The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, March 18, 1904, Page 6, Image 6

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Girls Discuss the Hiring of , and
Paying For Cabs.
One of Them Thinks More Doard
Dills nnd Laundry Dills Would be
! 'ft Paid , If the Girls Didn't Set Such
a Merry Clip for Young Men.
During the past week , two or three
girls who belong to the Leap Year
club Imvo run up against the propo
sition of hiring cabs whenever they
warn to go to n party or a theater or
nnythlng else which pertains to things
social , after the stroetH are darkened
at night and the gas lights are lit to
take away a portion of that darkness.
The manner In which the cab bills
have struck tholr purses , and the
Hoomlug Insistence upon the part of
tholr gentleman friends , that cabs
should bo taken , has had Its effect
upon the serious nldo of the minds
of the nmlds , and It was this subject ,
for a llttlo while at the beginning ,
which occupied their attention and
tholr discourse during the mooting
that was held In the secret hallway
last night.
Economical Ella.
Economical Ella started the liny
works with a story of her experience
In the regard of cabs. "I wont to a
llttlo Informal dancing party during
the week , " explained Elln , when the
girls wanted to know what kick she
had coming on the conditions which
seem to unfortunately prevail. "Tho
pnrly was live blocks away from the
homo of my partner. I should have
walked , of course , under ordinary
clrcumstnnces. I couldn't see the
sense In paying cab faros at midnight
rates for such an Idiotic llttlo func
tion. Hut Ostentatious Ora , who
lives Just across the street from my
house and who always did want to
lead In everything that wont on , any
way Ostonsy ( as wo call her for
short ) thought that she would mnko
n hit with the man she had invited ,
so she ordered n cab. Now nobody
likes to seem cheap. I'm built I
don't know about the rest of you girls
but I'm built upon the plan which
makes It hard to bo subordinated to
anyone else. When I go places and
put on style , I like to do It in the way
with the rest of thorn. Nobody likes
to tnkv a roar chair , you know.
"It was ono of these beautiful ,
moonlight , balmy evenings when
you'd rather walk than ride , anyway ,
but Just to bo as good ns the others ,
who wanted to bo better than the
, '
' ; | rest , the whole blooming bunch hired
"Tho rules of this club" Economi
cal Ella transferred her weight from
the loft foot to the right "allow the
members $15 per week for rushing.
I llnd that $115 n week , In going nil of
the tlmo as wo are obliged to do In
competing for the scnrco layout of
men t lint'Norfolk provides , looks like
several slmoleans to the bad before
the week has half gone glimmering.
I should like to have the club pass a
resolution encouraging the elimina
tion of cnbs from our bills of fnro ex
cept when the weather Is very , very
bad or when the distance Is so great
that wo couldn't walk with any do-
grco of comfort , at all. "
Said Fashionable Fannie.
Said Fashionable Fannie who
prides herself upon the fact that she
has spent a year In boarding school
nnd another year at the state univer
sity , where she joined a sorority and
wont , she claims to a dance or two
"Miss 1'resldont , I should heartily
veto such n measure. I Insist that I
shall veto It when the tlmo comes to
ballasting. After wo have ridden for
so long , you know , It would bo so
hard to break off that habit of hacks.
It may bo a luxury. Indeed , I pre
sume It Is. For the matter of that ,
my dear1 ; , this society Is a luxury at
best. Wo could get on , you know ,
without the social affairs which Imvo
become a habit In Norfolk. Some of
the people do all of the time. Rut
having lived for one ecstatic season
in the swirl of society's pleasantries ,
it would be almost asking too much
to give It all up. When I was at
boarding school , they used to give
dances every llttlo while , and wo al
ways had escorts and cabs. That Is ,
wo always had escorts when the af
fairs wore planned by the faculty.
