The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, May 27, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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    T1IK NOHKOliK NKWS : KIUDAY , MAY 27 , 1110-1 ,
\ \ . > . HUNK , PulilUlirr.
" imi.V.
I IXnlillfiluMl ISST )
Kvrry ilny oxropl Hiintliiyy \ \ onr-
rlnr i > orMpU. . tr > OIMIIH Itv NorfnlU
pontoilloo ilttllvory , par your. Jti no. lly
mnll on riirnl rout OH ami oiitnliln of
Norfolk , per yonr , J.1 on
\ \ KMKI.V M\\ s-.ioru.v\i , .
Tlio News. KMnlillKliml. ISSt
The Journal , KMnlillHhiMl , 1S77.
Kvory Krltliiy. Hy mull | ior yi-iir , J1.60.
Mnloroil lit ( pnMnltlrn at Norfolk.
Neb. , HH Hoeoml clunH mutter.
ToloplinnoM1 IMItoilnl Pitpnt Immit ,
NO. 72 llUHlnt'HH Oltll'U Illlll Jell ItOOIIIH ,
Lot ( lUMIl ftlHO. It Will 1)0 ) Ilieffoel-
lVO UIlll'SH tllU HitUlltlOll COIlHplrOH (0 (
throw republican votes tholr way.
The Japs and UUHHIIIIIH nilglil now
diversify the game by drawing cuts
to see which will lie tlio next to blow
up it ship or two of tholr o\v1i.
It IB remarked us mi epoch In tlio
far onHtorn war wbon Kuropiilkln
tlona not fall back n few nilloa either
In good or bnd order.
Tlio wentbor man I * evidently de
termined to fling bncU llio Ho good
nnd Imrd Into tlio tooth of tbo man
who would mention Nebraska and
drouth In the name breath ,
Tbo next thing to an ambition to bo
president would bn an nmhltlon to bo
IIB certain of being nomlnntod and
uloelod to that high office ns It Presi
dent Roosevelt.
If Japan could make sure of n inlno
that would reduce Tort Arthur to
kindling wood and scrap Iron , llfo
would again hortimo worth living to
tlio inlUado nnd his high olllclala.
The county and nlato conventions
nro about roiichlng a llnlHli and shortr
ly Iho national conventions will bo on
with their noise and Hurry nnd tlio
campaign will bo positively open.
If .May was always as pleasant and
ngroonblo as ( bin month has boon
tboro would bo more parents willing
to return to that good old iinmo as
u tilting 0110 for it handsome and
agreeable daughter.
The crops nro standing up for No-
braslta right now In it mtmll way , but
the prospects nro that they will do
some tailor work of that kind just as
.soon as u warm sun and generous
ruins can bring thoin up to It.
The democratic party as an organi
zation may bo opposed to Itoosovolt ,
but tbo Lincoln Star IH convinced that
tliuro urn a largo number of Indi
vidual members who are not Inclined
to defeat his election.
Kor a wool ; or two the swOot girl
graduate and tbo wise young man of
the same class will vie tpilto oner
getlcally with the situation In the far
cast and with politics for tlrst place
In the papers and In the minds and
hearts of the common people.
Peter O. Elliott , the man thought to
bo Insane who at one time threatened
the llfo of President Roosevelt , hung
himself the other day at Minneapolis.
This may bo but an Indication of tbo
fate that overtakes those who threat
en the lives of the presidents.
Port Arthur , Te\as , should be able
to extract a share of advertising that
Is coming to Port Arthur of the far
east. They are not at all In the same
circumstances , but the name should
be sufficient to attract a share of the
world's attention to the Texas town.
The editor of the Fremont Tribune
advised people to test their seed corn
before planting and then went ahead
and planted some untested corn just
to show others how foolish such
methods are. Ho only has about fif
ty hills to replant In a field of fifty
City directories should bo In exceed
Ing demand by people who are just
now looking for relations In the exposition
position city. A person with ai
official directory might even assume
relationship with another of the right
name , nt least until after the big show
Is over.
