The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, March 25, 1904, Image 1

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NOHKOUC , N13HHASKA , I'MtlDAY ' , MAHl'll iD ! , 11)01 ) ,
Disastrous Flames Visit North
Prairies in Vicinity of Atkinson
Swept by Blaze.
Prairies are Covered \ Vast
Sheets of Fire Which Swv \
Unchecked , Burning Houses
Barns Elgin's Narrow Escape. '
Atkinson , Neb. . March 24. Special
to The News : Torruic fires , fanned
Into diabolical appetite" by the fierce
south gale which swept over this sec
tion of the country all day yesterday
nnd through the night , have done
great damage in the country around
Flro started two and ono-half miles
east of town and ran eleven miles
north , sweeping the dry prairies before
fore It with hungry , licking tongues
of flame and eating up the buildings
In Its path. The barns and outbuild
ings of Ed Fullerton were destroyed
and a large barn belonging to George
Flro at the Ray postofflco , twenty-
five miles northeast of hero , de
stroyed a house and barn completely.
This blaze ran unchecked for fifteen
miles south.
A bad flro started south of Newport -
port and between 400 and 500 men of
tho' ' town have gene out to fight It
" .
* >
At the Simmons postofflo a large
barn was burned by a flame which
"jumped along at a frightful speed for
twenty or thirty miles.
At 11 o'clock this morning the
southern gale suddenly switched and
was replaced by a very heavy north
westerly , which Is sweeping across
the plains. A cold wave signal was
received hero by telegraph and this ,
It is thought , Is the beginning of a
drop of forty degrees which will hit
north Nebraska generally before
Amelia , Neb. , March 24. Special to
The News : At 2 o'clock this after
noon the pralrio fire In this vicinity
is still raging and It will without
doubt destroy this postofllco town.
Bassett , Neb. , March 24. A disas
trous pralrio flre has been raging In
Rock county since early Wednesday
morning. The flre originated in Loup
county and driven by a high wind ,
burned a strip from flve to ten miles
wide from the south line of the coun
ty to the railroad near Newport , a
distance of forty miles. , Thousands of
tons of hay , many residences , out
buildings nnd stock have been de
stroyed. The flre continues and an
army of men nnd teams is lighting it.
A special train carrying seventy-five
men was sent from Long Pine and
Bassott to assist the town of Newport
and It Is now out of danger. No fatal
ities have been reported , but several
fire fighters have been Injured.
Kearney. Neb. , March 24. A pral-
road Platte river bridge and partly
Holdrege , Neb. , March 24. A ter
rific wind from the south has been
' blowing here and the noon train set
out three fires near Atlanta , one or
more of which burned clear through
to the Platte , a distance of twenty
miles. A number of farmers were
burned out. Some saved their homes ,
but lost everything else , while others
lost all their buildings and stock. A.
Olsen , an old man , who wassick in
bed , was burned to death , and a
woman and boy are missing and are
believed to have perished.
Pelletler's Dry Goods Store Was
Threatened for Time.
Sioux City , la. , March 24. Special
to The News : Fire broke out In the
Peletler dry goods store this morn
Ing and for a tlmo things looked dan
gerous. It was gotten under control ,
however , and the loss was slight.
Fire Is Raging In Large Jobbing
House In Black Hills.
Rapid City , S. D. , March 24. At
1:30 : this afternoon fire Is raging In
ono of the largo grocery jobbing
houses In this city , and It Is not yet
known whether the firemen will bo
able to bring it under control.
Little Daughter of Mr. and Mrs
Bartsch of Lindsay.
Lindsay , Neb , , March 21. Special
to 'Tho News : Mr. and Mrs. Win
Bartsch , who have had their 7-year
old daughter to Chicago for treat
ment for the past six weeks , returned
Saturday and took the little girl to
Humphrey where an operation was
performed and about a quart of pus
removed from the abdominal cavity
by Dr. Walker of Lindsay and Dr.
Gadbols of Humphrey.
The llttlo girl Is still In a very crit
ical condition and there Is some
doubt regarding her recovery.
Revolt In Cameroons.
Berlin , March 24. General von Putt-
kammer , governor of the Camproons.
cables that the revolt of the natives
hns spread to Cross river and extend
ed to British territory In Nigeria and
that the British custom housu nt Obo-
kum was attacked on March 10. The
governor adds that Colonel Mueller ,
Is at Cross river and has the situation
well In hand.
