The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, April 15, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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TIIM NOKKOliK N1CWS : KRIDAy , A PHI h 15 , 11)04. )
Goverlnn * bc Area is Far North .is
Donestcol. West to Chaclcon , It Is
Reported to be Drifting Ondly In
pome Localities Wires Tangled.
IFiom Friday' * Dully. ]
Northern M'lirawlw nnil Ilin now
northwent IH toilny In tlm grip of n
bllxnard which Is qnllo an bad aa nny
slonu Hint has happened yet thin
your. The change from yontonlny'H
ItiUo warm rnln to a frno/.lng snow
Blnrin Is midden to a iloKrnn. Travel
ing mon arriving on HIP early morning
Imlna froni HIP north ami wtmt re
port Mini the blizzard there IH qulto
the Hovered of the winter nnd that
lonflos tn Itvo ( stork miiHl ho heavy
thnniKhoul tlil't Bocllon.
It IB nil I ( I that In Iho country north- !
wont of Norfolk , near the reservation ,
the drlftH are \vorno than have biwn
known at all this HIMUIOII. Wires nro
in bad shape In some places.
Koports received al Iho Northwest-
urn dispatcher's olllco In thin city I his
morning , Indlcato that the blizzard
extends over the entire division , as
far north as llonostool and Fairfax
and no far west IIH Children. They
have received no word as lo Htouk
School Dismissed.
The schools were dismissed at noon
hy order of Superintendent O'Connor
IIH II. appeared that the bllvi/.nrd WH
not htlng but might Imvcaso In In
tensity. The older pupils escoited
the little ones to their homes , the
teachers assisting In seeing that hey
safely reached heir duHtlmiUniiH.
M.idlson Visitor Hurt.
. .Mr. UyiU'iirmin. who waa In tho'clly
from Madlmm. not inlvod np In the
hllz/ard , and between the heavy wind
and the allppery footing ho WH thrown
to the ground and ipilto biullv cut and
linilm'd ntiont the lied. Dr. llllock at
tended to hla Injnrlea.
Pnrty Postponed.
The parly to hnvo boon given hy
Trinity soelnl guild Friday night has
boon postponed. The ( Into when It
will ho K'VOII ' will ho nnmvitued Sntur-
Rock Ncnr Cornice on Cotton Block
I Shakes Loose and Swings.
The loosening of a mammoth stone
Just above the third story of the Cot
ton block shortly before noon gave
alarm to passers by on Norfolk ave-
line ul the corner of Fourth street and
kept I'ollceman Kane stationed there
for a long time .steering people out
of the route which might lead them
at. any minute to Instant death. The
terrlllc wind had torn the stone loose
and just above it the big galvanized
iron oornlco swung and teetered In
the hroo/o. threatening at any mill1-
nto to drop.
\V. 11. Dillon ofoakdalo was a Norfolk
folk- visitor yesterday.
H. lloebough of llonosteol register
ed In the city yesterday.
S. .1. U.Miearson of Madison trans
acted business In the city.
Margaret and llanna Hoysham of
St. James wore visitors in the city.
O . 10 , Lewis and C. W. Ferguson
of Meadow ( irovo were transacting
business in Nortolk.
Fremont Herald : Kngeno Austin ,
formerly of the Norfolk News , has ac
cepted the position as operator and
expert machinist on the linotype ma
chine of the Herald.
Dr. A. Hoar has been making sev
eral professional visits to Nellgh re
cently to look after the condition of
Ilr. A. F. Conrey , who lias boon very
sick with pneumonia.
Kdltor A. H. llackus of the Pierce
Leader arrived in the city this morn
ing on his way to Columbus. Ho re
ports that Hie piano contest which ho
has on resulted In a very material
gain to his subscription list.
Nebraska weather approaches the
ideal when it comes to versatility.
The work of gardening and ( King
up the lawns , parks and Hour beds is
nccessarly delayed a day or two.
If there was really a weather man
who could ho hold responsible his
llfo today would not bo worth a pinch
of snuff.
If anyone could but just get hold
of weather like tbls and beat it over
the head with a elnb there would bo
a slight degree of satisfaction.
A ntimbor of the Invitations for the
dance to bo given tonight by mem
bers of the Trinity Social guild , have
boon responded to and a good sized
crowd is expected.
City Clerk S. II. McFarhind Is now
doing bis office work in the south of.
fico in the city hall building and may
arrange to .bo there permanently or
have someone clso tlioro all the time.
Well , it did scorn nomothlnc Hko
spring yesterday , but those who
noticed It may cither have been
dreaming , or otherwise not respon
sible for what they thought they saw
ftml felt.
