The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, March 25, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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Some of the Girls Got Mad
Last Night.
They Discussed the Question as They
Put on Their Hnts , and It Is Highly
Prob.ible They Will nil be There ,
Carrie Says It's Good.
( From Sntiinlny'n Dnlly.1
There was more or less Jcalous >
In the mooting of tlio Leap Your clul
lawt night. Three of the girls cairn
nmhlug Into the hull mill announce
Hint they couldn't Htiiy bucauso thoj
Imd to go t ( > ' mooting thiit WUH ho
Ing hold They hiul , tlioy mild , Invlt
oil three young inou to go with then
anil they illtlu't see why a moi-tlm
of the club Hliould deprive tluun o
Iholr chances t winning u hiiHlmnil
Thnt niudo the ether girls all vor ;
angry and they put on tlmlr luitH inn
marched out forthwith , not even st < > |
plug to hoar the mlnutoH of the hiH
mooting road. There were Ihroo lot
tore to bo road , too , but the club wane
no angry It couldn't take llino to lit
ton. It Jimt turned out the light
and quit talking.
So far two of the girls have lando
successfully. The three who caimo
tbo row last night think they are Haft
The ethers hnvo trlod nrotty hardnn
have spent tholr inonoy , hut wor
Just a llttlo bit discouraged , It wn
apparent. "I don't bollovo Hlmoloon
count In the race , " ronmrUod KIIOV
1ng Nolllo , "for the girls who havou
boon spending , are the girls whohnv
boon doing the winning. Wo inuHtli
Independent If wo would boconio d <
pondont. "
The matter of buying n box forth
Eagles' homo talent play was consli
orod an the girls walked out The
thoiiRht they nilRht make an Impro
alon that way. It IB still unsettle
nnd It la not only possible but hlRhl
probable that tbo whole club will o
citpy one of the swell boxes at U
theater for the Monday nlRht po
furmnnco. "I know U'H a Rood show
eald GunnhiR Carrlo. "For I'm In It
The Klks elect olllcora next Satu
N. Matzcn Is down from Tlldon t
A. .1. Dunlovy was a city visitor yc
B. T. Hold wont to Sioux City th
L. V. Haskoll was In the city fro
C. S. Hayoa went to Stauton todi
on business.
V. A. Huston of NollKh was a cl
visitor last night.
John Huobnor was In the city t
day from Hosklns.
K. B. Talmago was over fro
DIoomflold yostorday.
Win Voglo , Jr. , of Ponder was
Norfolk visitor yesterday.
S , V. King was n Norfolk vlslti
yesterday from Bloomflold.
Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Slovens woi
here yesterday from Randolph.
W. II. Balrd Is hero from Qrar
Island on sugar factory business.
B. F. Kelson of Oakland , lown ,
visiting Mr. and Mrs. George Dudlo
George Halm of Stuart Is hj
city for a visit with his son , G.
I. W. Alter and daughter were I
the city last night on tholr way hon
to Wayne.
D. B. Cameron left this morning f <
Lo Crosse , Wls. , to bo absent aboi
a week or ton days.
A. H. Winder left today on his re
ular spring trip to Colorado , Utii
and other states wosL
m Mrs. Henry Hamilton , who has bee
a visiting at the homo of B. E. Hoc
southwest of the city , loft yestordn
for Vlnton , la. Mrs. Hamilton hr
been hero for two weeks.
J. H. Sexton Is still In a critic
condition at his rooms In this city , bi
a alight Improvement has been note
and It Is hoped with careful medic
attendance and constant and caret
nursing to soon restore him to h
usual health.
The Eagles lodge of Norfolk d
sires to sincerely thank those porsoi
who BO ably assisted them In tl
homo talent play which hald tl
boards at the Auditorium on Mondr
night. The members of the order fe
highly grateful for the service re
Union Pacific Bridge Force Is Wor
Ing This Side of Madison.
The Union Pacific bridge gang
again in the neighborhood. An o
wooden structure across ono of tl
streams this side of Madison Is b
ing laken out and a steel bridge wl
I' ' .bo put In in Its placo.
The work train runs Inlo Norfol
with the force of men at night ac
remains until morning.
Postmaster a Sedro-Woolley.
