The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, August 05, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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i } ' CLASS A.
. Two Teams are Very Evenly Matched
and Races are Exciting Race In
" * * *
Class B Full of Accidents Grand
. - Stand Full of Spectators.
Af [ From Tuesday's Dally. ]
) a > * t The state record In straightaway
'v s hose race was smashed In the second
event qf the tourney when York won
the first class "A" race , over Stanton -
ton , time" 28 3-5. Stanton was but a
breath behind , time 28 4-5. It was a
magnificent race and created great
, . , enthusiasm. Each team broke the
Etate record. 29. It was 250 yards.
When the two teams appeared , each
got a glad hand , with Stanton the fa
vorite In applause.
Humboldt won the first race of the
tourney In the straightaway , class
"B , " time 307-10 ; Bancroft second ;
Norfolk third.
The first heat was between Madison
j , . and Clarks. Madison won , 321-5 ;
Clarks , 33. In this heat one runner
fell down and was nearly run over by
the cart. A Madison man sprained
his ankle.
' The second heat was between Ban
croft and Norfolk. Bancroft took It ,
304-5 ; Norfolk 32.
Humboldt ran alone , time 30 7-10 ,
; , , which was remarkably good time
, ' alone. The prizes were $25 , $15 , and
Races Start.J
It was after 3 o'clock when the first
race In the twelfth annual tournament -
, ' ment of the Nebraska firemen was
, , called at the track. The grand stand
* \ ' , was fairly well filled with spectators
i well filled , Indeed for the first day.
i f It was declared by enthusiasts at the
< ? ' - ' track that fully fifty per cent of those
* '
' In1 the amphitheatre at the start were
i _ from Stanton. It was conservatively
. - , jj i estimated also that a quarter of them
, , ! " were from Pierce , a quarter from
t t Madison , a quarter from Norfolk and
" *
a quarter from Creighton , to say noth-
\ f Ing of the delegations which had ar
rived from Humphrey , York , Grnnd
Island , Wisner , Battle Creek , Neligh ,
Hosklns , Wlnside and other cities.
Stanton people were feeling good
over the fact that they had won the
first prize In the tournament. They
- said they would win more before they
got through with the three days.
Creighton felt good at having been
the most attractive. Madison was on
& th'e ground in full force , a very large
number of loyal citizens from the
county seat having come up for the
start , Intending to remain until the
"We had a two-fold mission in
bringing so many people to Norfolk , "
said Bob Appleby , who Is as well
known in Norfolk as any Norfolk cit
izen. "We felt , in the first place , as
though we ought to turn out to sup
port the champion team. In the second
end place , Norfolk is a neighboring
town , and has always turned out well
to our pumpkin shows We appre
ciate the spirit of Norfolk and want
to reciprocate. "
Stanton Brings Two Bands.
Stanton brought two bands to the
tournament. One is the boys' band
and the other the regular band of the
town. Both occupied first-class posi
tions in the judges' stand. Harrison's
band was also on deck.
There were more than 300 in all
from Stanton.
"Madison would have sent 400 , "
said Mayor C. S. Smith , "If we had got
a special train. But we failed in
that. "
The timers were Grant Stucker ,
Stanton ; T. H. Namur , Norfolk ; J.
W. Moist , York ; W. B. Vail , Norfolk.
Starters were A. C. Hull of Fremont
and R. Y. Appleby of Stanton , who
were also starters last year.
Judges were H. L. Spauldlng , Nor
folk ; W. R. Locke , Wayne ; Wm.
Barnes , Madison.
Racers Warm Up.
The agile racers were early on the
the track , warming up for the tour
ney. In rich blankets , their muscled
limbs well groomed , they pranced
around Hko so many football players.
York Team Here.
The York team was at the track ,
getting ready for the championship.
There are but two class "A" teams in
the tourney. The battle royal will be
between these two teams all the way
through. It began in the second
event , when the pair of teams lined
up for the straightaway , 50 yards.
Yesterday's Late Races.
York was the winner of the
straightaway regulation hose race ,
class "A , " , time 33 3-5. Stanton
failed In the coupling , but beat York
out in the time , 32 % .
Norfolk won one of the races yes
terday afternoon , the class "B" reg
ulation hose race , time 3G 2-5. Hum
boldt was second.
Madison and Clarks ran hub and
hub. Madison made time,39 , Clark
failed to mnko the coupling.