Hlnthaw Is Renomlnated.
York , Neb. , March 24. T o Fourth
Nebraska district Republican congrcR-
( slonal convention renomlnntod Rcpre-
Jjiontnttvo Hlnshaw by acclamation.
/ } / I. FOBS and H. M. Chllds wcro so-
jiod district delegates to the na-
ionnl convention and Instructed for
Room Filled With Burning Gas
Nearly Disastrous.
By Her Plucky Efforts , However , and
Those of an Early Arrival , the
Home Is Saved From Flame Acet
ylene Gas Fixture Causes Trouble.
Elgin , Neb. , March 24. Special to
The News : What threatened to bo
serious flro was averted hero
Wednesday night in the residence of
ra Wolfe , the prominent merchant
A gas fixture was broken , off and the
room filled with escaping , acetylene
gas.Mrs. . ' Wolfe plifcklly attempted
o smother the flames and in the of-
'ort the cloth of'her sleeve caught
flro and burned her arm quite se
riously before she could succeed in
extinguishing it. An alarm was
urned In and Ed Roberta rushed to
.ho scene , checking the blaze by
wrapping his coat about the broken
Aside from burning the cloth and
smoking the rooms , no real damage
resulted hut as a big wind was blow-
ng at the tlmo It was lucky that the
flro was put out In the beginning.
Elgin School House.
Elgin , Neb. , March 24. Special to
, o The News : Excavation for the
lew school house In Elgin began this
512,000 and Is being done by local
Wedding of Elgin People.
Elgin , Neb. , March 24. Special to
The News : Ross Saunders and Miss
rankle Palmer were married at Ne
igh yesterday. Mr. Saunders Is one
of the Industrious young men of El
gin , a son of F. L. Satmders who Is
oho of the well known pioneers of
Antelope county. He is employed by
T. M. Payne. Miss Palmer is a
laughter of Fred Palmer , a builder
and contractor. She is ono of the
Inest young ladles of Elgin and has
taught school hero for seven years.
They will go to housekeeping at
Report from Berlin Says Skorl is
Still Safe.
Berlin , March 24. It Is reported
iiere today that the Bayan was blown
up on March 1C at Port Arthur , In
stead of the torpedo boat Skorl , and
that several hundred were drowned.
Has to Give up His Theatrical En.
Now York , March 24. Jack Mon
roe , the prize fighter so well known ,
Is very seriously 111 In this city. He
has had to abandon his theatrical en
gagements on account of his illness.
Miners and Operators of Illinois Get
Springfield , 111. , March 24. The
question among miners of the 111 !
nols coal fields will be settled hero
this afternoon at a conference which
Is being held between the operators
and miners.
Card Circulated Shows Big Salaries
in Family.
Washington , March 24. Congress ,
men hero today are circulating a
card which states that Brjstow's
father , his son , his brother and a
number of other relatives of the man
who made tlio report about grafts ,
are together drawing from the United
States government $10,000 every
year on fat jobs.
Gilbert Named for Congress.
Fort Wayne , Ind. , March 21. The
Republicans of the Twelfth congros
slonal district , In convention , noml
natod Lieutenant Governor Newton
W , Ollbort as n candidate for con
gress. The resolutions endorsed Pres
ident Roosevelt
Corbctt and Britt Will Meet in
the Ring.
Jimmy Brltt Wants the Honor to be
Again Determined at San Francisco
Tomorrow Night Drltt Is Confl-
dent and Corbett Is Also.
San Francisco , March 24. "Young
'orbett ' , " champion featherweight
uiglllst of the world , and Jimmy
Jrltt , who bollovGH lie ought to bo
champion , have completed their work
> f preparation and are ready to en-
or tlio ring at Woodward's pavllllon
oinorrow night to Hottlo the ques--
Ion of rolntlvo supremacy. The bnt-
le will bo the most Important the
ihamplon IIUH engaged In since his
ast light with Terry McOovorn.
) rltt never worked harder for a com *
ng fight , and both men will go Into
ho ring In nearly perfect condition.
Jrltt realizes the stake that Is at
sauc , and will make a supreme of-
ort to show his California admlrora
hat ho Is at the top of 'his class.
The Hayes Valley Athletic olub ,
mdcr whoso auspices the contest
vlll take place , reports ono of the
argcst scat sales of any fight that
ias over taken place In San Fran
cisco. Delegations of sporting men
are already arriving .from out of
own and the indications point to an
enormous crowd in the big pavilllon ,
when the little fighters enter the
ring. .