In boarding school they do a good
many things that the faculty never
I gets next to. And when I was In the
university I belonged , girls , to a so
rority there you know the boys nev
er , never thought of taking us any
where without hiring cabs. A man
who would have attempted to do that
would have veen ostracized from the
\ . elect circles of the school. Some
times they had cabs for the theater
when it was only half n block away.
And besides that wo always had swell
dinners after the parties wore over.
If they got out on $10 for one party
they think they are doing pretty well ,
so our limit of $15 weekly seems pret
ty small after all. "
Nora Tells a Thing or Two.
"In connection with the subject Of
cabs at the university , " Interrupted
Knowing Nora , who has a thing or
two in her mind about whatever Is
under discussion , "I might make a
couple or throe remarks. A good
many of the girls who go down to the
state university at Lincoln to school ,
have uovor seen the likes of a cab or
_ _ t
a ntroot cnr nr n tnll building until
they arrive. Someone hafl to toll
them tlmt they Imvo arrived. At
homo tliuy luivo boon Kind enough to
wndo to the high school iiiirtlon In
HiiowdrlflH , or in HOIIIO cawus huvo
liccn tickled to death to got a rldo In n
Inmlior wagon or liny nvck. They got
iiwny to iicliool , though , und they mid-
donly assume ulrH thai they Imvo
no\ur known before. They even for
got tliolr old friends at homo after
( ho llnU few \viulH. Perhaps they
write for a tlmo or two , lint It Isn't
long until tholr Interests are centered
In tholr elevated surroundings. And
whllo tholr poor old mothorH at homo
lint making untold Hiicrlllcoa In the
nmttorH of droHH and of pleasures at
law , giving up tlilH , that and the
ether In onlor that the daughter may
got an education , thu young Indy , nt-
torly without regard for anyone Have
her own HolllHli self , dnilim the pnr-
ontal purno for all that HIO ) can touch
and spends thu hard earned cash on
the now gowns that are needed for
every party that COIUOH along , and In
getting Into the current which In a
little lilt Hwlfter than iiho over had
hoard of heforo.
The Girl Who Goes Away.
"Now all of that IB correct enough
If the girl can afford It. lint that IH
not nil. Having once asumod the at-
moHphoro of her now circle , Hho ho
gins ( o demand things from thoHo
nhont her which Hho hardly ICIIOWH
how to IIHO. She begins to denmnd
llowont and candles nnd ether ulmllar
luxnrloH from the young men In the
place , who are equally an poor as
Hho In horHolf. And then Hho Insists
upon the cabs for parties of every
typo maltoH the poor man bring a
carriage to haul her around the cor
ner to a inimical recital. And that IH
what 1 do not think IH Jimt exactly
JiiHtlllod. And for that same reason ,
now that wo Imvo aHsiitm > d the ag
gressive end of thin campaign bust-
noBH , 1 am going to walk , even though
It IH In a hll/.zaard , just to assert my
Indepondonco. I don't hollovo In do
ing thlngH which are abaolutoly un-
necoHsnry , Jimt for the Hake of keep
ing up with the other fellow. 'Do as
much as yon can do easily , ' says I ,
'and lot the ether follow go. ' "
"Porlmps my friend Nora would ro-
fiifio to rldo In a carriage If Hho wore
away at school and should Imvo a
chance to do so , " suggested Fashion-
ahlo Fannlo , with a very delicate but
nevertheless porcoptlblo sneer.
Would Refuse Favors.
"You're Just right I would , " replied
tlio Knowing One. "And Just there
lies the secret of It all. If the girls of
any community will use tholr com
mon sense , they can rcgulnto the nf-
fnlrs pretty accoptlbly. And If they
choose , they can miiko monkles of
the men In IOSH tlmo than It takes to
toll It. Girls when they try to do the
right tlilnjr. are the nicest things in
all of the world ; but girls when they
got silly , are enough to drive any man
to drink and Its a wonder there arose
so few drinking men , after all , with
the variety tlmt Is spread around.
