The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, June 03, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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Proposed Railroad Is to Connect Win
nipeg With Texas , by Way of This
Territory Plans arc Said to be nil
Completed nnd Incorporated.
Bn. Paul. Minn. May 20.--Tim Ht
Vnul niapateh 8iiy :
Nebraska capitalists have inoorpo
rated nit ambition * project In the Win
iilpog & ( Jnlf railway , which they put
J > ese to put through from I ho provln
Olnl capital In the gulf of Mexico , a
distance of l.ioo mlloa , of which Km
miles will InIn Canada , 2fiO mlloa In
Smith Dakota , ' 'HO miles In Nebraska ,
220 miles In Kaiiana. ami r > i ) ( ) miles In
Oklahoma ami Texas. The line will
run duo Month ( o Uronham , Tex , with
out PHpoclnl rognrd for the great com-
inorclnl oontors of the WOH ! .
From Winnipeg the preliminary
nmps show a line running south and
n Httlo west lo l.lshon , N. p. , through
Wntortown , Mndlwm and Yanliloii. S.
. ; Norfolk. ( U'liova , ( "lay Conlor , 13d-
Ijnr nnd OnU. Noli. ; Concordlnniid
Hutchliiaon , Kan. ; and Port Worth
nnrt Uronhnm , Toxas. The ] irninoloru
flssort that mirvoya have boon POIII
pietod from YanUton to Concordla ,
Mr. Moore la the sheriff of Wayne
M. 1C. Pollock was down from Hart
Ingtnn yesterday.
W. C. Cainpholl WIIH down from
Crolghton yoatorday.
.1. II. lloluuion wan In ( ho clly yesterday
torday from OaUdalo.
E. 0. and O. II. I'rloo were In Iho
city yesterday from Leigh.
15. H. llladon and It. F. Witlo
In the oily from Coleridge.
Mr. and Mrs. A. .1. Ferguson wore
down from Wayne yoslonlay.
Mr. and Mrs. Orant H. Mexico wore
In the city yesterday from Wayne ,
( Jus. Loebko was up from Slnnton.
L. L. Wnlkor waa down from Crolgh
.1. H. ItaUor was a city visitor fron
I' . V. I'annalmkor was In the city
from Wayno.
A. S. Cull of Oakland was In Nor
folk yoslorday.
James Nichols of Madison had bust
H089 In Norfolk.
W. H. Hrltton was an overnight via
Hot- from TtldeJi.
Isanc Spar and F. McOrnw were 1
Norfolk from Crolghton.
II .11. Koalhcrstono of IJlooniflold
hud buslnoas In the city.
Mrs. S. Edona of Fairfax , S. P. , 1
vlsltliiK with Norfolk frlonds.
Manager A. .1. Punlovy of the An
dltorlnm was down from Tlldcn.
Mr. nnd Mrs. S. K. Do.xtcr hnv
returned to their home In Lowell
Mass. ' '
Miss Nell Olngmnu will lonvo Sun
day morning for Chicago to outer th
Chicago musical college.
.Mr. nnd Mrs. .lo Morrow arc visit
Ing at the homo of his parents. Mr
and Mrs. T. ,1. Morrow , South Tenll
stroot. Mr. nnd .Mrs. Morrow mak
their homo In Rocky Ford , Col.
Ernest Urldgo has returned fron
Olicrlln. Ohio , whore ho wont liccnusi
of the Illness of his brother , John. Hi
loft the pntlenl recovering. A lotto
today says that ho Is gaining contln
.Mrs. W. W. Roberts , nccompnnlot
liy her brother , William Unkor o
Haker , Neb. , went to Omaha to so <
Mrs. Lizzie Hook , their alstor , who Is
seriously ill In n hospital.
H. Ci. Coryell has arrived in the
city from South IXikotn. Ho caint
to attend the graduating o.xorcisos o
the Eighth grade , of which his ( laughter -
ter , Miss Verna Coryell , was a mom
A. J. Robertson hns arrived In thi
city from Huffnlo , N. Y. , for a vlsl
with his cousin. W. M. Hobortson o
this city. In fact these two Messrs
Robertson are double cousins. Thol
mothers were sisters nnd their fntli
crs were brothers.
All members of the board of education
tion nnd all high school teachers ar
Invited to the alninnl association t' '
- nttend the annual banquet which 1
to bo held at Mnrqunrdt hall tomor
row night.
