TUB NOKKOUC NKWS : I'MUDAY ' , Al'llll , 2' ' ) . IHO-K MEXICAN Mustang Liniment curcB CutB , Burns , Bruluca. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment curea Siirulua uiid Strains. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment In u positive cure for Plica. the dissatisfied traveling public in. Miss Laura Williams Is visiting with friends at Nellgh this week. The bank was closed yesterday and Banker Denning was roaming about the streets like a stray lamb. HOUSE BREAKERS AT LINDSAY Broke Into Place There This Morning and Took $25 Break Glass to Enter. Lindsay , Neb. , April 23. Special to The News : Robbers entered the place of Mr. Tederman hero at 2:30 : o'clock this morning and secured $25. They broke the glass in the front dor , thus unfastening the latch. They took $20 in nickels and $5 In chips and made their exit through the rear door. Nothing was heard of them at the time. There is no clew yet. CROWDS COMING TO RESERVATION Northwestern Line Anticipates an In flux of From 50,000 to 75,000 People There. The news that Fairfax and none- stool will both bo available as points for the land office registration , has mot with hearty approval In Norfolk and In northern Nebraska generally. This will mean that the crowds of people who como into the territory will have to visit the towns Jn Greg ory county and must pass along the Northwestern line to arrive. The distance from Norfolk to none- steel is about 120 miles , making the faro a llttlo over $3. The train leaves at about 1 o'clock In the afternoon and arrives at Bonesteel at about5:30 : MEXICAN Mustang Linjment lu tine fur over Hlxty yeiirM. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment cures Spavin mill Itlnjjbimc. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment cttrcH nil forma Last Act For Opening Indian Reservation South Dakota is Accomplished at Washington , SIGNATURE OF EXECUTIVE ATTACHED AT IO TODAY Will Open 416,000 Acres to Settlement Northwestern Expects to Bring in 75,000 People and Will Extend Line. Washington , D. C. , April 23. Special to The News : President Roosevelt signed the Rosebud reser vation bill at 10 o'clock this morning , In the presence of the South Dakota delegation. The measure opening 410,000 acres of land to settlement In Gregory coun ty , S. D. , Is now a national law , final and complete In every detail. . The land will be opened In July , probably. The lottery system will In all Ilkel- hood be the one adopted. Today is the greatest day that Nor folk and northern Nebraska and for that matter , the entire now northwest , has known In Its history for a great many years. The throwing open to settlement of the 410,000 acres of land on the reservation means moro to this section than any thing that could have happened. It will be the making ol the now northwest. The Northwestern railroad expects n crowd of 75,000 people Into that ter ritory , via Norfolk , In the near future , beginning at once. This is great news for Fairfax and for Bonesteel and for Butte and Spen cer and Lynch and for that matter all of the rest of the towns between here and Bonesteol. The Northwestern railroad will now extend , no doubt , into the unde veloped reservation land as soon as ; > It builds up. The rush has already ' ' begun. It is the opportunity of a life time for Norfolk and for northern Ne braska In building up. And the op portunity will bo grasped because the country can't steer out around It. Meadow Grove Child Dies. Meadow Grove , Nob. , April 23. Special to The News : The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Doud died yesterday morning from bron chial pneumonia. The funeral was bold at 10 o'clock this morning. Willis Keller , night operator for the Northwestern road here , has secured a week's leave of absence and loft last night for Ncllgh , accompanied by Shorrod Williams. Dad Harrison has put a picket fence around the Harrison house , to keep in the evening. Last fall there were two big excursions up into that coun try. The llrst one was the largest and it carried many hundreds