If there's anything I can't stand for ,
It's one of these 'working girls. ' It
Is one of thpso girls who Is always
trying to got things from the people
that Him moots. It strikes mo as
showing a mighty contemptible prin
ciple In n girl , to take things just be
cause they are offered. There Is such
a thing , you know , as riding a free to death. And I should like to
wager If leap year will allow a girl
to wager and do it respectably tlmt
the young men who pay for those
pahs don't think any more of the
girls because the girls happen to rldo
In them. How much more sensible
it would ho If those young women ,
an loaders In a gooil cause , would got
together on ordinary Informal affairs
and say , 'You needn't mind the cubs ,
boys. We'll have u better tlmo with
out them. " How much more conv-
mondablc would that attitude seem
than this of taking them because they
are offered ! And I should like to
venture , too that there would bo a
good many more laundry bills and
board bills and rooming bills squared
up the Ilrst of every month , and with
out nearly so many cases of visiting
their 'uncles' If the boys could live
In the so-called select circles without
going beyond tholr means. Girls are
the most potent factors for reform In
all the world , when they use their
power in the right direction , and they
are the greatest causes , too , for the
ruin or men , wnen tnoy ran to main
tain the dignity and the responsibility
which by virtue of their winning
ways , belongs to them. I Imvo never
been away to school. I should like to
go. nut If I over did go. I think I
should make It a point to make my
self n better woman rather than to
develop the frivolous features of my
disposition and to toll , when I had
come back , what 'wo used to do when
I was In school. ' "
The Motion Lost.
"I should like to move , " said Cun
ning Carrlo , "that wo adopt a rule
which shall prohibit any of our mem
bers from hiring cabs foolishly , and
which , after this Important year is
done , shall prohibit any member of
the club from riding In a carriage
when It Isn't necessary. "
The motion was put to a vote.
They wore only girls , after all. The
last part of the motion was a little
strong and the 'ayes' wore losers out.
A Smooth Letter.
The following letter was read :
Dos Molnes , la. , March 9. To The
Young Ladles of the Leap Year Club :
It was with Infinite pleasure I read
In the papers of the formation of your
club , with objects so laudable in the
sight of man , particularly the timid
onus an per mynolf ,
1 am constrained , after much hesi
tation nnd palpatntlon of thu heart ,
to nocond your Initiative nnd submit
mynolf aw one who , whllo having boon
slightly wounded by the nilitchlovouH
archer of all tlmoH , have nevertheless
unwillingly mirvlvod the said wounds.
I am Inclined to heltovo that hlii target -
got WRH not one of marblu but that
'tho ether fellow' has boon too much
In evidence the bnso and unscrupu
lous rival with his miserable Hlogan ,
"All In fair In love and war , " haH car
ried off the laurolH , and Incidentally
the girl , with much ringing of bolls ,
ohunkH of rlru , bunches of old nhoes
and eclat , thereby destroying the
peace and happlnoHH of your corres-
IKHidont , the humbly undersigned.
"And now there arisen In the dls-
tnnco a now order of things , the balm
of girlhood , a vision of Paradise , the
hope of shattered fortunes nnd fnlr
hopoH regained : "Tho Young Ladles
Leap Year Club of Norfolk. "
LadloH , permit mo In my bout drosn
milt , a carnation on my loft lapel ; In
patent leather shoes , glovon In ono
hand nnd my lid In the ether , wearing
the smile that never comes off , to saInte -
Into you.
And an I stop on the arena of your
attention with $15 In my Insldo poclc-
et nnd Mendollsohn's ringing In my
soul nnd fond hopes of nvonglng the
Inaccuracy of the aim of Cupid and
hlH dart In troubuloiiH tlmcH of yore ,
permit mo , fair ladloH ( and no coun
try baa fairer ladlcn than the women
of NebniHka ) to Introduce myself , n
bachelor of . ' 17 , n drummer , for your
coiiHldoratlon , promising anything
and everything except to saw wood ,
make llros and a few ether llttlo mat
ters , as n ( It subject , as a candidate
more than willing to bo Initiated Into
the mysteries of matrimony. I am'
Hopefully yours , Walter S. Nolsor.
