y ( TIIKnnmiK NT.\\S : Kill DAY. M\Y ONE OF THE MOST SUCESSrUL IN HISTORY OF DISTINCT. ALMOST 100 IN ATTENDANCE They Cnmc From Everywhere In the , Third District Suasions Were Well Attended and Heartily Enjoyed. Every Number Well Deceived. After the Hi-si dlatrlrt im-i-tliiK yet hold In thlH district and a most mie- coHBful uuu'lliiK of tlin orBaiiUatinu. Uio dolof-nti'N nml visitors to the con vention of Woman's chilis of the Third congroHHlonul dintilet Imvo departed from the city. They came to Norfolk nil day lonj ; yesterday from tlio mm- Hue trains at f. until HIOHO of uftor- noon , There worn very nuiirly 100 visitors In the city , Including the del- UKUtos and vlHltliiK Indies , and they formed an uHHcmhly at I ho Klrnt Con- Krotatloniil church which WUH linpros- Hlvo to a decree. hast nlf-ht the session ended , after n day of most im-ollunl dlneuHHlou re- iunllnn topics of InloroHt to women Konorally , progressive people and those InloroHlod In keeping up the Htandard of llloratnro , art and the ael- once of economies. Tim visitors were unanimous In tholr exprosslons of pleasure al ( heir moot hit ? this your , and nil heartily joined In praising the members of the Norfolk Woman's club for their management and tholr enter- talnmunt. The opening session of the conven tion was called to order by the noting vice president , Mrs. A. .1. Dnrland. Mrs. 0. 13. ( JiTon HIIUK a heautlfnl solo and Invocation was pronounced by Mrs. McMillan. Mrs. 11. 13. Owen welcomed the vis itors to Norfolk In behalf of the local organization , of which olio Is presi dent. Her address was ably delivered and well received. Mrs. John Erhardt of Slanton responded brlolly and plea santly. Mrs. C , H. Reynolds , of this city , vlco president of the district fedora- tlon , welcomed the ladles In her olll- clnl capacity. Mrs. riommons of Fremont read an Interesting paper on "Art , " written by un absent member of that club. Miss Shaw rendered a piano solo , followed by Mrs. T. F. Memmlngor of Madison who delivered an exception ally Hue paper on the subject , "Loyal ty to the Schools. " Mrs. Mommlnger's production was well received by the convention and created an Impression which will no doubt have a perma nent effect In north Nebraska. A largo number of the visitors requested copies of the address , In order that they might place It before tholr own clubs and on this account , a resolu tion to that effect having been passed by the convention , the discussion will appear In tomorrow's Issue of The News. A practical paper and one which was enjoyed thoroughly by every wo man present was that of Mrs. S. I'1. Krskino on the subject of "Household Economics. " It was closed with H well ( old dialect story. Interesting reports from the presi dents of the various clubs of the Third district were then received , In these were noted the Improvements that ha\'o been carried on throughout the section during the past year by the members In their homos. The ad vancement of library Interests was shown to be remarkably satisfactory in most places and other excellent things have been done. A number of Norfolk women present were Im pressed with the fact that while towns throughout the northern part of the state have succeeded In building up line libraries with the aid of the city , that Norfolk is without one single Ixuik of a public nature. Mrs. Stout- enborough remarked that it was hard to tell whether It was a club conven tion or a library association , so much was done in that direction. The round table , conducted by Mrs. Stoutenboroiigh of Plattsmouth , was an Interesting feature to the members , pertaining as it did to the work which they have to do. Mrs. Stoutenboroiigh was at one time president of the state federation and is one of the most be loved of the members In the common wealth. She seems to carry the heart of every club woman In the Third dis trict , at least , and they were all glad to have her here. She Is now state secretary of the general federation. This closed the work of the after noon and an informal reception was held In the lecture room of the church. A dainty supper was served at 0:30 : in the church parlors by the Ladles Aid society of the Congregational church. Evening Session. At 8:30 : In the evening the meeting was again called to order by the chair man , Mrs. Dnrland who made a most olliclont presiding olllcer. In Intro ducing Mrs. Stouienborough , whoso address was the pricipal number on