The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, April 15, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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    TIIK NOlU-miv - N'KWS KHIDA Y. AI'HI I , l.V
Now That April , With Its Fragrant
Showers , Has Come Around , the
Atmosphere Has an Air of House-
The green lap of springtime cor-
tnlnly unsxvorH "prcsont" to the roll
call these mornings mid It hasn't been
tardy either. The bluff of the wen-
thor nmn not so very long ago , sug
gesting that the verdant green of the
sunny season had arrived to stay ,
was called by the la/.y lion of March
who kicked up so much of u rumpus
nhout a xvcok ago.
Hut the lion Is a dead ono for fair
I % - HUH umo nas taucn to llio limber-
Inntl of the north for the months of
torrid heat and will not , ho avowed ,
bo back again to interfere with the
j vegetable gardener's plans.
{ And with the warming air comes an
' . nil' , also , of the house-denning time
and of planting and papering and
painting and all that sort of thing.
Merchants report that the business
which they lacked during the blizzard
lias bunched in upon them BO heavily
during the past two days that they
can't take care of it all.
The roads , which told angry lulos
of the snow a day or two ago , have
boon completely hushed and are dryIng -
Ing up like the good roads that they
are. And now for the showers of
April , with their sweet liquor as
Chaucer would say ; now for the base
ball diamond and the river's favorite
nooks for ( tailing. The ground hog's
reign Is oxer and the summer time
< draws near.
Road Running to the Cemetarles is In
Very Bad Shape.
Battle- Creek , Neb. , April 11. Spe
cial to The News : .1. M. Glltncr
shipped two carloads of fat cattle and
Carl Wondt two carloads of hogs to
Omaha Monday.
Col. T. D. Proecc went to Warner-
vlllo Wednesday to cry a sale for C.
H. Clayton.
Boas Mink was down from Tilden
Monday , visiting friends.
I. C. Wostorvolt of Norfolk trans-
j acted business hero Monday.
j W. A. Sutherland , xvho was doxvn
with appendicitis , is better.
Rev. .1. Hoffmann wont to Norfolk
Tuesday to attend the central con
ference of German Lutheran ministers
of north Nebraska.
Herman Hogrofo has been on the
sick list this week and has been con
fined to his room ,
The Lutherans held their quarterly
i * . * business meeting Sunday afternoon.
H v. As usual Hov. J. Hoffmann presided
and Prof. Uoorlng acted as secretary ,
1 our new members were admitted and
'signed the constitution : .lohn Po-
1 . doker , John Wai like , Henry Massman ,
jr. , Charles Pracuner , jr.
Charles T. Hainan is repairing his
store building and is laying a. new
Jloor also.
The font ! from town running south
to the cometarlcs Is in very bud
< * shape. Tuesday about a do/.on men
and teams started to work ou it 1111-
ing up the holes with brush and cov
ering them with old bag * . This had
to bo done on account of the funeral
of Warner Hale , ns it meant going
around three miles. The county road
elevator will bo on this road as soon
as it dries up.
Mrs. Ulrlch , sr. , and Wni 'uirlch ,
jr. , were visiting her < > 'from Tilden
Henry MasMiiun returned , ) l > ( ] .ly
from an Clouded visit UMJts only
daughter L'utkopskiJf xitcAot , Minn.
persons Banting blank leases will
find them at The Mows ofllco.
Director Loveland of Lincoln Issues
the Preliminary RejWit for
the State.
G. A. Lo\ eland , section diwtor of
the government climate and crop ser
vice of the xveuthoi bureau , has Is
sued his initial ci'fift report , in which
lie lakes occpiilon to review the
and fU'iicral conditions of the
fall and xvi 'f' ' > r months Just passed.
The lifter months are found to
have bN'ii exceedingly dry , xvlth loss
than < 1io average precipitation. Cou-
shUl-ablo winter xvhoat xvas soxvn in
Western countVes during the first half
of November , but the plant at. the
oiul of ttiu month was small nnd ap j
prtrenHy lohs viuoroiw than Is usual
Much of the wontlror of Docombf'r.
