The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, May 13, 1904, Image 1

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    Ii i I
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Russians Deny Report That a Fight
Has Taken Place In Wefung Tien ,
With Russian Loss No Confirma
tion of the Story Obtainable.
Toklo , May 13 , 4 p. m. The Japan
ese torpedo boat No. 48 was de
stroyed while removing mines from
Kerr bay , north of Port Dalny , yester
day. Seven men were killed and sev
en wounded. This Is the first warship
the Japanese have lost during the pre
sent war In the far eastern watrs.
Russians , However , Expect Fighting
Within Fortnight.
St. Petersburg , May in , 2:15 : p in.
Much uncertainty exists ns to ex
actly what Is occurring at the theater
of war. KnropatUin's plans are most
carefully nuaitled. It Is believed ho
is conconti ating tioops near Line
Yang. The general Impression , however -
over , Is that fighting will occur with
in a fortnight Advices indicate that
the Japanese aio pushing the cam
paign In southem Manchuria.
New Orleans and Raleigh are Keep
ing Eyes Out.
Shanghai , May 13 , C p. m The
United States cruiser New Orleans
has left here for Chefoo. The Chi
nese in the vicinity of New Chwang
nre restless. The United States crui
ser Raleigh will leave Shanghai to
morrow for Chinldang , where an at
tempt of the Chinese government to
establish a public market has resulted
In rioting recently.
Russians Say There Was no Battle at
Wefung Tien.
New Chwang , May 13. Noon The
Russians deny the report circulated
In London that a fight has occurred
near Wefung Tien in which the Rus
sians were defeated with great loss.
No confirmation of the minor is ob
tainable from other souices.
Japanese , 70,000 Strong , Leave for
Seoul , May 0 ( Delayed in trans
mission ) The second Japanese army ,
numbering 70,000 troops , left Chcnuil
po on eighty-three transports on May
4. Every precaution was- taken to
prevent the news of their departure
from leaking out
Japanese Squadron is Watching Har
bor at Vladivostok.
Seoul , May 9. ( Delayed in trans
mission ) The Russian squadron at
Vladivostok is practically bottled up
by the Japanese fleet. The Japanese
scouting vessels are watching the
Their Attorneys File Motion With
Court to Have the Restraining
Order Dissolved.
Topeka , Kan. , May 13. The attorneys
noys for the striking Santa Fe rail
way machinists today filed a motion
In the district court to have the re
straining order against the strikers
dissolved. The hearing was set for
Monday. There is no change in the
Btrlko situation today.
Train at Albion.
Albion , Nob. , May 13. Special to
The News : At 9:20 : yesterday morn
Ing the special train of the Lincoln
Commercial club reached Albion am
a nice reception was tendered the
business men from Lincoln by the
local dealers The Albion Concert
band played while the train was com
ing Into the station and after that the
city major , F. J. Muck , delivered a
short address of welcome.
To this the Lincoln men called or
one of their number to reply whlcl
ho did with all the grace and friend
ship possible. Then they took in th
tpwn and visited the respective busl
ness houses. After about half ar
hour's visit In town their train wills
tied and from all parts of the city th
crowd once more gathered at the de
pot to give the visitors the glad hand
for farewell.
Man Accused of Murder at Humphrey
Admits That He Stole Goods
nt Chnpmnn.
Grand Island , Neb , Mnv inKel -
lev the man who Is ontillnol In the
jail at Columbus for the murder of n
man at Humphrey , has confessed to
the lobbory of a atoto at Chapman
about two months ago
Word was sent to Chapman , and
some of the goods woio localod tit u
pawnshop In this city. The goods
stolen woio twenty-nine pairs of shoos
and se\ bolts of dress goods The
shoos wore found lioro and a ftuinor
a ftndivs ago , while plowing In a
Hold , unoat tiled n pot lion of the dioss
Those at Washington Who Are In
Close Touch With the Situation ,
Believe That Cornelias N. Bliss Will
be Selected to Lead.
Washington , D C , May 13 It is
now believed by those \\lio are in
close touch with the situation that
Coinollas N. Hllss of Now Yoik will
ho selected chahman of the. repub
lican national committee , to succeed
the late Senator Marcus A. 1 lamia.
New York Dentists.
