boy. He was a student lii the Norfolk high school class of 1898. His father held an official position at the Nebraska State Hospital for the insane at that time. Studio Vacation. The Koenlgsteln studio will be closed for the next six weeks. Mr. Ludwlg Koenigsteln , after two weeks , will leave for the mountains of Utah and Idaho. There will be no lessons during that time. New Daughter. A new daughter has arrived at the tiome of Mr. and Mrs. Chester A. Ful ler. FARO BANK DEALER FROM TEXAS - AS WAS DISORDERLY. TWO NEGROES IN COURT TODAY Tough Element Hanging Around Town Is Made to Shake the Dust of Norfolk From Their Feet as Soon as the Sun Rises Officers Busy. [ From Saturday' ! ) Dally. ] The police are keeping busy now adays with vags. P. H. Clark , a very smooth Faro bank dealer and green cloth man from Texas was arrested yesterday on the charge of disorderly conduct. It cost him $10. He was thought to be hang Ing around awaiting the crowds. Two negroes were up In court this morning on the charge of vagrancy On was a woman and the other was a big fellow well dressed. They were made to get out of town. FOR THE NEBRASKA STATE FIRE TOURNEY NEXT WEEK. A BUNCH OF GIRLS ARRIVES They Will be Here to Entertain the Crowds When the Tournament Gets Going Next Week Will be Man > Concessions During the Three Days The shows are beginning to gathe. : n Norfolk for the firemen's tourna- iient next weok. In the advance guard in the ton liousuiid dollar attraction which held lie boards along with a lot of other girl shows up at Bone.Hteel last week. The tent has been pitched. There If- ilso a merry-go-round on the ground. There will be a great many conces sions of various sorts bore by Tues- lay , when the second state fire tour- ley that has been Norfolk's will be- 5ln. Firemen estimate that the crowd vhich will come to Norfolk tills sea son , will be bigger than that of a year ago. There were a good many puo- pe here a year ago from all ever the state and from other states , but the ndications now are for an Increased crowd. Special rates have been secured on all railroads and the throng which will arrive from throughout the new northwest will be , it Is thought , very arge. The fireworks will begin Tuesday morning bright and early when the visiting firemen will march in the an nual parade and when the best look- ng crowd will carry away a hand some and valuable prize , In cash. So will the next best looking and so on. All prizes will be paid the same day. PLAINVIEW GIVES THE VISITORS MERRY CHASE. UNLUCKY THIRTEENTH DOES IT Up to a Dozen Innings , You Couldn't Tell Whether the One or the Other Would Win Out , but Signs Favored the Other Game Today. PIninview , Neb. , July 29. Special to The News : Bloomfleld and Plain- view played a fast game of ball here yesterday , Bloomfield winning by a score of 9 to 5. The game lasted through thirteen Innings of fast ball. Score by Innings : Bloomfield 000002001000 C 9 Plalnvlew 000200010000 2 5 Base hits , Plalnvlew 7 , Bloomfleld 12. Errors , Plalnvlew 4 , Bloomflold 2. Batteries : Plalnvlew , Dunaway , Fisher - er and Cox ; Blomflold , Hosteller Stewarl and Gardner. Blomfleld and the Creek Rats play here today. Fly Nets. A discount of from 15 to 20 per cent on all flynets the next thirty days. Now is the time to buy them. Paul Nordwlg. YOU MUST NOT FORGET That we are constantly growing in the art of making I'Mno Photos , and our products will al ways he found to embrace the and Newest Styles in Cards and finish We also carry a fine line of Molding suitable for all kinds of framing. framing.i. i. The Practice of Medicine Becoming Specialized The Physicians of the Large Cities the First to Adopt it and There are Now Many Throughout the Country. Specialism Is the Idea of the day. Not that every physician can be a specialist , nor would it be Justifiable n every doctor becoming one , but here are advantages that can be de rived only by a special practice which H applicable to certain communities even though the physician himself Is not a bona fide resident of thai Im- nedlte vicinity. Small towns and the country are the principal communities n which a specialist could scarcely irosper , but as practiced by some specialists , that of going from one city to another , making his visits and seeing hl patients at regular ap- jointed Intervals , one can derive ad vantages far superior to those re ceived in many Instances by a visit to the cities. We cite , for Instance , that of Dr. Caldwell , a specialist of Chicago , who s and has been making regular vis- Is to our community for the last two years. Dr. Caldwell came well rec ommended and has succeeded In es tablishing a practice far beyond her expectations. She has made many cures and has succeeded In building up a reputation and practice among those whom she has cured that would be hard to get away from her. Dr. Caldwell Is a lady from the new school. Her experience and training have been gained by many years of practice and the treatmcnl of avast number of cases. She confines her self lo Iho Irealment of chronic , lin gering and deep seated ailments. She pretends to euro only such diseases as she has had sufficient experience In handling , and does not go into that class of incurable diseases which In many cases are useless lo bother with As a result of long experience , Dr. Caldwell is thoroughly familiar with her specialties. In the treatment of cancer , consumption , heart disease , nervousness and female diseases , there are very few specialists bettor qualified than Dr. Caldwell. Some of her cures seem almost llko miracles. People from far and near consult her as she makes these regular visits and she Is always busy from the time she arrives until the time of her depar ture. It is claimed by Dr. Caldwell's friends that she can diagnose a die- ease without a question. Tbls belnj the case , she Is not likely to doctor her patient for the wrong ailment , which is many times done by physi cians of inexperience. Dr. Caldwell does not treat typhoid fever , whoopIng - Ing cough , measles , and those acute diseases which the local homo physi cian Is called upon to treat. It la nether her desire to antagonize nor to take from the homo physician that part of the business which really belongs to him. Many times Dr. Caldwell Is In consultation with the home physician and the kindest of feelings should exist between them. Dr. Caldwell Is charitable. In many Instances where people are devoid of funds to pay for their services she charges In such cases for the medi cine only and no person , no matter how humble , has she over turned away without seeking to give them relief. By permission we are pleased to publish a few of the cures she has made throughout the slate of Nebras ka : Mrs. Oscar l-ange , Tekamah , Neb. , cured of stomach trouble and female trouble of long standing. Mrs. Maloney , West Humphrey , Neb. , cured of nervous trouble , kid ney and liver trouble , and female weakness. Mrs. John Connelly , Akron , Neb. , cured of cancer , had been healed by a number of doctors , without any benefit , cured with five Injections. Mr. Pete Hiblo , Columbus , Neb. , cured of kidney and bowel trouble. Mrs. John Swain , Clarks , Neb. , cured of female trouble , catarrh and nervous trouble. Mrs. Henry Hart , Kearney , Neb. , cured of tumor. Mrs. Henry Caskell , Cozad , Neb. , cured of nervous and stomach trou ble. ble.Mrs. Mrs. H. Sloan , Akron , Nob. , cured of consumption. Mrs. Jacob Puff , Cozad , Neb. , cured of nervous disease , female weakness and tumor. Miss Eva Cole , Sutherland , Neb. , cured of catarrh. Richard Underwood , Bancroft , Neb. , cured of stomach trouble and nervous IrouXle of long standing. I will be In Fender at the Pateec hotel , on Tuesday , May 17.