TlIM NOHKOIiK NKNNS : KK1DAY , AI'KII , If ) , 15)01 ) .HNUW IND BAILEY SENDS AD- VANCJ : MATTER THIS WAY. NEW D NTH DEFYIG FEATS. Looping the Gap , In Which n Man Flics on Bicycle , Inverted In Mid Air , Is Rut One Riding Down Stnlrs on Single Wheel Another. Advance matter for the HnrmtAi & Dalloy clicus , still Urn ' "greatest show on cm Hi , " lias IIPOU received by Tlio Ko\vs and this innv bo taken as Indl cat Inn tliat there will boBotnothlng do ing In tlio gateway to llio new north west before tlio autumn drives nwny the clown anil the fat livdy anil tlio lilnk lonionndp. Tills joar tlio circus Is snld to bo bolter tluin ever , with the marvelous "loop the gap" us an extraordinary fonluie to allrael the Amorlean public ot which I'ntmim once spoke Concet nlng tlio circus this season , 'tho New York World says- "If > ou can liueut a plan to fapp donth Hiioocssfiillv and dramatically twlco a day 1 will pav vou the salary of a bank picHldent" So snld Mr James Hniley , tlio gieat showman , as ho slooil In Madison Square Garden wutchliiB the whlillng ovolntions of his aimy ol athletes As he spoke ho pointed to a tall ladder slanting up ward at an angle of GO deBiees. On a imnow plalfoini at tlio top stood I wo swaitlo loielRiiois. Suddenly the inoio niiisculni of tlio two mounted a single wheel , lltted with pedals and a handle bar Tlio smaller man swung himself to a standing position on tlio othci's shotildeis A moment's pause and then down the ladder with the speed of an express - press ttain came the two men with a nimble and elattci , both bolt tipiight on tlio single wheel. Hero was an Hnstintion , showing more plainly pcihaps than anv thing else could 1 a\e done , the tendency of modem atnletlcs tow aid despoi.ito deeds A sweive of an inch to either side , a second's faltoilng in the hands that giipped tlio handle bais , a 1110 incut's blindness and death would have been ( meltable / Up ho goes as lightly as a bitd , and app.uontly as much at homo as a in the water. So tapidly that the ejo can hcaicely follow his movements ho makes two lound tumbles stiaight o\or. Then for a moment he seems to slialgbton out in u soil of piojectile As he passes the top of the pyramid ho ghes a soil of queer twist , which tin us him sideways and then doubles up into another tumble. Jiibt at the right moment he puts out his feet & < | iiaiolj in the pioper place and in a jiff } lie la standing on 5 > the sbouldeis ot his "catchei , " smiling - J [ ing at tlio tumult of applause "I nevei think of getting hint,1' he said in broken Iviigllsh : "It is pait of tlio things wo ha\o to look out foi Once I had my ami broKen , but that did not scaie mo a bit I am alwavs smo that 1 will find papa waiting foi me and I Know that ho will stop mo somehow "It tok me about a year to learn how to , hut now I can do the tiiplo in my stieet clothes. Oh , no , I'll never got hint " Another cxtiaordlnary method of tempting death Is that shown by An- clllottti , the man who "loops the gap" Ancillotti is an Italian , now perfoim- Ing foi the fii at time in this country The "gap" in tliib iiibtanco ib the top side of the oidlnary loop which has been cut out for a distance of tweho or fifteen feet. Across this aeiial bpaco the daiing cjpllst must fly. wheel up and head downward It would be hard to think of a oractical feat moio suggebtho of neck-breaking or foolhardiness lie starts from the top ot an In clined plane , and when he strikes the "loop" ho is traveling at a speed which almost bailies the cjo to follow. Thcie is no aitiflclal method of holdIng - Ing his equillbilum or sustaining his wheel in the air save the pontilfugal fotco which cairies him upward and onw ; u d As ho i caches the "gap , " by a nice calculation in mechanics ho is hung suspended tor a