The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, April 22, 1904, Image 1

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\ I i \ m. II \ I I ' I I I 1 V V I I I ' 1 I .1
When President Meyer , of the Western -
ern Federation of Miners , Arrived
to Appear Before Court , Captain
Wells Was Laid Out Flat.
Denver , Colo. , April 21. When the
train bearing Charles II. Meyer , pres
ident of the Western Federation of
.Minors , who wni n/uning to Denver to
appear this I y. Ion before the sue -
promo courl eIs hearing on ha-
boas corpus tn d'gs , arrived to
day , accompa. ff f i/ilV / : ary guards ,
a small sized * < "If
There were s ; 1. of persons al
the depol to 55. ho paity , among
them Sccrotarj wood _ of Iho Wcsl-
rn Fcdcrallon Lp Incrs. Ilaywood
walked Into tha § " * and shook hands
with Moyer. * captain Buckley Wells
immediately nmdo a move to strike
liim. Havwood turned to Wells and
knocked the captain down. Then two
soldiers attacked Ilaywood and
knocked him under a car seat.
Unywood was then arrested and was
taken , with Meyer , to the Oxford ho
tel. There the trouble broke out
afresh when Ilaywood knocked two
soldiers down.
Haywood Bayonetted.
Other troopers making up the guard ,
mixed in the fight and Ilaywood was
Imyonetted and clubbed Into Insensl-
hllity. A riot call was turned In , but
when the police arrived the soldiers
refused to surrender Ilaywood to them.
Bryan Says He Will Merely Talk
About the Platform of New York
in Chicago.
"Lincoln , April 2. In an interview
today W. J. Bryan denied the report
that he would discuss a presidential
possibility In his Chicago speech next
Saturday. The address will be devot
ed exclusively to the New York plat-
form anu suojecis reiaieu 10 uie pi in
form to bo adopted by the national
convention. He says he has not do-
dared for anyone and will not in Chi
Frosts Reported From Missouri , In
diana and Illinois.
Chicago , April 21. Further light
rains arc shown in Kansas and light
rains in Nebraska and Missouri. Temperature -
peraturo some higher ; above freezing
In the northwest.
Frosts are reported from St. Ixiuls ,
Mo. , Springfield , 111. , and Evnnston ,
It Is warmer in Oklahoma and
throughout Texas.
The map looks more favorable at all
points for spring work and the growth
of crops.
Sensr.tion.-l Incident Occurs in the
Omaha Presbytery Meeting at
Fremont , Neb. , April 21. A rather
sensational incident at the morning
session of the Omaha presbytery was
the hearing and judgment on charges
filed against the pastor-at largo , Rev.
II. L. M. Braden of Bellevue , by Dr.
II. C. Herring , chairman of the ad
i visory board of the state Congrega
tional association. The charges were
that Rev. Mr. Barden had violated
ministerial ethics by visiting the Con
gregational church at Ft. Calhoun and
urging its membership to convertlheir
organization into a church of the Pres
byterian denomination.
As a result of this alleged Invasion
of another church's field , a petition
from twenty-live members of the Ft.
Calhoun Congregational church was
presented to the presbytery asking
thai Iho signers lie received into the
Presbyterian church. It was declared
thai Hov. Mr. Braden had held up be
fore Iho eyes of these persons allur
ing visions of what the Presbyterian
church would do for them If they
would Join It.
After an exhaustive Investigation
i * y of Iho mailer , Iho prosbylory vole'd to
f U * o exonerate Its pastor-al largo from any
v " wrongful tic I , al Iho same llmo admitting -
ting thai ho might have shown aiuor-
ror in Judgment. It was shown thai
ho had nol gone lo Ft. Calhoun until
members of Iho church Ihoro sent for
Jilm. The pollllon was granted.
One Miner Fell 600 Feet , Other Liter
ally Ground to Pieces.
Lead , S. D. , April 21. Frank Hayes
nnd Richard Barcoo , minors , wore in
stantly killed in the Orohondo mine a
3 o'clock this morning. They wore beIng
Ing lowered In a shall with tools wlior
ft long drill caught In the frame work
throwing the men off the cage. Bar-
coo fell COO feet. Ilaycs was ground
to an unrecognizable mass botweer
the cage and timbers. Ilaycs had
family of a wife and six children.