Norfolk and Bancroft run hub and
nib , Norfolk winning , tlmo 3G 3-D.
Bancroft failed to complete the coup-
Grand Inland was the only team cn
terod lu the straightaway hook nnd
adder race , class "A" . They mndo
n magnificent run , keeping perfect
time , In 33 2-5. The prize was f GO.
Band music was furnished between
and during races.
Hosklns , the only team entered In
the "B" class , straightaway hook nnd
ladder , ran In 35. The prize was $2C.
The Morning Winners.
Nellgh won the wet hose race this
morning , time 29 2-5. Humphrey was
second , 29 4-5. Clarks wns third ,
333-5. Prizes $15 , | 10 , ? 6.
Grand Island won the water fight ,
Humboldt second.
York Wins Two.
( From Wednesday's Dnlly.J
York is the champion coupling
Stafford and Heed of York coupled
In 12 : 2-5.
Sonnenschcln and Hackle of Stanton -
ton failed to couple.
Marks and Meyer of Stanton , went
In 14 2-5 , losing the belt.
Lnntz and McMahon of Kearney
failed to couple.
Scott of Norfolk got rattled In two
trials. Ho had speed.
The state championship coupling
contest started at 4 o'clock. Al
Marks won the championship last
year. There was much betting.
Stanlon was enthusiastic In backing
Marks. The couplers ran fifty feet
and made the complete coupling.
The first event in the second after
noon's racing was the straightaway
regulation hose race , class "A , " be
tween York and Stanton. Stanton
beat York across the chalk mark , but
the York couplers were a little too
speedy for Marks , and completed the
turn in time to got the race. York's
tlmo was 321-10 ; Stnnton , 321-5.
Both Stanton and York broke the
world's amateur record in the ama
teur regulation hose race in the first
event Wednesday afternoon.
The second race of the afternoon
scorned destined to disaster. Madi
son and Norfolk first ran , Norfolk
breaking a coupling. Then Hum
boldt and Clarks ran , Humboldt
breaking a coupling.
Smashed World's Record.
As an indication of what will hap
pen on Thursday afternoon wh'en the
balloon goes up for the state cham
pionship event between Stanton and
York , the fact that both Stanton and
York smashed the world's record in
the regulation hose race , Founds pret
ty good. These teams have been run
ning the 250 yards with from one-
tenth of a second to one-fifth differ
ence. Both are as speedy as ghosts.
Every man In each team is a foot
racer of the fleetest type and a race
Is anticipated which will be the fast
est that has ever happened in Ne
braska or anywhere else.
Grand Island , the only team in the
class "A" regulation hook and ld-
der- race , ran and completed the lad
der climbing In .41.
Hosklns won the regulation hook
and ladder race , class "B , " time
44 3-5. Their ladder climber made
a pretty turn.
Attendance Good.
The racing began promptly at 2:30 :
o'clock , with a well filled gallery , In
cluding a great many ladles from
both Norfok and abroad. The track
was in splendid condition , and the
day Ideal for the race.
By 3 o'clock the grand stand had
filled completely , from end to end.
It was not packed but It was thor
oughly filled. A conservative esti
mate placed the number present at
The local committee Is more than
pleased with the size of the crowds
which have already arrived. It Is
thought that the crowds for Thursday
afternoon will be a record breaker. '
A number of Norfolk business houses
have signified their intention to close
during the racing , and the firemen
have requested that others follow.
The barber shops will all , by mutual
consent , be closed during the after
The Norfolk Young Ladles' band
held the fort in the judges' stand and
played during the races. Mrs. Pear-
sail of Lynch , formerly leader of the
ladies' band at that place and "now
leader of the boys' band in Lynch , ar
rived and led the band with cornet.
Race Notes.
The same time keepers , judges and
starters who had served on the first
day , held over for the second day.
Editor 'Enos of Stanton , who has
been laid up for some time , was on
the track. Editor Pont also saw the
racing ,
Rev. Father Kropa , of Spencer ,
Rev. Father Drlscoll , of Blair , and
Rev. Father Walsh of Norfolk were
among the spectators.
Harry Miller and Bob Appleby
came back from Stanton to see that
the team won. "We have got to do
It , " they said , In concert.
York boys brought In a little , dried-
up street vender , a tramp of perhaps
fifty years , and trotted him around
the track with much gusto.
Roy Wllklns , the York boy who was
hurt in the race on Tuesday , was at
the grounds again. Into his head a
spike had run. The scalp was
scraped for fully an Inch.