Albany , N. Y , May 13 The Dental
ocloty of the state of New Yoik bean -
; an Its thlity-slxth annual meeting to-
lay at the Ton Lyck hoi el. . Though
ho society Is a state organisation the
initiclpants in the piosont mooting
iicludo members of the dental finter
ilty fioin many states and also sev-
ral from Get many and oilier coun
ties of Em ope The t\\o da > s' program -
gram provides for clinics and for pa-
; ) ets nnd discussions on many sub-
octs of intetest and impoitnnce to
he piofossion
Largest Delegated Religious Body in
The World , Begins Sessions
Nashville , Tenn. , May 13 The
Souther * Unptist convention , -he larg
est delegated religious body in the
.vorld , began Its annual session In the
Tabotnacle In this city today with ex-
overnor James P Eagle of Arkan
sas presiding. The delegates number
icveral thousand and come from all
mrts of the south. Today was devot
ed largely to the formalities atten
dant upon the opening The sessions
will continue for about ton days and
will he de\oted to a consideration of
the chuich work In all its blanches
The topoits of the Foreign Mission
) onrd , the Homo Mission hoard , the
Sunday School and Mlble hoard and
the Publication boatd bhovv largely in-
ct eased woik among southern Map-
lists for the past > car
Bridge Valuation.
Dakota City , Neb , May 13. At the
meeting of the board of county com-
mlfcsionets an agreement was reached
between the Sioux City Bridge com-
panj on one side and Dakota county
and school district No. 11 ( South
Sioux. City ) , on the other , whereby
the assessed \alitatlon of the Nebras
ka end of the Sioux City bridge was
fl\cd at $00,000 for the year 1903 and
the same amount Is to be continued 1
as the assessed valuation. As a re
sult of this agreement the bridge
company Is to dismiss the case now
pending in the supreme court where'
in they refuse to pay the 1903 taxes
and the company Is to make prompt
and full payment of their taxes here
after on the fixed assessment of $ CO- ,
000. Dakota county and the South
Sioux City school district have al
ways been in a mlxup with the bridge
company over their taxes and the set
tlement seems to be an amicable ad'
justment of the matter and satlsfac'
tory to all concerned. The bridge has
been assessed at different times , rang'
Ing from $00,000 to $95,000.
Helen Gould Dislikes Camera Fiends
and Persons With Schemes.
St. Ivouis , May 13 During her stay
In St Louis Miss Helen Gould has
been almost as closely guarded as
the czar of Russia. It is not that Miss
Gould Is afraid of bombs , but because
she wants to avoid the snapshot fiend
and persons with schemes that need
Miss Gould , who Is here to attend
the meetings of the board of lady
managers , goes to and from the
world's fair In a closed automobile
She is never alone , when she rides or
walks She sees few callers nt her
hotel nnd dines in a private dining
room with traveling companions. It
her strolls she is accompanied by an
escort who Is employed to protect her
from interference.
Miss Gould enjoys life , neverthe
less , and she likes to do BOIIIO snaj
shooting herself. She has photo
graphed some Interesting points about
the world's fair grounds.
Drawing Begins at Chamberlain on
July 28 Boncstccl , Fairfax , Yank-
ton and Chnmbeilain Have Registry
Offices Land Office Boncstccl.
Washington , D C. , May 13. Presi
dent Roosevelt today signed a proc
tarnation opening the Rosebud Indian
resetvation In South Dakota , to set
tlement. The icservatlon will be
opened August 8 at 9 o'clock in the
Washington , D C. , May 13. The
lands in the Rosebud lOHorvntlon will
be selected by lot and a drawing will
be established for that put pose KOI
the purpose of gontor convenience to
. 'titrjmoii the land olllco will be loin
lurnriiy removed from Chamberlain In
lonestool The entiy nt MunoBteol
ivill continue fiom August S milII
September 10 and tiftoiwnrii It will
: ie continued nt Chamberlnln.
Opportunities fet toglKtrat'on ' will1'
) o affoidod at Cluimboilain Honestool ,
Ynnlvton and Fairfax and the rogK
t til Ion will begin July 5 next , closing
July 21 ! , the illiwIng lo lake place at
linniboilaln July 28 undoi the super-
\lslon ol a committee of Unco.