Rain Been Falling Stcndlly In
Western Part of Stnte and East
ern Colorado.
Lincoln , April 21. Tim long drouth
In western Nebraska lias boon broken
liy the rain which In falling. Western
Nebraska anil eastern Colorado have
been drenched nil day today by the
Died Enroutc.
Colnnibiis , Nob. , April 21. Hluhiird
O'Neill , well dressed and apparently
about twenty-eight years of ago , a
passenger on the Union 1'aclllc Over
land No. 2 onrouto from San Frcncis-
co to Now York city died very sud
denly of heart disease just before the
train reached this city.
Judge Sedgwlck Still Favors Seymour.
Withdrawal of Judge Jackson Docs
Not Result In an Agreement Herd-
man Is Unsettled.
Lincoln , April 21. The withdrawal
of Judge Jackson 'from the clerkship
race has not settled the question of
who will bo the clerk of the supreme
court. The movement was to break
the deadlock , lint Sedgwlck still
stands pat for Seymour , ono of the
Lincoln candidates. Murncs Is bo-
llevod to be for State Chairman Lind
say , to whom both ho and Sedgwick
in a largo measure owe their elections
to the supreme bench. Lindsay is In
the city , and his contented air bears
out the statement that ho is still a
big factor in the race , but Seymour
lias seemingly cleared himself of the
charge that he was guilty of Indoscro-
tlon in connection with recent news *
paper utterances , and yesterday was
in high favor with the York judge.
Judge Sedgwick said yesterday that
the clerkship situation was still In
ho air. Ho was asitoa wbetiier tne
vlthdrawal of Jackson would make it
xjssiblo to unite on Lindsay , but gave
noncommittal answer. Asked
.vhethcr . the appointment would be
inouncoil at this sitting lie did not
oply directly , but intimated that there
> vas still some doubt as to the matter ,
hen he walked off to his hotel with
Victor Seymour.
The friends of Seymour have not
et given up and are predicting the
selection of their man , but it is undo-
ilable that Lindsay stock In the clerk
ship boom is quoted higher than ever
> eforo. Endorsements have boon
coming in to the judges at a rapid
ale , and Lindsay is last framing up
is a logical candidate.
The withdrawal of Jackson left W.
J. Hose legatee to some of his sup
) ort , and ho is held to have good
bailees to win out as a neutral caudl-
late should Sedgwick still stand out
: igalnst Lindsay.
Pending the selection of a new mane
o take charge of the otlieo Lee Herd-
man Is In an unsettled state. The
udges will make a great effort to get
ogether during this sitting so that
the announcement may bo made when
t closes , but should they fail Herd-
man will necessarily hold over his
term , which began May 1 , 1900.
Hardware Jobbers' Meeting.
Houston , Texas , April 21. There
was a good attendance today at the
> pcning here of the annual conven
tion of the Texas Hardware Jobbers'
association. The opening session
was devoted to addresses of welcome
and responses , the president's ad
dress and the reports of other ofll
cers and committees. The remaining
sessions of the convention , which
lasts three days , will be given over
to discussions on various matters of
Interest to the trade. Some of the
matters to receive attention are
"System and its Advantages to the
Hardware Business , " "Hules as
Adopted by the Cleveland Hardware
Jobbers , " and "Taxation on Goods
Carried in Storage. "
Baseball Enthusiasts of the South
Will Have 140 Games This Year.
Last Year Had 126 Contests.
Atlanta , Ga. , April 21. What prom
Iscs to bo the most successful seasoi
in the history of the Southern League
of Baseball Clubs opens today am
will continue until September 25
The circuit comprises Memphis , Little
tlo Rock , Now Orleans , Shreveport
Montgomery , Birmingham , Atlanta
and Nashville. The schedule this
year provides for 110 games as
against 12C last season.
To Address Anti-Imperialists.
Bobton , April 21. The New Eng
land Anti Imperialist longuo has completed
ploted orrangomonls for Its annua
banquet tonight. Representative
Lucking of Michigan and severu
oilier members of cor gress are schoc !
ulcd among the speakers.
