TIIK NOKKOI.K NKWS : FIUDA V. AI'KN , 'A 1)1. ) PRESIDENT WILL ISSUE A PROC LAMATION FOR THEN. THE KINKAID DILL IS ADOPTED. Will go to the President Today or To morrow for His Signature , and Will . Then be Declared a Law Reserva- tlon Opens In Three Weeks. Washington , D. C. , April 27. Pres ident HooHovelt will Issue a procla- mntlon opening the Rosebud reserva tion about May 15. This Information was given out last night and It Is now assured that within the next three weeks all preparations will bo made for the starting of the homes. As May 15 comes on Sunday It Is probable that the real business of the reservation opening will begin on the * following Monday , three weeks from A- next Monday. " * Adopt Klnkald Bill. Hoth the senate and the house adopted the conference report on the Klnkald 1)111 ) which goes to the presi dent today or tomorrow for his olll- clal signature. Irrigable Land Excepted. Washington , IX C. , April 27. The land to bo reserved by the secretary of the interior Is such as may bo Ir rigated under the national Irrigation law or by private enterprise. Final entry by the homestead cnrv- nmn can only bo inado after llvo years from original entry. Such homestead ers as may bo still entitled to the ad ditional entry under section two , shall have ninety days preference after the passage of this act. The law will not go into effect until sixty days after approval. BAPTIST WOMEN CONVENE. Five Hundred of Them are Assembled In Omaha Today. Omaha , Neb. , April 28. Special to The News : Five hundred delegates to the Baptist Women's Missionary society of the west , are hero In an nual convention. They have come from every state west of the Pitts- burg division and will close their meetings tonight. CLEARWATER PAPER SOLD. Publisher Goes West and Nellgh Man Succeeds. Clearwater , Neb. , April 28. Special to The News : Fred Delaney , who has published the Clearwater Record for the past ten years , has sold out his paper to Mr. Howell of Nellgh , and on Friday will leave for Oregon , where he will join his wife and chil dren , who have been on the coast for the past year. ODD FELLOWS TO OAKDALE. Norfolk Delegation Attend the Dis trict Birthday Meeting. A delegation of Norfolk Odd Fel lows went to Oakdale on the noon train to attend the evening district birthday celebration at that place. Hev. J. F. Poucher , who accompanied the delegation , was selected as the speaker who should deliver the ad dress before the assembly. NEWPORT TO BE LIGHTED BY GAS Plant Costing $2,500 and Burning 800 Lights is Now Being Installed There. Newport , Neb. , April 28. Special to The News : A ? 2,500 acetylene gas plant has been purchased by the fol lowing business men : W. Hallen , E. L. Myers , Smith Bros. It Is being Installed as rapidly as possible. The plant Is a Monarch , 800-llght , and is Is expected to have It completed < and In operation by thirty days. TABLES ARE TURNED. Thomas Odiorne Gets it Back at Al exander Bear's Team. Thomas Odlorno's baseball nine has got It back at Alexander Dear's. They played again yesterday and the result was 9 to 0. Last week Alex with his band of athletes did things to Thomas' crowd and this was the re turn game. DEATH OF BABY DAUGHTER. Four-Weeks-Old Child of Mr. and Mrs. Sol G. Mayer. The four-wcoks-old baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sol 0. Mayer died shortly before noon today , after every effort known to medical science had boon exhausted In trying to save her Infant life. Mr. nnd Mrs. Simon G. Mayor wore telephoned at Lincoln of the critical condition of the child and arrived on the noon train. The re mains will ho taken to Lincoln for In- torment. Whist Devotees. The Harmony Whist club , coim posed of the rather exclusive member ship of Mrs. J. K. Simpson , Miss All- bery , Miss Wood and Miss McNIsh , who have been playing on the avc- rage of 61100 a week In season during the past eight years , hold their last meeting Tuesday evening. The club breaks up because Miss Wood Is to leave for Idaho to teach school. School Entertainment. Miss Eva Mills closed a successful