The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, May 06, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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At 5 O'clock a. m. the Desperadoes ,
Entrapped by a Ruse , are Captured.
. Mules and Stolen Goods Lucky to
, Get Them Alive Used up.
Naper , Nob. , May ! . Special to
The News : At 5 o'clock this morning
Sheriff Cottrcll of Koya Palm county ,
the sheriff of Sownrd county , Deputy
Brlggs of Boyd county and a posse
' of citizens captured three Herring
brothers , twelve miles west of here.
The Herrings had mules and stolen
They llvo In a lonely place In a
solid stone house , built for defense.
They resisted arrest. The house was
surrounded. The Herrings arc bad
ly used up and were brought into
town In Irons.
Sure Naper Robbers.
The officers feel sure that they have
the real robbers of the Bank of Na
per , which was dynamited some days
The Herrings are Desperate men
' and but for the officers' ruse would
not have been taken alive.
Naper is a small town In Boyd
county , Nob. , oft the Northwestern
line , and in the northwestern end of
the now northwest. Recently the
Bank of Napor was blown , the rob
bers escaping with $1,200.
"Was She to Blame ? "
It was a small house that turned
out last night at the Auditorium to
BOO whether she wns to blame or not ,
but the majority of the handful pres
ent decided that it wasn't her fault
at all. The company putting on the
piece was much better than had been
anticipated by Norfolk theatergoers ,
and really had merit In many ways.
The role of Bruno Severn , the re
vengeful first husband of the woman
that the puzzle Is all about , was first
class as a villain and made your hair
stand on end. The story is thrilling
after the second act. The child-wife
is mistreated by her first husband
lands in England alone and marries
Lord Kurston , supposing Bruno to be
dead. He later turns up , hunting for
< the wife who ran away. She had
never told her second husband of her
first marriage and the resultant mix-
up is what she wasn't to blame for ,
after nil.
Jed Carlton , as "Elam Washington
Pancake , son of Jefferson Adam Mon
roe Pancake , J. P. , of Huckleberry
township , state of Vermont , " was a
good old man and Lera Delston as
the eaxctlng sister "Hester" per
formed her part nicely.
L. P. Pasewalk went to Foster yes
terday afternoon.
Ralph Sutliff of Hawarden , la , ar
rived In the city today to attend the
Norfolk business college.
Chester A. Fuller made a business
trip to West Point today.
L. C. Hopperley , the market gar
deer , Is very sick at his homo a mile
and a half east of the city , and the
latest reports from his bedside were
that ho was not expected to live
Pneumonia is the disease with whlcl
he Is afflicted.
John Koerber , the Junction barber
has Just refitted and Improved his
shop In a modern way. He has pu
In a very flno hot-water heater , flue
porcolalne bath tub and marble was !
stand and bowls.
Complaints are being made In some
quarters ns to the fast riding of hi
cycles along sidewalks at all times
There are limitations to this made
by law and riders are bound to re
spect the rights of pedestrians. Ac
cording to city ordinance they mus
get off and walk past persons on the ,
Battle Creek Enterprise : Hon. T
F. Mcmminger , of Madison , was attending
tending to business and calling on hi
many Battle Creek friends last Sat
unlay. Mr. Memmlngor Is yet undo
elded whether ho will accept the
presidency ot the Cltl/.cns Natlona
bank of Norfolk , which position ha
boon tendered him by an unanlmou
vote of the directors of that Instltu
Lincoln jobbers and business met
will got out among the people Ma >
4 for a hustle for the business the
are not now getting. The trip will b
over the Northwestern as far nortl
west as Long Pine on the main line
A run also will bo made over th
Bonestcel and Albion branches of th
road. A meeting was hold this after
noon and the details of the trip wor
Hundreds of Norfolk people spen
yesterday In fishing. The banks o
Has stood the test for over 60 years ,
Cures sprains , bruises , burns , cuts , sores , lameness ,
piles , rheumatism , stiff joints lame back , etc.
the Northfork river wore lined for
niles up stream with those who had
taken the day off for a little rust and
recreation of that sort , and who were
sitting beneath the shade of the tall
trees on the superbly carpeted banks.
