The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, July 01, 1904, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 TUB NORFOLK NEWS : FRIDAY , JULY 1 , 1'JO-i. '
The Organization la Already Getting
Busy and n Street Car Line Is the
First Matter for Consideration
Detter Roads Into Norfolk Needed.
IKrom TliumtUy'H Dally. )
Tlmt tlio nnlvod Comincrclnl club
do HomothliiK of liutiullt to Nor
folk wn iloiuoitHtriUiMl by tlio tutor-
cat taken In the mooting tit tlio city
hull liiHt ovunltiK. The inootliiKVIIH
well nttomlod by luminous inon and
tlio tllHOUHKlon of ( | tu'ntlonn that iH'tnl
public attention Hhowoil that It IB
tlio pliut of tlio inoiuburs to
iniiku thu organisation an Inlluoncu
that will bo foil.
The miH'tliiK WIIH calk'd to order
byV. . M. llohortHon , pumldtMit , and
In thu ahtu'iico of Kocrutivry llanon ,
\V. N. HIIHU WIIH oluctud BL'crotary
nro loin.
Mr. UoburtHon Htatud that hu
not urt'Hotit when ho WIIH elected a
weoU HKO , and that It WIIH IIH ! to docllnu Ilio itoHltlon of
president , for It IIH-MIIH a lot of hard
work and tlio Hiving of u great deal
of tlnio to tlio public , lint bo had
liui'ii urged by IniHlnt'HH inun to take
It , who iiHHiired him that tlioy are In
earnest In I ho inovomont , and ho had
concluded to accupl. Ho wild that
hln Interests are here and ho In jutit
as anxious to Uuop Norfolk growing
an any man In town , and tlio only
way to Biiccocd IH through organised
effort. In tlio past tlio Conunorclal
club Becnrcd Hcvoral substantial bono
lltH to the city and there Is every
reason to bollovo It can got inoro In
future. Ono of the moat Important
matters to bo considered at thin tlnio
IH the Iinlldlng of a street railway
between Norfolk and South Norfolk ,
and HO far IIH ho can ascertain there
IB a general sentiment among busi
ness puoplo In favor of afTonling
cheap and quick transportation be
tween the two parlH of the city , and
If the Commercial club can
ways and means for bringing about
thin result It will liuvo accomplished
u great undertaking of much good
not only to the business men but to
the public living along the proposed
line. The president said It will bo
necessary to ask for an appropria
tion of the legislature at ( ho session
next winter for maintenance of the
Norfolk hospital for the Insane ,
which will bo completed this season ,
and It should be the mission of the
club to act with and assist the olll-
cers of the hospital when they are
appointed In scenting such appropri
ation. Other matters will present
themselves from time to time , which
must bo taken euro of , and the only
way to accomplish results Is to stick
together and work together , and this
ho believes the people are ready to
do. The Commercial club will bo a
strong factor in building up the Inter
ests of the city , and on the presump
tion that It will liuvo the loyal sup
port of the people , ho Is willing to
accept the duties of president and
help mtiko a strong pull for Norfolk.
The Committees.
Under instructions of the tlrst meet
ing of the club , the president appoint
ed M. IX Tyler and Hurt Mapes as a
committee to solicit members , and
A. DeKtior and Robert Utter to col
lect membership fees. It was the
sense of the meeting that no back
dues be collected from members , but
the fee of $2.00 bo collected from
each and that the dues commence to
run from July 1.
The president named the following
as members of the executive commit
tee : C. 13. tturnhntnV. . N , Huso , C.
D. Jenkins , T. P. Memmlnger , Sol. 0.
Mayer , \V. H. Ulakoman , Goo. IX
Hy vote of the club President Rob
ertson and Vice President Pasowalk
wore mndo ex otllclo members of the
executive committee , and the presi
dent of the club was made chairman
of the committee.
Street Railway.
The matter of building a street rail
way between Norfolk and South Nor
folk was taken up and discussed at
considerable length. It was urged
that at the present time it is more
convenient for railroad men living
in South Norfolk to purchase supplies
In Omaha or the other end of their
runs thpn It Is to come up town ,
hunting up a hack each time they
want to come and paying 25 cents
each way , and BOIUO of the merchants
present said they know It to bo a
fact that Norfolk business houses lose
a considerable trade because of the
Inconvenience and expense of getting
from South Norfolk to Norfolk and
back. Many of the residents of the
south portion of the city have ex
pressed a dissatisfaction with the
business men for not providing borne
way of doing their trading at home.