term of school In the Rolcho district , April 23 , The day was observed by in appropriate program rendered by the pupils , followed by several mu sical selections , After the program the children were dismissed to ( he play grounds , while the mothers pro ceeded to ( urn the school room Into a dining room. When ( he tables wore heavily laden , the children nnd pa rents feased ( nnd enjoyed the afternoon - noon together. Seasonable Machines. Hardware merchants are arrang ing ( heir stocks of lawn mowers In attractive display , reminding the per son with a homo of his own nnd blue grass In the yard that the season Is at hand when ( ho merry click of the knives as they bite off the pretty em erald spears Is at hand. BULLETIN REGARDING CONDITIONS - TIONS OF THE STATE. FINE RAINS ARE OF BENEFIT. Will Help the Fruit and Grasses , Wheat , Pastures and Gardens Gar den Truck to Come up and Fruit Buds are Swelling Some The following weather and crop re- pott Issued by Forecaster Loveland , has been received for ( he week : Low temperatures continued dur ing the week , averaging from 7 de grees to 10 degrees below the normal throughout I bo stato. The rainfall for the week was the heaviest for the year , and ranged from about 0.2. of an Inch in the northwest part of the stato' to over 1.00 Indies in some southeastern counties. In the southwestern sec tion , whore dry conditions have prevailed - vailed for many weeks , the rainfall for the week ranged from 1.00 to 2.00 Inches. The fine rains of the week will prove of much benefit to winter and spring grain , pastures , and gardens , espaclally In the central and western sections of the state , where the soil had become very dry. The continued cold has retarded the growth of all vegatation. Winter wheat , however , has grown fairly well nnd is in ex cellent condition except where dam aged by dry weather In a number of southwestern counties. In the south ern half of the state oats and some spring wheat are beginning ( o grow. Considerable corn ground has been plowed and this work was progressing rapidly until dalayed In most locali ties by the heavy rains which oc curred the latter part of the week. Garden truck Is beginning to come up and fruit buds arc swelling In tbe southern sections of the stato. Northeastern Section. Antelope Spring grain looks well , but all vegetation growing slowly ; plowing for corn progressing ; good rains have occurred. Cedar Conditions very favorable ; small grain all sown ; plowing for corn begun ; grass starting slowly. Colfax Week cold and rainy ; win ter grain looks well but advancing slowly ; some oats coining up uneven ly ; plowing for corn in progress. Dakota Weather cold ; oats back ward ; potatoes being planted ; wheat beginning to come up. Dixon Small grain all sown ; plowIng - Ing for corn being done. Dodge Wheat looks fine ; rain and warmer weather beneficial to all crops ; plowing for corn In progress ; pasturage backward. Douglas Wet and cold week ; growth of vegetation very slow ; win ter wheat thin and not looking well. Holt Small grain all sown ; plowing - ing for corn in progress ; ground in fine condition ; grass starting well. Knox Seeding completed ; grain and grass coming up slowly ; plowing for corn well advanced ; fruit buds beginning to swell. Madison Winter wheat and rye look well ; grass beginning to grow ; oats coming up ; cold and rainy weak. Platte Week cold and wet ; small grain all sown ; plowing for corn be ginning ; warmer weather will be ben eficial. Sarpy Cold and rainy week ; all growth very slow. Stanton Small grain all sown ; plowing for corn In progress ; ground in line condition. Thurston Weather continues cold ; much plowing for corn done. Washington Cold and wet ; oats and wheat coming up slowly ; corn ground being prepared , soil in line condition. Western and Northwestern Sections. Itannor Light rain 21st , but more needed. Hoxbutte Light rain on 23rd grass starting slowly. Drown Spring grain about nil sown , ground In good condition. Cherry Light showers ; grass back ward ; cattle look flno. Cheyenne Good rain ; small grain and grass starting ; ground In good condition. Dawes Light showers ; grass startIng - Ing ; some gardens planted. Koya Paha Grass and grain startIng - Ing slowly ; light rain during week. Ixgan Cold and windy ; crops Ing very slowly. Hock Seeding about finished ; good rain on 21st. Sheridan Light shower ; seeding and plowing proceeding slowly. Sioux Grass growing slowly ; rain neaded , WERE GOO DELEGATES THERE YESTERDAY. EIGHTY-FIFTH YEAR OF ORDER District No. 31 , I. O. O. F. , and Dis trict No. 30 , Rebekah Degree , Held Successful Joint Convention Mrs. Taylor Organized It. Onhdnlo , Neb. , April 27. Special leThe The News : Flvo hundred Odd Fol lows and Uebekahs mot In Oakdalo yesterday ( o observe ( he eighty sixth anniversary of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows , and the fifth annual meeting of llstrlc ( No. III. I. O. O. I1' , and the convention of district No. :10. : Itchcknh degree. The organizing olllcer was Sister Mnllndn Taylor of'ltlalr and the ad dress before the Joint convention was delivered by Hev. .1. K. 1'oucher of Norfolk. The joint convention was held In the Methodist church. Sister Taylor reviewed the history of ( lie Itchoknh degree. Lodges In cluded In ( he Odd Follows district No. Ill .nro Meadow Grove , Tllden , Elgin , N'ellgh , Clearwater and Oakdnlo. Those belonging to Ilio district con vention of the Kohoknhs nro Meadow Grove. 'Tllden , Elgin , Nellgh and Oak dalo. BUILDINGS AT TILDEN. Telephone Company and Dr. Campbell - , bell Get New Offices. Tllden , Neb , April 27. Special to The News : The Tilden Iclcphono company Is now erecting a now frnmo central oillco building near tbe cor ner of Second and Oak streets. They expect to he in their olllce by Juno 1. Work has also commenced on a new frame oillco building located near the corner of Second and Centre streets to lie occupied by Dr. S. A. Campbell as soon as completed. Number Twenty. Haby No. 20 , a Hue boy , arrived at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Nel son on Sunday , a week ago , which leaves Asa Dixon and K. T. IJrunton clear In the shade. Call him Teddy , Nalson , nnd send a marked copy of the Courier to President Hoosevelt. It might pay. Dlalr Courier. A Mum Social. ( The Y. P. S. C. E of the First Con gregational church will " " give a "mum" social In the church parlors Thursday evening , April 28 , to which all young people are invited. The young men have some doubts as to the ability of the young ladles to keep mum and will be on hand to see a good strug gle ; while the girls are confident they can excel the young men In this vir tue and arc expected to ho well rp- resented also. Should no rfreshments be found and any hungry guest lie found nibbling a rag , It will bo count ed as talking. Dring your good humor and leave your change at home. POSSIBILITIES OF KINKAID LAW People are Attracted by the Offerings that Will be Available for Farming - ing and Ranching Purposes. Many people are being favorably attracted by the possibilities of se curing a section farm through the op erations of the Klnkald homestead law , and it Is probable ( hat a num ber of Norfolk people will try for such a possession , having figured it out that while they could not afford to take a quarter section as contem plated under the old law , and of the property affected , they will llnd It profitable to try for a section under the Kinkaid revision. It is said that , under the now law there are splendid possibilities for prospective settlers. Much of the land Is good for farm and meadow use , while that which cannot bo em ployed in this manner will make splen did range for horses and cattle. On a quarter there may not be sufficient farm and meadow land or range to make it profitable to the homestead er , but by combining four quarters the bomeseekcr may choose and use the best for tbe farm and the meadow and fence the balance and convert it Into pasture , making a good and pay ing property of land that in quarter sections would fall to attract the liomestoador. Where there Is a fam ily of several adult