Never In the history ot a champion
ship fight has betting.been so light
as it is on the Jimmy Drtt-"Young |
Corbett" contest , which will bo de
cided hero Friday night. No hots of
any proportion have been registered
at Harry Corbett's or any other pool
A number of small bets have been
made by lesser 'sporting lights and
; heatrlcal folks , the odds being 10
0 8 on the featherweight champion.
3rltt's admirers seem to have plenty
of money , but arc holding off for
> etter odds. Ten to six Is what they
want , but experts declare they HOO
10 reason In the world why Corbett
should bo made the favorite in the
jetting. It is doubtful If Brltt'a
inckers will get the odds they de-
Young Corbctt said today , "You
san bet all you have that I'll win
rom Jimmy Drift Friday. Just as
sure as ho crawls through the ropes
: o fight me he will bo carried out a
> ndly beaten man. I am In shape
? ouldnn't bo better and that's a
iuaranteo that no man in the world
can beat me nt my weight. "
Doth men took their final propara-
Jon today. Drltt made a particularly
inisy day of it at Croll's garden.
There was a big crowd on hand to
see him , but only a chosen few were
admitted to the gymnasium. In
speaking of the coming encounter the
Ittlo Callfornlan said : "I will have
: o hit an awful gait to beat Corbett ,
but I know It's In' me. I don't like
to talk about these things , but I
would just like my friends to know
that I am confident , and have put up
money on myself. Young Corbott is
a wonderful fighter , and I will have
the hardest contest of my career , but
1 feel sure I'll win. "
The same feeling of confidence was
apparent today in the Corbett camp.
Despite the many stories to the con
trary the champion has been train
ing faithfully for his battle with Brltt
and from al | indications he will enter
the ring In first-class condition. In
company with his trainers he went
through the usual routine of exer
cises today , spending an hour or so
In road work and afterwards boxing
several rounds.
Charged Wjth Striking Physician
Over Head With Cane.
Pierce , Neb. , March 24. The pre
liminary hearing In the case of the
State of Nebraska vs. Geo. Goff , mar
shal of the town" of Pierce , was held
before County Judge Williams. This
Is a case wherein It is claimed that
Marshal Goff struck the village phy
slcian , Dr. J. T. Pringle , over the
head with his cane. It is charged
that Goff tried to strike Pringle with
his cane but Pringle pulled It away
from him and tried to strike Goff
twice. Goff got Pringle up against
the wall when W. W. Qulvoy stoppeii
In and parted them. Goff then told
Prlnglo that ho was under arrest ,
and Prlnglo said that ho would have
to draw his warrant to pay his fine ,
but ho didn't allow any man to cal'
him. a liar without slapping him
whereupon Goff. it is said , struck him
with his cane. A number of men saw
the fight and many stories are in clr
dilation. Judge Williams thought
the evidence- strong enough to noli
the marshal and so Bound him over
In tho. sum of ? 800. Doth men have
friends and an .Interesting case wil
corao before the next district court.
Temperature for Twenty-Four Hours
Ending nt 8 O'clock this Morning.
Forecast for Nebraska.
ConilttlotiB of Urn weather , UH ro-
conloil for tlio 21 hours oiidhii ; nt 8
n. ni. today.
Maximum ( V. )
illnlmum 40
Avorngo fill
'roclpltntlou ( )
'reclpltntlon for month ! I7
Unromotor 21)iO ) ;
Chicago , March 24. The bulletin IH-
uod by tlm Chicago otntlon of the
United Statoa weather bureau thin
nornlng , glvon the forecast for No-
iraska lui follows :
Until tonight. Snow and cold wave
onlght. Friday fnlr , with colder
nst portion. Utah northwoHt winds.
Chicago , March 211.1:14 : p. in.
Special forccaHt. Cold wavo. Kail
n temporaluro forty degrees or more
jy or during Thursday night.
Tormer President of Honduras Haa
Deen Sentenced to Death.
New York , March 24. There Is a
rumor hero that former President
I'ollcarpo Bonlllu , of Honduras has
H.'ou tiled by court-nuntlul uml HUH-
uticod to bo shot to death , -Hays a
loiuld dispatch from Panama. Ho
was arrested and thrown Into prluon
ast month with several othur inmi-
jors of the chamber of deputies , it bo
ng charged that a plot against the
government of President Manuel
Sonllla was hatching among them.