The Sioux City Journal registers ob
jections to so much politics because It
1ms distracted attention from the very
line weather with which the country
Is bolng favored. The weather Is cer
tainly of the kind that should appeal
to the levers of nature If not the pol
The appearance of John M. Thurs-
ton before the state convention at
Lincoln was the signal for some en
thusiasm that could scarcely have
been exceeded had Senator Dietrich
occupied the platform in his stead.
"Tho red , red rose" was cither forgot
ten for the nonce or forgiven.
Some Sioux City enthusiast 1ms
formed an appondlxloss club. At the
rate the disease has been making it-
self multifont with modern people It
would fiaoin Unit 11 moro exclusive * so
ciety could bo formed by receiving
Into iiiomborHhlp only those who still
retain Ihulr vermiform suporllulty.
The democrats of Ohio prefer lo
register In as representing Iho con
servative element of the party , and
their temporary chairman probably
npoko for the majority of them In that
Hlalo when he expressed a deslro that
all of the radicals might bo tinned
out and driven away.
Colorado and Wyoming are very ev
idently In need of HOIIHJ of that work
that will prevent Hoods from rushing
down on thorn all In a bunch , but to
hold It lo bo drawn on gradually when
It IB most needed by Iho crops. The
way those cloudbursts did things the
other day should servo to attract the
attention of the topographic survey
No Bcrlnus opposition Is likely lo
develop lo President Itoosovolt before
the national mooting of that parly In
SI. Louis. In the Interim the apostles
of free trade or free silver or null-lm-
porlnllsm , or whatever they may advo
cate , are moro limn busy taking care
of troubles of their own nnd have no
time to look after the common nnomy.
The fiiHlonlHts appear to bo taking
very strongly lo the candidacy of P.
15. McKlllup of Humphrey as their
candidate for The conven
tion to be held at Fremont on the
28th will have the nay-so about the
matter nud the most serious problem
will bn the acquiescence of the pop-
ullstH. as McKlllup Is mild to bo a
rock rlbbod democrat.
Parker Is probably like other wlso
democrats waiting for his party to
say whether ho Is expected to holler
Iho roof of bin head off for the free
and unlimited coinage of silver at the
ratio of sixteen to one or make the
welkin ring with plaudits of the gold
standard , and this la not the only
question under doubt , all emphasizing
the need of a deep and oppressive si-
louce until the parly first Kpcaks.
II will probably surprise no ouo
more than Mr. llryan If the democrats
should dually decide lo unite on 0ro
ver Cleveland. The leaders are very
evidently making soundings of party
sentiment to determine how such a
maneuver would be recovod In the
event It Is found that Mr. Parker can
not swing the required delegates nec
essary lo a nomination.
Appearances are Indicating that be
fore the excitement Is over In tbo far
east tboro may bo numerous exciting
war tales unfolded and serious con-
Illcts recorded. Neither of the com
batting forces has yet gained any very
distinct advantages or decided victo
ries , indicating that they are probably
very evenly matched , and that when
they do come Into conlllct there will
be some hot lighting.
It IB said by a leading political pub
lication thut President Uoosovolt will
ha the real platform of both parties ,
in which event It is unseemly and un
wise for the democrats to bo lighting
among themselves as to whether
the Kansas City platform should
be affirmed or denounced. President
Roosevelt and bis record Is safely
the platform of the republicans. And
the democrats will dud It exceedingly
dltllcult to evade the Uoosovolt Issue
when the campaign opens.
Memorial day Increases In Import
ance and In general observance with
each recurring ; ! 0th of May. The
people feel that It Is required of them
to devote one day in the year to
thoughts of the boys in blue and
their achievements , and they like to
do It. It inspires patriotism , perhaps
not as demonstrative as that of the
Fourth of July , but patriotism of an
enduring kind and effective. Next
Monday Is the day that this annual
observance will take place.
Tom Johnson of Ohio Is booming
Joseph Folk of Missouri as the proper
candidate for president. If Mr. Folk-
hits any ambitions In this direction
his earliest effort should bo directed
toward getting Mr. Johnson to support
sumo one else that Is If Mr. John
son's own experience In running for
a larger olllce than mayor can bo tak
en as an indication of his inlluonco In
a larger field. Ho progressed back
ward last fall nnd may bo able to ac
complish the snmo result for Mr. Folk.