The storm which has crented sue
havoc between this city nnd Colutnb
bus , and for a wide strip east niu
west along the line , seems to hnvi
formed in Norfolk or about over th
place during Tuesday afternoon. The ;
clouds gathered Just west of here nnd '
the extreme low pressure and result- |
not humidity were oppressive to a de
gree. Then came the wind rus-hlng
In to fill the opening In the atmos
phere and the hail began to drop , se
Fremont Tribune : Edgar Howard
Is quoted as saying that Norfolk. In
stead of Fremont , should have had
the fusion convention for the Third
district , and he should be ashamed of
Inmself. He has been chosen chair
man of the democratic gathering and
i < will come to Fremont loaded to the
n with an able speech setting fort t
i' brilliant epigram the merits of f
! locracy. Fremont
are re
quested to Join in the storms of ap-
rcgardlcs * of llownrtl'8 lllrtn-
Him with Norfolk.
Successful Sale ,
The red lag overstock Halo nt the
lleo IIIvo , which jtwt drew to tin end ,
VUM the most HiiceoHnful In the history
if the slnro. HiindrodH and lliou-
sands , even , of shoppers found mi-
liroodoiilod hnrgnliiH there during the
in In. The womenfolk of Norfolk and
northern Nebraska are now walling
For another auch opportunity and the
Hoe llho pmml'oa that the apodal
snloq will lie a fen I lire contlnuoualy
cwTy few diiya hrronftor
Flngn are Flying at Half Mast and the f
Citizens of the Nation nre Paying
Tribute Today to the Memory of
the Honored Soldier Dcntl.
I From Miunliiy'H Unlh
Today Is Momorlnl dav and the poo-
lie of Noliraaka are paying trlbulo to
he memory of the aoldlor dead.
KlngH In Norfolk are Hying nl half
: IIIIM | . Enrlv today Iho local military
ii'gaul/ntlonn aRaoiuhled at tholr halla
Tor Iho pnrpoao of preparing their
IKirtlon of Iho program of the day.
Moinhora of the ( 'rand Army of the
Republic and of the Woman's Relief
corps attended Iho apodal aorvlcoa at
the Church of the Snored Heart yos-
lordny. Itov. leather Walsh delivered
sermon upon "patriotism , " which
waa well received by the largo congre
Kalhor Walsh spoke of the sacrlllco
of a soldier in entering war and of
Iho mother's grantor Hiicrlllco. War
Homolliuoa bocomoa nocoaaary In or
der to porpotnalo a free government.
, \ patriotic fooling IH necesaary lo
innlnlalii a country. Ho spoke of Iho
fall of ( Irooco and of Homo and com
pared them with the America of to
The nddroRs wna tin eminently able
ono and the members of the two or
ganizations which attended , were very
much pleased with It. The church
waa bountifully decorated for the oe-
cnalon. High mass came lioforo the
aorvlco. The Grand Army of the Re
public soldlors and the members of
the Woman's Relief corps assembled
at tholr hall and from thcro marched
to Iho church at the corner of Fifth
street and Madison avenue.
CIO aero cattle ranch absolutely
frco. Klnkald bill opens nluo million
acres In Nebraska to this sl7.o homo-
stead. Cloao lo railroads , Ono day'a
rldo to Cclcngo , Omnha , KaiiMia City ,
Denver. Send 25 cents silver for map
showing counties whore lands locat
ed ; general character soil ; nearest
land olllco ; who are entitled to home
steads ; how to reach lands , etc.
T. 11. 1'orter , box Oil. Omaha , Nob.
Section Director Lovcl.ind of Lincoln
Reports Temperatures Normal
and Crops Growing Well.
Lincoln , May III. 0. A. l.oveland ,
section director of the crop nnd
weather bureau for the department
of agriculture reports the following
crop conditions for the past week ;
"The menu dally temperature of the
past week was almost exactly normal.
"Tho rainfall vaa heavy in the cen
tral and northern parts of the state ,
exceeding an Inch and a half In most
places , and ranging from 2 to 1 Inches
In 11 large area in the central coun
ties ; in the southern counties the
rainfall was generally loss than half
an inch.
"Winter wheat generally 1ms grown
well , but In n few localities the crop
Is loss promising than previously in
dicated. Spring wheat and oats have
grown well , but many Holds of oats
nro weedy and the stand is rather
thin. Grass hns nmdo line growth nnd
pastures nro in line condition. Al
falfa promises a heavy crop in south
ern counties nnd is nearly ready to
cut. Corn planting Is practically fin
ished o.xcopt where replanting is in
progress ; early planted corn is gen
erally n thin stand and nn unusually
Inrgo amount of replanting Is being
done ; the Into planted corn is germi
nating much better ; corn on rolling
land In central counties was badly
washed by heavy showers. Cherries
are setting very fully. Apples in
many localities will bo only n light
to fair crop. "
Fearing for the Safety of the Brute ,
He is Removed From Holt
County Jail.
