The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, March 25, 1904, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 THE NORFOLK NEWS : FRIDAY , MARCH 25 , 1904.
City Lots at Auction i
I have just returned from Chicago where I arranged for the
publication of
and as soon as these can be distributed , say by the 10th to the
15th of April , I will sell my
Norfolk Lots and Acres at Public Sale
These are now withdrawn from private sale , though I have several houses
that I will sell any time the sooner the better.
* y *
Convention Held in Battle Creek
This Afternoon. ; t
, , , t Kjff
Candidacy of W. M. Robertsoh Was
v to Have Been the Inspiration In
. the Work Today Delegations to
" State , Congressional and Senatorial
; Wtlo Crook. Nob. , March 21. '
Fnpm n Stuff Correspondent : The
republican county convention for
Madison county was called to order ,
In this city at 1 o'clock this after
noon by Jack Koonlgstoln , chairman
oftho , county central committee , and
S. R. McFarland read the call.
The convention Is hold for the pur
pose of electing delegates to the
state , congressional and senatorial
conventions. Another convention
will bo called later to place In nomi
nation candidates for count * ' attor
ney and representative.
The fact tint Mr. Robert < < n bus
decided to withdraw from thu gubor-
natoilal race tikes nvich ot iho suup
otu of the convention at thU. time.
Madison ropabllcans had hoped to
have a standard bearer to l nil them
to victory In the coming state con
vention , but now that possibility 1ms
been removed.
The nicotine of tho-bonnl of coun
ty commissioners with the deputy
assessors In Madison toduv also 10-
( luces the attendance of delegates to
the county convention.
About the middle of the forenoon
delegates from the various precincts
of the county began to arrive in Battle -
tlo Creek , which town boasts of hav
ing been the scene of more county
conventions than any other town In
north Nebraska. The mind of the
present generation runneth to llio
time when Madison county pol'tlcinns '
did take a trip to Battle Crook once
or twice a year to determine who
should bo standard bearers and who
should not. Hero has been iho turn
ing point In many a man's career ;
here nominations have been made
which have carried men to victorv
and the honorable serving of their
constituents ; hero candidates ha\o
been placed In the field who have
gene down to defeat after n despe
rate fight and expensive struggle.
But no such mission has the county
convention today. It is simply hereto
to send delegates to the state , con
gressional and senatorial conven
tions , there to nominate candidates
who iwlll bo elected at the polls next
fall upon the same ticket as Presi
dent Roosevelt.
' W. M. Robertson was elected torn-
" * A - -i .
porary chairman and C. A. Smith
temporary seciotary. A comm'ltteo '
of three on credentials was named
consisting of M. U. Tyler , C. A. Ran
dall and F. L. Putney. The commit
tee wont Into session and reported on
tlux delegates present , authorizing
them to cast tho'full Vote of { Jio pre
cincts they represent. , <
The temporary organization was
then made permanent. ! ' '
On motion a committee of live was
appointed to select names as dele
gates to the state and senatorial con
ventions. These named wore : W.
N. Huso , Gco. N. Beels , C. S. Smith ,
C. A. .Randall and F. L. Putney. -
A comnUttoo f flvo was also ap
pointed to select1 the delegates to the
congressional convention , as follows :
F. H.'L. Willis , J E. Simpson,11.'E.
Reuse , Jas. Roseborough and B. C.
The convention stood at ease for
half an hour while the committees
wore preparing their reports. ,
The committee on the state dele
gation recommended the following
imrnod : W. M. Robertson , C. A.
Randall , Howard Miller. Herman
Hogrofe , George Rccroft , M , Gross ,
.lames Rosoborough , C. S. Smith , C.
A. Smith. A. L. Stewart , W. N. Huso ,
Burt Mapcs , C. E. Burnham , M. D.
Tyler , C. E. Grcono , John R. Hays ,
Martin Brubakor , E. A. Bullock and
E. H. Tracy.
The committee on congressional
delegates reported the following
names. J. E. Simpson , Geo. D.
Smith , M. W. Carmody , F. H. L. Wil
lis , James Clark , T. T. McDonald ,
Clay Hlckson , Gco. C. Dobson , S. D ,
Robertson , S. J. Arnott , John Crook ,
S. R. McFarland , Jack Koenlgstoln ,
J. H Oxnam , S. H. Grant , C. S. Smith ,
Cal Hasklns , Sol Dowllng nnd Matt
Classen , Jr.
The committee reported tha foil-
lowing for delegates to the senatorial
convention : C. A. Randall , Geo. N.
Beels , Chr. Schavland , John Christy ,
M. C. Walker , T. T. McDonald , Jack
Koenlgsteln , Glaus Young , Matt Clas
sen , jr. , Smith Grant , Jake Gabelman ,
Fred Richardson , Chas. Letheby , R.