the evening's program , Mrs. Dnrland spoke of the esteem In which she is held by all club folk of Nebraska. Mrs. Stoutonborough took for her sub ject , "An Old Fashioned School Teach er , " and used the life of Maria Mitch ell , for twenty-five years an Instruct or at Vassar , as the illustrative fea ture of her theme. Her address was listened to by a whole churchful of eager auditors Including a number of men who had been attracted to the mcotlnn. The dlRCUHKlon win able , keen and delightfully Knokon through- Hill Mm. Orei-n and Mm. Snyder were on the pronram next for n vocal duel , followed by Minn Mullock of Lincoln who pronoiiti'd nn eminently Intercut- Init paper on the "Libraries of the Third nmtrlcl. " She upoko of the II- hrnrli'ii of the former Union , which were meager and which gave children but little oncournKnnient In good read- Ing. "With what In best In song and nlory , " who concluded , "children will not he wcniicd away for 'After the Hall , ' or 'The Hoavnnly Twins.1" Miss 1 tattle Alberry Hang n pretty select Ion , which wan heartily applaud ed , and the day's work was done. Elks 'looms Today. In closing the session , Mrs. Durlnnd announced that the 131k club rooms would be thrown open to the visiting ladles all day today and that any of them would bo cordially welcome to make MHO of the parlors. FRIDAY FACTS Messrs. 13d and Thomas O'Shea were ( Her fiom Madison yesterday. Mrs. N. Kule came down from Nlo- brura on the early train this morning. \ \ Tillamut7. of HoskliiH was hereto to attend the funeral of Itev. Phillip lloel/.ol. Sheriff .1. ,1. Clements was In the city today and yesterday on olllclal business. .1. N. lluudlek , manager of the sugar factory , went to Omaha this morning on business. Miss Frances Davenport , who bus been visiting at Slonx City for the past two weeks , returned home hist evening. Mrs. 13. L. Wilson of St. 1'aul , Nob. , who has boon visiting Mrs. A. .1. Dur- laud for the week , returned to her home at noon today. County Superintendent C. W. Crum was In the city today on his way homo to Madison from n visitation of ( ho schools west of Norfolk. I ) . W. Forbes , of the Forbes Locat ing agency of llouestool , S. IX , was hi the city on his way homo from a trip to Slonv City and Omaha. Mrs. .1. II. IIulIT and Mrs. W. Fov , delegates from Norfolk lodge O. 13. S. and .1. 11 Hiilff , a member of the grand chapter , returned last night from Omaha whore they attended a meeting of the grand chapter. Four hundred delegates were In attendance and the session was very enjoyable. Mrs. llaggart was re-elected grand matron and the grand secretary was also re-elected. The Nebraska National bank will occupy rooms at the corner of Main and Fourth street. Goo. D. Uuttorflold , who Is the leading factor In the new Ilimuelal Institution , makes the state ment that lease has been closed for a room lif * by SO feet to bo partitioned off from the east side of the Hlshop block. This room will bo subdivided and will make handsome banking rooms , being one of the host If not the best location In the city. The room Is now occupied as a part of the Fair store and possession will not bo given until the first of June , when partitions will bo sot and the space mndoi ready for the reception of the bank. Farmers report that the wheat and oats In this vicinity , while a little late , are coming up evenly and with a good stand. Horsemen are taking advantage of the mud to give the horses' hoofs a good mud bath to place them In con dition for the summer. If there Is no frost during the pres ent mouth there Is every probability that there will be an abundance of fruit In this section of the country. The buds are coming out healthily and the prospects are excellent thus far. Work on the now state hospital for the Insane In this city Is progressing very rapidly just now. All of the foundations for the four new build ings have been completed , and the basement Is sealed up. The work on the superstructure has begun and within u few weeks at the most the contractors hope to have the frames well closed. They are receiving con stantly new material for the work and a large number of men are em ployed In hustling for the Job. The time allowed Is October 1 and the builders intend to finish by that time easily. Mr. Follmer of the state board promised to furnish the citizens of Norfolk with a banquet In case the work was not completed by fall. On the other hand a banquet was pledged