Permanent address : Walter S.
Nolsor , Karhnch hotel , Omaha.
No Drummer.
"Now doesn't that sound too good
to bo true ! " exclaimed Innocent Em
ma. "Think of that dress suit. "
"I like the Idea of that smile that
never wears off , " remarked Amlablo
Amy. "If these men who are so tak
en up with tholr business affairs that
they got grouchy nnd lose nil sem-
blnnco of soclnllblllty , could adopt
ono of these happy smiles for about
a year , the world would bo plcnsantor
to live In. That would bo a real leap
year , now wouldn't It ? " And they con
fessed that It would.
"You can never rely upon a drum
mer , " suggested the president. "Thoy
will promise anything and everything
In order to soil tholr goods. Lot us
steer shy. "
Democratic City Convention.
The democratic electors of Norfolk
city and school district are hereby
requested to send delegates from the
several wards In said city to meet In
convention nt the city hall on Tues
day evening , March 15 , 1004 , at 8
o'clock for the purpose of placing In
nomination candidates for the var
ious city and school district ofllccs ,
viz :
Ono mayor.
Ono clerk.
Ono treasurer.
Ono police judge.
Ono city engineer.
Two members of board of educa
And Jt is hereby recommended that
meetings bo held for the various
wards on Monday evening , March II ,
1001 , for the purpose of electing dele
gates to said city convention and for
the purpose of placing in nomination
ono councilman from each city ward.
It is further recommended that the
voting at the several ward meetings
be done by ballot nnd that the polls
bo held open from S to i ) o'clock of
said evening. The representation as
based upon the vote cast for Daniel
.1. Koenlgstoin in 1003 , will bo as fol
lows :
1st ward , 8 delegates.
and ward , 0 delegates.
3rd ward , 7 delegates.
4th ward , C delegates.
Precinct , S delegates to nominate
members of school board.
It is also recommended that the
electors of the school district ontsldo
of the city wards hold a meeting and
send delegates to the city convention.
John H. Hulff ,
Chairman Democratic City Central
Herman Winter ,
Ward caucuses are hereby called
In conformity to the above recom
mendation by the several ward com
mittees as follows :
First ward Mooting at city hall ,
March 14 , at 7. : 30 p.m.
Herman Winter , Chairman.
Second ward Meeting at city hall ,
March 14 , at 7:30 : p. m.
H. C. Matrau , Chairman.
Third ward Meeting at city hall ,
March 14 , at 7:30 : p. m ,
John H. Hulff , Chairman.
Fourth ward Mooting at Roland's
store , March 14 , at 7:30 : p. m.
Prod Koorbor , Chairman.
B. J. Durkett's boom for senatorial
honor is said to bo a very fine appear
ing affair. And well it may bo for ho
Is young , able nnd politically clean.
If wo could have such men as Burk-
ett In nil our positions of trust nil
would bo well. The Advocate editor
has had the pleasure of Mr. Ilurkett's
personal acquaintance over since he
was a country school teacher. Spen
cer Advocate.
Artistic job printing at The News
Miss Eva Rich is Victim of
Hellish Fiends.
The Pretty , Petite Young Girl , Daugh
ter of Highly Respected Family , Is
Made the Victim of a Drutal Crime
at Night.
IKrom Krliluy'H Pally. ]
Scrlhnor , Nob. , March 11. Bvn
Rich , a young woman of twenty
years , daughter of n prominent clll-
/.en , was the victim of n criminal as
sault made upon her during the night
by throe men whoso names are un
Miss Hlch IB pretty and petite.
