The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, March 25, 1904, Page 7, Image 7

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Council Met in Regular Session
Last Evening.
Men Who Will Serve In Ward PollIng -
Ing Places Will Ditch and Clean
Ditches Take Action on Buildings
and Permits In Fire Limits.
fFrotn Snturdny'n Pally. ]
The city council mot In regular sua
sion last night with the mayor twd
all the cotincllmon present but Ty
Mr. Wilkinson of the street nntl
alloy committee suggested that the
ditches along the streets bo cleaned
out thoroughly us soon as the ground
can bo worked sulllclently. Mr. Paso-
walk stated that the committee desired -
sired to complete the Park avenue
ditch as soon as the frost was out of
the ground , and thought that they
could dispose of enough dirt to bring
the necessary money. These matters
wore loft wltho committee to look
The committee on public works
suggested that the pumps at the wa
terworks should bo put in repair before -
fore warm weather sots in. The com
mittee was authorized to make need
ed repairs and purchase such now
valves as arc necessary.
The flro and police committee re
ported that they had two of the no/-
zles for the lire department repaired
and had ordered repairs for the
other , and the company from which
the city had purchased the last hose
had offered to furnish now couplings
for the hose if the old ones were
shipped in to them , and that they
were making arrangements to ship
them one-half at a time.
The mayor stated that the ordi
nances regarding the stacking of hay
in the city limits seemed to bo suf
ficient and that all persons who were
violating the same had been notified
to comply with the law and all had
expressed a willingness to do so.
The special committee on the
Union Pacific railroad water supply
reported that they had interviewed
the agent and he had promised to
take the matter up with the company
and would report as soon as possible.
The probable cost of a two-inch me
ter would be $50. The committee
was continued.
The request of Mrs. Louisa Asmus
for a permit to put up a frame addi
tion to the rear of her store building
was read and the permit was grant
ed , providing that the addition bo
constructed of brick or other fire
proof material In compliance with
the ordinance.
A motion prevailed that H. C. Sab-
tier be notified to comply with the
ordinances and either veneer his
building on Sixth street with brick
or remove it outside the fire limits.
O. W. Rish asked for and was
granted a plumber's license for the
balance of this year and all of next
year , the same to bo delivered when
the rules and regulations governing
the matter have been complied with.
The following Judges and clerks at
the city election to be held on April
5 , were appointed by the council :
First ward Judges , John Oester-
ling , C. P. W. Marquardt and J. W.
Edwards ; clerks , W. H. Widaman
and August Steffen.
Second ward Judges , Wm. Ahl-
man , Julius Degner and Henry Van
Horn ; clerks , Max Asmus and W. L.
Third ward Judges , W. H. Law ,
J. S. McClary and D. C. Herrlngton ;
clerks , H. L. Spaulding and H. E.
Fourth ward Judges , John Koer-
ber , J. S. Burnett and Leon Z. Lee ;
clerks , Allen Wilkinson and L.
The clerk was instructed to notify
each of the appointees of the action
of the council.
Burt Mapes is in Hosklns.
Spring must surely bo here Bock
beer is.
W. M. Robertson has gone to
A. J. Durland went to Hoskins on
W. J. Horiatan was down from
Plainvlow yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Peter were in
the city yesterday from Croston.
Mrs. L. E. Pilgor of Fllger la In the
y city to bo at the bedside of her fa
ther , J. H. Sexton , who is seriously
ill at the Queen City hotel. C. W.
Rogers , a nephew , also of Pilger , is
likewise here to see that Mr. Sexton
has proper attention.
Robert Dale , ft Madison county pin *
heor , is floail Rt his home near Til-
don , ngctl eighty years. Ho Came to
the county when it was in a raw prai-
Vie state and has seen It rapidly de
velop into one of the boat agricultural
and stock sections < of the west.
W. C. Day of Battle Crook Is a
good guesser. A graphophono was
raffled off last night at the Superior
store. A bottle containing corn was
opened. A. C. Stears and H. D. Watt
counted the grains. There were 933.
Mr. Day gets the talking machine.
The mercury showed a minimum of
twenty-three degrees last night and
frost and ice was In evidence this
morning , but the HUH rose bright and
clear , with a promise that some real
spring weather of the desirable sort
will soon bo on tap. There will un-
dounbtcdly bo some line days between
now and Easter , and after that spring
should bo hero most nil the time. A
week from Sunday Is Master.