It was stated that Hurt Mapes had
been Investigating the cost of put
ting In an electric line and the esti
mates show that the expense will bo
between $10,000 and $11.000. Mapes
was out of the city , s > o that the accurate -
curate figures could , not be obtained.
It was said that Mr. Mnpos' plati
contemplates a line starting at the
Chlongo and Northwestern depot at
South Norfolk , going west on 1'Irst
_ avenue to Fourth { .treat , north to
Pasowalk avenue , west to Sixth
street , north to Norfolk nvontiu
and oiint to Second Htroot It IB
IlKurcd that a lintroiiHtrupled along
Hits route will acrotnmodato more
people and do moio business than on
any other street * .
It WHS further Htatod that Mr
MapoR MtniulR ready to take $1.000
worth of Htock In ( ho enterprise. A
number of the bimlnoHH men present
expressed thomsolvoH willing and
anxious to help the project with
HiihHcrlptloitH. While they figured
that perhaps the enterprise would
not bo n money making Hcheme for
the promoters at the start , yet they
believed It would grow Into a good
pioporly aH the town becomoH larger ,
but they would be well repaid for
their InvoHlmont In the increased
trade that would bo brought to them
through the establishment of the
The Hontlment of the meeting WIIH
strongly In favor of building the line
If It can bo brought about , and the
whole matter was loforrcd to the ox-
ecntlvo committee , who wore Instruct
ed to consult with Mr. Mapos and
Investigate ItH practicability.
Detter Roads.
The Commercial club found an
other matter thai needs attention and
that promptly. H was stated that
( lie Hindu leading Into Norfolk are
In bad condition , that they have re
ceived ICHH attention than those leadIng -
Ing Into any town In the county , and
that It IH high tlnio something IH
done. It WIIH argued that Norfolk
contilbutoH liberally to the road fund
of the county but that It is tecelvlng
little In the way of ImpiovomontB.
Norfolk cannot o\pect that farmers
will coino here to trade even though
It has hotter stocks , unless the roads
leading Into town are In good condi
tion , and they aio far from that at
the present time. The executive
committee was liiHtrncted to seek
relief fiom the county board and was
given power to act.
Regular Meetings.
Regular meetings of the club wore
llxed on the last Monday evening of
each month , and the president was
authorised to call special meetings
on request of llvo members of the
To demonstrate that there will bo
something doing , the executive com
mittee will hold a meeting this evenIng -
Ing at S o'clock In the directors'
room of the Norfolk National bank.
James Hayes , local manager for the
Updike Grain company , was called to
hlH homo near Hustings today.
A half do/on hums occupied the
city Jail last night and wore turned
loose by Chief Kane this morning.
A. H. Heall of Sioux City , former
proprietor of the Auditorium at this
place , has boon succeeded In the man
agement of the Grand opera house at
Sioux City by Woodwards & Hurgess ,
well known in the theatrical line at
Omaha. This may have an effect on
the attractions that will bo booked
for Norfolk next season.
An interesting and profitable moot
ing to Norfolk Is to bo held at the
city hall tonight when the reorga
nised commercial club will proceed
to do business. The committees and
other details of the organization will
ho completed and there will bo things
brought up that every business man
and enterprising citizen should bo
Interested In. All business houses
should bo represented.
The Pioneer Hook and Ladder com
pany have received their new badges ,
recently ordered , and when they
come out on dross parade during the
tournament will have a little extra
adornment to show their admiring
friends. The badges are of german
silver nlcklo plated and should wear
an ordinary llfo time and look well
at that time. The olllcers' badges
are a little more elaborate than those
of the private members , but alt are
very neat.
It will bo several weeks before the
contractors on the United States
court house can call their work com
pleted. The workmen are making a
gratifying showing each day but there
are so many details to look after and
so much to be done that It will re
quire some time yet to complete.
The work of putting In the concrete
walks and the hauling In of black dirt
for the lawn is not yet finished , but
is progressing , hundreds of wagon
loads of material being necessary.