O'Neill. Neb , May 31 , 1 p. m. Spe
cial to The News : Shortly after the
announcement was received this
morning that little Maud Stortz was
dead , the sheriff of Holt county , fear
ing for the safety of his prisoner ,
quietly took him away from the Holt
county jail and his wheieabouts are
now unknown. The officer knew that
the fellow deserved the severest kind
of treatment at the hands of n mob
and rather than take the chance of
being overpowered tonight , removed
him from the jail and took him out of
town , without notifying anyone of his
Has Thirty-one Clear , White Buttons ,
no Round as Round Could be , to
Show for the Happy Thought.
Chance to Start a New Industry.
Why not alnrt n button factory In
northern Nebraska ? This la a ques
tion that canio Into the mind of Harry
Ixidor of this city , and ho haa thirty-
niie amootli , polished , pearl buttons
us round an round can ho , perfectly
Kollil and with all of Iho ridges and
aporluros that go with the finished
product " to ahow for his Idea.
The thirty-one bullona which Mr.
Lodcr has cauaed to bo manufactured
are mounted on n card like any other
factory bultona and you wouldn't
now , If you won ! Into a aloro to buy
hem , that they hadn't boon Imported
rom aoroaa Iho deep blue aon. They
voro manufactured from a mammoth
lam ahell lluil wna picked up In ono
f Iho Inkoa near Norfolk , and the
hell , with the holea cut Into II ,
een Rent hack \vllh the manufactured
; ooda.
There are hundrcdn and thousands
f clam sheila In Iho lltllo lakoa around
lorlhcrn Nobrnaka , The fact that
hoao buttons can bo put Into prac-
Ical uao la something of a revelation
n Ha way , II looks like a chance for
Mr. Lodor aont the shells lo a but
on factory and the thirty ono little
lutlona , as good apparently as any
luttoua , were nmdo from it.
The clams are not good enough to
> nt. They have never boon put to
my good uao. lly making buttons
from thorn , money would bo brought
Into the country.
Probably not nmny men could
work at It and make a living. Hut
no matter how sm.Hl n scale , It conH
be dono.
Water still stands in low places--
around Norfolk as n result of the
A llahlng parly enjoyed fun at
llocho'a lake laat night . They wore :
Mlaaoa May Purlniid , Fnnulo Norton
Kdna Stafford , Messrs. Ponolmo am
Rov. J. F. 1'oiichcr goes to Stantoi
tomorrow to deliver the Momorlnl ad
dress before the 0. A. It. post of tha
Mrs. W. W. Roberts relumed las
night from Omaha where she had beer
to see her alstor. Mrs. Lizzie Hook , whc
la III. Mrs. Hook is getting along nice
ly nnd I here Is every hope of her re
Mr. nnd Mrs. Willis Mcllrldo and
children of Madison will spend Suiidnj'
in Norfolk , guests nt the homo of C
II. Reynolds.
Miss Roblnetto Hear entertained r
company of young friends nt the homo
of her parents , Pr. nnd Mrs. A. Hear
yesterday afternoon. The llttlo pee
pie had a great time.
A Franklin gull which How ngalns
a wire fence between hero nnd Madison -
son and was picked up by Clarenc
Salter , has attracted considerable nt
tontion. The big bird oats mice am
rats like any cat , and consumes moa
like a dog.
The new homo of M. Enders , Sontl
Eighth street , is going up rapidly
This house la the llrst in the city tc
bo built of the now building blocks
which are manufactured hero. Fron
all nppenrnnccs , the house will bo at
solid as n real rock nnd quite as im
It Is evident from the increasing
t radio along both the main line of th
Northwestern and the Honestoe
branch that there nro thousands o
prospective homeseekors coming ink
this territory right now. With th
Klnkald bill which provides for n see
tion much nnd the Rosebud whlcl :
gives away Indian land , tliero will b
a rush which hns probnbly never beer
before experienced In America. Nor
folk seems to bo the center of the be
ginning of It the gateway to both o
the parks and they have to driv
through the gate to got at the foun
tains Inside.