The czar is reported as believing
that the tide has turned In Russia's
favor In the far oastein war. The
Japanese have undoubtedly boon
thinking the same thing , but tholr
friends are confident that they nro
merely getting a reverse that will bo
beneficial in Inspiring greater cau
tion and planning moro stoutly and
firmly to bo on top In the llimi out
come of the war. It Is expected to
hoar different reports when the jnn-
ehinery tlio Japanese Imvo set in mo.
( Ion finally arrives at tbo point where
the accomplishment of their piirKHO |
IH possible.
l.ovl P. Morton Is eighty years of
tgo and Htild to bo In the enjoyment
of oxcelli'iil health. Perhaps ho Is
able to attrlbuato his present good
health and prosperity to his early de
termination to itbjuro polltlCH , after
ho had pattlclpatod In ouo race for
the vlco presidency. They are not
ill IIH wlHo as Mr. Morton and con
tinue Ulrllng with llcklo olllco , until
their minds and bodies become affect
ed and they go down lo an early grave
some Hmo this side of Morton's ago.
From the way things are happening
In national alfalrs lor the democratic
party It would seem probable that
Mr. llryan would bo doing very well
Hhould ho bo selected us the nomi
nee of bis parly as candidate for
United Slates senator from Nebraska.
Then after blH nomination ho will
have a strong light lo win , as the re
publicans have endorsed a candidate
who appears to have equal ability
and Is nntrnmmolod by the radical
views I hat have been acting as a
drag to Mr. Bryan's ambition.
Sioux City Is systematically at work
on a scheme that should servo to kcop
the national mod Ing of democrats In
out of Jail , It bolng persistently rumored -
morod that the city Jail Is haunted.
The last ghost lo appear Insisted on
cutting up cordwood nnd endeavored
to take a drink of water two things
that no live tramp could bo guilty of
and It IH supposed1 by other prison
ers to be an Indication from the spirit
land that the ghost would bo only too
contented lo do these abhorrent dcods
could bo but return to earth ontlro
once more.
The people of New York are ro-
jolclng because Governor Odell has
vetoed a bill that bad the approval of
Mayor McClollau which would give
the obnoxious gas trust of the metrop
olis additional monopoly and strength ,
and yet there are people who will
continue lo argue that no anti-trust
action can originate from the repub
lican party , bill thai all reform in
this direction must be looked for from
democrats. A few moro olllcial acts
of tbla character against the Interests
of the people by Now York's democrat
ic mayor , and Iho Umpire stale can
bo depended upon lo go unanimously
for the republican ticket.
A congressional committee Is just
now Investigating the best method to
restore America to a worthy place as
a marine nation. The people are be
coming averse to having all of tbo
ocean carrying trade done by foreign
vessels manned by foreign crows when
America Is as much Interested as any
nation in the world in the tralllc be-
Iweeu countries lhal the oceans di
vide. It Is to be hoped that some
means will be found to give this coun
try the position on the sens that her
commerce deserves and in the inter-
eat of American institutions such Irnf-
tic should bo carried on by American
vessels and American sailors.
J. J. Hill , Ibe railroad magnate ,
thinks It will bo Impossible to re
store the American merchant marine
until tbo people become Interested
in the business. With its coasl lines
as widely separated as are those of
America , and so many people who are
not Interested in the sea , or Its carry
ing business , It will bo somewhat dif
ficult , perhaps to interest them to the
same extent that the people of the
Interior are interested in railroads ,
but It should bo so. England and
other martimo nations , whose people
are compelled to take to Ihe sea If
they expecl to go anywhere , are na
turally awake to what is going on in
the seas , but 11 is just as essential to
the American people to become Inter
ested as It Is for those of any nalion ,
because Ihoso of the remotest Interior
depend to a great extent for tholr pros
perity on the prosperity of the people
ple of the coast.