General Pollcnrpo DonllU tor many
years was pieBldunt of the country ,
and it lu said ho was the only mun
who over retired from office willingly
and without starting a revolution to
bring him back into power again. It
was during his administration that a
reform constitution was atloptdd which
provided among other changes for a
secret ballot Instead of the vivo vuco
method ot election.
Hold Railroad Responsible.
Dubuque , la. , March 24. The core
ner's jury inquiry Into the cause of
the deaths of Thomas , Rhyno , Grin-
weld and Cavanaugh , who woru killed
In a collision of two stock trains at
Dyersvlllc , Fob. 25 , returned a veidlct
holding the Chicago Great Western
railroad and Conductor Mahoney 10-
sponslble and charges both with gross
negligence. The wreck was caused
by the second section of a stock train
crashing Into the first section , Maud-
Ing at Dyersvllle. Tlio evidence
showed that there were no signals
placed and that the speed ot the see-
and section was such as to make a col
lision Inevitable.
Senator Burton's Trial.
St. Louis , March 24.--In the trial of
Senator J. R. Burton of Kansas Dis
trict Attorney Dyer read a letter pur
porting to have been written to the
local attorney of the Rlalto company
by Senator Button , In which the latter
is alleged to have stated that ho had
made Inquiries at the postofflce de
partment regarding complaints against
the Rlalto company and assured the
latter that no final action would ba
taken until he , Burton , had been first
notified and had arranged for a full
hearing before the department. "In
return , " the letter states , "I trust ar
rangements will bo made for my first
month's pay. "
Disciples of Christ Meet.
Chicago , March. 24. Over 300 dele
gates from all parts of the country
were present here at the convention
of the National Congress tff the Dis
ciples of Christ. Officers were elected
to serve during the coming year as
follows : President. J. J. Haley , Richmond
mend , Va. ; secretary , M. S. Sharp ,
Columbia , Mo. Next year's convention
will be held In Columbia , Mo. , in
Death of General Armstrong.
Indianapolis , March 24 General
Thomas Armstrong Morris of this
city is dead at the home of his daugh
ter. Mrs. E. M. Chambers , t San
Diego. Cal. , where ho was staying for
the benefit of his health. He was the
oldest living graduate of West Point
having received his diploma from the
national military school in 1B34. Gen
eral Morris was ninety-one years ot
Keokuk Canal to Open April 1.
Keokult , la. , March J4. Orders bare
been Issued to open the United States
Dos Molnoe rapldi canal for navlga
tion on April 1. Several small steam
era and the big packets Qulncy and
Sidney are being rapidly painted in
the canal and will start as soon as tha
canal Is opened. Steamboat men are
anticipating a heavy traffic this year
because of the fair at St. Louis.
Holdenvllle Bank Falls.
Holdenvlllo , I. T. . March 24. Thi
National Bank of Holdenvllle , ono o
the largest banks In the Creek nation
has suspended payment. It Is now In
the hands of the comptroller of th
currency. The condition of the bank
U fairly good. Injudicious Investmen
Is given as tbo cause of th * trouble
Governor Cummins III.
D i Molnes , March 24. Governor A
B. Cummins Is seriously ill with aa
attack of the grlppa and Is threat
ened with pneumonia. Tbo governor
has been 111 for about two weeks , but
has persisted IB attending to his
tiutlw M the state house.
Delievctl War Will Be Fought
on Plains of Manchuria.
Will Probably Seize Hal Cheng as nn
Additional Base Japs Said to Have
Destroyed Russian Battleship nt
Port Arthur.
London , March 24. The ntrliiKont
Fnpnneso connornhlp in likely to ho ru
nted mirly In April , naye the well In-
'ormud ' Dally Telegraph's Si'oul corns-
pondent. This coincides with the nu
merous Indication ! ! of iho Immliionro
> f land operations. In the mount I mo
he veil IIUH not boon lifted and not a
word has yut Innund , cither offl-
daily ftxnn Japan or unofficially from
any other source , concornlng the last
bombardment of Port Arthur.