Nellgh Yeoman : The Northern Antelope
telopo Telephone company has It
plans matured , and Is Just starting it :
on the season's work of extending It
lines. Manager Williams had ordoro
two carloads of poles , one for llruna
wick for the line running from tha
place to Orchard , nnd one for Nollgl ;
to be used on the extension east o
this place , and at Elgin. A couple o
men are digging the holes for th
poles east of town , nnd n few men wil
go to Elgin next week to set and win
the poles at that place connecting th <
town subscribers with the Elgin e >
change. The route is decided on
and the necessary subscribers secure
from Brunswick to Orchard , and n
soon as the poles arrive work will be
gin on that lino. When Orchard I
reached a branch will be run down t
the terminus of the Northwestern , i
Frenchtown , thus connecting Orclmr
and Clearwater .Probably anothei
line will run from Orchard to Ewing
The line east of Neligh is started wit
the view of connecting this place wit
Tilden and Oakdale.
Blrthdny Celebration.
Friday was Mrs Ceo D. Smith' ;
tlfiyllfth birthday and Just Ilfty-llvo
people took poBHUHHlnn of the prom-
lues and maintained It for four or live
hours. The visitors brought hiiHketa
heaped with appetizing articles of food
nnd many proHotils. The former had
dlMappcaicd before the departure of
the guests but the latter were loft to
remind Mra Smith of the good will
nnd esteem in which HIO ! la hold by
her friends. All of which wns plena-
Ing to CoinmlRslohor Smith.
John A. Lynch , for Whom the Town
Was Named , Was In Norfolk and
Reported That a Good Vein of the
Combustible Had Been Located.
John A. Lynch , for whom the town
f Lynch IB named , was In Norfolk
his morning onrouto to Hot Springs ,
S. n. , and visited The News. Mr.
, ynch haa boon In Iloyd county for
'oiirtcon years nnd lioiuesteadod the
and whereupon the prosperous liltlo
illy of Lynch now stands.
Ho reports that coal has been struck
il Lynch , llo says that ono of the
wo artesian wells at Lynch began
0 throw up a line quality of coal and
hat yesterday two sncksful woio
osaeil out. There Is excitement
hero on account of it. Samples arc
uul In all business houses and banks.
The coal burns nicely. The big well
s 800 feet ( loop and piped but ( U)0 )
foot. II Is thought the coal lies be
ween the end of the plpo and the
loltom of the well.
Mr. Lynch reports line raina In that
section and snya the crops never had
1 better piospect.
The Remains Were Taken to O'Nell
on the Westbound Passenger Train
Yesterday Afternoon Men at Sta
tion Were Bitter In Feeling.
fKrom'pilnp ilnv's Dally.1
It was a distressing scene that was
enacted at the South Norfolk railway
station yesterday noon when the re
mains of little Maudlo Stort/ , the 5-
your-old child who died in a Norfolk
hoapitnl ns the result of a terrible ills
ease which had been indicted npor
her by ( ho loathsome Sweet , were
placed upon the westbound train fo
the homeward rldo.
Accompanied by relatives who live
In Norfolk nnd to whom she mean
much , the funeral train , bearing the
murdered body of the tiny , innoccn
baby girl whose life had been blotted
out by the diabolical nnd beastly brti
tnlity of the fiend who lay In jail a
O'Neill , carried back to the Holt conn
ty homo a party of people who wcr <
heart broken , bitterly angered and in
tensely worked up.
At noon the funeral procession , iiiim
boring many cabs , drew through Soutl
First street and ended at the railroad
-station. It was more than nn ordl
nary funeral. It was a procession it
which men and women mourned no
n natural death but ono of the cruel
est , wickedest and most criminal o
Perhaps no more tragic horror hni
been committed in northern Nebras
kn. Cetraln it Is that this deed rivals
any that could bo found in the annals
of crime.
At the station there was an under
tone of threats. There was an nt
mosphoro of oaths against the boas
In human frame who had already boor
arrested at O'Neill. There was n desire
sire on the part of every man whc
know the awful story , to get at th
scoundrel and tear him literally intc
shreds. There wns a suggestion tha
cutting his llesh into small slices ntul
burning him gradually would be none
too severe. And that party nccom
panylng the remains , loft Norfolk no
knowing that the prisoner , because o
the anticipation of n lynching , hni
boon removed from the iron bars o
Holt county and had boon secretly
taken nwny.
