TIIK NOHKOI.K NKWS : I'MMDAY ' , M'HII , L" , ) , Uin. | . ENGINCERING PUBLICATION SAYS PLANS ARE COMPUttTC. ANTICIPATING NOSGUUD RUSH Northwestern Line Will be Doing a World's Fair DuslncBs This Summer. With n Great Dig Park niul n Lot of Fireworks Going on , The liiti-Hl IMHUO of the Engineering Record , published a ) ChloiiKo , eon- tnlitH the following Item : "Tin ) Noithwt'Htorii Hiillioud coin * puny , E. C. Curler , chief engineer. Chlougo. III. , IH to begin work on a llm > from diaper , \Vyo , to Ogden , \itnh. It IB to'bo liullt by ilio Chicago K Pucllle ThlH will jlvo Iho Northwestern - western a short route to Ogden from ( ho Black Hills through Casper , HH present terminus. " A Northwestern mini dlHoiWHlng ( ho outlook , Haiti he * know nothing about the promised extension frum CnHpor , KiiyH the Lincoln Htato .lournal. Ho had heard tlui road WIIH to ho built by the Holgiv-Aiiiorlcun oil drillIng - Ing tniHt. If the Northwestern IH behind - hind the move ho thought that HOIIIO arrangement had boon made between roprosontntlvos of the oil drilling company and the NorthwoHlorn. It Koomod prohahlo , ho thought , that Ilio Northwestern will , at no dlHtiint dale , extend the Casper line Into a region inoro richly endowed with trulllo yielding Industries and resources. Continuing ho said : "Hut I ho extension beyond Casper IH not tht ) only tiling In Hlght. Just watch the NorthwoHlorn when the Bonosteol niHh , Incldont to the open- In ) ; of the KoHohud rosorvntlon be gins. It IH true the NorthwoHtorn IH not a world'H fair line , but It will ho doing luminous thiH summer at a rate that will make KOIIIO of the fair lines wish they reached the llosobnd ro.Hor- vatlou. For HOIIIO reason the drawing IH to ho hold at Chainhorlaln , but the main gateway to the reservation IH the Northwestern Hno lo Bonosleol. Already there la activity and 1 think there will ho Hiich a nisli , when Iho president Issues bin proclamation , as has rarely been soon In the opening of northern resorvatloiiH. "Not only will the rush malm busi ness for the road at the time , hut It will bo followed by luminous created on the rosorvatlon. Then , the Indi cations point Htrongly to the North- wo.storn building through the reser vation , ami If It doen , mail ; my word , a richer tralllc hearing country will not bo found. The laud IH rich and very valuable. " WEDNESDAY WRINKLES. llov. .1. Grant Shlck of Plorco was In the city this morning. Jim Hill has given notice to the Ill inois Coat nil that ho must have the use of all the terminals by May 1 , to build the Great Northern road to the gulf from Duluth. This may mean the building of the gap In Nebraska Known ns the Ashland cut off. There will bo a change In operat ors at the union depot Friday. J. C. Gntlmm , who has boon temporarily lining the position , will go to North Bend , and Mr. I'raugors , who has been in the service of the M. & O. at Lyons will take the placo. About twenty of -graduates ( of the Norfolk high school were present at the meeting last night of the alum ni association , In the high school building. Committees were appoint ed to Investigate the details connect ed with giving a banquet to the In coming class on May 2S. Another mooting will be held for the purpose of hearing the reports on Friday evening - ing of this week at the same place and at 7 o'clock. It is desired at t'n't time to determine definitely the place for holding the banquet ami the other details connected therewith. It is hoped that all of the graduates of the school , and the married graduates In eluded , will take an active Interest lit this year's banquet and make It the more creditable with their presence. Those present last night were enthu siastic and plans are being made by Uiom for a great success. This year's class Is the largest yet to graduate from the Norfolk high school , and will continue to bold the record for some time to come. The hour for the meeting next Friday night is 7 sharp as a number of the members have later engagements. FARMERS TESTED CORN. Prof. Lyon of the State Experiment Station Summarized Results. Professor Lyon of the state experi ment station has made the following summary of the experiments In test ing corn : Tests of. nineteen varieties of corn conducted during 1002 niul 1903 by