The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, March 18, 1904, Page 7, Image 7

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i H
That is The Subject Discussed
at Union Meeting.
A Summary of What the Lender , Rev.
Mr. Lyon , Had to Say at the First Church Last Night.
World Is Full of Sinners.
IKrom Killings Daily. ]
An nutllimco tlmt Illlod the Congre
gational church from platform to
rcnr Untuned to the llrat sermon In
the ten commomlmont series. The
chorus choir Is Increasing l num
bers and effectiveness.
Mr. Coultes sany very oxptosslVo-
ly a solo , "Tho Old Fireside. " Mr.
Lyon said In part :
The law of supply and demand IB
\ Just as certain and dellnlto In the
' spiritual realm as In the material.
Without a demand there can ho no
commerce either financial or reli
gious. The great lack In our day Is
a deep conviction of sin. So many
realize no need of salvation. When
a man thinks ho Is all right It Is good
emvidonco that ho is all wrong.
Sad to say , we are living In a law
less dispensation of the world. This
spirit of disrespect for authority hu
man and divine is manifest among all
classes and conditions. It is evident
first of all In the home. There was
a time when the children obeyed the
parents , but In the largo part of.
homes that is not true today. If the
son wants to spend his evening on
the street among evil associates , ho
goes and the girls pay no heed to the
mother's injunctions but gad the
streets even to the latest hours , the
prey to every fiend in human form.
It is about time that Christian pa
rents stopped raising children for
This spirit of lawlessness is mani
fest in society at large. The pendu
lum has swung so far to the other
extreme that liberty to do right is
being interpreted as license to do
wrong. Anarchism and atheism go
hand In hand. When one seeks to
abolish divine authority to destroy
human authority. The only euro for
anarchy is a real revival of religion
turning men from sin to God. "
Mr. Lyon then proceeded to deal
with the commandments separately.
"It Is evident why the first conv
mandment was put first for It In
cludes all the others. The second
one is like unto the first. We talk
about the heathenism and idolatry of
foreign countries. We have an Idol
atry In America just as bad. Men are
worshipping self , and Intelect , and
pleasure and dress. Bacchus and Ve
nus Is the deity of more people today
than Christ. No god Is so success
fully competing with Jesus for King
ship as the money god. The Bible
does not say it Is wrong to serve
God and mammon , it says It Is an
imposlbillty. Appetite , too , is the
lord of many lives. Many people are
just flesh. A big banquet will draw
a far larger crowd than spiritual
worship. The average person cares
more for his stomach than for his
soul. You cannot tell which man a
dog belongs to as long as two men
walk together. But when they sep
arate you can tell very quickly to
which the dog belongs. When Christ
and conscience calls one way , and the
world , the flesh and the devil Invites
you another way , which path do you
take ? "
Tonight Mr. Lyon will continue this
Interesting subject , speaking on pro
fanity , Sabbath breaking and adul
Sunday afternoon there will be a
special rally of young people between
fourteen and twenty-four at the Con
gregational church.
Mrs. C. H Reynolds Is visiting Mad
ison today
W. E. Campbell was In Norfolk from
J , M. McIIowell was down from
Pierce yesterday.
John Simmer was In the city yes
terday from Carroll.
Rev. Father Haley was In the city
yesterday from Wayne.
Lewis Sommer of Randolph was a
Norfolk visitor yesterday.
An Insurance policy of $549.90 has
been paid on the Gund beer vault.
Marie Krey and Alma Hoeffner of
Osmond visited In Norfolk yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Stewart of Oma
ha are guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. J.
W. H. Butterfleld returned last night
from a trip to his ranches at Wausau
and Osmond.
T. P. Memmlnger will leave Mad
ison next Tuesday for a business trip
to Oklahoma.
Mrs. M. L. Roslter of Silver Creek ,
Neb. , who has been visiting at Mrs.
D. D. Hall's , went to Emerson today.
W. H. RIsh and family expect to
leave early next week for their now
home In Oregon. They had planned
to get away Monday , but It Is Improb
able that they will bo ready to leave
on that date.
A rooming and boarding bouse will
bo opened In the bouse west of the
First Congregational church by Mrs.
Lizzie Marshall , widow of the late
Luther Marshall who was killed by
a locomotive.
The West Sldo Whist club was en
tertained at Iho homo of Ur , and Mrs
I' H. Sailor last evening.
Miss Palsy Martin has loft for Ak
chlRon , Kan. , after an extended visit
at the homo of her sister , Mrs. F. 1C.