The Skaglt County Courier of So
ro-Woolloy , , Washington , of March ]
contains this Item :
"Last Saturday President Rooaovo
appointed U. E. Foster , editor of U
Courier , postmaster at Sedro-WoolU
, T >
' " " " - ' " '
" -"V . /
and the appointment was confirmed
by the senate the same day. So far
as the appolntnuml Is concerned Ihls
nettles the matter , but , as there are
yet many details to bo completed , all
of which lake tlmo , It Is nol probable
thai the now postmaster will lake
possession of the office before the
first of May. "
Mr. Foster was foreman In The
News olllco a number of yearn ago.
Later ho took charge of Iho Plalnvlow
News which ho continued up to the
tlmo of his removal to the west.
Evangelist Lyon Emphasizes Power
of Choice In Religious Life.
The third week of the evangelistic
mooting was begun with a largo au-
Howe and close attention to every
thing the Hponkor said. Mr. Coltos
and his largo chorus choir awakened
the people to a high pitch of enthu
siasm before the sermon began. Mr ,
Lyon took for his text the words :
Will thou bo made whole ? " and his
remarks were hiiHod upon the Incident
In the life of Jesus whore ho healed
the IniiKitont man who had boon . ' 18
years by the pool of Hothesda. Phys
ical healing In the now testament IH
always emblematic of n spiritual cure.
Paralysis Is the disease which best
represents the man away from Christ.
As Jesus could heal the paralytic at
the pool so will He heal the spiritually
Impotent who are by the pools. Many
are by the social pool waiting for
some 0110 to help them in. Others
by the financial , political and plea
sure pools. But Jesus Is ready to
help all who will , Into the pool of the
water of life. Wilt thou bo mndo
whole ? The emphasis Is to bo placed
on the will. If you will , to ho a Chris
tian all the demons In hell cannot
prevent. The man who says ho wants
to ho a Christian but cannot become
one Is making God n liar. This para
lytic confessed his Inability to help
himself. For thirty-eight years ho had
boon holploss. Only Jesus could help
him. So no man can save himself.
It Is not a quosllon of how much
power God has. Jesus Inspired Iho
paralytic with a ray of hope. Gel
hope In your heart No matter how
evil your past has boon. God through
Jesus can save you. Whenever Jesus
gives a command with the command
ho gives strength to obey. The evan
gelist closed with an appeal to men
to commit themselves to the Lord.
To burn the bridges behind Ihom.
Several adulls crowded the front
seats and expressed a dcslro to lead
a Christian life.
James Connolly Taken for Kill
ing : * t Alliance.
After Having Threatened to Kill H.
H. Miller , He Was Found Dead
Near Connolly's Ranch and the Af
fair Looks Bad for Him.
Scotts Bluff , Nob. , March 22.
Sheriff Campbell haa arroatcd .Tamos
Connolly for the murder of H. H.
Miller , which occurred at the Connolly
nelly ranch , about twenty mllea north
of hero , on Tuesday. Connolly had
sent word to the sheriff of Sioux
county that if ho was wanted ho could
bo found at his homo at this placo.
About 2 o'clock Sheriff Campbell re
ceived a message from Sioux county
to place Connolly under arrest. Ac
companied by his deputy and Con
stable Surnsoy , ho went to the Connolly
nelly homo and arrested him and took
him to Goring.
Much Interest is shown In this mur
der , aa both parties were old ranch
ers In this part of the state and were
wealthy. Details of the shooting ,
which resulted in the death of Miller ,
cannot bo secured , but all evidence
points very strongly to Connolly , who
had threatened to kill Miller If ho
came on his ranch. On the morning
of the murder Connolly and Miller
had had trouble in Alliance and Mil
ler's friends warned him not to go
to the ranch. Ho said ho would go If
ho left his bones to bleach on the
prairie. At the Inqueat II was shown
thai ho was nol armed ; did nol even
have a pockotknlfo. This and the
fact that ho was shot from ambush
throws public sentiment with the Mil
ler faction ,
With Two Government Buildings ,
New Bank , Etc. , Prospects Good.
E With two government buildings nnd
a couple of hundred homes starting
to bo built in Norfolk , the working
men of the city are getting busy in
earnest. The federal court house nnd
postolllco building will bo ready for
occupancy , Superintendent "Williams
thinks , by May or Juno nnd the Capital -
II ital City Brick company of DCS
Molnes is starting in for real work at
the Nebraska state hospital for the
Insane. This la to bo finished by fall.