of people ple Into Gregory county to get a look at the land which Is to bo thrown open. They wore given a ride out to the reservation , where they nicked up dirt and bottled It , to retain Rumples of the country. The crowds were so great that Hone- steel could not handle them all. Uut every person living In the town opened up his building , his store , of fice or shop , and gave freely of Hour space to the tired and sleepy strang ers. From the front to the roar of the stores were long lines of sleeping men , with new blankets , hauled down from the counters , wrapped around them. Those who could not be accommo dated nt Honosteel went down to Fairfax and there they found a com munity of most hospitable people- . They were willing to do anything to make the visit to their county a pleas ant one and those who shared in that cordial greeting never could forgot it. Gregory county will have , in all probability , from 50,000 to 75,000 vis itors. That is what the Northwestern road expects. The country lias been well advertised and it has hung lire for so long that people from all over the country know about It. It will take some time to get the new district permanently settled. There will bo about throe layers ol settlers before the foundation Is fixed forever. Hut that will work well enough for the towns of that territory for each one of the three layers it , bound to leave a little money. SATURDAY SIFTINGS. V. C. Holbort. P. D. Corel 1 and Uruco Sires of Plalnviow are visitors in Norfolk today. William Ureitinger of West Point is in the city , visiting Norfolk rel atives and friends. Mjss Fannie Davenport has gone to Sioux City for a two-weeks' visit with relatives and friends. .1. L. Fisher , banker and D. C. Hus ton , real estate dealer , are In Nor folk today from ICwing. W. M. Halnbolt was among the Nor folk bankers who attended the asso ciation meeting at Ponca yost6rday. Mrs. Kircheeser , of Freeport , 111. , a niece of Mrs. O. A. Luikart , was in the city yesterday from Tllden where she is visiting. Mrs. E. II. Luikart is in the city from Tllden , visiting at the homo of Mrs. G. A. Luikart , Norfolk avenue. 13. II. Luikart arrived at noon to spend Sunday here. 13. 13. Heckwith , county clerk of An telope county , was in the city yester day from Ncllgh and Banker Payne was hero from Clearwater. They took advantage of the Arbor day holiday and the Durland lot and acre sale. A pair of hoboes occupied bunks at the-city jail last night. Miss McNeil has accepted the posi tion of head clerk with Wilson Bros. Boreus has again made an appear ance and will endeavor to reinstate grim winter on his tottering throne. There will be a business meeting of the household economic depart ment at the close of the club meet ing Monday afternoon. All members are urged to lie present. With a few bright days now to dry up the mud and the extra spring ac tivity will lie manifest in Norfolk , in fact some of it is not being delayed by the Inch or two of mud oni the streets. Engineer Wm. Bracken , who has had the run on Nos. 110 and 115 be tween Norfolk and Missouri Valley , has gone back to his old run between Fremont and Hastings. Newt. Owen will take the run ho has left. The warm touch of spring has given the rising generation a bad touch of the fishing fever and many of them have supplied themselves with bait and gone to the Northfork today to attract the rare nibbles of the slug gish tribe. The beautiful weather of last evening - ing and the regimental band concert and ball attracted a largo crowd of Norfolk people to Main street and MKXICAN Mustang Liniment for Man , lieiiMt orl'oultry. 1MKXICAN Mustang Liniment liciilH Old Sorcn quickly. MKXICAN Mustang Liniment eurcH CtiUeil Udder lit COVVB. nmdo U appear like a busy Chopping evening In tin * "good old Hummer tliuo. " Mr. and Mrs. 0. F. Durlaud of Plalnvlew are In the city , the guests of Norfolk relatives this week. They came down Thursday evening to bo here for the beginning of the lot and aero sale. High school alumni should not for get the mooting of their association which Is to he hold at the high school building next Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. Theru uro but a few weeks In which to make all arrangements for the reception. Wilmm Bros. ' dry goods store at ! ! 