A. Krovontk , a farmer who lived
between this city and Battle Creek ,
died \Vedne day night and the funeral
will bo held tomorrow morning at 10
o'clock from the Catholic church at
lliiille ( "reek , lie WIIH a member of
Hooper lodge , No. 221) ) , A . O. If.V ,
and live members of the order I hero
are In Norfolk to attend the funeral.
They are : ClmrloH Hoffman , John
Kdolmolr. Henry II. l.ooxcliun , Curl
Iliihlboph and C. Mayor.
Roofer Mnken Trouble.
A. H. Kenan of Chicago \sho has
boon working on Ibo roof gang nt the
government building WH up hoforo I'o-
Ik'o Judge llnyos thin morning on Iho
charge of dlHtirderlv comi'toi and WIIH
lined , the line and titiflH amounthm
to $15.10. Kcnn IIIIH boon making
trouble ever Hlncu hn arched en Iho
scene and parlloulnrly with the fore
man. Voatordv ho .van dlufhrgod
ml at the boarding lioimn renewed Iho
trouble with tli.i loo-man , dually draw
ing knife. Nigh. Police I'llger WIIH
nolllh'd and placed him In jail.
Large Force of Men Employed .it the
Sugar City Cereal Mills Install-
IMJI New Equipment.
A nnnilier of millwrights hnvo ar
rived In I he city to nsslnl In the work
of liiHlalllng the now machinery at
the Sugar City Cereal mllla. Mr.
CollliiH of Milwaukee will miporvlao
the work us foreman and expects to
hoop a large iinmhor of men liuay
nmhlni ; Iho change HO that Iho com-
puny will nol ho Inlernipleil In turn
ing out Hour and other mill prodncta
longer than IH absolutely necosaary.
Two carloads of Iho now equipment
have boon received and Iho work of
InmstVrrlng It lo the mill and Install
ing It In position Is now under way.
Itosldea the export mill men that will
ho employed on the Job tlioro will ho
\\iirk for carpenters and ordinary
working men.
The company baa had an onvlablo
reputation aa the producer of high
grade milling prodncta , lint with the
now equipment of machinery It la
hoped to further Improve the quality
of the products as well as to Increase
the capacity for creating llnlshod food
products out of grnlns.
Another Thought Coming.
The Atkinson correspondent of The
Nowa wrltea that "tho man who wrote
the April weather In The Nowa will
1mvo another thought coming. "
Joseph McCnslln.
Following Is taken from the Titus-
vllle , ( Pn. ) Courier , regarding the
death of the eldest brother of C. C.
McCaslln of this city :
The death of .losoph McQaalln ,
which occurred near North Haiti-
more , Ohio , on the tith lust. , removes
another of the old land marks and
pioneers of Nellltown. Ho was born
In Allegheny township , Vanango
county , March HI , 1882 , and spoilt his
entire lll'o there with the exception
of the last live years , when he re
moved with his family to Ohio. Ills
remains wore brought and laid to rest
In that pretty little cemetery In
Nollltown beside those of his kindred ,
lie left to mourn besides his widow ,
three sons and three daughters , Miss
.lennlo II. of Porrysvlllo. O. . Mrs. Ki
lls Slmttnck of 1'orryavllle , O. ( Mrs.
Vorn Cllnger of Kegnmlns. 1'a. , H. A.
of Toledo , O. , Irvln of Flndlay , O. . and
.losoph of California , also three broth
ers and two slaters , .1. J. of Cleveland -
land , O. , S.V. . of Chicago. Cyrus of
Nebraska , Mrs. William llonney of
Waterford , 1'a. , and Mrs. L , Mather
of I'alnsvlllo. O.
Ills friends were limited only by
his acquaintances , which waa prac
tically ( iivery adult in Venango coun
ty , who honored and respected him
for his sterling honesty and integri
ty. Life's buttle Is ended and all that
is mortal of Joseph MeCaslin rests In
that "silent city of the dead" near
where ho spent a busy life
The Home Town of McCarthy , Fales
and Shclbley Decides That the Man
Who Would Recover Much Coin
Has no Case Against Anyone.
I'onca. Neb. , April 11. The jury ia
the case of Thomas J. Shelblcy vs.
Frank Fales has returned a verdict
In favor of the defendant after being
out twenty minutes.
This is another one of the slander
suits involving the congressional
campaign of northeast Nebraska twc
years ago. In all of the live cnbcs
verdicts wore returned for the de
This Is the home town of Congress
man McCarthy , Chairman Fales nni
Just .13 Soon as the Weather Wil
Permit , Repairs Begin.