E. Reuse , M. C. Hazen , W. H. Wlda-
man , C. E. Rurnham , J. E. Simpson
and W. N. Huso.
The recommendations of the com
mittee were adopted and the dele
gates nominated were made the rep
resentatives of the county to the va
rious conventions ,
The following resolutions intro
duced by M. D. Tyler were unani
mously adopted :
"Whereas , Wo the delegates to the
republican state convention of Mad
ison county recognize the administra
tion of Theodore Roosevelt as wise ,
honest and patriotic , and
"Whereas , Wo also recognize Theo
dora Roosevelt as a wise , honest and
patriotic statesman , therefore bo it
"Resolved , That wo cheerfully endorse -
dorso the administration of Theodore
Roosevelt and pledge him our sup
port for president of the United
States at the coming national con
vention , nnd wo Instruct the dele
gation , rein , this county to the state
and congressional convention's to use
all honVtablo means to olept delegates
to the ! republican national convepr
tlon who wlllfyoto In said national
convontjon fojy' the nomination , if
ThcodohrRdosovolt for president''of
the United States , and to vote for
no person as delegate to the national
convention who Is not so pledged. "
( At , fho time thls./enort plosesftho
qonvcntlon IB 'engaged hY/theVsq'loc-
tlon of a county central committee.
Weather Bureau Promises Something
Disagreeable for Today.
The wind that was doing some
thing from .tho south yesterday , and
this morning started In for a repotl-
tlon of the program , Is evidently stir
ring up some sort of trouble In the
northwest that may bo expected to
descend on the people of Nebraska
today or tonight.
Soon after -1 o'clock yesterday af
ternoon The News' weather bureau
received a dispatch from the weather
man at Chicago , bringing the cheer
ful Intelligence that a cold wave waste
to bo expected today or tonight \\5th
a fall of forty degrees or mete in
temperature , and the way the clouds
banked up this morning furnished
evidence that the forecast would bo
about certain of reallEatlon"and yet ,
at this season of the year , it Is sincerely - '
cerely to bo desired that the weather
man might miss It on this kind of
a prophecy.
This morning was very like spring.
A gentle shower had fallen during
the night and the air was laden with
spring odors that wore agreeable re
minders of 'the season.
Police Department to be Reorganized
as Result of Investigation.
Chicago , March 24. Immediate im
provement in the police force of Chicago
cage Is promised from the report of
Capt. Alexander Piper , who , as' a rep
resentative of the City club , disclosed
a condition of affairs In the police
department that startled city oillclals
and citizens alike. Incidentally , the
report caused something like n panic
among the patrolmen and commandIng -
Ing officers arraigned for derelcctlon
of duty.
Mayor Harrison declared yesterday
that a thorough Blmkjrtg up' Ig in
store'for thd.dSpnrVmb'ut'i Swift.'Jus
tice is to bo meted out to the worst
offenders , and , under the direction of
Assistant Chief Schuottlo , a deter
mined effort will bo made to make
the Chicago police force a competent
organization for the suppression of
crlrno and the detection of criminals.
Cnpt. Parker declared that the po
lice force could. not bo In worse shape.
tfo discipline ( was malntdjrjed , th'e or
ganization " 'was thoroughly demoraU
Izcd and Inefficient. ; .
* * " " * - i'
Old Soldier Laid Away In Red , White
and Blue Coffin.
Chicago , March 24. Red , white nd
blue were the patriotic colors of the
coffin Hn wlilcjii Jot fJaker. a vet
eran soldier "nnu' fhventor was burled
at Oak Ridge yesterday. Every do-
Jtall'of his * uneAl iw&Bs arranged , lit
d'rogram wblch Kb drew 'up 'years
before his death. The brilllant-hued
casket , which was the work of the
old-soldier-cabinetmaker , was placed
in a tqmb constructed of a patent ce
ment which" Dakor' had invented for
such occasions.
Lying In state In his patriotic cof
fin at his late home , the body of this
eccentric man , for many years one
of the striking characters of the West
side , has been viewed for the last two
days by scores of neighbors nnd
Conference at Ithaca Places Preach
ers for Another Year.
The state conference of the Evan
gelical association was brought to a
closo.Sunday evening at Ithaca- Saunders -
dors cofunty5c''lt was decided to hold
l\\o \ conference ndxt year at Louis
ville. The meetings during the week
were very enthusiastic and much
work was disposed of. Bishop Thom
as Bowman of Chicago presided. Rev.
Henry Sohl of Arlington was elected
presiding elder for the ensuing year ,
but he declined to accept on account
06 ill health. The following Is the
arrangement of presiding elders and
ministers for the ensuing year :
Fremont district Presiding elder ,
Rev. A. Bruechle , Fremont
Louisville H. Ploper.
Elmwood H. Wrehemann.
Ithaca P. L. Welgert.
Stanton A. L. Wagner.
