The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, April 15, 1904, Image 1

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K Vli'.MIfAXUV | 'mi\Y ) AIM.'II ! 'i Mill )
Damage Dor A. * ne Japanese In the
Port Arthur i . . tate } . nlsastrous
to the Remaining Rub * .9 ] 'C11 jl
Force In the Far East.
St. Petersburg , April 11. Prince
Ouktomsky , rear admiral , who has
temporary command of the navy in
the far east , succeeding Admiral Mak
aroff as the next In rank , wires today
from Port Arthur that the torpedo
boat"- destroyer Bezstrashnl became
separated from the rest of the fleet
during the attack of the Japanese
force owing to Hie bad weather pre
vailing at the time. The vessel was
then surrounded by the enemy's tor
pedo boat destroyers and sunk In the
Five men of the crew were saved
before the vessel went to the bottom.
Prince Oulttomsky adfls : "During
maneuvering of the squadron in
Iho battle , the battleship Poblcda
struck a mine amlilship on the star-
board side. She was able to gain
port by herself. No one on board was
killed or wounded. "
Officers and Men Go Down With the
Torpedo Boat Destroyer.
St. Petersburg , April 14. Forty-
five officers and men were prisoners
on board the torpedo boat destroyer
Bezatrashnl nt the time it was de
stroyed by the .laps.
Some Reports Say Makaroff Was
Blown to Pieces and Staff Lost.
Cyril Serious.
St. Petersburg , April 11. In naval
circles hero today the belief is expressed -
pressed that the explosion which
wrecked the Pctropavlovsk was in
Sonic reports say that Makaroff
was blown to pieces and it Is now
stated that Makaroff's whole naval
staff was lost.
The condition of Grand Dnko Cyril
Is today reported serious.
Officer Reports.
St. Petersburg , April U. It is of
ficially announced that the torpedo
boat destroyer , Hezstrashnl , UfiO tons ,
was cut off from tlio rest of the Hus
sion lleet during the Port Arthur bat
tle and sunk by the Japanese.
Her crew was lost.
The battleship Pobleda accidental
ly struck a mine while maneuvering
and was damaged , but was able to re
turn to the harbor without a loss of >
life of officers or crow. The battle
ship is of 32,700 tons , and was ono
of the principal vesbols in the Rus
sian Port Arthur fleet.
Report of Rear Admiral Urlu Says
Torpedo Boat Destroyed.
Tokio , April 11. A brief report from
Rear Admiral S. Urlu , division com
mander , regarding Wednesday's fight
ing off Port Arthur.
It was reported to the navy de
partment this afternoon. It says that
Togo's fleet attacked Port Arthur in
the morning and succeeded in sinkIng -
Ing a battle ship of the Petropavlovsk
class and one torpedo boat was de
The Japanese suffered no losses.
Ono Japanese was wounded.
Telegrams to the Czar Expressing
Sympathy of Europe.
Paris , April II. President Loubet
of the French republic has telegraphed
the czar , expressing the sympathy of
the French government over the Russian
sian loss by tlio disaster of yester
This , together with messages from
the king of Italy and Emperor Wil '
liam of Germany is taken to mean
that the European governments consider
sider the disaster duo to accident and
not as a result of battle , thus giving
' the Japanese no credit for the
} achievement.
People Remained Up All Night to
Hear Further News.
St. Petersburg , April 14. With
iiowed heads but unshaken hearts Iho
Hnss'aiiH met the dreadful calamity
of yesterday.
Sorrow for the loss to the empire
but Indlmlnlshod coiilldonco In ulti
mate victory Is the note struck by the
morning papers of the capital city.
People sat up all of last night and
throuh ; the long hours awaiting fur-
thor details of the calamity Hint has
befallen tin1 nation.
The Associated Press Is author-
IHvoly informed that the dispatches
glvLMi last night were , In text , as
originally received.
Nothing In addition-to the Informa
tion tlusy convoyed was received until
10 o'clock this morning.
A voluminous cipher telegram
reached the winter palace of thoc/.ar
this morning and Is now being de
ciphered. It is expected that full details -
tails of the sinking of the Potropav-
lovik are given and that information
will he ghen to the public as soon
as the message Is translated.
White Pupils Declare That a Colored
Student Can Never Again Enter the
Building Six More Arrested on
Charge of Inciting Riot.
Kansas City , Mo. , April 11. Tlio
race feeling in Kansas City , Kan , , Is
growing intense.
Today six negroes who accompanied
Gregory to jail on the night of the
murder , armed with rifles , were ar
rested on the charge of inciting a riot.