children , all hav ing homestead rights , there Is a pos sibility of getting the land In such a body as to make a very valuable ( ranch under the control of one family : All of it is good for grazing purposes , but the cattle that a quarter section would maintain would not prove a profitable Income , and the now law will very decidedly make a change that will hold attractive possibilities. The same conditions that will appeal to n family will make it possible for the organization of companies , each to take a section adjoining and turn the whole Into a ranch that would be [ irolltablc. Powder Burned Face. Harold Hargolt , nlno years of ago , Is another boy who has learned how quickly powder can net after It Is touched off. Ho found a shotgun shell this noon and , after getting down to .ho powder , lit a match and dropped t In , looking over the edge of the paper cylinder to see that the fire DAN GBbSVEMOR SAYS : "Pe-ru-na is an Excellent Spring Catarrh Remedy -I am as Well as Ever. " BBA * HON. 1 > AX. A. OHOSVHNOK , OF THH FA SUM'S OHIO FAMILY. lion. Pan. A. ( iroHvenor , Dopuly Auditor for Iho \ \ ar DepartmentIn ft loltor written frojnViinhlngton , I ) . ( ' . , MIJM : " Allow me to express my gratitude tn you for the benefit derived from one bottle of Pcrtinn. One week has brought wonderful changes and I am now as well as ever , llcsides being one of the very best spring tonics It Is an excellent catarrh remedy. " IMN. A. ( ] ROS\fnt\OR. In u recent loiter ho Rays : " / consider Pcruna really more meritorious than I did when I wrote you last. I receive numerous letters from acquaintances all ever the country asking me if my certificate is genuine. I Invariably answer , yes. " Dan. A. Orosvenor. A County C'miiiiiUftlonrr'R I. tl r. Hon. Joint WIlllRiiiH , County Commis sioner , of M7 Went Hoeond streetPultith , Vinn. , HiiyH thu following In regard to "crtiim : " Ai * a remedy for catarrh I can oheor- illy recommend IVruna. I Unowwliat U to suffer from tbut torrlblo dlncaso < l I fool that ItU ny duty to Hponk a I word for the tonic that brought nut ncilialo relief. IVriina cured mo of a 'case ' of catarrh nnd 1 know It will . any other Hiiffcror frjm that din- . -ohu ! Willluuw. and powder met. Tlioy did. Harold's eyebrows and eye winkers have dis appeared , also a portion of his hair Ills face Is painful , but fortunately no grains of powder penetrated Hit1 skin or the eyeballs. TAKE BABY GIRL AWAY. Remains of Infant Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sol Mayer. The remains of the baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sol. (5. ( Mayer wore this t morning taken to Lincoln for burial. Mr. Mayor , accompanied by Mr , and Mrs. Simon Mayer of Lln- coln , made the trip. Mrs. Sol. Mayer was unable to make the journey. Cheap One-Way Colonist and Round-Trip Homeseekers' ' Rates VIA ILLINOIS CENTRAL R , R , "One Way Colonist Rates. " To points In Montana , Idaho , Wash ington , Oregon , Dritish Columbia and Alberta territory. Tickets on sale dally until April 30. Liberal stop overs allowed. To points In Minnesota , North and South Dakota , Manitoba , Western On tario , Saskatclmwan and Asslnlbola. * Tickets on sale every Tuesday during * March nnd April. To | Mlnts In Tennessee , Mississip pi and Louisiana. Tickets on sale the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays In March and April. "Homeseekers' Round Trip Rates. " To points In Alabama , Oeorgla , Ken tucky , Mississippi , IxMilslana , North and South Carolina , Tennessee and Virginia. Tickets on sale 1st nnd 3rd Tuesdays in March and April , at rate of one faro n.lus $2.00. Stop B overs allowed. Further Information cheerfully giv en at city ticket offlco , No. 1402 Far nam street , Omaha , or write W , H , BRILL , Dlsi Pass , Agent , OMAHA , NEB. A ( 'lAiKrriniimii'n Loiter. Hon. II. W. Ogdcii.CoiigroHHiiwiffrom LoiilHlumi , in u Ictli'r written lit WIIHI- | Ington , P. ( ' . , Hiiys the following of I'o- ritnii , the national catarrh remedy : " / can conscientiously recommend your I'cnnin as a fine tonic and all around good