Davenport of this city.
Captain Hardy , the export rlllo and
Hhol-gtin manipulator Is In Norfolk
ngaln today to glvo another exhibi
tion of his skill on the grounds east
of the city at ! ! o'clock this afternoon.
There will bo a shot gun contest In
connection with the exhibition.
The "SI Hasklns" theatrical people
arrived In Iho city before wxm today.
They are bixikod for two perfor
mances , matinee and ovonlng. The
rubo" baud has boon milking things
merry slnco the crowd struck town.
A largo number of the patrons of the
luatlnoo performance consist of chil
dren of the city , who are out of school
for Iho day.
Mrs. Fannlo Howe , boiilllclary of
Charles .1. Howe In thu Anclont Or
der of United Workmen , was ever
from Sioux City and returned yester
day morning , after completing the pre
liminaries through which sbo re
ceived a draft for $2,000 , the amount
called for by her certlllcato. Mr.
Howe was a member of Norfolk lodge
No. 97 , and the settlement was under
auspices of the olllcors of the lodge.
Local nlmrods are preparing to
make their Initial bombardment on
the ducks that are In annual migration
to the north , and there are said to bo
in unusually line lllght in certain
parts of the state. At darks recent
ly one man got his fifty birds in a
lay , all the law allows , and the party
10 was with brought down 108 of the
birds. Geese are likewise coming In
quite plentifully.
The Fremont G. A. R. post will.soon
bo In possession of a couple of civil
war cannon , which they have been
iftor during the past five years , and
will be sent by the war department
to Fremont to bo mounted. The guns
como from Ft. Morgan , Ala. , and are
21-pound howitzers of 9-lnch bore and
wore captured from the confederacy
: jy union troops during the civil war.
It Is supposed that they are Inscribed
with the date and place of their sei
Sweethearts must not stroll on the
capltol square lawn at Lincoln , and
the hurrying business man must not
leave the sidewalks In passing through
the state's property. The board of
puimc lanus ami warnings nas 101-
owed in the footsteps of President
Cleveland and has Issued to the pub
ic the same advice given by the dem
ocratic chief executive when he requested
quested General Coxey to discontinue
ils perambulations across the vcg-
tatlon surrounding the white house.
Lincoln citizens must keep off the
rass under penalty of the law. That
the order of the board may bo strlct-
y enforced the force of janitors at
the capltol wore sworn in as special
police Thursday morning and from
now on are empowered to make ar
rests for disorderly conduct or tres
Convicts at the Nebraska penlten-
; lary are to be permitted to lay aside
the striped uniform now In use at
the institution. Warden Boomer has
arranged a credit system whereby
prisoners whose conduct Is good will
jo uniformed in gray and will be
quartered in the new cell bouse. Those
of unruly disposition will be confined
in the old cell house and will con
tinue to wear the customary garb.
The pre&cnt black striped uniform Is
the pet aversion of the average con
vict , as It adds neither to beauty efface
face or figure. In the large peniten
tiaries of the eastern states the sys
tem to bo adopted by Warden Boomer
lias been In vogue for a number of
years and Is alleged to be conducive
Lo good behavior of the prisoners.
The famalo prisoners at the peniten
tiary have worn the gray uniforms
for a number of years.
One Salesman Expects House Here
Before Next Fall.
"I would not bo a bit surprised to
sec a wholesale grocery bouse In
Norfolk before fall , " said a traveling
salesman who represents a grocery
firm In Omaha and who has been on
the road for that firm during a great
many years. "It Is the finest point
In the world for such a business and
sooner or later it must come. My
customers all out through the terri
tory north and west of Norfolk would
10 glad to patronize such a firm , "
Kaffee Klatsch Entertained.
Mrs. H. T. Holden entertained the
ladies of the Kaffoc Klatsch at 1
o'clock luncheon today in honor of
her mother , Mrs. Jonnlson of Omaha ,
who Is visiting her.
Flinch Party.
Mrs. S. F. Ersklne was hostess at
a very pleasant flinch party yesterday
afternoon , six tables of players enjoy
ing the games. Mrs. W. 7 . King was
the most successful and won the
prize. At the close of the games a
nice two-course supper was served.
Hounds and Hares.
The boys of the Norfolk high school
had a hound and liaro chase this
morning that was Interesting. The
hares won out , , reaching the starting
point nineteen minutes ahead of the
hounds. The hares had a flfteen-min
utes start and gained four minutes
over the pursuers In making the clr
. People of Norfolk are Glad That
Robertson Will Run.