Sonic of them made pretty fair catch
es and the most of them didn't care
much whether they succeeded In that
respect or not , so long as they got the
rest and the change that they were
after. A number of others visited the
Elkhorn on the south and the small
lakes in that section. Ferdinand
ITaase landed a 9-pound carp and a
big catfish.
Clerk McFarland Moves.
City Clerk S. R. McFarland has
taken the ofllce in the south side of
the city building , upstairs and will
there be found hereafter by those hav
ing business with him. Some one
will bo in attendance at the olllco all
the time. Ho has associated with E.
M. Clement , and the firm will handle
real estate. Mr. McFarland has like
wise been given the management of
fourteen counties in north Nebraska
for the Den Hur beneficiary fraterni
ty , so that there will undoubtedly bo
something doing In the oiiice all the
Caught and Brought Back to Woman
at Sioux Falls.
Sioux Falls , S. D , May 1. Now that
Rev. Charles A. Lyons , who created
a sensation by disappearing from
Sioux Falls last December , has been
arrested in St. Paul and brought back
to this city , ho wilJ discover that his
punishment for deceiving a young
woman of Sioux Falls will be swift
and sure. When taken before Judge
Walts the prisoner waived his prelim
inary hearing and was held for the
next term of state circuit court.
His arrest was due largely to the
personal efforts of the woman he had
deceived. When Lyons reached Sioux
Falls in custody of an ofllcer , Mrs.
Lyons and a friend were posted at
the depot where they could see with
out being seen , and she readily Identi
fied the prisoner as the man who had
deceived her.
Lyons first appeared In Sioux Falls
a year ago this month , and for a time
made his home with Rev. E. A. Orr ,
pastor of the local Christian church.
Lyons exhibited credentials which
were apparently all right and which
were satisfactory to the clergymen
of the city. For a time ho occupied
the pulpit of the Presbyterian church ,
and also of the Baptist church.
Last summer ho met Miss n'nim.x
Pervls. stenographer In the Sioux
Falls Savings bank , the leading finan
cial Institution of the city. Ho at
once commenced to pay court to the
young lady , and on Oatobor 5 , last ,
this culminated In their marriage.
They lived happily together and Mrs.
Lyons nearly prostrated when on
December 22 her husband mysterious
ly disappeared.
It wns not until within the last few
weeks that she became satisfied that
she had been deserted and that the
villain In whom she had reposed the
utmost confidence' was still alive.
Then she determined to have Lyons
brought to justice , and opened a cor
respondence with every book bindery
In the country , Lyons being a book
binder by trade.
Widow and Children Will Hereafter
Make Their Home In That Place.
An Ambitious Man Who Did Not
Curb His Work Energy Gave Out.
The funeral of Hov. Phillip Hocl/.ol ,
who died at his home In this city Sat
urday , will bo held from St. Paul's
Lutheran church on Thursdnv morn
ing at 9 a. in. and the rc-inalns will
be taken to the 12:40 : train which
leaves over the Chicago , St. Paul ,
Minneapolis & Omaha raihoad for
Watortown , WIs. , where Interment
will take place.
Mrs. Hool/.el and four children , to
gether with a niece , Lydla Hoolzcl ,
will accompany the remains of the
deceased pastor and will make their
homo henceforth In Watortown.
Mr. Hool/ol was forty-nine years
old last November , having been born
In Germany. He had been In charge
of the St. Paul Lutheran church In
this city since four years ago last No
vember and during that time had be
come much loved by those who knew
Keenly conscientious , Intensely In
terested In all things connected with
his church and ambitious to a degree ,
Rev. Phillip Iloolxol may bo said to
have almost worked himself to death.
He succumbed to the nervousness of
overwork anil to valvular heart trou
ble which was made the more severe
by his exhaustion.
He leaves one child whose mother
was his first wife and four children of
the widow who survives him.
Ho came hero from Fond du Lac ,
Following the Example of the Norfolk
Public Sale of Lots and Acres , the
Real Estate People of the Capital
City Intend to Buy.