fifty-nine farmers In various parts of Nebraska are reported In Hullotln S3 published by the experiment station nt Lincoln. These variety tests were undertaken because of a lack ot knowl edge regarding the types of corn best adapted to different , localities in the state. For these experiments the state has been divided into six sections , the boundary lines of which correspond more or less closely with those mark. Ing changes in the natural vegetation as shown by the botanical survey. All tests in any ono section Include the y same varlotlon. Nineteen vurlt'llos In .ill were loiilfHl , but Iho maximum nunilu'r In any ono HcctlonMIH f \\chc. Seed corn wns tnnl lo oaoli oxpcil- nifiilcr onch yoar. Iho supply always liclng obtained from Iho HIUIIO ( tourer H wan iiroMfiry to do thin an Iho vn- ilctloH were grown aldn by Hide , whlrh. althoiiKh It doon not affect Iho yield of ( { ralu of nny variety , docH render It valuoh-nH for m'od. Enough Ni < "d WIIH HiMit lo plant an h-unl u ( ( iiarlcr of an aero of ouch varloly. IiiNtnicllotiK were given lo plant all varieties lu the HUIIIC initnnor , nnd on Iho siime day lo prepare thu land In ( lie HIUIIO way , nnd glvo Iho HUIIIO cul tivation. Karh variety WIIH to bo he picked m < purutoly iind nn accurate estimate of the yield of corn on the cob determined , also the proprtlou of corn ( o cob on ten reproHontutlvo curt ) of eiuih Variety. The varieties leHled were Iloono County Whlto , Hold's Yellow Dent , Silver Mine , IMley'n Favorite and Learning , roproHontlng Heed rained caul of the MHHHHI | | | | | ) | river ; Snow- Hake Whlto and Early Yellow UOHO , roprcHcntliiK Heed rained In Iowa ; Prldo of tlie North and Minnesota No. Ill , from Hood raised In Minnesota ; Hoguo'H Yellow Dent , Golden Cap , Mammoth Whlto , Nebraska Whlto Prl/.e , Golden How , Calico , Legal Tender - der and Gold Mine , from seed rained In NchniHka. There WIIH much variation In differ ent localltlo.s as to the variety giving Iho beNt ylohlH of grain. ThlH WIIH expected , and WIIH the roanon for be ginning the experiment. There are grout dlfforenceH In the fortuity nnd working < | ualltlen of the neil In differ- out parts of the stale , an well as dlfl fcroncoH In rainfall and temperature. The condltloiiH favorable for ono va riety may not bo HO favorable for an other. Much will depend alHO on the region In which the variety has been raised. A report of each test Is glvon In the bulletin. Corn brought from outHldo of the slnto did not yield HO well as corn raised within the titate. A notable exception to thin Is Hold's Yellow Dent. JOLLY PARTY OF EXCURSIONISTS LEAVE NORFOLK. TO METHODIST CONFERENCE. In n Special Tourist Sleeper of Their Own , About Trlrty Left This MornIng - Ing at 11 O'clock for Los Angeles Gone Several Weeks. ( Kioin U'l'diu'Mln.v'H Dally. 1 It was a jolly crowd of excursion ists that boarded the Union Pacific train at 11 o'clock thin morning li Norfolk , and loft for Los Angeles California , to bo present at the ( piad- rl-eunlnl world's conference of the Methodist Episcopal church. The conference will continue for font weeks and many of the party win loft Norfolk will bo absent sovora weeks longer. They occupied tholi own tourist car and Will enjoy the Journey cimmte. In their own way. Among these who wont were : llov and Mrs. Hit boll , Nollgh ; Rev. am Miu Wright , Wiiyno ; John Crosby Hosklns ; Mr. and Mrs. Craig , Wayne ; llov. Mr. High ; llov. Mr. Antrom ; Hov. and Mrs. Bothwell , Madison ; Mr. and Mrs. Ashley , Decatur ; Mrs Oscar Cillddou , Fremont ; Miss Clara Gllddon , Miss Xoo Glldden , Hay Gild den , Fremont ; Hov. Mr. Drewlluger , Miss HOM > Goorber , Norfolk ; Froon Sharpless , Dr. and Mrs. F. M. Slsson Horace Slsson , Mr. and Mrs. 11. A Hopkins , M. C. Hn/.oii , Norfolk ; Hey G. H. Maine , Omaha ; Mr. and Mrs W. H. Bridge , Norfolk. Gasoline Grasshopper. The section foreman of the Unloi Paclllc at this point bus a now "grass hopper" or gocart that spins nlonj , over the truck with gasoline as the motive power. It Is ono of the nuv- chinos that are usually propelled by hand and foot power , but this ono needs no urging and the rider Is In a position to enjoy all the comforts of a ride on a first class coach , except copt that ho must take the open al and has no promenade on the ma