V T1IK N''HMIK ' ) NKWS : FRIDAY. 1JKM , 8 HOW A YdUNQ MAN WAS CURED OF AN AMDITION , COUNT VON RAHOEN TELL8 IT , The Creltjhton Hotel Man at One Time Wnnted to be .1 Knight of the Iron Horse , But the Ambition was Cooled In a Single Day. Count Von Rntulon , the genial land lord of ( ho CrolKhton hotel , tolls a pretty Rood one on hlniHulf. When ho rnnio to thlfl country ho ndniltH , thnt ho was somewhat green. In thu course of his' cnreor ho Inndod In Grand iHlnnd nndVL > nt to work aa clerk In the Palmer ' IIOUHO. That work did not imrtlciilnrly milt him nnd ho determined to go to railroad Ing , Uvory tlmo the superintendent cnmo to Ornnd Islnnd ho struck him for n job , nnd llnnlly the miporln- tondent told him that the next time he hud iv vncnncy he would lot him know. Ono day the count received n niosaago from the superintendent to report In Council HluftH , prepared to go to breaking on n freight train He loHt no tlmo In getting to Conn ell Bluffs and noon found the con ductor with whom ho wns to work The conductor looked him over critic ally as though Bl/lng up his cupaclty nnd then gurllly Bald. "Young man , you may go up on top. " Up on top the young man wont , nnd though the thermometer was down to 20 degrees below zero , ho managed to stick It out until the train had reached Fremont. Then ho clambered down the aide of the car more dead than alive with the cold and commenced to warm bin chilled bonoa by the caboono lire. Pretty Boon the conductor came In and dis covered him and auked him what ho wan doing thoro. The count ex plained that ho did not. como dressed to withstand such weather continu ously , and that ho would freeze If ho wore obliged to ride further on top of the frolght car. The only sym pathy ho received from the conductor , wns : , "Well , next time you will know enough to dross warmer. Go on top ! " This tlmo the count succeeded in remaining on top until Columbus was reached , when hd decided to make another nppcal for warmth. The con ductor was ready for him when ho came down and ordered him to go back on penalty of losing his job. Although ho was chilled to the mar row , the count clambered back and fltuck to It until the train reached Silver Creek , Then as boldly as ho could with his limbs having all the I appearance and aoiibaUnn of having been through the cold storage pro cess , ho came down from the car , walked deliberately Into the caboose and aat down by the fire. Defore the conductor had time to remon- Btrato with him he defiantly said to that august gentleman : "You may go to with your old railroad. I'm n brakoy out of a job. Put mo off at Grand Island and hack to the hashory I go. " It was done nnd the next morning ho appeared behind the desk of the hotel ns smiling as ever to the travelIng - Ing people who cnmo to atop with htm. htm.A A long tlmo afterward ho found out that the whole transaction was n put up job , In which ho llrtnly believes the suprolntondont was more or loss Implicated , to make him sick of rail roadtng. It worked. THURSDAY TIDINGS. Mrs. C. E. Hartford Is on the sick list. There arc two moro days of the Uonestoel rush and there are a mini her with an ambition for a chance at the homesteads who have delayed things until the last and wl',1 hurry through to got In during the remain Ing days. A number of crowded ex tras have been going up today ovoi the Northwestern and the final rusli will bo tomorrow and Saturday. Moro cement walks nro being lalil about the high school building on South Sixth street , preparatory tc the opening of the school year hi September. * The city has been doing somethtnp toward getting the weed forests of of public property , but there are i number of private holders who have not yet risen to the needs of the sea eon. Jupiter Pluvlus resumed work a the old stand early this morning am the prospects are that ho is bent ot keeping the thing going until thi ground la again thoroughly aoakei and the ponds and ditches full. Farm era aay that some rain will benefl rather than damage the growluj