to him In case the work were done , and it begins to look as though Mr. Follmer would dine. CRAZY MAN SCARE. Well Dressed Stranger Frightens the People of Buffalo Flats. Long Pino. Nob. , May 9. Special to The News : The HulYalo Flats people had a scare over a crazy man. Ho was n well dressed stranger and made no resistance when the sheriff came for him. No one seemed to know who ho was or where ho came from. BASE BALL AT LONG PINE. The Girls There are Jewels When It Comes to Hospitality. Long Pine , Neb. , May 9. Special to The News : Long Pine and AIns- worth played n close game of base ball on the homo diamond , resulting In a victory for AInsworth with a score of C to 5. The young ladles of the high school served the boys with Ice cream and cake at the close of the game. . \J THERE WAS SOMETHING DOING AT COUNCIL MEETING. FIRE CHIEF WAS CONFIRMED. Ordered that Water be Furnished Cemetery Asoclntlon nt Old Rntc Vote $25 Toward Expense of Me- niorlnl Day , IKrtim Saturday's Dnllv 1 The oily council met In regular Hus sion May n. Present Councllmen ( low , Halvesllne , Klosati , 1'nnownlk , Parish , Spollman , Walker. Absent , Wilkinson. The minutes of the mooting of May were lead and approved. Mr. Powers appeared before the council and staled that several years ago the Cemetery association had made an agreement with the city council for the use of city water at the actual cost of pumping , and bad gone to the expense of putting In a long line of pipe for that puritoso , and had since that time been using the water and for several years had been paying $10 for the water , but now the water commissioner lias refused to allow them the use of the water un less a meter Is put In , and requested the council to allow them to still use the water at the old rate. After the matter was pretty well discussed , motion prevailed that the Cemetery association bo allowed to use the city water for the coming year at the old rate of $10 per year. On request of W. H. "vVldumuu , actIng - Ing as a committee from Mathewsou post , ( ! . A. It. , a warrant was ordered drawn In favor of Malhowson post to help defray the expenses of Memorial day celebration. Olllclal bonds were approved as follows : W , H. Livingston , Fourth ward policeman. .1. 13. Simpson , water commissioner. August Oraul , fireman at the pump- lug station. The secretary of the fire depart ment gave the council written notice of the election of W. L. Kern as chief of the tire department for the ensuing year anil requested the continuation of said election , which was done. The chlot of the lire depart incut then made the following appoint ments In writing , which were con tinued by the council : Assistant chief , H. W. Winter. Second assistant chief. Warren .1. House. Third assistant chief , .lohn Kraut-/ . Flro police Hook ami Ladder Co. , .1. Mlchaolson , S. L. Murphoy ; Queen City Hose Co. , August Ilatbke , H. 13. Klug ; West Side Hose Co. , I3d. Dlxon , 13d Monnlng ; Mast Hose Co. , J. H. Lough , L. V. KenerMin ; F. 13. & M. V. Hose Co. , .1. L. llershlser , Allen Wilkinson. lie-ports of the treasurer , police judge and street commissioner were road and referred to the auditing committee. The annual report of the chief of the lire department was read as fol lows : Norfolk. Neb. . May 2 , 1901. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council , Norfolk , Nebraska. Gentlemen : 1 beg leave to submit the following re port of the Norfolk Fire Department for the municipal year ending May 2. 1901 , as follows : The water works plant and system is well known to each of you and needs no detailed statement from me except that It Is In fairly good con dition and the hydrants have all recently been Hushed and oiled and are now in good working condition. The membership of the department consists of four companies , with a membership of one hundred and twenty active members. We have one hook and ladder truck , fully equipped , and four ho o carts with about 2000 feet of hose In good condition. The department responded to ten alarms of lire during the year , which lines caused a total loss , as near as we could get at the facts , of $18Gi. with Insurance amounting to $2805 , to cover the same , leaving a net loss of $2000. The total amount paid out by the city for the department during the year has been $212.03 , of which $37.50 was for hauling the apparatus to and from llres , and for cleaning and re pairing lire apparatus , supplies , uni forms , etc. , $171.53. In concluding this , my annual re port , I wish to extend to the Honor- aable Mayor and City Council my sincere thanks for the many kind nesses shown to me and the depart ment while In the discharge of our duties ; their willingness to aid us by furnishing such needed Improvements and supplies as has been required and requested from time to time , has been very satisfactory ti mo and should be appreciated by nil citizens interested In the welfare af the department. I also extend to the ofllcors and mem bers of the department my sincere thanks for the faithful and otllclont manner in which they have perform ed their duties to the department dur ing the year. My thanks are extended to all persons whom 1 have been associated with in the performance of my otllcial duties as chief of the Norfolk lire department. Respectfully submitted , W. L. Kern Chief of the Norfolk Flro Depart ment , The annual icM | > rt of the chief of pnl lee wan rend nn follows : Norfolk Noli. . May 2 , 1001. To the lltniiirnblo Mayor and City Council , Norfolk , Neb , ( leiitlemen I herewith Hiibmll my nnuiml report for the municipal year ending Miiy 2 , 1001 , an to ! town : Number of canon In police court. . 102 Number of vagrnnU kept over night In Jail and compelled to leave town . 1 15 Number of cnno of coiilngoous Scarlet fever . 0 Smallpox . -I Diphtheria . n Total . 10 Amount of dog tax collected Jl7fi All of which Is respectfully mib- milled. Martin Knne , Chief of Police. On motion the reports of "the chlel of the lire department and chief of police were ordered published. The street and alley committee was authorized to accept the offer of M. I3ndres to put In cement crossings at the price of 12 and IS cents per square foot , and the committee was authorl/ed to employ the city engi neer to establish ditch grades. The special committee on the U. P. water supply reported that they bad informed the company that the city would charge them a rental of $1.00 per year for the 2-Inch motor and In reply the company had sent a telegram to scud in the bill at the id Hat rate , and they had refused to do HO. The water commissioner was Instructed to notify the Union Pacific railroad company that the city Insists that they put In a water meter and that they must do so with in 30 days or the city will put one In and charge them rental on the same. It waa decided that the services of a city physician bo dispensed with for the present and until further needed. It was voted to allow Fred Klcntz the sum of $20 n mouth , from May 1 to October 1 , for street sprinkling. The following claims against the city , having been examined and ap proved by the auditing committee , i were road and allowed : I S. U. McFarland , salary and olllco expense and postage. . $ SO. 50 Martin Kane , March and April salary and olllco expense . . 127.50 C. II. Pllger , March and April salary and expense . 102.00 W. H. Livingstone , March and April salary and disusing of dogs . S2.00 Robert Utter , three months salary and postage . 37.90 H. A. Pasewalk , three months salary . 12.50 C. G. Xuolow , three months salary . 1 2.50 A. H. Klesau , three mouths salary . 12.50 .1. C. Spcllman , six mouths sal ary . 2.-.00 O. 11. Walker , three months salary . 12.50 O. W. Wilkinson , three months salary . 12.50 M. D. Tyler , three months sal ary . 12.50 August Hrununund , three months salary . 12.50 Alexander Hear , two months salary . 20.00 William L. Kern , three mouths salary . 12.50 The various election boards , total . SG.OO H. H. Miller , assigned to M. C. I In/en , salary and labor for March . . ' 18.25 H. H. Miller , salary and labor for mouth of April . 19.00 HhiKeinan & Halm , keg of nails 3.00 11. C. Walter , filing saws , etc. . 1.15 W. H. Lowe , surveying . 3.00 I3dwards Bradford Lumber Co , lumber . 111.19 Chicago Lumber Co. , lumber. . 09.04 Times Tribune , printing . 7.35 A. .1. Kocnlgsteln , supplies. . . . 2.00 H. A. Pasewalk , express . . . . 2.28 Gutta Percha Rubber & Manu facturing Co. , repairs on noz zles . 5.25 Frank Lamb , hauling hose cart to McClary fire . 2.00 Frank Mnsslck , cleaning and drying hose after fire . 2.00 D. D. Hninson , hauling hose cart to lire . 3.00 Fred Kleiuz , freight and drayage - age . 75 W. L , Kern , changing coup lings on hose . 5.35 Hlnkcnmn & Hahn , supplies' for fire department . 90 Fred Kleiitz , hauling apparatus to fire . . . 2.00 H. A. Pasewalk , freight and ex press . 