The Famous Diamond Robbery on the
Northwestern Train Near Missouri
Valley , When William Pollock Lost
$18,000 , Has Finally Been Cleared.
Omaha , Nob. , April 21. Thomas
Dennison , known all ever the west as
the "King of Gamblers , " has been In
dicted at Logan , la. , by the grand Jury
as the principal In an $ ISHill ( diamond
robbery which look place twelve years
ago when William Pollock was hold
up and robbed on a Northwestern
train near Missouri Valley , la.
The Indictment was llnally secured
after a do/en years of Intermission
upon the confession of FranU Slier
cllffo , who admits that ho robbed Pol
lock and thai ho was hired to do Iho
job by Tom Dennison.
For commit I Ing the crime. Slier
clllfe received * 1,000 in cash. He says
that Dennison disposed of the diamonds
mends In Montana.
Donnlson has been prominent. In
politics for many years and was ad
mitted lo be a gambling export , with
few rivals in the country. So in
tensely clover was he at the games of
chance , thai men who played with
Dennison seldom got away with their
lie was said lo bo the proprietor of
the Diamond pool hall which was re
cenlly closed In this city by order of
the Nebraska supreme court.
Pollock was a traveling salesman
from the east , who represented a diamond
mend wholesale house , lie was trav
eling from Missouri Valley to Sioux
City with his samples when the rob
bery occurred. For years a search
was made in the hope of securing
some clew which might lead to the
donllty of the robber , but not until
he real robber came out and con-
essed that the noted Omaha gambler
vns at the back of it all , was there
noiigh evidence to go ahead.
Girl Ends Her Life.
Omaha , April 21. Golda Cook , aged
0 years , living in a rooming house at
" 00 North Sixteenth street , ended lior
Ifo by taking carbolic acid. Her body
vas taken In charge by Coroner Ural-
oy , who has wired her mother al
Smith Center , Kansas.
Despondency best describes the
nuso of the deed. The girl was in
II health and had threatened her life
several times. A letter was received
iy her Tuesday from her mother , hut
ontalncd nothing that would have
caused a sudden resolution to die.
She boughl Hie acid at a nearby drug
store In the presence of Hans Timm.
n less than fifteen minute.1) ) she had
swallowed the contents of the bottle ,
iboiit an ounce. The police surgeons
vero called but arrived too late to save
ler life.
Young Cashier at Homer and Daugh
ter of Prominent Family Brought
Into Publicity.
Dakota City , Noli. . April 21. A
roat sensation , Involving two of the
nest prominent families In Dakota
county , lias just developed.
Last Monday Miss Gertrude MeKln-
ey , of Homer , ( lied a complaint in
County Judge Elmer's court , charging
Harold W. O'Connor with the crime
of bastardy , claiming he is the father
of a male child born to her on March
In .
O'Connor appeared before Judge El
inors today and gave bonds for his ap
pearance on April 20.
Harold \v. u connor is ino casnior
of the Homer State bank , and the son
of C , J. O'Connor , hanker , of Homer.
He is 21 years of ago.
Gertrude McKInley is the daughter
of Denone McKInley , and Is 18 years
of age. She has been teaching school ,
but recently was obliged to give up
her position on account of her deli
cate condition.
Two months ago the girl and O'Con
nor disappeared , and It is said they
went away together. Mr. McKlnley
sought his daughter and found her in
a hospital In Council Bluffs. Ho
brought her homo , and the child was
horn In his house.
Miss McKlnley is represented hv
County Attorney McAllister and W
I ) . Warner , and O'Connor is represent
ed by Mel Beck , of Dakota City , and
Leonard B. Robinson , of Sioux City.
Good Meeting Is Predicted.
Nashville , Tonn. , April 21. What
promises to be the most successful
race meeting ever held in Nashville
will ho Inaugurated today , when
the new Tennessee Breeders' associa
tion will throw open its gates. Over
SOO horses are entered for the various
events to bo decided during the nine
days the mooting will continue. Al
together there will be $2'1GOO in
purses distributed. Of this amount
$2,500 added money will go to the
winner of tomorrow's Cumberland
Derby , which will bo the event of the
mooting ,
William SwaiiBon Engaged In a Little
Game With Colored Men.