lightning's flash as ho ciosseb the vacant space , but his wheel strikes truly on the other side The feat isory neaily the culminat ing point of difficulty and danger , and must i cumin so lor many jeais , with out a doubt The "unicycle" feat of Solo and Chlco is another thrilling exhibition of Unman dating. It Is said that the man jet lives whom Hlondin , the gicat tight-iopo walker , can led over Niagaia Falls on his back , showing that oven foolishly daring men may llvo to a great age But "consider the culminating cli max of cool conrugo , " as .Mr. Hamil ton remarks Solo on the single wheel has at least something to cling to , but tlio man Chlco , standing on his shoulders as ho comes flying down the Inddur , has nothing to do but think of his sins and maintain his equilib rium. rium.When When all those things are consider ed It becomes hard to Imagine a direc tion in athletics whoio human daring can go further and escape death. iethodlst District Conference , a Norfolk district conference of the Methodist chuioh will ho hold at Stanton , tomouow. Chancellor II A Hni'htol of Denver unlvciKltj will lit pioKont to deliver the pilnetpnl ail dioss of the Hosslon and a largo nutn > her of p.istots of the dlatik'l as well aH lay delegates aie expected to bo In attendance. lr F M. Slsson , thu piosldlng older of the district , will attend fiom this oily , and Ilov .1 P , Pouchor , pastor of the local chinch , will lead it paper bofoio Iho mooting WEDNESDAY WRINKLES. .1 M llethwoll of Madison WIIH n Norfolk visitor .vostorday. 11 II Mohr of Pierce was In the slty on huslnosit jpstorday. I' J Wright transacted business 111 the city jostorday fiom Wayne Mrs A II. Kane of Serlbuor wan visit ing Norfolk friends yesterday. Mr and Mrs .1 K Hrovvn ofCrolglt- ton were Norfolk visitors yesterday Hcrboit Daniel Is In the city from Omaha meeting frlondn and acquain tances \V C Ahlmann has commenced ex cavating for litn nc.v residence on South Fourth shoot. Many durhH are flying , but the ac tivity of the hunters hno made them wild and haul to got Prank Lambert of Poster Is In town today lie owns properly here and at one time lived on Norfolk avenue This thing of keeping the weather cold to save the finlt by preventing budding and blossoming may be inn to the limit Some ot the tennis enthusiasts have opened the noai on at the com I corner of Noifolk avenue and I'jlevenlh sheet Pi opnations are about completed tor the Injlng of the cement walks about the government building site. The woik of grading and tilling Is neailng completion Dimension stuff for the new louii- diy at the comer of Madison avenue and Seventh stieet Is on the gioiind and the woik of electing the frame will be pushed foiv\aid NelnasKa's ii'tiiaikablo lesouicosin the weathci line has been shown din ing the past few da > s when fiom one spot in the stieets the dust has been blowing , while adjoining it is a spot ankle deep In mud The pi Ice of Noifolk piopoity has advanced cousideiably during the past few joais , but those who ic.iliro the value ol the cltj's location aie confident that it will advance to a much higher pi ice during the next veai or two The nursoiy men aio getting busy making dellvoiles of hoes and pro- pal Ing-otlicis for use when the sea son for tieo planting actually ai- ilves Many tiees weio planted In this section of country last > ear , and the piospects aio that an increased number will be placed in the giound this year. People in the city fiom Cieighton yesteiday leported that the fnimeis up in section of countij weroHtill having consideiable dilliculty in get ting to and Irom town on account of the high snow diifts in the load. The Not folk asylum will bo built of Twin City biick or equally as good The boaid of public lands and buildings at its meeting Monday