2I Norfolk avenue was opened to the public today and a largo crowd of Norfolk ladles together with those from thi ! surrounding country have taken advantage of the spring weath er to pay a visit to the now retail ntock. The dog belonging to Phillip Me- Noilly IH another which has been cut up by the human boast of a vicious anil dangoroiiH nature in Norfolk. The bird dog belonging to Gone Huso re ceived another wound yesterday af ternoon in Ilio way of a bullot. The police have now developed a clew and think they are on track of the culprit , who will lie severely dealt with. The Fremont Tribune nays of the bill opening the Ho.solmd reservation : A great many Fremont people are interested - torested in the opening and some may participate In the drawings. The set tlement of the Hosohud country will also mean something to Fremont In another way. It will make tralllc heavier through this place on the Northwestern main line , which has a branch tapping the reservation. MEETING OF BANKERS AT PONCA Was Declared the Most Successful in the Organization's Entire History. Norfolk bankers returned from Ponca. where they attended the north ern Nebraska association convention. It was the best meeting yet held. Laurel was .selected for next year. Sixty-three non-resident members were enrolled. A. W. Yates , Nebras ka National bank , Omaha ; Frank Hamilton. Victor Caldwell and .1. 0. French of the Union Stock Yards Na tional bank of South Omaha were present. Exhibitions were made of manganese safes , electrical protec tive devices , adding machines , and a fire escape Invented by W. U. Porter of Ponca. Officers were elected as follows : W. T. Graham , Laurel , president ; A. L. Tucker , Wayne , vice president ; Guy Wilson , Laurel , secretary ; W. L. Mote , Plalnvlew , treasurer. Trus tees : 13. T. Kearney , Jackson , C. 13. Burnham , Norfolk ; George I. Parker , Coleridge ; C. H. Randall , Randolph ; T. A. Anthony , Wausa. In the evening a tasty and generous banquet was served by Ponca matrons and twenty young ladies. Among the toasts responded to ably , Mrs. George Merrill of Carroll , was given a special vote of thanks. Her remarks on the home , with her singing of "Sweet Home" at the end , will long be re membered with pleasure by everyone who was privileged to hear her. JUDGE DISCHARGES JURY AFTER TWENTY HOURS. FOR KILLING OF JIM RAMUS There Were Six Jurymen For and Six Against the Defendant Case From Sprlngview , Neb. , and Witnesses Passed Through Here Saturday. Sioux Falls , S. D. , April 25. The jury In the case of Daniel K. Roby , charged with murder In the United States court , after being out about twenty hours reported It could not agree and was discharged by Judge Garland. It is said that the vote stood con tinuously 0 to C commencing with the second ballot. TiltSlIliK Alining I IniNnirlltf - . The Inhabitants of Palestine mad * use In very ancient times of the Klin ; ? , the most skillful In Its use being the trlbo of Benjamin , whose boast It was novcr to miss their aim. What mnkc.s their skill appear more surprising was that they managed to sling with the left hand. The men who camu to David's help atIking were no less adroit. They used at will either the right hand or the left. The Ming was also the fa vorite weapon of shepherds , who with It drove away wild beats preying on their Hocks. This makes David's vic tory over the giant Goliath less sur prising , as lie hud no doubt great prac tice in the tine of this instrument whlla guarding hl father's sheen. MHXICAN Mustang Liniment IJcHt for HOI-MO iillmuiitH. MHXICAN Mustang Liniment for Ciittlo itllmeutH. MHX1CA"N Mustang Liniment for Sheep iillinuutu. COULDN'T DE DETTER , WERE IT CUT OUT DEFORE HAND. SCORE OF SALES YESTERDAY Residence Property on The HoluhtB Goes at Dnrgiiln Counter Prices and Many Bidders Pick up Good Things. Snle Goes on