A number of the young men In the
Harrison band of Grand Island joined
the Norfolk ladles' band during the
afternoon nnd took part in the mu
sic. The uniforms wore of nbout the
same color , In red.
When the PI Hetn Phi party from
Stnnton arrived , Mr. Qulllen , n mem-
lior of the Grand Island linn-Icon
imnd , mndo across the trnck to greet
thorn. Ills comrades In the bnnd
bawled him out. President Reynolds
lind just announced that no one would
bo permitted across the truck.
Miss IXMI Young , dnughtor of W ,
W. Young of Stnnton , who Is thla
week cntertnlnlng n house jmrty
innde up of members of her sorority
nt the university , PI Hetn Phi , arrived
nt the track for the afternoon's rac
ing. Mr. Young calls them "his girls"
nnd IK a very selfish chnperone.
Chairman Reynolds of the cxofcu-
tlvu committee , announced before the
beginning of the races that hereafter
no persons , firemen or otherwise will
be allowed to Interfere with the view
from the grandstand. This was grat
ifying to the crowd and wan received
with applause. Chairman Reynolds
also announced that thoKo tennis that
drew prizes could secure their money
by calling on the treasurer HH the
association had money In the Imuk
ready to pay nil purses. This an
nouncement wns received with cheers
by the visiting firemen.
A peculiar Incident occurred In n
hose race In which Bancroft , with the
Indian leader , was running. There
wore five tennis entered , HO that two
pairs ran hub nnd hub nnd the fifth
ran alone. It was not HO much \\hlch
of the hub nnd hub teams cnine In
first In each heat , but which made
the best time of the five. The In-
dlnn leader for Bancroft seemed to
forget that he wns running against
time. He thought It wns against the
team which came alongside. So lie
took off his hat and made n piny by
waving It to the opposing runners ,
urging them on. The result was Unit
Humboldt , running nil alone , took the
Not an Audience.
"This Is a large audience , " re
marked one of the lawyers In the
grand stand. The merchant along
side took exceptions.
"There Is perhaps no word In the
English language , " Bald the mer
chant , "that is so much' misused as
that. 'Audience' Is a word moaning
an assembly of persons to hear some
thing. The word Is derived from the
Latin word 'audio' meaning to hear.
When used as a crowd of persons to
sec something , It Is absolutely wrong.
A crowd of people to witness a per
formance are 'spectators , ' coming
from the Latin , 'aplclo' meaning to
see. A grandstand full of people nt
a football game , a horse race or a
bull fight is a crowd of spectators. "
It Surged From One End of the
Street to the Other , and Then
Back Again And Then It Went
Home , as Good Crowds Should.
The first night of the firemen's
tournament was a wild one for fair.
It was an ideal firemen's tourney
night and everybody In the mlxed-ui
jam had a rattling good time. From
early in the evening until long into
the wee hours of today , there were
yelling men and women , screaming
iris , squeaking rubber instruments
and all of that. There was confett
galore , but luckily , In obeying tht
order of Chief of Police Kane , there
wns nothing save confetti throwi
Into the faces.
The streets were early crowded
with the merry makers who ha <
dropped down town to "do" the tour
ney. From one end of Norfolk to
the otherthey jostled , and then thej
Jostled back again. They swartncc
from pillar to post and then across
the avenue , surging hither and thlth
er , anywhere and everywhere , and
nowhere at any time In particular.
The dozens of concessionaires who
line the avenue with their various
stores and attractions , yelled their
lungs off from sunset until the las
forlorn stranger had wandered off
the street long after he ought to have
been In bed.
The thoroughfare was well fillec
with teams and bicycles and carrl
ages of those Norfolk persons who
had come down to see the doings
And they nil enjoyed It , too. Even
the teams had fun. Some of the
fun was enough to make a horse
laugh. There were no runaways.
The little rubber ball on the em
of a string , which you had throwi
Into your facial features at every
other Htep , played an Important rol
In the evening's performance. The
tiny feather duster , too , had a share
In the proceedings. The pretty gir
wns there , to say saucy things whei
you passed by , nnd the man wa
-there to catch her at It.