Lincoln. April 21. WllllnmSwauHon ,
a Syracuse clll/.en , lost $ l7i ! [ lu a III
lie game with Lincoln negroes lust
night He Is being detained al the
police station and a warrant has boon
Indued Tor his comrades.
At the Pnsllmo Social club , 118
Ninth street. SWIIIIKOII declared hemet
met Cell , John Gates and a negro not
Known ( o the police. After a drinker
or two and it few cigars a ganio was
suggested. This resulted In Swantiou
gradually letting his foil. Hwniison
has a wife unfl live children In Syra
Chief Itout/alm ordered Iho arrest
of the negroeii supposed to be con
cerned In the affair
House Has Concurred In the Amend
ments That Were Made by the Sen
ate and It is Thought the Bill Will
be a Law Tonight Sure.
Washington , April 21. The amend
ments to the Rosebud reservation bill ,
which were made lo Iho bill by the
semite when It was passed ( his week ,
have all been concurred In by Iho
hoiiso of reprosonlallvps.
The bill baa boon engorssod and will
go to President Koosevolt some I line
today for bis signature , thus making
It a law.
South Dakota senators and congress-
meon feel ( hat ( here Is no doubt us
to the signature of the picsldont and
feel assured that before tonight the
Itosobud reservation bill will have
been a thing of the past.
The amendments wore drawn as a
compromise In order to got the ap
proval of President Hoosovolt. Ac
cording to the new addition ! ) , the bill
nr/ivtilrtu Hni f 41 ii 11 tif'rn will lin nn 111
during the Hrsl three months , fit dur
ing the next throe and $2.GO there
This will open 'IIC.OOO acres of land
In Gregory county , S. D. , and will al
low 2,000 homesteaders who will 111 !
the country that Is reached by the
Northwestern railroad out of Norfolk ,
Neb. , anil Hint exclusively.
It will bo a great thing for northern
Nebraska generally.
Awful Accident Which Befell a Sioux
Falls Boy.
Sioux Falls , S. I ) . , April 21. Whllo
phi ) Ing with other boys on the turn
table of the Illinois Central Railroad
company , Albert Unison , the lltllo HOU
of a Sioux Falls laboring man , was
thrown under the wheel upon which
the table revolves. The wheel passed
ever his leg , crushing it and Injuring
Ih lad to such an extent that it Is be
lieved ho will die.
During the night several Inches of
very moist snow fell throughout this
part of the state. The ground was
covered and fanning operations will
be greatly delayed.
Bench Show at San Jose.
San Jose , Cal. , April 21. The San
Jose bench show opened today and
will continue through the remainder
of the week. The exhibits , both In
number and class , exceed the early
expectations of the promoters of the
show and Include all of the fancy ca
nines that are being shown on the
Pacific coast circuit this season. The
attendance at the show promises to
bo unusually laruu.
Alabama Retail Grocers.
Birmingham , Ala. , April 21. Prom
inent retail grocers of Alabama to a
total of several hundred have round
ed up in tills city to discuss ques
tions affecting the interests of their
trade. The occasion is the annual
convention of tholr state association ,
which will bo lu session for throe
days. Delegations from Huntsvlllo ,
Mobile , Dccntur and numerous other
cities arc among the visitors.
Trlpple Execution In Chicago Tomor
row Most Since Hanging of
Haymarket Anarchists.
Chicago , April 21. The sheriff of
Cook county has completed all ar
rangements for the triple execution
tomorrow , when the cur barn bnni-
dils , Marx , Neldormeler and Van Dine
will pay the penalty of their crimes
It will bo the first time that more
than two men have boon banged at
once in Chicago slnco the execution
of the Haymarket anarchists. The
sheriff's oillco has boon Hooded will
requests for tlckels lo witness Iho
execution , but all of thcso have hoci
refused. The only witnesses to the
triple hanging will bo those who nt
tend in an official capacity. All of the
condemned youths appear to bo bear
ing up well , but some fear is ex
pressed that Marx may break do\\n
at the critical moment. i
Claim that the Japnnocc Received Help
From the 'Two ' Anglo-Saion Nntlonn
In the Attack on Port Arthur Eng
lishman Executed.