al- temoon , decided not to alter the oiJg- inal specifications , the conti actors objecting to a change after the con- tiact had been entered Into Kopio- bentatives ot the Omaha Uilck com pany and the Twin City company weio piesent at the meeting and told gf the peculiar moiitb of their 10- bpoctivo biick The boaid also opened bids for the contiact foi con- bh tiding the cement stops and ap pioaehes at the comers of Capitol square and awarded the contract to Heimer & Filed of Lincoln , for $1- 91590 The work will begin as soon is it is warm enough to prevent the cement fiom free/ing while setting Alaska Not so Cold. The genetal conception is that the whole of Alaska is a bleak region of extreme cold in winter While this is hue of some sections in the inte rior. It is not the case with the coast region. In a letter recently received by Mrs W P Wliittomoto fiom her daughter , Mrs Taylor , who lives at Valdeit is stated that the coldests weather has boon but lltlo below rcro The town has all the modem improve ments , Including eloctt Ic lights and city watoi , and except for Its Isola tlon from the rest of the wet Id , would be a popular health resort. At a recent - cent banquet given to tlio bishop of the episcopal church on his return fiom a trip of 11,000 miles , (1800) ( ) being - ing by dog team ) on an inspection of missions , the Invitations and monn woio elegantly ptlntod on white sat in Nollgh Leader. Baby Daughter. Mr. and Mrs John H Smith Imvo we'comod n new daughter to their homo on Notth Ninth street The Illinois ? Horse Co can supply CO pedigreed dralt stallions ; ! ! 0 of thorn imported ; 5 hrcoJsPorchoron , French Draft. English Shlro. Belgian Civile ; f > colors black , , liny , roan , gray ; rich blood , extra nhlro breeders 2 to 5 years old Scmo will mal.o 2100 pound horses Uasy pay- moulij , The general raanacoi will be in Sioux City for 11 week 22 Ilnlton block. Permanent address , Dos Molnus , Iowa. Two forma of Wank leases at The Nowa ofllce. N. W. AYER & SON OF PHILADEL PHIA , PA. HOW THEY MADE IT A SUCCESS This Grant Business Concern Started In One Room With n Cnpltnl of $250 Has Since Trnnnactcd Busi ness to the Amount of $35,000,000. The linn of N W Ayer K Son. of this city , Iho largest adveiilslim agono.v In the 1'nltod ' States , cole bintod yoHtoidav the thlrtv llfth an- nlvortwry of a business whose HUP * COSH and growth can bo ini'iuuned on'y ' by the progtenH of ndvoiUsing itself in this country , says the Phila delphia Press StaitIng at a limn when I ho 1m- nionso rosouieos and power of modern nd vet lining woio unknown , N W Ayer and his son , P W. A > oi outer od the field with tlio idea of making It a business and conducting that busltipxs along Philadelphia methods. They started , father and sun , H a loom only twenty feet minute , on Sansom whoi-l , nonr Sovoniih , mmr Iho piosont ' 1'iosn" building , on April 1 , IMi'J Their capital was $2fio , and , as Mr F. W. Ayer , the present bend ol the firm , laughingly said jesli'idio. "Father was the head , I was the olllco hey , and wo woio equal paitnois" With this capital the Him proceed t"I to develop newspaper ndvei Using , and In the Hi si .voar did a business of $15,000 In the thiili'ono vents since they have furnished to the newsp.ipoiH of Iho United States a total of moio than $ : tr > ,000oiii > ol ad- vei Using Today they aie dealing with 18.000 publications and their payments to those nvoingc $10,11110 n day , oi , longhlj speaking , $ ! , i00 ! , Oiio a "Kept Everlastingly At It. " This onoimoUH business ontoipilsc was stinted with the settled convic tion that Philadelphia was tb > city In which It could bo made a success , and that. Philadelphia business meth ods would make It a sticct ss In the little loom on Sansom iHiool , lalhei