The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, July 01, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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\V. N. Ill * U > I'ulilUlirr.
Rvnry Any im-rjit Hiimlny. Hy ci\r-
rl r j > r wooU , 15 rcnln. Hy Norfolk
poMoilleo dollvory , I'or yi-nr. to 00. lly
tnnll on rnnil riiulcn ami oulalilo or
Norfolk , per your , J3.00.
Tlie NOWK. Kntnlillnlirii. 1SSI.
The Journnl , r.ntiilillHliotl. 1877.
Kvrry Krlilny. lly mull ! > > r your. 1 1. BO.
Knlorcil at tlio | ionliin > < i tit Norfolk.
Neb. . Booond oliiKH miiltor.
Telephone * : KiUtnrlnl nepnrtment.
No. 22. HiiHliicHH Oltli-u H ml Jolt UOOIIIH ,
No. i:2.
Nulirnnltii hoops right cm standing
vii | for the board of trndo boar.
Tlioro may lie parched onrth In tlio
OllSt ( If WL'Ht. Illlt IIOIIO lH III OVlllOIICO
III Nebraska tlllH HeaSOII.
Tlio iilillliy of HusHlii to inulntnln
n Hoot , nt Port Ai'thur iiiionr8 | | ( o rust
< m tholr nlillHy to keep thi'lr lioulH
Inslilo Itto harbor's inonlli.
If TORO ooiilil lint untlc.o ( ho HUB-
slnn ( loot out a tliuo or I wo inoro
ho would soon Imvo nil tlio sculps of
lilM onoiny dangling t "I" "oil-
I'ooplo ( lint wish to ( Ho nro not
oflon fonnil In Nebraska. Hnro llfo
IH worth living all tlio tlmo auil par-
tleulurly nt thlH season of tlio your.
Dowlo has not yol hcou convinced
lint thill ho will ho nlilu < < lo Now
Yorkers Homo good If Ilioy will only
liormlt him.
The prohibitlonlHtH i\ro In session
nt InillnnnpollH , hut that WIIH not whan
caused the trembling of tlio i-artli
shortly uflor noon totliiy.
There might ho HOIIIO domiiiid on
the part of NohriiHUu fannorH for the
Invontlon of a limn who will make
n practical gasoline launch corn eul-
Now that Pordlcarls la released the
government of Morocco should pro
ceed to capture Kalmill and take the
amount of that ransom out of his
A torniido ban visited Nebraska ,
hut It WIIH HO near the dividing line
between this stale and KnnmiH Hint
the storm Is entitled to ho tormoil u
What the Huslans do not know
about naval warfare and the manage-
niont and manipulation of naval ves
sels would evidently till several good
sized volumes.
The exposition might Just about ns
well oloso Its doors whllo the demo
cratic convention Is In progress next
week. It will ho much the inoro at
tractive show of the two.
Considerable Interesting reading
matter grew out of the fact that Mr.
Uryan hud his portrait painted and
now a bust of the famous Nebraska
democrat Is being made In New York.
If Miles should win the prohibition
nomination after refusing to talk out
as Fairbanks did In the republican
convention Parker stock may be ex
pected to go up another notch at St.
Just now there Is a rush for the
Kansas harvest Holds by those anx
ious to make from $1.50 to $ l.r ! > 0 per
day , that would rival the crowds
headed for some of the most famous
summer resorts.
The prohibitionists are stayers ,
anyway. Any other party that had
dwindled to Its numbers would either
disband absolutely or originate a now
scheme and a new party that might
stand a chance of gathering In a few
While John L. Webster did not
have a great run of good luck at
Chicago , we should all earnestly hope
that A. O. Wolfetibarger of Lincoln
will have a ladder long enough to
capture tlio persimmon at Indlanapo
11s next week.
The glorious Fourth Is but four
days In the future almost everyone
knows that , but if yon want it tlgura
down to hours and minutes yon wil
need to inquire of the average yount ,
American , between the ages of oigh
and fourteen.