Omaha F. W. Schnetzky.
Fremont I. Lalpply.
Washington county H. Sohl.
West Point J. Schorlacken.
Norfolk C. Fuhrer.
Madison A. Strauss.
Atkinson F. E. Schnidt.
Swanton A. Morston.
Kuqx Mission A Schwab.
- i > / , Fremont Herald.
( < Planting * t'lmo ia nlnlo at horV. and
it is especially seasonable to plant
an ad. in The Nows.
Began in Norfolk Today and
r .Ends Saturday .Night.
' " *
< , ; * *
t > iVt
\ / ;
k , ' A'
A Large. * Number of Interested Wo
men Will Call During the Next
Three Days Predominant Color
This Season Is Said to Be Brown.
Beginning with today the ladles of
Norfolk and of the new northwest
have an opportunity to view the
splendid 'Easier millinery openings
In this city. The three millinery
stores in Norfolk have never looked
prettier than they do this season and
it would seem that the most exact
ing tastes might be satisfied from
the gorgeous variety of effects on
The opening of the Millinery & Art
company , successors to Inskeep , be
gan this morning and ends tomorrow
night. Miss Bender and Durland Sis
ters will receive visitors In search of
Easter bonnets on tomorrow and Sat
urday. Each caller at the Millinery
& Art dpenlng receives a free souve
nir. The displays In all three stores
are exceedingly Inviting and no
doubt large crowds of Interested wo
men will pass in and out of the doors
from now on until late Saturday
The New" Styles.
There will bo many pretty and in
teresting novelties In huts this spring
and summer , but probably the most
distinct feature of the season will be
the gossamer hat. The thinnest and
most delicate fabrics will be used
for hats this spring and summer and
the colors will mostly be light
Among the materials which will bo
used principally for the foundations
of hats will bo crepe llsse , tulle and
moussellne. They will bo used in
different ways , but always so as to
preserve the semi-transparent effect.
All kinds of lace , fine straw braids ,
quillings and ribbons will bo used for
decorative purposes on the new style
hats. Flowers will bo used moro
than over for trimming. There is
only ono difference. Formerly the
style ran to largo and bulky flowers ,
while this year small flowers will bo
the style. They will bo used in the
form of garlands , clmplets or little
nosegays , connected by dainty festoons
teens of smaller flowers. Most of
these flowers will bo used without
foliage. - - - ' i- ,
'There-will be-a
shapes in hats this year , Including
variations of the styles worn last
year. Many of the models Imported
hero recently show irregular shapes ,
some of them decidedly original In '
their structure. Laces of all kinds ,
Including Brussels , Mechlin and oth
er pillow laces , will be great favor
ites. Straw braids , particularly the
light forms of plain Tuscan will bo
employed a. great deal for decorative
purposes. They will bo used In com- )
blnatfon with > ce , ribbons and flow
ers. 'Large bulging bows of rlbboria
will not be in style. Where large
bowsT'lire used they will bo stitched
down flat.
The question , which colors will be
most fashionable during the comlfig
season Is one which Is of great In
terest to all women who wish to be
In style and , naturally , It is more
burning at this time , just before the
opening of the spring season. Brown
promises to bo the most popular col
or ; next to It will probably be palo
violet. Lavender has been revived
and will have a strong run and var
ious shades of green , especially em
erald green are rapidly gaining in
* ' Newport Surprise Party.
Newport , Neb. . March 24. Special
to The News ; There was a birthday
surprise party at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. J. Clay Fox , gotten up my their
children and friends. It was a gen
uine surprise. They knew nothing
about it until all were In the yard.
Mrs. Fox was fifty-six years old and
had taken dinner in town with her
son , Tommy Fox , nnd did not get
homo much before the company ar
rived. Everybody enjoyed the even-
Ing. Mr. Fox 'was entertaining with
music and song until 1 o'clock when
lunch was served. The comitan
broke up about 3 a. m. " There wore
Tommy Fox and wife ; Lendsay Fox
and wife ; Frank Fox ; Mr. and Mrs.
Mason ; Mr. and Mrs. William Farr ;
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Van Every ; Mrs.
Gessolrlch ; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bax
ter : Miss Gertie Farr.
The Newport school has a tele
phone nowadays. <
F. Hollingsworth Writes of What Na
ture Is Doing In Arkansas.
Fred Hollingsworth writes from
Hot Springs , Ark. , under date of last
Sunday , "Wo are having a regular old-
fashioned May Nebraska thunder
storm this evening. The fruit trees
are out in full bloom , the trees and
lawns are nice and green , and flow-
yards , which I presume is quite a
ors are out In bloom in the door
contrast to what you are having In
Nebraska at this time of the year ,
but 800 miles
south brings ono nearer
the sun. "
Engraved calling and -wedding in
vitations at The News office.
School tablets at The News office.