W. D. Hunter of the entomological
bureau of the agricultural department
has made a report on the boll weevil.
He duds that a single pair of those
brutes are quite capable of having
131,000,000 descendants before the end
of n season , nnd Is convinced that the
post will In n few years cost tbo cot
ton planters and the country millions
of dollars in cotton destroyed. It
would bo Interesting If tbo farmers
and planters could hnvo just a season
without nn Insect pest of any kind
to Interfere with tholr work and the
results. There is little doubt but that
these pests exact a largo percentage
each year from the producers for tholr
maintenance and support. The prop
agation and protection of birds and
other natural oncmlos of these posts
Is highly recommended nnd the re
sults would begin to show in a few
years , beyond n doubt , if the carnivo
rous birds should bo permitted to In-
creso exceedingly in numbers.
Norfolk Is just In the primary stages -
os of Its ultimate development.
Now York and California may bo
far nparl regarding distance , but tboy
are evidently very close together on
the Hearst sltuallon for Iho democrat
ic nomination for president
May showers are all right , but when
It co inns to Hoaklng rain storms with
Imll accompaulmonl , there are better
things In Iho weather line to he do-
There are very evidently a few nt
the great exposition. With a record
of 257,011 passing through the gates
hisl week lliero are Indications to
show thai not all the people of Ihc
country are absolutely bankrupt
Tbo situation between Hearst and
Parker , to hear both sides of tbo con
troversy , Is about as Indefinite as It
Is between Iho Russians and Iho Jap
anese as determined by Iho respective
reports from St. Petersburg and To-
Ulxby of the Stale Journal Is per-
alstontly jabbing his pen Into the fel
low that spits on the pavements nnd
In time hopes to have Lincoln a spit-
less town or have all the expectora
tion associated with the refuse nnd
mistiness of the gutters whore It
properly belongs.
The populists are evidently desirous
lhal fusion should continue on state
Issues while they go It straight on
national affairs nnd thus llnd out tholr
exact standing as a parly. With half
fusion and half strnlghl they can eas
ily dodge In either direction ns Indi
cated by Iho returns as their policy
Many Metbodisls will bo politicians
enough to wonder what influence
could have operated to cause Chan
cellor Day to refuse as good u church
position ns that of bishop. U is al
most equal to declining the presidency
in national political affairs , nnd the
man Is a phenomenon who would nol
accept that job.
The democrats might not lack a
pimjmoiint Issue , or would not care
so much if they did lack n paramount
Issue If they were only reasonably
certain that the prevailing prosperity
could be headed off and with calamity
and hard timoa cause the people lo
bo dissatisfied with the present repub
lican government.
Some of the politicians are so fear
ful that there will bo no excitement
during tbo coming presidential cam
paign that they are already beginning
to worry for fear that Sir Thomas Lipton -
ton will not conic over again this year
to have another try at the yachting
trophy and to substitute for the Inter
est that the campaign may lack.
There are n lot of democrats In the
country who do not care who Is
placed In nomination at St. Louis ,
which is interpreted by republicans to
mean thai they are fairly well satis-
ded with governmental affairs as they
exist under a republican administra
tion. If they thought the country was
In danger they would not only care
who was named at St. Louis but would
do their besl lo see that he was elect
Nebraska might have been a drouth
state some years ago for one season ,
bill II has decidedly reformed , and Is
now not as much of a drouth state
as some of tbo eastern common
wealths where the corn dried up and
rallied last year and other vegetation
was so devoid of moisture that a
lighted match would set it to going
like a bunch of shavings. For several
years now Nebraska has had moisture
to let.
Norfolk is all right , but it needs a
commercial club to help direct the
city's development at It should bo di
rected. The business men are ener
getic in Ihoir respective ways and en
terprising regarding Ihoir personal af
fairs but much loss effort would ac
complish far greater results by unity
of purpose and action. It is the limo
to advance when conditions are as fa
vorable for advancement ns they are
now and the merchants and property
owners should get togolher.
