The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, May 06, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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    TI1K NORFOLK NEWS : 'FRIDAY , MAY 0 , 1904.
AV. > . HUSK , I'nttlUhrr.
( KMntiUMint 1SR7 ]
Kvory dny cicrpt Humlny lly cnr-
rl r i > rr wcok , 16 ei-ntn. My Norfolk
poitomco ilollvcrr. for ycnr , JC.OO. lly
mall on rtirnl routes anil ouUlilo of
Norfolk , per your. 13 00.
The NOWN , HRtnnllHheil , ISM.
The Jotimnl , KntithHihrit , 1877.
Kvrry Krltlny. lly mull | > or yi-ar. $1.50.
Kntnrcil nt tlin imntortlro nt Norfolk ,
Neb. , na Bccotnl china ninttor.
Telephone1 IMItorlnl Pepnrtmenl ,
No. IS. lliMlneM'OHlca nw1 Jolt Itonnm ,
No. Sit.
If the Japs only htul n Hohnon to
plnco tlint cork they would undoubtedly -
ly reward lilm handsomely.
If Mny over misbehaved herself It
1ms not y 't boon tbln year. She 1
a perfect llttlo Inily of ft month as
far ns wenthor Is concerned.
Mr. Hrynn linn found tlint tbo Now
York doniocrntlc idiitforin Is com
posed of empty plutlludoH , but bo Is
probably proparliiR himself to stand
on It If his party Insists upon Hucb n
The government has celebrated the
IxnilRlnnn I'nrcbaHO exposition ! ) > is
suing n new series of postagestnmjiH ,
tliat will add n few now designs to
the albums of stamp collectors , who
will bo pleased with an added number
of American stamps In their colloc
St. Louis has cared for the crowds
that attended the opening exorcises
of the exposition and flatters herself
that she has mot the test In a very
commendable manner , and that she
need not quake when the throngs are
Hccn approaching to attend the other
days of the exposition during the sum
The perseverance of Admiral Togo
in an attempt to bottle the remnant
of the Russian Hoot at 1'ort Arthur
is deserving of winning , and the an-
.nonncoment that the czar's ships are
fast In and cannot get out will bo re
ceived ns ft statement of fact at al
most any date by the people of the
world. The Russians appear to bo
far more successful In their attacks
on the hulks sent Into the harbor than
they are In lighting the regular war
vessels of their adversary.
The world now awaits n submarine
torpedo boat destroyer. It Is becom
' ing evident that the submarine tor
pedo boats can do great damairo to a
b valuable navy at very llttlo expense
and what Is now needed Is a subma
rine boat to chase down and destroy
the under water torpedo boats. Perhaps -
haps the battleships of the near fu
ture will maintain n lookout under
the water , as It now does above , with
a weapon at his command that will
tiilenco an approaching torpedo boat.
The democrats of Nebraska are
hoping that they may bo able to work
out of the now revenue law an issue
that the people will fall nil over them
selves to help that party sustain
They are hoping that the owners of
property will bo that disgusted am !
idlssatlslled with their assessments thai
they will welcome any old change t < :
get out from under the control of the
republicans. It Is a llttlo bit early
for the democrats to bo counting their
chickens , however , and time may develop
volop that , after all the fuss , they wll
have no chicken to count. The re
publicans are too long at the bust
ness to permit the democrats any
great leverage when it comes to Is
The monthly report of State Trea
surer Mortcnsen does not seem to Indicate
dicato that the finances of the grea1
state of Nebraska are shaky. On the
contrary , some of the funds , especial
ly the permanent school fund , are
growing into right handsome proper
tlons. During the month of April the
temporary school fund was Increased
by moro than $60,000 , nnd the tola
in that fund on April 30 was $310 ,
OSS.47 , which , It is believed , will mak
the Juno apportionment above $400
000. The permanent school fund and
other funds also received nlco nddl
tlons , nnd witli the Increased receipt
that should como through the opera
tlon of the new revenue law , the stat
should soon bo on the high road t
The World-Herald is Just at prcsen
speaking In a very small voice regard
ing its preferences for the domocratl
presidential nomination , nnd if otho
papers nro wise they are doing abou
the same thing. Many of them wll
deslro to remain democratic , bu
whether they will support n Hears
or a Parker ; stand for free silver a
the ratio of sixteen to one , or the gel
standard ; bo for or against the trusts ,
are matters that tlmo nlono will do
vclop , and the average democratic
sheet cannot have opinions and b
certain that they will bo in accord
with the party until after the meet
ing of tbo convention at St. Louis
It Is u narrow place to put an editor-
politician In and some of the moro en
thusiastic have thrown discretion to
the winds and are talking right out
as though they moan every word they
say and never moan to take anything
back. The lime Is certainly coming
when nemo of them will either bo
compelled to revlso their politics or
find thoniHulvcH out of the party.