County Commissioner George Smitl
announces that the Kost brldgo over
the IClkhorn river , which 1ms given
residents southwest of Norfolk como
apprehension , will bo repaired am
phoe-J in an nbcouto'.y sound condl
tlon juat as eoon na the wo.itacr per
mltu. It la not unsafe now but will bo
made more solid.
Figures G\vcn \ by The News the Day
After Election Show Some Connltl-
er.ible Chnngcc In Flgurco , but the
Results arc the Same.
th'tnin Kilihix'M linllv 1
The following llgurcH are the result
f the olllelal cnnvasH of the vote on
lie municipal coiilcHt IIH produced
nrod from the returns al the meeting
f Iho city council IIIK ! night.
M. C' . lln/eti , republican , for mayor
-First ward , ( ! S ; Second ward , 120 ;
'bird ward , lil I ; Fourth ward , ( i ! )
'olul. 177.
II. W. Winter , ilnmnprnt , for mayor
'Irsl ward. I2JI ; Second ward , 120 ;
'bird ward , 00 ; Fourth ward , fi ! )
'oliil. : i)8. ! )
'B majority , 70.
S. It. Mt'Farland , republican , for
city clerk First ward , OS ; Second
vnrd. ! ! ! ( ! ; Third ward , ! . ' ! ; Fourth
vnnl , 70 Total , 517.
M. II. Singer , democrat , for clerk
'Irst ward , 00 ; Second ward , 108 ;
I'hlrd ward , 7J ( ; Fourth ward , .IS
I'oliil , .W.
McFarhind's majority , llfi. !
Itobert litter , republican , for city
reamiror--First ward , 82 ; Second
vnrd , III ! ; Third ward , 205 ; Fourth
vurd , ( il > Total , Hit ! .
Carl Wlhlo , democrat , for city Irons-
iror First ward , 102 ; Second ward ,
11)2 ) ; Third ward , 105 ; Fourth ward ,
11 Total , 10 ; : .
titter's majority , CI ! .
William II. Lowe , republican , for
city engineer First ward , 10S ; See-
mil ward , Ifil ; Third ward , 250 ;
Fourth ward , 02 Total , C20.
S. W. Hayes , republican , for police
lutlgo First ward , 81 ; Second ward ,
12r > : Third , ward , 227 ; Fourth ward ,
! 0 Total. 50 ; : .
( J. F. MeCormlek democrat for Judge
First ward , I Oil ; Second ward , 115 ;
I'hlrd ward , 78 ; Fourth ward , Gil
Potnl. : ! 52.
Hayes * majority , 151.
Councllmnnlc Ticket.
In the First ward , C. 1' . Parish , re
publican , 07 ; August Uruniniiind
democrat , 01 ! . Parish's majority .
Second ward Gay Halvestlne , re
publican , K0 ! ; Carl Xuolow , democrat
100 ; llalvoHtlno's majority , I' . ; ! .
Third ward C. C ! . Gow , republican
228 ; ICdward Hraasch , democrat , 77 ;
Gow's majority , 151.
Fourth ward .1. C. Spellman , demo
crat , no opposition , Oil.
Bo.ird of Education.
C. .1. Iliblxyn , republican First
ward , 05 ; Second ward , 100 ; Third
ward , 170 ; Fourth ward , Gil Total
II. .1. Cole republican First ward ,
ril ; Second ward , 01 ; Third ward ,
ISO ; Fourth ward IM Total , I5GC.
David Hoes , democrat First ward ,
55 ; Second ward , 80 ; Third ward , 103 ;
'mirth ward , JO Total , 200.
W. C. Roland , democrat First
ward , 77 ; Second ward , 78 ; Third
ward , 70 ; Fourth ward , 75 Total ,
! 0ii.
Hlbbon's majority over Roland , 01.
Cole's majority over Hoes , 50.
Literary Lottie Doesn't See Anything
in it and Would Prefer L. H. J.
[ From Saturday' * Dally ]
Said Literary I > ottlo , who is a new
nember of the Leap Year club and
was out for the llrst time last night ,
laving braved the bll//ard in 'satis
fying her ardor for the order :
"They talk a good deal about \yo-
nen and women's literary clubs and
the folly of it all , to say nothing of
the waste of time. They speak about
the woman's place being in the kitch
en instead of at a mooting for the dis
cussion of Shakespeare. Hut I've
come to the conclusion , during the
past week , that the men can go us
one better on that proposition and II
I lliul a man whom I care enough
about to marry I shall toll him what
1 think.