Last evening she left homo to visit
with her brother , who lived some dis
tance from the parental homo. Short
ly before ! ) o'clock she bade the mem
bers of her brother's family good
night and started homo.
When within a hundred yards of
her father's residence she was sot
upon by three men , who gngged nnd
hold her , whllo each In turn violated
her person. Then they tied the gag
still tighter , and with binding twlno
tlod fast her arms nnd legs so tlmt
she was unable to walk or loose her
For two hours the girl lay sense
less In the road. When she recov
ered consciousness It was close to
midnight. In her terror nnd distress
she sought to cry out and to tear
loose the bonds that hold her , but cho
found herself unable to do so. Forced
to the only alternative loft she pain
fully crawled the hundred yeards be
tween the scone of the assault nnd
her homo , nnd boating upon the door
with her bound hands she secured
speedy help.
Physlclnna wore at once called and
they have been laboring with her
over since. She Is in a pltablc con
dition , physically and mentally. So
far she has been unnblo to toll much
about the assault. Only the fact that
there wore three men In the party
has so far beecn gleaned from her.
No description of them has been ob
tained , but the bloodhounds at Beat
rice wore sent for and every citizen
constituted himself n member of a
posse to hunt down the guilty mont.
Public Indignation Is running high ,
and there will bo a lynching If the
right men nre npprohcndod.
The girl's body and the scene of
the crime are mute evidence that she
made a desperate although futile
struggle to preserve her honor. Her
clothing was nlmost torn from her
body nnd her person Is covered with
onuses. TIIO doctors express no del-
Inltc opinion as to her condition , as
the mental shock is groat.
The girl Is twenty years old , nnd
the dnughtor of Van Rich , an old res
ident and respected citizen. The
sheriff at Fremont Is here and invest
igating the slender clues left.
General Culver Has Designated Dates
for Scrutiny of Companies.
[ From Saturday's Diillv. ]
General Culver has issued general
order No. 5 , designating the dates of
the annual Inspection of the Ne
braska national guard as provided
for by the Dick bill. The inspection
will bo conducted by General A. S.
Daggott , under order of the war de
partment and will begin March 11.
Field and stuff officers will report to
the inspeclng officer at their homo
stations. Upon the result of this .in
spection Is based the appropriation
mndo by the war department for the
support of the guard. Following are
the dates on which the several organ
izations will bo inspected :
March 11 Hospital corps , Lincoln ,
7 p. m.
March 11 Company F , Second reg
iment , Lincoln , S p. m.
March 14 Company L , First regi
ment , Omaha , 7 p. m.
March 14 Company G , Second reg
iment , Omahn , 8 p. m.
March 15 Cavalry troop , South
Omaha , 7 p. m. %
March 15 Company I , Second regi
ment , Omaha , 8 p. m.
Iment , Nebraska City , 8 p , m.
March 17 Company D , First regi
ment , Weeping Water , 8 p. m.
March 18 Company E , First regiment -
ment , Wllber , 8 p. m.
March 19 Company C , First regiment -
ment , Beatrice , 8 p. m.
March 21 Battery A , Wymore , 8 p.
March 22 Company D , Second reg
iment , Falrbury , 8 p. ra.
March 22 Headquarters Second
regiment , Falrbury , 4 p. m.
March 23 Company H , First regi
ment , Nelson , 8 p. m.
March 24 Company G First regi
ment , Geneva , 8 p. m.
March 25 Company A , First regi
ment , York , 8 p. m.
March 2fl Company H , Second reg
iment , Aurora , 8 p. m.
March 28 Troop A , Sownrd 3 p. m.
March 29 Company I , First regi
ment , Wahoo , S p. m.
March 30 Company L , Second res-
Iment , Norfolk , S p. m.
March 31 Company F , First regi
ment , Madison , S p. m ,
April 1 Company M , Second regi
ment , Albion , S p. m.
April 2 Company K , First regi
ment , Columbus , S p. m.
