The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, April 15, 1904, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 K NOIlKOliK NtiWS ; I'MtlDAY , AIMMIi 15 , UIO-I.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * HM 'KH' 'M- * * * * * * * * * * * * ' * *
* .
I :
I :
"f . ' 4' .
! will sell at Public Auction , beginning
At 2 P. M. to 5 P. M. , and Saturday the 23rd , at 9 A. M. , My
Acres and Lots in Norfolk.
hese lots and acres are numbered with sale numbers from
37 OF THEM BEING ACRE LOTS , and the sale will begin with NO. 1 AND CONTINUE
CONSECTUTIVELY down the list until all are sold.
Col. F. M. Woods , the Celebrated Fine Stock Auctioneer of Lincoln , Neb. , will be in charge.
A Splendid Band will be in attendance and free transportation furnished to the Ground.
.t..t.j. . j .A ,
Committee Appointed to Interview the
City Council on the Subject Kern
Re-Elected Chief Vote $50 to As
sist the Nebraska Running Team.
Tlio Norfolk flro departniout mot
In annual session last evening at the
city ball with a good attendance of
members for the annual election of
olllcors and the performance of slmv
llurvorlt. .
The first business of the mooting
was to vote $50 out of the department
fund to nastst Jn sending the "nil-Ne
braska" nnining loam to St. Louis to
participate In the hose races that will
bo u feature of the exposition enter
tainment. Norfolk has no represen
tative on the team , the nearest mem
ber bolug at Stanton , but all depart
ments are expected to contribute to
the expenses of the team.
Treasurer Winter repnrtd that there
was a balance of $5110.52 In the de
partment treasury , all bills being paid.
The election of officers was the
next thing on the program and this
was accomplished with no opposition
appearing against the names first
proposed and all elections wore by
The following wore the ofllcors
named :
V. A. Nonow , president. '
J. II. Sanford. vlco president.
S. II. McFarland , secretary
II. "VV. Winter , treasurer.
W. L. Kern , chief.
W. G. Rouse. Ous. Uloy and George
Scott , trustees.
The chief , secretary and treasurer
were re-elections. Chlof Kern nc
knowledged the compliment bestowed
upon him in n few appropriate words
emphasized with a box of cigars.
President Nonow announced as a
sick committee : Fritz FrohlofC , lion
ry Ivlug and Fred Ilellormnn.
A committee of three was namei
by the department to appear before
the city council and request that the
salary of chief bo Increased from $50
to ? 100 a year , and that the assist
ant chief bo paid $50 a year. The
committee consists of J. W. Edwards
V. A. Nenow and U. II. Reynolds.
Chief Kern lias not yet nnnonncoi
his appointments for assistant elite
nnd other officers
Chief Kern 1ms announced tlio fo
lowing appointments of assistants fo
the ensuing year : First asslstnn
chief , H. W. Winter ; second assist
nt chief , .lohn Krant/ ; third nsslst-
nt chlof , W. ( ! . Roimo.
Company ollleors will bo chosen
oon. The Queen City hose company
tools In adjourned regular session
miorrow night for the election of
Letter List.
hist of lo'Uora remaining uncalled
ir nt the postotllco at Norfolk , Nob. ,
\prll 11 ! , 1901 :
Mr. Ira Ulaln , Chas. Carrey , A. U.
loward , .lack Williams , Henry Wll-
If not called for In tlftco.ii days will
ue sent to the dead luttor olllco.
Parlies calling for any of the above
uloiiso say , "advertised. "
John R. Hays. P. M.
Foloy's Honey and Tar contains no
iplatos , and will not constipate llko
leiirly nil other cough medicines ,
tofuso siibutltutos.
Klosau Drug Co.
If you are a dyspeptic you owe It
o yourself and your friends to get
veil. Dyspepsia iMinoys the dyspop-
Ic's friends because his disease sours
ils disposition as well as his stom-
ich. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will not
inly euro dyspepsia , indigestion and
sour stomach , lint this palatable , re
constructive tonic digestant strength
ens the whole digestive apparatus ,
mil sweetens the llfo as well as the
stomach. When you take Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure the food yon oat Is
enjoyed. U Is digested , assimilated
uul its nutrient properties nppropri-
xted by the blood and tissues. Health
s the result. Sold by Asa 1C. Leon-
Koloy's Kidney Cure makes kidneys -
noys and bladder right. Don't delay
taking. Klesau Drug Co.
The Richest Hundred Miles Square
In the World.
The ninek Hills , in the southwest
ern part of the state of South Da
kota , produce one-third of the gold
found in the United States , and are
said to bo the richest one-hundred
square miles in the world. A now
booklet on the INack Hills has been
issued by the Northwestern line ,
with a fine detailed map of this won
derful region. Send four cents in
stamps for copy of the booklet to
J. A. Knhn , assistant general freight
and passenger agent , Chicago &
Northwestern R'y. , Omaha , Nob.
