I T11K NOKKOMv NKWS ; KHIDAY , MAY I' . , HUM DIG SHOW GROUNDS AT ST. LOUIS DEDICATED. PRESIDENT PRESSED BUTTON Saturday Was a Big Day at the Louis iana Purchase Exposition and the Great Show Is Now Open to the People of the World. St. Louis , April no. Along the bronil avenues nnd spacious terraces of the grent Ivory city representatives of nil nations elbowed one another to- dny. Tail nnd gaunt Patagonlans from the southernmost region of America walked side by sldo with the Esquimaux children of the frozen north. Subjects of the Mikado saun tered along the roadway casting fur- tlvo glances at lierco Cossacks ol the Don ; sooty Nubians jostled yellow Mongols , and picturesque Tnrks , Moors and Soudanese added rich col or to the picture. It was a veritable congress of nations. Foreigners of dignified appearance and resplendent In uniforms covered with gold lace were encountered at every turn. There were Germans , Austrinns , Eng lishmen , Swiss , Italians and Span iards. Franco , the original possessor of the great Louisiana territory , was much in evidence. Above the heads of the throng lloal- cd the Hags of all nations. The BritIsh - Ish Union Jack llnttercd in the breeze side by side with the sun standard of Japan ; the trl-color of France was everywhere ; and the Austrian eagles ( lew in the air , along with those of Germany. The white and blue of the Fiji Islands , the crescent and sun of Arabia , the lion of Persia , China's yellow dragon pennant , the snake and eagle of Mexico , all these were there ; and ( loatlng above them all the stan dard of the great republic , the stars and stripes , snapped in the breeze , a symbol of liberty and asylum to the oppressed of the whole earth. The wisdom of the committee on ceremonies in making the opening ex ercises as brief as possible was evi dent. No one was in a humor to lis ten to long speeches or llowcry dis sertations. That sort of thing was well enough at the dedication exor cises a year ago , but today everyone was anxious to begin the Inspection of the great exposition , and the crowds that ebbed and flowed through the great white palaces and along the broad avenues was an earnest of the multitudes yet to come when the pil grimage to the Mecca or civilisation should have been fairly begun. Of course , everyone who could obtain entrance to the big auditorium listened with attention and respect to the or ators of the day , but there was an evident disposition to begin sightsee ing as soon as possible. Surpasses All. It is true that the exhibits are not yet complete in all their details. They have not arrived so rapidly as was expected , and the work of classifica tion has been somewhat delayed. Still , with those drawbacks , the at tractions may be said to surpass those of any previous exhibition In Its completed state. Satisfactory as this condition of affairs Is , yet con trasted with the display which will greet the visitor a week or two hence , that of today will be remembered only as a prologue to one of the most Instructive and bewildering spectacles In the history of the world. It Is safe to say , however , that none of the vis itors today was dissatisfied with what he saw. From end to end , through out every part of the great tract of 1,240 acres , there was a succession of strange and novel sights , moving multitudes and a display of the re- .sources and products of civilization such as has never before been col lected In one place. All the arrangements for handling the crowd were excellent. The gates were at no time choked and the throng passed Into the grounds with less trouble than Is often experienced at a theater or other place of amuse ment. The crowd Itself was a good- natured one. Aside from the foreign ers , who after all formed but a small fraction of the great throng , the bulk of the multitude was made up of St. Louis people. This was to bo ex pected , considering the fact that most of the prospective visitors from other states had long ago made their ar rangements to reach St. Louis after the' exposition shall be fully under way. St. Louis , however , had evi dently resolved to take a day off in honor of the event , and the atten dance was highly gratifying. Neigh boring cities and states were not by any moans unrepresented , however. Special trains brought into the