Hut this Is a land of law nnd orde
nnd the oillcinls in O'Neill had pre
pared for the worst. Believing in nl
lowing the statutes to tnko the !
course and thnt the punishment met
i'd out to him by the state of Nebraska
would be severe enough , the authori
ties had scurried their prisoner away
no ono knew just where.
The Stortz family live on a ranch
to the southwest of O'Neill. The mis
erable hound , Sweet , was a hand em-
plo > ed about the farm. He was
brought up for preliminary hearing
in O'Neill last week and was bound
over in the sum of $1.000. At that
time the little girl was in the Norfolk
sanitarium , receiving the best of med
ical treatment.
Day by day she grew weaker and
more seriously 111. At length her del
icate constitution gave way before the
poisonous disease which had gone
through her blood and she died.
The State Board of Control Decided
Last Night to Hold the Annual Rac
ing Tournament of Nebraska Volun
teer Fire Fighters In This City.
The annual tournament of the vol
iinloer firemen of the state of Nebras
ka will bo hold In Norfolk again this
year. This was definitely nnd finally
decided last night over the telephone
wires between this city nnd Kearney ,
when the local lire laddies called up
Chairman MoKoo , of the board of con
trol , and notified him that Norfolk had
raised the money.
The dale of the tourney has not
yet been definitely settled , but It will
como along In the latter p.'tvl < tf
Inly. This will bo determined within
n day or two. For the prusont , the
Norfolk dcpattmcnl Is fooling pretty
good over the fact that the raelj.'g will
como to north Nebraska.
Hastings Wanted it.
Hastings wanted the tournament
his year. The boys out there havo' '
icon scampering around lo boat the
cars during the past few days , trying
0 raise enough rocks to cooper the
event. Word cnmo from the board '
if control that If Norfolk Intended to
; et busy , she'd have to hurry. The
ocal committee , which as boon ener
getically and persistently working for
1 number of days , wns about all In
inywny and just finished up around
the edges yesterday afternoon to make
the thing a sure go. Then they got
together , counted up thblr cash , do
elded ' they'd run chances on getting
enough to fill out the amount and
called up Kearney.
"Hollo , Kearney , " said the depart
ment hero.
"Hollo , Norfolk , " was the answer.
"Norfolk wants the firemen's tour
ney , " said the local lighters of llnmo ,
"What have you got to offer ? " asked
the chairman nt the other end of the
"We've got enough , " said Norfolk
"Tho tournament is yours , " said
Mr. McKee , and thnt settles it for
Nebraska City Wanted It.
Nebraska City also wanted the
throe diys : of racing. They had made
nn effort to persuade the board o
control that It ought to como there ,
but the board of control thought Ne
bra"Un City waa too far out in the
country to be easily reached nnd rather
or have Norfolk , anyway.
"You see we had such a bully good
time up there last season , " said one
of them , "that wo want to como bad' '
if we possibly can. That tournament
last year was the best that the volunteer
toor firemen of Nebraska over pot
sossed. It was a corker , you know
Every prize was paid in cash on the
same night aa the races and that was
not bad , cither. The track wns good
and speedy records were made. "
Thank Enterprising Citizens.
The llreman say that It is Norfoll ;
enterprise that brought the tournn
tiiont. The business men have re
sponded liberally to the requests o :
the soliciting committee. The com
mil tee started out with the under
standing that $1,500 must bo sub
scribed and they raised within loss
than $100 of that amount. As the
time wns up that they were allowed
they concluded to take chances or
raising the remainder. At ono time
when the committee was about to give
up , several business men cnmo for
ward nnd doubled their subscriptions
and the firemen fool very grateful to
the citizens who have stood behind
them In their efforts to secure the
Stanton Champions Helped.
The Stnnton champions helped Nor
folk to get the tournament this year ,
Norfolk feels grateful to thorn for
their efforts. It wns Al Marks nnn
his bunch of fleet-footed stoppers tha
swung the thing up hero Into the gate
way to the now northwest. They
worked for the location hero. They
might have worked ngninst Norfolk
being a sister town. Sisters generally
don't get along well but Stnnton is
there with the right typo of gonda.
When there Is anything doing for
Norfolk , Stanton comes in with a full
quota and the question carries by a
largo majority.
Last year Stnnton cauio up here
and took the prize of the whole affair
- the best banner in the bunch , all
because her team ran so fast thpt
York and Seward couldn't keep up
They were burled In the dust. Al
Marks made his record coupling event
and they went home about the proud
est crowd of boys that had ever drawn
a cart.