The unifoim pi ice of the lands dm-
ng the flint tinee months of the open-
ng will 1)0 ) $1 an ncie and the choice
if selections will be regulated by the
I raw Ing
O\or 100,00(1 ( ncios of land arc In
cluded , anil some of it is very foitlle.
Fire at Newman Grove.
Now man Grove , Neb , May 13 Fire
lostrojod the homo of A\ol Nelson ,
chief of the Newman Gm\o file do-
mitmcnt. about 1:30 : o'clock Mr and
Mis Nelson batoly rescued their six
mall childton and hud no time to
bti\e any clothing or ritinltuio The
house was Insured for $ .100 No in-
-.iii.inoo on the fuinitiito
James McDonald , Whose Crime At
tracted Country-Wide Attention.
is Slated.
r.looinington , Ind , May 13 The
dial of James McDonald for the mur
der of Miss Satah Schafer , teacher of
Latin at Hodfotd , whoso murder last L
winter attracted the attention of the
entiio country , is set down on the
court calendar for next Monday.
Hotli sides indicate that they will bo
ready at that time. Eminent coun
sel will be employed on both sides
McDonald is still in jail in this city ,
and for the last two months has had
little or nothing to say regarding the
crime He will endeavor to prove an
To Be Elected Governor General of
Founders and Patriots of
Now York , May 13 Admiral Dewey -
ey is to he elected governor general
of the Order of the Founders and Pa
triots of America at a meeting to
night at the Waldorf-Astoria The
meeting will be followed by a ban
quet at which Robert II. Roosevelt
will preside and Admiral Dcwey will
bo the guest of honor Other guests '
and speakers will Include Walter S.
Logan , who will speak on "Tho Spread
of Anglo Saxon Influence ; " General
Daniel E. Sickles , who will speak on
"The Panama Canal , " and Sir Chen
tung Liang Cheng , the Chinese min
ister , who will speak on "Oriental
Development. "
Commissioner of Patents Resents In
terference of President.
Washington , May 13 There is a
possibility that Frederick I. Allen ,
commissioner of patents , will retire
because of interference with his of
ficial duties by President Roosevelt.
The president Is dissatisfied with the
methods pursued by Mr. Allen nnd
some of his subordinates , and Mr. Al
len tescnts being overruled by the
The ttoublo arose over the appllcn
tlon of Thomas A Edison , the Invent
ot , for a patent on a device to bo
used In connection with his storage
battery The president ordered a re
hearing on a complaint by Edison
which Allen bad refused.
P.Mty Numbering 150 Started
I for World's Pair Pnrllnmcnt of
I Newspaper People.
1 Quebec , < jm , Mil ) 1H The prov
ince of Quebec Pii'KH tiMHiu'tnllon left
ihr city todnj fur the St LnnlM expo
sit ion The pnrt.v , numbering ! . ' > < > ,
KOOS by wnj of Toronto on n Hpcclnl
iriilu which OOUVCMH Ilio Canadian
Press iiNKdcliitlon The niomhciH of
both iiHHoclatlotiM together with n
nuiuboi' of oilier JournnllnlH I'min vn
Helm put to of ( ho IKimliilon , will Inke
purl in the world's press coiiuroHft to
1)0 held In the world's fair city next
week. The onh Hlnp oinoutc to SI
LonlH will lie at SpiInrJlelil , III , \\hoio
the Canadians will visit the tomb of
One of Two Young Bandits Who
Killed Detective Schumacher
After a Raid
St Louis , , Mnv 1 ! The oocutlon
nf William Hiulolph , one of the Iwo
voting himdlls who Killed Detective
Schumacher afiei a tald on the liiinK
at I'niiin , Mn takes place nl Union
tiiilny. Rudolph's patlner In cilmo ,
( ieorgo CdllliiHIIH hanged nt Union
two months ago After Hie imirdoi
of the dotoelho Rudolph and ColIliiH
lied lo Connecticut whoio they wore
cnpluicd Hovonil mouths lulor audio
turned to thin cli > While awaiting
dial Rudolph made a daring escape
fmm the SI Louis jail and wan not
heard of for nearly six monllin Then
lie was local ml In the Kansas pent-
lentlaiy vvlieic ho had been soul for
bank jobbery JIo was loluinod to
| I niou fni trial and wan convicted and
given Ilio dentil sentence on the same
dav that Collins was hanged At IIH !
own leanest Rudolph will bo hurled
in the Catholic cemolery nl Union by
the ' sldo of Collins
Ncary vs. Yanger ,
Milwaukee , Wis , May I.J Chnrllo
Neuy ol lhln cltv nnd llonii ) Vnngor
if Chicago will light liefoio the lladg-
r Athletic club tonight lor ( lie Inrg-
st pinHC evei dfleied by the dull
'diiHidoinblo ilxnliv exists between two lighters and a big omwd ,
Deluding a laige delegation of Chi-
ago | HII till ) . ; men , is expected to lie
in hand to see them battle
University Orcanlzctions are Hiving
Trouble Together.