Some of the railroads are discover
ing that their competitors are dealing
directly with notorious ticket scalp
ers , and they fear that with this con
dltlon of affairs there never will be
an opportunity to get rid of this clas
of ticket dealers.
The progress being made by Nor
folk and north Nebraska Is good t
look upon by those who desire to wit
ness prosperity and development
The pace may be a little swift fo
some but they will catch up eventi
The per capita wealth of the conn
try Is greater than ever before an
Is still Brewing some , therefore wll
tore Inli'FR UNO than usual for the
onmoialH to roalllrm tholr alloglonco
i free sliver and the KaiiHiis City
That hoe In the bonnet of ( Joneral
llloH IH very evidently of a persist-
nt and limlHtont brood , If It can
ring htm to the point of accepting
u scant honors In tin- political line
nit the prohibition parly him In Its
mwor to dollvor.
The ropubllcaiiH have failed utterly
i stirring up nny antagonism or
( her excltomont In tholr own camp ,
ml they are almost beginning to
ouhl ( ho ability of ( ho domooriits to
ut up a light that will make the
ampalgii Interesting.
If I ho republicans should have
eon permitted to hold Iholr coin-on-
on after ( ho domocrals , It would
ol Imvo boon possible for the latter
arty to "vlow with alarm" the nssor-
OIIH and pollcloH outlined In ( ho re-
nbllcan platform.
The llusslaiiH have announced that
icy oxpool Mm war situation lo ho
otoriiilnod In a very few days , now.
'hoy may possibly do something ( o
10 Japs , hut If they do Ihoro will
10 hundreds of people In America
ho will never forgive them.
With the armlos of Kuropatkln ,
\urlkl and Oku lined up In ( ho near
olghhorhood of ( Mich other and the
Kempt holng made by each lo out-
inneuvor the others , Ihoro Is some
eiiNon to suppose that something
III happen when the Jockeying Is
It Is said that the only nowspa-
or In Now York supporting
learst and Uryan Is Hearst's own
Journal anil American. ' This show-
ig out of the 700 or 800 papers pub-
shod In that city Is not a sign of
ny great majority among the news-
uper publishers.
Senator Fairbanks , the republican
andldato for vice president , traces
Is descent back ( o pure Puritan
lock , which will ho a reeommonda-
on for him that will appeal to a largo
umber of Americans who desire
liolr chief olllcers ( o bo as distinct
y American as possible.
Nebraska rivals the sea shore and
louiitain resorts this year In giving
eel and bracing breezes and oilier
omforls not customary to the good
Id summer tlmo. There are few
s'ebraskans to bo enticed away from
omo this season by the offerings of
ho summer resort peoplo.
The Japs are wise In giving the
{ iisslan navy considerable leeway. If
ho war lasts a few months longer
, nd the sailors of the czar are given
inplo opportunity that country will
eon have no navy loft at all with
vhlch to menace Japanese commerce
ml the transport business.
If General Miles refuses to speak
nt so that the leaders of the prohl-
illlou party may know that he Is not
Midoavorlng to bunco them out of
ho best gift In their Keeping , the
icoplo of Nebraska will rise as one
mil demand that the honor bo thrust
ipon Mr. NVolfonbarger of Lincoln.
That the section homesteads are
'onsldored ' of value by the people
vim best know them Is shown by the
uitlcipation of trouble at the Broken
,5ow olllco. People wluld never have
.rouble . over worthless property , and
f the homesteads are worth lighting
'or they are certainly worth having.
Democrats should bo careful how
hey criticise the republican candl-
lates and the republican platform for
the present. Perhaps after the St.
.M\\\S \ \ \ convention has llnlshcd with
tholr pet beliefs and theories they
will bo only too glad to endorse the
iction of tlio Chicago convention In
"Uncle Joe" Cannon , after that Chicago
cage address , Is considered to have
an ability as an orator that would
not make him entirely unworthy of
notice as a debater against the
llowery oratory of Mr. Uryan , and
such a debate might be arranged by
the national committee with advan
The prohibition national convoiv
tion will meet in Indianapolis next
next week and place in nomination
the ticket which members of that
party will hope may bo able to show
the gain In strength that should be
the result from the natural Increase
In prohibition families since the party
was organized.