Bob Appleby got up on top of a don
key after that event and made a '
speech which resounded in its mirth
from one end of Norfolk avenue to
the other. And they say Stanton Is
coming back again this year.
Madison Also Aided.
The spirit of the fire lads at Madl
son also aided materially in securing
the tourney twice in succession for
northern Nebraska and for their own
county. The Madlcon department
came up hero last year with ono nf
the prettiest sets of uniform that had
ever marched in a parade and they
had n right to expect Hint prize for
the largest number of inon In HltO ,
They had spent n gront dcnl of iiionoy
securing their now uniforms.
Pierce Will Come.
Pierce llremen and I'lorco pcoplo
will como again for the tourney.
They were hero laat year and they
unld they'd como again. They , too , feel
that they own n sliaro of the honor
thnt goes with this locating the races
In northern Nebraska for the second
time within a pair of twelvemonths.
Hosklns Is another neighbor thnt Is
Interested. Hosklns wns the biggest
surprise of all. That llttlo town , with
n few hundred people , cnmc over to
the tournament with as foxy n flro
engine as can bo found in Nebraska ,
nnd they had uniforms to match.
More This Year.
There will be more teams In the
events this year thnn there were Inst
and there were more Inst year than
there had over boon before. It hns / 4J
been suggested thnt Crclghton , Plain * \ il
view , Nlobrara , Lynch , Spencer , Hutlo , "
S'ellgh , OjJJelll , Hassctt and Hum-
ihroy wjli'come from the now north-
, v st. Tnon there will bo West Point ,
which ought to get Into the game ,
Wayne and n number of others.
Be 10,000 Here.
For three days there will bo 10,000
visitors In Norfolk. That Is what the
Ilroboys estimate and from the mam
moth mobs that crowded the streets
last year , the figures arc not so badly
People como from all over the state
of Nebraska to the tourney. And
there will bo more than that from the
northern part. It will rival the St.
Louis exposition in Interest during
those few days , and It promises to
draw from about as many sections of
Meeting Tonight.
A meeting of firemen and citizens
will bo held at the city hall this even
ing to hoar the report of the commit
tee and make arrangements for the
tournament. It Is probable that the
dates of the mooting will bo July 20 ,
27 and 28 , which gives but two months
In which to got ready. At the meet
ing tonight committees of arrange
ments will bo selected and the ma
chinery of the event promptly set In
motion. The firemen especially re
quest thnt citizens attend the meet
ing tonight.
[ From Monday's Dally. |
Norfolk firemen mot and named
committees as follows for the tour
nament :
Entertainment H. W. Winter , Wil
liam King , M. .1. Homlg.
Executive committee R. II. Rey
nolds , C. E. Hartford , W. L. Kern , V.
A. Nenow , II.V. . Winter.
Printing C. E. Hartford , M. J. Ro-
mig , .1. . 0. noemor.
Grounds W. L. Kern , Mlllard
Green , E. L. Dexter.
Concessions C. E. Hartford , II. W.
Winter , II. n. Reynolds , S. II. McFnr-
Innd , V. A. Nenow.
Parade W. II. Wldnmnn , L. Bruce ,
Ed. Clement. >
Music C. E. Hartford , Will Ahl-
nian , E. R. I lays.
The printing committee was ordered
to get 100 committee cards at once ;
-,500 half-sheet bills , 2,000 buttons ,
same style as last year ; 2,000 stick
Four or five will see the business
men of the city at once in regard to
having the tourney advertised on the
back of the envelopes.
The committee was nlso instructed
to get out 5,000 programs for the
events of each day.
Not One of the Political Variety But
the Real Thing , Captured in the
China Sea.
An octopus was In town Inst night ,
not the pollticnl variety thnt demo
crats are always talking about , but a
specimen of the real thing , "captured
in the China sea thirteen years ngo ,
ladies nnd gentlemen , hi ought to Snn
Francisco alive , where It lived eight
days and then was preserved in nlco-
hol. Como right Inside , Indies and gen *
tlomon , and when you como out If you
think it Is nil right hand the door
keeper IS cents , " The fish , boast on
reptile , whatever it is , Is being exhib
ited in a largo covered wagon , and oc
cupies nn alcohol case with its head
pointing toward the audience. Tho-
thing Is a sure enough octopus , with
its nioutliless head , its eight long
anna , upon which are some 2,000
suckers which gather its food , nnd its
big ink sack whore its chin ought to
bo. The thing is a curiosity wherever
it might bo exhibited nnd is moro pnr-
tlcularly so in the interior of the coun
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