incdlclno to those who nro In need nt a cntarrh remedy. It lias been commended to mo by people who have used It , ns a remedy par ticularly effective In the euro of cn- turrh. For those who need a Kood catarrh medicine / AIIOH' at nothing Letter. " W. T5 , OrlftUn , Ooncnn , TV TM , trrlloai "I mifforeil with ohmnlo catarrh tot mnny yearn. I look I'orutm nnd It com pletely oun-d mo. I think IVruna In the bout modleiiio In ( bo world for catarrh. My general health IH mtinh Imprortxl \ llH IIKI > , IH f mil much ulrongor Uuui I have boon for jnnrH. " W. 1C. Urlllllh. A < 'nlll' ' Klll li' I , niter. | | , Unwell , Kimklii'rar - well rniiiily , VH. , wrllcH : " / can clii-crfiiHy recommend your vahiahle remedy. I'eriina , to any ono whti Is siifffrhix with catarrh , and who lit In iwcd ( i f a permanent ami etfectlva cure. " 1 1. ItoHcn. Mr. Fred. 1) ) . Hcott , Laruo , Ohio , lllghl Cluiird of Illnini Fool Hull 'iViim , wrlUnu " AH u H | > ' | | fur lung double I jilur IVrtiim lit llui hi'iid. I Imvo tiHcd It my- Hi'lf forciililM niid catarrh of lli howuln mid II U u Hi'li'iidld remedy. U rcnUirun vlliilllj , Ilirii'iiHi'M bodily Mronglli anil nmUt'H ii Hli'l. IHTHOII well In n Hhorl ( line * I glvi1 IVnmii my hourly liiilorHomuiil. " Kircl. l > . Ni-.iit. Clou. Iiu C. Aliboll.lHMIM Htrcol.N. W. , WiiHhiugliiii , D , ( ' . , willow : " I urn fully convinced that your r m- otly IH mi oM-olloiil Ionic. Many of my frlomlH IIIIMI iiHfil II with thci moHt boii- olli'lal ivMillH for COII IIM , I'nlclH niiil civ liirrlinl - . ) | < , " I ru C. Abbott. MI-M. I'.lini'i ' Hcinlnu , ( irulnr of I ! , > , < ! r- vnlr Council No , | is , Nm | | I\M-NOI | n Lo- glou of lloiini , nf MiminipolH , Minn , , wrlloH from iUPi I'olK hli < c I , N K. . : " I bin "i lii-i'ii doubled nil my llfo vtllh < nlnnli III my In n. . I. I look IViiiim for II b o II I I Ii r < " III o n I Ii - , a n > l llow tlilliK I inn p o r in u in n I I y cured. I liHIi MI ( bill for III nil HH forum Mri Hiner iMlllllrupollH , .Mllill. Porn u it IH Ibo medlclno of Iho ago. It euroH when nil other romodloH full. I can heartily recommend I'eriina MM iv eiilarrb remedy. " Mrx. Klmur Pluming Trent Cnlnrrli In Nprlnc. The spring IH HID ( line to trout catarrh. Cold , wet winter weittlior oflon rotardrt a euro of catarrh. I f a COIITHO of I'orunn IH tiiken during the eurly spring inoiitbii Iho euro will bo prompt and pormniiont. Tbero can bo no fiillurox If I'oriinii In taken Intelligently during thu fuvorablo woatbor of spring. AH u syHtomlc catarrh remedy I'orunn oratlleatoH catarrh from the syHlum wborovor It may bo located. It euro * catarrh of the stomach or IxiwolH with the Hamoccr till ntyiiH catarrh of the hood. If you do notderlvo prompt and Hatls- f IKlory rcmillH from t'lo IIHO of I'eruna , write atoiico to Dr. llartman , giving i full Htiitement of your OIIHO and bo will 1m pIcaHcd to glvo you bin vuluublo J- vlco gratlH. Addrei-H Dr. Itnrtmnn , I'reRldont of Thu llurlman Haiillarlum , Columlnu , U. Plan Your Trip Early During HIO-l si-vonil opportunities to kro back Mast ; it grout ly reduced rates will bo offered by the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry , If you want lo bo kept posted regarding low rates , dates of sale , stop-over privileges and train service , advise me tbe probable time and destination of your trip. Through train service from any point on the main line of the Union Pacific Railroad to Chicago every day. Folder free. F , A , NASH , Gen'l ' Western Agent , 1524 Farnam St , OMAHA , NEB. S S THE I DIRECT LI ยง H M H M M # * * * Kansas City , St , Louis , Ft , Smith , Little Rock , H i Memphis , and the World's ' Fair , HM H * The Famous Health and Pleasure Resort , HOT SPRINGS , ARK. , and all points East , Southeast and Southwest. HI H * For -eriitivo | ami illustrated pamphlets , books on the different states , S maps , toltlevs , etc.snte tlie pni-sengor ami ticket agent nt Omaha. I M TOM IirCHKS , T. 1 > . Agent. T. F. ( ioOFUKY , P. &JP. Agent. K. IJornor ; ( 11th ami Douglas , OMAHA , NEH. TRY THE. Daily News Job Department