Norfolk has been remarkably free
from disease and epidemics during
the winter , but with the approach of
spring there has dovclopod an epi
demic of the grip and colds that
threatens to lilvado every homo be
fore Its course is run. The smallpox
that has had a run of several scasnim
hero has practically died out and
there Is not now a case In the city ,
neither arc there scarlet fever , diph
theria , measles , whooping cough , or
cases of the mumps that have been
manifest during several seasons past ,
so that with the colds and the grip
at the close of the season Norfolk Is
getting off very fortunately
First Spadeful Turned for New
The Manager of the Company Says
That They Pay Union Wages Car
load of Tools Coming From Des
Molnes Is Delayed.
[ From Wednesday's Dally. ]
Ground was broken yesterday for
the now Nebraska state hospital for
the Insane in Norfolk. It was the
beginning of work upon the only
state institution In the northern half
of the state and the ( Irst insane hos
pital to be built on the cottage plan
In the west.
The ground was broken for the ad
ministration or main building. The
contractors found very little frost in
the earth and bellve , if everything
goes well , that they will nave the cel
lar for the structure dug out by the
end of the week. The excavating lias
been let to W. P. Dixon.
Just at this time the company Is
hold up by delayed transit in a car
load of tools which were shipped
from Des Moines last week. The
Union Paclfis has had a tracer out
today for the missing car. When this
lot of working apparatus arrives the
scaffoldings will be erected and the
work will bo hastened. It will be
necessary for the company to finish
by Octobed 1 , and In order to do this
a largo force of men must bo con
stantly employed.
"Wo will probably hire from fifty
to seventy-five men all of the time , "
said W. B. Hester , manager for the
company In Norfolk. "We had ex
pected to bo forced to import more
than we will need to , having found
a great many In Norfolk who are
available. We only need to Import
a few expert workmen. We now
have forty or fifty men cleaning
bricks. "
"What about the trouble with the
men who wont out to clean bricks ? "
was asked.
"There was no trouble , ' " said Mr.
Hester. "Wo had farmerly planned
to pay our men by the day. There
were a large number of old men and
boys wanting work and it was evi
dently unfair to pay them all alike.
So we determined to pay them at so
much per thousand. It Is true that
some of them who went out , turned
around and came back. The reason ,
In many cases , was that they lacked
tools. Wo required each man to
bring a hatchet along with him.
Two Games to be Played on Eastern
Diamonds Today.
[ From Wednesday's Dally. ]
Now York , March 23. College base
ball for the season of 1904 makes its
debut on the athletic stage today
with games between Yale and Trin
ity at New Haven and Princeton and
the University of New York at Prin
ceton. These contests arc , of course ,
but little moro than practice games
and it will bo several weeks yet before -
fore the sport Is on In earnest.
The advent of the real spring
weather has brought the nines out
on to the diamond In full force and
at most of the big Eastern colleges
the teams are ready for actual play.
The number of dates that have been
arranged for the next few weeks in
dicate that a largo part of the pre
liminary practice in preparation for
the important games of the year
will bo in the nature of games with
weaker teams. The result of the
games in which Yale and Princeton
engage in today is awaited with con
siderable interest as both institutions
expect to have strong nines this year.
The issue at Long Pine this year
will bo , "Sliall there bo saloons or
not ? " A caucus was held for the llrst
time In years. P. J. Murphy and J.
C. Castle were nominated.
Hov. Father Haley of Wayne Is In
the city to deliver tonight at the
Church of the Sacred Heart , his lec
ture on "Tho Llfo of Christ. " It is
anticipated that the address will be
one well worth the hearing.
C. E. Saundcrs , now at the head of
the cigar doparoment for E. E. Bruce ,
and a well known traveler In this sec
tion of the state , was in Norfolk to
day. Mr. Saundcrs travels now only
when ho chooses.
Elaborate Costume Ballon St.
Patrick's Day.
One of the Moet Drllllnnt Social Func
tions Yet Known In the County
Sent , Which all the People of the
"Tipper Ten Attended.