The Russians are growing qullo op
timistic over the sltuallon in the far
east and arc now counting on controll
ing the sea and relieving Port Ar
thur. They have certainly clung to
the strategotlc port 'with grim deter
mination and It would not bo aston
ishing if they should finally extricate
II from its dlfllcultlos. The Japanese
too nro proving powerful and aggros-
slvo antagonists and the outcome of
the conlllct is still very much In doubt
with a great deal to do to bring about
a settlement. At the porsont rate of
progress It Is probable that the con
lllct will continue for many years to
U Is evidently no time for croak
ers , other than frogs , in Nebraska.
The Hoiuon Is very proplluous In n
crop way , people are quite generally
employed at fair wages , there Is
money In the hanks , towns and coun
try nro developing , new Investors are
coming In , now settlers are arriving ,
there are no epidemics lo speak of ,
there Is plenty available to ent and
wear , nature Is at her prettiest , and
everything conduces to the general
happiness nnd comfort of the people.
It Is a time for optimism , and Ihe in-
lolllgonce of the people Is manifest
In the Infrequency of pessimistic ut
John Jacob Astor Is not without his
troubles. Ho has recently erected n
magnificent hotel , but through nn
oversight the building Is within 200
foot of a church , nil of which makes
it a matter of question whether or
not the structure can over put to the
use for which it was Intended. In
Now York a hotel Is hardly a hotel
unless Intoxicants are on tap at all
hours of the day and night. In Now
York , also , It Is not allowable lo sell
Intoxicants within 200 feel of a church
and Urns II happens lhal the mil
lionaire is In trouble. He would prob
ably pay handsomely for tbo privilege
of moving tbo church.
Those who are In closest touch with
the merchant nmrln situation appear
lo be unanimously In favor of the late
Senator Ilanna's policy of creating a
subsidy. Innjiimtoh as this Is Ihe plan
pursued by Ihe leading maritime na
tions of the world 11 would seem to
bo about the only solution of Iho mat-
lor. With other governments support-
lug their marine out of their Irca-
surles and finding lhat 11 pays , II
will bo necessary for America lo mool
Iho compollllon , or keep the back scat
Ihnl It now occupies on Ihe high seas.
Everything else favors American su
premacy on llio "seas , but it cannot
hope to compete with those that are
already powerful without meeting
tholr methods.
It takes ten limes as long for a wo
man to get old as for her children.
It's very easy for a clever man to
; ; ct around a woman with his arm.
No man can break a girl's heart as
eabily as some other man can repair
There never was a man a woman
couldn't flatter ; there never was a wo
man thai didn't do it.
A woman hasn't any doubt you are
a good man when you can remember
the nges of her children.
It's a curious thing that girls go
from the nursery to school and from
sclitx ) ! back to the nursery.
It heals anything how a girl whose
stockings fll her well Is never afraid
of a hammock lhat bucks like a bron
It's very easy to gel solid with the
mother of Iho girl you want to marry
by being deeply Interested In her views
on the education of children. New
York Press.
Sunday Is a good day for staying at
home without lolling your family
know you'd rather be some place else.
Oirls are so clever about a man they
can tell by the kind of necklic he Is
wearing whether be Is going lo pro
It's pretty good fun to pretend you
are going to kiss a girl and then lo
have to do II to appease her indigna
When n woman rides horseback
.strnddlewiso she feels as natural as
a man who tries to climb a Iree In
Swift's Pride soap lessens laundry
labors. 11 is the very besl possible
laundry soap that can be made. Or
der it for Monday's wash.
When the open work shirl waisl
season comes a man always has Iho
embarrassed feeling he has Ihe first
tlmo ho Is over in a turkish bath.
No matter how poor a woman feels
she never lias any doubt that it is
cheaper to buy an expensive bat and
charge it than n low priced one and
pay cash for it.
There are diamonds everywhere
you dig.
Any man who is n success ns a vis
itor , is a Sissy-man.
Wo have counted , and know that a
certain AtchUon woman has been fa
tally ill nine times.
If you can't toll all you know about
any ono. don't hint that you can toll
something , and make it worse.