The TlmnH prominently publishes nn
opinion of a correspondent Hint Ja
pan will Innd her main nrmy nt Now
hwntiKi which will ho formed Into a
magnificent bnsn and Hint shn also
probably will seine Ilnl Cheng , flftenn
miles onstwnrd nnd on the rnllrond.
an an nddtlonnl hatto , and thnt without
seriously attacking cither Port Ar-
bur or Vladivostok , the wnr will bo
ought out on tbo plains ot cnutral
London , March 24. A Borlon of moi-
, sent by n correspondent of the
Dally Mall at Chemulpo , Koran , do-
ncrlbaa tha perfect organisation nnd
anatiRonionta of the Japanese forces
n Korea. Elaborate preparations
have been made for landing troops
and advancing thorn through tbo coun
try nnd pontoon brtdgos and ntrxbloo
are built wherever they are found to
> o nccoasary. Tbo greatest difficulty
facing the Japomtso ! the commis
sariat , as , awing to the poor food sup
plies of Korea. It la only possible at
> resent to maintain 00,000 men. The
Fapanoie hold two enormously strong
monitions at Ping Yang and on tbo
Hlok San ran go between Hwangju and
3ooul. The latter , the correspondent
says , In probably Imprognnbln and BO-
curoa Seoul from land attacks from
he northwest. In the event of defeat
t Is intended to hold the passes at
Kazan , thus protecting the 'Ping Yang
valley. The Japanese troops are suf-
from dysentery and pneumonia ,
the army is full of spirit. There
probably 20,000 Jnpnncfce at Plner
Yang , which the correspondent points
out might easily have been taken when
.ho Russian scouts first arrived , thcru
them only 2BO Japanese ooldlors.
The HiiBBlanH Intended to make Anju
heir bnno , but owing to the doluy In
the arrival of reinforcements they
were afraid thv would bo cut off and
so retired. Mennwhllo the Japanese
advanced to Ping Yang by forced
marches , the troops being almost with
out equipment.
According to this correspondent the
[ tusslnns are preparing to prevent the
JapnnoHO landing nt Pnk Chun , twenty
mllon west of Anju. nnd he hnys the
Jap'oso sallord admit that Port Ar
; hur Is so pro' ' ct M by mines nnrt tor
pedoes that It would mean death to
approach It.
Russians Are Not Worrying.
St. Petersburg , March 24. As no
further dispatches , official or other-
wlno , have arrived hero from Port
Arthur up to this motnlng thu officials
hnvo oomo to tlio conclusion that the
bombardment by tbo Japanese fleet
on tbo night of March 21 nnd on the
morning of March 22 failed to caupe
any damage considered worthy to bo
n ported to the emperor. In consequence
quenco considerable satisfaction at
the continued frultlcssness of the
Japanese asBniilts on Port Arthur pre
vails In hlfih circles
The correspondent of the Novl Krul
of Port Arthur , who Is proceeding to
the Ynlu river , writes thnt he fin\v
crowds of Chinese coolies throwing up
earthworks on the frowning imprc nn
ble heights at Kin Chen , north of Port
Dalny. This shows that the Russians
are determined to resist the Japanese
attempt to Innd on the neck of the
Llao Tung peninsula.
Vladivostok Preparing for Siege.
Vladivostok , March 24. While the
situation hero remains quiet. It Is not
ox pec ted that Vladivostok will con
tlnuo to bo much longer free from the
vigorous operations of the Japanese
In anticipation ot the appearance ol
tbo enemy and of a possible siege , a
ladles' circle has been formed , which
sltn six hours dally at the ministry of
marine preparing bandages of linen for
sick soldiers and sailors.
Destroys Russian Battleship.
Toklo , March 24. A special from
Mojl says the Japanese fleet made an
other attack on Port Arthur March 18
bombarded the city and Its dnfonses
and foiiRht a furious engagement with
tbo Russian fleet outside the harbor
destroying ono Russian battleship
Seven Jnpaneso casualties are re-
portod. There Is no information concerning
corning the Japanese fleet's condi
State Rests In Rudolph Case.
Union , Mo. , March 24. After exam
Inlng more than thirty witnesses , the
staU r t d Its onso In the trial o
William Kudolpb. tbo alleged Union
bank robber , who ii charged with th
oi Dotectlro Bcbumachir. At
. . . . . .
' * . ? * fl f rh- . * '
tnrnnyn for thu dofoimn ald ( hat their
only hope for n favornblo verdict was-
In thr fact that tlio Htato had not pnv
scnli-il lliu testimony to witness to
'ho shooting ,
Wreck on the Lnke aTiore.