All preliminaries leading up to the
St. Louis convention are of a nature
to guarantee It will ho as much nn
like the Chicago convention as It Is
possible to get. This Is not , howev
er , an evidence of a democratic desire
sire to be original. The leaders o
the party would much prefer to ere
ate an exact imitation of the Chlcag
affair provided always , that It woulii
be according to their idea of men and
principles , find not as the other f < d-
low would have It.
That regatta at Kiel must have
been worth seeing and the boats
In the race mum have traveled uomc ,
but have you iiotlcod Nebraska In
her nice for a bnmpor harvest. It
IH not only an exciting one , but valu
able results will accrue to the ntato
as well as to those that are second
and third In the running.
After long and thoughtful consider
ation and a wrestling with the temp
tation that they wore holding out to
him , Coue.ral Miles has Dually decid
ed that ho will not accept the nomi
nation for president on the prohibi
tion ticket. It required a good deal
of will ( Hiwor , but ho demonstrated
that It was possible to resist.
If Russia Is ( o decide the war dur
ing Iho present wci-k , the forces ol
Mint country now In the Held will bo
compelled lo make a showing very
soon. For the first few days of Iho
week there Is nothing to Indicate but
thai the Japanese Intend to keep on
doing business that does not have
the approval of tholr enemies.
The republicans of Oregon ' rolled
up a majority of "I/JIT for their can
didate for supreme Judge out of a to
tal vote of ! ! ) . : > . This should he
ovIiloiico sulllclont that Oregon Is In
Iho republican column , and the democrats -
crats should not Immediately accred
it Its electoral votes to the St. Louis
nominee , after such nomination has
been mado.
The people of towns who have not
Fourth of July celebrations of tholr
own are Just now busy trying to
form a choice among the excellent
attractions that an ; offered by the
surrounding communities , and it is a
hard pro | > osiloii ! to determine , as all
of them have offerings of real merit
to appeal to the amusement lover
and the patriot.
A recent tabulation of ( he dele
gates to the St. Louis convention , n
week from tomorrow showsITS
, -ITS uiiln-
structed ; 270 Instructed for Parker ;
151 ! Instructed for Hearst ; III ! for Ol-
noy ; l ! ( ! for Wall and six for Gray.
The merry scramhlo will be to llnd
out which candidate can swing the
majority of those who go to the con
vention iininstructed.
A Scrlbni'r man was recently tried
on a charge of Insanity because ho
wouldn't work , claiming he could
live better without such exertion.
The Insanity board was foolish for
tr > lng any such dodge. Ho was evl-
dently very sane. The people who
should have been examined for symp
toms of dementia wore those who
have been guilty of feeding him.
The democrats meet In Fremont to
day to n.inie their candidates for the
concessional race In this , the Third
district. 1'revlous to the meeltng of
the convention It has looked very
much like a cut and dried affair in '
favor of P. K. McKIUIp of Humphrey ,
be being the only one who has shown i
any desire to enter a contest at some
conslderabo expense , that looks like
a losing ono from the start.
The prohibitionists are about as
successful as the democrats at dig
ging up new issues. Just now It has
boon discovered at the Indianapolis
convention that the "canker worm of
the west" and the most serious men
ace to American Institutions Is the
polygamy of Utah , and the democrats
are classed as equally guilty with the
republicans for permitting It to ex
The number of women in line for
the section homesteads in the west
offered under the Kinkald law is .
evidence that the "now woman" Is
ever awake to opportunities that
formerly attracted only men , and in
the section tiling and the filings that
will be made on the Rosebud next
week women will undoubtedly cap
ture some of the best offerings on
the books of Uncle Sam.