Itorllu , April 21.A corioHpondont
writing from Harbin , Manchuria , imys
"Groat blllornosit lias been evi
denced throughout Manchuria against
tlie Americans and Iho llrlllsli , be
cause II IH believed that American and
llrlllsli viwHclH look part In Hie hoiif
bardmonl of I'oil Aillnir , their Idcn-
lilv being concealed under the Jap
"This belief IH apparently duo to ( he
fad that Hie Japanese Heel \MIH Ian ;
< -r limn Iho ItiisHlinm bad anticipated
and Included unknown typos of VOH-
HOH. |
"The feeling IH no strong thai Amor-
leans and llrlllsh are not safe any-
wliero In Manchuria.
"One Itallly , an American , and HOV-
oral others , Including Davidson , a Ca
nadian , have disappeared , and the au
thorities urn looking for I hem.
"II Is reported dial an KngllHlimnn
was arrested In port Arthur as a spy
and lahen lo Mukden and hiingoJ.
"The plying of socalleil ( lower boala
on Iho Line river , most of which op
erate iiiulnr Iho American ling , has
been prohibited , "
Japs Arrested With 300 Pounds to
Blow up Bridge.
Tien Tsln , April 21.-Two JnpancRO
have boon caught here , disguised IIH
Lamas , with 'Kid pounds of gun cotton
In I heir possession. They we're at
tempting lo destroy the Nonnl bridge
when captured. They were frank In
admitting their purpose.
Launch From Petropavlovsk Came
Into Port Today.
Port Arthur , April 21. The situa
tion hero Is unchanged. A largo
launch from the .Potropavlovsk was
brought Into harbor today.
The cruiser Mayan suffered no dnnir
ago when she wonl to asslsl the Itus-
slon torpedo boat destroyers on April
Report That They Have Taken Peuk
Chyong Unconfirmed.
Seoul , Korea , April 21. The latest
advices which have been received by
the authorities hero , do not confirm
the report that Russian troops have
ccupled Poult Chyong. The rumor is
ml considered hero as true.
Cliebler-Moore Wedding.
New York , April 20. A largo and
nslilonablo wo-ldlng of today was that
f Miss Jessie Campbell Moore , daugh-
or of Mr. and Airs. Charles A. Moore ,
tnd Colby Mitchell Cheater , jr. , son
if Hoar Admiral and Mrs. Colby M.
'banter. The ceremony was per-
'ormed at noon In St. Bartholomew's
hurcli. The bridegroom Is promT
tent In financial circles and Is presl-
lent of a number of big manufacto
It's with plants In Boston , Philadol-
ihla , Miiskegon , Mich. , and other
. It IDS.
Founder's Day Observed.
Spartanburg , S. C. , April 21.
Founder's day was observed today
il Converse college , this being the
innivorsary of the birth of the lute
D. 13. Converse , to whose munificence
ind generosity the college owes Its
existence and success. The exor
cises of the day included , as the prln
cipal feature , nn eloquent address delivered
liveredby Governor Ayrock of Nortl
Carolina. Other addresses were do >
llvored on hohalf of the student body
faculty , alumni and friends of the In
Mississippi Medicos.
Jackson , Miss. , April 20. Severn' '
score of the leading physicians am
surgeons of the state were presen
today Pl the opening of Iho annua
meeting of the Mississippi State Mod
Icnl society In this city. A program
co\crlng Hovornl days has been ar
ranged. In addition to the transnc
tion of routine business relating I
the affairs of the association th
mooting will listen to a number o
pnpeis and addresses on recent mod
leal discoveries and other topics o :
interest and importance to the pro
fession of medicine.
G. A. R. of Texas.
San Antonio , Texas , April 21 , Stll
another was added today to the in
morons conventions entertained 1
San Antonio during carnival wool
The state encampment of the Gran
Army of the Republic met in annuii
session this morning and will cor
tlnuo Its mooting until the end of th
weak. The attendance Is largo , man
of the veterans being accompanied b
their wives and families. The bus
nebs hosslons of the encampment will
bo interspersed with many features
Temperature for Twenty-Four Houri
Ending at II O'clock thin Morning.