"On Tuesday I cnmo down town to
shop , lint do you suppose1 1 could do
It ? Not on your Torpedo hat , girls ;
not for a mlnnto. Everywhere along
the street there were litlo groups ol
men. nil huddled up together and
talking so seriously that I thought a
great citizen must have died. The >
drew their eyes around as though
they wore thinking about moving
away and they made funny , awkwari
gestures with their hands. And over >
little while a double-seated carriage
( Hied with men who can always HIK
things to complain of , would drive
by and then drive back again. The )
were doing politics and it was elec
lion day
"Hero on one street corner a mai
who has a habit of never speaking to
anyone , was shaking hands and smil
Ing with everyone ho mot and thoj
told mo ho was running for ofllco
Across the street was another , slink
Ing hands just as hard and bo was
running against the nrst. The ncx
day they met each other and dldn'
"Every saloon door was shut nj
tight and the blinds wore drawn
Somehow I rather have blinds In the
windows tban not. IJut in one blocl
I met three men who were really too
much intoxicated to walk straight and
nv > r" liVr.d than ever in V101 U > users of 7ion Coffee. Not only will the
f. i i the . . ' ' : . : ' - , be oed , ai herciolorc , for the. valuable premiums we
luic .ihvay-i ji\f ; n "i.r customer.- * , but
the same Llon-Hua < ! s \v.ll entitle you to estimates in mir 50,1)00.00 Grtuid frixv Contents , which
make some of our patrons ridi muti r nd women. Von can hand in as many estimates as desired. There will * > e
Tinlip.t contest will bo on the July 4th attendance at the &t. f.oitinVorlil'ft Pair } the second relates to Total
Vote I'or I'rcaldt'iit to beiast N v. 8 , 15)01. ) $30,000.r > 'i wil1 lie distiihutcd in ciu li of the .i' contests , making
§ 10,000.00 ( iii the two , and , to make it .slnl more intcrcblir. , in addition tn this amount , we will give n
"Hr. < /r\i i ! i ! ! . / * fom'mn t ) & CJJKJ SJjQfOJ fJUffjl to the one who is nunent correct on both
UJ ? ] 3 < JnTtiYvivu(8IflSj ) .cofitc'jifA , and thns \ . > ui have two
MiaiKarroirxYia'xxi'xraTMTHan opportunities of u. . 11:1111 : ibigcnMi urize.
Five Lion-I'Jcntls Printed blanks to
cut from Lion vote on found in
( in of
ular tree pr to
to one vote in yen that your es
cipher contest : tin-sale is rccortieri.
V. i it will ho thn total J'lly i'\ , it'" * nt Iho F . T n , is
VVniiii'H ! 'mf At I IM IK" . Julv ! I'il. the .itii'n'iri . .
I'nr ' - . inn 'it ihtuU' , tui MVU ! in 'Vnnlvi'i i in r > i
p.iin h'Uli . 'I in ili > null , on or Li'Uirc I'ltu ' \ , < ; i . . wo
k'lvu 111 st IM i/i1 fin i no lie.i
not iiu.ucsi.uu- . , an follows :
1 First Prl/o .
1 HOLond Prlzo . . . .
H rrlzorfr OO OO each
fi * ileF 2OO OO
1O t'rlfieo 10O 01
ao I'rtzos tie oo
CO 1'rlzcn 'JO OO
250 Prizes 10.00
1OOO Prizes O.OO
2130 i-IUZES.
v nn innTMimnu 1 N
j/i. / 'yj , , o
r 5r ) . y r
siL on ' ; , .v
. . . .
f" * "W w ttWJ - * fT'
. . ' L. . . v-r ( NO
. ' " .
/ . } > . . ' . ' 'Abi
P * CJv .
XJua-iK : V ? v&8 ; "
I've been wondering how it happened.
Brother just Ituighs when I ask him
about it.
"And one fellow who has a family
to Hiipxrt | but doesn't , stood nround
on the sidewalk and talked about the
combination that bis party had
formed to do thus and so , and called
the other party bad names. Two
brothers , who vote differently , got so
angry that they walk on the other
side of the street today because they
couldn't agree about the ticket.
"I don't see what they get out of
It. Of course they're saving the conn-
try. Some men are always out after
n political job , just trying to get
called thieves. Some men will start
in with the olllco of dog catcher and
run for everything in sight ri lit
straight up the ladder. It's like going
for a gold mine one makes good
whore 1H > 9 are lost in oblivion.
"I presume politics , a game that
will keep men working and scheming
and designing for months and months
of sleepless nights in order to get an
olllce that doesn't pay any salary , is
Interesting and worth the' powder.
For myself , 1 rather read the Ladles
Home .lonrnal or the Spenders.
A Fine New Boy.