city thousands of sightseers from Iowa , Illinois , Kansas. Indiana , Kentucky , Arkansas and states oven more dis tant , and these visitors helped to swell the throng that had gathered from all parts of the Mound City and Its suburbs to join In the opening of the big show. Many Police , Throughout the grounds were dis tributed the world's fair police , Jef ferson guards as they are called. They were of value In directing the movements of the crowd when n blockade was threatened , nnd their services were occasionally called Into rcqulston to clear the way for a pass- lug vehicle connected with the hos pital service , the police department or the sanitary department of the ex position. Accidents of a serious character were surprisingly few con sidering the magnitude of the crowd. The transportation facilities , while not yet completed to their fullest ca pacity , were fairly adequate- . The people , too , made the task of the transportation companies easy by starting early. Though the hour for the olllclal opening was sot for early afternoon , eight and nine o'clock In the morning saw the down town streets filled with people headed for Forest park. The crowds did not de pend upon the Htc.im railroads and the trolley lines , however. They came in every conceivable fashion - on foot , on bicycles nnd In carriages and carts. All day long the crowds ebbed and Mowed In and about the great white palaces , ascended the ridge , to get a better view of the marvelous panorama rama or sauntered leisurely along the enticing waterways. With most poo- pie the great dllllculty was to deter mine where to commence , and once fairly started on the tour of sightsee ing there came a feeling of helpless ness and despair of ever accomplish ing the task of inspecting the whole exposition. OPENING EXERCISES ARE SIMPLE In Perfect Consonance With the Meth ods of Those in Charge of the Exposition. St. Louis , April 'JO. President Roosevelt touched an electric button in Washington today. As he did so the report of a cannon was heard here by the expectant multitude , Hags unfurled as if by magic , an avalanche of water poured down the cascades , the great engines in the machinery palace and the power houses started throbbing and the Louisiana Pur chase exposition was open to the world. The opening ceremonies were so simple and so plain that they were in perfect harmony with the methods of President Francis and his olllclent aids , but they were at the same time very impressive , and made a fitting prelude to one of the most memorable events in American history. The ded ication ceremonies , a year ago , were attended by a military pageant that was significant of the nation's prow ess , nnd after the baptism of arms comes the sweet essence of art and science , nnd the formal opening today Guests of Honor. President Francis and his party were escorted from the Administra tion building to the scene of the day's ceremonies , where they were joined by the foreign commissioners , who had assembled earlier at the British pavillion ; and the governors of states and state commissions and commit tees who had rounded up at the Unit1- ed States government building. Sec retary Taft , ns the representative of President Roosevelt , was escorted to the grounds by a military guard , and proper escorts were furnished also to the members of congress and other specially Invited guests. Promptly at half-past ten the ex orcises of the day began. There was little formality , hardly any display to attract the seekers of the picturesque , and still the program was carried on ! amid surroundings and in a manner in all ways appropriate. The cercmo nies were opened with nn Invocation by the Rev. Frank W. Gunsaulis of Chicago. The invocation was fol lowed by the rendering of "America" by the bands , and an address by the Hon. D. R. Francis , president of the exposition. President Francis was given a great ovation. He spoke as follows : was marked by the absence of soldiery - diery In uniform. The place of rendezvous was the great plaza to the north of the Grand Hasln and In the shadow of the Im posing Louisiana Purchase menu ment. At 9 o'clock the board of di rectors of the fair , the members of the national commission , the board of lady managers and other officials met in the Administration building , where there was an Interesting little ceremony ns a prelude to the more Important events of the dny. This consisted of the presentation to Pres * Ident Francis of n gavel with which to call to order the assemblage of no tables. The gavel was made of many pieces of wood taken from various trees grown in the Forest park portion tion of the exposition grounds. TWO PIERCE DEATHS. Mrs. Manske and Willie Cross , Both Funerals Today. Plcrco , Nob. , May 2. Special to The News : Two deaths occurred In Plcrco nnd two funerals are arranged for this afternoon. Mrs. Albortlna Mansko , aged CO , died Saturday night of pneumonia. She leaves two daughters , Mrs. Frank Schnltz and Mrs. Fred Schultz ; nnd two sons , Fritz Mansko and II. .1. Mansko. All of the children live in Plerco except II. J. Manske , who lives In Norfolk. The funeral Is this afternoon. Willie Cross , son of Anton Cross , died yesterday of ncuto meningitis. Ho was born October o , 1S8 ! > , and the funeral will bo held at 3 o'clock this afternoon. Plainvlew Field Meet. Plalnviow , Neb. , May 2. Special to The News : There will bo a field meet hero May 12 between the fire men and the non firemen. TOOK GAME FROM PLAINVIEW , SCORE 8 TO 5. OAKDALE BEATS NELIGH AGAIN n a Listless Game With Hard Hit ting as a Feature , the High School Boys Won Out With Score of 18 to 7 Plainvlew Field Meet. Plainvlew , Neb. , May 2. Speolnlto The NOWH : The high schools of Crelghton nnd Plalnviow played n game of baseball hero Saturday In vhlch Crelghton won by n score of 8 to 5. Hattorlos : Crelghton , Buekmnstor ind Crew ; Plalnviow , Ilucklngham uid llladlk. Onkdalc 18 ; Nellgh 7. Ookdalo , Neb. , May 2. Special leThe The News : The OaUdalo high school mil team defeated the Nollgh high school team In a game played before i largo crowd yestorday. Nellgh undo many and costly errors and the loiuo team also fielded listlessly. The feature of the game was the hard , steady hitting by the OaUdalo club , nttIng out safe at pleasure. Score by Innings : Oakdalo fi 1 2 (5 ( 1 1 0 1 1 18 Vellgli I , ' ! 0 0 L 0 0 'J 0 7 Itatteries : Oakdalo , Ray and Slrlugfellow ; Nellgh , Pickerel , Do- Witt and Thornton. Tlmo ! ! : 10. Urn- lire , Jackson. TUESDAY TOPICS. Mayor C. S. Smith of Madison Is In the city. Dr. J. IF. Mackay has pone to Omaha to attend the meeting of the medical association. John R. I lays attended the Knox county district court at Cent or yester day , returning thin morning. M. D. Tyler and Judge I. PowerH were among Norfolk attorneys who went to Center yesterday to attend court. W. M. Robertson was in Center yes terday. Ho has been making a trip through the county Inspect lug his farm and ranch land. J. R. Carey , publisher of the No Ugh Yeoman , was In the city yester day to attend a meeting of the trus tees of the Norfolk Building & Loan company last night. W. J. Halm stopped a runaway horse while passing down Norfolk av enue at a high rate of speed. The oyster season Is over and will not como back again until September. It isn't possible to get an "r" into the month of May , however contriving. The household goods of II. W. Stef- fen are being packed , preparatory to the return of the family to St. Paul , Minn. , where they expect to make their home In the future. The fire donartmcnt was presented with $5 for Its active response to the alarm yesterday , by C. H. Durland , whose barn was ablaze. The depart ment always appreciates tokens of that sort. B. L. Howell , who has taken the ed itorial and business management of the Clearwater Record , is making some decided improvements to the publication nnd it Is full of local and general news of Interest. Railroad tracks across Norfolk av enue are being repaired so that people ple can walk across them without so much danger to life and limb. The north side of the street Is the only one which is as yet being repaired. The funeral of Mrs. Mansko at Pierce Is to be held today Instead of yesterday. Her son , F. J. Mansko os this city Is attending the funeral. Her children are Fred Schultz , Mrs. William Scheerers , Fritz Mansko and F. J. Mnnske. Campbell Bros , circus train had a fire near Pawnee City which resulted In a loss of $20,000. The circus Is headed for this city and will bo here In spite of the accident. Perhaps some of the charred animals will been on exhibition. "I won't get out of town , " said the stranger to Chief of Police Kane. 