Although the Announcement of His
Candidacy Came as a Surprise to
the People of the City , They Were
Nevertheless Cordially In Favor.
[ Trout TiiPBilny'H Dally. ]
The announcement of the eandl
diiey of NV. M. Koborlsou of this HU
for the nominal Ion of governor by
[ he republicans , was received with
no little dogrco of mirprlHn by bin
many Norfolk neighbors and filondH
It was received , at the mutio time ,
with enthusiasm and with evident
"Although 1 am a democrat and
have never voted the republican tick-
el In my life , " remarked onu of the
old time politicians , " 1 shall vote for
ludge Robertson If be Is nominated
lie Is a line man and they couldn't
llnd a better one for the place If the >
wore to search the commonwealth
from one end to the other. He Is
strong In personality and clean In
every way and I shall bo glad to cast
my vote for him. "
One group of business men were ,
by some strange coincident , just dis
cussing the gubernatorial situation
when the evening News came to
: hom.Vo had just boon saying , "
said one of the party , "that wo didn't
mow what the republicans were go *
ing to do , hut that wo couldn't have
voted for Mickey If wo had never
voted at all. This settles us all right
and you can see our mark the day
iftcr election. "
Mr. Robertson returned from his
.rip to Omaha last evening.
Fine Paintings.
The collection of line paintings on
exhibition In the windows of the Fair
store , are the work of Mrs. R. . ) . S.
McCallum , who has very recently
opened a studio at 109 Park avenuo.
Mrs. McCallum paints from nature
exclusively and her work Is decidedly
attractive , in looking over the roses
and the watermelons , which mo on
display , one Is almost forced to think
that the objects are real. A largo
number of Norfolk people , passing
the exhibit , have remarked upon the
rare beauty of the paintings.
"Things are so ( pilot , " said a brakeman -
man today , "that you can hoar the
microbes gnaw. "
"I wrote a letter , " wo beard a man
say today , "and then burned It up. "
That's the best way.
When a mother Is Impressed with
the resemblance her baby bears to
its father , that Is one sign It Is cross.
Here Is something new for the wo-
nen : Stockings with pockets In
them. They have been put on the
market for women to wear to the St.
Louis exposition.
Two farmers were quarreling to
lay , and one of them used an expres
sion that would have done credit to
an Irishman : "If It ain't all right
there Is something the matter with
t. "
A boy walked into a drug store yes
terday and called for a box of cigar
ettes. "You are too young to bo
smoking , " said the druggist. "They
are for mamma , " said the youth.
An Atcbison girl has nervous pros
tration , and the doctors say It is duo
solely to excitement and suspense
endured In reading a continued story
which was most exciting. They offer
little hope for her recovery.
One of the worst articles modern
civilization must contend with Is the
One Who Has an Opinion on Every
thing. This opinion is usually vehe
ment In controversy and violent in
gesture , and very positive. No one
can explain anything to this opinion ;
It knows , and there Is no use arguing.
The opinion Is equally ready on ques
tions of love , marriage , divorce , his
tory , invention , science , politics , re
ligion and everything else. You find
It In the business ofllce , the work
room , on the street corners , in the
homes , at the theater , on the street
car , in the railway coach , on the
stump and on the lecture platform.
It dins In your ears like a waiter
pounding a dinner gong when the
the train stops twenty minutes for
dinner only It never lets up , like the
dinner gong. The peculiar thing
about this opinion is that It never
knows anything.
Local theater goers , remembering
with a great deal of pleasure the
splendid performance of Paul Gil
more In "The Tyranny of Tears" last
season , will welcome the announce
ment that he is again soon to bo soon
In this city , but this time in the big
Now York and London success , "Tho
Mummy and the Humming Bird , "
supported by a very excellent rom
pany and with the entires original pro
duction , the sarno as was used nt the
Empire theater In New York during
its long run thcro.
Two forms of blank leases at The
News office.