The while pupils today asserted
that negroes will never again bo per
mitted ] to enter the high school.
Twelve Military Offenders Cut Out of
the Guard House at Des
Des Molnes , April 11. Twelve pris
oners who were confined in the mil
itary guard house have escaped.
They succeeded in securing their
liberty by cutting through the steel
bars of the jail with a case knife that
had boon secured and concealjd by
one of the men.
Hlood hounds have been put on their
tracks ' In an endeavor to trace tlio of
fenders and the officers are making
ll vigorous and thorough search.
Hearst Must Fall.
Brooklyn , April 11. By the capture
of HroulJyit for Parker , the political
fall of William II. Hearst now seems
Boyd County Case.
Llncolir , April 11. The Hoyd coun
ty land controversy Is to ho settled
by the supreme court In original ac
tions. At the last sitting of the court
Attorney General Prout asked leave
of the court to file original suits in
ejectment in the supreme court ,
against the indhidual settlers upon
the lands. An order was issued by
the court Tuesday morning granting
permission to flic the suits. The at
torney general will begin the actions
within the next few days and it is
probable that the cases will bo ar
gued at the llrst May sitting of the
court. The order issued will tend to
do away with the litigation in the
Hoyd county district court and will
enable a decision to bo reached much
sooner than otherwise.
South Carolina for Roosevelt.
Charleston , W. Va. , April 11. The
republican convention here today will
instruct for Roosevelt , Stephens and
Annual Meeting of Pcdagogueo of
Northwestern Iowa at Slou < City
Today is Well Attended.
Sioux City , April 11. The annual
meeting of tlio Northwestern Iowa
Teachers' association which began
hero today is attended by about 1,000 )
visitors and gives promise of being
the best mooting over hold by the
association. Today was devoted to a
conference of the county superintend
ents with the state superintendent ol
public Instruction. The formal opening
ing of tlio convention takes place 10-
night when there will bo addresses of
welcome and responses , followed by
the annual address of the president
and the reports of the other olllcors.
Prominent among the speakers to bo
board Friday and Satnrady are Dr )
( Joorgo E. Vincent of tlio University
of Chicago , Miss Martha A. Sherwood
of Saglnaw , Mich" . . W. K. Fowler ,
state superintendent of Nebraska , and
the Rev. Dr. Frank W. Gunsaulus of
Excuse Poor Spelling.
Chicago , April 11. The Chicago
women's club has found an excuse for
the poor spoiling prevalent because
of the fact that the time of pupils Is
taken up with "higher" education. I
The Son of General Kaxcarkoff Is
Blown to Pieces as the Result of
on Outrage Today Police Have
Discovery Disclosing the Author.
St. Petersburg , April 11.Tho son
of ' General Ka/oarkolT was klllod to
day ' as the result of a dynamllo outrage
rage ' In his own room at a hotel hero
The police have , It is scad , a ills
covory Indicating the author of the
First In Many Years Has Been Rap
ing Today In New York.
New York. April II The llrst llonv
mid-April snow storm that has strucU
this section of the country In a great
many years , has been experienced
here all day today.
The storm lias raged since onrl >
Bar Committee at Wllbcr Makes Se
rious Charges.
Wllber , Neb. , April . - - the matter -
tor of the complaint Illed against Wil
liam h. Nowby , an attorney at Friend ,
and asking for his disbarment , the
committee appointed by Judge llurd
to take testimony and report the facts
llnd that ho has boon guilty of de
ceit to the court , and of collusion to
deceive with Melinda l , " -'iilley In
a case ( o foreclose a tax IV ' * *
lots at Friend wherein Hlla ' ! , * " " " -
plaintiff and Charles 1C. Jennings IH
defendant. It is found that ho ap
peared lor the defendant , Jennings ,
a dead man without authority.
Weather Conditions.
Chicago , April 11. Clear weather
generally with exception of light rains
in Ohio valley. With the exception
of a trace of moisture at St. Louis
there Is no moisture over the south
west. Temperatures are Homo higher
and about seasonable. Conditions fa
vorable for corn and oats. Southwest
too dry for wheat. *
Congressman Hedge. Renominated.
Keokuk , la. , April M. The repub
lican convention of the First congres
sional district held here today resulted
In the renoniination of Congressman
Thomas Hedge. There was no oppo
Maine Republicans Meet.