4.50 Edward D. Rggen. labor clean ing the dump ground . 9.87 W. G. Livingstone , labor cleanIng - Ing the dump ground . 7.00 Alber Deguer , supplies . 2.90 Nebraska Telephone Co. , telephone - phone rout for April and May . S.50 .1. H. Sanford , janitor city hall six months . 15.00 Klesau Drug Co. , paints and oils . 3.30 W. F. Ahlman , rent of room for election and hauling booths 3.50 J. 13. Simpson , insurance on pumping house . 15.C3 C. H. Durland , Insurance on pumping house . 31.25 W. W. Roberts , Insurance on pumping house . 31.25 L. M. Gaylord , insurance on city hall . 12.60 .1. W. Ransom , Immnmco on city hall 25UU W. J. Onw Uro. , liinumilco premium on City hull 2.1 un Sailor Coal .t Grain Co. , coal to city building 7 so Norfolk Blrclrtc Light find Power Co. , lighting city hnll two months 11 . ' " W. H. lllali , assigned to J. 13. Simpson , putting In sewer ami repairs M ( MI J. 13. Simpson , two months sal ary nml pontage and supplies 5C..r > .s August Omul , April salary. . . . GO.tiu llyorly Hros. , draylng 25 Norfolk Ek-ctrlo Light & Power Co. , llghllug pumping station 30K W. F. Rocker , hauling coal . . 9.57 C. 13. Doughty , repairs on tap ping machine 495 H. A. Pasowalk , supplies and repairs for water works. . . . 50.8,1 Norfolk Light & Fuel Co.April street lighting GO.OO Norfolk 131ectrlc Light & Power Co. , April street lightIng - Ing uO.OO C. 13. I3vaiis was granted 30 days' more time In which to build a side walk along the north side of his prop erty. Mills of .1. Koeiilgsteln , salary , $50.00 ; Gus Schiiltdrayliig , $1 no , and C. F. Llerman , repairs on lire apparatus , $10.75 , were allowed. 11111 ( rf L. C. Mittolstadt , $35.37 , was referred back for Information as to prices. Hill of the C. , St. P. M. & O rail road , for $27.00 , refund of water tax , was referred to the water commis sioner for Investigation and report. Hill of M. R. Green , $28.00 , hauling apparatus to Ilros , was allowed at $11.50. Committee on lire and police and chief of the fire department were authorized to have printed cards of Instructions regarding the turning in of lire alarms , and Inj conjunction with the manager of the te'eplmno company , have them pla'ccd on the telephones In the city. The city attorney in connect ion with the chief of the lire department were nuthorixod to take measures to bn\e the lire Insurance companies doing business in the city pay their annual license. LITTLE LANDSLIDE AT NIOBRARA Passenger Train is Delayed nn Hour and a Half by the Trouble This Morning. The Honesteel passenger train was an hour and a half late Into Norfolk this morning , due to a little landslide in the cut just above Nlobrara. The land keeps caving off and dropping over onto the track. An extra force of men has been In that vicinity for the past three weeks , keeping the cut clear. The Sioux City train did not wait for the train from the north , SATURDAY SIFTINGS. The small boys arc setting ready to go swimming. Mrs. Goo. H. Spear has returned from Columbus. Miss Mary Hartley of Jackson was In the city yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. 13. C. Hlgglns were in the city from Fairfax , S. D. , yester day. day.Mr. Mr. .T. M. Johnson and daughter of Dloomfleld were city visitors yester day. Orion Porter and Chas. E. Rose were in the city yesterday from Fair fax , S. D. A. J. Kelly and A. W. Kelly of Creightou passed through the city en- route home from Sioux City. Mr. and Mrs. S. U. Sheer are here from Iowa on a visit to their daugh ter , Mrs. O. P. Shoff at the Oxnard. 13. Crook , who Is establishing a real estate and Insurance business in Meadow Grove , was transacting busi ness in the city yesterday. Mr. Nehrvass of the Fremont Roller Mills has been In Norfolk to Inspect the new equipment of the Sugar City Cereal mills , with the object of In stalling new machinery In the Fre mont plant. W. R. Beswlck of this city knows all of the Campbell brothers , owners of the circus coming May 1C. Ho has seen their shows so many times that he feels nn Interest in them. "It Is the cleanest , best sort of a show , " says he , "and people will make no mistake in taking the children to see it. " The funeral of Dr. Frank Truhlar , the veteran Bohemian physician well known in this city , was hold this morning at 9 o'clock from Johannes Lutheran church and the remains Interred - terred In the new Lutheran cemetery near the stand pipe. Ho was seventy- seven years old and died