and son adopted Iho now well known Philadelphia motto , "Keeping evoi lastingly at it In ings success" On/ / the walls of the two entiio Hoots of the Maiino & Meiclinnt building , at Thiid find Chestnut stieots , and the two Hoots of pi ess and work looms In the i car , that motto Is today on- giaved tor the 229 employees ol the hlg Hi m to i end in 1S7.I N W Avei passed to Ills test ami left the business and the name to his son , F W. Aver , who Hun took Into his paitnoishlp an em ployee named Oeorge O Wallace , who died In I8S7 Uefoio Wallace's death another omplojee , Henry N MoKinnoy , had been tnKon Into the linn in 1875 , and finally Albert G Uradfoid and Jaivis A Wood were made paitneis In 1S9S , they also hav ing come up tlnongh the business These last Unco paitners , togthcr with F W Ayer , conduct the business today In 1870 increasing tiado hiought the Him to the then new "Times" building , at eighth and Chestnut sheets , wlioio it icntod one floor This was befoio the "Tlmos" moved in Dining twenty-five jcais N. W Aver & Son giadually spiead until they occupied all the upper floors Then they moved to their present quaitois at Third and Chestnut , on the site , by the way , of the first ad vertising agency In America , which was established by Volnoy 15. Pal mer , in 1811. Story of a Success. Speaking of the Immense growth of adveitising , F W Ajor , the veteran member of the linn said jostorilny : "There was hnidly such a. thing as adv 01 Using until aftoi the civil war. Then Iho oounhy began to feel Its muscle and to stietch out Into new lines Wo have seen a gicat evolu tion In journalism. When wo started It was In the days of the weekly nowspapoi , which was a great power. There wore the Toledo 'Hlado , " the Atlanta 'Constitution , ' Colonel For- nev's 'Press' and the New York 'Trib uno * and 'Sun ' Hut now Increased postal faetillties have rendered tlio dall > papoi the vehicle of news in every pait of tlio country The farm er 150 miles from the city gets It the same day it is issued "Yes , this is the day of the dally , and moio and more Is the public de pending upon it for an occoiint of what it cannot personally see and hoar , and moio and moie the adver tiser Is depending upon it to toll the people that ho canirot moot poisonal ly of the goods ho has to soil. "Do I think advertising will In crease ? Yes. Wo began In the days when staples were not advertised , when business men thought it all right for makers of patent medicines to advertise because they were sup posed to bring a great deal of profit Hut for sugar , bread , biscuits and the like , on which profits were close , It waa thought there vas no margin for advcrlltlng Advertising Staples. "That wan the idea wo started ti disprove , and wo have by no moans oshaustel the list of etaplea that will bo csplc'toJ. Let mo to.l you coma- thine the imsianso advertising of Unceli blFciit wit ) done by Letting nsldo a fi action of a tumt on oarh ' VPS the old Idea that corlaln things will not stand advertising In passed Mon an- advertising toilnv who told us ( Uo .vcni'H n go that ad vonmlng would di thorn no gond Others who now snv the HIUUO thing will ( honiHi.'lvpH bo advertising In ( in other llv years "Why , " conclude ! Mr Avor. with a smllo , "thorov io mime who told us when wo ntartod that Ihh' Imsl news could mil ho run ftiircomiftillv from Philadelphia Think of tnnl " That this theory has long since boon exploded Is well vvltnossod bv the onornintm HIIOCOSH of N W Avoi A Hon , which has made ( ho mini" ol Philadelphia and a I'hlhtdelphln linn known fiom nn < < end of Iho I'nlled ' Htnten to the other Or L ( ' Hlelcli , X lltu and Tliiinn penile Luliaraton KolieitHon block , Norfolk , 'Nob 'Phono lllnoh L'fii ? YELLING VERY GOOD EXERCISE. James J. Corbctt