The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, June 10, 1904, Page 6, Image 6

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TIIK NnHKnI.K M.\\s \ \ : l-MMD\Y. .11'XK In. \ I
The Announcement of the Firemen's
Meeting In Thin City August 2 , 3
ami ! Interests People Who Seek n
Crowd The St. Louis Prizes.
C. 10. Hartford , clmlrninn of HIP
coinmlttoo on ponoi'Hslona for the
Nobrnslw Volimtoor Plre < nipn'H IIHSO-
olittlnit , which la to ho hold In Nor
folk AiiKUHt 12 , fl , mid I , In already re
ceiving many Inquiries rnncnrnliiK
the cost of eiporntliiK cnnce'SHloiiH
hero dill-Inn the event , lie IIIIH elo.sed
n contract \vltli one eonresHlonalre
ninl undoubtedly will with others In
the iionr fntnre.
All Indications point to a
nllondunop of llrpinon and spectators
tills year than hist and If llieio are
no mishaps or mistakes made It
will he the tuns ! successful touinn-
moat ever held liy the association.
The following the truth of which
Ig vouphod for hy Iho Fremont I lor-
aid , will ho of Interest , to Ihnso lire1-
inon who are malting plans looUInK
toward tuUliiK the , running team lo
Kt. LoulH :
"rnptiiln fleWKO Howe Is In ro-
rolpl of n pamphlet nnnnuncliiK the
prizes to ho awarded at the St. Louis
fair to the lire teams that will eon-
test there this summer.
"After a careful wrutlny of the
hoolUot It Is found that -Nebraska
KOOH there with the hest team and
wins every llrst prizeIt will ro-
oolvti the sum of $800.
"It will cost $ l.000 ! lo mohtllKO and
train and convoy a team lo St. Louis ,
hence the captain Is tryliiK to IlKiiro
out just where they will ho at. The
nurses offered do not equal thoao
Bl'von at the tournament held In No-
hraska and are not worth Kolnj ; aftor.
W. 0. llalfor Is movliiK Into the
lionso purchased from F.V. . Hock at
the corner of Klovonth street anil
Madison avenue. Mrs , Me.Mlllon's
house In The Heights , vacated
hy the Hakor family , Is lieliiR taken
hy Mr. Moulton , a traveling man ,
whoso family has heeu beiurdlnK nt
the Pne-ltlc.
Frejiuemt Leader : Sheriff Itanman
received a telegram yesterday after
noon slating that a mwei iiamei
Wilson who was wanted fur mnrdoi
at Crawford , Neb. , was headed this
way. The sheriff took the mat tor uj
at once and leainer that a nu ro an
Kwerluj ; the description sot off tin
llliu-k Mills train at Norfolk , and hi
took the llrst train for that city. Ills
search availed him nothing , however
as the man who left the train then
was not the one who committed tht
Nebraska City Tribune : State 13n
glneor Adna Dohson recently warnot
IrrlKators ( hat there were Indications
of a water famine this year , and ad
vlsnd them to use all of the wate
possible early In the season. Frida >
U. S. Hydrosrapher Stevens telegraphed
graphed that a two-mllo an hour one
foot rtso was duo at Kearney In the
ovouing , and it arrived as per sched
nlo. Now It Is thought that tin
mountain thaws will provide plont >
of moisture and all apprehensions
have been dispelled.
There probably never was a tlmo
in the history of Norfolk when houses
to rent were In as great a demam
as they are at the present. Fo
every house that Is vacant or Is like
ly to become vacant there are a do ?
on applicants. Owners of vacant lot
and people who have money to iinest
could do the city no greater service
than to put up neat houses , not too
large , that they could afford to rent
at a moderate price. A great many
strangers , particularly traveling
salesmen and railroad men , are anx
ious to move their families here
from other towns hut they find it
very dicult to secure suitable hones.
Dakota City Eagle : Death has n aln
broken Into the ranks of the pioneers
o'f Dakota county and taken form
thdlr midst "I'nclo Berry" Hoblnson.
who has for nearly fifty years been
a respected and peaceable citizen of
this product. Ills death occurred
Monday morning at 6 : SO at his home
in this placo. He had been in poor
health for several years and for the
past throe months has been confined
to his bed a great part of the tlmo.
His death was due to old age. Frances
cos A. Robinson was born at Man
chester , lad. , January 12 , 1825. Ho
located on n claim one-half inilo
north of Dakota City In the spring of
1SGG , where he resided until about ten
years ago , when ho sold his farm and
moved Into town.