[ From Monday's Dally. )
Taking lessons from Norfolk , Lin-
co'n business men are thinking over
the auction sale of city lots proposi
tion. The Evening News says :
The success attending the auction
sale of lots In Norfolk the other day ,
as told In The News , has sot the dealers -
ors In Lincoln dirt to talking about
the advisability of livening up the
homo market by something of the
kind bore. Lincoln has boon grow
ing pretty fast In recent years , but
much of the building has boon done
In the downtown district. Southeast
Lincoln and East Lincoln have not
been overlooked , however , and the
line of flno homes Is steadily advanc
ing In both directions.
The best Informed real estate men
say , however , that suburban proiorl | >
Is bound to come Into higher favor
very shortly for the reason that the
host silos In tin ! older sections have
boon utilized and the expansion will
uecf'HWirlly have to ronui in the
choicer suburbs. The building of
Hats downtown baa had two effects ,
It bus partly uu-t the demand for bet
tor living quarters but at the ; same
time It has made residences In tholr
neighborhood a little loss desirable.
Thp man with a flue or a good , com
fortable homo likes to have similar
structures aiound him , as they add
to the beauty and the value of his
own holdings.
There are half a good-sized
tracts in the city that are not strict
ly suburban property because they
arc almost surrounded by residences.
In Rome Instances those have boon
tied up In estates and In other In
stances the owners have been content
to wait for the time when the demand
becomes more Imperative and they
can realize much bettor prices than
have been obtained. If ono or more
of these can bo secured for an auc
tion sale there Is little doubt but that'
they could be disposed of to advan
tage. Most of them are In those sec
tions most favored by homo builders ,
and they would Ond ready sale.
The auction sale Is not a now thing
In Lincoln. It was ono of the big fac
tors In the movement that made Lin
coln the flno city of homes that It
now Is , and while they wore a part
of the boom days they had nothing
to do with the Inflation of values of
those times. Besides things are dif
ferent now. Lincoln realty has a
known value , and no cornfield addi
tions could find ready sale. In Now
York , Chicago and In many lesser
cities the auction sale of lots has
been a big factor In developing at
tractive suburbs , and this fact makes
the Idea quite attractive to real es
tate men hero. It Is possible that
some formal action may be taken
shortly to give the movement form
and substance.
Norfolk's Big Day.
Monday , May IG , the Campbell
Hros , are coming and It will be Nor
folk's big day , a day that will long bo
The shows come this season In all
their entirety and splendor , giving the
same performances In every detail
that they have given In the big east
ern cities. The Campbell Bros , shows
have been the acknowledged lending
aronlc Institution of American for
years but this season's offerings sur
pass anything over attempted by them
or any other showmen. They present
this year features that have hereto
fore never been soon under circus
tents. Acts that have been consld
erod impossible to bo given under
canvas , but they do It and do ! t every
dny. This la an ago of progress , the
people want something now , and In
accordance with the spirit of the
times Campbell Bros , are keeping up
with the largest , finest , and most
complete shows that have over vis
ited this vicinity.
Newport House Burns.
Newport , Neb. , May 4. Special to
The News : Ed Myers' house was
burned to the ground. The flro caught
from the flluo In some manner. No
Determine to Put Water In the Grant
Lincoln Building Graduating Ex-
School Building Will Rcshlnglc the
erclses Friday , May 27.
The Norfolk school board met last
night and Hectod teachers for the en
suing term as follows :
Miss Pearl Mcronulck of Wayne
to fill vacancy In SouMith giadi' , Miss
Wood resigned ; H. C. Powers , prin
cipal high school ; Bertha M. Hen-
'loi-Hon , lloldrt-go , sciences in high
school ; Miss Magglo McLean , Storm
Lake , la. , mathematics In high school.
