TUB NORFOLK NEWS : FRIDAY , JULY 22 , J904. THE NORFOLK NEWS ' * ' W. N. HUSK , I'litillnUrr. I AHV. Rvery ilny except SundayHy rlrr per week. 16 cents. Uy , j oWfflco 16.00. uy l > delivery , per year , nmll on rural rouuin nml outame 01 Norfolk , per ytftr. $3,00. WKIiKI.Y NUXVS-JOtHlNAI. . The News , ISstul.lIMieil. 1881. The Journal , KalnlillRiicit , . ' . " ICvery Friday , liy mull per year , $1.50. $ Entered at the postofllco nt Norfolk , Neb. , AH gectiml cms * matter. Telephone * : Editorial Department , No. 33. lUiolnei < Ofllcc nnu Job ItootnR , No. 3t. IllJI'UIII.ICAN T1CKIST. Nntlonnl. For 1'rnnlilent Tlir.OUOHK IlOOSnVKLT , New York Fur Vp | 1'roHlili'tit CHAKKUD W. l'\IHHANKS , Imlliinn flntr , Tor Senator From Nebrimkn 1C , J JU'HKnTT , Mncoln. ' For I'ri'Klilentlnl Ulectorn V. A. 1IA11TON , ruwnee. A. O. SMITH. DnuKlim , A. C. AH11OTT , r > 0lK , 'T. U NOHVAU , Sownrd. W. 1UA11 * . I'licljiK. M. A. IJHOWN , ll\lftnlo. H. 11. WILSON. Uincanter. J. C. IIOIIINBON , UouKln * . For Oovernor J. H. MICKEY. Onceoln. For I.leutennnt Governor-- H. O. M'ail/TON. Omnlin. For Becrotury of Stnte A. QA1A1SHA , K a Clotltl. For' Auditor , , . 'E. M. BI5AHLB , Jr. , ORHllrtln. For Treii urcr I'ETISU MOUT12N8KN , Ord. For Hupcrlntentlent J. I * M'HUIEN. Oonevn. For Attorney General NOliniS BHOWN. Kearney. For Lund CointnlBsloner II. M. EATON , Fremont. CnnKminlonnl. For ConKre tnnn Third District J. J. M'CAUTHY. 1'onca. Mr. DavlB can just tia rcnBontilil : declare hlmuolf as Htandlng ttrrnly 01 the Hllver side of the democratic plal lorm , and this would make matter tilmpler. The way Uie HusBlnns liavo boon luring the Japanese on to their doom IB nn art of war that appears to he more disastrous to the hirers than to the lured. President Roosevelt's surprlno party tyIs scheduled to take place on the 27thr when the news will he gently broken to htm that he was made the nominee of the Chicago convention. Inasmuch as Judge Parker takes a horsebtck rldo every morning , the cartoon of the man on horseback which the democrats have been working the limit will now have to be retired or substituted. Premier Lnurlor has advised the Canadians to prepare to whip the United States , but In the face of this dire threat the United States has not BlunU off Into the gulf of Mexico , but continues a sort of existence , wait ing for the end. The real Issue for the Nebraska opponents of republicanism is to be fought out on August 10 , when it will bo determined whether the democrats who want to fuse can co erce the populists Into their way of thinking on the subject. The government has called in all the flO.OOO bills and there is now but one out. There Is ti suspicion that someone has got it , but haste is made to divert suspicion from the treasury department of this olllce. It has not been seen about here. When Mr. Bryan and his party word assaulting plutocracy hip and uii U iuc. > mm uu uiuuun ui i\iiuttiut > that It would some day Invade de mocracy and take the whole works , or they might have spoken with a softer accent and a different inflec tion. The Western Laborer , published at Omaha , announces Its Intention of supporting and working for the re publican national ticket. It has been one of the leading exponents of the cause of unionism for many years , nnd during the past two campaigns has been an ardent supporter of Mr. Bryan. Frank A. Kennedy Is the editor. The city man's idea of being rich is to own a farm run by a hired man and his wife , whore the town man may visit as often as ho wants to , stay as long as ho desires and send the children when they are desired out of the way , while the country man who has accumulated wealth on the farm makes haste to secure an Interest In the city that will give him an excuse for frequent intermingling with the urbanltes. In its gyrations in the plltlcal are na the democratic party is throwing much of Its strength In the way of the republicans and if it continues changing a few moro times there will not bo enough of the party loft for a respectable funeral. When Mr. Bryan secured control of the machin ery two years ago a large number of democrats flocked over to the re publican side of the fence , and this year with the gold men taking con trol | herehave ( been numerous other democratic losses and republican gains. Four yours hence Mr ( , Ilryan lopofl to again gc't In the ' .Middle , tluin