April 4 Company K , Second rcgl
p. m.
April 9 Company E , Second rcgl
ment , Tokamah , 8 p. m.
April 11 "West Point Hides,1
West Point , 8 p. m.
April 12 Company H , First rcgl
ment , Stanton , 8 p. m.
mont , Schuylor , 8 p. m.
April R Company H , Second regl
mont , St. Paul , 8 p. m.
April 0 Company M , First regl
mont , Broken Bow , 8 p. m.
April C Headquarters First regl
ment , Broken Bow , 4 p. in.
April 7 Company A , Second regl
ment , Kearney , 8 p. m.
April 8 Signal corps , Fremont , 8
Profanity , Sabbath Breaking am
Murder Talked on by Evangelist.
[ From Frtday'H Dully 1
The second sermon in the scries
on the Ton Commandments began
last evening with the consldoratlot
of the third law. "Thou shnlt not take
the name of the Lord , thy God , ii
vain. "
"Of all the foolish and Inexcusable
sins , the most foolish nnd Incxcusn
bio Is the sin of blasphemy. It shows
a man has no respect for himself , no
respect for his hearers , nnd no re
spect for God. No respect for hlmsol
that ho thinks his words will not bo
believed unless ho emphasizes then
with an oath ; no respect for his hearers
ors that they will regard his words
of more weight if ho drags down the
name of God In blasphemy. If n
man would handle the name of his
pure wife or mother ns common property
orty nmong men oven the lowest am
vilest would turn from htm In dls
gust ; how much blacker the shame to
dolllo a far purer and holler name
the name of Jesus Christ , the King
of Kings. "
Regarding Sabbath breaking the
speaker spoke some strong words
"This commandment has two parts
'Six days shall thou labor. ' There Is
no place In God's economy for a laz >
man. 'Remember the Sabbath date >
to keep it holy. " God know what he
was about when ho ordered ono daj
In seven for spiritual service. "
Concerning the sixth command
ment , among other things the evnn
gelist said , "You may say you have
no murderers hero In Norfolk , so we
might pass this law by. But there
are other ways to kill than simply
by the pistol and knife. Many are
committing suicide physically by vi
cious habits , intelelctunlly by perni
cious reading , morally by evil com
panions and spiritually by neglect of
the Bible and prayer. "
This evening Mr. Lyon will speak
on impurity , slander and business dis
honesty. An especial invitation Is
extended to men.
Deadly Disease Kills Merle
Drebert of Pierce.
Is Thought but Not Definitely Known
That Vaccine Virus Has Caused the
Terrible Tetanus Which Took the
Pierce Lad's Life.
[ Prom FiWay's Dally ]
Pierce , Neb. , March 11. Special to
The News : Murle Drebort , son of
John Drebert who lives near this
place , dlod in an Omaha hospital last
night after two weeks of suffering
from lock jaw. Ho was taken to
Omaha just two weeks ago today and
was thought for a tlmo to bo getting
better , but the cdndly disease , which
had got a firm hold upon the victim ,
brought death after Its course had
boon allowed to run.
The cause of the lock-jaw Is not
deilnitely known , but it is thought to
have resulted from vaccination. This
has not been definitely stated by the
physicians , but the scratch In his
arm which wns made for the preven
tion of small-pox , is thought by some
to be responsible for the fatal grip
of tetanus. He had been feeling ill
for a few days before he was taken
to Omaha. Suddenly his jaw set and
lie was rushed to a hosplttal where
the best of care could be Klven.
During the illness , the patient re
laxed at one time nnd the greatest of
liope was held for his recovery. Te
tanic serum was administered with-
nit avail.
The remains will bo brought to
Pierce Saturday afternoon and the
funeral will be held on Sunday.
Classes Have Been Organized to
Study the Making of Laws.