Forccnnt for Ncbr.uika ,
Conditions of ilin weather an ro-
( Milled for Iho 21 IIOIIIH ending ut 8
i in today
Maximum ! !
Minimum ill !
. \\vrago ' 17
Total precipitation for mouth. . 1.112
I In nun el or 20.7U
( Mill-lino. April 21.--Tho bulletin hf
mmd by Ilin Chicago million of the
United Blalen weather liiroaii | thin
morning , given the forenant for Ne
braska an follows :
Showers lonlghl and Friday , Warm *
or lonlilil. ;
of nllrnclhc onlorlalnmciii arranged
lu liiiiior of the voternno.
Olncy Avalanche Engulfed Them.
Talk of a Rump Convention for the
Hcnrot Doorncrs Men Who Will
Attend the National Convention ,
lloHloii , April 21.llofoin ( ho demo-
orallo stale convention me ! lodny , the
Indications were for harmony through
out. The stale oommllloo , nfler an
all night KOHHlnn , had decided to walvo
Iho adoption of the unit rule for the
MasHiicliUHnllfl delegation nl the nit-
llonnl convention , which Ilin Hearst
delegation considered important to
Boston , April 21.IloniHl support
ers , led by Coorgo Fred Williams ,
thronged Tri'inont Temple I Ills morn
ing al the opening of Ilin democratic
stale convention , and II was ovldont
I rout Iho outset dial they wore prepared -
pared to context every Inch of ground
liinclio. Their piogram , It was soon
pparont , was to make all the Iron-
lo possible In the convention. It
s reported that If Ilimlly beaten tha
learst following will withdraw , or-
iilzo a rump convention and ut-
mpt lo bavo the delegates thus
boson reoognl/od by the national
ommiltco and the national eonvon-
There appears ( o be lltllo doubt ,
idglng from the trend of Iho open-
ng proceedings , that the regular eon-
entlon will mierced In carrying out
is original Idea of Indorsing Oluuy
iir the presidential nomination.
.Vhothor . the delegation will bo bound
y the unit rule IH a question. Mayor
'nlrlok A. Collins of Hoslon and WIN
lam A. Gaslon , who ran for governor
ast year , will be ( wo of the four
IIOHOII ns dclegutes-at-hirge. Others
nenlloned for the honor are Con
gressman 15. L. Thayer and Charles
Hunilln. The name of William L.
) ouglns , thi ! Iloston shoe man , In
ilso suggested for the honor.
Third Indiana District.
Now Albany , Ind. , April 21. The
'cpuhllcan congressional convention
'or the Third Indiana district Is In
session bete today for the nomlnor
lon of a candidate for congress and
he selection of delegates to the re-
iiibllcan national convention. .1. P.
) llon ! of Jasper and Horace Dunbar
if Jelfersonvllle are the leading can-
lldates lor the congressional noini-
Fourth Term for Esch.
Sparta , Wls. , April 21. Congress-
nan John J. Kadi was renomlnated
for a fourth term today by the re
publicans of the Seventh district.
There was no opposition to his can
Eighth Wisconsin District.
Oshkosh , Wis. , April 21. The re
publican congressional convention of
the Eighth district was called to or
der here this afternoon. The conven
tion will renoinlnato Congressman
Davidson and select delegates and
alternates to the Chicago convention ,
To Succeed Congressman Skiles.
Mansfield , O. . April 21. The Four
teenth district republican congres
sional convention is In session hero
today. Candidates for the regular
term and the unc-Nptred term of tha
late Congressman W. W. Skiles will
be named. There are several aspi
rants lu the Held , among them Mayor
lirown of this city.
Will Spend Two Days in Dedicating
n Christian Association BuildIng -
Ing and Naming a Car.
Miss Gould to Visit Richmond.
Richmond , Vu. . April 21. Arriving
hero tomorrow or Saturday , Miss
Helen Gould will spend two days ded
icating the now building of the Street
Railway Young Men's Christian as
sociation and in becoming acquainted
with the employes of her brother
Frank , who owns the lines hero. She
will alto name an observation car being -
ing constructed for her brother and
his friends. Itvill ho named Vir-