Today. If the day had boon cut out , It couldn't have been moro Ideal forth1 * A. .1. Durlaud lot and aero tmlo than thai which cleared up yesterday uf- tonioon and dawned again thin mornIng - Ing The land was all molHl and green to took upon and the eyes of the prospective purchawrH snapped \\hon they walehod Iho property go down miller the hammer. About twenty loin were Hold yester day afternoon , all at a low llgurn. The average price was a little over $100 ! a lot and Mr. Durland had llgurod that he would ho Hallslled with an average price of $200. At ! ) o'clock this morning Iho buy ers and the auctioneer again headed for The Heights , led by the Twenty- Ill'th regimental band. At noon a free lunch was served on the grounds and the bidders have been active since they arrived on the scene , all day 'ong. ' A largo crowd of people attended the hand concert last night In Manpiardl hall and were well pleased with the program of ten pieces. Mr. Thomp son's cornel solo was an especial fa vorite. After the concert , the lloor was cleared and no loss than JUKI per sons danced until after midnight to the inspiring playing of the colored toys from Fort Nlobrara ] The lots have been selling at fair figures today , and the l.uyers feel that they are getting bargains. Below Is a list of sales of pianos mil organs made by the Sturgeon Music Co. , the Norfolk piano men , since the commencement of their > l > onlng sale. At the close of this sale we will give away absolutely free to some two of our customers a $11(10 ( ! > lam > and a $75 organ. If you are going to purchase an Instrument HOOII it will pay you to got In on. this scheme. Don't forgot about it , the lime will soon expire. C. F. Benton , Vordol , Nobr. Furrand organ. N. Vandorhoof , St. Edwar Is , Nob. Schubert piano. Fred lieckwlth , Nellgh , Nob. l'"aiTuud organ. A. H. Cropper , Norfolk , Nob. Furraml organ. C. 13. FurgoBon , Stuart , Neb. Newman Bros1 , piano. Minuio Foil K. TildPii , Nob. Fnrraud organ. A. 13. Gore , Spencer , Nob. Schubert piano. * D. II. Kay , Wakotleld , Nob. Sturgeon organ. Carrie Storm , Royal , Nob. Story ( ft Clark piano. Ervln Stringfollow , Oakdalo , Neb. Howard piano. Clias. Snider , Tllden , Neb. Schubert piano. E. A. Walker , Stuart , Neb. Schubert piano. Frank Dobnoy , Stuart , Nob. Farrand organ. L. M. Carvllle , Fairfax , S. D. Sturgeon organ. Win. F. Anderson , Fairfax , S. D. Story & Clark piano. Ella Hatiptll , Norfolk , Neb. Farrand organ. W. P. Gauming , Vordol , Nob. Newman Bros. ' organ. A. M. Churcl- Atkinson , , Neb. Farrand organ. H. A. Oborshaw , Cloustcr , Nob. Farrand organ. Ellna Halbert , Emorlck , Neb. Farrand organ. Gco. Hunter , Oakdalo , Net ) . Howard piano. Milan ! Green , Norfolk , Nob. Farrand organ. John Browning , Clearwater , Farrand organ. Mary C. Ollno , Monroe Story & Clark piano. C. W. Rood , Wlnsldo , Newman Bros' , organ. Gco. H. Mathew , Gross , Nob. , Farrand organ. P. Billcter , Butte , Nob. , Farrand organ. W. B. Shorbahn , Emerson , Nob. , Schubert piano. M. Phllben , Monowl , Nob. , Farrand organ. OAKDALE WINS FROM NELIGH Highly Exciting Game With Score of 5 to 4 , Saturday. Oakdalo , Neb. , April 2. ! . Special to The News : The Oakdalo high school baseball team defeated the Nellgh ball club In a most exciting game Saturday , MHXICAN /rV\ustang / Liniment H up MHXICAN Mustang Liniment jiunutratuH to tliu very bone. MHXICAN Mustang Liniment iilwuyM jglvuM HiUlHfuetlon. l > \ u MCOIT nl' fi lo I The NHIih team finlrd to Hcore until Iho eighth In nliiK and ilien only l > y au error. Only lour miff hllHoro iteciiroil off Hay of OiiKdalc , who pitched with Iho xpocd ami curves of moro than mi am ateur. The attondimoo WIIH IHIO ; lime of game ! : ( ) . Score by | IIIIIIIH | ; : Oakdalo 0 0 0 1 ! 