Will Look After Women.
The Ladles' Aid society Imvo made
arrangements to look ni'tor the com
fort and for the protection of nil wo-
mou who visit Bonestool during tno
opening of the Rosebud lands. A
committee composed of Mesdames H.
It. ennston , W. A. Loach , F.V. .
Rathtnnn , H. F. Wood and Miss Gothn
McKee , will moot \\omen who visit
Bonesteol nnd will assist thorn , free
of clmrgo , In finding good respectable
sleeping quarters. The committee
will secure a list of places where wo
men will bo accommodated and the
prices to bo charged and visiting la-
.II . 'M will be * enl only to respcclab'e
liMlRliiK hollars. Thin work on ( ! . <
pirl of the LndU-H1 Aid Koclety In
mist rntnintnidablo nnd will do much
ii protect traiiHlent women I mm fall-
UK Into any traps. Ilonostoel Pilot.
010 aero cnttlo ranch absolutely
roc. Klnkald bill anoint nine million
apron In Nebraska to this Hlzo homo-
lead. ChiHO to railroads. Ono < lny'n
Ido lo CclPHKO , Omaha , ICanwis City ,
Dem or. Send 2fi cents silver for map
bowing counties where lands local-
vl ; general character soil ; noaroHt
and olltpo ; who are entitled to home
steads ; how to ronoh lands , Ptc
T. U. Porter , box CM. Omaha , Nob.
Estimated that 10,000 People Will
Find Comfortable Homes on the
Farms to be Opened up Prospect
for Estnbllshment of Several Towns
llonesloel , S. D , .luno It. Spcelal
to The News : A few days ago the
writer drove from here to within three
nlles of the western sldo of the lands
soon to ho opened for settlement on
ho Itosobud reservation nnd was
greatly pleased to see so line a pros-
tool for many good homes within a
short time. The topography and gen
eral contour of the table lands could
not bo more desirable and for the entire -
tire distance of the drive there was
i gradually undulating plain occa
sionally broken by by some small
stream and all of the tlmo attractive.
The soil Is a black , rich loam , and
Is very productive of wild grasses.
There can he no doubt hut that this
land will make valuable farms. Lands
of a similar character , that are culti
vated to the east and south of this
reservation and Immediately adjacent
to It are producing excellent crops
each year and the farms bear the
best evidences of thrift and prosper
ity , In good buildings and Improve
ments , that are as good , on the av
erage , as are the betterments on the
farms of Nebraska and Iowa. It Is
true that some of the lands embraced
within the reservation are rough nne :
of little value , except for pasturage
lint more than two thousand of the
proposed farms are and will always
bo worth more than the price that I
takes to get them and a largo proper
( Ion of these lands , In their raw am
unimproved state , are worth twontj
dollars , or more , per aero. There Is
comparatively llttlo sand on the hotter
tor class of the lands and hardly an >
of them that cannot bo plowed ant
cultivated to an advantage. This tor
rltory Is amply capable of maintain
Ing and furnishing comfortable homes
for at least ton thousand farm people
and to supply them there will bo IK
less than half a dozen good towns
built. There Is a prospect that more ,
than half a do/.en towns will ho ostah
llshed on these lands and It Is certain
tain that they will bo good ones , too
Sidewalks Condemned ,
The following resolutions wore
adopted at the mooting of the clt >
council Thursday ovonlng , May 19 :
Resolved , That the sidewalks alonj ,
the south end of lot 0 , block 5 , Haaso'
suburban lots , and along the soutl
side of the west half of lot 9 , block 3
Pasowalk's addition , bo condomnci
and the owner bo required to rebuilt
the same within thirty days.
Resolved , That now sidewalks bo ordered
dorod to be constructed along th
west end of lots 11'/j , 12 , 13 , and 17
block 5 , and lots 12 , and 13 , Paso
walk's Third addition , and along th
\\est end of lots 12 , 13 , 17 , block 3
and lots 15 and 1C , block 4 , nnd lot
12 , in , 14 , 15 , 1C , nnd 17 , block 7
Dorsey place and along the west cm
of lots 2 , 3 , 8 , 13 , II , 15. 1C , 17 , blocl
IS , Western Town Lot Co's. snb-divl
slon of out lot A , and that the owner
bo required to construct the sain
within thirty days according to th
provisions of ordinance No. 275.
S. H. McFarlaud ,
City Clerk.