Lincoln , May 13 Things are tioub-
Ions in pan-liellonlc olicios at the
inlvoiHlty Last night n mooting of
the congioss composed of different
latoinltios of the school wan held and
some surprise was caused by the ro
celpt of the withdrawal of the I'lil
lamina Dolln nignni/atlnn No topic
sontntivos of this liatornlty appealed
when the roll was called and later a
jussive calling off lolations wns pic
souted /
Wlillo it is difficult for an outsider
who dnoH not KUDU the gilp and the
Ign of dlstiess to got at the bottom
of any univoisltj setup and much
inoio so a finteinlty dllllciilty , it is
said that the soveimg of lolations fol
lows natuinlly the action of the con
at the last mooting in setting
aside a liberal nproprlntlon for the' '
purchase of boor at the coming pan
liellenlc barbecue At tills mooting ,
tin oo Iratoinltios voted against ( lie
proposition Delta Upsllon , Phi Delta
Tliotn and Phi Gamma Delta The
proposition to hold a barbecue car
ried , however , with the plan to Imvo
n liberal supplj of the foamy This
was done with the memory of the
barbecue of a year ago still fresh III
university circles , and It caused com
Whether the members of the Phi
Gamma Doltn have nny other reason
for withdrawing docs not appear.
At the pan-hollonlc barbecue held
at Cushman park , near the close of
the school year In 1902 , a largo quan
tity of boor In kegs was on hand
Some of the participating students
come to town "sans cullotto" and
other portions of their clothing , while
still others had beautiful black eyes
Had the end of the school year not
been so close , It Is likely that an offl
clal investigation would have been
This year the decision to hold the
barbecue had been reached but the
date Is still a mystery. Tickets for
the event do not boar any date a
only those who have patted the goat
and know what particular hair of his
long grey beard to pull will know
when the train starts for the grounds
Friends of the barbecue assoclatior
assert that a statement like the above
Is stretching things and that the or
gnni/ation Is purely for the pur post
of enjoying a few happy hours In the
wlldvvood where the honey bees III
among the rod clover blossoms. Las
vonr some of the persons who were
present at the festivity admitted under
dor their signatures that a few- reckless
loss alumni members brought boor ti
the grounds but they said as soon a
they found It out they took It ami
dumped It Into the creek.
It Is said that If beer Is taken on
this year U will bo consumed In a |
perfectly orderly manner and thnt tlv
use of tin cups as billies will b
barred by the rulee
ntclopc County Rrpubllcnnn Gnt To-
iiuther Ycntcitliiy and Named Their
DulctjntcR to State nnd Conyter.nlon-
nl Convention Hnimony.
NollHli. Noli , Mav I'l Special In
'he Novvfi lOverv tiling WIIH IKU
uinv In Ilio Antelope connlv icpuli
can convention which mel vestet
nv N D JnoliNon WIIH nominated
ii' icprcscutatlvc and ( .tinge Mnvd
f Onkdnle for counh nttiiinev
Delegates Id Hie slate convention
IMC mimed IIH IdlldWH ( ! eoie ; F
lovil , ( leiugo Sweet , N I ) .InckHoil ,
W I'm It , M C MloHHloi , M Me
'aim V. II KnollH , W II Aver > , A
1'ioHt , .1 T Fliilohor , ( ! Summon ,
) r riolchoi , GOOIKO M Hevnidlll1 ,
du-e M Cllffe
( 'ongioHHliinnl dolonnloH1 W T
A'nllles , J ! ' llovd , II Torplu N D
ackHoii , J I Mill/richer , L Tliomp
m , J SlidI ) , M A DcCnnip George
Viupland , Mr l.erln'l , C1 M. .lohimon ,
Cd .liinen , William lle.vl
'I'liero wim n dlKpimllldii lo put off
oinliialliig a u < piesenlalivo and conn-
v alloiney nnlll full but thh WIIHoL -
1 down Judge Jackson ill . ( - ' to-
ii'-e the nominal Ion , ll/of.