There was nothing of a sonsatlonn
nature to stir the evening's Jan
There was nothing outside the jai
and the crowd nnd the mob nnd th
throng. It laughed and played an
walked about , Hko any orderly crowc
on a firemen's tourney night ongh
to do , nnd then It went home , who
the time came , and went to bed. 1
was a good crowd all the wa
through , and It will be on ham
right nnd early ngnln tonight
The concert glvHi by the Hnrrlflon
Kind of Ornml Inland last night , nt
10 con or of Norfolk nvenuo and
ourth street , \vun the center of In-
rest lor n couple of hourH. Largo
rowcis of vNtors and Norfolk peo-
le gathered Into the square , and nil
njoyed the program throughout.
Sovornl dnncoH afforded pleasure
o those Inclined to the light fiintus-
c , until enrly bourn today.
'reposed Constitutional Amendment.
The following proponed amendment
o , nnd convention for the revlHlon of ,
10 Constitution of llui State of No
iraslia , UK herelnnftor net forth lu
ill , IH Hiibniltted to the olectorH
f the State of Nebraska , to bo voted
pen nt the general election to bo
eltl Tuesday , November 8 , A. I ) .
! IO I :
( Henato Kilo No. 111. )
A Hill for n Joint Resolution roc-
mmomllng to the olectorH of the
Into to vote at the next oleellou of
leiubei-H of the Logicaluro for or
gainst a convention to revise , iimend
ml eluingo the Constitution of the
Into of Nebraska In accordance with
eetlon 'i. Article 15. of the Constttu-
on of the Stale of NvliniHha.
Do II Resolved by the LeglHlntnro
f the State of NebniHkn :
1. That It IH deemed nocioswiry to
all n convention to revise , iimoml
ud change the Constitution of the
State ot Nobrnnl < u.
2. That the electors nro reeom-
tended to Vole nt the next election
f members of the Lognhitui'o ! for or
gainst n convent Ion to revise , amend
ml change the Constitution of the
btnto of NobniHkn.
. ' ! . That at Much nuvt election of
lomberK of the Legislature on the
allot of ( Mich elector voting nt such
lection , lmll lie printed or written
u Hiieh manner that the elector ran
udlente his preference under the Inw
ho words : "FOR calling n convon-
Ion to revise , amend anil change the
Constitution of the Stale of NobniH-
ut. " and "AGAINST calling a con-
outIon to revise , nmuiid nnd change
ho Constitution of the State nf No-
iraskn ; " and If a majority voting , nt
aid election shnll vote for a con von-
Ion , the Legislature shall , nt HH next
oMHlon , provide by Inw for palling the
I , Geo. W. , Secretary of
State of the Stnto of NobniHkn , do
toreby certify that the foregoing pro-
> osed amendment to the Const Un
ion of the State of Nobrankn , nnd
irovldlng for a Convention' for the
evlslon of mild Constitution of the
Stnto of Nebraska , IH n true nnd cor-
ert copy of the original enrolled bill
Hissed by the Twenty-eighth session
) f the Leglslnluro of the Rtnto of No-
iraslta , It appears from said original
till , on file In my olllce. and Hint said
proposed amendment nml revision of
the Constitution of the State of No-
) rnsha Is submitted to the qualified
voters of the State of Nebraska , for
their adoption or rejection , nt the
general election to be hold on Tuoa-
day , the 8th day of November , A. D.
In testimony whereof , I hereunto
set my hand nnd nlllxod the Great
Seal of the State of Nebraska.
Done nt Lincoln this .1th dav of
Tilly , In the year of our Lord One
Thousand Nine Hundred nnd Four , of
the Independence of the United States
the Ono Hundred and Twenty-Ninth
and of this State the Thirty-eighth.
( Great Seal ) Geo. W. Marsh ,
Secretary of State.
Bowel Complaint in Children.
During the summer months chil
dren are subject to disorders of the
bowels which should receive careful
attention ns soon as the first un
natural looseness of the bowels ap
pears. The best medicine In use for
bowel complaint Is Chamberlain's
Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
n It promptly controls any unnnturn
loseness of the bowels , whether It be
In a child or an adult. For sale by
Leonard the druggist.
His Only Wish.
Nothing so touches the heart
strings as the loss of a favorite child.
Anyone who has experienced such n
misfortune will sympathize with Mr.
N. J. Lewis of Nowborry , Florida ,
who writes : "I am so thankful that
I have found a cure for dysentery.