Oltnolnnd. March 21The oasU
lound I'ltlHburg and Hiiffalo express
in tlm I.ako Hhoro road ran Into an
> pen Hwltch In nmthpnnt I'cunnylvnnln
while running nt n high rate of spnod ,
d mivurnl pitHHoiiKi'r coaches were
Icralloil , The cni'lnocr , linKKngomnn
and n brnkomnn were nnrlously In
ured. The ptiKlni ) ntruck the depot
ml pnrtlnlly dmnollHhod It.
Allege Editor Is Russia Spy.
Toklo , March 24 The bouse of rop-
rumintatlvos appointed n commlttco
of cliUitmm miMiilmrn to Investlgato
ho chnrKii that Teitlnk Aldynmn , n
nnmbor of parliament , In In the cm *
tloy of the Russian government Aid-
/amn IB publisher of thu Nlrokushl-
mn , a Toldo pnpor , which hns been
ilttcrlv uunulllim the Kovornmont.
Tclluridc District Again Under
Military Control.
iauso of the Action Was the Inten
tion of Deported Men to Return.
Union Miners Hold a Meeting and
Decide on Line of Action.
Denver , March 24. After ten day *
of civil control , San Miguel county U
gain under martial law. According
o nqwn from Tellurldo , a proclaim *
.Ion Issued by Governor Peabody WAS
road tlicro declaring the county to b *
n a Btato of rebellion and ordering
Captain Well of thu local troops to
assume control of affnlru of the couo-
y. In thu proclamation It IB stated ,
hat certain armed bands In and about
ho county aru preparing to join fore on
'or ' the purpose of resisting the law
and destroying property. The primary
cause for the placing of San Miguel
under control of the military again la
bo trouble between the union minor *
and the Citizens' Alliance , which re
sulted In the deporting of a number
of union men several days ago. The
action of the government was consequent
quent upon an appeal from the iihcrlff
of the county , who stated that affalrn
tiad readied such a state that he could
no longer enforce the law. liiforma-
.Ion from Ouray , a neighboring niln-
ng camp , where the deported men
Bought refuge , tells of a Joint meet-
ng held there between the unions ot
3ilvorton and Ouray , which was nt-
; ended by President Meyer of the
Western Federation of Miners and
.ho deported Tellurldo unionists. It
was decided to stuit some of tbo cvlct-
d men back to Tollurldo today to
test thu situation. This will bo done
under thu Injunction Issued by Judge
Stevens of Onray. If the men nro In-
: erferod with a stand will bo made
first on the powers of the Injunction.
Should this prove unnvnlllng , Presi
dent Meyer snys , proceedings for
itnmagos will bo commenced In the
'odoral courts against all concerned
In the deportation .of the Tellurldo
unlonlsts > He also said that charges
of kidnaping may bo brought against
them under the federal laws.
Troops Reach Trinidad.
Trinidad , Colo. , March 21. The spe
cial train benrlng 380 members of the
National Guard arrived hero. The
coming of the troops caused absolute
ly no excitement. , Camp was estab
lished in this city and detachments
wore sent out to various coal camps
to relieve the mine guards employed
by the coal companies , who have been
drawing $5 a day each. Immediately
upon arrival Major llltt rend his first
general order , placing the entire coun
ty under martial law and ordering all
saloons to close at 9 p. m. dally. All
citizens having firearms In their pos
session are ordered to register them
Immediately with the military author
ities and the sale of n roar ins and am
munition in the county Is absolutely
forbidden The mine owners have In
sisted for months past that they could
not get men to operate their property
because non-unionists wcro afraid to
go to work unless afforded military
Tells of Hubbard's Death.
Willlamstown , Mass. . March 24.
The reports ot the death of Leonldaa
Hubbard , Jr. , assistant editor of Out
ing Magazine , while on an explor
ing expedition In Ixibrador , wore con
firmed by a letter received by rela
tives of A. Dillon Wallace , a former
Wllliamstown man , who Is the surviv
ing white man of the party. While In
the deep Interior Hubbard's strength
failed him and the party started back ,
hoping to reach provisions. When
Hubbard could go no farther Wallace
and George , the Indian guide , made
him comfortable and went on for pro
visions nnd assistance. Wallace
found a quantity of flour which the
party loft on Its way In , about twelve
miles from the place where Hubbard
was left , and started back with It ,
while George wont forty miles beyond
to flnd ft party ot trappers. On the
return trip Wnllaco lost his way In
the deep snow and was near death and
out of his mind when found by
George's party. Wallace soon re
gained his strength , but Hubbard dlod
the sumo da/ .