hero will bo other changes among ho rank and file and If the thing con- Imio * long otioiiKh there will be no mrty nt all loft nnd the rgpubllcuim ivlll bo supreme In dommnnd of the itullllcnl Hold. AVhllo chlof Interest In the political content centers In the battle to be 'ought ' otlt by the republicans and : ho democrats , there Is a certain In- ; orest In the battle between the two mlddlewclKhts , the populists nnd the prohlbltlonlHts and there IH consid erable of a chance for a hot whether Watson of Swallow will come out winner. There would bo no question about It n few yours ago , but the pop ulists have been helping democracy to Hwnt Its big antagonist for so long that there Is some doubt of Its present strength. The estimate of 70,000 registrations for a chance nt the South Dakota land drawing appears to have been none text small with moro than 01 , 000 now registered In nnd the last four days of the registration season to bo heard from. At the rnto the lust week has started In , It appears likely that before the end of the week nbout 100,000 will have left their names with the clerks at the va rious towns for n chance at the 2,000 homesteads that are to be given to the lucky holders of numbers at the price of | 4 per acre. It was reported quite generally that Sunday was a quiet day both nt Sagamore Hill nnd Rosemont. It may bo dllllcult to believe , but Inas much as It Is asserted In papers that have no streak of yellow In them , and from correspondents reputed to bo reliable nnd conservative , It Is probably true that neither President Roosevelt nor Candldnto Parker stood on the housetops and cried out their political opinions , nor did they make much noise In the barn when currying the horses for the drive to church. If the dispatches continue as Interesting during the campaign as they have started out from the homes of the presidents , there will soon ho n retiring of the war news nnd other matter ordinarily consider ed sensational , to n rear page of the publications. The registering for homesteads on the Rosebud will close with Saturday night and the books will be packed up and hiked away for the drawing , to take plaso the next Thursday. After that the fellows who have been registering will have time to take a look at the country surrounding Bono- steel nnd they cannot fnll to be nt- trncted by the flno prospects In north Nebraska. It Is believed that there will bo 70,000 people registered , giv ing them one chance In thirty of drawing a farm , but as nil are well convinced that they will hold lucky numbers It will not do much good to show them the Inducements about this country until after the drawing. Then about twenty-nine out of the thirty should bo ready to take advan tage of some of the flattering offerIngs - Ings In realty In this section. When the Parker men have gone In for control , In a majority of Instances - stances they have captured things In such an emphatic way that there has been no prospect of even an Inter esting fight. At St. Louis it was ex pected that there would be a merry contest when the convention assem bled , but there was disappointment to those who expected something In tensely Interesting and the reorganlz- ers had things their own way so emphatically that the proceedings were tame. The snmo thing has happened In Iowa. Preceding the convention there was every promise of a bloody battle for control of the convention but before It had met the matter had been so emphatically set tled In favor of the gold element that the sliver men cut no figure at all. They have a way of sapping the In terest from a convention that Is not exceeded even by the republicans. Mr. Tibbies says very emphatically that the populists of Nebraska can not "bo coaxed , forced , coerced or led into supporting or co-operating with men that support Parker. " This sounds all right and it may bo right , but H was evidently said In a burst of independence without consulting the men who have so long been coaxed , forced , coerced or led into doing just what the democrats lay down for them to do , and when they meet with the dominating party in Lincoln on August 10 a few love pats , a llttlo nicely applied flattery and a roseate picture of how good the popu lists should feel if they succeeded in electing a democvrat to office , will probably change the entire arrange ment of the Independent editor , nnd he will find