An Oxnard , Cal. , paper of recent
date prints the following concerning
Walter Cathor , well known here as
the son-in-law of Rev. S. F. Sharp-
less : "Mr. Walter Cathor has re
signed his position with the Ameri
can Heot Sugar company and will re
move to Los Angeles about the ISth ,
where ho has secured a lucrative po
sition with one of the largest real es
tate and broker firms in that city.
Mr. Cathor has been with the Ameri
can Heel Sugar company for a num
ber of years and stands high as an
apt , faithful and Industrious em *
ployo. Ho is a bright and active
young man and has a host of friends
hero who will regret to learn of his
intention to remove from our midst. "
Makes young again the aged and
Infirm. The electric spark goes
through every part of your body ,
bringing new life , hope and ambition.
That's what Holllster's Rocky Moun
tain Tea does. 35 cents , tea or tab
lets. The Klesau Drug Co.
H. M. Starling returned this morn
ing from a successful business trip
to Uattlo Creek O'Neill ami other
towns west.
Angry Looking Clouds Rushed Down
From the Northwest , Whirled
Around as Though They Were In
Genuine Earnest , and Whirled Away
What might , with a fair chance-
though even the heavens had stopped
being fair have developed Into a re-
Hpectablo little tornado yesterday af
ternoon , rolled up In a big , black
cloud at the outHot , scared a few of
the more timid OUCH , and then rolled
away again , leaving a clear blue sky
and a refreshing atmosphere.
Shortly afternoon of yesterday the
ugly looking northwest tossed a
huiiHi of diirkncsH overhead. The
muddy colored distance whirled
around like u prlx.o lighter preparing
for a match by punching : i bag , and
the wind began to IOHIII. Then the
HUH , which had sort of stood on the
outside watching the crowd and lookIng -
Ing at ( ho pictures on the Hide show
curtains ducked under ( ho canvas
and the day WIIH dark.
Then the performance began , ( t
wan like the excitement around the
lent In which u bull light IH about to
begin. And It all amounted to about
as much lee , an the usual light of
that Mirt does. There was a lot of
puffing and blowing and advertising
In advance , but when the attraction
came along It fell away Hat of the
press agent's conception and the
crowd wanted Its money back. If
It came along again , oven ten years
from now , It couldn't draw half a
There was a rush and a hurling of
horns. The storm tossed fragments
and particles of everything high up
Into the air and then dropped them
again just , for the fun of the thing.
Cottonwool ! whiteness , brought fern
n mile or two , dotteil the picture that
you got when you looked out of the
window , and it made you think of
snow in December , just before Christ
mas , when the young married couple
comes home lor a square meal.
Then ( hero was a little splashing
of dew drops Just a tiny sprinkle all
over the ( own , which baptised the
people out in It just enough to let
them know what might have happen
ed. A llttlo later there was an an
gry growl and the streets wore car
ried away. Small boys , barefooted ,
ran home very fast and the cabmen
pulled their rubber slickers up around
their shoulders. Girls who had been
lounging In the hammock , got Into
the house and slammed the screen
doors. They turned around to see
what they could see , but were disap
pointed. The police had come along
and stopped tlio mill. The whole
show , concert and all , were done and
over , and the roustabouts commenced
to tear down the tents and load up
the stakes.
Three minutes later the lemonade
men , who had begun to sell out at
a 2 for 5 rate , packed up their glasses
and counters and left the grounds.
The menagerie wagons were loaded
on the train , the engine whistled and
the show pulled out of town , headed
toward Stunton.
The sun , a bright , clear , warm sun ,
came out and laughed at the earth
and people as though he enjoyed the
jesting just that once gave them the
merry. mirthful smile that ho
thought he had coming.
The sky was blue and the streets ,
clean swept and rid of travelers ,
looked like a race track all ready for
Road Notice.
To all whom It may concern :
The commissioner appointed to locate
cato a road commencing at the south
east corner of Sec. IW-21-2 running
west on county line between Madl
son and Platte counties to the south
west corner of Sec. D2-21-2 west of the
sixth P. M. , has reported In favor of
the establishment thereof and all ob
jectlons thereto , or claims for dam
ages must bo ( lied in the county
clerk's olllco on or before noon of the
20th day of July 1901 , or such road
will bo established without reference
Emll Winter ,
County Clerk.
Will A. Hrown was In the city yes
terday from Fullerton.
Hanker H. Barnes came down from
Battle Creek yesterday noon.
A. Shulte and A. I. . Lamb were city
visitors from Wayne yesterday.