/ ' ' ' > "
* / ,
Endorse Him and Wobctcr nnd Choono
Drcdo ns Dcleunto ,
lliiHtclngs. Neb , May 13At tlm
oiivenlldU bete vesl ( < idny , ( ho noml-
intidii of ( 'onuiesHinaii Noriln having
KM n announced In HIOHO dlspnlchcH ,
love f ( > llH ( developed for Hooso-
ell nnd Wehslei Adam lliodc of
laHiiiiKH nnd Alexander Cninpbell of
ilcCddk were clecteil delegates Id Ilio
iiillonnl convenllon
Ctimlmj Has Two Delegations.
West I'dlnt , Neli , May ITho I ! lo
nibllcan ( dimly convenllon met at
ho coint house lieie and nigiiiil/.ed by
he selection of F M. West IIH chair-
nail and J II Llndnlo IIH Hcciclary
iflcr which the digaiil/atlon was made
lerinnncnt William MatthloHon , It
O Willis and A It Olesdii were
i'ied as coiiimltloj' CM cr dontiln ! :
iml repdited the seating of delegates
nun six townships , West Point , Flrut
ward , Thlid wind , Illnlne , Wlsner ,
loonier and Sherman Tin1 following
were elected as delegates
Congressional : I' . C' . nvnns , P J
luck , O C AndeiHdn , Clins Korli ,
! eo Noller , Clins Wind , C'lins II
Sans , Julius KiioHtor , Fred Meyer ,
iusl Matthlos , Harry .Inriott , F W
StnteS Lrinl , F J Muck , Hd
iluiKo , Goo Itnnsdin , C W Woborg ,
W II Mutter Hold , It O Willis , A. C
I'urilngton , F Sonnon.sclioln , H. F.
[ \lrike , G L Nelbiirg , Clins Andcisdii
Tlie action of this convenllon will
loMilt In this county Bonding twodol-
gatlons to both cdiivontldiis A mo
Ion was passed forbidding the con-
inil cdininlttee from making any more
" ippointments in the future liefoio
Lhe con\ontlon the county central
committee mot and apiKilnted dele
gates , but the convention refused to
necept the action of the committee
nnd the bocond delegation resulted.
First Match Being Pulled off Between
Two Universities at Iowa
lown City , May 13 The tennis experts -
ports of the University of Nebraska
and the State University of Iowa
lined up on the courts hero today to
contcHt for the championship This
is the first time that those two uni
versities have clashed in the game
and the result of the contest Is awaltr
ed with considerable Interest ,
Charles Mnthewson of Norfolk ,
Neb , IH one of the players
Chancellor Andrews' Son Found.
David City , Neb , May 13. Guy A.
Andrews , an attorney of Lincoln , and
son of Chancellor Andrews of the
University of Nebraska , was taken
Into custody hero this morning by
Sheriff West Ho has been missing
from Lincoln for some three weeks
A complaint has been filed by his fa
ther , alleging that his son , Guy , Is
troubled with Insane delusions. Guy
Andrews Is a graduate of the univer
sity law school Ho came down on
the M. & M. from Columbus this rnorrv
Ing The sheriff of Lancaster county
will bo up this evening to take him
back U ) Lincoln
United Commercial Travelers.
Coislcnnn , Texas , May 13. The
Toxns division of the United Cornmor
clnl Trnvolors convened In nnnunl
session In Corslcnnn todny nnd the
meeting will continue until Sunday.
Several hundred delegates nnd vlblt-
ors nro In nttondnnco from various
parts of the state The orgnnl/ntlon
In Texas Is in n nourishing condition ,
as regards both membership and finances
nances , according to the reports of the
sororal officers.
Telnpor.ituro for Twenty Tour Hour *
nt 8 O'clock tills Mori'lnu-
Torccant lor NcbraBka.
of Ilio Wiiilbcr tin recorded -
corded for the 21 hoilia ondlii ) ; ut II
n m today.