Ttwhri- the immbfi-of 000 onjovril
a reception nt th > K1U eluli rooms la-t
night. They wi-iv roprt'M'iitnt of
the instructing force of Mmli on ami
Pierce counties. The room- * wore
thrown open to the visitors completely.
Punch was served for refreshments. The
loeleo room was given over to dancing
after a program had been carried out.
The piano was moved into the hall for
Every Day.
The Union Pacific will sell round
trip tickets to St. Louis and return
nt following low rates :
Fifteen day tickets Every day to
November 30 , good to return 15 days
Sixty day tickets Every day to No
vember 20 , good to return 30 dnys.
Season tickets Every day to No
vember 15 , good up to December 13.
Inquire of J. D. Elseffer.
Then There are Other Nuisances That
the Council Investigated nnd Re *
ferrcd to Committee Big Grist of
Bills Allowed Lnst Evening.
The city council met In regular HOS-
Ion last evening There wore pros-
nt rouncllmen ( low , Klesau , Paso-
vallt , Parish , Spollman. Absent
layer I lazun , Couticllmen Halvor-
line , Walker , Wilkinson.
In the absence of the mayor , Pros-
lent of the Council H. A. Pasowalk
The auditing coinmlttoo reported
ack as correct the April report of
ho treasurer and April and May retorts -
torts of the police Judge.
The street and alley committee ro-
mrtod that Mr. Entires would com-
nonce to put In more cement cross-
In a few days.
The public works committee re-
lorted some minor repairs on the
team pipes at the pumping station.
Mr. Paso walk reported that sovor-
it complaints had boon made to him
iboul manure being dumped on First
trout and In the gulch west of Thlr-
eenth street , and the chief of police
vns ordered to roqulro the parties
lumping In these places to remove
such nuisances at once.
Mr. Klosau stated that there are
several places hack of the business
IOIIROS on the south side of Norfolk
ivenuo between Fourth and Fifth
streets which are constantly filled
vlth water and have become a nui
sance , and that they should he either
Iralnod or filled up so that water will
tot stand thoro.
Mr. llllger stated that the Thir
teenth street gulch Is filled up In
places and offered to clean the same
nit and take his pay In the dirt that
It would ho necessary to remove. The
matter was referred to the street and
alley committee.
The street commissioner was In
structed to construct a ditch along
the alley south of Norfolk avenue be
tween Fourth and Fifth streets am
along the alloy leading south from
that alloy to Madison avenue and put
In necessary culvert to drain the low
places complained of In that block
A petition signed by James Hur
rows and others for a sidewalk along
the south and east sides of block 2
C' . S. Hayes' addition , was roforree
to the street anil alloy committee.
Claims against the city which hat
been examined and approved by tht
auditing committee were allowed ant
warrants ordered drawn as follows :
Claims Against the city which hai
boon examined and approved by the
auditing committee were allowed ant
warrants ordered drawn as follows
M. C. Hiuon , salary $ 25.00
Martin Kane , May salary and
expense G3.'J ! "
C. H. Pllger , May salary and
killing six dogs 153.00
W. H. Livingstone , May salary 40.0
\V. N. Huso , printing and sup
plies 93.40
P. F. Sprechor , printing and
supplies 31.00
Norfolk Anzoigcr , printing . . .20.1'
D. D. Hrunson , hauling hose
cart to Hasonpflug lire 1.0
Edwards & lirndford Lumber
Co. , lumber to repair hook
and ladder truck U
G. 15. Chrlstoph , drugs , etc. . . 3.d
S. H. McFarlantl , dog tags and
express 3.5
Suitor Coal & Grain Co. , coal
to city hall 7.S
Freil KlenU , sprinkling streets 20.0
Mrs. Hest , cleaning and white
washing jail 5.0
G. F. IJllger , special police . . 4.0
13. M. Clement , special police. . 2.0
Hoffman & Violo , two mattres
ses for jail 2.0
Norfolk Electric Light & Power
Co. , lighting city hall 9.P.5
H. H. Miller , salary and labor
for May 49.00
John Friday , hardware 4.90
IJlakoman & Halm , nails . . . . C.OO
H. L. Lovelace , grading and
hauling dirt on streets . . . . 20.03
J. 11. Hunter , draying 10
L. f. Mittelstadt , lumber . . . . 35.37
August Granl , salary CO.OO
National Motor Co. , ten water
meters 121.00
Fred Klentz , draying ? 5
Oscar Uhlo , supplies 1.U5
Norfolk Electric Light & Power
Co. , lighting pumping station 3.00
J. M. Long , repairing water
works and motors 2.50
Norfolk Light & Fuel Co. ,
street lighting for May . . . . CO.OO
Norfolk Electric Light & Power
Co. , street lighting for May CO.OO
Uills that had not been approved
by the auditing committee wore con
sidered and allowed ns follows :
Win. Gundomau 7.50
L. L. llembe 11.20
C. E. Doughty S.75
Nebraska Telephone Co. , rent
for Juno 4.23
Chicago Lumber Co. lumber . . 10C.99
Edwards & Bradford Lumber
Co. , lumber 61.51
L. C. .Mitctlstadl , lumber 9.01
Bill of John Krantz for J2.00 for
repairs to a buggy broken In a ditch
was not allowed.