This 25c Box of Elmo Cactarine
To prove that II Is the Greatest remedy In the world ( or the cure of all
Stonuuhl tart MX ! NTVV ftire
Sent FR.EEtoAll
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To n'vc ' every siiflcrcr from Ktoimu'h , Iloiut , will Do
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preparation In their own tnse uillmut expense ,
( annuls nuimdirliirnl
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w i
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. IWI1 I'lmo Clieinltal ( Irotnonoof
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FRKE toultulm cut out this coupon mid Elmo ( lirinlinl ( i > , in Stomiuh , lle.irl and Nuivc Specialists
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ELMO CHEMICAL CO. , Dos Molncs , Iowa. nckltmvlrilutni : Ilin lirMLtit t ir piopjralion In Ins daily praitliu for many
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Stomach , Heart nnd Nervous System. Thou- lrl < nnd Ihrv hnvo ilnno tnr li > l ol Kimd Mvlicnil IrrU leu-is all over the \Miilil. In every instaiicu
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incurable , and others who had tried all other Cuilutlnc It ( lie licit iiirdliino I linvc ever Liken some cases ( ompletu Lines weru obtained
Your lilrnil.
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medicine. You , too , ean be cured. Send Khun Clinnlcnl Cn l.iil.irrlle , III
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Cut nut tlilx coupon nml * eml It with your mime ) . Itrcath , Irregular I'ulie , l''alritiiiv ( and
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lor tlioso iioojilo. Try It nnd 1011 , ( ism or Nenialiii | ; of the Heart , mid pre
vents death fiom heart failmc. Cures
THE ONLY REMEDY SOLD WITH A WRITTEN GUARANTEE. Nervous llscnsoaWetik , Irritable Nerves ,
Box of 100 Dote * for $1.00. If It fall * to benefit you your money refunded. Sick Nervous Headaches , Nervous Pros
tration , tones up and strengthens the entire
BOLD AND AND nervous system. A few doses tvu ; ! Inline-
GUARANTEED ov ALL UriUQCIDTO dlatu i chef. Try it at our expense.
Sold By ASA K. LEONARD and AH Leading Druggists
Years of Speclnl Practice Affording
Excellent Opportunities.
By Dr. Caldwell.
Sovornl yonrs ngo. whllo In private
irnctlco , I thought It wrong to advor-
: lso , simply because I bnd boon told
so and bad not had experience enough
: o know bottor. After a whllo I discovered -
covered a valuable plan of treatment
n certain cases , ana loriunaioiy ou
tlined a largo number of patients ,
enough to fully test my plan and
provo Its success. I thereupon pre
pared a lengthy paper upon the sub
ject and fend It before the state mod-
cal society. What was the result ?
A half a dozen members took the
'loop ' to say what the treatment bad
) con for a hundred years back , and
.o claim that the old treatment ,
.bough unsuccessful , should bo con-
.Inucd , notwithstanding that the now
reatmcnt had boon successful. 1
thought differently and continued to
iso the now method , and made re
markable cures of cases that had
icon pronounced Incurable. My bus-
ness Increased rapidly as each per
son that I cured told some friend ,
who came In turn and was cured.
3nch patient advertised mo a little.
What then ? In that largo city there
were not more than 400 cases of the
clnd. I cured every case that came
.o mo and then had nothing to do
except the ordinary business of a
ocal physician. I know there were
i mid rod a and thousands of others
elsewhere , who might bo curort If
they only knew ; and I advertised ,
tired hundreds of others and I have
advertised over since. I have re
lieved more suffering , cured more pa
tients , made more people happy , and
lone more good generally because I
lave told the people what I can do ,
inrt I shall go on with the good work
as'long as my strength will permit.
I advertise because I have some
thing worth advertising. I have made
myself competent by years of spec-
al study and experience , and by the
expenditure of largo sums oft money.
By advertising I place before the peo-
) le the facts which enable them to
know what I can do. I thereby reari >
thousands , who , given up by local
physicians or unsuccessfiily treated ,
Ivo themseves up as Incurable. I
cure them and thereby enlarge my
Hold of usefulness. By no other way
than advertising could these people
have knosvn that they could be cured.
Every thrifty and prosperous busi
ness In life , save those of law and
medicine , advertise freely. Lawyers
do not , for they only use In business
what others have made for them
years before. They only do what has
been written. "Regular" doctors do
not advertise for the same reason.
They have nothing new , nothing
which someone else has not written
or told them of , they get their know
ledge from the books. A man may
road medicine until he is blind and
then Know nothing of It. To bo suc
cessful bo must apply bis own mind.
Make his own researches , and to do
that ho must have room and oppor
tunity. Ho must have cases , hun
dreds of them , and compare results.
If ho does not do this ho Is a ma
chine without novelty , skill or In
genuity , still plowing with a wooden
plow , still traveling on foot or horse
back , and Ignoring the advantages of
steam , living but not learning. The
same Is true of a lady doctor.