There nro vury few people who ben-
ullt from the wolf bounty law , nnd
there are fewer yet who really earn
the Ixxiiity by conscientiously de
stroying animals that are destructive
to property. Madison county Is nt
present paying a bounty of $2 on
each wolf or coyote scalp when It Is
probable that all of the animals re
maining In the county do not do $2
worth of damage In a year. Hun
dreds of dollars have been paid out
by the people on these bounties audit
Is tlmo to stop the expenditure. Com
missioner Smith lias been looking up
the law' and finds that the bounty
question may bo submitted to the voters
ers and thereby repealed and It is
proposed to circulate a petition to
have the matter referred to the Madi
son county voters this fall , In which
event the paying out of bounties on
these animals will umiucstlonnhly be
given a sudden stoppage. Years ago
there may have been an excuse for
Hitch n law hero , but the conditions
liuvo undergone a radical change nnd
the few wolves loft will not long
stand the development of the country ,
bounty or no bounty.
The opening of a world's fair at
St. Louis today Is commemorative of
the treaty signed Just one hundred
nnd one yearn ago , by which the
United States government came Into
possession of the territory of Louisi
ana , from which fourteen states and
territories have since been carved ,
the value of which now reaches many
billions of dollars , while the purchase
prlco was but fifteen millions. The
original territory embraced a million
square miles and the following states
and territories ewe their origin to the
foresight of the fathers of the repub
lic who recognized some possibilities
from the vast stretch of country :
Louisiana , Arkansas , Missouri , Okla
homa , Indian Territory , Kansas , Colorado
rado , Nebraska , Iowa , Minnesota ,
North Dakota , South Dakota , Wyom-
ng and Montana. Any one of these
states Is now worth many times the
cost of the original territory , and the
exposition itself , costing at least
fifty millions of dollars , Is valued at
several times the cost of the terri
The entire Mississippi valley ori
ginally belong to Franco by right of
discovery and exploration. In 1701 !
Spain acquired the Louisiana tcrrl
lory after the treaty of peace nt
Paris , when Franco , which had ceded
Louisiana to Spain under the secret
treaty of 17G2 , gave up all her other
possessions In North America to
liroat Britain. Spain hold the territory
for thirty-seven years , returning It
to Franco on the demand of Napoleon
Bonaparte , through the secret treaty
of St. lldofeuso , October 1 , 1800.
Napoleon was then first consul of
Franco. The United States , by the
revolutionary war , had won sever
olgty over the territory between the
Atlantic ocean and the Mississippi
river. Spanish officials wore still In
authority at New Orleans , although
the IxHilslann territory had been re
turned to Franco. The hostile atti
tude of the Spaniards toward Amorl
cans navigating the Mississippi re
sulted in agitation which led Presl
dent Thomas Jefferson to undertake
the purchase of the city and island of
Now Orleans , In order to control the
mouth of the Mississippi. Robert R
Livingston , United States minister to
Franco , and James Monroe , afterward
president of the United States , were
accordingly commissioned to conduct
the negotiations for this transfer.
Instead of the sale of the Island of
New Orleans nlono , Napoleon pro
posed the sale of the entire Louisiana
territory for $15,000,000 In order to
secure funds for the equipment of his
The representatives of the United
States at once accepted the offer nnd
the treaty was signed nt Paris , April
30 , 1S03. December 20 , 1803 , and for
mal transfer of the territory took
place nt New Orleans , December 20 ,
1803 , and for Upper Louisiana , nt St.
Louis on March 10 , ISO I.