onys Running and Shouting Are Two Deal Forma of Exorcise. "It iliM'ii not take mi ) m-Nete > \ < i else to Keep a man in good plivslcal condition , and thoiefoio In houllh , ' said .lnmos ,1 ( 'mix It ( o Ciltlc In Hie Phlhiih Iqhht Toll gram " \\hcii I am not training for a boxing coud si I ul wa > s nmiiago In hold mshnpe h\ sovpinl molhods which could nol lie culled IralnltiK , as boxois nnderntiiiul the term Ho as much In the < > | H n nlr as vou can Don't von icnietiiliii when vou WOIP n boy , how orn/v von iilvvnjs woio to gel out doois ? Nalttto lauglil you Hint- gave jou Hint doshe And If von follow natuto's pt iiiplluKs , \on will not go astta ) When . \on got out of Iho house what did vou do' ' You ran about IIKi > a HI I IP savage which jon woie , and savages do nol have tick at the drug stoio. You also voili'd Thal'H the liesl exeiclsu. " " ' ' " "Whaf Yelling' "Hiinnlng and .veiling , " continued Cot bell "Itiinnillg ( le\ eloped ( he big muscles and yelling opened the lungs I'oi HIP icceptlon of the puto air Unit meant life to thorn " "You'd look nice dashing down Hioadwav and giving \onl to war whoops , " I vcntuicd. C'oihctl lauglicd "Yes. wouldn't I * I wouldn't got verv fai liofoie a policpinan would tag me Hut you can got the same losiills' oven on Inoadway. of the inn and yell game without any one being the vvlsoi -policeman or civilian. " "How' " "I'll loll you Walk all you can , and while walking lake long bioalhs TIioio Is nothing like a long walk with a congenial companion , who likes walking too and plenty of gab during the hip Talk away It's good sitli- slltulo for the yelling , besides being moio dignified "If you must Uiho vom walk alone , keep leclling something In a lone low enough not to be hoard by n passerby , and In I he noises of I he city you may make II pielty loud without being nol Iced Singing In the same modi Hod key Is even better than the loci tntlon Whistling may bo vulgar , but It will add to join client inonsuieinoiit ' If I am piosHod lei u time or have a long tide In the siibinbs I have a scheme of lung calostlipiilcs that de- IU H detection I got In an open car I hold my hi oath and count the tele- giaph poles at ) we pass them , seeing how many go by befoie I have to open m > lungs again It is something of a contest , and thus engages the mind The mind should always bo oc cupied when taking oxoiclso ol any kind. " "Does holding tlio biealh help the lungs' ' " "Not In itself. Hut holding thorn gives an Incicased desire to fill up with the nlr of which they have been depth od You will Hud that after holding the In oath as long as jou can jou will have to take long and deep In oaths to replace the empty spaces It's deep breathing that does jou good "You can pi notice tlio same thing without the aid of a holly cm Take out join watch and see how long vou can hold your bieatli A inlnnto Is a long time , unless you are used to tlio game Johnson , tlio piofeslonal cham pion swlnunor , could slay undo : water four and a hall minutes There was nothing the matter with his lungs. " "You attach gicat importance to the lungs' " "You can't attach too much The lungs are tlio things that glvo you all power If jonr lungs are not sound , you may have the muscular development mont of a Sandow and you won't bo worth a cent for any exertion. " THE INGATHERING. Churches Received Many New Mem bers Yesterday. The four churches that paitlclpatod in the union evangelistic services which closed hero last Sunday under the leadership of Uev M. H Lyonof Chicago , held largo and Interesting ingathering meetings yesterday morn ing and evening Many now mom- hors were welcomed into the several denominations and the meetings were full of religious Interest. Baptismal services were included In the day's meetings. Will