his warmest admirers whooping it up for Parker and Davis before the campaign has well com menced , t The next battle IB duo to trllto place nt Lincoln on ( ho tenth of Augunt. Judge Pnrker has proven that the cut ling not got his tongue In several and varied Incidents recently. There nre not PO many Nebraska farms on the market that the Invest or can afford to puss up n good chance when he gets It. ' , , The Rosebud may be on the boom , but that is not thu nolso heard over the Nebraska hills and valleys It Is the booming of the corn crop. When ( hero Is anything real Inter esting from the fnrenst some knocker chimes along alter It nnd proves Unit" It was nil n lie from start to finish and sideways. Nebraska Is blossoming as the rose and the people are feeling very clover too clever to vote for a re turn of Clovelandlsrn tinder the name of Parker ntid Davis. Mr. Urynn says ho will vote for Parker nnd Davis , but nt the name time gives notice Hint he will have a long and sharp knife out and ready for UHO four years hence. Russia Is assuming a good deal of risk of running Into further trouble by stopping the ships of neutral nn lions on the high seas and searching them for whatever mny bo of ndvan tngo In the prosecution of their war with Japan. ' The knowledge that Parker Is the preferred candidate of Wall street and that he Is a declared admirer of the gold standard , will not help hln in the least In the west. Nor will II materially assist In securing the votes of the "common people" In the east. In politics the movement appears to he all in one direction. Scores of democrats are deserting the party that chose a gold standard candidate but was afraid to say a word In Its platform on { he money question , and with few exceptions they announce that they will support Roosevelt and Fairbanks nnd will hereafter be found affiliating with the party that speaks out on public questions and settles them In a manner that never falls to bring popular approval. The democrats will not need to go out among the "common people" to solicit subscriptions to their cam paign fund as Mr. Dry an was compelled polled to do during his two battles against monopoly , plutocracy and Imperialism. Wall street will look nfter the barrel and it will doubtless bo n larger barrel than the committee has had at its command since Cleve land was elected president. The World-Herald and other papers , as well as the democratic orators will need to trend very lightly on the "railroad candidate" pedal this fall If they remain loyal to the St. Louis ticket. With the president of a rail road , coal mine operator and multi millionaire as candidate for vice- president the democrats will need to be quite mum on things that have re ceived noisy and constant attention during other campaigns. It Is a cruel joke these recent years to pin n democrat down and make him explain why he is a demo < crat. He mny have quite firm convic tions on Important national questions occasionally , but the next time he turns around he Is likely to find that they have been snatched from him and an entirely different set substi tuted , and n set that is just the oppo site of the former set that he has sworn to love and cherish during his natural life , and may be longer. Mr. Bryan may not say so , or even believe so , but there are many people ple who 'Will believe for him , that he would not be keenly enthused over the returns If the "reorganized" democrats should show an Increase over the vote he received either four or eight years ago. Certain it Is that he has numerous admirers who believe that democracy has made a mistake in turninghim down and out nnd , thlnU thnt the.returns will prove it when the proper time comes. Tnnunany may be out of the nn tlonal political game if there is not something in the way of recognition coming soon from Esopus. This would be a disaster that could not easily be overcome. Tammany hns so long held n front rank In the demo cratic vanguard that it will seem qulto oppressive to bo crowded out of the present contest , but the demo cratic candidate is right if ho does not give the organization recognition. Since it has acquired a reputation Its support Is more disastrous than its opposition. Two weeks from today Norfolk will have as its guests the members of the Nebraska State Volunteer Fire man's association and the running toning that will compute for the