It will bo seen that the event that
occurred n century ago was one of
the most momentous to the Infant re
public that ever took place , scarcely
excepting the declaration of Indepen
dence through which the thirteen
original colonies declared themselves
free from the rule of England and its
kings. It Is therefore but reasonable
that the anniversary should bo com
memorated In a fitting manner and
the millions that the people of St ,
Louis and of the states and the gov
ernment have put Into the celebration
are none too much for a celebration
of tbo event
It required a great amount of pow
der and shot to prevent the Japs from
blocking the mouth of tbo Port Ar
thur harbor , but the Russians are so
evidently pleased at the failure that
they will probably find no complaint
when the ammunition bill Is present-
oil for payment.
It Is beginning to appear that Mr.
Hearst Is making good on the asser
tion of his friends that ho would con
trol the democratic delegates of the
west With the Hearst control of
the Iowa convention as n starter , it
would seem that It would bo an easy
matter for his western friends to get
the other states In line for his can
It In certainly to bo hoped that the
officers have finally succeeded In tak
ing the gang that have been commit
ting depredations In north Nebraska
for some tlmo past , not the leant of
which were bank rolmcrlcs. The tak
ing of the three Herring brothers at
a point near Niipor yesterday may
settle the question of outlawry fora
time In that section , nnd the officers ,
If they have run to earth the right
persons are certainly to bo commend
ed for their vigilance and carelul
tracing of the men who blow the Nn-
per bank.
The stockholders of the French
Papamn canal company now have the
forty millions voted by the American
congress nnd Undo Sam bus n prop
erty that ho will speedily convert Into
a vnluo that forty millions of dollars
will not begin to approximate. The
French people may learn after a
while that the Yankees have driven
another shrewd bargain not dissimilar
to Hint made- when they acquired the
wild and wooly section of the country
then known as Louisiana territory ,
but which Is now one of the magnifi
cent empires of the great west.
The giving of nine million acres of
and in section lots In western Ne-
iraska and 110,000 acres In quarter
sections In South Dakota should cer-
nlnly operate to Invite the attention
> f land seekers In this direction , and
f that be not sufficient let them once
'ast their eyes over the Improved
arms In this section and If they do
lot then decide to locate hero there
will bo nothing that will induce theme
o como to a desirable country on a
sure thing proposition and they may
return to their wife's folks or farm
their rented lands until they como to
final resting place lir the potter's
With the settlement of the deadlock
over the supreme court clerkship nnd
u consequent vacancy in the position
of the state chairmanship of the re
publican party , the eyes of many re
publicans of the state will bo turned
as a natural sequence toward N. D.
Jackson of Nollgh as the logical can
didate for that position. The Judge
was a prominent factor In the fight
for the clerkship nud his withdrawal
In order to break the deadlock in the
interests of the party has placed him
In a favorable light before the repub
llcans of the state , while his friends
arc eager to see him rewarded in
some manner for his loyalty to the
Interests of the party. The state
chairmanship in this presidential year
may not have ns much emolument
attached as the supreme clerkship ,
but It will make up In desirable lion
ors what Is lacking In salary and If
the Nellgh republican will accept the
office his friends will bo very willing
that the honors should bo bestowed
upon him. He would bo a power in
directing the affairs of Nebraska re
publicanism in this presidential year ,
because ho Is a clover manager of
political affairs and with his energy
and ability to direct the contest the
Roosevelt majority In Nebraska would
unquestionably bo the largest the
state has ever returned for a repub
llcan candidate. No better chairman
could be chosen by the party , and I
Judge Jackson will accept the post
tlon It should go to him , hands down
on the date of the coming state con
Republicans of the state generall
will bo pleased that the supreme
Judges have finally agreed to unite
on II. p. Lindsay as clerk of the cour
and that the appointment has been
made. Leo Hordman , fuslonlst , ha
boon enjoying the salary of that office
fice- long enough under n republlcai
regime and It Is time that the emolu
in cut should revert to one who ha
boon prominent In fighting the battle
of the republican party. Mr. Lind
say's several years as state chairman
for the party should entitle him to
some consideration when there is nn
office to give out. In this contest , up
to a few weeks ago , Judge N. D. Jack
son of Nollgh was the decided preference
enco of north Nebraska republicans
Ho Is popular , n hard party worko
and one who would give excellent ser
vice in the clerkship because of his
court experience. His friends wore
sonto see him withdraw from the
contest , but their admiration for the
man has been In no degree lessened
by that action on his part. With his
withdrawal the north Nebraska
friends of Mr. Lindsay at once chose
him as a compromise candidate and
his appointment to the office will bo
scarcely less satisfactory than though
It had been given to Judge Jackson.