No business is eo small that It can
not advertise successfully If judicious
ly. And no business Is so largo that
it can afford to dispense with adver
tising. The News now reaches more
people in northern Nebraska and the
country tributary than any other
auwbpapor from whatever locality.
An advertisement In Us columns is
a good investment and will bring re
turns if handled right
The River Has Been Slowly Rising
but There Is Not Enough Surplus
Snow to Run Over into the Town.
Two Feet Deep on North Third.
As a result of the snow which foil
In the Northfork valley during the re
cent bli77.nrd , the territory north of
the M. & O. railroad tracks In Nor
folk Is completely under water , with
the surface rising slowly. It Is not
thought that any serious damage will
result as there are no houses In the
district under water.
The river has been rising all day
and Is two feet higher above the mill
dam. Uelow It Is about four foot
higher. The gates were dropped to
nceonmiodnto the Hood. The water
on North Third street , ncioss tlio
track. Is about two or three feet deep
and It has crept westward as far as
Fourth street.
The Hood this spring Is much light
er than usual and it Is not considered
as hazardous to city property.
C. S. Smith of Madison was a cUy
visitor over night.
U. D. Mackonburg of Nollgh was a
visitor in Norfolk.
Miss Irene Alexander Is hero from
Sioux City visiting friends.
Mrs. W. 13. Harvey of Newman
Grove was a city visitor this morning.
W. II. Payne and Sherman Willoof
Hastings wore In the city yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. II. F. Hruco have re
turned from n throe months' visit in
Iowa , New York and Vermont.
Chas. J. Dillon , field man for Ed
wards , Wood nnd company , is a guest
of Manager Fuller of the local olllco
Sanford Parker , register of the
I'p'ioi sstHtes land olllco at Spencer ,
arrived in the city on the early train
this morning.
Norfolk lodge No. 1C. I. O. 0. P. ,
will meet tonight. It is expected that
there will bo degree work.
The Pioneer Hook nnd Ladder com
pany took a practice drill last even
ing just before the meeting of the
department , using the Seller livery
barn as a basis for operations.
It is about the time of year when
the circus bill pastors arrive on the
scone nnd commence putting up the
gay lithographs announcing the vis
its of world's famous aggregations of
actors and stupendous displays in the
menagerie and hlpodroino depart
Farmers are getting anxious to seed
and say that those nights are a little
bit too cool to do it successfully.
They me hoping , however , that they
may net at it before so very much
Workmen have staked off the
ground for the now homo of D. S.
Mullock at the corner of Norfolk av-
unuo and Eleventh street , and the
work of excavation for the foundation
and collar will bo commenced at once.
A flro that did little damage In the
Richards block called the department
out yesterday afteinoon nt 3:30 :
o'clock. The building was undergoing
a layer in tar and the hot Iron got
Into the stuff , blazing up. People in
the telephone exchange saw the blaze
and turned In an nltirm. Chemicals
from the telephone olllco put out tlio
lire boliire the department arrived.
Mrs. Uello Stoutonborough of Plntts-
mouth , secretary of the Nebraska Fed
eration of Women's clubs , has sent
out notices regarding the seventh bi
ennial meeting of the general federa
tion which Is to bo held at St. Louis
May 17-25 : Tlio olllcers and delegates -
gates of the state federation expect
to leave for St. Louis on Mny lo , ar
riving at St. Louis on the morning
of the 17th. The day 'of celebration
at the fair grounds will bo on May
1 , known ns "Louisiana Purchase
Day , " \\hon there will bo receptions
at all the state buildings. The head
quarters for Nebraska club women
will bo at "Tho Odeon. "
,1. W. Ray , a prosperous larmor ,
whoso ranch is six miles west of town ,
shipped today to Omaha markets one
of the llnost lots of fat cattle ever
sent from Norfolk. They were two
cars of black beauties , uniform In
size nnd color and fattened to per
fection. Practical stockmen always
select pure broods as beef animals
and this year with corn soaring
around the half dollar notch the cf-
llclency of pedigreed stock nlono per
mits the stockman to realize a profit
on his feeding operations. The pity
Is that BO line a lot of young heifers
should be converted Into beef nnd not
bo retained for breeding purposes to
improve the stock which our agricul
turalists will hnvo to draw from in
the future.
Rheumatism , indigestion , constipa
tion , beadacho and stomach trouble
positively prevented and cured by
Ilollluter's Rocky Mountain Tea.
Keeps you well nil summer. 33 cents.
The Klosan Drug Co.
The suros and safest remedy for
kidney and bladder diseases IB Fol-
oy's Kidney Curo. Klesau Drug Co.
Good for Children.