chluo. MISS WOOD , TEACHER , RESIGN Will Leave on Saturday for Idaho t Accept Place In a Summer School. Miss Harriet C. Wood has reslgnei her position as teacher In the Norfol public schools and will leave Saturda morning for Fremont , Fremont com ty , Idaho , where she will accept position in u summer school that wi last until Novombor. It has not ye been determined who will succeed ' Mlbs Wood for the remainder of the , present term. Mlsa Wood has made , a good record In the Norfolk schools \ and has many friends hero who will wish her success. Professor Scanlon. professor Charles Scanlon , tho. not- ul temperance lecturer , was In Nor folk and delivered his famous address to a largo crowd of people In the Methodist Episcopal church. These who hoard him were well pleased with the speaker , his lines and his method of delivery. YEAR AGO GROUND COVERED WITH ICE AND SNOW. THE VEGETATION WAS DAMAGED Telephone niul Tclcfjrnph Wires Wore Down Severe Freeze Followed tlie Storm Weather Totlny Is In Vivid Contrast With That of Last April. I KIOIM h'tlilny'H linllv | A year ago today , Iho loaves wore ill lu this vicinity , now and tender ranchoH on the trees were well ml- uncoil , fruit WIIH In blossom , and union truck WIIH well along , but verylhlng WIIH covered with Ice and hut which wan not covered with Ice van hurled lu miow It IH the lli-Ht nlvurmiry of the grout April bll/.zard. Norfolk WIIH iHolatod , practically , 'ho ( otophone and telegraph wires voro down and oven the trains were lot running on Hchedulo. A year ago yesterday there WIIH a good rain , hut the weather man wild t would ho colder and It wan colder , t Hovoro froo/o following the Hleot mil HIIOW Htorm. In vivid contrast o the weather of a year ago Is the voathor of today , and the people of ho country are very thankful that loroiiH IIIIH not duplicated tlio cutiiH- ropho of hiHt yoar. Vegetation docs lot appear to bo UH far advanced this oar at this tlmo IIH It was hint year , mt as a matter of fact It IH further xdvnncod. It took weokH for growing hlngH to recover from the effects of ho April lill//.iird and much of It did lot recover during the on tire season. 'Vult , except the very hardy and lat er varlotloH , yielded nothing. This oar IH it budding healthily and gives innulHO of making a mugnlflcout crop. t ban boon hold back HO that It IH iot likely to bo Injured by frost or freeze , and the prospects are Hue. The weather calamity of last scar son will not soon bo forgotten , as it s an unknown thing for Nebraska to experience such a storm so late In the yoar. THURSDAY TIDINGS. A. Conrad IH celebrating bis birth- lay today. C. A. Fuller went to Madison today > n bUKlni'BH. The Norfolk lawns are about ready for the lawn miolulH. E. A. Lundburg was In the city yes- : orday from Wayne. .1. B. Kuehn of Crofton had business in the city yesterday. H. M. Day and W. 11. Day of Os mend were city visitors yesterday. The family of C. W. inskoop plans to leave for Denver .during the early part of the week. Now permanent walks are being laid nt the homo of Mayor M. C. Iliizcn nnd the stores of C. L. Laiihsch and August Wlldo. llov. William Hoolzol , pastor of the St. Paul Gorman Lutheran church , is n very sick man. It Is feared that his recovery Is doubtful. Mrs. A. C. Taylor of Cedar Rapids , Itiwa , who had boon called to Nollgh by the Hlckno.ss of her mother , Is vis iting nt the homo of her nonhow , C. S. Hayes. Mrs. T. \ \Vheatou loft on the noon train for her homo In South Omaha , after a wook's visit nt the homo of her parents , Col. nnd Mrs. .1. E. Simpson. With the coming of warm weather and the drying of the mud , Norfolk has assumed a great amount of activ ity and there is something happening lu the remotest parts of the city all the timo. F. W. Shlvely , who has recently taken charge of the Oakdale Sentinel , as editor and publisher , Is making II appear that Oakdalo Is on the map for an absolute certainty. He has in creased the homo print of the paper from ono page to four nnd every page is Interesting reading. J. F. Hanso , of this city , who has for a number of years hold a posi tion with the Citizens National bank of Norfolk , has been tendered the of- flco of cashier and manager of the First National bank of Elgin and wil leave for that place early next