January and February was fax'oroble
fov , the development of winter wh'eat. I
March \vaft 'warm nnd dry anft on
the \vholc the weather was ni ffe fa
vorable for advancing spring ( fork on
the farm ihan Is usually UIP case in
March The soil was left raihor dry ,
especially In the xvostern counties.
Considerable spring wheel was sown
bcrforo April 1 and oat soxving xvns
general In the central nnd southern
portions of the state. Winter xvlieat
started nicely and was la good condi
tion In the eastern section , bnt loss
promising In western and central sec
tions. In the western portion of the
slate the crop XWIH considerably dam
aged by the continued dry xvoather ,
lasting there from November to April
Regarding ( ho opening of this
ninnUi , Mr. Loveland SII.VH :
"The llrst ten days of April xvoro
cold , xvlth much high wind and a do-
llclency In precldtatlon. | The doll-
olonoy In temperature averaged about
four degrees a day In the eastern
counties and but about txvo degrees
In xvoHtorn. The precipitation varied
from less than one-tenth of an Inch
In the western counties to a little
more than ono Inch In the eastern
counties. Substantial progress xxas
made In mnvlng spring xvhoat nnd
oats. In xvestern counties xvhero the
winter xvhoat Is damaged the acreage
of spring xvlieat promises to bo larger
than usual , although the soil Is yet
rather dry for seeding. The reports
at present Indicate that the acreage
sown to outs xvlll bo largo. Winter
wheat ban grown xvell in eastern conn
lies. "
Just Now the Plasterers are Starting
to Lay Cakes of Hard Material
Upon the Walls and the Metal
Workers ar.o Finishing Up.
Superintendent G. K. Williams of
the government building la planning
to have the noxv postolllce and court
house structure all ready for Post
master Hays and tils force of depu
ties and clerks by the middle of .June ,
xvhlch Is Hie time alloxved by HIP con
tract with the United States govern
.lust at present the plastering Is
going on In the now building , and the
metal \vorkers are Mulshing up xvlth
their jobs. The plasterers begin at
( ho top in order that the fresh new
material will not drop below npoil
the clean drying xvnlls.
Within two xvccks It Is planned to
have the xvoodxx-ork going Inside the
building. It xvlll bo quite Impossible
to finish the building before the tlmo
alloxved by the contract , because of
the numerous delays in material
xx'hleh have hold the company up all
of the year.
Mrs. Hayes Improves.
Mrs. S W. Hayes passed a very
comfortable night and scorned sonic *
xvhat improved In condition ) this
Mrs , I. Powers Very III.
Mrs. Isaac Poxvers has been very
seriously 111 from gall stones and
plans wore made last night to take
her to Onuilia at noon today for an
operation In a hospital , If she xvoro
able to stand the trip. Her daugh
ter , Mrs. H. L. Whitney , 1ms been
hero from Omaha and accompanies
her on the trip.
With a Grer.'c Big grass Band to Make
the. Air- Merry With Inspiring Music ,
and Col. F. M. Woods to Cry the
Sale , There'll be Something Doing ,
If tills weather continues for an
other xveek , the Arbor day of this
beason xvlll be the biggest holiday that
Norfolk has seen on many a txvolve-
month It xvill also be one of the
b'gobt , busiest business days that
the people of the toxvn have run
A. J. Din-land bus already rooolved
dozens of applications from htinlcors
all over north Nebraska \vho havy
been reading about bis approaching
public Hale of acres and lots in Nor
folk. It xvlll bo a Rieat occasion in
many xvays. 1'ropeity amounting to
more than $5QuOO xvlll change linnds
and some of it , no doubt , at enormous-
ly loxv figures.
All of Vno capital of the great state
of NVnvanUa will ho keeping an eye-
thlxay. . People from as far onst.
a ( = Des Molnos are making many In
quiries and there will bo crowds. A
< jrcut big band has been engaged for
the event and xxlll make worry music
all the day long. At nlxht there xvlll
be given a grand ball Mid concert In
Marquardl hall. The band is mudo
up of thirty pieces and the music for
d.incers xvlll be no doubt Inspiring.
The players are coming from Port
Nlobrara , Neb
Col. F. M. Wood , the famous live
stock auctioneer , xviil bo on hand to
greet his old friends and to sell the
various lota. Most of the residence
property Is on The Heights , a very
choice portion of the city when U
comes to dxvolllng , and there will bo
good demand in all probability.