at his home on Second street , after taking a se vere cold. He had been very feeble during the past year and was easily attacked by his last Illness. The University of Nebraska glee club , which has become an important feature in musical circles at the In stitution , will appear in Norfolk next Friday night and will give one of their excellent concerts at the Auditorium. The club Is composed of seventeen members and is under the direction of Henry P. Eames , director of the University school of music. Phillip Hudson Is pianist. Selections com posed and arranged bV Damrosch , Dudley 13uck and Dullard are on the program. The club comes under a guarantee and the house must neces sarily bo pretty well filled to make It pay out. Women who use Yeast I'oatn lire nlwtus siicct'sslul in the art of bread-nuking. Their tin-ail i light , toothsome , sWTCt us a nut , and full of nutriment. Their families have well-nourished bodies and good digestions. Nine times out of ten when bread goes wrong the fault is in the vcast. If you seem to have lost the knack of good bread , or are anxious to improve , try the yeast that's made of wholesome and healthful malthops and corn ; the yeast that's free from brewery waste or other harmful ingredients ; the yeast that smells different , tastes different and never grows stale ; the yeast that holds the secret of the best bread you ever tasted. Remember The secret is in the yeast. Yeast Foam is sold by all grocers tit 50 a package. Kach package contains 7 cakes enough to make 40 loaves. "How to Make Hrcad"y > itf. Just a postal. NORTHWESTERN YEAST CO , , Chicago , WIMZ RfQCRQC1 PliP ILI ji 8 & & * . < _ arc the most fatal of all dis eases. RIDSEY SURE Is t Guaranteed Remedy or money refunded , Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the best for Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE SOc , and $1.00. She Has cured Thousands DR. CALDWELL OF CHICAGO Practicing Aleoputhy. Home opathy. Kloctric aiul ( ien- entl MfMli Will , by request , visit profesionally NORFOLK , NEHRASKA , PACIFIC HOTEL. THI'IISDAY. MAY 19. ONE DAY ONLY. returning every four weeks. Consult her while the opportunity Is at hand. DR. CALDtt'ELL limits her practice to the special treatment of diseases of the eye. ear , nose , throat , lungs , female diseases , diseases of children and all chronic , nervous and surgical diseases of a curable nature Early consump tion , bronchitis , bronchial catarrh , chronic catarrh , headache , constipa tion , stomach and bowel troubles , rheumatism , neuralgia , sciatica , kidney diseases , Brlght's disease , diseases of the liver and bladder , dizziness , ner vousness , Indigestion , obesity , Inter rupted nutrition , slow growth In child ren , and all wasting diseases In adults , deformatles. club foot , curvature of the spine , diseases of the brain , par alysis , heart disease , dropsy , swelling of the limbs , stricture , open sores , pain In the bones , granular enlarge ments and all long standing diseases properly treated Illooil mid Skin DlMriiHOK. Pimples , blotches , eruptions , liver spots , falling of the hair , bad com plexion , eczema , throat ulcers , bone pains , bladder troubles , weak back , burning urine , passing urine too often. The effects of constitutional sickness or the taking of too much Injurious medicine receives searching treatment , prompt relief and. a cure for life. Diseases of women , Irregular mens truation , falling of the womb , bearing down pains , female displacements , lack of sexual tone. Lonoorrhoa , sterility or barreness , consult Dr. Caldwell and she will show them the cause of their trouble and the way to become cured. CillirerN , Ciilli'r , PlNtula , 1'lli'H and enlarged glands treated with the subcutaneous injection method , abso lutely without pain and without the loss of a drop of blood , Is one of her own discoveries and Is really the most Mt'lontlllc method of this advanced . nge. Dr Caldwell has practiced her profes sion In some of the largest hospitals throughout the country. She has no superior In the treating and diagnosing of diseases , deformities , etc. She baa lately opened an oillce in Omaha , Ne braska , whore she will spoml a per tion of each week treating her ninny patients. No Incurable cases accepted for treatment. Consultation , examina tion and advice , one dollar to thoaa Interested. DR. QUA O.LDWEICO. . . Chicago. II' ' Address all mall to B o Bulldl. . Omaha. Neb. v.