For three years I have been troubled
with this disease. Chamberlain's
Chollc , Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem
edy was recommended to mo and has
effected a cure. When It comes back
one dose Is all that Is necessary to
set me right. I only wish I had
known about this remedy a year ago
when my dear little baby , ono and a
half years old , took dysentery and
died In three days. The doctors tried
to stop It but failed , nnd I buried my
very heart strings with my child. No
household should be without this val
uable remedy. " For sale by Leonard
the druggist.
Letter List.
List of letters remaining uncalled
for at the postolllce at Norfolk , Neb. ,
Aug. 2 , 1901 :
Mr. Jim O'Connor , Ed Ross , Willie
Nickels , Geo. F. Mend. Mrs. Laura
Davlsson , Mrs. Edna Wall Earner ,
Chas. Carey , M. C. Skogstad , O. E.
Weaver , Stephen Wllcox.
If not called for In fifteen days will
be sent to the dead letter office.
Parties calling for any of the above
please say , "advertised. "
John R. Hays , P. M.
? our Out of Five of the Mornloy
Prizes Goes to Northern Ncbr.isUn
Towns Grnnd Island , Alone , S.ivcs
Day for South Stnnton , Forty-one.
[ From Tiioctlnj'H Unlly1 _
Slanlon wins the llrnl priz
ournoy. The depart ment from Nor
folk's neighbor took first money lethe -
he largest number present , n no//le
valued nt $25.
HoHklns was second , signal span
i'H , three pairs , valued at $15.
Creighton won the first prl/.o lor
icing the host looking department lu
ho parade. The purse was $15. HOH-
iiH , strictly lu the game , got second ,
HO , Grand Island Is third , prize $5
North Nebraska IH In I ho gnino onr-
y with four of the five first prizes.
The Pnrnde.
The volunteer llreinon made n
splendid showing In Ihu parade that
Hissed through the principal streets
> f Norfolk thlH morning nt half past
en. The bond of thu parade formed
facing Philip avenue on ono of the
nldo fit roots , the Norfolk section
which brought up the roar forming on
Sixth Htreet. Marching to Ninth
street , the turn to Main WUH made
ind the march east on Norfolk avenue
onuo to the place of dispersion ,
\V. II. Wldamaii as marshal of the
lay headed the parade , whllo Chief
Kern arranged the various HOC ! Ions In
lue of march.
\V. II. Harrison's Grand Island band
was the first musical organization In
Following II ranio the executive
committee of the local department
that had the torn namoiit arrange
meiitH In charge. The olllcors of the
state association occupied n parry-all ,
which also contained the board of
The Grand Island department was
represented by a neatly attired hook
and ladder company.
The Crolghton hook nnd Inddor com
pany , twenty stiong , followed the
Grand Inland loam.
The Rtantoii delegation was the
largest , 'visiting delegation In line.
They arrived In three special conches ,
ami bended by Al Marks they mndo
it yplendld showing in the tiara le.
They had two bands In line , many
members of the dopnrtmont , nnd a
neatly uniformed rtimrlng team.
The Hopkins fire engine team ami
hose company made a splendid ap
pearance nnd wore generously ap
plauded ns they pnssoU along the line
of march.
Bringing up the rear was the Nor
folk section. The running team head
ed the flection , followed by the hook
and ladder company. The Norfolk la
dles' band wan next and the QIIL-CI
City and Must hose companies fol
lowed. The West Side hose rompum
was led by Miss Grace Hayden whr
was attired In national colors nnd
rode n pony. Following wns the hohp
company , loaded In a wagon built high
with fire apparatus and attached in
which was the hose cart.
Farmers of Valley Precinct Have a
Plan of Getting Fresh Beef Oth
er News on Rural Route No. 2.
Eight of the most prominent farm
ers of Valley precinct have perfected
a plan whereby they may have fresh
beef without much expense and with
Independence of the packers and the
packing house strike. Each Is to fur
nish nn animal and divide with the
others In turn , killing one animal a
week , until the round is made whe'n '
they begin over again.
The McKibbon brothers have
pulled their threshing outfit to New
man Grove for the fall run.
Mrs. J. Henderson's brother from
Independence. , Iowa , arrived Satur
day for a two-weeks' visit.
Haying progressed finely last week
on account of the dry weather. The
hay is just about an average crop be
tween Norfolk and Uattlo Creek.
Jake Wldaman Is adding to the
value of his farm by building n cow
bnru nud hen house.
Since coming back from Honosteol
lee Vlnznoy says ho Is a Honosteol
grafter , but ho Is going to wall until
ho sees what luck ho has drawing a
farm before going Into his now trade.