[ From Suturdny'ii Dully. ]
Madison , Nob. , March III. Special
to The News : For some time past
it has been announced that there
would bu a dance take place In the
lleln opera house on the 17th of
March. Invitations In a very neat
and appropriate style had been sent
out and It was announced ( hat a'l '
taking part In the dance should ap
pear In continue appropriate to the
occasion , therefore great preparations
were being mndo by all classes to
see how varied and well this could
be done This was not to bu a mas
querade dance , but one of costume ,
each representing an Irish character
as nearly as the Individual Idea could
make It. The house was beautifully
and tastily decorated In colors lilting
for the occasion , hence It Is not nec
essary to say the predominate color
was green. The costumers began to
arrive early In the evening nnd with
the expectation thai something was
going lo happen worth seeing. A
largo number of spectators had ar
ranged themselves In comfortable
seals placed for the purpose and they
were surely not dlsappolnled. As
one after another of the costumers ar
rived It began to dawn on the specta
tors that It was going to bo some
thing unusual. The members of the
orchestra were decorated to kill.
Dick Forosyth were a green rosetlo
bow on Ihe lapel of his coat thai
stuck oul a yard on each side of his
shoulders and Iho slrcamors hung
lo the floor. McGulncss had the ad
vantage of most as It was not nec
essary for him to make much change.
However , ho made a very presentable
appearance of an old time bojj trot
ter , and every member was very ap
propriately fixed up pending Ihe lime
for Iho grand march. Those present
took the opportunity to introduce
themselves lo their friends and ad
mirers and to join In a wallor two-
step as their fancy struck them , but
very soon the house crowded and a
call for the grand march was heard ,
and each couple took Us place , with
a couple from Humphrey and a cou
ple from Madison to lead off. Of all
Iho slghls ever seen Ibis would cap
Ibe climax. People representing
over beard of. Hero are a few of
especial mention. First there were
six couples from Humphrey whoso
coslumes were very elaborate as they
were Imported direct from the auld
sod especially for this occasion. Then
came Senator Allen with his magnifi
cent physique and looked a giant
Mick hod carrier , and leaning upon his
arm what seemed to bo a moro pig
my In stature. Then a very striking
contrast. Then a very striking con
trast. Willis E. Reed was the pigmy
IhlB lime and Irylng to lead a lady
who looked seven foot tall and six
fool wide. Then Ihoro was J. Donovan
van , Dr. Condon , Mr. Maltlson , Mr.
Grant , Mr. Ed Frlcklo , Mr. Hume ,
Mr. Frasier , Paul Brlnkman and nu
merous others and for a nice neat
dapper young swell Irish gentleman
of the upper crust Mr. A. Scannell
took the dough. Then for a tall spec
imen of a genuine Irish peasant who
loked for all the world like ho had
just been transplanted with his black
thorn shlllelah In his hand , Mr. Plcrco
was that same ; then two Irish po
licemen Buddy Nicholson and Mr.
Cato look Ihe honors ; Ihen Ed O'Shea ,
Dr. Smart and others too numerous
to mention. Among the ladles Mrs.
W. E. Reed was especially good. She
looked as If she had jusl arrived from
across the pond and so complete was
her make-up that the most Intlmato
friends did not know her. Then the
real old Irish washer woman , Miss
Long. But the very prettiest and
most tasty dress of green was worn
by Miss Hume. Miss Allen was very
neatly attired and made a striking
appearance , also the Misses Snurc ,
Frlckio , Wills , Grant , Spence , Fayes ,
Horshams and among the other la
dles were Mrs. Mattlson , Mrs. Foro-
sylh , Mrs , Donovan , Mrs. Smart ,
Mrs. Brlnkman and Mrs. Wolfo. A
native would have been puzzled to
know whether it was a representa
tion of Ireland or a function being
held in the court of Austria , so bril
liant and dazzling were the effects.
It lasted till the wee1 sma' hours of
morning , each departing for his homo
declaring it was Iho most elaborate
event in the history of Madison.
Dance at Alnsworth.
Alnsworth , Nob. , March 19. Spe
cial to The News : St. Patrick's day
was celebrated hero with a grand ball
at Alnsworth hall. There was a prize
offered for the two raggodest In the
hall , which was won by Barry Swott
and Mrs. Willis Ogden. Mr. Swolt
received a flno cake and Mrs. Ogden
received a line gold ring. The music
was flno nnd everybody enjoyed the
dancing until 2 a. m' ' . The hall was
Fined for Shooting Song Birds.
Plattsmouth , Nob. , March 18. G.E.
Young , a special game warden , caused
the arrest of G. H. Harks for shoot
ing song birds.
You can Use my Testimonial so that all who Suffer as I did
may know that they can be Cured by using
Rev. J. A. WOOD , Pastor of Christian
Church , Manchester , Ind. , writes !
Elmo Chemical Co. , Des Moiiics , Iowa.