purs es to be given. It In one of the most linportmit meetings of the state this yonr and the people here will en deavor to see thnt tholr visitors are BO well entertained that they will wish to coino again. Decorations of n pleasing and elaborate nature will undoubtedly bo used and the people will tyi In the most cheerful nnd erf- tortnlnlng mood , Mr IJrynn found a number of prin ciples in the democrntlc platform tbnt were sufficient to influence his loyalty. Had he looked further he would have found many moro of the new democracy's Ideals embalmed In the platform of the people's Independ ent party from which they were originally swiped , and he should have been able to stand on that platform without nn npology nnd been with his truest friends. It Is suspected that he was looking for Influence and pop ularity with a keener eye than he was looking for principles and friends. The national democratic commit tee has fixed It all right with Mr. Bryan or think they have. They promise that if he will be good , elect a democratic legislature In Nebraska and get the consent of the members of that body and their votes , he may be the Nebraska senator to succeed to the position of Senator Dietrich. It is a most flattering Inducement and Mr. Bryan is expected to go after it with n considerable degree of avidity , but he has not yet sntd that he would see to It that Nebraska went demo cratic , especially on the legislative mill nf ( tin ( lr > 1 't. The eastern gold bugs are not pleased with the omission of the money plank from the St. Louis plat form , neither are the western silver Ites , and the party and Its candidates are getting keen thrusts from both wings of democracy. With parties- like with men , the firm , fearless one that speaks out on Important ques tlons may have enemies but It like wise has friends and even the enemies can admire Its fearless attitude. The democracy will find when the votes are counted in November , that it has made another mistake fatal to party success. Frank J. Mann , chairman of the democratic party for an Indiana coun ty , for four years , and in 1900 candi date for attorney general on the democratic ticket , is nmong those who have declared that they cannot vote for Parker and Davis , and ex coriates both platform and candi dates. While hundreds have an nounced themselves against the tick et who have been for it during pre vious years , there appears to be a lack of those declaring their admira tion for Parker and Davis and the platform , and if there are such they are keeping very quiet nbout It and are evidently ashamed of their po sition on the question. Belle Fourche will soon be attract ing a share of the prospective set tlers of South Dakota with the irriga tion project that Is being handled by the government , and other portions of the west will shortly be appealing to those who want to own farms in the same way. The prospects a'e 'nost Mattering that , during the no t Cut out the Coupon To Rive every sufferer from Stomach , Heart or Nerve Trouble an opportunity to test our preparation in their own case without expense , we will send a 25c box of Elmo Cactarine FREE to all who cut out this coupon and send it with their name and address to the ELMO CHEMICAL CO. , DOS Motnes , Iowa. This offer is unconditional , and will not place you under obligations to anyone. We have a remarkable preparation and have such great faith in its curing powers that we will send n box free to everyone to prove to all that Elmo Cactarine is the greatest remedy in the world for the cure of all Diseases of the Stomach , Heart and Nervous System. Thou sands of people , many who were considered incurable , and others who had tried all other preparations without being benefited , were restored to perfect health from the use of this medicine. You , too , can be cured. Send for n free box today and satisfy yourself of lt.c. ! milt / s\ct i.nii nntMnrr trt fin nn. locade , with the opening of fertile usorviillona to settlement , the ere * ting of section homesteads and the ilnclng of HGtnl-arld lands under Irri gation by the government , the popu- fttlon of the wofet will bo Increased > y many thousands and the value of troducts will go up by the millions ) f dollars' worth. The > Vord-Hornld ) Is ( julio anx- ous about the fusion end of the deal state offices and a considerable lortlon of the valuable space that might