cropa , but for the sake of the oat : and wheat crop It should not contln uo very long or do the thing to ai excess. Yesterday morning the resldenci of Martin Helnsohn , who lives nln < miles northwest of North Bend , wai struck by lightning. The holt strucl the chimney and tore out the whol west end of the house , doing danmg < of about $250. Singularly none o the Inmates of the house were se f rlously Injured. WHlard Slders am Hayea Haverfleld , two North Beni decorators who were at work there occupied a bed together. They won \ ordlth debris but wore unhurt , mpopt a alight burn on the cheek of nuo of them. A year ago the house wns struck In precisely the same man ner. Road Notice. To all whom It may concern : The commissioner appointed to lo cate n mad commencing at the south east corner of Sec. 33-21-2 running west on county line between Madi son nnd Platte counties to the south west corner of Soc. 32-21-2 west of the sixth P. M. . has reported In favor of the establishment thereof and all ob Joctlonn thereto , or claims for dam ages must bo filed In the county clerk's otllco on or before noon of the 29th day of July 1901 , or auch road will bo established without reference thereto. Kmll Winter , County Clork. DEPUTY DAME WARDEN RAINEY MAKES ARREST. TRIAL HELD HERE MONDAY Sid Cox , Wm. Clasey and Kyi Ander son of Battle Creek , Charged With Violating the Game Laws of Ne braska by Seining Fish. Hattlo Creek , Nob. , July 21. Spec ial to Tho'News : Deputy Game War den Jacob A. Ualnoy of Norfolk , wns hero ( Ishlng Tuesday afternoon , and as he Is always very lucky this tlmo ho caught 111 llsh and also a 120-foot soln , which wore In the possession of Sid Cox , Wm. Claaoy and Kyi An derson. All four of thorn wont hoforo Judge Nouwork to'straighten' things out , especially the not , which Warden Italney had afterward burned on the street. Aiming the 111 fish there were not tunny game llsh. About four-llfths of them wore soft ones. A trial over this affair will bo held on the third of next month at Nor folk , when County Attorney Mapos will bo present. Two Bottle Cured Him. "I was troubled with kidney com plaint for about two years , " wrltoa A , H. Davis , ot Mt. Sterling. la. , "but two bottles of Foloy'a Kldnoy Cure effected foctod a permanent cure. " Klosau Drug Co. No False Claims. The proprietors of Foloy'a Honey and Tar do not advertise this as a 'sure euro for consumption. " They do not claim It will euro this dread complaint In advanced cases , but do positively assort that It will euro In the earlier stages and never falls to gtvo comfort and relief In the worst caaes. Foloy'a Honey and Tar la without doubt the greatest throat and lung remedy. Refuse substitutes. Kloaau Drug Co. When Other Medicines Have Failed take Koloy'a Kidney Cure. It has cured when everything else has dis appointed. Sold by Kiesau Drug Co. The pill that will , will nil the bill , Without a gripe. To cleanse the llvor without a quiver , Take one at night. DoWltt'a Little Early Risers are small , easy to take , easy and gentle In effect , yet they nro so certain In resuits that no one who uses them Is disappointed. For quick relief from biliousness , sick headache , torpid liver , Early Risers are unequalled. Sold by Asa K. Leonard. A. R. Basa ot IWorgantown , Ind. , had to get up ten or twelve times In the night , and had a severe backache and pains In the kidneys. Was cured by Foley's Kidney Cure. Sold by the Kiesau Drug Co. C. M. Johnston , Mldilletowu I would not keep house without Hollls- tor's Rocky Mountain Tea. It's a ureat family medicine ; has kept my family well the past ten years. 