W. A. Wltzigman came down on the
morning train from Meadow Grove.
L. H. Pickering and wife of Lynch
were in the city between trains yes
Frank Hough of Newman Grove
transacted business In the city yes
A number of now men will bo given
work by the Northwestern In caring
for the business toward the Honesteel
Mrs. H. .1. Miller and son arrived
last evening from Hartlngton and
will remain a few days with Mr. Mil
ler who Is the cashier of the new Ne
braska National bank. The family
will make Norfolk their homo as soon
as a house can bo found.
Norfolk continues as the point of
assemblage of a portion of the crowds
that are headed for the Rosebud res
ervation , coming here from all sec
tions of the country.
The Htreot sprinkler has found lit
tle huulnoBH to engage Its attention
during the past few days In laying
the dust that has been raised by the
recent lapse in the biiHltiess of Ju-
pltor PIllVlUH.
Two ton-wheel freight engines have
been received on this division of the
NorthwoHtern from Chicago that will
be lined on the through service busi
ness between Missouri Valley and
llonealeol during the Rosebud rush.
Norfolk Htrouts are once more as
suming their customary smoothness
and the country roads have also been
much Improved during the past few
days of dry weather. With a few
more dayH of It they will bo almost
equal to pavement.
An alteration to the front of Hayes
jewelry and music IIOIIHO Is under
way. The hull door leading to the up
Htalrs rooms Is being et further back ,
and a plate glass window will be set
in the angle , giving a belter dlslpay
and more light In the store.
Gollmar's advertising car No. 1 Is
here today putting up the gaily col
ored paper that announces their approaching
preaching visit to Norfolk on July 18.
A number of now bill boards have
been erected and many of the old and
familiar posting places are being cov
The advertising men for the Nor
folk Ilro department are out this week
placing large postern and small hand
bills , distributing buttons and pro
grams and otherwise advertlHlng the
state volunteer fli omen's tournament
to bo held In this city August 2 , 3
and 4. The entire state will be ef
fectually canvassed and It Is expected
that there will bo people hero for the
events from every section and cor
ner of H.
Mart Coffman , treasurer of the Con
stitution Publishing company with
which N. W. Smalls was connected at
Law-ton , Ohio. , and ISlmor Thomas ,
manager of the celebrated Lawton
ball team , slopped off in Fremont last
evening. They were on their way to
the Rosebud agency where the for
mer will identify himself with sever
al persons who will establish a town-
Nebraska National Bank Will be
Ready for Business Some Time
Next Week.
The now Nebraska National bank
will not bo opened for business on
July 1 as contemplated. The room in
the Bishop block Is ready except pa
pering , the vault lias been finished ,
but the fixtures , which were promised
by the manufacturer on Juno 27 , are
not hero and will not be for several
to coino , It Is the usual story
A manufacturer agrees to have a
pleco of work finished by a certain
date to secure the order but when the
tlnio conies ho Is unable to carry out
his promises and It Is too late for the
purchaser to secure what ho wants
flomuwhoru oluu. The Nebraska Na
tional is not alone In this , as every
one who has attempted Improvements
can testify.
It Is now thought probable that the
now bank will bo ready for business
somewhere between tlio Gth and 10th
of July , but neither President Uuttor-
Held nor Cashier Miller are willing
to gamble on the fixture man's game ,
so long ns ho holds the cards.
Money can unquestionably earn
Dut something must be bought.
Otherwise , It will be Idle.
'idle monay , like idle men , Is
What shall you buy ?
Mining stock ?
Oil stock ?
Railway stock ?
Stock of a manufacturing plant ?
Let us chow you something bet
And safer because practically
"backed . "
by Uncle Sam.
Our prospectus Is free.
Start $50 or more to earning
Take the genuine , orlglnn >
Made only by Madison MeC
clue Co. , AUdloon , WIs.
keeps you well. Our tr
mark cut on each packa ,
Price , 35 cents. N ver a
In bulk. Accept no ubs'
tute Ask vour
Auction Sale Reel top desk , rock
ing chairs , otllce tables , clock , etc. ,
owned by Edwards-Wood Co. , will bo
disposed of Saturday afternoon at 2
o'clock , corner of Fourth and Main
Dr. Harnes , the eye and ear spo-
clallst , of Omaha , will bo nt the Pa
cific hotel Friday. July 8.