Below you will find published the
names and addresses of some of the
recent cures that I have made. These
people's aflllcttons were , under the
ordinary physician's care , considered
hopeless , and no prospects for a
cure :
Mrs. Kato Schall of Albion , Nob. ,
cured of catarrh of head and stomach.
Mrs. William Zuorg of Blue
Vale , Nob. , cured of nervous heart
and female disease.
Mrs. J. B. Connelloy of Akron
Nob. , cured of cancer of long stand
Thai wo are coiisiiinUy j < rowintf in Uio uil of
making Kino I'hoios , anil our products will al
ways bo found lo onihnifo the
and Nowosl Styles in ( lards and Finish Wo also
carry a line line of Moldings suitable for all
kinds of framing.
I. 3VE-
Conservative Management ,
Thorough Equipment ,
Commodious Rooms.
Superior Instruction.
Fxill Business Covirses.
It will pay you to attend this School. No va
cations. Enter any time.
Address ,
C. H. BRAKE , Norfolk , INeb.
Mrs. Augusta Soydon of Ponder ,
Neb. , cured of nervous liver nnd
stomach disease.
Mrs. Ella Scochman of Wayne ,
Nob. , cured of rheumatism , fwnalo
llscaso and skin disease.
John Harper of Columbus , Neb. ,
cured of heart disease , stomach and
liver disease.
Emma Stalko of Clarks , Nob. , cured
of skin disease , heart trouble and
Vagaries of a Cold.
You can never bo quite sure whore
a cold Is going to hit you. In the fall
and winter It may settle In the bow
els , producing severe pain. Do not
lie alarmed nor torment yourself with
fears of appendicitis. At the first
sign of a cramp take Perry Davis'
Painkiller In warm , sweetened water
and rollef comes at once. There is
but one Painkiller , Perry Davis * . 25
and HO cents.
It is Easy to Say
"Bo careful , " but wo must all go
from heated bouses Into chill outer
air , and the change sots us coughing
and wheezing. Avoiding winter colds
Is dillicult ; curing them Is not hard
If you take Allen's Lung Balsam. Bet
ter bogln when the cold Is young and
not wait until It settles deep into the
lungs , for then , even with Allen's
Lung Balsam , complete rollef will bo
The Illinois Horse Co. can supply
CO pedigreed draft stallions ; 30 of
them Imported ; 5 breeds Porchoron ,
French Draft , English Shire , Belgian
Clyde ; C colors black , brown , bay ,
roan , gray ; rich blood , extra sblro
breeders 2 to 6 years old. Some will
make 2100 pound horses. Easy pay
ments. The general manager will bo
In Sioux City for a week. 22 Ballon
block. Permanent address , DCS
Molnes , Iowa.
It Saved His Leg.
P. A. Danforth of LaGrange , Ga. ,
suffered for six months with a fright
ful running sere on his leg ; but
writes that Bucklon's Arnica Salvo
wholly cured It In five days. For ul
core , wounds , piles , It's the best
salvo In the world. Cure guaranteed.
Only 25c. Sold by Leonard , the drug-
ia Cure
Digests what you eat.
This preparation contains all of the
dlgestuntB and dlgchUs all kinds of
food. It Rives Instant relief and never
falls to cure. 11 allows you to eat all
the food you want. The most sensitive
stomachs can take It By Its use many
thousands of dyspeptics hii"o been
cured after everything clso failed. Is
unequalled for the stomach. Child
ren with weuis stomachs thrive on it.
Cures all stomach troubles
Propa ; loiuy by O. iJKWirr&f'o. , OhlcaW
% oSI. bottl " ° n "Inssm me * tlut&Oc. sUo.
Sold by all druggists.
I > r. Wrnvor's Syrup
Pnrlflcs tbo blood ; Cerate ( ointment ) for the okln. I
Mother ( Irny'n Sweet Powders for Children , suc-
cessful.y un-d by Mother Gray , for yearn a nurse In
thu ctulilriMi'it Home In New York , C'uro IVurlxli-
nc , llnd Moinwli , Trethlni ; DUonlern , nune and
ri-yiiinlo the HdWelH nnd destroy Worm * . The } nro
pn iilca'HiM t' > ilielnotoaiidliarrnlrMosiiii k Child
ren hk.'t < MII ( Her ID.fiootcctliiioiilBlnofcures Tlity
iititrfml Sold hy nil ilruirijluu 2 c .1 < i to-ilaii. Sum-
pic HIIKI" AddrcHH Allen S Ohiislul , I.o Itoy , N V ,