A scientist has discovered that
beans and peanuts have all the quali
ties necessary to maintain life and
produce strength. If this had been
said of corn and oats , or iK > rk , there
might have been a suspicion Mint ho
was a bull on the board of Irade , but t
Inasmuch as ho says It of the mod
est peanut and the popular bean , he
cannot have had any other object
than helping out the producers of
these staples.
The republican platform states a
remarkable fact when it says that
during the fortytfour years since the
organization of the republican party ,
the democratic party has had abso
lute control of the government but
two years. U Is a showing that the
republican party represents the people
plo and that the people trust the par
ty in a way that canhot bo disputed. r1.
The two years that the democrats
dis secure control bear such a record
that It will bo many years before they
will again be intrusted with the
management of the country. It
dw require more than promises of
reform to again make the people be-
Hove that they are needed In the high
olllcos , | of the nation.
If the leading Issue of the demo
cratic party during the coming cam
paign Is to ho In the direction of the
free trade they have always sworn
lo honor and assist , they will have
a dllllcnlt lime In burying from the
people tin- fact that the only free
trade country In the world has re-
cenlly talti'ii long strides toward
protection , as a hotter thing for the
commercial Interests and the pros
perity of the peoplo.
If there was oven a faint suspi
cion on the part of the American
people that Hoosevelt and Fairbanks
looked . anything like the pictures of
thorn that have been presented in
some of the papers they would un
doubtedly lose hundreds of votes.
If the cut In one of the Nebraska
stale papers had not boon labeled
"Fairbanks , " Its readers would have
boon Justified In suposlng that It was
a likeness of Charles Gultoati.
Dr. Wiley , who had recently made
tests regarding the consequences of
using iKilsoned and adulterated food ,
has given II out that the line of such
food Is not bonellclal to the human
person. Such a conclusion had here
tofore boon reached by a largo num
ber of people who have preferred
pure and wholesome food to any con
coction of the manufacturers , but
they will be glad to know that Dr.
Wiley olllclally agrees with them.
If some of the fruit had not boon
prematurely jarred from the trees
in Mils section of the state , the limbs
would undoubtedly have broken when
the crop had reached full maturity.
The prollllc yield this year is full evt >
donee that the greatest lack of Nebraska
braska ' to make It a famous fruit-
producing state Is the absence of the
trees. ' When more people got to
planting I Irees and orchards Nebraska
soil and climate will quickly and of'
fectually do the rest.
Nebraska and the west have beer
honored by the appointment of
Charles 1C. Magoon of Lincoln , as
general counsel for the Isthmian ca
mil commission. It Is a position of
much responsibility , hut those who
know Mr. .Magoon say that he is
perfectly competent of attending to
tlie matters that will come to his
attention. ' Mr. Magoon has been fit
ted for the post by his work In con
noctlou ' with the government of Porto
Rico , Hawaii , and the Philippine
Islands. I
ll is not probable that "Uncle Joe'
Cannon will come anywhere near to
filling all his engagements and ac
cepting all the invitations that will
shower upon him during the presided
tlal campaign. Since he proved him
self so popular as the chairman o
the republican national convculloii
ho can bo assured of speaking to a
gXd ( crowd wherever he may orate
during the campaign. Nebraska
would not for a moment object t (
hearing him a few times during MIL
campaign excitement.
It is said that the first 000 or 700
claims that will be drawn at the
Kosebnd opening will be worth fron
$800 to $5,000 apiece and the person
who get Into the reservation iushk
these numbers cannot be accountet
otherwise than very fortunate. It wll
he almost like finding a gold mine
and it may bo presumed In advanc
that the chances will not be permit
ted to go begging. There are bun
dreds of people already there waiting
for the opening and thousands art
undoubtedly on the way.