( trades : Miss Slssnn , Miss ( lor-
trudo WatHon , Miss Pearl Rcos ,
Miss Ell/nbeth Ilcos , Miss Louise
Miithewhon , Miss Nellie Morrow ,
Miss Mao Olnoy. Miss Ella Mullen ,
Miss Annie Mcllrldo , Miss Hattie Al-
beiry , Miss Otella Pllger , Miss Nina
Walker , Miss Pearl Wldaman , Mlhs
Laura Durland , Miss Edith McClary ,
Miss Mamie Matrau , Miss Nolle Ding-
man , Miss Maud Dlngman , Miss Lena
Mills , two vacancies yet to fill.
Assignments to grades and rooms
have not yet been made.
W. II. Wldaman was elected to take
the school census. The board decid
ed to have the graduation exorcises
Friday night , May 27. Prof. O'Connor
and M. C. Matrau were appointed to
select the place for holding the exer
Water In Grant School.
The board decided to put water Into
the Grant school building , comer
Eleventh street and Phillip avenue.
It was decided to reshlnglo the Lin
coln building.
Elect Officers.
Officers were elected. P. II. Salter
Is president , W. H. Johnson , vice
president , H. C. Matrau , secretary.
New members received are H. J.
Cole , C. J. Hlbbon , to succed A. Bear
and W. C. Roland.
Rev. William Leavltt Is Today Seven
ty-five Years Old.
Three-quarters of a century Is a
long time to live and to work and be
happy and healthy and well at the end
of that tlmo well enough to llvo an
other tlireo-fjuurters If need bo. But
today Norfolk has a man who has
just finished that mark. Rev. William
Loavltt , who was at ono tlmo aetlvo
In the JaurnalUtlc field of the city ,
publishing the old Herald , Is more
than three score years and ton , today.
His son. Rev. F. W. Loavltl of Seward -
ard , Is In the city to help celebrate
the occasion. Mr. Loavltt is well but
1ms not been especially active during
the winter.
Ben Hur Basket Social.
Members of North Nebraska court
No. D , Tribe of Bon Hur , and their
friends , enjoyed a most pleasant on-
torfalnment In their lodge room last
ovcnlng. at the basket social that had
been arranged. Music was furnished
by the Mandolin club , and a principal
attraction wore the storeoptlcon
\\I\\H \ shown , giving HCOIIOH from the
book of lion Hur , and which were ox-
plnlnod by the lecturer. The auction
mill' of ImHKctti netted a fall1 sum and
allor the liiiHlu't lunch wan enton tlio
I'vonlng WIIH spout Hoelnlly. The even
ing was greatly enjoyed by all In at
Mendow Grove Personals.
Meadow Grove , Nob. , May I. Spa-
da ! to The News : Hey Crook on mo
homo from Omaha Saturday , where
ho has boon attending the Ctulghton
modlcal college.
Mrs. Bnrtlolt loft for her homo In
St. Paul , Neb , after a few weeks' vl -
It with her parontH , Mr. and Mrs. L.
Ebby Ervln began planting pop
corn this moinlng. Ho has contract
ed to plant forty acres for the Oath-
cait & Kindred company.
Quito a number of young people
from Battle Cieuk and Tlldon attend
ed the dance here Friday night.
George Rccroft made his debut on
rural route No. 2 yesterday.
Newport News.
Newport , Nob. , May I. Special to
The News : Drs. Root , Pope and Mor-
ilHon performed an operation on Mr.
Still's pot dog. The dog is doing nice
The gas plant Is going In as fast
as money and skill can push It. The
ditches ate all dug and the boys are
laying plpo
Highest Market *
Prices Paid
at all Times.
Dihtiinco Ti'li-phoup , 1S ! { . {
Lowest Rales
! W , J , GOW & * *
Money on Hand.
* < -j""H : : : " : : > : : : : n < : . * * < : . . : . . : .v
Docs your head ache ? Pain
back of your eyes ? Bad
taste in your mouth ? It's
your liver ! Ayer's Pills are
liver pills. They cure consti
pation , headache , dyspepsia.
25c. Alt druggists.
\\tuityourimmituclioor board a beautiful
brown or rich black ? Tlieu me
10 ct . Of DiuncviTt , o R. _ r _ j * q A Co. . Mtmu. N.H.