0 U 0 0 I -fi Nollgh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0- ! Batteries : Oakdiilo , Ray and Slrlntl'ollow ; ; Nellgh , Dowlll and Thornton. Umpire , I Merer. MONDAY MENTION. K. L. WamlHor ami A. M. I'olonion of Plalnvlow were In the oily yester day. day.Mr. Mr. ami Mm. G. F. Durland returned to their home In Plnlnvlow ycHlorday afternoon. Judge .1. II. IturnoH wont In Hullo yesterday afternoon on biiHlnoun con nected with Iho lloyd county land ( 'UNO. The ImHolml ! proposition BOOIIIS to lack the encouragement which II tihoulil receive In order to make It a complete HUCCCHH. The North fork river IH especially high for thiH HOIIHOII of Iho year , wllh no mirplUH HIIOW or rain water lo involl the current. A number of coiiploH enjoyed dune ' ing In Hit' dining mom of ( he Pacific hotel Saturday night. The Italian or chestra I'lirnlshoil mule. Those wlio would llHh are waiting patiently I'or the ihiyH when Iho HUH will warm up the almosphero enough lo nlhiw them to Hit upon the rlvor'n bank without an overcoat. A good Hi/oil part of the Twenty- Ill'th Infantry blind , which had been In the clly for the A. .1. Dnrland lot and acre sale , stayed over Saturday night and gave a dance lu Manpinrdt hall. Former gniduatoH of the Norfolk high Hchool are urgently reminded ( , f UK ; mooting of the uhiinnl aiiHoclallon which will lie hold at Iho high school building tomorrow night , for Iho pur pose of making arrangements for thu reception in tlio chins of 11)01. ) At Iho school of agriculture at , Lin coln Hlxteon young men graduated Friday night and will go back to Ilielr ionics prepared to liiauguralu new ami Mclentllle mcthodti of agriculture , lo hi ! general hotterinoiit of their pa rents , thi'iiiHolvoH and the country { one-rally. Alfred OBhorii , Hit ? iiui'Hcrymaii , linn loon conllnod lo Ills homo during the past three weolts by 0.11 attack of slck- IOSK , mid Is jtitH beginning to ho ublo o attend lo biislnosH again. This IH ho uurHoryman'H busy KIHIHOII and Mr. Dsborn's sickness has thcrofore boon llsadvantagoous In more wayu thai } ono. Saturday wan an extra big day for Norfolk. Numbers of people in addi tion to the regular shopping trade were attracted by the Durland sale , and the side streets , livery barns and vacant lots in the uptown district were full of teams while the pavements were thronged wllh people anil the stores with purchasers. The Now Orleans Colored Concert company will hold the hoards at the Auditorium tonight , and those who en joy good , old-fashioned negro songs and mimic will undoubtedly bo well repaid for attending. This com pany has apparently met with more favor than any colored company on the road in this section * this season and have a nice line of recommenda tions from press and pulpit. The A. .1. Durland lot and acre sale closed successfully Saturday after noon. About fifty pieces of property were disposed of In all and the pur chasers were very generally buyers of excellent property at bargain coun ter rates. As a result of the sale , there will no doubt be a large number of new homes spring up In the vicin ity of The Heights. The Inclement weather kept the crowds small and the bidders were not so lively as t run the prices up to within a long way of the real value of the lots. Albion Republicans. Albion , Nob. , April 23. Special to The News : The republicans of this city hold their primary mooting at thu district court room , and as a demon stration that politics is warming up in this locality It Is only necessary testate state that there was a largo crowd In attendance at the caucus. Fourteen delegates were elected to the county convention which Is ' .old in Albion next Saturday , aim there was no appearance whatever of any trouble. In the ranks as to the nomin ations and so forth. Following Is a list of the delegates as nominated : John Peters , J. A. Hudlow , T. A. Thompson , Dllllon Rob- liiBou , R. Carston , A. K. Anderson , L. G. Brian , Chas. Klovor , G. B. McGIll , Dr. J. W. B. Smith , J. W. Roberts. H. It. McConnell , Dr. W. L , Manchester , H F. Lchr. MHXICAN Mustang Liniment I'liri'H l-'roHtliltoM mid C'lillhliilim. MKXICAN Mustang Liniment HoHt Ihlny lor n liuito hoi'HUt MHXICAN Mustang Liniment driven out nil hilliiiiiuiiitlou. COMPLETE REPORTS FROM OK- LAIIOMA DISTRICTS HIT. FIFTY WERE UADLY INJURED Seven Dead at Falrfleld , Six at Prior