It looks suspicions to n natural pco
pie when a belligerent nation begin
complaining long and loud about nn
fair treatment by their foes , or Mi
Ignoring of rules and regulations
adopted at peace conferences. I
looks considerably like the play the
small boy puts up regularly when he
Is under In a fight. Russia and Ja
pan have taken turns at making thci
complaints to the nations of the
earth , and they appear to be madi
at the time when the position of th
one making the protest Is the leas
At 9 o'clock this morning there wa
n general hurry for the land ofllce
In the districts affected by the no\
land law which permits the taking o
section homesteads. As there ar
something like 7.000,000 acres to b
homestcadcd in this manner am
most of the sections offered will ai
ford a good income to a family , thor
should bo a material improvement t
result in the western portion of Mi
state. With a now family on over ,
section of land in the district co\
ored it cannot but help that sectlo
of the country and the state Itscl
The democrats will never forgiv
the delegates to the republican con
vention at Chicago for not preclpltat
ing a fight or two and a few disagree
ments over candidates and measures
f ( hey had been planning the enliven-
Ion for the pleasure and the delec-
atlon of the democrats they would
ave had nothing else than a split ,
vith half of the delegates leaving the
all In a raging fury , but unfortunate-
y for the Joy that might have throb-
ed In the democratic heart , the wish-
s of that party were not for a mo-
lent consulted.
The people who have asserted and
) elleve ( that the Russians would soon
, inlsh , little Japan when the war
van really under good headway are
till t waiting for news confirming
heir belief. Up to date the Japs
mve only suffered a few minor re-
orses cither on land or on sea. whllo
ho Russians have had serious losses
it almost every engagement. The
lusslan aucccss In the far east ap-
lears to rest In attacking and sink-
UK defenseless transports and mor-
! hantmcn. They steer clear of the
essels that are known to have load
ed guns aboard.
The democrats have found some-
hlng else that they cannot approve
> f In the republican party , and that
s the readiness with which It accepts
jonverts from tholr parly and gives
.hem honors equal to their ability to
lorform , as with Paul Morton. That
s ono of the republican traits. It
ocognl/.os ability wherever II may
lie found , and If such ability will
. 'oino as a friend and the loaders of
Iho party have the place ( o use It.
they will not question a man's pre
vious political record. Had the dcm-
mrats long ago admitted that any
good could come out of the republi
can party , it would now be less dllll-
cult lor them to find friends there.
City people who have not recently
visited the country express astonish
ment at the progress and develop
ment of the farm houses and the
farmers. There was a time when a
city man could visit a farm and not
expect to hear from the city oftener
than t once a week. Now ho finds the
farmer and his family getting the
news every day through the dally pa
pers that are brought to his door by
the rural carrier and If there is need
of later and quicker communication
with the outer world ho has the tele
phone. The next stop in ( he advancement -
mont of the rural distrlcls may be a
network of electric lines that will
haul the people and their products to
the city. Matters appear to be tak
ing a course In just that direction.
The withdrawal of more than a mil
lion ' acres In western Nebraska from
homestead entry for the present
means something better than the
mere homesteading of semi-arid land
In the near future. With ono of the
large Irrigation projects of the gov
ernment established where the land
is now withheld there Is a prospect
of a time to come when thousands
of small farms will be available that
will produce abundantly as long as
there Is water with which to irrigate ,
With the Irrigation projects working
In from the west and the natural de
velopment of soil and climate pro
ceodlng from the east the day Is not
very far distant when all of the state
will be available for agricultural pur
poses and producing in abundance foi
the feeding of the people of the
Visitors returning from California
and the coast report that the grasses
and other vegetation are done to a
brown turn. Everything except
where there is irrigation , Is parchei
and dry , and this is about the usual
thing out there. As they proceed
further east of the Heckles they be
gin to see bunches of buffalo grass
that show slight signs of life am' '
when the green fields of Nebraska
are reached their eyes drink in the
beauty of the state with a feeling of
thankfulness that there are green
spots on earth and if they are rest-
dents here they shake hands with
themselves on their excellent good
fortune. People who would give up
the beauty that Nebraska spreads be
fore the eye at this season of the
year for a dry landscape are evi
dently lacking an eye for the beau
ties of nature.