Mr. xvlll leave the city for
OinahU and this la the reason fortlio
Danncr Jurisdiction Now Aspires to
Lead the New England States Un
der the Old Massachusetts Juris
diction Lunch and Smoker.
Members' of Norfolk ledge N. 07 ,
A. O. U. W. , enjoyed a particularly
agreeable meeting on their regular
night at Odd Folloxvs hall hint even
ing , xvhoti Grand Master Workman
.lacob .liiHhalok of Omaha mot xsllh
them and gave them a talk under the
head of the good of the order.
The attendance xvan fair and all
who xvoro present xxoro glad that they
had devoted the Umo to the
as they xvoro amply repaid. After ( bo
liu.MlnoHH of tbo meeting had boon
concluded xvllh the grand master In
I In * chair , the ledge xvan unanimous
in desiring a talk from the of
tlct-r of the order In the stale. ll ( >
responded generously and after ho
ceased tipoaklng ( hero was not a UIIOH
tlon In llio minds of any of I hose
proHont IIH to IHIW it happened I hut
ho xxas instrumental as I ho chief of
ficer of the state In canning the Ju
risdiction to forgo ahead until In
point of momborHhip it excelled every
other jurisdiction of the order In the
xvorld. Ho evidenced an enthusiasm
for the xvorli that xvas contagious , and
as a speaker to make the motnborn
of the order feel good and anxious to
do something In the cause ho WIIH
certainly an adept.
He spoke xvlth cotmldorabln feel
ing of biH first visit to Norfolk ledge
xvhlch xvas the lli'nt ledge ho vtallod
after receiving his honors anil gave
tbo members some credit for starting
him right , then reviewed the uchlovo-
montH of the jurisdiction since ho
took ( ho chair detailing the fact that
in throe xvlntors Nebraska had passed
everything on the road and xvas go
ing butno tnoro , First the honors
\\oro taken Horn Noxv York , then Mas
sachusetts xvas passed , and now Ne
braska Is at the head of them all ,
huxnj , passed Kansas In point of
membership. Ills ambition and that
of the members in noxv to exceed the
membership of the old Massachu
setts jurisdiction xvbon It Included the
entire Noxv England states , xvlth a
membership of 10,000 and ho is con-
fldent of achieving llio result.
After the remarks of the grand
master the local committee spread
an elegant lunch of good things and
a smoker folloxvod that extended lute
Into the night.
, T . „ _ , * *
The recent ntorm xvas bad enough ,
but It was Innocent as compared xvlth
the blizzard that came along about
the last of April last 'year , and rid
dled the trees , xvhlch had already
blobsomed. That xvas about the
xvorst storm that has struck Nebras
ka xvlthln the memory of the oldest
Inhabitants. The utorin of a few
days ago made things unpleasant , and
canned much profanity , but It really
didn't do much damage , if xve are to
believe the Oldest Inhabitant. Wo can
only ask Mr. Loveland to biaoo up
and send no more such uncalled for
tempests. Walt Mason.
. *
Hearst's reoor < \ iiv coiigroKB has
boon pnioral\y \ gone ever , xvlth results
which OVo rl > mit MR wniilil lio. exnoctod
I roll' , r uch a preposterous candidate
.or the presidency. Congress has now
been in contin.uo'is session six
months , but It appears that Hearst
ban delivered no speeches or re-
remaiks , has raftdc not n single point
of order or motion and presented no
petitions. lo has introduced one
resolution tmd llvo bills and Is. record
ed in jus.'i ' six yda and nay "votes , of
xvhlch Ihreu were taken nil ono. < lay.
The Xvholo number of. roll 'en I is since
November ! ) is 2fi , nnd Hearst Is
ordeil as not voting oix nineteen of
thorn.- Lincoln Star
Though the Korean woman has not
even a name of lior oxvn , and In youth
IB dimply called "tho daughter of So-
nnd-so , " and after marriage "tho
xvlfo of So'fciid so , " and if Bho has
Boiis "the mother of So-and-so , " still
she has one "xvoman's right"
xvhk'h Hho xvoi/ion of the rest of the
\vorl4 might bo glad to get , even In
eN'rhango for a multiplicity of names.