Portland , Me. , April 11. The repub-
Means of Maine In state convention
here today elected delegates to the
national convention at Chicago and
adopted a platform endorsing the ad
ministration of and pledging support
to President Uoosevelt. The delegates
were not pledged , hut the platform in
this state Is deemed siilllclont liistrnc-
Hon. The resolutions expressed com
mendation of the wise , patriotic and
progressive administration of Presi
dent Roosevelt , to whom it promised
renewed allegiance and support. The
work of the senators and roprosciiia-
tives of Maine in congress was like
wise heartily endorsed.
Sixty Municipalities are Concerned in
the Movement Which Has Been Un
systematic up to This Time Affili
ate With American Federation.
Springfield , Mass. , April 11. The
city laborers of sixty municipalities
will oiganl/c a national body aillll-
ated with the American Federation of
Labor at a convention to ho hold In'
tills city tomorrow. Whllo the movement
ment had Its inception in the cast
many western and southern cities
have promised to send representatives
to the convention.
Up to the present the organization
of the city employes has proceeded (
along unsystematic linos. In some
cities tlioro are unions which Include
city laborers of various departments ;
In other cities the various classes of
laborers have separate unions , and in
others tlio city laborers are unorgan
ized. A few of the unions hold charters
tors from the Knights of Labor.
Primarily the object of the national
organization Is to enable city laborers'
local unions to avail of the good of-
flees of the American Federation of
Labor in securing a uniform and
equitable scale of wages and hours
for city laborers throughout the
United States.
The boycott , it is understood , will ,
bo the weapon adopted to bring cities
to terms. The promoters of the
movement argue that the city laborers
if well organized can make their dis-
Temperature for Twenty-Four Houri
Ending at 8 O'clock this Morning.
forecast for Nebraska.
Conditions of ( ho weather IIH re.
corded for ( ho 21 bourn ending at 8
a. m. loilay.
Maximum ( fil !
Minimum " 5
iVvorago ! 1S
Total precipitation for month. . . l.lil
Maromeler i.7S ! ! )
Chicago , April 11 , The bulletin Is
sued by the Chicago station of the
United StatcH weather huroau IhlH
morning , glvoa Hio forecast for Ne
braska as follows : ,
I''air and wanner tonight. Possibly
pleasure so felt at the polls that politi
cians and olllclals desirous of con
tinuing In olllce can be forced ( o lieud
reasonable riMiuosts.
Ncbraskans May Now Sell Their Pro
duce to the Omaha Grain Exchange
or to the Chicago Exchange Dls-
crimination is at an End.
Omaha , Ni-li. , April. 1 1. An agree-
niciil has lic'i'ii reached hi'twoon Ilio
Northwestern and Iho Croat Western
rallroadH on grain rates , liy v hloh
iNobraskans may soil oil hoc Id Omaha
or Chicago markets cm i > iunll/.i | < i1
fi eight riik'K.
Oregon Republicans In Session.
Portland , Ore , April II. Oregon Isle
lo he tin1 llrst of the Paclllc coast
.dales to I he candidacy of
President Roosevelt for reiioinnlna-
lion and to cheese delegates to Iho
Chicago convention pledged to his
support. The republican stale con
vention was called to order hero
shortly before noon today with an at
tendance of ItliO delegates. In addl
lion to choosing eight delegates to
the national convention the conven
tion will nominate candidates for the
minor state olllces to he Illled at the
next election.
Resides With Her Son , the Duke of
Cumberland , In Upper Austria Was
a Queen for Twenty-Three Years
Deposed by William I.
Vienna. April 11. At Gmunder , In
upper Austria , where she resides with
her son , the Duke of Cumberland , the
venerable Queen Marie of Hanover
'jbservi'd her 80th birthday
Queen Marie IH a ( juoon without a
throne , for her husband was deposed
nearly forty years ago , so that the
greater part of her life has been
spent In exile. She was 2.1 when she-
married the king of Hanover , In 1813 ,
mil she enjoyed being a rpieen for
twenty-three years. Ill the war of I8ii ( (
Hanover sided against Prussia , and
the Prussian king , afterwards lm-
peror Willam I of Cermany , the ' 'iand
father of the present emperor , r"n ; ?
ed himsoll by deposing the llanov-
monarch and adding Hanover to Prus
sia. Queen Marie has never forgiu"
the Ilohonzollerns for depriving her
seat on a throne , and It I' ) . ! u chiefly
to her iirglngs that her mm the Dnko
of Cumberland refuses to abandon
Ma claim to the throne of lUmovor.
Congressman Moon Renomlnated.
Chattanooga , Tenn. , April 11. Con-
gressan John A. Moon was unanimous
ly renomlnated by the democratic con
gressional convention of the Third
district held in Chattanooga today ,
Hamilton of Michigan Renomlnated.