The long and strong fight for the ap
pointment to the clerkship of Victor
Seymour of Lincoln by Judge Scdg-
wick entitled him to consideration
when It came to the choosing of a
deputy , and the minor clerkships In
the appointment of the Judges will
undoubtedly bo promptly disposed of
with those two important offices out
of the way. The salary of the clerk
of the supreme court Is said to bo
greater than that of any other state
officer , and that of deputy Is $ lGOOa
year. To accept the position of dep
uty Mr. Seymour will resign n posi
tion as court rei > orter paying $1,500
a year. Mr. Lindsay will retain the
chairmanship of the republican state
committee until after the state con
vention , his appointment as clerk to
take effect on the 20th. Already sev
eral candidates are mentioned for
the office of chairman of the state
committee and this will bo a matter
for the convention to determine nt
the Lincoln meeting on the ISth.
When they have you dead to rights ,
don't deny It ; refuse to talk.
If a man Is single , people can't im
agine what he does with his money.
There nro lots of cooks who can
make fresh vegetables taste like
When n real meek man gets good
good and mad , he comes mighty near
having llts.
A woman Isn't In it these days un
less her hair is done up In the shape
of n breakfast bun.
Have you been out to the woods to
gather violets ? Have you done your
sacred duty to spring ?
After a man has become real well
acquainted with the Mlssourlans , ho
never contradicts them.
Wo have noticed that when people
advertise for a girl now , they say ,
'Wanted A. girl to help with house
work. "
Jack Rnmbo says fish are biting so
rapidly at Intnn that you have to get
behind a tree to find opportunity to
bait your hook.
After n woman passes 125 pounds
In weight , or 30 years In age , she
should not climb a stop-ladder , even
If It Is house-cleaning time.
This is the season when the fore
handed woman takes the beds apart ,
In tbo back yard , and pours boiling
water In the cracks to take the dust
Say what you please about the wo
men being shielded from the world ;
when It comes to being carefully
guarded , what Is the matter with the
married men ?
You may not believe it , but an Atch
Ison man Is cultivating the doctrine
of selfishness. Ho was so unselfish
that ho found he had to change , or
starve to death.
We regret to announce to those men
who go to bed before their wives , that
hereafter they will have something
more to take oft In undressing the
bed the pillow sham is coming back.
When a circus comes to town , half
the people fear their children will be
stolen by the circus men. But one
of the troubles of the circus men Is to
keep boys from following them off.
When a young man Is so spoiled he
has all his women folks worried
every time ho has nn ache , there Is
great rejoicing when he marries a
Christian scientist , who will refuse
to worry.
Bill Bowen says there never was
a good atomizer ; every time he sells
one , the customer comes back In a
day or two , and wants It fixed. Mr.
Bowen once heard of a man who could
fix an atomizer , but when ho applied
to the man to fix ono , ho denied it.
A woman who grabs men and kiss
es them has been operating on North
Fifth street for several nights , and
the neighbors say It Is a woman whose
husband hasn't kissed her since her
wedding day. She simply couldn't
stand It any longer , they say , and has
gone out after them.
Wo will bet that the first thing the
children say when they como from
school Is "Where's mother ? " Also
that the first thing the father says
when ho enters the house is "Where's
mother ? " She is busy , nnd bothered ,
nnd burdened with cares , but she ap
preciates the compliment.
There is n good fellow In Atchlson
whoso flrst name is John. Ho is al
ways trying to "work" the newspapers
pers for notices of his kin ; ho is al
ways trying to "work"them for pro
tests about sidewalks in his neigh
borhood ; ho Is always trying to
"work" them for free notices of his
business affairs. When a notice of
this character reaches the managing
editor It Is marked "John" and hung
on a particular hook. The "copy" on
this particular hook Is only used by
the office boy ; to start fires with.