For the xvjincn of Korea has a safe
grip of ' , ior man. Ho may not bo
much of : i man , but such as ho Is she
has him for her oxvn. In the toxvns
of Korea no men are allowed on the
streets nftor 8 o'clock at night.S'lion
that lionr strikes every male must bo
xvltbln doors. Omaha News.
la the local columns of this paper
a prominent Oolumbus business man
oft'oru one hundred dollais roxxard
for Intor.Yiation xvhlch xvlll place
him xvltbin shooting distance of the
liars xvho have been tolling wicked
stories about him. I hope r oniohudy
xvlll win that reward. The-n is too
much month-scandal In this toxvn. If
onu should bollovo one-tenth of the
orandal talked about the loose-
mouthed liars In Columbus , then ho
xvunld bo forced to bollovo that nine
out of ton men and women In the
city xvoro practicing "progrossh'o
polygamy , " and that virtue xvas a
tranter to iho a\eniM'
\ hair trUgor mouth IH a
weapon fur an.x man to curry. I lore
iiifiiro that weapon linn boon malting
Irnublo fur other people. Now ( hero
IH pi-onilHc that It xvlll make trouble
for Iho man xvhn carries It. AH a
rule women are rewarded IIH Iho most
accomplished purvoyorn of Hcundul
That rule does not hold good In Co-
Illinium In thin town Iho IIIIHIIICHH
IH gonotally In charge of a bunch of
tniilo helm. 1 liopo Mob Suloy xvlll
cutcli a whole Hock of Iho cacklers
In the ( rap xvhlcli ho IIIIH HP ! for
for ( hem. I believe ColuinhuH hi IIH
moral an any other oily of like id/.o
In the union Immorality In hero , of
course , but Iho larger par ! of It payn
license money to llio school board
and the other purl O\HH | ! only In Iho
dlHoaiiod Imuglnulloim of the mule
IIOIIH - Udgnr lloxvurd In Colunihnn
A Copy of the Dispatches Sent Out
That Night In the Newspapers , la
In Possession of Frank Lamb of
Norfolk The Thrill of That Day.
U wan jimt Ihlrty-nlno yearn ngo
ludny that President Abraham Lin
coin WIIH iiHHUHsinaled. The exenl ,
stirring the counlry an it did , hi Htill
I'roHh in the inlnil.s of HIOHO persons
who lived at Hint tlmo among whom
there are a great man ) In Norfolk
The Mash xvhlch went out over Iho
telegraph xvlroH that night Hont a
thrill through the whole nation It
will never bo forgot on. The report
sent out by Secretary of War Htun
ton regarding Iho affair xvan publish
ed next morning ll IH contained In
the Noxv York lloarld of April 15 , a
copy of xvhlch Is In POHM < HHOII | of
Frank Lamb of this city. The report
roads :
War nopurtmont ,
Washington , April 15 1:110 : a. m.
Major ( lonoral nix , Noxv York :
This evening at about ) : ! ! p. m. ,
at Ford'H theatre , tbo president ,
sitting In bin prlvato box xvlth MI-H.
Lincoln , Mrs. HarrlH nnd Major Hath-
burn , xvas shot by an nHsassln , xvho
suddenly entered the box and approached
preached behind the president.
The assassin then leaped upon the j
Ctlage , brandishing a large dagger or
knife , and made his oncapo In the
roar of the theatio.
The pistol ball entered the back of
the president's neck and penetrateI
nearly through the head. The xvonml
is mortal.
The president has been insensible
ever since It xvas inflicted , an. ! is
now dying.
About the sumo hour an assassin ,
xvbclhor the same or not , entered Mr.
StiwiU'il'm apartments , and under pretense
tense of having a prescription xvan
shoxxn to the secretary's nick cham
ber. The assasaln Immediately rush
ed to the bed and Inflicted txvo or
three stabs on tbo throat nnd txvo. on
the face.
The n til so alarmed Mr. Krodoric't '
Seward , xvho xvau In an adjoining
r.oom , and lif hastened to the door
of bit * falhnr's room , when ho met
the asKa iiln , xvho Indicted upon him
one ur more dangerous wounds. The
recovery ot Frederick RtnvaCil is re
garded , an doubtful.