The rush for section homesteads
In | west Nebraska is on this week
and : that for the homestead of the
regulation size will be under way at
the Rosebud reservation next week
After they are all over the wise man
having a little money to place in a
home , will return to northeast Nebraska
braska and make sure of as gooc
land as there Is out of doors at a reasonable
sonablo price. Those journeying
either way cannot fall to have no
ticed the splendid scenery , the rlcl
soil and the flourishing crops that are
the boast of this section of the state
If they have bad farming experience
they will not require other advertise
ment to attract them to this sectlot
of the west. The lucky fellows to
draw good lands in west Nebraska
and at the Rosebud will probably re
main there , but there will be man >
Just as lucky who will take the evi
Pc-ru-na Is Invaluable to Ailing
Miss Cella Harrington , .Wt Second KY&-
nni' , Detroit , Mich. , writes :
"Weakness has filled ninny months of
my lift ) with HtilToring. Through caro-
snesrt I caught a si'voroccld two years
u which settled in catarrh and serious
ly interfered with tlio regular function *
of the. body , and made mu nervous and
irritable. I began taking Purnna and
fr.iind In it u faithful helper , as it on
/Iched my blood and invigorated the
wliolu systom. I have no pains now and
am always well.1
3'V'inalu weakness is generally de
pendent upon catarrh of the pelvic or
gans. Purnnu cures catarrh wherever
Address Dr. llartman , President ot
. ' ( 'he llartman Banltarium , Columbna ,
1iii ! > . for free litorntiirc.
dence of their own senses ami Invest
in farms of quality in northeast Ne
The boys are evidently being
educated up to the fact that they
have j , no business to kill song birds
"and rob their nests. Now if the wo
men would come to fhe same conclu
sion about the wearing of stuffed
birds on their hats a good battle
would have been fought for the lit
tle feathered songsters and Insect
destroyers. IJirds have this summer
been noticed to hop down on the
lawn almost in tlie midst of a crowd
of children and unconcernedly look
for grubs and worms ; something that
they would not have dared to do n
few years ago without having a stone
or stick or shot sent in their direc
tion. The time may come in a few
years when they will be regularly
accredited playmates of the children
and their numbers will certainly in
crease in proiwrtlon to their now
standing in tlie estimation of the lit
tle folk.
Deafness Cannot be Cured
by local applications , as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cure deaf
ness , and that Is by constitutional
remedies. Deafness is caused by an
inflamed condition of the mucous lin
ing or the Eustachlan tube. When
this tube is inflamed you have a rum
bling sound or imperfect hearing , and
when it is entirely closed , deafness is
the result , and unless the inflamma
tion can be taken out and this tube re
stored to its normal condition , hearing
will bo destroyed forever ; nine cases
out of ten are caused by catarrh ,
which is nothing but an inflamed con
dition of the mucous surfaces.
We will give one hundred dollars
for any case of deafness ( caused by
catarrh ) that cannot be cured by
j Hall's Catarrh cure. Send for circu
lars free. P. J. Cheney & C.o
Toledo , Ohio.
Sold by druggists , 75c.
Take Hall's Family pills for consti
i % .
Gii /
"My I'air > va-- f. iin ! , . cit :
tuniinj ; giiycrv : lu-i. : tin \
Hair Vior | stooped f e > .uin.ii.d : ' ;
restored tuo n .lira ! coii : ' . " A ; . .
E. Z. Ucnoinmt' . Cooos ! , N. V.
It's impossible for you
not to look old , with the
color of seventy years in
your hair ! Perlups you
are seventy , and you like
your gray hair ! If not ,
use Ayer's Hair Vigor.
In less than a month your
gray hair will have all the
dark , rich color of youth.
JI.OO t bottle. All drunliti.
If jour dniKirist rannnt eupply you ,
semi us onii dollar and u will express
you a liottlti. ! < u suit ) anil ulvo the naiuo
of your nearest expri-sioiliio. Address ,
J. I1. AYKH CO. , Lowell , Mass.