Otego , Mich. , April 11. Congress
man 1C. L. Hamilton was ronoinlnatod
today by the republican congrosslnal
convention of the Fourth district.
There was no opposition and the
nomination was made by acclamation.
Georgia T. P. A. In Session ,
Augusta , Ott. , April 11. Augusta
capitulated today to an Invading host
of commercial travelers who will ro-
maln in possession of the city during
the rtinainder of the week. The oo-
caslnn | B the annual atnto convention
of the TrnvelcrB1 Protective associa
tion. IClabornto preparations have
been made for the entertainment of
the delegates , many of whom nro no-
companied by tholr wives and families
lies Savanah , Atlanta , Maconi ,
Urunswlck and other loading cities I
of the state are represented by largo
delegations. Honoris prepared by the
various officers for presentation to
the convention show the organization
in Georgia to ho In a highly satisfac
tory condition as regards both
, mem '
bership and flnanccs.
Five Olliccrs and Twunly-Koiii :
Two Filially , iivo
While at Signal Practice Yesterda
Disastrous on
PoiiRiionln , Kin. , April II. Two
more of Iho ordinary iieamen , who
were fatally wounded In | | io tori'lllo
explosion on the Missouri yontorday.
died today and a third limn hi missIng -
IViiHaeola , Flu. , April II.- lly Iho
explosion of JM)0 ! ( ) poundii of powder
In the alter twelve Inch turret and the
handling room of Iho halllcHhlp Mis-
suniil. Captain William H. CowleH ,
commanding , twenty nlno iimn were
In.sianll.v killed and live Injured , of
\\hoin l\\o will die. The Missouri was
oil the Inrgol range with I he Texas
and llrooklyn at pnicllcn about , noon
when a charge of powder In Iho
l.v < Jv < ylneh lofblwnd gun Ignited
from gases , exploded and dropping
below Ignited four charges of powder
In Iho handling room and all explod
ed ( | ,
Only ono man of the enllro Inrrel
and handling crew survives. Hut for
Hie prompt and elllclenl action of Cap-
tnln Cow I en In Hooding tlio handling
room and magay.lne with water one
of the magazines would have explod
ed and the ship would him' been do
Hint ) oil
Captain CowleH , completely over
come by the disaster , rofoned all
newspaper men lo Uonlcnnnl Ham
mer , the ordinance olllcer. The latr
tor gave out a statement ol the ex
plosion and Us probable cause Ac
cording lo him , about noon , alter the
Ili-Ht pointer of the ufl twelve-Inch
piece had llred his string and Hie second
end pointer had llred Hie third shot
of his string , the charge Ignited. Tin
fourth shot was being loaded , am !
from all Indications the llrsl half
of the charge had been rainniei. -
and the second section n
riitnniH home when iramv limn uio
shots previously IIrod , or portions of
the cloth cover , Ignited the powder.
Cause of Explosion.
The breech was open and a dull
thud gave notice of Homelhlng un
usual No loud report was made , hill
Humes were seen lo lea ) ) from every
portion of the turret. A few seconds
Inter another explosion , somewhat
more llerce , occurred. This was In
the handling room below , where I-
iii ( ) pounds of powder , or four charges
ready to be hoisted above , had Ig
nited. Fire ( | unrlers were Hounded
and In less than live seconds after the
llrst explosion two streams of water
were being played In the rooms , and
when volunteer * wore called for ,
every man of the ship responded.
Announced That Matter Will be In
vestigated at Once.
Washington , April 11. The court
of Inquiry to look Into the Missouri
disaster , will probably convene today.
The Situation In New York is of In
terest to All Parties and Walter
Wellman Says President Roosevelt
Is Keeping an Eye Out.
Chicago , April 11. Walter Well
man , in a Washington special to the
Record-Herald says : Will .ludgo
Parker change his mind and toll the
country his views on the questions
of the day before the mooting of the
St. Louis convention ?
There Is Just now a renewal of the
demand that the judge speak out.
This demand is hoard from the lips
of prominent democrats senators ,
representatives and others. It Is
voiced by Chairman Jones , of the
democratic national committee , ho
has just coino back from the st ,
and who tolls his friends that unless
.ludgo Parker defines his views he-
fore the convention meets the party
will not nominate him.
This is , of course , only Chairman
Jones' individual opinion , but so
many democrats are asking wlml
Parker believes In and stands for that
It is difllcult to see how the Now York
Jurist is going to pioservo his attl
tudo of golden silence.