Creek and Seven Othcrn in the VI * clnlty of Pine Dlutfn Low Preoiiur * SwRcpn the Country. Oklahoma , O. T , April 2Coux ( plole repot-In from Iho tornado Htrlcli- > n dhilrlelK of Oklahoma nliow thai a ficoro of pei'Hoim were Killed In dif ferent pluooH. Koveii were killed at. Kalrlli'ld , six at Prior Creek and nov- en olhoni In the vicinity of Pine HhiffH , making a total of twenty. Fif ty were moro or lomi badly Injured. Atklnuon Itemo. Atkinson , Nob. , April 21-Special ! to The News : Huv. S. K. Slmrploim of Norfolk preached In ( ho Flrilt Pretiliylorlun church of Atklnuon on Iho morning mid evening of the ! Mth lo a very good congregation , which WIIH pleased to hear him. Ho will mil return to hln homo until TuoHday. The funeral of Mrs. Mary Allen oir- ciirreil from the MolhodiHl church yoslcrdiiy In charge of Iho Rev. Ju lian , and Itov. DoWeoso. Shu had been In very pour health I'or some lime. The end WIIH not unexpected , II. A. Allon'H Hlnler of Lincoln arrived Saturday ulglil , and will remain with him for the proHenl. The business formerly owned by AloHlioiiHc In Alkimion Is now In the bauds of .1. I1' . Mrady. Thu old morcanlllo business of J. II. Stuyvesant has recently been pur chased by Mr. Donnan of Wlsnor , who IH now doing biiHlnoss In Atkln- mm , and will continue to bo at the old Hlund. Married : At thu homo of the lirldo'H parents , sixteen miles north ol Atkinson , Mr. and Mrs. Frank Em erson , Miss Gorllo Emoi'Hon and Mr. Roy Erway of Valley , Nob. , by Rev. S. l \ SharploHH of Norfolk. The brldo was a former Atkinson teacher , ami the groom Is a druggist , who formerly was wllh the Wilson Drug Co. of At kinson , and who IH a graduate of Iho Omaha college of pharmacy , and at present In business in Valley. Thin young couple liuvo a most promising future before them , and the wall wlHhoH of I lie Atkinson frlonds will follow them to tholr now home In Valley. Crack ShoUs at Kalamazoo. Knlamayoo , Mich. , April 20. A three days' lruishoot Ing tournament , opened here today under the auspices of the Kalama/oo Trap Shooters' as sociation. A number of well known sliolH are among the participants and tills , together with Iho excellence of the program , combine to give promise of one of the mo.st successful tourna- monlH of the kind ever hold In Mich igan. RAILROAD TIME TABLES , ( 'lilriiKti IIIH ] 'SorllMtrMt-rn * NOIIFOLK CITV STATION. Ham. Arrive. Depart. ) maha PaBnungcr 6:03 : am. . < i:03um : VordlgreVay F't 7 10pm. . loniiHlcul Freight. U.uo pin. . North Vnnllgiu Way F't. 8:10 : a m. . 8:16 : urn UoiiuHtmil Pas'ng'r. .1:06 : p in. . . 1 : OB p m NORFOLK JUNCTION STATION. Kant. Arrive. Depart. 'Omaha PasHungor main line 6OCuin : 'hlcago passenger main line 12:20 : p m. .12:40 : p m Jmalm l'asHeng r , HonRHtoel line . . 6:10 : am. , C:30 : a m. Way Freight main line 7:00 : pin itook Freight. main line 9:30 : p in Way Freight , Uonextrel lino. . . . 7:20 : pm ttonesteel Freight , HoiiuHteel line. . . . 9:15 : pra WOHt Way Freight main linn 0:69 : a m Vordlgro Freight . . R:00 : a tn Bonusteol Pass. . . .12:35 : p m. .12:55 : p tu Long Pine Pass. . . 1:00 : p ra Way Freight main line f > :50pm : iilack Hills Pass. . .7:30 : p m. .8:00 : p m Freight trains are liable to be an- nuled without notice , they do not come to station platforms and some do not arry baggage H. C. Matrau , Agent. Union I'nrltlr. Bust. Depart. Columbus Accommodation . .3:00pm : Diimlm. Denver and Puclllc Count 10:50 : a ra North. Arrive. ColumbiiH Accommodation . . 11:45 : u in Omaha , Denver and Pacific Coast 9l5pm : Connect * ) at Norfolk with C. & N. W. , going west and north , and with the C. St. P. M. & O. for points north ind oust. J. H. niseffor , Agent , ClilctiKO , St. I'niil , Mlnnrapolla H nd Omnlui. South. Depart. Sioux City and Omaha Pass. 6:20 : am Sioux City 1'uHsonjjer 1:10 : pin West. Arrive. Sioux City Passenger 10:50 : am Sioux City and Omaha Pass..7:37 : p m Connects at Norfolk with C. & N. W. , Solng west and north , and with tbe . P. for points south. J. 13. ElsetTor , Agent Dally except Sunday.