It. Is probable tlmi. the piosldont
will llvo through the night.
General Grant and xvlfo xvoro ad
vertised to bti ut the theatre this
evening , W ho started to U.irllng
ton at sl > : o'clock this evening.
At a cabinet mooting , ut xvhlch
0fterul Giant xvns present , the nub
jt'ct of the state of the country and
the -pumped of a speedy peace was
discussed. The president xvas voiy
cheerful and hopeful , and spoke very
kindly of General Leo ami others of
the confederacy , and of the establish
of government In Virginia.
All the members of the cabinet ex
cept Mr. Sexvard are noxv in attendance
anco upon the president.
I have seen Mr. Sexxard , but he and
Frederick are both nncoiiHclouH.
Kdxvln M. Stanton ,
Secretary of War.
Nellie E. Howe Dead.
Miss Nolllo 13. Howe , daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Hoxvo of the Queen
City hotel , passed away at the family
homo In this city yesterday after
noon at 1:15 : of dropsy , resulting from
Uright's disease , aged txventy-slx
The funeral xvlll bo hold tomorroxv
afternoon at 2 o'clock from the M. K
church , Hex1. .1. K. Pouchcr ofllciating ,
and Interment xvlll bo In Prospect Hill
Miss IToxvo passed quietly axvay after
tor an Illness of eleven xvcoks , v > ith
the entire family present with the
exception ot the oldest brother , it. ! ; .
Hoxvo xvlio arrived last evening from
Randolph to attend the funeral.
An Atchlson xvoinan went to the
Fifth xvard polls yesterday to vote ,
and xvas nskod to vote for Dr. Shocks
for member of the board of educa
tion. "I xvon't do H , " she said Indig
nantly. "I'vo never been Introduced
to him. "
M IV-ru-iui ( Mhcr Prominent ;
f %
w > . " fjp'V ' j.
W $ !
, mm $
; . : iv'WWiiSSi '
' iJt-.Cv . ' , , < < ' ' 'T ; , $ * * :
II on. .lull n .1. I'll | | > i nun , V.I' ' nil < 11 HI u I' > S < ii 11 or Tnni i s. ,11 Ui ( 'in i ill n u , 111 a
lotlor fioin ; ; ; -s riio.iunl hin > I , Phil i < l < > | , l'i. , XM li < :
'As quite . ' / number of nty trie mis lm\c nnd are i/slntf Pcrtttin tin
n cninrrh euro \ \ itli beneficial results , I [ eel Hint I can safely rcconi'
ntciul It to tlio c suffering from that disorder.Patterson. .
! ivicnoisoil Ot 1IIC U. K.
lore SOIIUTX llle Nli'lKiNon , of
the fnllcil Slul' n N ix \ In a IHIrr from
JS.S7 K KtriM-i , Norlhxx * l , U iiHlilnglmi ,
11. ( ! . , Bivyni
"Your t'cruita him I"-1 ! ! and IH nnxv
HHod by KO niiiny of my frli'iirtn anil
jiciialiiliin ( | < ' ( M ns it Hiiro cuic for cnlarrh
thnl I am convinced of It * < > iiriitlv
< | iiulltli'H n ml I unli4iMllngly | ri < i-oiii-
ini'iid II to nil pi'tHoiirt NiilTcrlng from
Unit compliilnl. " S. Nehnlnon | ,
u. ii. Minister to Cuatcmnia.
! > ! . W. ( loilfi < \ Hunt. . r.l'.S. Minister
In ilimtomtiln , : I.MI | e\-iiii'mlicr nt ( 'un-
r -i limn K < < \ , iti a Iciior fioin
\ \ ir iiin loii , I ) . C. , x1 1 1 II-M :
Sweet Prur\c PKim.