week A successor to Mr. Hanso has notyel been announced. The marriage of John Pofahl and Miss Elsie Schnlz took place In the St. Paul Lutheran church yesterda > morning at 11 o'clock , Rev. Mr. Broy- or of Hndar performing the ceremony The young couple will make their homo In Hosklns , where the green owns a store. The bride Is a daughter tor of Ferdinand Schulz of this city KNOX COUNTY REPUBLICANS. Harmonious Convention Endorses Nelson and Meserve. Center. Nob. . April 2S. Special to The No\Vs : Tuesday ono of the most harmonious conventions was hold here. It was attended by nearly a full delegation from each precinct and the utmost harmony and good fooling prevailed. Hon. Frank Nelson was endorsed In his candidacy for dele gate to the national convention , as was also W. A. Moservo for senator from this district to the state legis lature. Full delegations were elect ed for the various conventions and a complete working organization made for effective campaign purposes during the coining campaign. The present county attorney , W. D. Funko , was made the recipient of a handsome compliment by a unanimous and on- TO ALL SUFFERERS This 25c Box of Elmo Cactarine To pnve that it Is the greatest remedy In the world for the cure of all TOMACH , HEART AND Stoirmclillearl nrvl Nmv Ciirt FR.EEtoAll NERVE TROUBLES Cut out the Coupon To give every sullerer from Stomncli , Heart or Nerve Trouble an opportunity to test our preparation in their own cnse without expense , we will send n ! Mc box of Kline C'uctnmie FREE to nil who rut out this coupon nnd send it with their name and address to the ELMO CHEMICAL CO. , Des Moints , Iowa. This offer is unconditional , and will not place you under obligations to anyone. We have n remarkable preparation nnd have such ( ; rcnt faith in its curing powers that we will send n IKJX free to everyone to prove to all that ICltno Cactarine is the greatest remedy in the world for the cure of all Diseases of the Stomach , llcnrt and Nervous System. Thou sands of people , many who were considered incurable , and others who had tried all other preparations without being benefited , were restored lo perfect health from the use of this nedicine. You , too , can he cured. Sender or : i free box today nnd satisfy yourself of his It will cost you nothing to do so. COUPON No. 120O Cut out thi * coupon nnd send it with your name iinil addrei * In tlie Klmo Chemical Co , DCS Mnlnn. Iowa , for .1 lreei.r ! > clioinf I'.lmnCactarine WHAT ELMO CACTARINE HAS DONE , Cactarine Cured These People. Marilialllown , Iowa , Sept ! U. 1903 Elmo Chemical Co. , lc } Moines , Iowa Dear Sirj : 1 take pleasure In * f acknowledging the benefit I re ceived from the me of Cnctarine . I have only taken one liox ami tlie effect was like ninelc 11 l < worth its weight In Kohl to any * one who ha * heart trouble. MAITIK JOHNSON Elmo Chemical Co Gentlemen : The bo * of medi cine received In Rood condition I have taken nil the tab let * and they have done me lot * of Rood My heart feels better , my slom.icli and bowels are In eood condition , Cactarine Is the be < t medicine 1 have ever taken. Your friend , MKSO.IZAHETH MAULEY. _ Elmo Chemical Co : I.afarette , 111 The box of Heart Tablet * was received in Rood condi tion several day * ace After usinc them as per directions I feel Kreat relief I have recommended your tablets to a erc.it number of my friend * who nre * ufferine from Heart Disease , and I Intend to recommend them as lone a * I live Yours sincerely , 1IKNJAMIN SMITH. Elmo Cactarine will do the eamo for you as it has for tueso people , Try it and Bee , THE ONLY REMEDY SOLD WITH A WRITTEN GUARANTEE. Box of 100 Doses ( or $1.00. K It fulls to benefit you your money refunded. BOLD AND 1JARANTECO DY ASA K. LEONARD , and all leading di nggists. thusliiHtlc endorsement of his official , career and a renomlnatlon by accla- million. The republican party was never In bettor working order than | at present and will this fall roll up a | majority for the party nominees such t is lias never been witnessed before. RUNAWAYS OIHORFOLK AVENUE Team Hitched to Hayrack Starts the Fireworks and Fair Store Rig | Follows. ' Incitement got a corner on Norfolk avenue yesterday afternoon and held sway for a strenuous stretch of mo ments when a spirited black