The pleasant to take and harmless
One Ullnuto Cough Cure gives Im
mediate relief in all cases of cough ,
croup and In grlppo because It docs
not pass immediately into the stomach
ach , but takes effect right at the scat
of the trouble. It draws out the in-
Humiliation , heals and sooths and
cures permanently by enabling the
lungs to contribute pure life-giving
and life-sustaining oxygen to the
blood and tissues. Ono Mlnuto
Cough Cure is pleasant to take and
it is good alike for young and old.
Sold by A&a K. Leonard.
A tcnlc for the aged and infirm.
Gives strength and vital force to
every part of the body. A spring ton
ic that makes sick people well. IIol-
lister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35
cents , tea or tablet.
The Klosau Drug Co.
Chronic Bronchitis Cured.
"For ton years I bad chronic bron
chitis so bad that at times I could
no speak above a whisper , " writes
Mr. Joseph Coffman of Monmoroncl ,
Ind. "I tried all remedies available ,
but with no success. Fortunate' ' ) ' my
employer suggested that I try Fol-
oy's Honey and Tar. Its effect was
almost miraculous and I am now
cured of the disease. On my recom
mendation many people have used
Foloy's Honey and Tar , and always
with satisfaction.
Kiesau Drug Co.
A spring blessing for all mankind.
There's nothing like llollistor's Rocky
Mountain Tea to make one strong ,
healthy and robust. Keeps the whole
family well. 35 cents , tea or tablets.
The Klosau Drug Co.
The Best Family Salve.
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo gives
Instant relief from burns , cures cuts ,
bruises , sores , eczema , totter nnd all
abrasions of the skin. In buying
Witch Hazel Salvo It is only neces
sary to sco that you get the genuine
DoWltt's and a euro Is certain.
Tlioro are many cheap counterfoils
on the market , all of which are
worthless and quite a few are dan
gerous , while DoWltt's Witch Hazel
Salvo is perfectly harmless and
cures. Sold by Asa K. Leonard.
Dreadful Attack of Whooping Cough.
Mrs. Ellen Harllson of 300 Park
Avo. , Kansas City , Mo. , writes as fol
lows : "Our two children had a so-
voio attack of whooping cough , ono
of them in the paroxysm of coughing
would often faint nnd blood at the
noso. Wo tried everything wo hoard
of without getting relief. Wo then
called In our family doctor who pro
scribed Foloy's Honey and Tar.
With the first dose they began to Im
prove and wo feel that It has saved
their lives. " Refuse substitutes.
Klosau Drug Co.
Pneumonia Is Robbed of Its Terrors ,
by Foloy's Honey nnd Tar. It stops
the racking cough nnd heals and
strengthens the lungs. If taken in
tlmo it will prevent an attack of
. . .J-
pneumonia. Refuse substitutes.
Klesau Drug Co.
A Chattanoogo Druggist's Statement.
Robt. J. Miller , proprietor of the i'
Road House drug store of Chattan '
ooga , Tcnn. , writes : "There is more
merit in Foloy's Honey and Tar than
in any other cough syrup. The calls
for it multiply wonderfully and wo
soil more of It than all other cough
syrups combined. Klesau Drug Co.
> W * tw * * * &
' , - mine , urizinni
. . / * ' ' \ , * < . , . , MOUNTAIN TC
IAS' i"i f" < - i.l" l j Madleon Meilt-
' " 'I ' ' ' ' " " ' . \VS. | U
"Vi * > ® ' ' ! , . , , - . . . . .
' , . /7/ / - - - well. Our tro.1i
> - -lltM"i'i'-/ % ' > cut : on cjcl1 imcknvi.
Prise , tj Cfiits. Nevtr
ii' b'llk. Ai'rcpt no substi'
< -n Aour
3 > s
Cheap One-Way Colonist and
Round-Trip Homeseekers' '
"One Way Colonist Rates. "
To points In Montana , Idaho , Wash
ington , Oregon , British Columbia and
Alberta territory. Tickets on sale
dally until April 30. Liberal stopovers -
overs allowed.
To points In Minnesota , North nnd
South Dakota , Manitoba , Western Ontario -
tario , Saskatchawan and Asslnlbola.
Tickets on snlo every Tuesday during
March and April.
To points In Tennessee , Mississip
pi nnd Louisiana. Tickets on sale the
1st and 3rd Tuesdays in March and
"Homeseekers1 Round Trip Rates. "
To points in Alabama , Georgia , Ken
tucky , Mississippi , Louisiana , North
and South Carolina , Tennessee and
Virginia. Tickets on sale 1st and
3rd Tuesdays In March and April , at
rate of ono fnro plus $2.00. Stop ,
overs allowed.
Further Information cheerfully giv
en at city ticket olllce , No. M02 Far-
nom street , Omaha , or write
W , H , BRILL , Dlst Pass , Agent ,