An Atchison man who lias been a
drinking man for moro than fifty
years , quit the ether day ; after whis
ky had done him all the harm It JHJS-
slbly could. Why didn't ho quit years
ago ?
Hero Is something you never see
mentioned by the writers on etiquette :
every person's social obligation be
gins nt home.
"Mothers are so dense , " complained
a girl today. "Mine comes In the
parlor when I have callers , and stays
and stays and stays. "
If you were Invited out to dinner
today , your hostess doesn't think she
had a chance unless you gave her no
tice day before yesterday.
Ono of the funny tilings Is to meet
a drug store drunkard who doesn't
know that you know ho drinks , nud
who , when full , tries to bide the fncl.
Short Ingalls quit chewing tobacco
a year ago , and his wife has boon
praising him for It over sluco , although 1
ho began again ten days after quit- V
Dr. Dogle has been "ailing" during
the past three days , and says that
during thai lime , ho has oaten noth
ing except a cup of beef tea. Wo
would like to know , Just for fun , what
he has eaten In the last three days.
Bishop Turner of tbo A. M. 13.
church , In nn address at Chicago yes
terday , begged his hearers never to
sing "Wash Me and I shall be Whiter
Than Snow , " saying he would never
have It sung In his presence. The
colored preachers are becoming al
most aa notional as the while ones.
John M. Thurston , In a speech be
fore the state convention , remarked
Ihnl "we nro doing tolerably well , "
nnd expressed the conviction lhal Iho
people of Iho country were happier and
moro contented than they had boon
for a great many years. His slnlo-
nionl will receive a hearty second
from everyone who Is willing to worker
or grasp opportunities. South Sioux
City Record.
The Methodist conference in ses
sion at U > s Angeles thinks the evils
of the limes are polllicnl corruption ,
tlio liquor trafilc , tyranny of trades
unionism , greed of unscupnlous em
ployers , lynching , the negro question
and Mormonism. Their catalogue
covers a multitude of sins , but human
greed thai has smothered old fash
ioned honesty is nl llio bottom of
the biggosl part of it. Wlsnor Free
The Bible Is a remarkable book.
Even the men who doubt its inspira
tion admit that whether it bo viewed
ns an historical book , an Inspired
book , n book of prophesy or judged
wholly upon Us literary merits , it Is
a marvelous book , and worthy Ihe
careful study of everyone. Perhaps
no book is quoted so often or with so
much force as Iho Bible. No book
sols forth a bettor code of morals f
Ihan the Bible. No book expresses so
many noble thoughts in such beauti
ful language as the Bible. It is a di
gest of knowledge. It is a model of
rhetoric. It argues , it pleads , It
threatens. It Is the storehouse to
which men have gone for ages , and lo
which fulure generalions will conlln-
ue to go for inspiration and instruc
tion. No other book is Its equal. No
other can take its place. You cannot
remember the Sabbath day betlor Ihan
to read from Ibis book. Bealrice Ex
Slale of Ohio , City of Toledo , Lucas
County , ss.
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that
he is senior partner of the flrm of
F. J. Cheney & Co. , doing business in
the clly of Toledo , counly and state
aforesaid , and that said firm will pay
the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL
LARS for each and every case of
catarrh that cannot be cured by the
use of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Frank J. Cheney.
Sworn to before mo and subscribed
In my presence , this Cth day of De
cember , A. D. 188C.
( Seal. ) A. W. Gleason , ,
Nolary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Inter
nally , and acts dlreclly on the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Send for teslimonials free.
F. J. Cheney & Co. , Toledo , O.
Sold by all druggists , 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for consti
wr / o
" I suffered terribly and was ex
tremely weak for 12 years. The
doctors said my hlood was all
turning to water. At last 1 tried
Ayer's Sarsapanlla , and was soon
feeling all right again. "
Mrs. J.V. . Fiala , Hadlyme , Ct.
No matter how long you
have been ill , nor how
poorly you may be today ,
Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the
besr medicine you can
take for purifying and en
riching the blood.
Don't doubt it , put your
whole trust in it , throw
away everything else.
< l 00 a boiiic