team , belonging to Mr. Molebor , drew a hayrack through tlio thoroughfare at an untamable gait and dashed Into the vehicles alongside , between Fourth and Fifth streets. The team broke away from a hitch at the Har dy coal olllce , North Fifth street , and made a rapid getaway to the east ward on the avenue , striking a single buggy , breaking -strap for ono of the Fair store delivery teams and swinging north Into Fourth. They ran for a mile lu all and were finally caught near the brick yards on North Seventh street. The Fair store team , frightened and liberated at the same time , dashed down South Fourth street in a wild rush but did no damage. The hay rack belonging to Mr. Melcber was badly battered to pieces. FRIDAY FACTS. M. Nichols Is In the city from Fos ter. Sheriff Hums of Knox county was in Norfolk yesterday on business. P. F. Zimmerman is still sawing wood at the George Wagner place. Nature has done wonders In the way of development during the last few days of warmth. The warmer weather has brought hotter business in all lines of com mercial trade this week. William Ureltinger was In the city last night from Pierce , where be has accepted a position In a bank. The road which leads past the Burl Reed farm , going east and west , Is qulto impassible at present and resi dents of that district are anxious to have It fixed. A. M. Church of the Atkinson Graphic and F. F. Monde , editor of the Nerd Nebraska Boto , Atkinson , are in the city today In the Interest of their papers. E. M. Soarle , Jr. , of Ogalalla , Nob. , candidate for the republican nomina tion of state auditor , Is in Norfolk today , getting acquainted with busi ness men of the city. The residence property of J. F. Haasc , South Seventh street , has been sold to Ed Sley. Mr. Haaso has accepted a position with the First Na tional bank of Elgin and will leave for that place next Tuesday. A. Bucholz has made preparations to place a permanent walk In front of the hardware store of C. .L Laubsch on East Main street and with a few more walks of the same nature In the same block they will all bo of a per manent character. Harold Davey , who attends school In the Lincoln building , was misrep resented In regard to the accident which resulted in the cutting of a small girl's head. In playfully tossIng - Ing a clod of dirt at a boy , George Gibson , the missile accidentally struck Margarlto Lough who sudden ly appeared around the corner of a building. The striking was entirely unintentional and Harold felt worse about it than the little girl , herself. Engraved calling and wedding In vitations at The News office. X X X X X X'J'X X X X X X X X X-t-X X X X X X X X X X Xg t * * g Take the 1& 7 U t , Pailro'id ยง /Vabash / | | I ? SAINT LOUIS I F r - - The Only Line to - - I THE WORLD'S FAIR | M M * ( rialn Entrance ) ft M H H M - t * $ * M All Wnbash trains stop nt tlii'irown .station at main entrance , M World's Fair. jUj A Cm-ally reduced rat < " * now on sale. Stop-overs allowed at ft * * St. Louis on nil tickets. ! Your locnl a cnt can .soil you via THE WABASII. Q For beautiful Worl 's Fair Folders , Time Tables , and all in- v M formation , ndilrc.ss , M * * * * HARRY E.lttOORES , Gen. 4gt. Pass. Dpt. I Omaha , Nebraska. DEAD MAN MAY NOT BE ARTHUR SNOWDEN , AFTER ALL. ACQUAINTANCES SAY IT ISN'T The Mysterious Woman Who Came to Lincoln and Paid the Expenses of the Murdered Man's Funeral , is Not Kearney Woman. Lincoln , April 29. Interest in the Identification of the corpse found sev eral weeks ago at Humphrey , Neb. , and said by Sheriff Bauman of Fre mont , to bo the remains of Art Snow den , a former resident of Kearney , and at ono time an inmate of the state penitentiary , was increased yester day by the visit of W. K. Ayres and Richard Hibberd of Kearney , to the police station , where they made Inqui ries relating to what grounds the of ficers have for believing that Snow den was killed at Humphrey. Messrs. Ayres and Hibberd were in the city on other business and interested themselves in this case enough to make inquiries. From what they learned of the undertaker and of the police they expressed doubt that the identification of the Fremont officer is correct. Information from Kearney indicates that neither Snowdon's father nor mother were in Lincoln at the