Other improvements about the city
have been starting rapidly this week.
The hotels are remodelled , the Ox-
\f \ nard just now undergoing a coating
7 of paint around the exterior wood
work. With a new bank coming In
t within a few weeks and other pros *
o poctlvo institutions , It looks like a
busy year for the people of Norfolk.
Burned Hole Through Roof of
Hayes-McClary Home.
Railing Gave Away and He Slid to
the Edge of the Roof Where the
E.-we Trough Caught Him Damage
to the House U Not Extensive.
'Fiom Momliiy'H Dully. ]
Fire hurned a hole through thereof
roof of the Hayi's-McClary homo on
West Norfolk avenue Saturday after
noon , hul the prom pi notion of Iho
llremon provotited any largo loss ,
It wan one of the most peculiar and
mysterious llres In the history of
Norfolk. How It orlglnaled cannel
ho surmised. II started , apparently ,
directly on the shingles about a do/-
( Mi feet from the chimney and when
discovered was sending forth quite
a Hiuudgo of smoku but had not burst
Into llame. The alarm was turned In
about four o'clock and every lire
company In the city with the excep
tion of the .Junction company , re
sponded to the call and plenty of
water was available to suppress the
blaze. Quito n hole was burned
through tho' roof , but llttlo damage
was done Inside , oxcepl for illllng the
upper rooms with Binoko to some ex
tent , and from the water that went
through. The furniture and house
hold goods were removed from the
rooms most threatened nnd this was
the' worst feature of the blaze. A
big crowd accompanied the members
of the department , some assisting
and ethers getting In the way of the
Chief W. L. Kern and W. D. Vail
narrowly escaped a serious accident
while getting at the source of the
( Ire. Lloth were clinging to the Iron
railing that surrounds the deck on
the roof when the railing gave way.
The cave trough at the edge of thereof
roof was all that prevented the chief
from a heavy fall backward , to the
ground , while Mr. Vall's fall was
stopped before ho had reached the
edge of the roof.
Ed. Teal was up from Stanton yes
A. S. Stanton was In the city from
Superintendent D. C. O'Connor has
U. NY" . Spclsor of Lincoln spent Sun
day In Norfolk.
13. F. Fulsoy Is in the city today
from Crolghton.
S. S. McAllister was up from Hum
phrey yesterday.
J. C , Lewis was a city visitor from
Wayne yostorday.
Sheriff Clements is again In the
city from Madison.
John Barretl of Dladen was a Nor
folk Sunday visitor.
N. M. Nelson was down from Plain-
view this morning.
T. M. Hull Is homo from a business
trip to Plntto Center.
Postmaster Cox of Foster la In Nor
folk on business today.
S. H. Davis of Dristow registered
In the city this morning.
A. G. Whlpplo of Nlobrara was a
Sunday visitor in. Norfolk.
Mrs. Pete Stafford spent Sunday
with relatives In West Point.
D. U. Lammer was a Saturday vis
itor In Norfolk from Plerco.
Fred Peters and S. M. Gate wore
down from Pierce yesterday.
12. W. Huso of the Wayne Herald
visited In the city yesterday.
Geo. M. Mitchell of Osmond had
business In Norfolk yesterday.
S. O. Campbell wna a Norfolk vis
itor yesterday from Crolghton.
Miss Slsson Is numbered with those
who are suffering from the grip.
M. Markham came In from Ran
dolph this morning on business.
Guy W. Barnes was In the city yes
terday from Tlldon visiting at homo.
Mrs. Kathleen Richardson was in
the city yesterday from Battle Creek.
M. M. Welsh was a city visitor Sat
urday from Bonoateol , South Dakota.
W. A. Lamson of Bonestcol , S. D. ,
has taken a position In The News of
Mrs. J. N. Bundlck Is quite sick ,
threatened with an attack of appen
Frank Osborn and M. K. Pollock
of Hartlngton were Norfolk visitors
Dr. P. H. Salter was called to
Wayne this afternoon to perform an
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dudley loft
Saturday for a trip to Hot Springs ,
South Dakota.
W. C. Day , the Norlhwostern's rep
resentative al Battle Creek , was In
Norfolk yesterday.
A , C. Hull , a prominent member of
the Fremont fire department waa
visiting friends In Norfolk Saturday.