The physics class of the high school
mve organized themselves Into a
eglslaturo with Superintendent O'
Connor , teacher of the class , acting
n the capacity ctf governor. The
' . .atln class is the senate and the class
n English Is the house of represen-
Atlvcs. The passing of bills , making
) f laws and other legislative business
s enacted , nnd the work Is proving
rery Instructive and Interesting.
Loglsnltors" have just nt present In-
reduced some bills which they fear
vlll bo vetoed by the "governor , " hav-
ng a bearing upon the school work.
La grippe coughs yield quickly to
ho wonderful curative qualities of
'oloy's Honey and Tar. There is
lothlng else "just as good. "
Klesail Drug Co.
You should cat bread raised
with Ycnst Foam. It has a
wheaty flavor nnd delicious
aroma all its own , and retains
sweetness , freshness and
moisture longer than bread
made with any other yeast.
Yeast Foam partially predigests -
digests the bread and pre
serves in it nil the nutri
tive qualities of the
is made of pure vege
table ingredients. With
proper care it never loses
its life and strength. It's
always fresh and ready for
use. Bread made with it is
never ncid , sour or heavy ;
it's always good as long 03
mSISi . . .
* * .iJii 'M'rVJftlJT M -
The secret is in the yeast.
For sale by all grocers nt
50 a package. Each pack
age contains 7 cakes
enough for 40 loaves.
"How to Make Bread , "
mailed// ? ; .
i Chicago ,
are the most fatal of all dis
Guaranteed Remedy
or money refunded. Contains
remedies recognized by emi
nent physicians as the Best for
Kidney and Bladder troubles.
PRICE SOc , and $1.00.
She Has Cured Thousands
Practicing Aleopathy , Home
opath } ' , Electric and Gen
eral Medicine.
Will , by request , visit profeslonally
returning every four weeks. Consult
her whllo the opportunity Is at hand.
DR. CALDWELL limits her practice
to the special treatment of diseases of
the eye , ear , nose , throat , lungs , female
discuses , diseases of children and all
chronic , nervous and surgical diseases
of a curable nature. Early consump
tion , bronchitis , bronchial catarrh ,
chronic catarrh , headache , constipa
tion , stomach and bowel troubles ,
rheumatism , neuralgia , sciatica , kidney
uiaoiiaua , UIlKllkB UlbBUHU , dlSCaSCS Ol
the liver and bladder , dizziness , ner
vousness , Indigestion , obesity , inter
rupted nutrition , slow growth In child
ren , und all wasting diseases In adults.
deformatles , club feet , curvature of
the spine , diseases of the brain , par
alysis , heart disease , dropsy , swelling
of the limbs , stricture , open sores ,
pain In the bones , granular enlarge
ments nnd all long standing dlseasea
properly treated.
Illood and Skin DUeaiea.
Pimples , blotches , eruptions , liver
spots , falling of the hair , bad com
plexion. eczema , throat ulcers , bono
jalns , bladder troubles , weak back.
burning urine , passing urine too often.
The effects of constitutional sickness
or the taking of too much Injurious
medicine receives searching treatment.
prompt relief nnd a cure for life.
Diseases of women , Irregular mens
truation , falling of the womb , bearing
down pains , female displacements , lack
of sexual tone. Loucorrhea , sterility
or barreness , consult Dr. Caldwell and
she will show them the cause of their
trouble and the way to become cured.
CIIIUH-I-N , Goiter , KUtiilu , Piled
nnd enlarged glands treated with the
subcutaneous injection method , abso-
utely without pain and without the
oss of n drop of blood , is one of her
own discoveries and Is really the most
scientific method of this advanced nee !
Dr. Cnldwell has practiced her profes
sion In some of the largest hospitals
hroughout the country. She has no
superior In the treating and diagnosing
of diseases , deformities , etc. She has
ntely opened an olllco In Omaha. Ne-
> rn8ka. where she will epend
a por-
Ion of each week treating her
patients. No Incurable cases accented many
or treatment. Consultation ,