An Atchlson man died some years
ago , and there was much regret because -
cause of his untimely taking off. Ho
died of food delirium trcmens ; he had
stuffed himself like n pig for years ,
and taken almost no exercise. He
was an excellent man In most re
spects , but did not know that he was
eating too much. He supposed that
If ho let whisky alone , he was a
temperate man. You can bo Intem
perate In a hundred ways. The sea
son is approaching when nearly everyone
ono Is Intemperate in the use of Ice
water. We are nil Intemperate In
worrying. Wo are all Intemperate in
trying to have "a good time. " The
best time may bo had by being slm <
pie and natural , nnd letting things
come ns they will.
Whatever may bo the effect upon
the bnlnnce of power In the orient ,
the Russo-Jnpaneso war Is going to
result In a great victory for the Asso
ciated Press as a news gathering
agency. The statement is prompted
by the fact that the Important news
that Russia had refused an offer of
mediation was flrst given to the world
by the Associated Press. Those who
make a business of handling news
can easily go back over the record
inil realize that this was not nn accl-
lent. During the period of diplomat-
c negotiations the correspondents of
the Associated Press told the only
ellable news that got Into print.
When the flrst hostilities occurred nt
fort Arthur nnd Chemulpo the repre
sentatives of the Associated Press
were flrst at the wire with intelligent
stories of what had happened. Both
at St. Petersburg and Toklo the
real American news agency seems
to have access to the official reports
of the naval nnd military comman
ders. All the Important "stories" of
the war have been flrst told briefly
and often graphically by Associated
Press correspondents. The flrst de
scription from an eye witness of the
spectacular sinking of the Petropav-
lovsk was a case in point. The estab
lished supremacy of the Associated
Press in getting the news of the war
in the orient is worthy of note be
cause the competition Is the most
strenuous one In which newsmongers
have ever engaged. The great news
papers of the United States and Ku-
rene have put forth extraordinary ef
forts to make Individual expenditure
and enterprise count in telling the
story of the war. The European
news agencies have been especially
energetic , figuring that their closer
acquaintance with the far eastern
field should give them an advantage
in the competition. So far as real
news is concerned , the special cor
respondents as yet have nothing to
show for their trouble. Not ono of
them has scored a "scoop" and prac
tically all of them have built up rep
utations as writers of tiction. The in
telligent newspaper reader has
learned to reach for the salt sprink
ler when a dispatch is prefaced with
a statement that It comes from the
special correspondent of some well
known London or New York newspa
per. From this It must be assumed
that the special correspondents
would rather send fiction than fact.
They are merely doing the best they
can. To earn their salaries they
have to send something. The mili
tary authorities are distrustful of the
special correspondents. The Asso
elated Press , with Its long list of re
sponsible members and officers who
owe a duty to those members , com
prises an organization which can be
depended on to confine Its function
to news giving without bias or pre
judice. That is how the Associated
Press has managed to secure the
ground floor in the business of tell
ing war news. That the European
news agencies did not get the coign
of vantage may be duo partly to their
lack of enterprise and partly to the
disposition of the Russian and Jap
anese governments to distrust Euro
pean neutrality. The special corre
spondents who have gone to the ori
ent to earn fat salaries and sustainer
or make big reputations as reporters
of war news are entitled to sympa
thy. They are "up against it. " They
are "bottled up , " either at some sup
posed news center far from the front
or have been permitted to go to the
front under iron clad contract that
they shall send out only such news as
may suit the Russian or Japanese au
thorities. Meanwhile the censors
seem to have agreed that the news of
the war shall bo allowed to get to
the public through the medium of the
Associated Press. The special corre
spondents citn soak up the atmos
phere of Manchuria and Korea and
accumulate material for magazine sto
ries and plain fiction , which may find
their way Into print after the news Is
cold. Sioux City Journal.
Catarrh Cannot be Cured ,
with local applications , as they cannot -
not reach the seat of thQ disease. Ca >
tarrh Is a blood or constitutional dls >
ease and In order to cure It you
must take Internal remodlo : Hall's
Catairh Cure is taken Internally and
acts directly on the blood and mu
cous sur'.cos. Hall'o Catarrh Cure
is not a quack medicine It was pre
scribed by ono of the best physicians
In this country for years and IB a
regular proscription. It Is composed
of the best tonics known , combined
with the best blood purifiers , acting
directly on the mucous surfaces. The
perfect combination of the two In
gredients Is what produces such won
derful results In curing catarrh.
Send for testimonials free.
P. J. Cheney & Co. , Props. ,
Toledo , Ohio.