35 cents , tea or tablets. The Kiesau Drug Co. Weak Hearts are caused by Indigestion. If you eat a little too much , or If you are subject to attacks ot Indigestion , the stomach expands swells , and puffa up against the heart This crowds the heart and shortens the breath. Rapid heart beats and heart disease Is the final result Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat , takes the strain oft the heart , cures Indigestion , dyspepsia , sour stomach , and con tributes nourishment 'strength and health to every organ of the body. Sold by Asa K. Leonard. Piles Upon Top of Piles. Piles upon top of piles of people have the piles , and DeWltt's Witch Hazel salve euros them. There are many different kinds of piles , but If you get the genuine and original Witch Hazel salve made by E. C. De- Witt & Co. , of Chicago , a cure 13 cer tain. H. A. Tlsdale , of Summerton. S. C. . says. "I had piles 20 yeara and DoWitt's salve cured mo after every thing else had failed. " Sold by Asa K. Leonard. The Japs may tight the Russians , On land or on the sea ; But the girls of tula here country , Fight for Rocky Mountain Tea. The Kiesau Drug Co. DECIDE THAT INJURIES TO HANS PETERS WERE ACCIDENTAL. BODY TAKEN TO GRETNA BY SON Coroner Kindred and County Attorney Mapes Interview Eye Witnesses and Decide That a Formal Inquiry Into the Accident Is Not Needed. After an Investigation 'Into the cause of the death of Hana I'otore , the Orotnn man , who received fatal Injuries at the Northwestern depot Monday night and died Tuesday morning at the Halter sanitarium It was decided that an Inquest would not bo necessary. Coroner Kindred of Meadow Grove , County Attorney Hurt MapOH and other olllcora Interviewed - viewed a number of eye witnesses to the accident and the testimony wna conclusive that the fatal Injuries re ceived were purely the result of ac cident. A son of the dead man arrived In the city Tuesday night and took the body back with him on a apcclaltratn bound for the oast. The funeral will probably bo hold today. James A. Wood. The funeral of the late James A. Wood , who died July 5 \Vaukesha , NVls. , will take place tomorrow after noon. Mr. Wood wan horn In Frank lin county , Pennsylvania , March 23. 1816. He witnessed the hnttlo of Gettysburg from hla father's farm , nnd soon after enllstod In Company K , Twonty-thlrd Pennsylvania volun teer cavalry. Ho served to the end of the war. For over twenty years Mr. Wood was a member of the Mo- roy. Mercantile company. Ho wna n stockholder and director , and re tired a few years ago. At one time ho waa secretary of the Wholesale Grocers' association , and later wna lr charge of the Bales of the boot sugar Industries of Colorado. He was unl vorsally honored nnd respected by his business and social acquaintances The funeral , which will be hold undei Masonic auspices , will bo from the residence of his daughter , Mrs. A. \V. Haffmon , 621 East Twelfth ave nue. Dr. Vosburgh , pastor ot the First Baptist churchi will ofllclato. Denver Dally News. * James A. Wood waa a brother of Editor Wood of the Pilot. Bonosteel Pilot. Special summer tourist tlcketa at greatly reduced rates to many points In Wisconsin on sale by C. St. P. , M & O. June 1 to September 30. Return limit October 3. J. B. Elaoffer , Agent. MONEY-SEED. Money Is the seed of money. Seed grows to harvests. But , plant money-seed In fruit ful soil. Investigate first , then plant. A dollar in your hand will never grow. It will be a dollar when your heirs find It It will double In about thirty years In savings banks. This Is true of ten dollars , twenty dollars , of fifty del lars. If you want to plant fifty dollars or more , write us. We will show you a rich soil and a safe one. Send for our prospectus. It will give you all facts relat ing to an Investment which Is practically "backed by Uncle Sam. " COLUMBIAN SECURITIES COMPANY THE BOURSE PHILADELPHIA. - - - PA. DON'T t * f DOLED T ike the gstiulne , origin * ROCKY MOUNTAIN TV only by MadlMa Ma eln Co. , Madlioo , WU. kerps you well. Our r mark cut on each pack * . Price. 