be used In assaulting the re- uibllcnn ramparts Is just now being ised In an endeavor to convince the Hipullsts that , though the democrats are fully divorced In the national no- Itlcal life , there Is yet reason why hey should continue to help the lemocrats In their endeavors to get illlce. The argument Is quite appeal * ng , but there are many populists who are sick of the whole fusion justness and if the leaders of their party endeavor to make them sup- lort democrats for state ofllce after what has been done in the national convention at turning down every thing popullstlc , Including Mr. Bry an , they will have nothing to do with olther party. Then , too , they reraem- ler that on state matters the demo crats have not shown the love for the populists that they profess. With the populists party the stronger of the two when the fusion deal was at llrst proposed , they find that the democrats have somehow managed to secure the majority of the best olllces , and that when a populist was named he has quite regularly trailed along behind the balance of the tick et , indicating frequently that while the democrats desire the support of the populists they have refused reci procal treatment. Mr. Tibbies , the populist candidate for vice president , has taken a stand against fusion , and It remains to be seen whether the World-Herald can Influence the par ty to the extent of turning down their national representative in the coming convention on August 10. The demo crats may offer something a little ex tra as an Inducement for fusion be cause of the apparent Indifference of the populists , but In the end the same old results will probably be attained und the populists will lose a little more of their prestige and standing as a party. They count a great deal on the republicans being dissatisfied with their ticket , but they will find that In a presidential year , with a majority so strongly republican In the state that the state ticket will not be a great ways behind the na tional ticket when the returns are counted. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications , as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deaf ness , and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness Is caused by an Inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian tube. When this tube Is Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing , and when It Is entirely closed , deaf- Tiess Is the result , and unless the In flammation can be taken out and this tube restored to Its normal condition , hearing will be destroyed forever ; nine cases out of ten are caused by t'Hiarrh , which Is nothing but an in- * lamed condition of the mucous sur- aces. \\'e will give one hundred dollars > r anv case of deafness ( caused by : ta-rti ti at c-t npnt be cuied bv Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circu lars free. P. J. Cheney & Co. , To- edo , O. Sold by druggists. 75c. , Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. Asa K , Leonard asks the renders of this paper who are suffering with Indigestion or dys pepsia to call on him at once and get a bottle of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. If you know the value of this remedy as we know It , you would not suffer another day. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Is a thorough dlgestant and tissue- building tonic as well. It is endorsed I personally by hundreds of people whom It has cured of Indigestion , dys pepsia , palpitation of the heart and stomach troubles generally. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat. It Is pleasant , palateable and strength ening. Sold by Asa K. Leonard. When you are suffering from rheu matism , the kidneys must bo attended - ed to at once so that they will ellm- Inate the uric acid from the blood. Foley's Kidney Cure Is the most effective ' fective remedy for this purpose. R. T. Hopkins , of Polar , Wis. , says , "Af ter unsuccessfully doctoring three years for rheumatism with the best doctors , I tried Foley's Kidney Cure Battleground's Meeting. Lafayette , Ind. , July 21. The thir teenth annual session of the Battle ground Campmeetlng association be gan today at the Tlppecanoe battle field , seven miles north of this city , and will continue for ten days. The Hev. Henry Ostrom , of Greencastlo , is in charge of the meeting , and John Hlllis has direction of the music. The