Send 25 cents for Homesteader's
Guide , containing 48 pages of valua
ble Information. Official map and full
instructions how to got a claim on the
Rosebud reservation. Forbes Locat
ing Agencv , Bonostool , S. D.
Those wishing to secure homos on
the Rosebud reservation should se
cure the services of the Forbes Lo
cating Agency. They are reliable and 1
will give good service. Address \
Bonesteol , S. D.
For Sale Good fresh milch cows.
Inquire H15 Madison Ave. or see W.
H. Hoyd.
WANTED MAN under 35 years of
age from Norfolk with fair education
to prepare lor lucrative Govt. position.
Hegln with salary of $800.00 with In
crease as deserved. Write at once.
I. S. S. , HOK 570 , Cedar Rapids. la.
Printer capable of taking care at
mailing list , wanted at The News of
fice. Write , stating experience and
wages wanted.
Wanted Correspondents for Dally
News on rural routes No. 1 , 2 , 3 and
I out of Norfolk.
"Will euro any case of Kidney
or Bladder disease that is not
beyond the reach of medicine.
B. Sptogol , 1201 N. Virginia St. , Evansvlllo.
Ind. , writes : "For ever four s oars I was troubled
with n kidney and bladder nuoctlon. I lost Hash
and was uuiihlo to work. Three physicians failed
to holpmo nud I was given up to die , Foloy'a
Kidney Cnro was recommended and the first
bottle KBVO mo great relict and after taking the
second bottle 1 was entirely cured. "
Two Sizes 50 Centa and $1.00
The News roaches the people. If
you want to talk to the people , talk
through The News.
$50.000.00 4
Gash Given Aw
We are going to be more liberal than ever in 1904 to users of Lion Coffee. Not only will the
Lion-Heads , cut from the packages , be good , as heretofore , for the valuable premiums we
have always given our customers , but
the same Lion-Heads will entitle you to estimates in our $50,000.00 Grand Prize Contests , which will
make some of our patrous rich men and women. You can send in as many estimates as desired. There will be
The first contest will be on the July 4th attendance at the St. Louis World's Fair ; the second relates to Total
Vote For President to bo cast Nov. 8 , 1904. $30,000,00 will be distributed in each of these contests , making
$40,000.00 on the two , and , to make it still more interesting , in addition to this amount , we will give ate
to the one who is nearest correct on both
contests , and thus your estimates have two
opportunitiesof wmninga big cash prize.
Five Lion-Heads n&Bf sS $ & * m Printed blanks to
cut from Lion vote on found in
Coffee Packages and a every Lion Coffee Pack
2 cent stamp entitle you age. The 2. cent stamp
( in addition to the reg covers the expense of
ular free premiums ) our acknowledgment to
to one vote in you that your es
either contest : timate is recorded.
What will be the total July 4thattendance nt ths St Louis
Worlrt'i Fair ? At Chicago , July 4.1S91. the attendant e wis 233.273
For nearoit correct estimate ] received In Woolson 8pli.e Com-
pany'h olllco , Toledo , Ohio , on or before Juno 30th , 190J , we will
give tlrst prize ( or the nearest correct estimate , second prize to the
next nearest , etc. , etc. , as follows :
1 First Prize J2.5OO OO
1 Second Prize 1 OOO.OO
a Prize-J5OO.OO each 1OOO.OO
6 Prizes 2OO.OO 1,000.00
1O Prizes 1OO.OO l.OOOOO
3O Prises BO.OO 1 OOO.OO
BO Prizes 2O.OO 1OOO.OO
26O Prizes 1O.OO 2.GOO.OO
1 BOO Prises 5.0O O.OOO.OO
What will bo the total Popular Vote cant for President fv u
( or all candidates combined i at the election Novembers 19W la
laOO election , 13.959.651 people voted for President. For m-arcst cor
rert estimates received In Woolson Spice Co ' & . office. 1 oledo O. ,
on or before Nov 5,1904 , we will give first prize for the nearest cor
rect estimate , second prize to the next follows :
1 First Prize $2,5OO.OO
- ' 1,000.00
2130 PRIZES , TOTAL. S20.000.00 2139 PRIZES , TOTAL , J20.OOO.OO
Distributed to the PubJlc aggregating S40,000QO-n ! addition to which va ; shall give $5,000 ,
to SrooA iS * !
1E3 K