Sold by druggists , prlco 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for con
A Cure for Headache.
Any man , woman or child suffering
from headache , biliousness or a dull
drowsy feeling should take ono or
two of DeWltt's Little Eearly Risers
night and morning. These famous
llttlo pills are famous because they
are a tonic as well ns a pill. While
they cleanse the system they
strengthen and rebuild It by their
tonic effect upon the liver and bow
els. Sold by Asa K. Leonard.
Chronic Bronchitis Cured.
"For ten years I had chronic bron
chitis so bad that nt times I could
no speak above a whisper , " writes
Mr. Joseph Coffman of MonmoroncI ,
Ind. "I tried all remedies available ,
but with no success. Fortunately my
employer suggested that I try Fol-
oy's Honey and Tar. Its effect was
almost miraculous nnd I am now
cured of the disease. On my recom
mendation many people have used
Foley's Honey and Tar , and always
with satisfaction.
Klesau Drug Co.
The road to beauty , like the way tea
a man's heart , is through his stem
ach. If your stomach's bad , you can't
DO handsome. Holllstor's Rocky
Mountain Tea cures all stomach trou
bles. 35 cents. The Klesau Drug Co.
Dreadful Attack of Whooping Cough.
Mrs. Ellen Harllson of 300 Park
Ave. , Kansas City , Mo. , writes as fol
lows : "Our two children had a se
vere attack of whooping cough , one
of them in the paroxysm of coughing
would often faint and bleed at the
nose. Wo tried everything we heard
of without getting relief. Wo then
called In our family doctor who pro
scribed Foley's Honey and Tar.
Good for Children.
The pleasant to take and harmless
Ono Minute Cough Cure gives Im
mediate relief in all cases of cough ,
croup and la grippe because it does
not pass immediately into the stomach
ach , but takes effect right at the seat
of the trouble. It draws out the in
flammation , heals and sooths and
cures permanently by enabling the
lungs to contribute pure life-giving
and life-sustaining oxygen to the
blood and tissues. One Minute
Cough Cure is pleasant to take and
it is good alike for young and old.
Sold by Asa K. Leonard.
A Chattanoogo Druggist's Statement.
Robt. J. Miller , proprietor of the
Read IIouso drug store of Chattan
ooga , Tenn. , writes : "There is more
merit in Foley's Honey and Tar than
in any other cougli syrup. The calls
for It multiply wonderfully and wo
sell moro of It than all other cough
syrups combined. Klesau Drug Co.
Foley's Kidney Cure if taken in
time affords security from all kidney
and bladder diseasns.
Kiesau Drug Co.
A body builder , strength producer ,
checks and repairs wasted tissues ,
Invigorates the stomach , kidneys and
liver. That's what Holllster'a Rocky
Mountain Tea does. 35 cents , tea or
tablets. The Klesau Drug Co.
The sures and safest remedy for
kidney and bladder diseases is Fol
ey's Kidney Cure. Klesau Drug Co.
" For 25 years I have never
missed taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla
every spring. It cleanses my
blood , makes me feel strong , and
does me good in every wa/ . "
John P. Hodnette , Brooklyn , N.Y.
Pure and rich blood
carries new life to every
part of the body. You
are invigorated , refreshed.
You feel anxious to be
active. Youbecomestrong ,
steadycourageous. That's
what Ayer's Sarsaparilla
will do for you.
JI.OO a bottle. All druit Iili.
Aak your doctor wu t lie tlilnki of Ayer'
Raraujiarllla. lie knows nil about this grand
old family mpillrliio. Follow lili adrlceund
we win be iHtl > n < > il.
J C AYEH Co. , Lowell , Mais.
r 1 1
An absolute peclflf and antUf eptlc preo-
aratlon for all klndi of
A lure cure for ltoar eneii , TonillltU , Quinir.
In limed , Ulcerated and CeUrrlnl SoreTbrocit.
A pre\entlve ol Croup , Wboeplnc Couuh and
UDdwied by the Uoit Eminent TDJOM BptfllU-
lite In the country.
Bhonla U kept In erery borne. Trie. IB Cent *
Mef Medicine Co. . D i " -
Taite the genuine , original
Mod * only by MaJInon Mej | .
< * w On , . AUdicin , WIs. It
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