September 1 , UlOIt , tbleo bil.shol-iut
plniiiH weie iiic-lvoil ( com ono live year-
old tree In 1C I ) Hiiinniond'H orchaid
of Sxveet I'nino plums. The trnos
commnrirod In bear txvo years after
planting and bearing every year. It
Is the only Prune piiim that has been
a HiicooBH xvlth mo , and I have tiiod
many kinds , ft stood tno dry years
181K ! and 1801 , and the hard xvlntcr
of 18'JU and bore fruit the folloxvlng
season. It is grand success for north-
xvfBlorn Nebraska. It is a dark purple -
plo in color , largo pi/o , Hkln can \\f \ ,
easily removed and car bo pitted
l. . < o a free stone poach , 'They are
excellent for canning or preserves
and are so f , M-ot that they require
very Htllp sugar. I sold this | > lum
fit $2 50 l < > $3.00 u bushel Iho past sea
son , when other varieties of sour
IMiilnH xvero selling Irom 7fi conlu to
$1.00 a bushel. It has lakon first pro-
minins at sex-oral fairs , a premium at
the Lincoln stuto fair and limbs and
branches loaded with plums Milppod
to the Pan-American exposition at
Buffalo , New York , xvoro shown In
the Nebraska Irnlt exhibit mat teen
one of the gold medals , I also received
an honorable mention diploma on this
plum from the Pan-American expo
sition. Wo believe this plum lias
more good qualities and Is the bust
plum In exlsteuco for this xvholo
northxvestern country. If you plant
some of these trees you xvlll ho xvoll
puld.We have a choice , fine lot of five to
six foot trees to sell for the spring
of 1'Jul. Those trees were grown from
grafts cut off these bearing tiecs that
bore those nlums , and they will bear
" I nin fully HiilNlli'd thai your I'orniKV
IH an I'llli'iii'luiiH ivinody for cninrrh , iw C
nnd many < > f my frlendx have buaii
lioiiHIIciI by HH iis.1 W. Cl. lluutor ,
M. I ) .
Well knoxvti nirnuf dignity and promi
nence In ihn I Mi I tin I NtutnH ondnrHO and
recommend I'onuia foruutnrrb.
If you do not dci I vii prompt and Hatl -
faelory romillH from the UMO of Peruna ,
xx rile atnnco to l > r. llarlinaii , glxlng a
full HlutcmciiLof ymir I'liHc , and bo will
IIP pleased to give you Ills vnltiablu oil *
vii'n grnllH.
Tr. Iliirtiuuil , I'roMdont ot
Tlio Ilartnian Hanltarliiin , ( Jolninliurt ,
fruit ' at two or Ihreu years old it
planted and air : uro lo bo genuine.
II I .Mill VN.IIll HOIlie ( ll IhfHI ! tl'OOft ROIld
\uiir ' order earlv anil get tlio best
plums ] In existence Tiees live to ol.x
lei i I , $1. 5 onfh ; Jiu.oo per doston.
Delivered free at pricco quoted to
any j railioad town. Early Ohio six
weeks < , Early Tryumph oecd potatoes
also , Hammondo wonderful netted potato
tate , medium late. For all kinds of
nursery stock call at Norfolk nuraery
or address
Elm an.d Ash.
Trees are tbo hardiest , longest
lived trees , and are the boct ahado
trees for llio-Btreel or park. A flno
lot of 10 to JU foot trees for sale.
Asparagus Is so oa.sily groxvn anil
such u large quantity Is produced on
a small amount ol ground Hint every
garden should contain a bed. A bed
t < ; ii foot square requiring 50 plants
xvill give an abundant supply for any
ordinary family. April and May la
HID bent tlmo to plant. Wo have the
largest and best flavored variety.
Delicious Strawberries.
Most everybody liken straxvberriOB
and they are the most easily grown
of any kind of fruit us xvoll as the
most hculUilul and delicious , and they
bear a full crop of fruit the next year
after planting. From : ! 00 to 500
plants make a good sized bed planted
ono foot by throe foot. Wo have the
biggest self furtllix.ini ; kinds.
Norfolk , Nebraska
Constantly for opportunity to bettor his condi
tion n tlu > man who will some day succeed.
If this man will apply to the
Chicago , & SI. Paui Ry ,
such information regarding
ho \\ill rocoivc
land- located on or reached by thisjruilwjiy as
A\ill aid him in his hunt for happiness and
prosperity. Address
F , A , NASH , Gen'l ' Western Agent , I524 Farnanf.St . ,