Miss Ella Lack and sisters have
returned to their homo at Stanton af
ter a visit with Miss Amanda Korth.
Rev. J. F. Pouchor returned last
night from Scrlbnor , whore ho held
services In Dr. Slsson's place yester
W. R. Bcswick wont to Stanton Sat
urday to attend to business matters
nnd visit with old frlenda for a llttlo
Miss Annie Plller , who was operat
ed on about a week ago , Is recovering
nicely at the homo of her parents on
Hraasch avomio ,
G. W. Ilex Is In Norfolk from Sioux
City meeting with old friends and ac
quaintances nnd talking life Insur
ance to those who would listen.
It Is getting late enough In all rco-
son for the commencement of spring ,
and If the weather of the last day or
two Is encouragement that It may at
last have arrived.
Superintendent I ) . C. O'Connor presided -
sided as toastnmster at a banquet
given In the Mlllard hotel at Omaha
last night as a farewell on the part
of the Nebraska Schoolmasters' club
to Superintendent Pcarso of the
Omaha schools , who leaves the state.
If this Is the worst that the vernal
equinox can do there is no reason
why the people should not bo reason
ably cheerful. This can hardly ho
accounted a storm at all , but the
clerk may have something worse to
It Is quite fortunate thai farmers
and gardeners are In need of fertiliz
ers , as through this means the barn
yards of the city got cleaned out quite
regularly each spring to the mutual
advantage of the barnyards and the
land on which the fertilizer Is placed.
Isaac C. Barnes of Willow Crook
Antelope county , la visiting dls daugh
ter , Mrs. William Smith , northwest of
the city. Twenty-two years ago Mr
Barnes sold to County Commissioner
Geo. D. Smith the farm , Mr. Smith
now owns , and moved to Antelope
county , where ho has since resided.
The movement thai has been pro
mlsed In Norfolk expansion will now
very soon bo made manifest , with the
clearing of the weather and the got
ling of Iho frosl oul of ho groum
here will very soon bo evidences of
activity In the building circles. Some
of the Improvements have been delayed
layod for lack of brick , but a kiln Is
now being burned and will soon bo
Fred Brady , who has been driving
dray for Mlllard Grcon , but on ac
count of his habits haa been recently
doing for "Streel & Walker , " had an
attack of sickness Saturday and some
who saw him fall supposed he was
dead , but ho soon regained conscious
ness. Brady has been going It pretty
strong along the booze line rccentlj
and unless ho reforms he moy expec
one of those spells to one day wlm
up his career. It would seem Uial a
lesson of two of this kind would b
all that Is necessary to bring abou
his reformation and If ho desires a
long life ho will certainly bo inllu
enced to cut out the drink.
Of the Sixty Who Went , Thre
They Were Offered Seventy Cent
Per 1,000 Bricks for Wheeling
Cleaning and Piling Up The
Thought That Was Too Slow.
[ From Tuesday's Dally. ]
There was something of a dlmli
utlvo strike In Norfolk yesterday. O
the sixty workmen who went out t
the hospital grounds to start on th
bricks , ahoul three remained and th
ether fifty-seven came marching bacl
They went out early In the mornlnj ,
dinner pails in hand , to begin the la
bor of cleaning up the bricks whlc
were left , preparing them for th
new buildings. Some of them rod
out in carry-alls and those wh
couldn't find room to rldo walked th
three miles.
The price offered by the compan
for the work of cleaning the brick
waa aeventy-flve cents per 1,000. Thl
Is said to have Included the wheeling
cleaning and piling up. The crowc
of men figured that there was no goU
mine nor gol-rlch-qulck possibility in
building these Insane hospitals a
that rate , and turned around to wal !
back to town. Three of the fore
wore sallsfled that they could male
enough al the work to pay them to
Ono Jaborer cellmates that he couh
pile up aboul 1,500 or 2,000 bricks by
very hard work , during a day and lha
out of that he would have to pay his
bus fares.
The authorities al Iho building say
thai Ihoy offer regular scales o
wages and that they figure thai Is al
the work Is worth.
Letter List.
List of letters remaining uncalled
for at the postofflco at Norfolk , Neb.
March 22 , 1904 :
Olcotl R. Derby , Mrs. Hanna liar
ria , A. H. Bohannon. H. Colcord , Ear
nesl E. Smllh , Geo. W. Thurman. C
H. Williams.
If not called for In fifteen days will
bo sent to the dead letter office.