time nor near tlie time that n man Is said to have viewed the corpso. Identified it , and later paid the expenses of the burial. It was said that the body was never Identified by the woman who accompanied the man to Lincoln , and that she never called to see H , but that the stranger reported to her the identity of the murdered man. The body had been taken to the university medical school's dissecting room when the man first saw it , but bis identification caused its removal to the undertaker's rooms , where it was later viewed by Chief of Police Rout- zahn , Detective Dentloy and Sheriff Bauman. Sheriff Uaunmn had held Snowden In jail at Fremont nt onetime time , it Is claimed , and It was his re membrance of the man that led him to Identify the body as that of Snow den. Comparisons of descriptions , however , fall short. The corpse was What Elmo CACTARINE will Do The prescription from which Elmo Cac- tnrinc is manufactured was obtained by Klmo Chemical Co. from one of the lead ing Stomach , Heart and Nerve Specialists in the world , who originated nnd used this preparation in his daily practice for many years , enabling him to cure thousands of chronic sufferers from Stomach , Heart and Nervous Diseases nnd restore them to per fect health. Since obtaining this prescrip tion from this famous specialist the Klmo Chemical Co , have sent samples of this preparation to leading physicians and suf ferers all over the world. In every instance remarkable results have been reported ; in some cases complete cures were obtained with this sample. In no case has it ever failed. Send for n sample and try it. ELMO CACTARINE CURES Stomach Diseases , Dyspepsia , Fermenta tion , Sour Stomach , Aids Digestion. Cures Heart Diseases , I'alpitation , Shortness of Itrcath , Irregular Pulse , Fainting nnd Dizzy Spells , Smothering Spells , Rheuma tism or Neuralgia of the Heart , and pre vents death from heart failuie. Cures Nervous Dlseases\Veak , Irritable Nerves , Sick Nervous Headaches , Nervous Pros tration , tones up and strengthens the entire nervous system. A few doses give imme diate relief. Try it nt our expense. heavier than it should have boon to tally with Snowdcu's description. The chief difference seems to have been in the face , Snowden being of slim build , not well provided with llesh , the hones in his face showing through In relief. The murdered man had a round lleshy face. A scar back of the ear , known to be a mark on , Snowden and Incorporated in bis per sonal appearance record at the peni tentiary , was also missing. Nearly six years ago Snowden had a sister in this city. On October 30 , 1808 , she was arrested in Reta Git- fen's place on South Eleventh street. A pull was made there by the police and in the dragnet they got the Gif- fen woman , Delia Snowden , a travel ing man named Rooncy , and a man who gave the name of Martin , but who was later Identified as the post master In a Nebraska town not more than thirty miles from Lincoln. Soon after the Snowden girl left the city , but returned a year or two after , when she left for St. Louis and has since not been heard from. It was suggest ed that she might have been the wo man who paid the funeral expenses but ono of her former associates , who has talked to the police , does not believe that to bo true , saying she would not have left the city with out calling on her. A Lincoln man who know Arthur Snowden when ho was a bootblack on the streets of Kearney , who knew him shortly before bo was sent to the penitentiary , and who knows mem bers of his family , Is positive In the statement that the picture of the corpse , now In possession of the po lice , is not a picture of Snowden. Ho says resemblance Is not shown In any feature. Messrs. Ayrcs and HIbbard ordered n picture of the corpse to show to relatives of Snowdon In Koarnoy. They expressed themselves as very much In doubt about the dead man being Snowden. For some reason these who wight throw some light on the Identity of the corpse are discreetly silent. An air of mystery has been thrown about the case which some of these working upon It say seems to bo unwarranted , Newport , Nob. , Aurll 28. Special to The News : The electric railroad" not doad.Jmt Is coming along all right. Something soon will bo beard from this project.