A telephone report received from
Stanton states that a line now boy
has arrived at the homo of Mr. and
Mrs. I3d Oerecko at that place. The
young man arrived Saturday moriv
J. W. Bovee Says He Was Not Cor
rectly Quoted Concerning the
Talk He Made on the Street.
Norfolk , April 0. To The Norfolk
News : As published in The Weekly
News this week I am quoted ns say
ing things that I did not say and do
ing things which I did not do. What
I did say and do on the streets of
Norfolk I stand ready to meet same
at nny time. What I would bo glad
to do would bo to get my case with
D. C. O'Connor before the patrons of
the school district and let them de
cide the question nt issue.
To enter into a review of the case
In The News would bo laborious to
all parties concerned and expensive
to the paper and not desirable on my
part. However , should a number of
the patrons of the school district sig
nify a request to mo to review the
case at a given time and place , I
stand ready to comply with their re
quest. At the same tlmo D. C. O'Con
nor or one of his friends would boat
liberty to reply to same.
Truly yours ,
J. W. Doveo.
Whnt w"l he ftr * tntnl I'opulnt Vote cnH tnr rn.'tUn ' *
' r ilU'i 1. 1. V c unliliit'li nt I'mli - . Mini ! rven n " K , ' .iu. ' In
liMdi-1. . r'lnn 1 S'iCVlncopU. vnteil fur Prc-iili nt l.nH'.irtii i f . '
itcsiniiiiri - arlinl In Wooldon ! t lee C < 's O'TKO , 'I ii'mo O. ,
< i-i < r I "iura Nov S IttM. w ill eho Ar.t j'ri/c lor theiionrrst rnr-
p. tccoud prttu to tl.t nu.\t n''ii ( ollo- :
. .J2.GOO.OO
1 OHO 00
1 ' 100.OO
. 1 OOO.OO
. i OOO.OO
. 1.OOO.OO
. ' .
And Having Become Quite Exhausted
During the Long Illness of Her
Niece , the Deadly Disease Fastened
Upon Her and Took Her Life.
fFrom Saturday's Dally. ]
Miss Iconise Keys , sister of Mrs.
George H. Spear and well known in
Norfolk , died at Clarks , Neb. , this
morning after n several months' ill
ness of tuberculosis.
Such is the substance of a message
received by Miss Mason , of this city ,
from Mrs. Spear , who was at the bed
side of her sister.
The news of Miss Keys' death will
not come wholly unexpected by her
many friends in Norfolk ns for a num
ber of months she has been growing
weaker and the end was but inev
Peculiarly Sad.
A pcculnf sadness surrounds the
Illness and" death of this young wo
man. She was a professional nurse
and her untiring effort to save the
life of her nleco , Miss Grace Spear ,
about a year ago , and the ceaseless
care which she gave at that time ,
keeping the frail young girl nllvo for
weeks and weeks , was the beginning
of her own illness.
She was nt ono time a teacher In
the Norfolk schools , and will be remembered -
momborod kindly by her former pu
pils. After the death of Grace Spear
it was a very short time until the fa
tal disease had fastened upon the ex
hausted nurse nnd she wont south for
a trip in the hope of beneflttlng her
condition. Climatic change , however ,
failed to Improve her health and she
returned to Clarks , Neb. , with but
one outcome possible.
Mrs Spear has boon at the homo
for n number of weeks , in turn carlHg
tenderly for the alntor who had given
her own llfo In trying to save her
nlccp. And within the year both have
panrod away.
High School Note : .
The juniors expect to glvo a clasa
play on Junior day.
The members of the agricultural
clasa nro experimenting along the
line of "grafts. "
I'rof. McCombn Is norionsly filnk-
Ing of taking up "polito llfo" in con
nection with agriculture.
Starting next Monday Mr. O'Con
nor will give instructions to the
seniors who desire to become teach
ers. These recitations will bo held r
on Mondays and Fridays.
The Virgil class is now doing
work so they will finish the required
six books in about seven or eight
months. They will then take up a
brief review of the common branches.
Commencement Address.
The school board of Tekamah ,
where J. U. Barnes , jr. , is principal of
the schools , has invited Uov. J. P.
Pouchor of this city to deliver the an
nual commencement address at the
graduating exorcises on May 20.
School tablets at The News office.
Highest Market
Prices Paid
at all Times.
Long Distance Teh-phono , 183. }
Lowest Rates.
I W , J , GOW &
Money on Hand.
Liver Pills
That's what you need ; some
thing to cure your bilious
ness"nnd give you a good
digestion. Aycr's Pills are
liver pills. They cure con
stipation and biliousness.
Gently laxative. 2SC.