Cientlemen--Some : weeks a o 1 received the Cactarine Tablets
I ordoied from you. 1 have used them , perhaps about half of the
box , and 1 find them very beneficial in my case. They control
.he Iienrt's action KO perfectly that now 1 hardly leali/e that I have
i he.ut at all. 1 can cheerfully recommend their tine to all who
ire afllicted ns I was , with palpitation and smothering spells.
You me at liberty to use this letter in any way yon please , so
hat all sufferers in the world may know that there is a piepatatioii
'hat will cure them of their limit trouble.
I regard Cactarine ns n ureat medicine for its puipose , and I
: hecrfttlly give it my unqualified endorsement.
Guilefully yours , REV. J. A. WOOD.
The \\ondcrfnl results Ucv. Wood obtained from KbnoCactntltiu nre duplicated In
"very c.ise. opinion of people who have used Citctrulnc , as well ai
> hMuaus ho h.ivo tested nnd piescnbed Mum Caclniino , is Hint it Isn rcumikahle medicine , which piochifes pheiionicnnl result * In nil cnscs
ot MoiiMuh , lle.ut and Neive Troubles. No matter bow .seiiousjoitr ttoulilc nmy be , the f.ul that it has uited thousands of others ,
many who had given up nil hopes of lieing cured , proves the ellicicncy of KlmoCiicturine. Hit ) a huge box mid try K It la sold with n written
guarantee. If the medicine does not beiicht you , your money Is refunded.
NO. 1200
* ELMO CACTARINE Cut out thin coupon nnd send It
with your name mid address to I'.lmo Clieni-
Klnio Cnctnrine not only cures nil Diseases of ( lie Heart , but pioves equally effective In leal Co. , DCS Monies , Iowa , and they will
ill Stomach and Nervous Disoidets , such ns Dyspepsia , Indigestion , Sour Stomach , Nerv- send you free of charge a 5c box of this
ins Prostration , Weak , Irritable Nerves , bick Nervous Headaches. It cures these tilllic- wonderful medicine.
lions ns well ns Ilcait Disease.
All druggists helling Khno Cnctnrine me nutliorircd by the manufacturers to give n written gunrnntee to everyone purchasing-
Ijirtfo box of 1OO closes , price $1.OO , mid to refund the money lo everyone who is not benefited after using the
medicine nccordmg to directions. It is for Jim to decide.
Sold By ASA K. LEONARD and AH Leading Druggists
Years of Special Practice Affordlno
Excellent Opportunities.
By Dr. Caldwell.
Several years ago. while In private
practice , I thought It wrong to adver
tise , simply bocauflo I Lad boon told
so and had not had experience enough
to know hotter. After a whllo I dis
covered a valuable plan of treatment
In certain cases , nnd fortunately ob
tained a largo number of patients ,
enough to fully test my plan and
provo its success. I thereupon pre
pared a lengthy paper upon the sub
ject and read It before the state med
ical society. What was the result ?
A half a dozen members took the
floor to say what the treatment had
been for a hundred years ( back , nnd
to claim that the old treatment ,
though unsuccessful , should bo con
tinued , notwithstanding that the now
treatment had been successful. I
thought differently and continued to
use the now method , and made re
markable cures of cases that had
been pronounced incurable. My bus
iness increased rapidly as each per
son that I cured told some friend ,
who came In turn and was cured.
Bach patient advertised mo a little.
What then ? In that largo city there
wore not more than 400 cases of the
kind. I cured every case that came
to mo and then had nothing to do
except the ordinary business of a
local physician. I know there were
hundreds and thousands of others
elsewhere , who might bo cured if
they only know ; nnd I advertised.
Cured hundreds of others and I have
advertised over since. I have re
lieved more suffering , cured moro pa
tients , made moro people happy , and
done moro good generally because I
have told the people what I can do ,
and I shall go on with the good work
as long as my strength will permit.
I advertise because I have some
thing worth advertising. I have made
myself competent by years of spec
ial study and experience , and by the
expenditure of largo sums of money.
By advertising I place before the people
ple the facts which enable them to
> cnow what I can do. I thereby roaob
thousands , who , given up by local
physicians or unsuccessful treated ,
give thomsoves up as incurable. I
cure them and thereby enlarge my
Held of usefulness. By no other way
than advertising could these people
have known that they could bo cured.
Every thrifty and prosperous busi
ness in life , save those of law and
medicine , advertise freely. Lawyers
do not , for they only use in business
what others have made for thorn
years before. They only do what has
been written. "Regular" doctors do
not advertise for the same reason.