'I'm a free American citizen and you can't make mo move. " And then ho anded in the grip of the copper and was tossed behind the bars of the steel cage for a chance to sober up. Norfolk fishermen Sunday went to the farm of 'August Klcntz and de stroyed his camping ground Improve ments. Ho had fixed up the place so that it was delightfully comfortable and ocnvenient. The roudics tore up the pump and knocked down the fur niture. The Sunday Chicago American de voted several columns to the opening of the Rosebud reservation on the Northwestern line of railway In South Dakota , the nrtlclo being illustrated with a number of half-lono cuts and drawings. Such attention on the part of eastern publications helps mate rially In bringing the reservation to the attention of the public and will servo to bring many people In this direction. Farewells to Yamaschlta Yaslchlro were spoken at a party hold In his honor at the homo of W. J. Ilrynn last evening. Today will see the de parture of the Japanese youth , who has been a member of Mr. Bryan's family for several years. Ho will go to St. Louis to join the Japanese com mission. Many of the Lincoln people ple- who have taken a liking to the young man had been Invited by Mr. and MrH. Itryun lo ho present at the party. Teeth and all their mynlorloH nnd problems will bo given three dayn of consideration at the twenty-eighth an nual meeting of the Nebraska Hluto Dental society which will ho held at Omaha , Tuesday , Wednemlay and ThurHday , May 17. IS and 111. The solemn study of the Interior of the face will bo alternated with entertain ment and recreations , Ono of thOHii will bo a theatrical attraction TUOM- day night at the lloyd lo which the visitors will bo taken by the resident dentists of Omaha. Hilton of one and one-third faro on the certificate plan have been granted In Urn ulnlo and the ntteudanee IH ovpeolod to be turuo. Many dcntlHlH of the Htate will read papers during the HONHIOMH , which will ho held day and night , ex cept on the night of the play. Day meetings will he at ( ho Omaha Dental college ; evening iiieotlugH at the Mil lard hotel , headquarters. Below IH a lint of union of pianos and organs made by ( ho Sturgeon Mimic Co. , the Norfolk piano men , slnco the commencement of their opening sale. At the clout * < > f thin snlo wo will gtvo away absolutely free lo uomo two of our customers a flioo piano and a $7fi organ. If you npi going to purchase an Instrument noon It will pay you lo get in on thlu scheme. Don't forget about It , the lime will HOOII expire. C. F. llenton , Vordol , Nobr. Fnrrnnd organ. N. Vnudorlmof , St. Edwards , Nob. Schubert pluuo. Fred 1 leek with , Nollgh , Nob. Farrnnd organ. A. II. Cropper , Norfolk , Nob. Fan and organ. C. 10. FuigoHon , Stuart , Nob. Newman Bros1 , plauo. Minnie FoilTllden , Nob. Farrnnd organ. A. 1C. Gore , Spencer , Nob. Schubert plnno. D. II. Kay , Wakellold , Nob. Sturgeon organ. Carrie Storm , Royal , Nob. Story - Clark piano. Ervln Strlngfollow , Oakdalo , Nob. Howard plnno. Chaa. Snider , Tlldon , Nob. Schubert piano. K. A. Walker , Stuart , Nob. Schubert plnno. Frank Dobuoy , Stuart , Nob. Farrnnd organ. L. M. Carvlllo , Fairfax , S. D. Sturgeon organ. Win. F. Anderson , Fairfax , S. D. Story d Clark piano. Ella Hnuptll , Norfolk , Neb. Fnrrnnd organ. W. P. Gauming. Vordol , Neb. Newman Bros. " organ. A. M. Church. Atkinson , , Nob. Farrand organ. H. A. Obershaw , Clouslor , Neb. Farrand organ. Ellnn Halbort , Emerlck , Nob. Farrand organ , Gco. Hunter , Onkdnle , Nob. Howard piano. Mllnrd Green , Norfolk , Nob. Farrand organ. John Browning , Cicarwator , Farrand organ. Mary C. Oline , Monroe Story & Clark piano. C. W. Reed , Wlnsldo , Newman Bros' , organ. Geo. II. Matlicw , Gross , Nob. , Farrand organ. P. Billoter , Butte , Nob. , Fnrrand organ. W. B. Shorbahn , Emerson , Nob. , Schubert piano. M. Pliilben , Monowl , Neb. , Farrand organ. M. Moollch , Norfolk , Nob. Schubert plnno. D. W. Hoar , Boncsteol , S. Dak. Erhohh organ. K. L. Flisram , Bonestecl , S. Dak. Fnrrand organ. N. N. Vroman , Fairfax , S. Dak. S. & C. organ. J. H. Hey ing , Fairfax , S. Dak. Farrand organ. Lena Dormnn , Wnkefield , Nob. Sturgeon organ. Josepn Morten , Ilartington , Newman Bros' , piano. J. K. Elliott , Hnrtington Schubert piano. M. E. Eby , Hartlngton , Neb. Schubert piano. Mrs. R. Lewis , Meadow Grove , Neb. W. C. organ. John Hoffman , Fairfax , S. Dak. S. & C. organ. W. M. McCllntock , Vordoll , Nob. Newman Bros' , piano. Mike Philben , Monowl , Nob. Farrand organ. J. W. Scott , Fairfax , S. Dak. Merrifiold organ. L. S. Wllloughby , Bonesteel , S. Dak. Sturgeon organ. D. W. McDonald , Nollgh , Neb. Newman Bros' , piano. Ethyl Warwick , Oakdalo , Neb. Howard piano. John Kalol , Stuart , Nob. Farrand organ. BARN FIRE. Calls Out Department at C , D. Dur- land's Home No Damage. Fire which broke out In the barn yard of the C. B. Durland home , North Ninth street , shortly after noon , called the department out but did no dam- ago. All of the down town flro com panies , which had started to make the run , were ( lagged near the North western tracks nt Seventh street nnd relieved of the trip. The West Sldo hose company completed the journey. A bucket of water did the business. YOU MUST NOT FORGET Tlml wo tire cwist.iinlly m-owin in 1 1m art of making Kino IMmlos , ami our pnnlur.lH will al ways lie found lo rmlinico tlui and Nowosl , Styles in Cards and finish Wo also curry a line line of Moldings siiiinlilo for all kinds of framing. THE NORFOLK BOSKS COLLEGE | THIRD YEAR. ConscrvaliveYlanActrcnl. / | . Tlbtroiih | Equipment , Commodious Rooms. Superior liistriiclion. Fxill Business Co\irses. It will pay you to a If end this School. Mo va- cations. Enter any lime. Attilros.'i , C. H. BRAKE , Norfolk , Neb. COUNTRY WHERE NEGROES ARE HAPPIEST AND DEST. PARADISE FOR COLORED MAN A Colony In Central America Which In Built up Largely by the Englloh. England Hao Done Much for the Country In Commercial Way. Rollzo , BilllHh Honduras , April IS. Special C'orroHpmidmico : To thono who have vlnllod the Central Amer ican countrli'H , ltell/e IH a plonnanl Htirprbio. II IH a town of about 8,000 InhiibltnnlH. Viewed from the harbor a mlle out. where the ships anchor , It seems that every building In painted - od white. Thin color rout mated with the green tops ol Iho tall puluiH and the other tropical trees and plants gives the most beautiful olfect that can bo Imagined. On a cloHor view the effect IH not spoiled. A placid harbor shown two HloamcTH and three largo Hailing ships at anchor , a do/en nmnller Railing voHSolH cloHor In , and half a hundred nailing doryn and canoes moving about doing Iho transfer bimlnoHH , or going lo and from the oilier harbor for fish , coral , poarln , mahogany or logwood. It In a pretty and lively scene on the water side. In the town the entire population seemn to be on the Htreels , and all HOOIII to bo in their Sunday host. Whllo Hulls predomi nate , with a Htiong mixture of linen and klialka. I am inclined lo Ihlnk that If there Is an earthly paradise for negroes It H right hero. They are better dressed and more prosperous looking than any I have ever seen , and their hap piness seems more real and their laughter less forced or exaggerated than It Is in the United States , whore the negro is loss Hiiro of his position In society nnd often becomes a buf foon , to cover his embarrassment or distress. The negro here has no rec ollection and scarcely a tradition of slavery timoH , and he carriOH no so cial load. Ho Is generally educated and Is perfectly nt ease. The women and girls are modest and bright , and dressed In good taste. The entire boating business and practically all of the other work Is In the hands of the black man. Many of them are clerks In the stores of the English men , and many operate shops of their own. The soldiers and policemen are all black. It may be that the negro Is a better nnd a moro valuable eitly.cn here be cause he Is able to look down upon and scorn a lower race of people , the greasers. I think there Is much In the theory that the men or race of men have more hope and moro ambi tion , who find that they already are a grade above some other race In the social and political scale. At any rate with the negro of the English colony , there is a wider gulf downward to the "greaser" than there Is between the whites nnd blacks In the United States. This Is apparent at a glance Ono notices that the negro is n good cltl/.on , and believes that the greahor Is simply