Meet Early. Members of the Commercial Trav elers of America will moot Saturday afternoon at 1 o'clock at the Pacific hotel. YOU MUST NOT FORGET Thnl uc urn cotisliiiil ly rouin in Ilic art of making I1 HIP IMmlos , , unl uiir ' ' uill al- \\ll\S _ ( fdllllll Id ( MllllllHV I III' 3VJL"c > fi-j-t mill Niwt'Hl . ( 'unhand Finish We ahn tMirry u line line of Moldings , smlal l I'm all kinds of f ruining. . ivc. ! ( Ril . .lOUi Conscrvnlivc M Tlt.oroircjli iiiSpiucu ( | { . CoiniTUKlioiis Rooms , Superior Instruction. | I Fxidl Business Courses. t U will pay you lo < illcn < l U\is School. No vn- | t cations. Enter diiy lime. * AtllllOSH , i C. II. BRAKE , Norfolk. INel ) . t PRICCS IN NOIU'OLK ADVANCED TOM THIS YCAR. FOUNTAIN FOLK GET TOGETHEM. Instead of n Plvu-Cent [ lit of Nickel It Will be n Sllvor Cliclo Worth a Dime That Noifolk Drlnkois of the Ucvoiiiye Put Up. When von wan ! lo ill Ink Ice cioam soda In Not folk Ibis vein , you will have lo pnj Iwlcc IIH much lei It as von ovei have hofoio AH Iho losnlt of a comblnallon thai Is ropniloil to have been foi tin d among the soda fountain people , the ptlce will advance foi the season IKo cools to a dlmo poi glass Norfolk ban for years been Iho lowosl pi iced Ice ciciun soda ( own In the country While the pi Ice has boon set al ton cents everywhere olno , the druggists have Hllll maintained tholi gtado foi a nickel and 11 will woik something of u luudshlp upon UIOHO who have foi mod the habit Poihnps the druggists have boon getting you Into the habit at a bargain oonntoi i ate JIIH ! ( n keep yon going at Iho logulnr fa 10. Hut still there Is no lo.ison foi ( oniphilnt vvhon you icall/o that you'd have to put up a Hllvoi cli- clo lor a glass of the bovoiago If you went lo Pails 01 Chknno 01 Slanlon or Ualtli' Cii'dc or Tali fax lot Iho Heat So jon'll likely pay and wiy iiotliing GUN TEARS OFF BOTH HIS HANDS Alnsworth lad Puts Hands Over Bar rel and Load Shoots Into Them Disastrously. AliiHwoith , Nob. Apill la-Special to The N < VVH Shot man I'ddy , the lri year old son of ( ' I , I-Mdy , was out wilh ii shotgun > osloiday and as ho was Hied walking , hn sat doun and placed both bands ever the inn//loof the gun The gun was dlschaigcd and Die cbaigo wont through both bands Ho was brought Into the of fice of Or .Miiiphy and the left hand was amputated at the wrist The doctor thinks lie can save part of the light hand. HUMPHREY MURDER CONCLUSION Mother Recognizes Son But Will Not Give Her Name. Lincoln , Apiil 12. It Is probable that the name of the young man found muidorcd at Humphrey will never bo known. Ho has boon rocognUod , however , by his mother , who refused to glvo ho : name She arrived and ' lool.od at the face , declining that ho was her block sheep Then she went away , allowing the bed } to go to the medical department at the state uni vorslty SPECIALIST { DEPUTATION , Years of Special Practice Affording Excellent Opportunities. FACTS WORTH MENTIONING By Dr. Caldwell. Several years ago while In private practice , I thought It wrong to advor tlso , simply because I had been told so and had not had experience enough to know bettor After a while I dis co vorod a valuable plon of treatment in certain cases , and fortunately ob tained a laigo number of patients , I enough to fully tebt my plan and provo its success. I thereupon pro- I pa : ed a lengthy paper upon the sub ject and rend it before the state med ical society. What was the result ? A half a do/on members took the floor to say what the treatment had boon for a hundred years hack , and to claim that the old treatment , though unsuccessful , should bo con tinued , notwithstanding that the now treatment had boon successful. I thought dlffoiontly and continued to use the now method , and made re- inarKablo cures of cases