33 cents. Never i in bulk. Accept no < ub < - tut a Aik vour FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE Will euro any case of Kidney or Bladder disease that is not beyond the roach of medicine. GIVEN UP TO DIK. aadwajunablotoworU. Throa phjrilelani failed to blip me and I WM siren op to die. Folar't Kldae ? Car * wai recommended and the ant bottU Te ma great relief and after taking th Mooad bottle I wu entirecaroJ. . " Twa Slx 50 C nta and 91.09 i' County Treasurer's Semi = Annual Statement. Statement of County Treasurer of Madtsou County , Nebraska , showing balance of each fund In the Treasury on January 7 , 1901 , tuxo.i and other items collected , warrant * redtTumod nnd other disbursements , from January 7th , 190t , to June 30th , I004 , inclusive , nnd balance ou hand on the 1st day of July , 1004. RECAPITULATION. RKOEIPTS. Received from II. 0. Miles , Comity Treasurer , balance ou hand January 7 , 1904 | 51434 59 Received from C. F. Eisoley , Justice of the Peace Fines ; 15 QO Received from 3. W. Hayes , Justice of the Peace Fines 5 QO Received from A. T. Redman , Justice of the Peace Fines " . . , 10 00 Received from O. A. Sleeper , Justice of the Peace Fines. . " . . \ 00 Received from W. L. Berry , Justice of the Peace Fines , ; , . , 10 00 Received from State School Apportionment 7409 40 Received from H. W. Winter Ditching Funds and Lumber 155 59 Received from Thomas J. Taylor , Poor Farm Funds 050 00 Received from John Reeves , for Road Dist. No. 19 ; g QO Received from Christ. Schmitt , old lumber . ' ' 41 25 Received from Depository Banks interest on daily balances ! . . " 600 05 TaxeH Collected . . 9(5354 ( oc School and University Laud Collections 4378 93 Inheritance Tax Collections 17 00 Redemptions Collected 1120 80 Fees Collected 159 35 Transfers from one fund to another , x 9370 54 Total $171357 78 CONTRA. Warrants Paid $ 90217 21 Redemptions Paid 140378 Transfer of Taxes Paid Under Protest to Cash Book 187 05 Transfer- , from one fund to another 8870 54 Balance oil hand July 1 , 1901 " 64510 J5 ' - - Total $171257 73 Outstanding Registered County Warrants. 1891 General Fund $ 4 00 1900 Bridge Fund f 8 00 1903 Road Fund , Commissioner 1898 General Fuiid 2045 HKW Bridge Fund 31735 Di-trict No. 2 $33411 1899 General Fund 400 1903 Bridge Fund 174093 1903 Road Fund , Commissioner 1901 General Fund 2094 District No. 3 12500 1002 General Fund 128 70 l'.H)3 Goueral Fund 0150 25 Total $ (5334 ( 34 Total $2006 28 Total | 459 11 Cash Balance July 1 , 1904 , on Hand and in Banks. First National Bank , Madison , Neb $ 7070 90 Madison State Bank , Madison , Neh 8147 77 Norfolk National Bank , Norfolk , Neb 8334 83 Citizens National Bank , Norfolk , Neb 7704 71 Battle Greek Valley Bonk , Battle Creek , Neb 576l > 91 Citizens State Bank , Battle Creek , Neb 8688 04 Meadow Grove State Bank , Meadow Grove , Neb 2788 28 Elkhorn Valley Bank , Tilden , Neb 4558 83 Tilden State Bank , Tilden , Neb 4724 01 First National Bank , Newman Grore , Neb 4880 09 Newman Grove State Bank , Newman Grove , Neb 4965 86 Konutzo Bros. , Now York , State Fiscal Agcnoy 110 85 In office , currency , warrants , checks and other cosh items 1820 53 Total f < 34519 15 STATE OP NEBRASKA , ) 93. COUNTY OF MADISON , ( I , Christopher Scluwland , County Treasurer in and for Madison county , Nebraska , do solemnly swear that the fore going is a true and correct statement of the receipts and disbursements of my office from the 7th day of January , 1904 , to the 30th day of Juno , 1904 , inclusive ; the amount of money in each fund ; the amount of outstanding and unpaid registered county warrants , and the total amount of money and cash items on hand and in banks on July 1 , 1904 , to the best of knowledge and belief , so help mo God. CHRISTOPHER SCHAVLAND. Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me this 13th day of July , A. D. , 1904. EMIL WINTER , County Clerk. STATE OF NEBRASKA , ) ss. , COUNTY OK MADISON , j Wo , the undersigned County Commissioners in and for Madison county , Nebraska , do herehy certify that wo have carefully examined the foregoing statement of Christopher Sohavland.County Treasurer , and have found the same to be correct to the best of onr knowledge and belief. Witness onr hands at Madison , Nebraska , this 19th day of July , 1904. S. J. FINNEGAN , CHRIST SCHMITT , GEO. D. SMITH , County Commissioners.