The ordinance regarding a herder
ItcciHc MM'I ' bond WIIH read and passed
on the second reading.
The stieet and alley committee was
Instructed to purchase a car of side
walk brick.
The chief of the lire department
oqiioHled the council to have the
look and ladder trucks and ladders
epalntud. The matter was referred
> the committeu on fire and police
o report at the next mooting.
.1. II. Wilson was down from Bus-
Joe Hover was a city visitor from
W. J. Houston was In Norfolk from
M. W. Llcty was In the city onrouto
( i Plalnvlew.
Chas. Dlohl was In the city ycstor-
lay from Pierce.
W. L. Mote , the Plalnvlew banker ,
vim In the city yesterday.
H. L. McCormlck has gone to Bono-
tool on a business visit.
C. Petorhon was a Norfolk \lsltor
over night from Wlsner.
W. P. Evans Is moving from South
eighth stieet to North Twelfth.
S. O Campbell was a passenger
'nun Crolghtou on the early train this
Fred 11. Free was down from Plain-
view this morning on business and
o moot friends.
Mrs. Hill of Warnorvlllo Is visiting
with Mrs. N. II. Dolson , who Is an
old time friend.
John Flynn of Osmond was In the
city today meeting old friends and
at tending to business.
Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Ersklno and sons
cave today for a ten days' visit to
the exposition at St. Louis.
Miss Anna Verges Is expected homo
: hls evening from Lincoln , where she
ins been attending the stale univer
Mrs. Goo. A. Latlmor and throe chil
dren of Spokane , Wash. , arrived this
morning lor a visit with her mother ,
Mrs. Mary Davenport , anil other rel
atives and friends.
A number of Elks from outside
points are expected to be in the city
for the Monday night dancing party.
Owen O'Neill and Howard Miller
of Battle Crook , Dr. W. H. Hamsoy and
Charles Hrown of Omaha left Atkin
son this morning for a fishing trip
south of that place. They expect a
line catch of trout nnd will return
The Nollgh fire department at a
special meeting Thursday evening
took the preliminary steps toward tht
organization of a running team to
compete for the honors nt the coming
firemen's tournament In Norfolk. No
light was not represented in the con
tests last year , but the well rocog
nlzed Nellgh hustle Is about certan
to make them a factor worth consld
orlng In this year's races.
Mrs. J. G. Mathowson and Mrs. J
S. Mathowson entertained a largt
company of ladles yesterday after
noon at the home of the former , 110-
Norfolk avenue. The seventy-live hi
lies present spent the afternoon will
games of flinch , the prize being takoi
by Mrs. C. W. Kunzmann. A delight
fill three-course supper was servee
at C. The drizzling rain outside die
not dampen the pleasure of those who
were inside , and it was a happy after
noon for all present.
Freeman Brothers of Nellgh have
written the concession committee o
the dromon's tournament asking fo
the exclusive right for a moving picture
turo exhibition. They were here las
year anil were well satisfied will
their returns. The earliest and mos
Insistent bidders for concessions , ii
fact , are these who wore hero las
year , which speaks well for the bone
Ills to be derived by concessionaire
from the tournament and will hid
cate to new applicants that a lire
men's tournament in Norfolk is some
thing worth looking aftor.
Newman Grove Reporter : What i
supposed to bo a mountain lion ha
been frightening the farmers nort
of town of late and has caused coi
sidorable comment in town. Som
time ago the 13-year-old daughter o :
Win. Anderson , while returning bom
was accosted by the beast In th
middle of the road. Not knowin
what she had run against until th
team became frightened she got on
of the wagon nnd the animal gave
growl and moved a few rods as sh
attempted to hit It with the whip , t
few nights later the same boast , s
wo learn , was soon In the nelghboi
hood of N. Thell's and caused con
slderablo excitement among the fain
ily and their neighbors. The pas
few days the dangerous animal ha
not boon soon or heard of and th
community is resting easy.