that hqd , ' In i n PKHIIIIIIII > ' < ! Inciimliln My him- IIH in Im leaned tapldly an each poi son thai I ( ined ( old iiiiino frlond , who canto In turn and wan ciiiod l'a < h patient advcillHod inn n little. Whal then ? In Hint huge city Ihoro wen > no ) nioie limn lee ciiHnH of ( ho kind I ctiicd < > voi > caH ( < Unit caino lo mo and I lien had nothing to do exeepl Urn oidlnaiy bnnlneaii of a local physician I Know thoio woio hundiodri and Ihotmiindu of othoiii olnevvhoio , who might bo curnd 1C they only know , and I tidvoillsod ( 'mod ImndicdH of otliois and I have adveitlxod over nlnco I have 10- llnvod moio nuffeilng , curnd moio p.i- tlonlti , made mine pcoplo happy , and done moio good genoiiilly hocniifio I have told the people what I can do , and I shall go on with the good woik as long an my sliength will permit 1 advoilbio hccaimo I Imvo HOIIIO- thlng woith advoitlidng I have niailo niiself competent l > v yoani of spec ial Hlndy and ( \ | > oiioiio , and by the oxpcndlliiie of Inij'o Hums of inonoy. Itj advoi Using I place befoio Iho people ple the InctM which enable thoiii to Vitow what I can do I thoioby roach thousands , who , t'lvon up by local phyidcliuiH or tinsuccensfnly tioated , glvo themsr > V ( > s up as Incurahlo I euro thorn and thereby enlarge my Hold of usefulness My no olhor way limn advutlHlng could those people have known lhat they could ho cured Hvoiy thrifty and piosporoim IIIIH- ! ni'Hs In life , save tlioso of law and inodlclno , advoitlse liooly. Luwyorn do not , foi they only use In business what otheiii have made for them yoais before They only do what has boon written "Itegiil.u" doctoio do not adveillso fm the same loason They Imvo nothing now , nothing which someone osn ! has not written or told them of , they get their know ledge fiom the books A man may load inodlclno until ho Is blind and tin n know nothing of It To bo auo- tesHtul ho must apply his own mind. Make his own i ( 'searches , and to do that ho must have mom and oppor tunity Ho must have cases , hun- dieds ol them , and compare results. If ho does not do this ho Is a urn- ehliio without novelty , skl'l ' or In genuity , still plowing with a wooden plow , still I : moling on foot or horso- bnck , and Ignoring the advantages of steam , living but not learning. The HIUIIO Is true of a lady doctor. liclow vou will find published the names and addresses of some of the recent cuies that I have made These people's allllctlons were , under the oi dliinry physician's care , considered hopeless , and no piospects for a ctiioMis Mis Kato Schall of Albion , Neb , cured of catarrh of head and stomach. Mrs William Xtiorg of Hluo Vale , Neb , cured of nervous heart and female disease. Mrs J. C Connolley of Akron , Neb cured of cancer of long stand- Ing Mrs. Augusta Soydon of Ponder , Neb , ciiiod of nervous liver and stomach disease. Mrs. nila Scochman of Wayne , Neb , cured of rheumatism , female disease and skin diseaso. John Harper of Columbus , Neb , cured of heart disease , stomach and lh < r disease Kmma Stalke of darks , Neb , cured of Hkln disease , heart trouble and dropsy Digests u/hat you eat. This preparation tout i n- . all of the dlgcstaiits anil diesis ail kinds ol food. Jtplu'sintint relief and never falls to It allows jou to catall the food jou want. Tuom istsensltlve stomachs ( . .in ul.o It , U.t . > u-u many'tlof ( h iUU-s lire bceu cured nl'i r vcrylilntT ol i fulled. I ? uncqu.iiii n fur 'tho sto : iaoi I'hUd * rcn with wc.i't t > touia < 'li tlirlvc on 15. Cures zll s 3.j20 : tro l > rooi.l m v \f-1- \ P III \ . in & < n . t'o 11. tx 1 i W i n T in f Sold by all druggists. The most reliable preparation for Kidney troubles on the market is J-'ol- qy's1 Kidney Ciirc. ' ' " 'i ' 'iKlesau ' Brtig Col' in ' I"i i'-'l-