Mr. Pulltz , of the Now York World
who recently has come to the fronl !
with a characteristic rush as the chic
newspaper boomer of Parker , Is try
ing to meet the demand of the do
| moeracy for light on his candidate's
" 4
mr Sunnion Kilhul Outright ,
Humorously Wotmdod ,
, f *
day the Loading of a Gun Was
The Missouri.
vlewM by printing what Judge Parker
'oroto about Thomas JnlTnrBon
and sumo oxcorpls from Iho juilgo'i )
Imllclal doclsloiiH. Manifestly ( huso
lo not Illl Iho hill ; ( hey fall lo nails-
fy the doinocralii who limhil upon
knowing "whom hn ataiidn. " Whan
I WIIH In Albany , Judge Parker and
David II. Hill made II very plain that ,
mder no clrcumidancoH , would the
ludge speak Illl alter ho was nomi
nated , and I lion , ho would ho only ton
glad lo loll all about It In his loltor
if acceptance.
lint Iho effort lo smoke Parker In
inhering force every day. And
eoiiMciiqonlly among the neutral spec-
tutors of Iho gaino Ihoro Is much
cmloslly as lo whether or not Iho
Indgi ) will "stand pal. "
Moouovult In Watchful.
That President Itoosovoll and his
advisers are worried about Now
York any one can HOC. They do not
disguise their fear ( hat If the dotno-
cralH nomlnali ! Jndgo Parker and Iho
wily Hill llxes up a harmony with
Parker for president , MoClollan or
some oilier Tammany man for gover
nor , and himself for senator , the olec-
loral voles of New York may not
ho cast for Iho republican llckot.
Mr. Itoosevell la watching the oltli-
allen In New York with an eagle oyo.
In fact , II wan the president hiiimolf
who look hold of ( bo Now York mud
dle Home monlhii ago and hioiiglit
about the present I nice , which makoH
Cov. Odell Iho actual loader , whllo
Senator Platl hi porinllted lo rotaln
Iho Hllu of loader without any power.
On the Hiirfaco ovorythlng Is all right ,
but under the sufaco things are all
v ng.
'Hell Is a Bit Cold.
Hldoiit. Ilo IH "soro"
on KWitj tt. In fin i , he doesn't
Hoem to care much whether ho whm
or loses. Hut whllo he IH playing
the game , ho Is determined lo have
his own way and enjoy life. The ar
rangement Is Hint Odcll IH lo come
lo the senate as the successor of
Dcpcw , hut the governiir Is nr t
eager about II. lie had decided to
retire from public life at the end of
his presenl term and go Into railroad
ing with his friend , 10. II. Ilnrrlmnn ,
but President Roosevelt coaxed him
to In politics.
Odell Is a strong man and a master
ful political manager , but ho lacks
tact , and goes after harmony with a
club. Mr. Hoost veil Is popular with
the masses In New York state , but
Cov. Odell Is not. Thu president ,
however , has made bis choice , and
will have lo stand or fall with Odoll
as thu manager and leader In Iho
biggest state and the fiercest politi
cal buttle in the country next fall.
West Virginia Republicans.
Charleston W. Va. , April 11. The
republican slate convention of West
Virginia is In so.ssion here today for
Hie purpose of nelectlng delegates to
he national convention at Chicago. As
he party is a unit for Roosevelt the
merest in the convention conlors
hk'lly In the bearing it may have on
he contest now in progress for the
; ubernatorlal nomination and also
or Senator Scott's seal In the sonata ,
'he nominating convention will ho
told In July.
Harvard Nine Goes South.
Cambridge , Mass. , April 11. The
larvard baseball team loft hero to-
lay on Its spring trip to the south
mil will not return to Cambridge for
on days. The llrst game will bo play
ed at Washington Saturday when the
line will line up against the George-
own university boys. Other games
on the trip will bo played with the
Jnivorslty of Virginia , the Annapolis
mval caMots and the West Point
While in Bed He Sends a Bullet Into
His Head.
Rlkhora , Nob. , April 11. John Arra
committed suicide , so said the core
ner's jury. The body wns found lit
bed with a bullet hole through the
head and a revolver lying on the bed
covering. Arrs formerly conducted n
saloon at Mlllard. He came lioro tlirco
wcoks ago and was employed by tlio
Elkhorn Brooding association. Ilo.
was about ' 15 years of ago. Tlio body
has been taken in charge by John
Minster , a brotherlln-law , residing nt
The barn of Henry HIcko , residing
four uiilcs north of here , burned this
afternoon. Two horses , two cows and
live calves were burned to death ; loss ,