Parties calling for any of the above
please say , "advertised. "
John R. Hays , P. M.
Wanted Cattle to pasture for oea >
son 1904 In Knox county. Good grass
running water , three wire fence.
$2.00 per head for the season. See
Tracy & Durland.
School tablets at The News office.
Saw an Automobile and Con
sidered Life not Worth It.
Twenty-Year-old Animal Shows Spir
it When the Auto Came Along
Driver was Thrown Out but Not
Seriously Injured.
fFrntn Monday's Dally. ]
On Tuesday evening , Mrs. Griffin ,
vho teaches the Daly school , three
illo west of lown and teaches in town ,
vas driving In from school. When
icar the foot of the hill a half mile
vest of town she mot Dr. Peterson
going west In hla automobile. The
lector noticed that the horse shied
onio at Iho machine , so slopped Iho
nnchlno and engine. Mrs. Griffin
Irovo by and passed nnolher rig , her
torso having qullod down when the
uitomobllo stopped. After having
gone an eighth of a mile or more , and
when near the II. H. Schoheld place ,
he horse again became fractious nnd
mmanageablo nnd running Into a
.olephono polo , broke loose from the
tuggy and continued running. The
animal finally reached the vacant
ots north of the Sam Havorland
place In the north part of town , and
running Into the wire fence around
them broke his neck. Mrs. Griffin
was thrown oul of Iho buggy but not
seriously Injured. The horse was
about twenly years old and given lo
crazy or unmanageable spells , having
run away al various limes and hav
ing succeeded In amashlng Ihrco bug
gy lops. Mrs. Griffin does nol blame
Dr. Peterson for the accident , and
she and her friends who know the
liorao say It Is well the animal Is no
more and fortunalo that Mrs. Griffin
fared no worse. Dr. Peterson has
had the buggy repaired , and says ho
will BOO that Mrs. Griffin has a horse ,
Elgin Review.
Trio of Citizens From Butte Were
[ From Wednesday's Dally. ]
A man , his wife nnd his mother-In
law were In Norfolk from Butte from
(1 ( o'clock yesterday morning until
noon. They loft homo very early the
same morning , arrived here on the
morning train , spent seven hours
'M shopping , ate dinner and were com
fortably seated at their own supper
table in Butte before the sun went
This trio of visitors explained in a
Norfolk retail store , where they pur
chased a largo bill of goods and paid
cash , that they stopped at Norfolk
Because they had read thai Ihoy
could get just as good a selection
here as In Omaha , and because they
didn't like to spend $30 and another
day extra on an Omaha trip when
they could just as well do Ihelr buy
ing In Norfolk.
They went away well pleased will
the trip. They told the retailer o
whom they purchased , that they
were satisfied they had saved money
on every article over Omaha prices
and that they were glad to be able
to get a first class selection of me
tropolitan lines so much closer to
homo than they had been used to
doing it before.
"We have always gone to Omaha
before to do lhat class of buying
which we could not do in the smaller
towns. It was always a throe days
trip. We have been learning to know
a little more of Norfolk since The
News has branched out. We decided
finally , to atop hero and take a
chance. There are three of ua am
wo hardly felt thai wo could affon
to make the trip to Omaha. It la
120 mllea farther each way amount
ing to $7.20 for each one ; or1 $211.60
for the additional car fare alone
Then wo would have been oul a
least $4 more for hotel bill , to say
nothing of the twenty-four hours for
three people and the wear and tear
of riding for thai dlslance wtlhoul a
Kindly Toward Norfolk.
"We people of Butlo and of Boyd
county in fact the people of this
new northwest , aa you have heard it
called feel kindly toward Norfolk
Wo like to come here because it is
handy. Several times I have seen
little things advertised , sent down to
Norfolk by letter in the morning and
got the articles back on the after
noon train.