program includes the names of a num ber of noted speakers and lecturers. WANTS. FOUND. A bunch of Yale lock keys. Own er will find them at The News Office. FOR SALE. A newly remodeled house of 15 rooms at Nellgh , Neb. , centrally lo cated. Doing good business. On ac count of health must sell. For par ticulars address G. , News , Norfolk , Neb. HOUSE "WANTED. Wanted for Cash 5-roomed house south of Norfolk avenue and east of C. & N. W. R. R. Tracy & Durland. WANTED FEMALE HELP. Dining room and kitchen help want ed at Fry's restaurant. WANTED -GOOD GIRL to do kitchen work. Mrs. J. B. Barnes. MALE HELP WANTED. MEN WANTED for South Omaha packing house help. Premium wages from ITVic for laborers up to 50c per hour for all around butchers. Ample protection from violence or annoy ance and permanent jobs for compe tent and satisfactory men. Apply by wire , letter or in person , to room 103 Dellone hotel , Omaha , Neb. Tel. 1510. Wanted Men for work In packing house. 700 laborers 19c per hour ; 300 butchers Union wage scale. The Cudahy Packing Co. , Sioux City , Iowa. WANTED : YOUNG MAN from Norfolk or vicinity , with fair business ability , willing to work , to prepare for good Govt. position. Entrance salary $800. Gradual promotion po- sitiop permanent. Address C. D. W. , Dox l , Cedar Rapids , Iowa. CORRESPONDENTS WANTED. Wanted Correspondents for Dally News on rural routes No. 1 , 2 , 3 and i -1 out of Norfolk. TO ALL SUFFERERS This 25c Box of Elmo Gactarine To prove that it is the greatest remedy In the world ( or the cure of all STOMACH HEART AND THe Oretv-t , 5lomo.fh.Hew1 ud Nerve Qrre . . . Ser\t FR.F.F.toAll NERVE TROUBLES WHAT ELMO CACTARINE HAS DONE , Cactarine Cured These People. Manhattlown , Iowa , Sept S3.1903. Elmo Chemical Co. , Del Moincf , Iowa. Dear Sirs : I take pleasure In acknowledginethe benefit I re ceived ( torn the ute of Cactarine. I have only taken , one box and the effect was like maeic. Ills worth its weight in eokl to any one who has heart trouble MATTIE JOHNSON. Elmo Chemical Co. Gentlemen : The box of medi cine received In coed condition I have taken all the tab lets and they have done me lots of Eood. My heart feels better. my stomach and bowels are in coed condition. Cactarine is the Lett medicine I have ever taken. Your Iriend , MRS ELIZABETH MAULEY Elmo Chemical Co. : Lafayette , III The box o ( Heart Tablets was received in coed condi tion several days ago Alter using them as per directions I Irrl treat relief. 1 have recommended your tablets to a great number of my friends who are suffering from Heart Disease , and I COUPON No. 120O intend to recommend then as long as I live Yours sincerely. BENJAMIN SMITH. Cut out this coupon and send it with your name and address to the Elmo Chemical Co , DCS Elmo Cactarine will do the same lor you as it has Molnes , Iowa , for a f ree25c box of Elmo Cactarine lor these people. Try it and tee , THE ONLY REMEDY SOLD WITH A WRITTEN GUARANTEE. Box of 100 Dote * for $1.00. Hit f till to benefit yen your money refunded. SOLO AND UARANTCCD BY What Elmo CACTARINE will Do The prescription from which Elmo Cac tarine is manufactured was obtained by Elmo Chemical Co. frpm one of the lead ing Stomach , Heart and Nerve Specialists in the world , who originated and used this preparation in his daily practice for many years , enabling him to cure thousands of chronic sufferers from Stomach , Heart and Nervous Diseases and restore them to per- feet health. Since obtaining tiiis prescription - J tion from this famous specialist the Elmo Chemical Co. have sent samples of this preparation to leading physicians and suf ferers all over the world. In every instance remarkable results have been reported ; in some cases complete cures were obtained with this sample. In no case has it ever failed. Send for a sample and try it. ELMO CACTARINE CURES JitomacU Diseases , Dyspepsia , Fermenta tion , Sour Stomach , Aids Digestion. Cures Heart Diseases , Palpitation , Shortness of Dreath , Irregular Pulse , Fainting and Dizzy Spells , Smothering Spells , Rheuma tism or Neuralgia of the Heart , and pre vents death from heart failure. Curei Nervous Diseases.Weak , Irritable Nerves , Sick Nervous Headaches , Nervous Pros tration , tones up and strengthens the entire nervous system. A few doses give imme diate relief. Try it at our expense. Sold By ASA K.LEONARD and AH Lading Druggists