Maximum / (10 (
Minimum ! H
Aveinne O
Tola I picclpllallun for month. . . 2 3.1
llatomelei 20 HG
( 'hlciino , Mnv I I The bullntln In-
micd by Ilio Chicago iitallon Of Ilia
United Ktaleii weather bureau ( hit
nidiiilni ; , ilvoM ; the foiecnut for NA-
ImmKn IIH follow N
Pali ( luiU-lii and Saiunlav Warm-
el Saliudiis and \ \ < M | poll Ion tonlghL
The Convention In "Solid for Itooncvclt ,
linn Not Yut Reached Nomination
on Covernorfiliip Speaker Cannon
Mends the List of Men.
Hpllnglleld. Ill , Mnv 13- The nv
piilillcniiH ill lllliiolH In Iheli Hlntc con-
veiilldti lodnj nnineii Konalor Ciilloin.
Alliert 10 llripklns , Sponkor Cannon
and tidveiiinr ValcH IIH delognton lo
national convention nnd Inntiuot.-
/ / t > io vole fur lidimovoll for ptoi ) .
' 7.9 ngtosHiiinn Hilt for vico-
eft , . ' /.V
307th Anniversary Observed.
WiiHliliiKtdn , D C , May 13 llopre-
HenlailM'H of pnltldllc mid hlHtorlcnl
Nucleiles of Washington , Richmond ,
Halllmore and oilier plncoH gnllierod
Iddnv nl Ho\vnlln Point and pnrllut-
paled In oxr'ielHOH held In celnlirntlon
of Hie I lit oo bundled and nlnnty-nov-
enlli annlviTKaiy of the llrst landing
of the ICngllidi nt JiiiuoHtdwii. Thu
dlmeivnnco today WIIH In the nature
of ( a piollinlimry Id the colobintlon of
the lor contemn ) of the founding of
Jamestown , which It to tnko the form
ol' n gionl ovpoBltlon to bo bold In
Crack Safe and Get $70.
llnrr , Neb , May 13 Hurglam
nrncked the safe in the oonornl Htoro
if Mllui Mnrstler nnd miido nwny with
iMiut $70 A colored man who wan
n Ilaistlei'H Rtoro n dny or two bo
ot o , is Hiispected It Is learned this
iioiiilng that this same man loft cbis-
Is at Douglas Hint were from Mar-
filler's store The sheilff Is on the
Corporation Will Produce New Sort
of Fruit nt Grand Junction ,
Salt Lake C'Hy , May 13- The Utnh
SoodlesH Apple Co hns be-on Ineorpo-
intod to gniw the woodless npplo pro-
luced by John F Spencer of fiinnd
lunctlon , Cole The company baa
eased a large tract of ground near
I'rovo City , In which r.0,000 seedling
ipplo trees will bo sot out In the full
those tioos will bo budded with tiuda
if the seedless apple from Mr Spoil-
er's orchard In ( iinnd Junction.
Chicago Drug Stores Profit by Clos
ing of Saloons at Midnight.
Chicago , May 13 Llont McCarthy
of the I > akovlo'v police station , says
thnt the most Insistent complaints ot
disorder in his district come from
husbands who nay thnt their wlveii
have found n new and easy way to get
Since the enforcement of the 1
o'clock closing law for saloons , moro
than 500 apothecary shops have de
cided to keep op n all night , and It
IB charged thnt the drug stores ulnco
thnt date have become centers of In-
In Bvanston , Lakovlow , In Hyde
Park , and In every center of morality
the growth of drunkenness since the
1 o'clock closing law has been on the
All that Is necessary is to send &
child to a neighboring drug store an
hour after midnight and have the
child sny : "Mamma or papa is sick
and I want w hlsky " No prescription
is asked ; none is needed There Is
no question of the purK | > so for which
the liquor Is obtained.
According to the retail liquor deal
ers of Chicago , the question of re
stricted sales and of minimising pop
ular drunkenness is made ridiculous
by the freedom permitted to the drug
stores of Chicago
McCarthy and Queenan Again.
Salt Lnko City , May 13. Perry
Queenan and Jerry McCarthy , who
have mot in the ring several times ,
are slated for another bout In this
city tonlghL The articles call for a
20-round contest for a $500 sldo hot
nnd the entire gnto receipts. Both
nppenr in good condition nnd an In
teresting fight Is expected to bo the