Bloonifleld Monitor : The Congrega
tlonal church at Oddison , of whic
Rev. A. J. Idon Is pastor , was dedlcat
ed last Sunday. The day was vor
fine and largo congregations attendee
the different services. The dedicator
sermon was preached in the mornin
by Rov. H. Dross of Lincoln. Hi
subject was "Tho House of God.
The dedicatory prayer was offered b
President Warren. At the afternoo
services President Warren preachoe
a very eloquent and scholarly sermoi
from "Christ the Servant. " Rov. R
N. Graham preached nt the evening
service. A basket dinner was sorvee
in the grove , ample provisions having
been provided for nil. The church 1
a flno frame structure , neatly- fur
nlsheei inside , and is not only fre
from debt , but has a balance on hand
A llttlo over $100 was given at th
morning offering.
The Advance Guard Has Struck Nor
folk and More are to Follow Will
Get Them Going and Coming.
Strenuous Time for Officers.
A half dozen "gentlemen of lelsuro"
nil one plain drunk was the Invon-
ory of the city jail , this morning and
lie olllcors are looking for n contin
uance e > f strenuous work feir some
Imo to como. Three now ones , a
lain drunk and three holdovers are
It Is said that hundreds of those
'entry are headed toward Bonestoel
ml the Rosebud reservation , hoping
o gather In n share of the good for-
uno that Is to bo dealt out there
vlien the date for the opening nr-
Ives. They are the regular advance
guard to reservation openings , and
ire followed by the hotter classes.
The police eilllcors here expect to
invo to moot conditions and will prob-
ibly get thorn going and coming be
cause these arc not the kind of men
vho will stay. Many of them go up
vlth no Intention of registering for
a claim. They would not live on and
vork the best farm In the country
'six months for n clear title to the
ilaco , hut they expect a chance of
graft of one kind or another. They
ire unquestionably overdoing the
ntblnoss , henvever , and will he glade
o got back the way they came. They
are keeping the police oflicors hero
working overtime , however , and there
s no Immediate prospect In sight of
a holiday for thorn.
The police court , too , Is doing busi
ness of a kind , but It Is not even a
thank you job as the majority of the
prisoners have not a sou on tholr
clothes , nnd If they had it would
quickly go toward rushing the can.
The flood struck Fremont yester
day. Twenty live of the fellows oc
cupied the city jail Wednesday night ,
anil they wore undoubtedly all headed
this way to got In at the Rosebud
opening. The officers there endeav
ored to head thorn off. Instead of
starting them west , they wore es
corted east and told to got back to-
waul Omaha. Some may obey , but
others will undoubtedly evade the of
ficers and move on to the now north
west , making of Bonosteel and the
Rosebud a wild west for a time , until
the ofllclals up there can turn the
Beautiful Folder.
Under the caption , "The Union Pa
ciflc Railroad and Louisiana Terri
tory , " the new world's fair folder is
sued by the advertising department
of the Union Pacific , which has at
tracted such general attention , re
cites those interesting facts :
"While the construction of the
Union Pacific railroad , Its trials and
triumphs , are a part of the history of
the United States , the Important part
played by this railroad In the devel
opment of the Louisiana purchase can
hardly bo estimated. In the building
up of this vast domain It has been one
of the chief factors.
One hundred years ago the popula
tion of the region was estimated at
20,000. Up to the inception of the
Union Pacific ( in 1SGO ) , It had in
creased to 3,233,529. In 1900 it num
bered over 13,000,000 of Inhabitants.
In this wonderful growth , with its stu
pendous increase in all the many-sid
ed phases of commercial , material and
Intelectual prosperity , the Union Pa-
ciiic as a glance nt the map will
show has had a conspicuous share.
It has opened vast regions of fertile
country to settlers , and brought great
areas of an unknown and unproduc
tive wilderness Into close communion
with metropolitan centers and mar
kets. Thriving cities , towns and hamlets -
lots , through Us efforts , have sprung
up In every direction.