They have nothing new , nothing
which someone else has not written
or told them of , they get their know
ledge from the books. A man may
read medicine until ho is blind and
then know nothing of It To bo suc
cessful ho must apply his own mind.
Make his own researches , and to do
that ho must have room and oppor
tunity. Ho must have cases , hun
dreds of them , and compare results.
If ho docs not do this bo is a ma
chine without novelty , skill or in
genuity , still plowing with a wooden
plow , still traveling on foot or horse
back , and ignoring the advantages of
steam , living but not learning. The
same is true of a lady doctor.
Below you will find published the
names and addresses of some of the
recent cures that I have made. These
people's afflictions wore , under the
ordinary physician's care , considered
hopeless , and no prospects for a
cure :
Mrs. Kate Schall of Albion , Nob. ,
Thai , wo uro constantly tfrowinfj in tlio art of
making Kino Photos , and our products will al
ways bo found to embrace the
and Newest Styles in Cards and Finish Wo also
carry a fine line of Moldings suitable for all
kinds of framing.
j ; Conservative Management ,
Thorough Equipment ,
Commodious Rooms ,
Superior Instruction.
F\ill Business Coxirses.
! It will pay you to attend this School. Nova- |
cations. Enter any time.
Address ,
C. H. BRAKE , Norfolk , Neb. t
cured of catarrh of head and stomach.
Mrs. William Zuorg of Blue
Vale , Nob. , cured of nervous heart
and female disease.
Mrs. J. E. Connolloy of Akron ,
Neb. , cured of cancer of long stand
Mrs. Augusta Soydon of Ponder ,
Nob. , cured of nervous llvor and
stomach disease.
Mrs. Ella Scochman of Wayne ,
Nob. , cured of rheumatism , female
disease and skin disease.
John Harper of Columbus , Nob. ,
cured of heart disease , stomach and
llvor disease.
Emma Stalko of Clarks , Nob. , cured
of skin disease , heart trouble and
Vagaries of a Cold.
You can never bo quite sure where
a cold is going to hit you. In the full
and winter it may settle In the bow
els , producing severe pain , do not
bo alarmed nor torment yourself with
fears of appendicitis. At the first
sign of a cramp take Perry Davis *
Painkiller In warm , sweetened water
and relief comes at once. There Is
but one Painkiller , Perry Davis' . 25
and CO cents.
It Is Easy to Say
"Bo careful , " but wo must all go
from heated houses into chill outer
air , and the change sots us coughing
and whoozlng. Avoiding winter colds
is difficult ; curing thorn Is not hard
If you take Allen's Lung Balsam. Bet
tor begin when the cold is young and
not wait until it settles deep into the
lungs , for then , oven with Allen's
Lung Balsam , complete relief will bo
The Illinois Horse Co. can supply
GO pedigreed draft stallions ; 30 of
thorn Imported ; 6 broods Porchoron ,
French Draft , English Shlro , Belgian
Clyde ; 5 colors black , brown , bay ,
roan , gray ; rich blood , extra sblro
brooders 2 to 5 years old. Some will
make 2400 pound horses. Easy pay
ments. The general manager will bo
in Sioux City for a week. 22 Ballon
block. Permanent address , Dea
Moines , Iowa.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
This preparation contains all of the
dlgestunts and digests ull kinds ol
food. It gives Instant relief and never
falls to cure. It allows you to eat all
the food you want. Themostsensitlva
stomachs can take It. By its use many
thousands of dyspeptics ha"e been
cured after everything elsu fulled. Is
unequalled for the stomach. Child *
rco with weak stomachs thrive on it.
Cures all stomach troubles
prcpaml omy by E. 0. nr.Wirr & Co. , Ohlcaw
Sold by all druggists.
Mother 0 ray's 8we t Powders for Children , auc-
cessful.y uaed by Mother Gray , for years a mine In
the Children's Home In New York , Cure Feverlsh-
nea" . Had Stomach , Teething Dlxordcn , nc and
regulate thn Unwell ) and destroy Worms. Tliev are-
* o | > lraantto Hie taito and harmleuaa milk. Child
ren like tirm , O\rrlOnOO testimonials nf cures They
nscer/ait. Sold l > yall dnicRlnU Me. ,4il tn-tlnit. Sarn-
plu KIIKR. Addre. Allen S. Olmstcil , M Hey , N Y ,