"This la a great point for all of us
In that neighborhood. The ne\v
northwest is just like n big community
with n common Interesl in Us up
building sorl of a big family , you
know , in which it Is the intoresl ol
every town and every Individual to
push with all Its might for develop
ment. Wo appreciate the fact thai
Norfolk haa a mulual Inleresl with
us. Norfolk wants to help our coun
try fill up , and la trying to help us
do It. What does Omaha or Sioux
City care about ua ? And for thai rea
son we arc glad to give Norfolk a
chance , whenever we can , al Iho
Irado which wo are bound to send
outside , And Li-tildes thai , it IB
money In our pockets to do It. "
The merchant who had boon visit
ed by those people from Butte , was
not a lltllo surprised. Ho had not
especially appreciated the fact of the
matter which The News has boon try-
ng to point out during the year. Ho
md looked at Iho Idea oul of Iho his eye until yesterday.
nit now ho sees U differently.
"The whole city ought to npprecl-
to" thai country , " ho said , "for 11 IB
a great territory. I should like to
'o up and got acquainted with the
> eoplo of the now northwest. I bo-
love it would bo a good proposition
rom a mere business standpoint for
ho merchants of Norfolk. "
Several Ideas have boon suggested
or the merchants of Norfolk , Ones
s th&l Ihoy might unite on a special
ay when they would refund railroad
arc to any visitor who purchased a
certain amount of goods. The mer
chants could bo assessed for the faro
according to the size of each one's
sales to each visitor. S
There will no doubt bo trade from
Ihls now northwest If the merchants
of Norfolk say never a word. It has
boon Increasing In a remarkable way
during the past four months. The
hotel registers show several hundred
per cent greater lists of visitors in
the city from this northern Nebraska
today than they did n year ago loday.
The streets are crowded with strang
ers from early morning at G until
late In the evening when the last
trains go out. This trade will In
crease because It Is money In the
pocket of north Nebraska to como
hero instead of going through. But
If the people of Norfolk would gel to
gether nnd adopt some form of In
ducement by which Ihls clly as a re
tail market could bo more quickly
developed , the resulls would without
a doubt bo forthcoming. Several Ideas
and good ones have been suggested.
All of thorn , without exception , have
boon tossed aside as unworthy the
serious deliberation of the business
men who would bo bonefltled.
It Saved His Leg.
P. A. Danforth of LaGrangc , Ga. ,
suffered for six months with a fright- j
ful running sore on his leg ; but t
writes that Bucklen's Arnica Salvo
wholly cured It In flve days. For ul *
cors , wounds , piles , It's the best
salvo In the world. Cure guaranteed.
Only 25c. Sold by Leonard , the drug
Working Overtime.
Eight hour laws are Ignored by
those tireless Httlo workers Dr.
King's Now Life Pills. Millions are
always at work , night nnd dny , curIng -
Ing Indigestion , Biliousness , Consti
pation , Sick Headache and all Stomach
ach , Liver and Bowel troubles. Easy-
pleasant , safe , sure. Only 25c at
Leonard's drug store.
Tragedy Averted.
"Just In the nick of time our Httlo
boy was saved " writes Mrs. W. Wat-
kinp of Pleasant City , Ohio. "Pneu
monia had played sad havoc with
him and a terrible cough set in bo-
sldes. Doctors treated him , but he
grew worse every day. At length
we tried Dr. King's Now Discovery
for Consumption , and our darling
was saved. He's now sound and
well. " Everybody ought to know ,
it's the only sure cure for coughs ,
colds and all lung diseases. Guaran
teed by Asa K. Leonard , druggist
Price 50c and $1.00. Trial botUea
No business is so small that It can
not advertise successfully If judicious
ly. And no business la so large that
It can afford to dispense with adver
tising. The News now reaches more
people In northern Nebraska and the
country tributary than any other
newspaper from whatever locality.
An advertisement In Its columns IB
a good Investment and will Taring re
turns If handled right
* * * * * * * * * * : * * -I- * * * * * . ; . . *
Highest Market $
Prices Paid
at all Times.
| Long Distance Telephone , 183. j
lowest Rites.
W , J , GOW &
Money on Hind.
Dr. Weaver's Syrup
Purlfle * the blood ; Cerata ( ointment ) for the kln. I
Your Tongue
If it's coated , your stomach
is bad , your liver is out of
order. Ayer's Pills will clean
your tongue , cure your dys
pepsia , make your liver right *
Easy to take , easy to operate *
23c. All druggliti.
VtantjoorrnouiUclK or btird'b' * * uUf uH
brown or rich bltclc r Tlien ail
OCT . 0 , B.MMT , , .
Q 4 Co . NUM. * , N. M.