It may bo of Interest to know that
the total number of manufacturing
plants , and the value of their outputs ,
combined with that of the national
products as reported in the census of
1900 , give an aggregate production for
the Louisiana region of $3,500,000,000-
000 annually , or 223 times the orig
inal purchase price. The same cen
sus reports (1900) ( ) also show the to
tal population to be 13,313,255 of
which S,303,09C Inhabitants are living
in the states and territories reached
by the Union Pacific. On the 1900
census figures , It is estimated that
the true wealth of the Louisiana pur
chase can be stated at about $13,051-
SCS.359 , of which $9,3COG21,3S7 Is rep
resented in the states reached by this
great railroad. "
Very Low Rates to Indianapolis , Ind , ,
Via the Northwestern line. Excursion
tickets will bo sold with favorable
return limits on account of national
prohibition convention to bo held
Juno 2S to 30. For dates of sale , etc. ,
apply to agents Chicago .t Northwest
ern R'y.
Very Low Rate Excursion Tickets to
Cleveland , Ohio.
Via the Northwestern line , will ho
sold at reduced rates May 13 , 15 , 1C
nnd 17 , limited by extension to return
until June 10 , Inclusive , account of
National Baptist anniversaries. Apply
to agents Chicago & Northwestern
You should cat brcael rniscel
with Yenst Foam. It has a
wheaty flavor and delicious
nromii all its own , and retains
sweetness , freshness and
moisture : lougcr than bread
made with any other yeast.
Yeast Foam partially pre-
digc.sts the bread anu pre
serves in it all the nutri
tive qualities of the
ris mode of pure vege
table ingredients. With
proper care it never loses
its life and strength. It's
always fresh and ready for
use. Hread made with it is
never acid , sour or heavy ;
it's always good as long as
it lasts.
The secret is in the yeast.
For sale by all grocers nt
50 a package. Hncb pack
age contains 7 cakes
enough for 40 loaves.
"How to Make Bread , "
mailed free.
Chicago ,
arc the most fatal of all dis
d Guaranteed Homed ;
or money refunded. Contain *
remedies recognized by emi
nent physicians as the best fof
Kidney and Bladder trouble *
PRICE 50o and Jl.OO.
She Has Cured Thousands
Pnicticiiif ? Aleoputhy , Home
optithy. Electric and Gen
eral Medicine.
Will , by request , visit profesionally
returning1 every four weeks. Consult
her while the opportunity Is at hand.
DR CALDWELL limits her practice
to the hpe. lal treatment of diseases of
the eye ear , nose , throat , lungs , female
diseases , diseases of children and all
chronic , nervous and surgical diseases
of a curable nature. Early consump
tion , bronchitis , bronchial catarrh ,
chronic catarrh , headache , constipa
tion , stomach and bowel troubles ,
rheumatism , neuralgia , sciatica , kidney
diseases. Bright' ! ) disease , diseases of
the liver and bladder , dizziness , ner
vousness. Indigestion , obesity , Inter
rupted nutrition , slow growth in child-
i en , and all wasting diseases In adults ,
deformaties , club feet , curvature of
the spine dlso.ises of the brain , par
alysis , heart disease , dropsy , swelling
of the limbs , strictuie , open sores ,
pain in the bones , granular enlarge
ments and all long standing diseases
properly treated
IIInoil nnd * kln DlM-iiNCN ,
Pimples , blotches , eruptions , liver
spots , falling of the hair , bad com
plexion , eozema , throat ulcers , bona
pains , bladder troubles , weak back ,
burning urine , passing urine too often.
The effects of constitutional sickness
or the taking of too much injurious
medicine receives searching treatment ,
prompt relief and a cure for life.
Diseases of women , Irregular mens
truation , falling of the womb , bearing
down pains , female displacements , lack
of sexual tone. Leucorrhea , sterility
or barroness , consult Dr. Caldwell and
the will show them the cause of their
trouble nnd the way to become cured.
e'niiciTS , Culler , Flxliilii , IMIrN
and enlarged glands treated with the
subcutaneous Injection method , abso
lutely without pain and without the
loss of a drop of blood , is one of her
own discoveries and is really the most
sclentillc method of this advanced nge.
Dr. Caldwell has practiced her profes
sion In some of the largest hospitals
throughout the country. She has no
superior in the treating and diagnosing
of diseases , deformities , etc. She has
lately opened an olllco in Omaha , Ne
braska , whore she will spend a per
tion of each week treating her many
patients. No Incurable cases accepted
for treatment. Consultation , examlna- <
tion and advice , one dollar to thoao
Address an roall to Dto Builell .
Omaha , Neb.