good fuel for the warm lima In the Great Hereafter. British Honduras Is the part of Central tral America retained by England when the early attempt was made to gather In the ontlro east coast as fur south as the San Juan river in Nic aragua. It is a civilized spot In a , dark country. Ono almost thinks the ' Monroe doctrine has been a mistake if It kept out English clvlli/atlon from the balance of the country In order that it might remain dark. If the United States has kept guard over It that it might sometime bo settled and civilized from the American sldo , then It Is high time the work was begun. Perhaps the not very careful ly veiled movement at Panama Is n start in the desired direction. From n commercial standpoint the English have done much for this col ony. It looks to mo that there Is moro real ImslnoHU with Iho oiiliddo world tiniuweiod I'miii Bell/.n than from nil oilier ( Vntrnl American porln com bined , If llio banana luminous la not oniiHldored. I niUHl mention one Hlroko of enter prise horn whle.h cannot fall lo Im- proHti every visitor. Instead of Iho ini tial hcaulllu ! park or pln/.a of the trop ical town lo In/.y iirmind in , llollzo ban a public1 garden , whom every posslhlo tropical frull IH rained , and every useful - ful plant and beautiful ( lower In cul tivated \vllh Hporlnl eaio. It Is a bo- liinlral IOHHOII which lifter dnya ol' Btudy would HIll ! I'urnlHli mirprlscH. I doubl If IlilH garden tondad by black moii , and guarded by black po licemen , can ho Hiirpaiisod In utility and bounty by any garden In Iho world. Yesterday a parly of im from the Hteamer Beverly wont ever to thoclly for a preliminary vlHll. It was Sun day. Tim buHlnosfi IIOIIHOH were light ly eloHC'd and crowdit of orderly people - plo were on Iho HtreolH. From hull' it do/on Protestant chiircliofl cnmo Iho mimic of the name Sunday school Hongs thai wo hoar at homo. The IOHSOIIH of the younger classes were being conducted In inilHon in Iliosamn old way , and through Iho open doom and wludowu could bo seen the chil dren whites anil black together cnr- -neutly engrossed In the ntudy of the IOHHOII loaves and charts. The con trast with Iho monk-ridden religion oi ! Central America Is too obvious lo need lurlhor comment at this time. No town could bo tighter closed llian WIIH Boll/o yestorday. At res- tauranlH nothing but ice cream could bo bought. We could not got candy , gum or other confections. The shut ters were up at all of the regular stores. The private cltl/on could not bo Induced to soli a cocoannt , al though our iKillceman guide in many rases begged them to do so. The thirty members of our party found ono place where beer anil whisky could bo had at a hotel , where the old English excuse that the drinkables were served eatables. In the case of our party the eatables were purely Imaginary. It was a concession to the transient visitors , however , as the thirsty resident of Belize might loll his tongue out by the h r without relief. This afternon wo leave hero for the south , and tomorrow I will leave the ship to go Inland In Guatemala , on a railroad which runs 190 miles In two days , and over the mountains to Guatemala City on mules that take two days for CO miles. I am expect ing a "hot time" in the literal sense , but with the aid of a camera and a rlllo I should be able to accumulate some things well worth while. F. A. Harrison. The Illinois Horse Co. can supply CO pedigreed draft stallions ; 30 of them Imported ; 5 breeds Porchoron , French Draft , English Shlro , Belgian Clyde ; C colors black , brown , bay , roan , gray ; rich blood , extra shlro breeders 2 to 5 years old. Some will make 2100 pound horses. Easy pay ments. The general manager will bo in Sioux City for a week. 22 Baltoa block. Permanent address , DOS Moines , Iowa. Digests what you eat. This preparation contains nil of the dlcestants and digests all kinds o < food. It K'vcs ' Instant relief and never falls to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By Its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been , cured after everything else fulled. la unequalled for the stomach. Child * ren with weak stomachs thrive ou It. GUPCS aH stomach troubles Vropawl oniy by E. 0. UjsWiTT & Co. . OhtcaM $ M ll.lx > tUo'-omnlnsB4ittniestlio&Oc.elafc Sold by all druggists.