Roy Wllklns , Falling Under the Cart ,
Is Stunned.
Roy Wllklns , ono of the members
of the York running team , was quite
severely Injured during the first class
"A" straightaway hose race. After
the team had crossed the chalk line
and the race had been won , Wllklns
fell to the track , the heavy cart
passed over his head and for a time
ho lay qulto Htumied Ho wan Inter
tnld'ti In a cab to a doclor'n office , for
tilli ntion
Good yeast is the lire
of bread without yeast
bread is cold , dead dough.
You never tasted finer ,
whiter , Kwcctcr , all-
round better bread than
that raised with Yeast
KOKIII. 11tastesoolloc } ; (
good , and Mays fresh nnd
moist until the last
crust disappears.
jg s
contains the energizing
principle of leaven in its
purest form. It is made
from healthful vegetable
ingredients , malt , hops ,
corn , etc. , in the largest ,
cleanest , yeast factoiy in
the world *
The secret is in the yeast.
All grocers ncll it nt 5 cents
u jmckiic ) ; enough to tiuiLc
| o lo.ives of brcml. With
proper care It never grows
Mnlc , Keep it on hand all
the time. Send for our book
"How to Mnkc Uread , " free.
Chicago ,
Sick Headache ?
Peed doesn't digest well ?
Appetite poor ? Bowels
constipated ? Tongue eoated ?
It's your liver ! Ayer's Pills
are liver pills ; they cure dys
pepsia , biliousness.
2Sc. Alt
\\iut vim tiiiiunliic In' or lifiinl n liiMiiitlful
it or i id lilai 1 iH'ii
60 C i Oi UMi > nr i ' > > \ Co , NA < HU * N
She Has Cured Thousands
I'l'iiclii'in Alcopitlliy , Homo
illiy , Kloff ric ami ( ! on-
oi'sil Medifino.
Will , by rfqufHt , visit profeslonally
II ) M5 DAY ONLY. , ]
n-t i tiiif | > v ory four weeks. Consult
liu wlnle the opportunity la at hand.
DH. CALDWKI.L , limits her practice
to the Bpeclal treatment of diseases oC
the eye , our , nose , throat , lungs , female
diseases , discuses of children and all
chronic , nurvous and surgical disease *
of u curable nature. Early consump
tion , bronchitis , bronchial catarrh ,
chronic catarrh , headache , constipa
tion , Htomach and bowel troubles ,
rheumatism , neuralgia , sciatica , kidney
diseases , Hrlght's disease , dlseasea of
the liver and bladder , dizziness , ner-
VOUHIICHB , Indigestion , obesity , Inter
rupted nutrition , slow growth in child
ren , nncl all wasting diseases In adults ,
deformutles. club feet , curvature of
the spine , diseases of the brain , par
alysis , heart disease , dropsy , swelling
of the limbs , stricture , open sores ,
pain In the bonus , granular enlarge
ments and all long standing diseases
properly treated
Illood unit Sl > ln DIxeitncN.
Pimples , blotches , eruptions , liver
spots , falling of the hair , bad com
plexion , cczurna , throat ulcers , bone
pains , bladder troubles , weak back ,
burning urine , passing urine too often.
The effects of constitutional sickness
or the taking of too much Injurious
medicine receives searching treatment ,
prompt relief and a cure for life.
Diseases of women , Irregular mens
truation , falling of the womb , bearing
down pains , fcmiile displacements , lack ;
of sovunl tonn. Leucorrhou , atorlllty
or biirronci-s , consult Dr. Caldwell and
the will show them the cause of their
trouble nnd the way to become cured.
C'nurcrx , fiuKer , l-'lntiilii , l'llc
and enlarged glands treated with the
subcutaneous Injection method , abso
lutely without pain and without the
loss of n drop of blood , Is one of her
own discoveries and is really the most
scientific method of this advanced ago.
Dr. Cnldwell has practiced her profes
sion In some of the largest hospitals
throughout the country. She has no
superior In the treating and diagnosing
of diseases , deformities , etc. She has
lately opened an otllce in Omaha , Ne
braska , where she will spend a portion
tion of each week treating : her many
patients. No Incurable cases accepted
for treatment. Consultation , examina
tion and advice , one dollar to thoio
Chicago. Hi.
Address all mall to Bso
Omaha , Neb ,